HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-21, Page 7TIIURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934
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Ottawa. --The new 'Franchise Act
of, which diem Hugh ,Guthric, minis-
ter of justice, gave .a very general but
also a very clear and persuasive out-
line in the House last week, zontem-
plates reforms that are rather radical.
They are not in the elections law
but in the .prevailing •method. 01 pre-,
paring- voters' liets. In place of one
act there will he two. The Old oac
•relates to the machinery of elections;
the new one to the .franchise and the
lists. Several designs are behind the
projected statute. One is expedition
in bringing on elections. Another is
the promotion. 'uf simpticity. A third,
and very appropriate ,purpose in these
days, is the .cheapening of elections on
the principle of the shorter the cam-
paigii the less the cost. !While these
Points were the ones stressed by Mr,
Guthrie,. Iperhaps In no sense infer-
ior to any of them is a, method de-
signed effectively to eliminate im-
personation, especially in city ridings.
As viewed by the minister of jus-
t ice sponSoring the legislation in
,parfiameet, the present law is, defect-
ive rin that it is "curnbersome, dilat-
ory and expensive." Then, explain-
ed, the Main objective of :having pre-
pared basic lists and afterwards t ose eauteee..
which will always be ready for 'gen-
eral or by-elections, There will be a
great difference. Now, roeghly, it re-
quires a period of 60 days between
diseolution and polling, Under the
new law, voting can -lake place in ,,?,S
days,--perhap$ 215 after parliament is
dissolved. The time-saver will be in
having the list which will be enumer-
ated this autumn. The operation is to
be under a franchise commiesiouer
with a registrar in each county. Noth-
iag was said about the franchise nue-
lification, the Presumption being that
it will be the same es it is now with
minor exceptions.
The resolution was passed by the
House 01 Commons after Considerable
debate but no great opposition to the
principles of the bili was advanced.
Briefly; the bill proposes to make
the following changes in the present
Appoint a franchise' commissioner
for all Canada.
Appoint revising officere ie every
lAppoiet one or more enumerators
ie every polling district, to prepare
the first list,
lIminediate preparation by enumer-
ators of a voters' list for alt Canada
to be kept ready at Ottawa, and to
stand for 112 month periods as a clos-
ed dist,
1List to be completely revised. every
112 months:
Voters in urban districts to accom-
pany registration with signed state-
ment so that signature may be corn -
pared to Obviate ,impersonation at
the polls.
The list to be geognaphical rather
thai . alphabetical, or both.
There is no .change in the actual
machinery of oenducting an election
arid very little in the cetiali.fications for
franchise, the mein consideration be-
ing given to. the list of voters.
Ou one occasion when Henry IWarcl
;Beecher was giving a political speech
a wag ie the audience began to crow
like a rooster. The imitation was so
skillfully done .tleat the m.144.611°0 ,burst
forth into hilarious ;laughter. For a
;few moments it looked ao 1 the wag
had elle better of 1110 distinguished
,Mr. 13tec1eer, 116wover, was ,•periect
master of the occasion, stood slit!
waiting for the uproar to cease. As
'ardor again CidwIletd he pulled his
'watch from his pocket. (Cheri he said
"That is serange. Accortling to my
watch it is only 110 o'clock. Rut thee
can't be any Mistake about itIt inns
be morneig, her the instincts of eh
lower ailimais are absolutely .in
Town Topics.
,Richard Winters, we are pleased to
note, is once more able to be around.
—Mrs. F, Case and daughter Clem,
spent Sunday with friends at Walton,
—NV. T. Walton, the famous checker
player, left on Monday for Wallace -
Graves has moved his iam-
113- from Blyth and will reside on
John street. —• Father Downey of
'Windsor is here on a visit with rela-
tives and friends,—Mr. Gordon Gonn,
who has hem atteading the medical
school in Toroeto, is hoine,James
McGee, of BrtAefield, has gone all a
vieit 00 his old home in Dublin, Ire-
land.E, Meant 3: Co, are having
an addition, built to their store at the
rear of the building,—Like a postage
stamp, a man's value depends on his
ability to stick to it until he gets
there.—Mr. A. P. Joynt is the proud
possessor of a handsome team of
horses which he recently purchased.
Mrs, L. E. Richards of Boston is
itieg her parents Mr, and Mrs. Chilli.
IROBI 1)gi 11 and nee sister, Mrs. A. Mc-
Cormick. — j, Moffat has
been seriously ill the past week.—Mr.
Thos. Simpson, Of Stratford, formerly
of Seaforth, WILS in town a couple of
days, this week ceiling on old friends;
—The bowling green is in good, con-
dition for playing. The lady bowlers
have Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day afternoons, — The contract for
'gravel for street purposes has been
awarded at 73 cents a load delivered
in the corporation ef Seaforth. — Dr,
Wm, Gillespie is here on a visit with
his parents, 211r, and Mrs. John Gil-
lesoie.—The people of the First Pre'-
bytrian Church had the privilege of
listening to tll'O eloquent and force-
ful sermon, by Professor Kilpatrick
of Toronto on Sunday.—At the Quart-
erly Official .Board meeting, held in
the Methodist Church, the following
were elected stewards ear the com-
ing year'James McMichael, Robe
\Valle, Wm, Hartry, W. D. Bright,
Geib, L, 211elvjlIe and Dr, 'Burrows.
--Extensive improvements are being
made to the race track grounds. A
new stable containing ten large box
stalls is being added to the present
stable, The grounds are being thole,
oughly tile draitted and the track is
being`put in first class shape 'for the,
eaces.—At 81.meeting held here on
Tuesday the C. L. A. Junior schedule
for district Nt. 5 was arranged. Dele-
gates—G. H, Butler, Mitchell; J. E.
Mnatere, Seaforth; L. Constable, St.
Marys; II. M. Jackson, convener.—
On Monday evening those who took
part in the programme at Egmond-
vine Chnrch besides Dr, McCrae were
Mr, John Scott, Miss Isabel Scott and
Master James Scott, Roxboro, Mies
'Nellie Beattie, Mr. Foley, and Mrs,
F. Willis of Seaforth, Mr, 'F. McGreg-
or, Mr. John Beattie, Miss Maggie M.
S-proat, Miss Mamie Sproat, Mr, Os -
ear Sproat and Mr. John 'Robison. of
E,gmond -ill e.
A Pleasant Evening.
Hall," the residence of
Mr. and Iles. Thomas McQuaid, was
the scene of a pleasant gathering on
Tuesday evening, when Miss Marg-
aret McQuaid entertained the mem-
bers of St, James' Church choir, Six
tables of progressive euchre were
played, the prizes being von by Miss
Ella 'Deverea.ux and Mr._ Louis Dev-
Mr. and Mrs. David McLaughlin of
FordeVich are calling on friends this
week.-121rr. Healy of the Standard
Bank staff made -a flying visit to To-
ronto on Saturday last.—Word has
been received here of the illness of
Thos. MdLafighlin, who left here aver
a year Age for Edmontom
T. Troyer returned to Courtland
on Friday last to resume his duties as
station agent. Mr. Troyer .was called
home some weeks ago to attend the
funeral 01 his itether.—Mr. Chaeles
Seelcie will leave in a few days for
Edmonton.—Mr. Robe Taker of Sas-
katoon has moved to Hensel]. and wilt
remain for the surnmer.---IWe :are sor-
ry to learn of the illness of Mr. Wm,
iGeam, :Although up 411 the eighties
Mr. Grain leas 'been quite active until
lineolly of Bnuseets has mov-
ed to Winthrop for eumener.—The
brick and tile yard began operations
for the season on Monday last with
Wm. Kinney, foi'aman H, Ireland,
engineer; G. Eaton, eitnekeeper, and
John Story, payaboss.—Mies Durand,
Solroroll teacher, visited at home on
Stincley.—Mr. Robert Hanna paid e
\is -it to the for a ,few days.—
Mx. Yes. Nicholson was taken ,sociden-
ly ill on Monday, ediile working in
the barn.
ealiss Kate Thompson 11115 taken a
position in the store of J. T. Reed.—
Mr. J. Kitchen intends moving into
the house vacated by Mrs. j: H.
Simpson.—Miss Ethel ,Colwell was
the guese of her ,sieter, Mrs. L. M.
Connell, for a eew day.S' last. week.
Fourteen thousand eight hundred and forty-three happy holidaymakers can't be wrong, or so the
Canadian Pacific Steamships expect to prove this summer with four short sea, cruises 'by the
Duchess of Richmond between Montreal and New York.
During the last three summers two Duchess liners have made between them eleven of the nine
day trips, the popularity or which has been shown by the fact that 14,843 passengers were carried eta
these vacation cruises.
The Duchess of Richmond's cruise departures from Montreal will be on July 21, July 31, August
10 and August 20, and from Quebec the evening of the same day. Sixteen hours will be spent in Neetr
York on July 25, August 4, August 1.1 and August 24, with return to Montreal on July 30, August
August 19 and August 29. The day prior to arrival In Montreal eight hours wilt be spent in Quebec,
with opportunities and facilities provided for exploration of the Ancient Capital and surrounding
districts such as the Cote de Beattprd, with its famous .Shrine of St. Anne, Sightseeing trips in New
York will ale() be arranged for those who wish to take them.
All the "trimmings" such as characterize a lengthier cruise have been planned for the Duchess
of RIchmond'e nine day cruises, and each day of the trip down the majestic St Lawrence and around
the scenic coasts of Nova, 'Scotia and New England will be a complete experience in itself.
Facilities for enjoyment, both in exercise and relaxation, include an open-air swimming -pool, a
gyranasium, deck -tennis, horse -racing, shuffleboard and many' other sports, and also the opportunity
for lazy do -nothingness, for which no better medium can be found than a comfortable clock-chalr on
a long sunny afternoon.
William Webber, who has directed all previous "Duchess" cruises to New York, will again be
cruise director, and all manner of entertainment and organized enjoyment for the cruise member%
Will be provided under his direction and that of the Staff -Captain and the Directress of Entertainment.
Ttt command will be Captain Arthur Rothwell, for several years commander of the Moutcalm and
recently appointed to the Mellen of Richmond,
Morris. •Corn Flake Pastry—
% cup butter, 1 cep corn flake
crumbs, % cup sugar,
Rodl or grind 4 cups corn flakes to
eield 1 cup fine crumbe. Melt the
Gutter in a 9 -inch pie pan, Add the
corn flake crumbs and sugar. Mix
well and press the corn flake pastry
firmly around the sides and in the
bottom of the pan. Chill for a few
minutes before pouring in the filling,
Mr. Abel Bradshaw of the 4th Line,
has been on the sick list, Mr. and Mre.,
Parr who have been living M Mc-
leellop for some Inc. have returned
to their house a 1-4 miles north of
Mr, Frederick Schroeder of the
Bronson Line bought the Hill hoMe-
stead in town 'from Miss Catharine
Hill. The purchase price was
(IBy Barbara .13. Brooks)
It seem as though summer meals
are the most palatable and attractive
and can, be planned and prepared
more easily thaeat any other season,
Yee 'how many times have you heard
housewives 'lament about cooking
during the hot weather? With an ab-
undance of fruits and vegetables from
which to choose and with the many
ready-to-etui , footle available, meal
preparation shouldenot be difficult.
Even in the summer, plan well-
balanced meats, but avoid the use 01
too many concentrated and rich foods,
Nature provides the ideal summer
heedis infruits, vegetables, milk, eggs
and whole -grain cereals.
Dos not go to the extremes of eat-
ing all cold foucls, just because it is a
hot day, No matter how warm the
weather, a meal with at least one hot
dish is usually welcome. This is true
even for breakfast. Fresh fruit served
with ready -to -eat cereals and cold
rich milk or cream and a hot bever-
age make a refreshing and satisfying
morning meal.
Luncheon or supper may be simpli-
fied by planning the meal around one
hot dish, such as creamed vegetables
fish, eggs or deft -over cooked meats.
Serve on toast or toasted halves of
whole-eheat biscuit. -Vary by pour-
ing the creamed mixture into a hot
capscrole. Top With buttered corn
flakes and serve at once. The corn
flakes are toasted and crisp so that
the nvixture need not be browned in
the oven. A green salad or frutt des-
sert, bran muffins or whole-wheat
bnead, and a beverage will complete
this meal.
Bean Raisin 13read--
:11 egg, 1, cup bran, 1' cup sugar, 2
cups flour, % cup molessos, 54 tea-
spoon soda, 1 cup sour milk, 1 tea-
spoon salt, 2 tablespoons melted
shortening, 3 teaspoons baking powd-
er, % cup raisins.
Beat egg slightly, .A,c1d sugar, mo-
lasses, milk, melted shortening and:
bran. Sift flame soda, salt and bak-
ing powder. Mix raisins .with flour
and add to first mixture. 33 -eat well.
lealce in well-greaeed leaf tin for 115/,
hours 11 a oiioclerate oven (13150 deg. F)
Yield: 11 large loaf.
Strawberry ,Chiffon Pie with Corn
Flake Peal y"—t
a tablespoon gelatin, 1 tabileaBOOn
11111011 juice, % cup water, 3 eggs,
separated, 154 cups sugar, % tea -
s1)0011 salt, dl piat strawberries,
crusa ed
Soak gelatin in half the water.
Cook in a double ballet the egg yolks,
lemon Mite, rest of Water, half the
sugar, and salt until custard consiet-
enty: Add soaked gelatin a minute
before removing from fire. Cool.
Beat, Add straWbetriee. Fold it1
egg ,whites beater' with, rest o1 eager,.
Spread into a core flake crust,
"Dodder" a .Menace
IA valuable circular on ''Dodder,"
described as a new parasitic menace
to clover and alfalfa, has just been is-
sued by the Department and is avail-
able to farmers. It is an annual wed
of European origin end is usually
found in Red Clover and occasionally
in :WWII fields. It is parasitic in
nature, pesseeses no leaves and de-
rives its nourishment through stickers
attached to the host plant.
The circular gives a complete de-
ecription of the weed ant declares
that Ontario's clover seed export bu-
sinees, valued at hall a rancill dol-
larwill be seriously threatened if
Dodder is allowed to cominue in this
province, at suggests that as soon as
Dodder is noticed, the infested pat-
ches ehould he mowed and the refuse
raked and burned. Badly infeeted
fields should be cut early for hay and
the land plowed, great care should be
taken to secure clover and alfalfa seed
free from Dodder.
"Dodder can be eliminated by a
strenuous five-year program. oi co-
operative effort," it is stated. "No
clover field known to contain Dodder
should he saved for seed. Every pur-
chaser of clover seed should insure
himself of securing Dodder -free seed
by first havieg a sample analysed.
This can be done by forwarding a
twoeounce representative sample to
the Dominion Seed Branch, 86 Collier
St., Toronto."
Bordeaux Dust.
an combating flea beetles, or in
treating potatoes for insect enemies,
a. Bordeaux dust may be used in place
of the regular poisoned Bordeaux
spray, Such dusts can be purchased
feom all commercial spray companies
ready mixed, or they may be prepar-
ed on the premises provided a good
mixing machine is available. The fed-
loWing is the standard formula. .for
Bordeaux duslt; Copper sulphate (de-
hydrated, and ground very fine) 112
pouncle; hydrated lune, 80 pounds;
arsenate of lime, 8 pounds.
To all those of average ehalth stan-
dard 1 would saY—Do not miss your
bathing this year.
But it must done moderateon!
Very .few of us as we begin our
holidays arc in good physical train-
ing. We are mostly tired and unfit
after the winter's work. Tt s urtwise,
therefore, to be too enthusiastic and
stay in the \.vater too long during
the first few days.
As we get fitter we may, do more,
But go slowly to begin .with and
try also to avoid painfal sunburn.
Most youngsters can swim to -day
but they should never swim alone,
nor immediately after a meal in case
of ,cramp, The omissioa of these ele-
mentary ,precautions cost many lives
al 11 our beaches every. summer.
Bathing .pools -are also great fun,
but they are only the next -beet thing,
to the open lake or Sea with its rollers
and breaking surf.
The lake or .sett 10 still cold enotteh
op till the 11111 .11 jtme, along ever
ehoree, but is better in July, August
and early. September.
/'Is that an eight or a 112?" asked
the admirer of Mr. 1.'witchell's new
-Both," replied Elmer. -Eight cyl-
inders; 12 payments."
The cheapness of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator puts it within
reach of all, and it can be got at any
Here and There
One graduate of the Anglican
Theological College of British
Columbia and bus' undergradua-
tes are out for a. summer of
adventure and color since em-
barking recently aboard Canadian
Pacific coastal liner, "Princess
Norah" for the Yukon. Her 100 -
odd passengers also included
miners, prospectors and northeru
railway and steamship men going
in for the season.
Portland, ;Oregon's 26th annual
Rose Festival, world-famous for
colorful pomp and pageantry, will
be held June 11-14 next. The
western zone or the Canadian
Legion will hold its convention
there as also the American Ruse
The Princess Elaine, popular
Vancouver-Nanahno ferry of the
Canadian Pacific B.C. Coast
steamship service, is back from
overhaul with the very latest in
lunch rooms installed aboard. It
is 40 feet long and 15 feet wide,
and Is provided with lunch coua-
ter and tables.
General improvement in busi-
ness is apparent throughout Can-
ada although many problems still
remain to be solved is the opinion
of Jackson Dodds, general man-
ager of the Bank of Montreal, who
sailed for Europe aboard the Em-
press of Australia recently.
The Canadian Pacific 42,500 -ton
Atlantic flagship Empress of
Britain completed her world
cruise of 30,910 nines last month.
on arrival at New York and sail-
ed again Lor Cherbourg and
Southampton to be fitted for her
normal season sallings between,
Southampton and Quebec.
An English bulldog, scotch ter-
rier, two boxes ot swan's eggs
and fou" herniae; pigeons were
among the Canadian Pacific Ex-
press shipments arriving at Que-
bec recently aboard the Duchess
of York from Liverpool, Belfast
and Glasgow.
"With a soundly administered
unified system, Canada would be
able to anticipate within a rea-
sonable period of time, a balanced
railway budget and would be able
to finance any justifiable exten-e
sins which expanding settlement'
and development might in future
demand," E. W. Beatty, K.C.,
chairman and president of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, declar-
ed in a recent speech advocating
unification, for administrative
purposes of the two major rail-,