HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-21, Page 12PAGE FOUR,
Snowdon faros., Publishers.
Miss Loin Livingstone, who has
been Making her home with her
grandparents Mr, and Mrs, D. K.
Livingstone, has gone to her home in
Miss ':Ruby Benn.ew'ies of Logan,
who has been visiting at Mr, and
lfrs, H. Shannon's, has returned
The many friends of Peter McTag-
gart are sorry to hear of his 111110ss
and hope he will soon be Mc, again.
Mrs. McNtuhb and children of Tor
onto :pent the week end with the for-
mer's parent, Mr, and Mrs. R. Liv-
The regular monthly meeting of
St. George's W.A. and Ladies' Guild
:net at -the home of Mrs, B. -lnder-
son. an Wednesday, June 6th, .Mrs,
McTaggart, president of the Guild,
opened the tweeting with Ilymn No.
4556 after which prayer was offered
and the Scripture read by Mrs.
Humphries. The minutes of the pre-
ceding meeting were read and ap-
proved. There was a shower of ap-
rons donated and some of these were
sold. The sleeting was then turned
over to the \l Ar and .Mrs.'Humphries
president. presided. 1Iy nut No. 566
was sting and the membership prayer
offered. Minutes were read and ap-
proved. Some towels were sold to the
different ntenibu5. The meeting clos-
ed, grace was sung and lunch served
by the hostess.
..\ pretty but tlniet wedding was
solemnized at St. John's Rectory,
Brussels o11 Thursday, June 14th, at
2 p.m, when Eva J., only daughter of
Mr. and -Mrs. W. X11. Anderson, be-
eame the bride of Edward Roy Dou-
gam only of ..l[r Thos, Doutan
and .rte :ate Mrs. Dorgan, Blyth,
Rev. F. G, Riek: rd officiated. The
,ride was 1ecnnu1gly 5,,wited,,in a
locket frock of blue triple sheer erepe
with white hat, shoos and groves, The
attendants were \[r. and Mrs. B. An-
dn a 'rile t gm s gift to rhe bride
ee''t. 1 tThger ring \t'itll dllmanl se
ting' tinct to the attendants a radio
'amp. The vnmrg couple left on a
trip north, the bride' -travelling in a
white sag crepe dress with white polo
cloth cn,at and white hat. 00 their
return they will reside at the ;groom's
home 111 Hulltt.
The Voting People of Duff; 'United
Crunch are planning a very interest-
ing meeting for the 00031i1g of June
241h, when Rev. T. .\, Broadfoot, a
retuned missionary froth China will
give an illustrated address. There will
he special music by a trued choir of
the Endeavor members and a very
profitable evening !s anticipated, A
cordial invitation is extended to the
cntnnnunii0 to attend this service,
Flannery - O`Rourke.—.k wedding
which was charming in its simplicity-
ansa to which only relatives and a yen-
few friends were hidden, was that of
Mr. John M. tFlannery of \[cNillop
and Miss Rita \lar} O'R.nuke, dau-
ghter of lir, Patrick '01R„01rke, which
took place in :St, Patrick's Church,
7Juhlin..,31 :Alonrlay morning, Rev. Tr.
O'drowski officiating. The church was
fillers with friends of the young
couple. 'Punetuatly at 9 o'clock the
bride entered the church to the strains
Mendelssohtn's wedding march and
leaning nn the arm of her father. She
looked. very graceful and lovely, attir-
ed .n ivory satin, and wreath and veil,
and carrying a shower bouquet of
Covent roses and valley liilies. She
was assisted by the groom's sister,
Mss Alice !Flannery, who was gown-
ed in a becoming dress of .peach silk
net, over crepe de chine with pale
blue saslt and pearl trimmings, large
white hat and carrying a handsome
bunch of pink carnations, Mr. Joseph
L. O'Rourke of London very ably
supported the groom, while little
Miss Juan Hannigan as 'fiower .girl
Via8 charming in Madonna blue or-
gandy. After the ceremony the bridal
party and guests were driven to the
brides home, which was fittin'gl'y de-
corated, the drawing and ;luncheon
rooms being artistically adorned with
quantities of summer 'flowers and fol-
iage and at which time the many
good wishes of the guests were offer-
ed to the bride and groom, .l':Ihe bride
fallowing the time-honored custom,
made the Ifhrst cut in the wedding
cake. The many beautiful and costly
presents received attested to the high
esteem and popularity in which the
young couple are held. Guests were
present from Detroit, 'Toronto, T,on-
don, ,Linwootd,;Seaforth and St. Col-
unlhun, '1111e bride -g'room's ,gilt to
the bride w is ahandsome string g of
pearls and to the bridesmaid and
groomsman crescent pins, Mr, and
Mrs. 'Tannery left by motor for Nia-
gara, 'Toronto and other eastern
points, the bride travellingin "a suit
of beige waffle cloth with accessories
to match. On Theis return they will
reside on their beautiful farm inMc
Miss Edna' Sc'hcllenherger, of St.
Farm Machinery and
Conte in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop.
Paul's was the guest of her friend,
Miss Calli>ta Kelly Sunday,
Mr. anti Mrs, John Mttrpltyy and
daughters, Mildred and Eleanor spent
'.Sunday at the home, of Mrs, - Jo1111
Miss Nellie O'Rourke, Toronto, at-
tended the Flannery -O'Rourke wed-
ding on Monday.
Mr. and Mfrs, C. Schellenherger and
son, Jack, St, Paul's, Master Allen
Jeffery, Sebringville. were Sunday vi-
sitors with firs. John Felly.
Rev, Jr. Feeney of London attend-
ed the wedding of his cousin, Rita
O'Rourke, to John Flanueri*, Monday
Miss Lillian Shea of Chicago is vis-
iting her parents, .lir, and Mrs.
Tames Shea.
Rev. F1•. Jordan of Detroit has pur-
chased the home of the late Mrs.
'Patrick Carlin fur the sum of $1,2i23,
Miss Nellie O'Rourke of Toronto
attended the wedding of Rita O'-
Miss Anna Mcllyneaux of Kitchener
is visiting at her home here.
One of the largest and most en-
thusiastic of liberal meetings for
many years 1015 held in Looby's T-Iall
on Monday night. The speakers for
the evening were .Messrs. king and
Middle of Stratford; 111 r. Dickson, Our
candidate; \Lt•. Golding M.P. and
Reeve Joseph Nagle. The old friends
and school -mates of \fr. Golding
were pleased and proud to have him
among them. He was born and: spent
his early life two miles and a half
5011 11 of Dublin.
Miss Anna Motyneaux spent the
week end tinder the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs, Pat Crowley and fa-
mily of Detroit visited with \I r. and
Mrs, Dan O'Connor on Sunday.
Rev. Father 'Jordan of Kalamazoo,
Mich., spent a few days with .his mo-
ther, \irs. Peter Jordan,
Miss LilliantShea, Chicago, is 'hol-
idaying with her parents, -lir. and
Mrs. Janie. Shea.
We are glad to report Mrs. James
Shea is improving:
1Plans for the re -union to be held on
the school grounds of School.Section
No, 1114, Stanley. on the afternoon of
June 30th, are going steadily forward,
:\ great deal of interest and enthus-
iasm has been stirred up in the sec-
tion and everyone is looking forward
to a good time renew•innggacquain-
tances of the long ago. Letters are
pouring in from many of the Old
Buys and 'Girls to whorl personal in-
vitations have been sent and 1 Inge
number are hoping to he present with
members of their families who are
anxious to see where then "folks”
got their early education. Those who
find it impossible to come are regret-
ting it keenly and 'have sent messages
of greeting for their old school elates.
Many of the former residents of the
Section are algo expecting to 'be
there, Pack your basket and tale a
holiday visiting with your 901100l-
nlates and neighbors.
The IStep'hensoi Reunion Picnic
was held 1:t (Jowett s 'Grove, (11ay'fheld
on Wednesday, June 13011, with 96 in
attendance. 'The weather, which was
threatening in the morning cleared,
and although it was cool, it was dine
and only seemed to stimulate the ap-
petites at meal -tune, which was quite
umleces:sary. After all had done jilst
ice to the bountiful dinner, an ex-
citing bald game was played. Under
the dir.e'ction of E. F. Reid, the,
sports were then tun off, 'After sup-
per there was a; program of speeches,
reading and. songs, also the business
for the following- year. llenlbe:rs
were present from Marlette and De-
troit, Landon, Clinton, Hensall,
Winghaiil, Stanley and !Godertch Tp.s.
1Ir. and Mr:. \\'i•11 Seothmer and
family spent Sunday with Rev. and
Mrs, Pitts of New Hamburg.
Miss Marie Hodgson and Mr.
Scott of Westminster spent Sundial
with Mr, and Mrs. Ilarold Penhale,
Unusual Things Sometimes Happen
Mr. Harold Penhale of Stanley
Township has a pure-bred Logenbur,g
goat which last week gave birth to
four kids, three of which are at pres-
ent doing nicely. The fourth lived to
be two days uld,
firs, 1L Desbura and her daughter
from Northville, Mich., accontpaui::1
by her father, Mr, C, Eckert, Se: -
forth, visited her sisters,... Mrs. W.
Manley and Mrs. Thos, McKay. Fite
is spending her vacation with her
parents, lir, and Mrs, C. Eckart,
The farming &Immunity -are wear-
ing. smiles since the late rain has
made things look their best, with
hopes of a bumper crop; The hay and
fall wheat crop will still -be light.
\\'ell, the smoke of the election has
vanished and it is hoped that 11r.
I-Iepburn wilt retake good and that
he will be careful that the landslide
does not come, for history repeats„
The Liberals have a sweeping major-
ity; may they use good judgment and
not get swelled hea3s.
A very -successful Mission Band
meeting was held at the home of
Mrs, Keith 1Tc,Laren on Saturday
last. Mrs, Reade had charge of the
children's group and all reported an
enjoyable time.
-\ars Robt. (Bruce, Mrs. Balfour and
son Murray are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. D, Bruce.
We are pleased to liear that ,Mfrs.
\\'m. !Warden, who was operated on
in Stratford Hospital far eye trouble
last week, 1; improving.
Mrs. Dalrymple Sr. is tinder the
doctor's care.
Visitors at the home of lir, and
Mrs. Alex, Wallace Sunday were:
Ur. and 11fs, 'Gordon Peterson, \[r.
John, Misses Bessie and 'Beatrice of
Comber. The latter of 'whom having
spent the past month visiting rela-
tives near 'Seaforth and 13rucefield,
the last while at -lir. and Mrs, Russell
!Wallace's fn 1'gmsnxlville, returned
hone with them. Mrs. Thomas Cald-
well. 11r. and Mrs. Norman Walker,
Bruceteld; Mr. and firs. Russell
Wallace and Jimmie, Egmandville.
Miss May Wallace spent the week-
end at her home,
The Tuckersnmth\ggressive Club
will hold a meeting, ,11 the home of
-1[r. W. :P. Thompson, and concession
of Tuckersanith, on Thursday even-
ing, June nth. Roll call will be "What
to Do and 'What Not to Do When a
Mr. 'Fred 1Lang and Miss 'Catherine
Peters visited relatives in Milverton
over the Week -end,
1lrs. (Rev.) J. R. Peters visited
relative. ill 'London for a few days
the beginning of the week.
.Mr. and Mrs. Wellington "Bell of
Detroit :pent a few days visiting
with relatives here over the week -end,
,Mrs. Harry Ford and Laura Ford
visited relatives in St,, Thomas on
Sunday last.
The Johns re -union was held at
the 'house of 1[r. Wm. 'Elford last
Saturday and was largely attended,
Misses Roxie and Adalene Palmer
of Hamilton spent the week end at
the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid.
IA large number took in the Web-
ster picnic on Saturday last.
Mr. and 'Mrs. H. McLachlan of
Brucellneld spent Sunday at Mr, and
Mars. Ralph Stephenson's. '
Mrs. A. McNaughton of London
visited friends here over the week
Rev. E. A. Poulter will preach his
last sermon here ori 'Sunday nest,
Soft corns and warts are ugly.,
painful and irritating, Remove 110111
quicicly and surely with Douglas'
Egyptian Liniment, iIt1.i
and '.Mrs, Thos. McMichael,
Marjorie and Evelyn were recent
visitors at the home -of lir. and Mrs,
Chas.. Dexter. •
The (Live Wire Class held art open"
meeting an Friday _-evening in the
school 100411 of the cnurch The presi-
dent, Miss Ivy' 'Simmons, presided.
Atter singing u1 a ihy.mn and repeating
the 'Lord's prover in unison, and the
business arising out of the last meet-
ing di cussed, the Live Wire Gaz-
ette was read by Isabel Jamieson and
was dutch enjoyed, Clete Medd then
sang a solo accompanied by the quit-
nr, Revs Mr, (Gardiner gave a splen-
did tall. onn-.lRepentance. Hiss Mildred
Britton sang a solo. Mr. Cheoros of
Seaforth' spoke a few well chosen
word's on rAssurance, which was much
appreciated, 'Rev, Mr. Gardiner closed
with prayer, after which refreshments
were served, Mr, 'Cheoroa_kindly do-
nating the ice cream. At the close a
vote of thanks was :voted Mr. Cheor-
os fon•hr> w enerostty, Those r`espon
Bible for the program were 'Phyllis
.Medd and Ross MclGreoor:
:\tics )eblldred .Britton returned to
;London -on 'Saturday and .had to re-
port 'for her affiliate course on 31011 -
day at the East General Hospital, To-
ronto 'Her brother Clifford and his
wife accompanied and visited friends
in Toronto and!Guelph.
The oldest -resident of the Comtnun-
ity in the person of Mrs. Geo. Steph-
enson, aged -' 55, cast her .vote on
Mrs. 1Wni. Moore who has been
seriously ill, was well enough to be
removed by 'Bo's ambulance, Sea-
forth, to her home in -Toronto. Her
daughter 'Mary and soon Jack return-
ed with her,
14iss 'Elva Wheatley of Toronto is
spending a few days with her parents,
tRev, and'Mrs. Leslie of Corinth
spent Tuesday and Wednesday at
the 1101110--ef. Mr. and. Mrs. George
The Constance orchestra 0011351-
11150ot Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson,
Mr. and 1'Irs. Jack Ferguson, Mr;,
Jack Carter, Elgin Nott and James
Neilands played for the dance held in
the community hall :Friday evening.
Tlhe.\1'.I:\, and'\\riM.S. held their
monthly :meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. d rannk 'Riley 00 Thursday
afternoon last when there was a large
attendance. The W,A, president Mrs,
1-['ugiil, opened the meeting wit11 a
hymn and prayer 'by Mt s. Robt.
soil and firs 'Button. The 'minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted..
The Scripture lessen from Matthew
5 and a'splendid• 111110.*as given by
Miss I'vy)Simmon>, speaking on "Let-
ting Our 'Lights 'Sh'ine Miss Mild-
red ,B'ritton sang a solo entitled "A
Hymn o'f 'Life." The W.M1S. presid-
ent Mrs, Britton .then took charge.
After singing a d1yttin 'and prayer by
Mrs Rogerson the minutes of last
meeting were adopted as. read, Mrs.
Clifford Britton gave a skirt and in-
structive talk on 'H'ome Missions in
the \''rest. The treat of the afternoons
was a wonderful report of the Branch
convention in Woodstock given by
Mrs, MadKenzie of 'Etgmont1 irle.
Mrs, Gardiner spolce a few wards of
appreciation on the report and mov-
ed- a vote of thanks for Mrs, Mac--
lcenzie and Mrs. tBrittan. A vote of
thanks was also tendered :\irs. Riley
Prayer her home, \\1s offered by
Mrs. 11dGregor and Mrs, Adams and
Mrs. Gardiner closing with. prayer. A
dainty lunch was served,
Weed Spraying
A new phase of weed control is
tine use of chemicals of which several
have proved to be effective, On
roadsides, along railway tracks and
for small patches on farms the :meth-
od is recommended- though the ex-
pense is usually too high to warrant
application on fields generally,
N'orfo'lk County in 1130 sprayed its
entire county road system, 118 miles
with excellent results. Not a weed
ripened seed on the :Norfolk County
roadsides last year, and in addition
as the numberof weeds becomes less,
costs of spraying will also re re-
Lincoln County leas, sprayed as
much as 40 miles of roadsides in one
season, Oxford County is spraying
10 miles of county roads this year.
Dent County used well over a car-
load of 15,090 pounds in fighting
The Poor Rich
A Riotous Comedy of ill -spent wealth
Comedy .Cartootu
Mon. Tues. Wed., June 25-26-27.
—in --
"Brief Moment"
News Reel Comedy
Thurs. Fri. Sat., June 28-29-30
"Police Car 17"
" Comedy Cartoon
"Sow Thistle."
The chemical should' be sprayed
on the weeds under pressure. A knap-
sack sprayer may be used for small
patches and a power sprayer such as
those used In orchards may be used
for larger areas. Generally, the spray
solution should be mixed at the rate
of 1: pound per gallon of water per
1100 square feet of weeds.
Besides the weed killers specially
prepared for that purpose, there are
other materials such as salt, old mo-
tor,oii, coal oil and gasoline that give
good results,
:Send us the names of your visitors.
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Phone 187, Seaforth