HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-21, Page 16PAGE EIGHT.
Mr. and ,firs, Lyle Statham of St.
Thomas were week end visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. John Elder,
llliss Veleta \Vats -n spent the week
end at her home in •Loncleshoro.
A meeting of the Chamber of
Commerce was held in the council
chamber on Friday evening. The
treasurer repotted over $30) cleared
on the 24th May and it was decided
to pay of the old debt on the land
purchased sone years aero by the old
Board of 'Trade: The committees- re-
ported. Discussion favored reunion
next year and it Was decided to leek
into the .natter of expense.
The funeral of the Late Mrs, Roy
Weber took place Thursday last, All
throe resident ministers took part,
Ficial tributes were frem Mrs. Bei•-
tLaBaseha;l Chub, Mee. 1)oug-
1 I'Makc), \lr, and Airs. Norman
(Toronto). Air. and Mrs. 3.
ele.leen. Mr and Mrs, Louis Weber
and tiara (Zurich), Mr, Roy Weber
• d family, Airs, Thos. Dick, \Ir, and
Aire iterrr Hess tZurichl, lir. and
Mrs. (', B. Falstrom t London),- Mr;
t.. Ake. Ross Dick (Toronto), Mrs.
Deeid t herehill ! Ciiuton ), Mr. and
Pete' ( Eseter!, ladies' Euchre
t•'^'.'. Alr, and Mrs, Junes Diek, lir.
1 Mrs, Rex .Dick, ei : T. C. Joynt,
Miss ly ker, Mr. Ru.esell
L ees. Maths etti_`e -,vas held at
t ,t:.eran L.,,u•c't. at Zurich, con-
hv the L,r:.terau minister and
iieerieent et tate I_:i:itextut cemetery,
,a',:'n:tre re Mr, Harry
I:-. Foster (Detroit), Jc seph
11.,1 u, ,ss Dick. Arthur Dick
e.lon). Rex Dick.
ef 1 Crtn f \•ance:tree, Pe
ie,enig cite iter sister, Airs.
J . Priest.
ley eas oleser Suelis at the
tel Cen ch ene tali eaurch teas
and tui:e rl..wcre.
he: .\"titter t $tic air paster, had
c` ▪ tae services. \ themorn-
r- •e :'t c •v •i. a c t :dren's
t u ,t 1_ it Zitede ie sae Pei, -
,y Ht' .) Ca,r.: T ynt
tee sptsial , tr•e in tee aatit-
:Itr . t. ter.
\• t. \I Ear: Dr n i n nd
h, ..rouse owing to the
c ,`. latae:'. Mr, T. 0.
1 t a former res
1 flees . had .r„vest t
wa' vis
r• eeteie,
in Kine: r line what h
• Len ,, ,'n , entre heart at
hr late
i nuc re i
u:: 1 s1 .dn z"
l: t, Rel 11:., \ \ 1 g pa
Carmel L.ta, el , hal cliar.le
;a• : to .n1 .Mrs. J. \\ I1, Lthru
"G, d Night an
A former pupil of the school section prizes this photo, taken in Mr.
Johnston's time. The trees have grown much larger, but in other
respects the school appears the same to -day. From left to right: Mag-
gie Parsons, Anna May Hood, Ida Rathwell, Grace Ross, Lola Rath -
well, Jessie Collins, Anna Fisher, Hannah Dinsdale, Norma Hood,
Oda McBeath, Bella' Collins, Margaret Cooper, Grace Cooper, W. H.
Johnston, Willie Parsons, Roscoe Osborne, Nelson Hood, Herbert
Kettle Cecil Johnston, Arnold Petrie, Alex. McMurtrie, Archie Par-
sons, John Keihl, Willie Cooper, Lawrence Wessman, Arthur Jones,
Billy Collins.
The51I wing is the first entry tin
Jan Lary, 1.8e4, in the minute book of i VETERAN TEACHE
S.S. No. 14,,Stanley, and eecc,rds the! R
erection of the log school; The estim-
ated value of schoolhouse and lot
was fn•n<1
\ meeting, of the Freeholders and
Householders of School Section No,
14,was held at the schoolhouse of
said section on the 20th day of Janu-
ary A.M. for the purpose of settling
aaffairs connected with the site of
the hoci1: ue and the finishing of
-.Moved 'ty D 'nald McDiarntid and
ended by John \JciDiarmid that
- Peter Grant act as chairman. Carried,
e "Moved by John \lrpongall and
- e
se ,led by Gilbert McDonald that
Dhow e Walker act a. secretary, Cd.
\I vel by John McDonald and
- see, ted by William Philips that the
) Soh- Ihatse he erected en the
Scutt East terms- of Lot No, G in
n t n n n the r o
t tin third i runee..'n i t nmsn:p
> 1 It orae." Interment was 11
▪ e ue:ert A large er.•tl at
a- ,.0 high e trent t
ese c:n +ee., ed ea, hell. ill
r:sand, Teter 1l^ant, chairman:
1):n, a'r \Calker, secretary."
e Basial S. eidart, who held a first -
1, teas, eertiteat,, was engaged 1,804,:ut,ler the Upper Canada Consolidate
tel (', thn:nnl chee: Act. His salary
irt 'ai),tr'> per annumjehn Ilamil-
ten became tc toner on Jan. -1st, 1>36> ;
\rchd, A. H hl•irk taught in Sept.,
leoe. Other teachers a little later'
• .etre \\•Jlliant McQueen, 1883: J, S.
1! \Auld"ew-, 1884 -85 -Me D. C. Camp -
I lel 1887,
Tee erection t f the bride school is
r. xdr4 111 the infante book its fol,
"A ,penial. sch,,il meeting of this
8 est n tis held here June _25th,.
1 I.7, or ,viler Inc entice was given,
,or -,he perp, -e of taking into consid-
eration the propriety of erecting a
. nee echeel-'h use, . deciding upon the
materia: of which it is to be built,
lir, Wm. Blairrya, anpnieted Chair-
u,an an Janie? Gra,sick, Secretary.
1 The ether ?sa rows transacted was as
a.' w , Moved by Mr. Harvey, sea
ended by lir. Jones, that it be built r
t 11111 Reed, li id, t
T l e Je.t,t \fol e,
Garnet Ford
t cu 11C:,
..e 1. t ate •aert c n
t rat he
't t \ t n •' I
1.).�'z e , 1 -t.•.. Mr. mei Mrs
el 1 t .y, \lr. tied \I
f 1, tat , Arnold Circle
t" cue e 11'.! ,.1'., Scho,
end t elle • tier prays an
e et' n d:ty vl q n v in the
, N is, h.t'.in: at.; kind. It
vote wa:
• ont 4s1 nanks on the ,tat:,
a c 1 1 N. 1 gave Ilall-
, leeeetee Cse.ner. 1. Pell
2, t ,eeesne 1 h ,:-tt ti
1. 111:i. i lei . tin
In tee. eiene crev ga-
•-1 •1 e.•.• t the re-
t t a, teeel,. + talar, �110w•-
- \?r. Ballantyne and
\[r fie,,:_ ern tile eel-
tees- t>Lt be gi,e'1 E
eeenee end tration.
\ rs Res, Dick n:l n
i" -1 is ., t: ret irred to their r noose
ieeeent. eiter attendee_ the iuner-
\l,. Diek's eister, tate :ate Mrs.
W Beer, -
ael lir- Mark Dryeda:e spent
seter1ey last in London
The any fronds of lire. Robert
Per, ne ,mwill be pleaeed to hear she is
ociu nicely from her recent ac-
ee eat where she had the misfortune
t- fall and fracture one of her limbs.
During the months of July and
August oRev, W. A. Young, pastor of
Carmel Presbyterian Church, iHensall,
and Rev. S. M. Gordon, pastor of
Caren Presbyterian Church, Exeter,
..;?1 exchange pulpits beginning the
first Sunday in July, Rev, \V. A,
Young will preach in Caven Preeby-
terialt Church, Exeter, in the morning
and in 'his own pulpit at Hensall in
the evening. Beginning with Sunday,
August 5th, Rev. S. Gordon will
preach in the Carmel Church, Hen-
sa11. Sunday morning and in his own
pulpit Sunday evenings. The evening
services will be withdrawn in
Neilsen church during
,Sunday, June 4th, Rev. W. A. Young
viii sinalc at the Diamond jubilee of
the Agricultural College at 'Guelph,
Mr, and Mrs. D. MaKard and Miss
Alma 'Scruton, R.N., of London, vis-
ited with relatives and friends in town
en Sunday. of Harrisburg,
D• r. James Bell
Penn., is visiting with his sisters,
Mrs, Hugh McEwen and Miss Jessie
Bell, also other relatives in khe vicin-
Mies Cara Webber ,of London is
he ding tome time with her brother,
Mr. Roy Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle 'Cassidy spent
the Week end visiting with relatives
tend friends at Otterville.
Mrs. Robt. Higgins spent the week
end visiting at the home of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. 'B'ert North, of Wood-
stock, Toronto
Miss Mae Mc1Na,u'gh'ton of
spent the week end here visiting her
parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, D. 14ciN•augih-
\fes. Alice , Joynt has returned to
her home here and will spend the
summer with her son, Will Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Z'en'Ae of St,
,Thomas visited over the week end
Who taught in S.S. No. 14, Stan-
ley for twenty years, Mr. Johnston
now resides at Exeter, He has do-
nated to the school a handsome
museum case containing a collec-
tion of relics of pioneer days.
of hack, Carried,
"Jae, 11raesick, Secretary; William
Blair.. Chairman."
Dec. 3;lst, h.:):t—:After brief. diseas-
14011 11 w•as decided as the money in
the hands of treasurer was rather
email it would not be advisable to
buiel it new fence for another year,
The present trustees are Herbert
Jone> (chairman), Robert Speirs Fred
Rathwell (secs treat) Miss P. C.
Tenfold is teacher, Former pupils
w•he attended the old hag school and
who remain in this district are lir.
and -lir,, Joseph Itood, Reeve Wil-
liam and Mrs. Jones (Mary Hood),
IIen all: Robert Dinsdale, Mrs. Coch-
rane of the section; Hugh Ro: \lc-
iCllop; Dr. de. R. Ross, :Seaforth;
Nurse Christian MeLaren ales td Clinton;
Jessie A. Jone,, of I ondon; Mrs, II.
Joins (Ida Jones), Elintville.
,An invitation to attend the reunion
has been sent to Dr. James Graeeick,
of Grand Fork,. N.D., who was teach-
er when the brick school was erected.
Dr Alex. C. lihrdoch, of Vancouver,
B.C, hes sent best wishes for the re -
mien and regrets that lie will be tine
able to come. David -flair, Clerk of
Stanford Twp., will be •here unless
1with Mr. Zeufle's parents, and other it .i, '•humanly impossible." \\'iliiam
The Women Missionary Society I-Iolhngs'heacl, Dutton, left Huron in
of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Ile.n_ 11453; he is coming.'
eel], met on Thursday afternoon, (Between sixty and seventy pupils
June 14, for their annual birthday were on the roll of the old dog school.
party. The school room was lovely Many of the pupils attended only in
with flowers, brought by girls of the h
of winter, some the the
.Arnold Circle, firs, 'Edwards tookpupils being
the chair and opened the meeting by "men with whiskers," it is recalled. A
singing Psalm selection No. 31: and row of benches ran lengthwise along
Mrs, 'Workman led in prayer. The each wall for the older pupils; two
Bible lesson was read by Mrs. C. rows of small desks occupied the
!Hudson front the lei of Romans and centre of the floor, The .girls were on
Mrs. J. W. i3onthran sang a solo, The
!Auxiliary was fortunate in having as one side and the boys on the other
guest speaker, the Presbyterial presi- side. The stove was at the back of the
dent, Miss L. Jeckyll of Exeter, who -toot,
gave a very full and most interesting
report of the provincial meeting of
the W.M.S. held in Hamilton. The
offering was taken and dedicated in
prayer by Mrs, Dallas. ,Mrs. Hutton
sang a solo which was enjoyed very
much. The 'sup'ply secretary, Miss
McGregor, read the allocation for this
year. Mrs, Thos. Hudson and Miss
Dallas, on behalf of the 'Auxiliary,
presented Mrs. Young, the president,
with a beautiful friendship circle
quilt on this, her birthday. The quilt
was made by the oldest member of
the congregation, Mrs. Ansi Hudson,
who is well over ninety-four years of
age. It is really beautiful and well
made. Mrs, Dallas in a few kindly
words expressed thefeelings of the
V.M.S. for their president and Mrs.
Hudson made the presentation. Mrs.
Young thanked the ladies in a few
well-chosen words. A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered the s'pea'ker of
the afternoon on motion of Mr's. Arn-
old and Mrs. Young, At the close of
the meeting a dainty lunch was serv-
ed. The tables looked tempting, es-
pecially the long one, centred by the
birthday cake, decorated pink and
white and topped with candles. Mrs,
Davidson and Mrs, Dallas served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren' and
Mr. W. L. McLaren.visited on ,Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Aim iH'unkin.g
and family of Farquhar.
(Reunions are the order of the day:
the Stephenson families' gathering at
B'aylfield, the Love m lies at Grand
Bend on Wednesday, and the Webs-
ter's at Baylfield on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick, and son
Douglas, have returned to 'their home
in Toronto alter being here to attend
the funeral of Mr. Dick's sister, the
late Mrs, Roy ,Weber of Hensall
iRev. R, Ki, Love of ;Kintore called
on his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W,
Love, recently.
.Mrs, L. Eller and son Donakl of
Falconbridge, are spending a short
vacation at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane,
The. W. \i, S. are meeting in the
church on Wednesday, June 20th,
The Lord's Suppper will be admin-
istered at theclose of the morning
service in the Kippen Church on ,Sun-
day, June' 24th. The Hillsgreen Con-
gregation are asked` to be present for
this service;
(Services at Hillsgreen Church will
be withdrawn on Sunday, 'June 24th,
(Here's something new and different
for a garden party, Did you ever at-
tend ,a garden party where they had
a Kitchen Orchestra as entertainers?
Conte tothe garden party that Caves
Church, Winthrop, is holding Friday
evening, ,Tone !212m.ct, on, the church
grounds. \\'ere you pleased with the
Lambeth Double 'Mixed Quartette,
the entertainers at the fowl supper
last year, Advance reports are that
the Delaware Kitchen (Orchestra pre -
sem a programme just as versatile
and funny as the eutertainnrent you
enjoyed last fall, .Before a crowd that
packed the Delaware Hall, the Kit-
chen Orchestra held the attention of
the audience and elicited round upon
round of applause. So well were they
received that they have since present-
ed their programme at church •con-
certs and garden parties in other
centres, The Ladies' Association of
Caven Church, well known for their
successfnil suppers, will serve supper
from six to eight o'clock. All roads
then lead to Cayce United Church,
Winthrop, on the night cif the 22nd;
Be sure not to be among the unwise
few w•ho., miss Winthrop garden party
with its programme -which is "entirely
Air, !Gordon Rennie has been ap-
pointed teacher at S.S, 10, 3Jed lop.
\dr, Mellen Blanchard is visiting at
Belleville and Ottawa.
Winthrop p foot ball team was de-
feated last Saturday night in Walton..
The :core was 1141.
'Walton played here on Wednesday
Don't forget the garden party on
the church grounds this Friday night,
M•. Moody Holland of Walton
spent Sunday with lir, "Tim" Eaton.
Mrs. Churchill and Mrs, Brewer of
Cleveland attended the Campbell -
Cuthill wedding here last Thursday.
Airs. Jas. Campbell returned hone
with Mee. Churchill to spend a few
weeks' vacation,
A range crowd from here attend
ed the garden party at 9)ull's last
Air. \\'ns. Draper has been re-
engaged to teach at S.S. No. 12, Me
Kl11tp: 1?4 mile, north of Winthrop,
A very pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at seven o'clock 'on There -
day evening, June 14, at the home of
the !ride in Winthrop, witen Marg-
aret Love, only daughter of Mr. A,
\, Cuthill and the late Airs. Cuthill,
was united in marriage to 'William
.Archibald Campbell, son e.f Mrs.
Campbell and the late James Camp-
bell of McKillop, The ceremony was
,performed by ,Rev. G, E, Morrow,
in the presence of a Sew relatives and
friends, on the verandah of their
home, which was a bower of flowers
and evergreens. The bride, given in
marriage by her father, wore a dainty
dress of mauve taffeta with cream
noire shoes and carried a bouquet of
pink peonies from their own garden.
\1r. and Airs. Campbell left later on
a motor trip to Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Simon 3lcl tttie spent
Al nday visiting at the hone 01 lir.
and Mrs. Geo McTaggart and \ft•,
Dundas and Miss Annie Johnston's
in Walton.
Mr. Charles and Miss Aniy Parsons
spent Sunday afternoon at the iionte
of Air, and Mrs, \Vas, Jenkins of
Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jenkins
of Stratford who came to Mr. Par-
sons' Saturday evening, also spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don't forget the Supper which is
being held at Community Hall, Lon-
desboro, on June 29th under the aus-
pices of (he Ladies' Aid of Burns ,Un-
ited Church. The .prograninte is being
put on by young people of Winthnop
Mr,. and Mrs. Frank •1tciGregor en-
tertained Cheeky friend's on. Salter -
day ' of last week.
Mr, Bert Beacons is sporting a !fine
Essex car, We wish him good luck
with his car.
'Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Marr and
children from. Se'bringwilie visited at
the 'hone of Mr. and Mrs. ,Bert Allen
over the weekend,
'Mies Olive Knox spent Sunday af-
ternoon at the horse of her .cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gib'bings, near
Mr. and Mrs, Cardiff and children
and Miss.1Kathleen Bremner of Grey
spent Sunday at the 'home of Mr,
and Mrs. A, W. Beacom, The ladies,
accompanied by -Mrs. Beacom and
Edith made a short •call on Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Lyon near Londesboro
in the afternoon.
•Mr. Wnt. McVittie of Nebraska,
who is at present visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. Sisson and \ors,
llcVittie, visited one day last week
at the home .of 'his niece; Mrs. and
Mr. -Leo Watt. s
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear spent
Saturday at Benmiller..
1Ir, Robert Ferris is at present .rot
enjoying good health. We hope he
will soon be feeling better.
IMr. and Mrs. I. Rapson spent part
of Sunday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Margaret and Miss Bessie Watt,
Cash $aragains
Schneider's lard �g c
2 lbs. Cash.,,,,,. �a
Maxwell House Coffee
Pound ‘ „
Barb Wire, 4x6
Red Rose Tea
Pound. Cash
Johnson's Wax
Pound tin
Men's Heavy Shoes
Pair ,,,,�■411
It Pays to Buy in Egrnondville
'and Mr, Glen Cook. _Mrs. Watt is
very poorly and not improving as her
friends would wish, -
'The Young People's Society of
Blake and Goshen insist their closing
Meeting on Friday evening, ji ne 115.
This "took ,the form of it social on
the lawn of Mr, Robt, McBride, at
which a large number of young peo-
ple gathered to enjoy a good time.
The evening was spent in playing
genies, followed by a short program;
Commencing the program all the
young people joined in community
singing led by the President, George
Poulter. \Ve were also favoured with
reading, by Mies Beatrice Manson
and Rev, 5Vnt Robinson, our former
president, and a solo by George Poul -
ter, After this the following address
was read by Stewart Beattie: "To
lir. and Mrs. ;Poulter and George.
Dear Friend.,—The time draws near
when we must sever our relationship
as pastor and young people, and we
want to tell you hots much your stay
antutg us has meant to us, Many
ministers have conte and gone, but
bone to whom we awe so touch as to
the "Pou vers," Prior to your costing
organized young people's work was at
low ebb, Seeing the possibility of
such .work, you soon set yourself to
the task, and now after tour years,
happy years for us, we feel certain
that you have contributed souietiii:ng
to our lives that is of great valeta By
your continuous giving of yourself in
that all creditors and others haring
claims against the estate of Janet 21.
Keys, late of the 'Town of Sel,EortIc
in the 'County of Huron, Widow: de-
ceased, who died on the 30th 1 c e11
May, 11934, are required to fonear&
their claims duly praren to the inner,-.
signed, solicitor for the Executor. 'ra
or before the Seventh day of ;ate,
AND NOTICE is further given:
that after the sant last men stent
date, the Executor Will ,proceed irt
distribute the assets of the state:
hating regard only to the clairee >i
which lie then shall have notice
DATED at Seaforth, Ontario. stria,.
20th day of June, 114.
Seaforti, Onta i<.
(Solicitor for the Executor
,St, James' Church grounds,Wed-
nesday evening, Judy 4tit. S,apger
In loving memory of Mrs. Frank.
Stagg who passed away June 3cc`s.
"This .day brings back sad memereere
Of cmc who has gone to rest,
The ones who think of her to -+'tai,
Are the ones who loved her best.
For the next two or three v t
Will he covering Hulett, este o.e.
you will have your enders vestals n'.rete
I call. S. Carter,
tireless and loving service you have FOR SALE
been a living example of this Christ, Little pigs, white, Apply to :tee
Jarrott, 'Phone 400 r 24, Hensel
lanky you hate en faithfully and con-
vincingly preached. We are heartily
sorry that you are leaving, for w'e well
realize that your place: will he hard
to fill. But we know that What is our
loss will be the gain of your new
charge, and we trust that God will
richly bless you all as you continue
your efforts to bring sten and Woot-
en into living touch with Jesus
Christ. Signed on behalf of Blake and
Goshen YIP.IS., Stewart Beattie," 13111
Clarke then presented a chair to Mr.
and Mrs. Poulter, and Margaret La-
mont presented a reading lamp to
George-.Poultcr. bIr. Poulter and
George thanked the young people in a
few well chosen words. Following the
presentation refreshments were serv-
Mr. .Fern :McLean is improving
auwly after his recent severe accid-
ent while playing foot ball, and as
hope to see ]tint around soon..
.\1t•. R. Cooper and\Kisses Beat-
rice and Doreen spent the week -end
with iriends in Lansing, Michigan.
:lir. Harvey McClymont of Dundas
spent a few days •recently with his
father and other friends in and around
the village.
Mr. 'Geo, Beach of Neve York is
spending a few weeks with h'is many
friends in. these parts.
Mr, R. J. Dajeman spent a few relays
visiting with friends in Detroit and
enjoyed fhe outing very much.
Mis's Richardson has been engaged
for anolther year in .S.S. No, 2, Tuck-
IAli alike are rejoicing over the
notch needed rain of Monday last
which did so much good,
'Wed'ding bells are ringing in the
Mr. Cliff Watson is engaged to.
run the cement mixer for the paving
contract on No. 7 between Elgin'field
and Ailsa Craig.
The many friends of Mrs, 'Sch\I'be
are glad to know she is improving
nicely although stili confined to the:
Mrs. Lydia Jean Doig had the
honor of receiving a most interesting
letter from the famous physician, Dr.
A. R. 'Defoe of Callander in reply to
a letter from cher renewing old ac-
quaintances; 'his father being their
fancily physician and living just
across the street from them.. There
were tWo boys, both of -whom are
doctors, and 16 girls, in his laini'ly.
tors. IWm. ;J. (Bell and Master DD'on-
nie'-spent the week -end the ,guests of
her mother and brother and sister,
Mrs. 'Robbins and family, of To-
Miss Etta Bell of 'London was a
recent guest of her parents, Mr. and
:Also Annuals and Bedding P. r -ea
Visit the Mitchell Nursery Coe Mit-
chell, Ont., or phone .37.
Fortner Stewart' gas statior_ a:: .
seven acres of land with house, oa
N. Main' street, If not sold ;vi: .c
rented, Apply to John A. Cud>~are,
Executor for Henry Cudmore Estate:.
Clinton R. R. 2, Phone 3 on 610.
A seven roosted brick house eq gz-
ped with hydro, telephone and '^m-
ace, a good stable and garage a•a
acre of land. A few fruit trees. 3� 2
to W. J. Woods, Walton, or ' Neese
Brussels 10 r 7.
31r. Geo, Mann jr: has purcu eese
from Brandon Bros., Forest, !Onix enc
three -year' -old stallion, Footman lay
Bridgebank Footman. This is an
usually good young horse of vet-
atstanding good quality, and has reser
list in class and reserve grand chs
pionship at 'both the 'Canadian Na-
tional exhibition, and London, Omen
and Viso the Watson shield for belle
horse, any age, born and bred' in Can-
ada, Mr. 'Mann has done well fes Ib
locality in bringing this young !arse
into it. He draws the premium ion -
11934. Will stand for improvement >9
stock at his own stable, Lot '114; Crcr-"
cession 3, Hallett. Terms tl;Il0 •payeefele,
Maroh 1'st. Persons disposing
mare before foaling time will is
charged fall price. Geo. Matin, 3 c,
owner and manager. g'w:
Mrs. IA, •BIe99; over the weekend_
miss Bela MdGregor ,of .the Sa-
forth 'Collegi'ate is the weelewrr7r
guest of her parents, Mr. and lie
Wnt, McGregor.
Mrs. Win. lGreeit visited her molter:
Mrs. 3d. 'A, •Mc)Dos,ald' '0'1 the Themex
Rd. .on 'Sunday, also attending lie.
anniversary services.
Quite a number 'froth bore attend-
ed the anniversary services 'held a:a
the Thanes 'IRd, 'C'hur'ch on :Sondes,
What I Learned About Gandhi
Nita !Cram Cook, the American ...Tee
who was one of 'Gandlhi% diem -prom.
until a 1eew' month's ago, tells ve
she learned front. the Mahatma a'
reveals some secrets aleout India
holy fanatic in an article in The Alm-
cri'catt Weekly with The ,Deem
Sunday Times ,of June 214.