The Seaforth News, 1934-06-21, Page 13THURS-DAY,' JUNE 21, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE, JcUpo�i. Thrifty Buyers Will Ap- preciate These Values FEATURED FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK FROM TO -DAY RED PLUM JAM 40 OZ. CHOICE TO1VIATOES, 2%'s PER TIN 22c c SURPRISE SOAP 10 BARS 45 c ROBIN HOOD OATS, quick cooking LARGE PKG. a 9 c KIRK'S HARDW.ATER SOAP PER CAKE c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, 1054 oz. 3 TINS 19c Fly Tox Spray, 8 oz. -33c; 16 oz. -57c; 32 oz. - 97c Aylmer Soups, Vegetable and Tomato 3 tins Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes Cowan's Cocoa, 1's per tin Choice Corn, 2's per tin Crosse & Blackwell's Catsup large bottle Muffets per pkg.Princess Flakes 2 pkgs. Roman Meal per pkg, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, quarts -20c; pints -2 bottles . , .... , ... . (plus bottles) McLaren's Jelly Powders, assorted 4 pkgs. Sweet Pickles, large family jars .. each Rice Krispies 2 pkgs. Choice Red Cohoe Salmon, %'s-2 tins 29c; l's Keen's Mustard, %'s -25c; '/z's Post's Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs, Durham Corn Starch per pkg. Clark's Spaghetti, large tin , , , . , .... , .. 2 tins Embossed White,Napkins, 80 in pkg. 2 pkgs. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 25c 25c 25c 10e 19e 10c 27c 31c 25c 25c 27c 23c 23c 49c 25c 10c 19e 25c Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment V. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- and to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Special -100 acre grass farm. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY :conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH Barley OPEN AIR ance! AT W.M. GLAZIER'S FARM on the Highway, four and a half miles from Clinton or Seaforth Tues.,June 26 Good Floor and Orchestra Gents 25c Ladies 15c BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. C, Ilaegh returned to her home last week after visiting friends in lhundas and Toronto, Miss Hazel 'laugh R;\„ of Toron- to, is spending. her holidays' at her hone near the village. Mr. W. W. McQueen of Toronto visited his father, Dir Jas. McQueen, last week. who is not enjoying good health and is still confined to his roonn, his many friends will regret to hear, Mrs. W. 'Stevens visited at the 3rmhe of her brother. lir, W. J. Tough, of Clinton, last week. ,Asthma Can be Cured. lits suffer- ing is as 'needless as it is terrible to endure, After its many years -01 re- lief of the ntcrst stubborn cases no sufferer can doubt the perfect effect- iveness of tDr. J. D. Kellogg's ,'ssth'ma ,Remedy-. Comfort of body MARKETS. and peace of mind return with its use I , . 50c -55c and nights of sound sleep come back 'Oats, per bus. ,41Gc-42c for good. As1c your druggist; he can Wheat, per bushel - 1;1,00 supply you. CHICKS ---85 p.c. PULLETS How would you lilce a flock of baby chicks that will turn out to be 85 per cent, pullelts ? Think of the saving of feeds saving pf brooder space, lower average cost of raising pullets to laying age. You now have that opporunity with Bray White Leghorn chicks, either Foundation or Standard grade. We have secured the services of a Japanese expert, who has been "sexing" baby chicks in British Columbia, all season, with 90 to 94 per cent. accuracy. It is safe to expect that his work with Bray chicks will be at least 85 per cent. accurate. So for the bal- ance of the season, we are offering day-old! White Leghorn chicks with the guarantee that they will be at_least 85 percent, pullets. Our other breeds are still being sold "as they coma"—pullets and cockerels together. But if you would like them divided by sexes be- fore they are shipped, our expert will do it for you at an ad- ditional cost of $1.00 per hundred. We db NOT offer the pullets separately, except in !White 'Leghorn% Our June prices are greatly reduced, Write for particulars or phone the manager of your nearest Bray Hatchery, Hatches twice a week. No delay. BRAYCHICK HATCHERY 98 CLAYBURN AVE., ST. CA•THARI-NES, ONT. Office & Brooder, 'fl, W. Charlesworth, Clinton Eight '13ireed•s—Eighth Year of Bloocl-Testing—Sixth Year Government Approval TOWN TOPICS, Mr. and Mrs, T, R. Thompson and little daughter Yvonne of Kitchener are leaving this week on "The'Duch- ess of York" for 4relalyd, where they yvilf visit the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Adams, have returned after spending a few days in Toronto, \1r. Borden Merner of London has been spending a few days in town as guest o'f Mr. Jock Arnold, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Clark of Aylmer spent Sunday with the form- er's mother, Mrs, R, L. Clark. Mus Elizabeth Jones of Toronto was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. D :Sutherland, '\li;s Ruth Pinkney is -visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, \Ir. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Aylmer. Mrs, •(IRev.) iBerry of Ottawa is visiting the Misses Cresswell. Mrs. George Stewart and little ;or Jimmie, of Toronto, have been spend lug a few clays with her mother, Mrs J 13, Thompson, Mrs. Gordon Miller of Los Ang- eles, Calif, arrived Saturday to visi her parents, Mr. and ,1Mrs, Robert Porterfield, Many friends of Mr. A "ui, Afnmoon,, Egnionlville, are sorry to learn he will be confined to his home for a few weeks with his foot in a plaster cast. A smallbone in his foot was broken. and ligaments torn on Saturday when a horse moved unexpectedly with a load of lumber, .He was removed to the hospital and an x-ray taken, Mr, and rs. Gordon and little ,slaughter Joyce motored down from. Winnipeg and spent a pleasant holiday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. -Alex. Gordon, Egmoudville. Archie holds a good position, being manager of the savings department in the main office of the Bank o4 Com- merce, Winnipeg, and is another Ilttron toy who is making gond in his chosen profession. They left for Winnipeg on Monday, going by way of Chicago. Mr. Gibson White, L',r\., who has !melt teachingoofor the past two nears in the R'alkerville Collegiate has been promoted to the head of the classics department of the school, i•pr the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and {i.ss Al ay 13 rall from Detroit, and \Sar. Stanley Hays from Windsor, spent Sunday with their many friends here, 311ss i11rall has remained to spend her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs C. Eckert, We are pleased to learn that Mrs. C. Eekart is again on her way to re- covery, , Hiss -Margaret White, who recently graduated from Grace Hospital, To- ronto, is spending her holidays at her home here. lir, .Donald Kerslake of Toronto is spending his vacation with his par- ents, NI r. and Mrs, \V. E. Ker;Fuke, Mr and Sirs, R. J. 'Beatty have re- turned after spending the tveek.end in Toronto with their daughter, We are glad to report than NIT, W. it orrow of Calgary, a former Sea - forth resident, 1s able to he at home from. the hospital, nisch improved. lfrs, Percy Cole, Tucke•smith, has been taken to Guelph hospital, and is seriously Al at present \I r, and Mrs. Reg.,Sloan and two children and NIrs. Frank Nenditk of Toronto spent Sunday here, guests of ilr.• and \Irs. 7 . Ih. !Jones, SCOTT-FORREST A pretty wedding was .solemnized Saturday, June 116, at the home of 1R•. and Mrs.'William 'Forrest of near J•Iensall, when their elder daugh- ter, 'Grace Agnes, ,R.N., was united in marriage to Janes M•uldrew Scott, only sou of Mr. James R. Scott and the late Mrs. Scott of ISeaforth. Rev. Arthur Sinolair, pastor of the Lrnited. Church, Hensel, ,officiated. There were no attendants. 'Phe bride given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of white triple crepe with fall elbow length sleeves and overskirt of ruffled net. ,Her veil was of embroidered net worn with a ban- deau of orange blossoms, and she carried an arm bouquet of Talisman roses, 'lily of the valley and fern, Miss Irene Douglas played the wed - Soap Specials !Palmolive 5c Colgate's Coleo 5c,., Colgate's Bath 50 Colgate's Baby 50 Pearl White Naptha 3c Princess Soap Flakes, large pkg. l0c FREE -1 large pkg. Lux with 2 large packages 50c Large bottle Sweet Mixed 'Pickles 25c Large bottle Sweet ,Gerkins .. 29c Sweet Cakes, plain 15c Ib. Cream Sandwich Cakes 15c Apple Blossom Cakes 15c 2 small tins Tomatoes 15c Women's Sport Oxfords, brown and sand $1.95 Men's Sport Oxfords, brown and sand $3.00 Men's Sport Oxfords Black and White $3,00 J T McAsh ding music, and during the signing of the register James T. Scott of Seaforth sang "I Love You Truly,' The wedding breakfast was .served by three cousilxs of the bride, Messes Mary and Florence Thomson and Miss Mabel Turnbull, The bride's table was effective in a silver and white color centred with the four story wedding cake, Later Mr. and Mrs, Scottleft pth11 x a extended 1 c tnotor trip through Quebec, -Maritimes, and the New England !States, The bride's traveling costume was a navy crepe swagger shit with accessories of navy and white. The bride was recently graduated from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, - WEBSTER REUNION, The Webster ter Reunion :Picnic was held in Jowett's Grove, .. aysfielil, Sat rd ay, June 116. The weatherman was in a genial mood and everything was ideal .for a happy outing where old ,friendships were renewed and nets' wiles 'trade. About a hundred and seventy -fire were present at noon and nearly two hundred and -fifty for sup- per, Everyone had a wond'er'ful time, only all were sorry to hear that Aunt Lizzie Webster, ILueknow-, was stili SU critically 111, :Among others si"ho were unavoidably absent was Col. Harry \'1cGee, Vic.e.tPresideit of The T. Eaton Co. Who is sailing shortly forEurope. ISeverat games of softball were played and in the evening a friendly game was played with Beniniller, who won. The ,following is a list of the races -- Straight Race—.Very shall child- ren—Dorothy 'I',urner. Children under five years—Doris Reid, Children, .five to eight years—Ruth (Reid. Children eight to' eleven years - Ruth McAllister, Il•oys eleven to fourteen years—Ho- ward ;Kelt, 'Girls eleven to fourteen years-Li1- lian'Ellfot, Young Ladies --Gertrude Webster. hu !Boot Races, , Jr;.—,Leona (Webster. Srs.—Violet (Ritchie, Peanut Race, ,Jrs.--'Iathrine Turn- er. Srs,-..tHata•ey 'Ritchie. Thread and Needle .Race—Violet) Ritchie and'Harvey Ritchie. Sack Race, Jr,. -Ivan Turner, Srs. —Al Ian !Keyes, Corn!flike tRace—Lttabelle f Webster and 'Shirley 'Turner, Three Leg Race, sirs.—,Shirley Tur- ner and Ettabelle Webster, Srs. — Violet'Ritchie. anti Harvey Ritchie, Ostrich Race,}rs,—,Kathrine Tur- ner. 'Srs,-=Ivan "Turner, Soda :Biscuit—Mrs. E. Coleman. Necktie Race—Mrs, :13. Keyes and Allan Keyes. C,raceful Walking — itrs. T. J. Webster bster attdl Mr. McCartney. Coat Race — Violet ,Ritchie and Harvey Ritchie. Newspaper 'Race — Violet Richie and 1rarvey Ritchie, The oldest ,person attending the picnic was Mr. 'Dan Alton, Lucknow, The youngest ivas George Anson Coleman, infant son of lir, and -Mrs, Anson Coleman,'Varna. NORTH McKILLOP. lir. and Mrs. 14, Brodhagen and William '13rodhagen of Mitchell visit- ed with 31 r, and Mrs, Joseph 'Thoro- ton Sunday afternoon. .lir. ,Earl (Gray and Miss Margaret J3rodhagen of Mitchell spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Edward rd C 'Regele. Miss h'rodhagen is spending a week with her cousin. Mrs, E. Regele. Mr. and 31h., McCarthy of Walton spent 'Sunday with litr. and :qrs. Leonard ;Leeming, Don't forget llethei garden party on the 26th of 'June to be held on Isaac _lfclG'aviu's lawn. , Irene ,Leon'hardt and Olive, Fisher visited with Mary I\Iunn on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Pete McLaughlin and Mary visited at the flame of John .Dennis one evening last .week. LONDESBORO ills Adda T;yerinan who has spent the last two weeks with her sister, h:rs. lTas. Fairservice, returned to Seaforth on Monday, Miss germ Mains o'f Chicago spent the week end with her sister, Eliza- beth, and attended the service on de- coration clay at the Blyth Union Cem- etery on Sunday afternoon, 'Mr, and Mrs. A. Kunkle and Mar- ion of Niagara falls visited with Mrs. iKuniele's mother, Mrs. E. 'Crawford, over the week end. Mrs, 4Vm. Marsh of Carlow and Mr, and 'Mrs. John Manning of Au- burn visited with Mr. Manning's sis- ter, Mrs. E. Bell on Monday. Mr. ;Percy Whitley of .Toronto spent a few days at the horn of his aunt, Mrs. f-1:, Mountain recently Mr: and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Jack and Margaret, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stewart of Stanley on Sunday l nuni•ber of Institute ladies gather- ed together and painted the Londes- boro cemetery fence on Thursday and; !Saturday last making quite an imp- rovement, ement, Mr. Jack Little and family have moved into the house, on lir. C. Jos- ling's farm west of the village, Mr. Chas, Weymouth Jr. has purchasedStrawberry Tea the house recently oc'eypied by 3Ir. Little. 4 • A ;Strawberry Tea will be held at the Mr. Jstnes Elsley received word home of Mr. Charles Holmes on Tuesday morning, ;tine 126, of the death of his sister, Elva Elsley of De- troit, Mich, The,funeral was held on Thursday from the home of her bro- ther, Allen Elsley, to the Leami.ugtoe cemetery where shg a a laid to rest by. the side of her parents Mr, Elsiey and his nephew, Will Elsley of Col- borne, left Wednesday morning to at- tend the funeral and arrived hoarse on Friday night. The regular'\W,M.S. meeting was held at the chinch on Wednesday last 'with a good attendance. The president opened the tneetiug by singing, "1 Need Thee Every Hour," followed by prayer. Several communications were read, one from Goderich asking for a donation of some bread knives for the new summer school, which was granted. At the conclusion of the bus- iness period the meeting was left in charge of 'Group No, 6. Mrs. T, Fair - service presided. :\ hymn uses :sung, followed by prayer by ,Mrs. Hollzhour and the Scripture lesson was taken by Miss L, Young, Mrs. Wilfred Thomp- son gave a must interesting talk on the convention held in Woodstock Admission 35 and 15 cents. recently. A trio, "Hear the Pennies ,Dropping," was sung by three little tots, Phyllis 3IcCool, Doreen Arm- strong and Betty Brunsdoo, which was clone nicely, Hymn 99 was sung KIPPEN. and Mrs. 'Gardiner closed with prayer, The annual convention of the Hor- A dainty lunch was served at theticnitural seuciat utt of District No, close by.Mrs. Fairservice and her S w'i(I'be held in Seafortht on Tttesda3, June 26th, All members of the Src- group and a few minutes of social tet• are chat was enjoyed. y given a hearty invitation to Thurs.June 28 under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church Tea served from 3:30 till 6.30. Admission 25c Bridge at 2:30 P. M, Progressive euchre at 8 p.ni. Every- one cordially invited BETHEL CHURCH GARDEN PARTY At Isaac McGavin's, east of Leadbury Tues. June 26 9 SUPPER 6-8 Program: St: John's Male Quartette, Stratford, radio artists and gold medalists, ity will be made welcome. Please note change of time, The lawn social and strawberry supper will be held at the community hall ground's this Thursday evening when a most enjoyable time is -antici- pated. The Minstrel Show of forty people from Hensall will supply the entertainment. The 4Le.ndesboro United Church Sunday school are holding their an- nual garden party on Thursday even- ing of this week. A good time is ex- pected. ectcd. \lr. Thomas Miller was called to Gorrie over the, week end owing to the severe illness of his sister. STAFFA. Mr, and Mrs, G. Sunt• and Baugh- ter, 'Stratford, were recent visitors in the burg, int. and Sins. +'tV. Pattersau and fancily, Gadshill, spent Sunday with the former's sister, \u>. T. D D. Mrs, T. \I, Hamilton Toronto, was a week -end guest with Mrs. G. Vivian, Air, and Mrs. F, O`Brien spent the week -end in Owen ound with their son. Mr. and Mrs. C, Trellry and Miss Pearl of London spent Sunday with Mr. and .Miss l'reffry, -hiss Jean Tu17in is spending part of her holidays in Stratford, Miss Janet Hogg, 'Seaforth, is the guest of her friend. Miss Ames Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. H, T,eslie were weele rad visitors in Atwood. The June meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday evening, June 7, at :S o'clock. The program will be: roll call, "try Fav- oite (Birt." topic Study of Birds, Mrs. L. Butson: reading, N. M. J. b> Miss E. Frayne; current events. 3frs, 0. W. Reed; bird contest, Miss 'Vera Hainbley; recipes, uses of suet, to be answered by each member: program, con.. Mrs. A. ,A, Coiquhoun, Mrs. J, M. \Worelent lunch, bird food, All the ladies of the c tnsut.- attend It is expected that Mr. J, A. Carroll, Provincial Secretary, will give an address, The Ordinance of the Lord's Sup- per will be dispensed after the morn- ing service in St, _Andrew's United Church on Sunday next, June 2'4tii, at 1'1 o'clock, A pre -communion service will be held on Thursday evening at eight o'clock. Preparations are being made for the I''-1111 ,�S.S.re-union .n et all theex-pupils ,-,i .S No. 34, Stanley on Saturday al•e-- n,on, June 30, GARDEN PARTY under the auspices of Caven Church, Winthrop will be held on the church grounds FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 22nd SUPPER WILL BE SERVED FROM 6 to 8 Followed by a splendid pro- gramme presented by the KITCHEN ORCHESTRA Of Delaware Admission 35c and 15c ance! WATSON'S HALL KIPPEN FRI'DP[Y NIGHT Admission 25 and 15 cts. e MORE TIME 01' YOUR OWN Kellogg's Corn Flakes take the bother out of breakfast. No cook- ing. No pots and pans to scour. And everybody likes them! Kellogg's will give you more hours of freedom to do the things you enjoy. They're rich in energy—easy to digest. An ideal supper for children. Always oven -fresh. Made. by Kellogg in London, Ont. ron CONVENIENCE a 11i CORN t, FLAKES $ WENssESH FIAva PEsrucr w�