HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor and Jean
of Guelph, spent the week end at the
.home of Mr, R. Hoy.
Miss Helen Steiss of Kitchener is
spending a week at her home here.
Mrs, S. R Fell of. the S. R, Bell
,Funeral Huhu 1.td , Vancouver, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R.
W. Hoy, Welton, has returned to her
home in Vancouver.
Mr. R. W. Hoy has received ward
of the death of his tntcle, John Kerney
in Michigan. Ile as the last remem-
ber of hi. mother's family. He was
buried a.tI'onrtilie, Midi., on irate 213.
lie met las death in a car accident.
Mr, Basil Wilson ,f London is
holidaying at R. W. Roy's.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, Joyce
and Mavis, _spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Bennett.
At the morning service on Sunday
in Duff's Church, Rev. T, A. Broad -
foot, returned missionary, told of his
work in !Southern China, A good
crowd were present to hear the spec-
ial speaker who is a cousin Ut Mr.
Walter Br,adfont. -In the evening the
young people marked the last meeting
:or the summer with a service, Mr.
Broaihfoot gave an illustrated address,
showing a large number of interest-
ing tietvs of his work. 'Rev. Charles
Cumming presided, Both the treasurer
and the secretary gave repots. :Isabel
Ritchie read the :Scripture. A mixed
choir of young people mere assisted
by \Ir, 'Chas. Boyd, who )ave a solo,
Thomas Kinney is leaving this
,trek to visit friends its the West. He
expects to visit among other places, at
Babson Arm, B. C., 3foosejew, and.
the Coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sehade and
Elgin and Mr, \\'nt Alderson visited
friends around Listowel last Snday.
Miss Gertrude Miller, whose mar-
ia e took place recently, was the
.;hest of honor at a miscellaneous
shower Thursday evening, June lel,
at the house of Mies Jean Drager.
About forty friends ui the bride -elect
gathered in the living roost, which
was prettily decorated with pink and
white peonies. and roses. Mrs, G.
Me'Gavin presided at a short program
which included songs, solos by Mrs.
hinglind, instrumentals by \fart'
Buchanan. Mrs. H. Sellers and Mrs,
George Love, and several contests.
\liss 'Margaret Love and Mrs. II.
'Kirkby spoke a few words, telling of
the esteem in which the bride is held.
The .gifts, which were both useful
and handsome, were presented by
Edna Reid and Dorothy Drager, in
basket decorated in white and- pink.
'Seated in a decorated archway, Miss
Miller received the gifts and in a few
words thanked her friends, and in
sited thein to see her trousseau. Fol
(,,wing this a dainty luncheon was
erved by four girl friends. After
rinsing chorus, the guests departed,
rrshin Miss Miller much happiness,
\Mrs. C. Duncan and :
daughter, Mrs.
J. Reid and Billy Johnston of Flint.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. Cecil Wiley is renewing ac-
quaintances in this vicinity.'
Mrs. M. Reil spent a few ,lays with
her sister, Mrs. Fee, of Seaforth.
School closes an Friday, Mr. Abet -
hart. our worthy teacher, has been re-
engaged for another terns at au in-
crease in salary.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Gras -
sic is confined to the house and we
hope soon to see her about.
Miss Francs \Iv op las been re-
engaged in her school, S.S, No. 4, at
an increase in salary.
Mr. Fred Draser, who has been in
the employment of Mr. George (Beat-
ty, Sr„ leaves shortly to join his fanc-
ily in Roumania. His many friends
toll anis.: hint. We wish hits "bon
Miss Mary Reid of Seaforth is
spending a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. McAsh,
Rev. E. A. Poulter preached his
farewell sermon on Sunday last.
Next Sunday there will be no ser-
vice in the 'United Church owing to
the Orange service in the Anglican
church. The induction service Inc
Rev, \1r. Bandy will be held in Blake
United Church on Friday afternoon
-of this week.
Rev. L. W. and -Mrs. Diehl of
Thamerville called at the home of
h-trs. ItfcClymont on Monday bast on
their way to Southampton, Mrs. Mc
Clymont accompanied them on the
Mrs. R. Cameron of H'ensall spent
Sunday with friends here.
Mrs, Margaret McLeod. of •Detre,it.
is visiting her 'mother, 1r1ss, David
Send us the names of your visitors.
Farm ,Machinery. and
' Repairs
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash:
Mr. and Mrs. McGill of Behnoul
Manitoba, were the goes, of Mr. an.
Mrs, Moodie last week,
Mrs. (Rev,) \V. A, Brenner aper
a few days with her friend, M -,at
(P.er.) Hamilton, Goderich, last wee(,
Miss Edna Bremner, RN, of :Sea
forth, isspending her holidays at th
home a her sister, Mrs. West, of St
Mr .Ales. Ries of our village, witcreamer is now in her 83rd year, was able t
go to vote last week. We wonder i
she is the oldest voter in Stanley Twr
\ars. Janet Ross received wordlas
week '.that (ler sort -its -law, Mr, Rio
Monteith of London, Who was ser
ously ill, is now recovering, His nits
friends will to glad to hear,
M, and Mrs. John H. McEne,
Mrs. \Vm. Falconer of Staple:
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs
Jas• McQueen thio week.
Football.—d:ippen defeated Bruce
field itt a hard-fought game at Deuce
field on Tuesday et -ening by a scar
of 2-!1 This was Brucefield first de
teat or ,he seas,::, In the first hal
the play was about even with both
'ides missing some good chances :
`nitre, Early in the second half \Vii
oo0 of'Kippen scored from a ecrantbl
in tr°nt 01 the B'rucelieli goal. Fir
minutes later Iinrcefield tied th
it} a beautiful combination play
Denfield scored on a pass from I.
Pepper. Kippers came right back 1,
what proved to be the w•inain;
gloat when Wilson eluded the back
and went in to scare, During the las
fifteen minutes Brucefielsl bomharde
the Kippers goal but were unable t
Upshal: in theKippea goal rw-a
the star of the garde, Bruceflelil ar
still in sec,nd pocrtion in the leagu
standing, two point: 'tohind Esmond
ville. On Friday evening the Bruce
field. Junior: will play the Seniors 1-
a practice game. Line -un: Kipped
Goal. .psitall; backs, Dutot at.
Sangster; half -backs, Thompson, Ri
ley and Watson; forwards, Finlaysor
Wilson, Archibald, Cottsitt and Coop
er. Soh„ Elliott, Brucefield.—Goa
Lavis; back:. Bateman and IIicknel'.
half -backs, Cook, Rogerson and W
Pepper; forwards, Denfield,. Baird
Rutherford, Aikenitead and L. Pep
per, Subs„ Murdoch and Garrett.
w ... ... ........... ..
We are now buying EGGS
Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
S...., g�
e ifol th
C. A. Barber, Prop,
Mrs. ,Stam Oesch took suddenly its
a Leri days ago and an Sunday. was
taken to the hospital at London, Weand
hope that her case will not be serious,
Mrs. Margaret Erratt left last week
to tale charge of the fresh air camp
at Whitby.
Rey. W. O. Robinson who has been
(tome far the past few weeks 00 ae
count of the sickness and death of his
mother, returned last week to his
charge at Pih+t Mound, Man.
Rev. E. A, •Poulter, who has been
four years on the Varna charge,
preached his farewell sermon last
Sunday and leaves this week for his
new field of labour at Brownsville,
His successor here will be Rev. \I r,
Bandy, whose induction will he held
at the Blake church on Friday after -
noon and will be in charge of Rev. R.
M. Gale of Baytteld and Rev. De\Vitt
Co:ens of Clinton.
A r. and Mrs. Jahn :Reiland family,
Mr. Wm, Johnston, \L. Cecil Wileyseore.
and. 3f r. Wes Hayter Of Detroit spent
the creek end with friends in this ,vi-
\d r, John \Ic13eath and family visit-
ed at John A. Armstrong's on Sunday,
The material for -Air. Percy John-
stun's new barn bas arrived and the
workmen will continence greeting it
right away.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephenson enter-
rained the :atter's sisters and brothers
and their families to a birthday party
last Saturday in honor of her father,
Mr, ,Armstrong, who celebrated his
Stith birthday, Here's hoping he may
live to enjoy many more.
Mr, and Mrs. Noah 'Gingericit, ac-
coutpanied by \fr. Dam Steckle, mot -
ored to Elmira on Friday to attend
the funeral of the former's cousin who
was killed to a motor accident.
Mrs• E\fusselman, who has been
staying at Mr, Mend Steckle's, re -
turned to Elmira on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh of Tucker -
smith, accompanied by Wallace and
I hazel and Miss Coughlin of Toronto
visited at J. A. Carniets on \Monday
Mies Florence Coyne, who has bees
tcaichin in Preston fair same
3 years
has resigned to join the matrintonia
T'hc :Altar Society an giving ;
supper and social evening on July 3
on the lawn of St. 'Patrick's Church.
Mr. A, Dickson, newly-electec
'member for Perth, and Dr. A. 0
Smith, his safe and daughter, of Alit
chell, were arming the many who at -
Mended thea per
p, given by 'the All.
glican Church Guild on the 20th.
The New 'Deal was demonstrated
here on the 19th.
Mrs. Nagle was the guest of Mr.
and Mr?. S. Nicholson, Mitchell, on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and fa-
milt' of Toronto are holidaying with
the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. I.
-Miss Margaret Grieve has been re-
engaged to 'teach its S.S. No. 9,
Miss Jean MciLacltlan has returned
home after a year's visit with friends
in the West.
Mrs. E, Ross iti visiting friends
near Exeter.
Clairmont.—At Alexandra Hospital,
,Goderich; on Sunday, June 17th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Clairmont,a
Hawkins—In \\'ingham Hospital, on
Tuesday, June 19th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert M. Hawkins, a dau-
Roggarth.—To 'Mr. and Mrs. Arc'hi-
bald Hoggarth, Kippers, on June
;1'6th, a son,
Murray.—In Scott Memorial Hospital
on Thursday, June 21, 18:34, to Mr.
and Mrs. Michael B. Murray, Sea-
forth, a son..
Faithless in Love—Faithless in Crime
An article divulging how a baffling
murder my's'tery was solved when
police questioned a woman who be-
trayed her husband—then her lover,
will appear in The American Weekly
with The Detroit Sunday Times of
J'mly 1,
JULY 6th
PHYLLIS HENNE—The Girl with a Double Voice
JOHN EDMONDISON—Baritone & Humorist
PEARL NEWTON—Elocutionist
After Supper—Uncle Josh at the Dentists
Admission 3d's end ,?Oc.
Mr, and Mrs. Leo McKay, from the
U1S are visiting their matey friends
its this vicinity.,
Master Jimmie Moore of Detroit is
spending his holidays at the home of
Mr. Terry :Flannery,
Mr, Michael .Murray. is wearing a
smile, It's a boy.
Mrs, Bill :Fortune and son John of
Detroit are visiting the former's mo-
ther, Mrs, M, Lynch.
Mr. Jas. Flynn and Mr, Frank Ev-
ans of Clinton silent Sunday= at the
home of Mrs. Jos. Evans.
takes place on Saturday. The best
wishes of a host of friends go
with her.
,\Ir:. and Mrs, Dewar -of B,twf elal
visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
George.. Wheatley on Tuesday.
Presentation. — The ratepayers of
School Section No."3 presented 'Miss'
-iGauley, who has resigned her pos.i
Pion as teacher, with tt silver casser-
ole and silver salt and pepper shakers
on :Nestle), afternoon. Miss Hattie
Armstrong read the address and D'on-
elda Adatns made the presentation.
The address is as follows: "Dear _Miss
Caulcy. As representatives of the S.
S. we wish to express our gratitude
for the efforts you have put forth for
the advancement of this community
-during your sojoarn here. It is worthy
of note that you have gained the
confidence of the pupils by gentle
persuasion and have gradually im-
printed its their thoughts -and actions
the principles of honor, truth anal
sportsfnausltip. The results' of their
work in school are a reflection of the
studious nature you have exemplified.
Since we hare conte to the parting of
tate ways we would like you to ac-
cept these gifts as a token of our ap-
preciation. We wish you every suc-
cess and happiness in your future un-
dertakings. Signed on behalf of the
Messrs, A. A. Cuthill, Ferg. Bul-
lard and John Eckert attended the
telephone convention. in London lasts
Thursday, Mr, A. A. Cuthill was elect-
ed president of the Telephone Assoc-
iation. Congratulations, Mr. Cuthill.
Little Roma Johnston, wlto has
been attending school at Belltille, is
spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston.
Mr, George Kinney di London
spent Sunday with his brothers, Wil-
liam and Joseph Kinney.
Miss Norine •Armstrong of London
is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Bullard.
A number from here attended the
reception of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Kerr
on Wednesday evening,
We are glad to report .\h•. Clarence
O'Reilly is much improved after his
recent illness,
Mr. and Airs, Albert Krauskopf en-
tertained a number of their friends on
Sttnilay- evening,
Mise Maria Krauskopf of Stratford
Normal spent Sunday under the par-
ental roof.
Harvesting sweet clover is the or-
der of the day,
Mr. Louis O'Reilly and family and
\lis, T4s5ie spent Sunday evening
with \Ir, and Mrs, John Walsh,
\Mr. L. Fortune of Detroit is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Charles Malone of tate Windsor
teaching staff is spending his vacation
at his horse here.
The Misses Beth Carlin and Bridget
Delaney of Stratford normal are
spending their vacations at their
homes here.
\Ir. and Mrs. Win. O'Reilly and fa-
mily motored to London last week.
:\ number of our young sten took
in the judging contest held at Mr. E.
B. Goodie's dairy farm near Seaforth
last week.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. and Woman's Association of
Duff's Church Ladies' Aid was held
dna Tuesday, June 19th at the house of
Airs, Percy Smith with a good at-
tendance. A quilt was quilted and the
bale packed. The hostess served a de -
lunch after which a social half
hour was spent,
The following is the report for, U.
S. S. 112, Grey and McKillop, for -May
asci Juane:
Sr. IV.--iGeorg,c McCallum 65%.
Jr, I'\',-1Ross Coutts 72, Archie
Steele 71, \\ innifred McCallum 66,
Donald Coutts 65.
,Sr. ,RI. --Evelyn Williamson 7'2,
Glen Corbett 71.
WI—Florence Williamson 77, Viola
McCallum 69, Russell McCallum 60.
Sr. I—Vernice Machan 68.
IJr. T.—iRoy Williamson.
Attendance for May -959'x.
Attendance for ,Jane --100%.
M. ,Robertson, Teacher.
\Mrs, Joseph Yun'gblutt of the Base
Line spent a felt- days last week with
her sisters, Mrs, ._Austin and. Mrs,
Charles Dexter.
eA very pleasant evening was -held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George
Wheatley on Friday evening, June
122nd, in the form of a shower for
their daughter Elva, a bride -elect for
June, She was presented wvitlt a beau-
tiful electric lamp, as a slight token
of the high esteem in which she was
held by tate community, The presenta-
tion was made by Annie Ashby. The
Constance orchestra was in attend-
ance and their music was much en-
joyed. Rev. Mr, 'Gardiner and Rev.
Clifford Britton gave short addresses
and Mrs, Lindsay sang a solo and a
very dainty lunch was served and a
very pleasant evening was spent 'by
all, O,n the lawn, gay with colored
lights, a beautifully decorated chair
,was Placed, ,which was occupied 'by
the bride -elect. The following verse
was read by Rev.'Clifford Britton:
'We of Constance would like to
Wishes best from. every friends
And neighbor, too, for they can't tell,
II -Bow mach they'd like to wish you
Etta now we friends liat'e all
perceiv - ed
That you are going to wed with
So may the links of love be strong,
And last throughout the years along,"
-(Signed on behalf of the cowmutuity.
slew, J. C.'Britton left on 'Thursday
for his appointment, Ga'Ivary, Lamle-
Goderich: Wins
avau e
g Y
In the fourth and final round R.
Johnston captured the Savauge
trophy, with J. Broderick, Sea -
forth, runner-up.
Twenty rinks took part in the first
local bowling tourney competing for
the Savauge Trophy- on t\\'ednesday
afternoon and everting. The greens
are in -splendid condition and the
weather ideal, The draw was as- fol-
Dr. Baker and Dr. Henry (Wood-
John 'Beattie and C. 'Holmes.
Dr, Ross and ,C, D. Sutherland,
R. J, Sproat and Ruf, Winters.
\h 31:illson and Ken Orr, Stratford,
J. E. 'Willis and T. Johnstone.
Dr. Collyer and Dr. MtTaggart
J, Swwaffield and Dr, Hall, Goderich
(Fred Bonthran and George 'Brock,
(Hen all).
.Merton Reid and E. Duncan.
R. Johnston and Fred Hunt (Gode-
rich ).
Dr. Bechely and •\V. G. Willis,
I\\', 1Binkley and 'Geo. Swale (Strat-
M. McKellar and E. Smith,
Alan MdDuualtl and J. Sitepperd
J. Broderick and L. Dale.
C.'"P, Sills ami J. J• Clulf:
,H. McNee and 'Fred 'Toole (Code -
John Logan and R Bowman.
T. \McDermid and W. Litt- (IGode-
"In the 3rd round the following wer
playing: Jno. P3eattie and R, John
iton; Broderick and \IdNee.
s * * * * * * * * * o
* (Furnished by Ontario Depart- *
* ment of Agriculture.)
* * * * * * * * * ■
An important statement entitled
"Lambs of Quality," has just been
issued by the Industrial •and 'Dewel-
opinen•t Council of Canadian Meat
Packers, as follows:
The production of good quality
wether and ewe lambs of suitable
weight and finish will continue to be
encouraged this year.
Commencing on July 2 -td its On-
tario and the west, buyers will pay
two cents a pound more for ewe aitch
wether lambs than for bucks.
The markets will pay up to a cent
a pound more for lambs of good
quality up to 90 lbs. at the stock-
yards and plants, than. for lambs from
90 to 11111. lbs„ and up to two cents
per pound more titan for lambs
over 1110 tbs.
Farmers have for years been urged
to meet the simple requirements of
the market in order to secure top
prices by castrating all male lambs
and finishing and ,marketing lambs:
within tate 'desired weights,
The manner ire which the producer
has responded- to the market require-
ments is well exemplified by the de-
crease in the offerings 01 buck lambs
during the season wheel they are.tnost
objectionable. The appreciation of the
value of duality by farmers has re-
sulted.itt a decrease in the marke.tings
of buck lambs at Toronto front 10,6'
per cent from August to December in
191216, to 1:1 per cent for the same per-
iod in, 19313. At Montreal the improve-
ment its quality by the elimination of
the "buck" has been slower but was
reduced to 8 per cent in 1193113 compar-
ed with 313' per ,cent in 119126.
I1 is further urged' that all pro-
ton county: diteers should ,sake stoney by: 1.
.Miss Elva Wheatley returned to, Docking all lambs early in the spring.
1'Torotto 'on' Tlhetrsday, Her wedding 2. Castrttbing. a1'1 tiva,le lat inis w4ten
"Police Car 17"
Comedy Cartoon
Mon. Tues. Wed., July 2-3-4
Happened One
Full of Comedy and Romance.
Liberty gives it 4 Stars
Special Matinee Mon. at 3 P.M.
Thurs. iFri. Sat., July 5-6-7
The Picture that brought Hep,
burn the Gold Medal
Comedy Cartoon
from ten days to three weeks old. 3.
Feeding all lambs so that they will
fittislt at weights from 75 to 85 lbs,,
not over 90 Isis. Picking out of the
flock the earliest and fastest growing
latitbs and marketing them, 5. Market-
ing lambs as soon as they are ready
as the price will probably be higher
early in the season than in the late
fall. 6. Avoid all losses OD buck
lambs and on lambs either too light
or too heavy,
Sow Thistle Menace
The worst weed is Otttar:a at the
present time is ,Perennial Sow Thistle.
Areas where this weed has made
greatest progress are now able to re-
port from fifteen to thirty per cent.
less Sow Thistle than three or four
years ago.
Weed Control is a public problem:
and can ouly.be brought about effec-
tively by the united co-operative ef-
forts of every property owner, every
occupant of land, municipal councils
and Departments of Agriculture. The
great majority of citizens realize the
tweed menace and the tremendous loss,
involved due to the presence of weeds
and in time public opinion will be suf-
ficiently strong enough to cause un-
ited' effort in weed control in the Pro-
vince of Ontario.
Weekly Crop Report
Reports from all parts of On-
tario indicate that recent rains have
effected a marked improvement in
the crop outlook. Grey County r'
ports all spring sown roots and pota-
toes doing excephtooally well. In
North Siutcoe prospects are for a fair
yield of oats and barley. An increased
acreage of potatoes, corn and soy-
beans is seen in ISouth'Simcoe. The
hay crop is bound to be light in
most districts. The tomato crop in
Essex is likely to be light as plants
have been hard to get attd of poor
quality, also hundreds of thousands
of tomato plants died. From Lamb -
ton comes the report that timothy and
red clover meadows will not average
half a ton of hay per acre. Spring
grain looks exceptionally well in the
Latnbton district, :Strawberries will be
a light crop throughout Southern On-
tario. Crops are in good condition is
Prince Edward. Eastern Ontario has
also enjoyed rains which have com-
pletely changed the agriculture
Chemical Weed Killers
Pure sodium chlorate, or patent
products with a sodium chlorate base,
have been found effective as weed
killers, according to A, Ih \fartitt,
Onferio Department of Agriculture.
(Pure sodium, although cheaper, is
inflammable and must be handled
with even more care than ,gasoline.
The usual solution is one pound of
weed -killer to a gallon .of water. This
is sufficient for 11001 square feet of
weeds. The mixture should be ap-
plied with a pressure sprayer, and all'
leaf surface thoroughly covered.
"Perennial Slow Thistle" can be
killed by spraying just before it
blooms and again one month later.
"Blue \Need;" "B4rrdlock," "VVikt
Carrot," "Orange uIiaw'kweed" and
"Oxeye Daisy" can be 'killed with one
applied a clay or so after the ,first
blooms appear.
".Field Bind Weed" requires two•
appdica,tiona, one •w'hett it is in full
bloom and the second 1? ttuoitths later.
"Wild Chicory" should. have two ap-
plications, one at flowering time and
one a .tttontlt later.
Treat "Canada Thistle" after a
heavy frost in, the Fall by scattering
sodiuttt c'lrloratc orys+tels on the this-
tles at the rate of 11 •pound per :101)
"Poison Ivy" may be killed by
spraying any time duringthe grooving