HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-28, Page 6PAGE SIX.
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se v -shall
? To
Mother," said ;Para, shri»dcing from
the bold glances and excited • manner
of the girl, "1 have taken none of
it: I need it not." •
"That does not matter," said Gan-
ga; "I will dlave my turn now, Go
away; thou art not wanted. Those
that will not dance before the 'Mother
are not worthy to serve her. Go, else
some of us will push thee out."
"'Mel" cried Tara, drawing •up her
slight 'figure proudly, 'her eyes flash-
ing, and her features quivering with
indinnation,-"rtel you dare not; you
are impure, and the Mother loathes
you; touch me, and she will strike
you you dead !"
.Gunge shrunk from the trial; and
ethers of •her sisterhood, who had
stood apart ready to advance, slunk
again into the gloom .behind the pil-
:ars. Gunge looked rouiri as if for
countenance, but no one seemed dis-
posed to join her, while the old
priest at the altar, who had caught
the sound of voices, came to the door,
and, seeing Gunge, waved her off.
"Away with ye, and the like of yet"
he cried. "Outside do as ye please;
here ye are'an offence, •Atvay1 let her
stay;" and lie pointed to Tara. "Do
not molest her,
,• There 15 some spell about thee,
Tara, 0111011 shat, any mouth; be-
•.,flare!" muttered Gunge, retreating,'
,.:t may not alwa •s be so."
) '
"'Bear me witness," said Tara to the
old pries„ "she is threatening me."
"Ale daughter," he replied, smiling
„fear not such as she; the Mother is
wd to thee; and the • cannot harm
thee so long as thou art holy and
I did not tell thee to quarrel with
her," said \icro '.11 111mul al:grily',
=eizine Gunga'- arm as she ap-
1 r.,aclted, and dragging her within
the sttado of the pillar. ".\rt thou
mad. or has any one given thee drink,
,.I spoke t�, her kindly, which is
more than thou darest to do;' retort-
1 girl sharply, "What answer
c 1hr
did I get? Pure r Why should she
,e iii 1 te:1 thee there is a spell
ah"11 1 1 nce1:—T saw ft glittering
ammtg the tloocr.-elech put ale
:peak, les, 'fore'
1 rimmu . if it be only to put that
epcll ie. der niy font, and crush it
't' e her throat, I will do it pees I
t esrn the gold.; ]et her see to
Geed," he :tidier "then 1 can
triJ•t thee. l Ira .', nit; to -morrow,
fa.; 1 ' :\it 1 hen, naked to the
vat t. : 1.n lite o t 6••-••. um fall-
fn stir cis ahou e:sr-, untl Bis fine
sere „l;nCi to the asst adva;t-
t e1 \( t , l runm 1 passed out and
. , i r, "
t.. ., .r. . r rte gas a •rite reciter,.
t n.¢1.. eyes fail erect him.
1. Ink is m»acre/; "drink! J
-eine that. Wei'.. better drit:k than t 1
n ,sues-. ,t.lic,i 1- w isr." .\nd,
n !••w'u, leaning 1_ain-t a pillar.
'•e hit l her :ace in her garment, and
' ed hit:erly.
.i-• then, i' e p the i, l.iltart' 1•e-
t 11 f r P
e -3a1 r unci the to np!e io•nied on_
tet e mini Priests, bearing e
• er `s ' • tie leer. all lighted Lows.
t• -Neter and nurse. preceded be
tram -it ,ns, aryl r n;urti11 a iiy u'sn
cal e one the t hill. Severe.: 01
temple girl- were damn r bei a
: and Tara. led ons by an excitement
d n•'t control. h ai seized
•r cymbals, an begna to Clash
hymn a
teem • he cadence .•' tete is •m
e ; '' ie" n.oied•
Three times round and roan, lid
the ,,Fit pass. anrt at the second
t in i ;teemed it, dancing wildly and
r tt= her arms on high as n"
eters with the rest, Tara, however.
remained among the priest:., singing
•lith them yet, in the elastic grace of
her step as well as in the expression
er her .ace, it was evident that she
:!tared in the fervour of'the scene, and
c<.a14 1t,t col.,tr,,1 herself, tthi'le her
Clear ringing voice mingled sweetly
e deeper -toned c0 ofthe
with t0 eepe ed ant
haler, -ray saw Tara, and watched
the eyes of Moro Trimmul wander-
g 1 ,m one girl to the other with an
t.me etc ,cession of assign. "Abe
T p
me ,,:,'r friend 1" he said to himself,
. ! the devi) sitting at thy heart,
' leeking r out of thine eyes! Alasl
and g
-,! v :,i, .� sac—that girl?" he asked
l J -:.+155 Rao, who sat by him,
i, our new 'foarlce," replied
a:.; "'se she not beaut!iud?—But
1 - r: ; t , \lr,re Trimmul."
,circ, cad the Brahmin's. art been
'•: r•}:r•.reised bylore before.
;{..,erre,, .
se t:+: reel:atwn c.. passa;es from the
fta:r.eee in n vrice; high and sonar-
;;ervaehn,t every portion of the
r.d the eats to war,
olart, lc:i,c c Pp
tic description at the deeiiigod'sand,
fors=, en( portions of the battles,
with a power which was listened to
with breathless interest; while the
Pleadings of Sesta, the beloved wife,
and her passionate •confessions of
]ave, were accompanied by tender ac-
tions, and tones as low'aiid`sweet as a
wo'man's. Now rolled Porth the .niajes-
tic 1Sanserit verse in 'its measured
numbers, arid, again )f Was changed
to the sweet Mahrette vernacular, that
adl cook' understand. At every inter-,
vat the, applause of the whole assent-
'bly arose in hoarse, murmurs and lord
clapping of hands, while many wept
No one would have moved . till
meriting, but there was yet much to
do; and, as Moro Trininn>'t sat down,
Vyas Shastree ,ordered the distribu-
tion of wreaths of flowers to the chief
guests, which announced the close of
recitation for the night. Now, there-
fore, the main body of the people got
up and began to separate, and in a
short time only those were left who
had been specially `requested 'to stay.
iNow, ton, the ores•sets, no longer fed
with oil, went out o.ne by one; and
the deep gloom of night was fast
spreading over the courts and build-
isigs aroard,
e ill, you not remain, Shastree,"
'said' Moro Tri-inntul, "to speak with
these people?"
"No," he said; "no; there is no
one to go home 'with the women. I
thought you w•oul•d accompany them"orate
"It will be late," he replied, gloom -'will
ily; "sea, I cannot come to=n•gli't."
"Yalu- declamation was noble, Moro
Trimmul," said the Shastree;- "1
had never heard the passages ccs
spoken, Who taught you this stele ,"
i•'ahat is the ll -ay our .master likes
them Bald. Na one taught me," he
replied; "and ifyou could hear the
whole 10 one of his assemblies in the
deep forest, you would feel that you
were a elahratta."
"So I ons so I ani," retua:ied the
" ?
ha..tree quickly; do you doubt it-"
"...Not ,aur faith, Vyas 1Shastree,"
replied Moro Trinenul, "only your
energy. But go; I will come early to-
morrow;" and; turning away, he en-
toed rhe •vestilfule and joined _tial-
oosray and others who awaited him.
Grinds of Wren, be saw-, had been
laced at each of the porches, so that
no one Could enter but those prit'il-
e ed,
A solitary ]amp fiicl:eyed on -hhc
altar where the image still rested,
and cast a feeble and uncertain light
into that portion of the vestibule
which eras inuntrlu'ttdy before ft, and
where lialoosriy, \[once Trianntui, anti
fpr reg note vented them else . Oth-
crvfso the spacious area was ante-
gather in deep gloom, a portion only
of its massive stone pillars catching
rays of light, and scenting like giants
standing around in solemn array.
We need hardly, perhaps, follow
\falOaSraV in his narrative, which wee
•listened to with breathless interest by
hs hearers. •He. iiad never as •Yet
come among them, but his mane and
feats were well known through many
-; rough blit] both of lace ti
d and fru
ballad tthent;
There he sat. face to face with
, flashing with ex-
his :ai,t, 'e' ecce
andaddingforce to the few
utement, an
, words he spoke. Taint-
but burning
jet, was uo novice in the art of read -
ing Merle hearts; and among the
nruutt iutt and valleys tchu c hm lived,
there were already thousands of the
youth et the countryhisemu-
best ya h tri at
1 nal uL
“Now," he said finally, "ye leave
heard all. We are before the Holy
Mother, who Celine-. to our IP•rince its
pia dreams, old fells him \vltat to cls;
she echo trill cartel• these impure
eiewe h 1111, Moslems like sheep be-
:arc the w„It 0 Hely 'lather!" he
continued, risingand bowing with
joined hands in adoration to the iib
^fere ar e shy children• h see
age 1
then, make them hold and true; y
will • to hang back n
Il s;vear not
'the lire is on the hills;' and whenhis
they can strike for thy honour. IIear
thou the oath, and accept it"
,.:\s he paused and looked round
there was at first a low mummer of
acquiescence. Then they who had
been sitting started to their feet, and
as many as could reach it rushed to
the threshold• of the sanctum and
touched it reverently:,—.those who
could not, stretched out their arms
towards it rover each other's 'heads,
while wild cries of "ley IZal'eel" "'ley
Toolja hiatal" "'Borne, ',Rome!" (!We
swear, we sw'earl) Tang through the
vestibule; and were taken' up by those
let us write the names;'
cried Maloosray, when the excitement
degrees subsided; resit
a d he some de res
down again, friends, and if there be a
scribe among ye let him come for-
The Putwari, or !hereditary clerk
of the temple, was there, • with his
writing materials tied up in a bundle,
and he sat clown and took thein out.
"Light one of the large damps,"
said \'fora Trimanul to an iiiferfor
priest, eland set it in the midst; iwe�
'are not afraid of our faces before the
As the .wicks were lighted, one by
one, the assembly see facet to tl)/ate.
Light after light fl)ckerect, but grew
stronger.. "A true omen,' cnedas Sal
o''asray, with fervour; "that swe
m • friends, Light alcor light
be, y
will appear t0 •ye ,Iron's afar; each may
waver for a while, but when 'the fire
is on the hills' ye will see all plainly.
Be silent now, and let us write."
It was, indeed, a strange and im-
pressive scene, In •the midst sat Mal-
eeoro Trion -nue with the
oosray and ex
scribe; arotied, tthe.'heads of local fan-
ilies, •Niinbal'kurs, Rhoslays, Sindias,
:Gihorepa:ara,ys, and a host of others,
each anxious to be named in the sec -
ord, and teansngefo•rward to catch the
eye of the scribe. ;Beyond them—sortie
kneeling, others standing — was a
crowd of ea'ger faces, all hearing the
sante expression of evcitensent—one
behind another on every 'side—while
the:9ight fell. upon their bronzed fea-
tures and glistening eyes, till those in.
the background were scarcely dis-
tinguishable, •
One by one—chiefs, gentry, yeo-
men—gave in their .octanes and 00 111-
elements of ,men, and pegee after
page was filled by the record, till no
more remained,
"It is done, friends," said Mews-
ray, rising, as the 13u:eweri had added
up the totals, and signed his name as
the scribe; "there are mare than fief-
teen thousand men recorded. Enough
for the time and inose hereafter: By-
aatd-by, weber `the Fire is on the hills;'
ye will 'be welcome; tial thee, sell-
and be quiet, else Af,eool Khan
come epee you, and we• -can 'goe
you no help. We will abide the storm
and let it pass over us, and so must
you all,"
As he 'spoke the last words, those
who 'had been sitting rose, and all in
ruin saluting. 'Ialoosray, the meeting
broke up. IThe retainers of the re-
spective leaders ' atheretl round their
masters, and the several' parties fol-
]awed ea c h o!tlhe1 out of the te111ple
f 3 &Mall .clepart 'before daylight,
'Toro 'Triliimul," said 'Ialnosraj; as
proceeded to the pastern which
led to the bottom of the ravine, be-
gory which their ponies and attendants
awaited their coming; "wilt thou Sol-
•law "
"I have more to do there, Tannajee"
be replied; "bust atter tlo No,iv'Ratite
I will some. 'I must watch Afzool
Khan and Palter !Singh,"
"Take Care they do not watch thee''
1. Ye
for thy enemies; of them t lthou •utt
careful a Sear for thee, because of
that girl ttlho played the cymbals.
She is the devil that I see slitting at•
thy pearl anti locking out of thine
ed her. at were well. for thee to
come now, even stow; come!"
"Inipossib!e," returned the Brae-
mum turning away. "Go!"
",\s thou wilt, friend," he returned
„\\lords niece always useless with
t but be wary."
_eforo Tr)nlnitil watched the party
i d the steps to the
` s they descends
tamarind trees below. He saw them
mount and ride Off, the torches with
them throwing t
al* and btu 1 wood lobo co the path,
era,,.... 1 t'
—and his heart bade him follow; but
tatehe .
about to to cl. se a ldi'bar the door, th he
turned aside, .11 in the building was
dark and deserted now. The image
et taken from he alta an
been 1 t r,
into its silken beet forthenight,
ed its lace
and a faint ]temp occupied p
\ attendants flitted th1 til, sere
few tttens sl
and there across the dark cants and
still docked vestibule, anxious tt get
away, curl 'the IA at,.. 0111• were all
that would soon remain,
, s"
elaeaajl Bore. said , female
voice in a low Whisper, per, -s he passed
between the Pillars of the temple,
Moro 'Trinim•t4 knew the voice.
"Why art thou so late here, :G.unga?"
x e said hastily. `°Benaiie
1 •
I feared you were angry with me,"
said file gill, putting her hand on
arm. "You would not look at me as
T deuced, only at her. S could not go
till I had spoken ,with you. Ah, yoni
are not angry with inc Lo! I will
do your bidding, though my heart
Break gird a ane. Sit here, beloved,
and speak to ale; •come," and slhe
tried to 'srt 01'im to her gently,
"Thou art one of the 'devils that are
Millin h 1 '-' criedthe ,Brag-
Pulling me into a 11
mutt 'fiercely; and, pushing cher vio-
leiitdy from Ihim, he ntsB d wilcll'y a-
cross the 'court.
t 1 heavily against she
Gnu ga fell back
pillar nearest to her, and as she fall
covered herself, the pain of the
obliged' her to sit down, involunita'ni] '
1 ,
leaning against it. !She drew, her
,hand with a gesture of weariness a-
cross her Tome and 'brow, then looked
to see if there were 'blood a� 'pon, it•
"Hath it come to this " she said
bitterly, " that )t come to thus—and
for her ? Ali me for pert"
The gild bed lietened unobserved, in
a starts 'niche near ;die shrine, to what
and lher
head transpired a.t the meeting, a
first th.oughh now was revenge, sure'
an deadly. A word from her, and
the 1'.[',ahomedan oflfi•cer- m'schat• a poi
the town would seize llloro Tlunmul•
aid hoiu ison !frim in ea roog. As
the 'TIP'
occurred to her she rose,
hastily traversing the comet, the-.
gait to mount the steps which led up
the ravine; hut her heart failed, and
re she had ascended a few of_them
she wavered, sat down, and wept:
bitterly: To Be
{ Confirmed)
. �• - - -
.Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un-
leersity of Western Ontario. Membea-
of College of Physicians and Surgeons.
of Ontario. Office 413 Goderich St
W'es't. Phone 37, Hours 2-4.30 ,p.m.
7.30-9•00 Pelle Other hours by appoint-•
mere. Success -0e to Dr. Ches. Mackay.
D'R. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hoe -
Pital, London, England. Spada
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and roll -
dense behind Dominion Bank. Ofittic
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104:
f Y ;�?ya1>a _ `le,.s`dr:
lDR, F, J. B'TJIRROIWIS, Sea,fotb6,
Of6ice and residence, Goderich +erect,
cast of the United Church. Co sr
for the County of Huron. Telepfiaaa.
No. 46.
" at .:. iN ka..,:..• : • ki:ii
,., w.
,t ,.41''.4 t* r.. . 34
a t+ ,'
A •., .- .1,51.w�.r..i.wa .. ""
.i :rev reverence, pieu aside
steed ere looking into the vesti-
ieee• in e' ectatiom as it were,
tartan ,ss is ., Moro 'Eriminul
eVuld see the sweet mouth parted
i 11 :e, to pen:., teeth 6 1 tering
:t.tein the rosy lips, and the soft
tlas;i!r.6 t- the strong side 'fight
mien them. .Beyond ,her the
m r' the recesses of the temple
nd net bt penetrated, Sc her
ire - ee Out against it in a power
cnectiee relic: which tcxs aenostthey
ter 1 g•
It fns z trtnre C ntr1 t. l\'ithiii,
1:.e ereauel ,stage. ricely attired
revered with •,rievleas jewels,
, _
t 111 tm i:- heael, mid sae surd ruby
t c nee- k : i lr:ehl '
r rr ane 1cou1 a fu.y amidst
n) fn e ice which
01111;2. x • c it, rt tare aleck,
r tv, to n e e s e trey, ee•ming
:stn t:. 1y .:. txsr son turt.1
' 'it .and Jacket'
il .,.. '..r.• ,r n1 ::c. ric'.i attn'e
• he r:h- , tea.• — e•te-ts-
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-ts t•
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: " the
e. retire:
:._ :,t •- c .circ,
a t - 11
t e Mere Trim
r_r:•r: it , rig
_pc l thee."
, k4;_ :.r,r ,.. ' ' ane
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If •s' ".e conn,.
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i;=.re,' -
•'sill not cos .-.: t.: ,r t y
r'e, and that t:: e. en ..:ea ,e.l
"end why sliocld 1 gU ?"
!Gunga, excitedly; ` am I not a \foot-
lee like thyself, and •have I not
ed the 'Mother longer than thee
be sure, I am neither a ,Brahman
•a widow to be nice as thou art;
a have
I. hid thea ao, and net n than
,urn. thou hast badmoret
da "
share of moifey already to y.
It is all in the shrine before
oral t t tort e
sae 1 1 :o brackets
A: a l ..:t x t'i' .rt
1,A., ..l e :toee,eed
:- : .. rem time to
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lu t,tare tees sed, es •- •----•-
yard'. Ja .r1::e C e
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outline :..'..`.
vantage. :elle had wrest:.ed a long
rl aid of white fla•xers inte., ..e, ••11r,
Lich fell about her neck and le =:r.;
d another was twisted round her
ewe, e o a s to Form a cprc•net. it
•s a fanciful but simple and beaus -
decoration, which suited the char-
er of her small grac ire head, and
ded to the shorty of her attire.
Moro 'r 'inlrnl,ll watched her intent-
ass he •delivered the garlands to
: ofd .priest; then, as if a service
I been done he advanced to the
lark of the doorway, and, making
DR. F. J. R ORSTER—Eye, keg
Nose and Throat, Graduate in ECedd
cute,' University of Toronto 1''ha.
Late Assistant New York O, ihth,ale
mie and Aural Institute, MoMoore eld's
Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi-
salsa • Landon; Engiand, A't Coimsm•
ercial Hotel 'Seaforth 3rd IWednes-
day in each month from 1;30 p,m, to
5 p.m.
DIR. W. C. SPIROSIT.—Graduate '.4
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London, Member
of College of Physicians and Sao-
geons of Ontario, Office in rear o4
drug st
Aberhart's drug store, Seaforth.
Phone 90. flours 1.30-4 p.m„ 73d
9 m. Other hours bya pP'ointmtme.
DR. J. A. ML?NSI, Successor t a
University, Chita o Ill. •I.•
g '
centiate Royal College of Dental S11r-
geons, Toronto. Office over Sills'
hardware, Main St. Seaforth, Phone
DR. F. J. BECH'ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeoati
Toronto. Office over W. h Sm ite'a
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 185W, residence J
185 .
Auctioneer for the County of Herne.
Arrangements can be made for SitIe
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guranteed.
(Succssors to James 'Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates fn First -Class
H R� AI g�
Mutual Fire Iusu,rauee tae
President—Alex. Broadfoat, .Seaforth;
J Ines God-
Vice -President, 'aConnolly,
crisp; Secretary -Treasurer, M. A.
Re Seaforth.
id Seafo h
IW. E• 'livnchley, Seaforth; John
mac,, R, R. 3, Seaforth; E, R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodlhagen; James Want,
Blyth; C F. Hewitt,
W:m. Yeo, Halmesville.
'Alex. Broedfoot, Seaforth No, 3;
James Shdl'dice, Walton; Writ. Knox,
IL,o �n d o s'boro • George Leon:hardl,
Barnh•odim,No. 1;John Pepper; Bruce-
p ,
field; James Connolly; Goderich; Ro-
beast Ferris,Blybh lthomas Moylan,
S'ealForfh Nio, 5; W'rn R Arohibald,
Seaforth No. 4,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will )-be"
promptly ahteJided to by applications
to any of the above named officers ad -
offid•reces to their respective .post-
offices. -
Send us the stameF• of your visitors.
Complete Its itself, Mother Gaaves'
Worm Exterminator
n�vtor does
it'assistsavice off not requ:i,re
o make any other medicine
a err effective, It does rat Fe)l,to
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