HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-21, Page 1BIess the Lord, 0 my soul:
And all that is within me, bless his
holy name.
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul,
And forget not all his benefits:
Who'forgiveth all thine iniquities;,
Who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life fromdes-
Who crowneth thee with loving-
kindness and tender mercies-.
So that thy youth is renewed like the-.
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 25.
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia.
Confectionery and Restaurant
Palm Olive
or 5 'Cakes for
LUX -1 box Free
Targe packages
---I Bars of Comfort
with every two
all 45c
3 lbs, for 23c
Soap and 1 dairy
all for 79c
Crosse G Blackwell's Sweet Pickles
reg. 25c now 15c
10c per pack.
seller @ $2,50 per cwt.
APRICOTS packed in syrup
@' 20c per tin
Shirriff's Orange Marmalade at
4 tins 60c
Marmill, Masters and Pioneer Chick
Was, Butter, Dried Apples and Fea-
lty taken as cash,
A. CIRoutledge
The June meeting of the MacGill-
nvray Auxiliary was held Monday ev-
ening last at the home of Mrs. P. B.
Moffat. The president, Miss S. Wood,
!was in the chair 'and opened the
meeting by singing "Blest 1Be the Tie
that Binds," followed by the Lord's
ipraycr. Miss Anne MdNay was ap-
pointed to act as President of the
(Auxiliary for July and August, during
the absence of Miss Wood.
!Mrs. Moffat, captain of • Circle 2,
took charge of the• devotional period.
!Hymn 27O, "Sowing in the Mooning,"
was sung; Mrs. Goudie read the
Scripture lesson and 'Mrs. Chapman
led -in prayer. Mrs. iBlec'he'ly, -sang a
solo, "Bless This . House,", accompan-
ied 'by Miss Helen. Lane, .
IA reading, "Why • Chali• !Saved,"
!was given by MTS. Close: !The hymn,
"There Shall_ Be 'Showers of 'Bless-
ing," was sung.
II't was suggested by Mrs. Ross
Savauge and unanimously carried,
that the name df the Auxiliary be
'changed from 'i iac'Gillivray" ,Auxi•1-
Gary to "May Lane" :Auxiliary in hon-
or of Mrs. W. P. Lane,', by whom it
was founded.
A social period followed and every -
,one took part in the games played, A
delicious lunclh was served by the
tnemibers of Circle 2, after which
'Miss Wood gave a short farewell
sipeecin to Mrs, Lane and Miss Helen.
Mrs. Laine was presented with a
.s•ilver .dheese dish and ,Miss Helen
with book ends. •
• The meeting closed'_ by singing,
"For They Are Jolly Good Fell'ow's,"
and "Auld Lang .Syne,"
North Side United Church—Pastor
Rev. W. P. Lane, .B,A.
IN atm, Sunday School and Bible
Public worship at 10. a, in, ancl 7
p.m. Mr. Lane concludes his minis-
try in North Side United 'C'hurch at'
these services.
Reverend Charles Malcolm, M,A,,B.D,
June 24. — a!0 a, nt, The Church
School and !.Bible Study,
a.m., The Spreading Church--
hurch-back to Asia.
Evening service withdrawn for Mr.
Lane's farewell,
!Services for June 24th, St, John the
Baptist -Day, Sunday School and
Bible Class 10 a,m.
Morning prayer, 111 a.m. ,Sermon
by the Rector; topic, 'True Great-
Evening service, 7 pant, Sermon to-
pic, "Development and Liberty:"
welcome Canon. E. ,Appleyard,
'Rector, assisted by Canon Austin
Sermon topic, "The Christ of St.
Kul." Rev. G. E. Morrow, pastor.
Mrs, F. \Viltse of Seaforth an
nounees the engagentean't' of her
daughter Lila Marguerite, to George
E. Radford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Radford of Londesboro,
Mr. and lfrs, Wm, J. Howatt an-
nounce the engagement of their
youngest daughter Sarah Elicitor, to
\[r: Joseph McIntosh Storey, son of
Mr. John H. Storey of MOKilinp, and
the late Mrs. Storey, the marriage to
rake place about the last of June.
The many friends of .lir. Jack
Molyneaux of Chicago will be pleas-
ed to learn of his wonderful success
in winning the scholarship in a class
of three hundred students. The
scholarship is one hundred and fifty
dollars or free tuition for six months
at the Chicago University,
Mr, Molyneaux is a nepinew 01
Mrs, Thos, O'Loughlin and has spent
several vacations in this vicinity.
'District conventidn of the Horticul-
tural 'Association will be held in the
basement o'f,,North Side Church :on
Tuesday, June 216th. !Picnic lunch
from 11230 to ;11 o'clock.. Tea and coffee
supplied. IS!hort instructive ,addresses
will be an 'i'nteres'ting ;feature of the
after-dinner program. Everybody wel-
'The annual (Presbytery picnic of
the Young People of the United
Church will 'be 'held' on !Saturday,
June 03rd at the new summer school
site three miles northof iGoderich.
An afternoon of sports is being plan-
ned ootnniencing at 11:30 p.m. Follow-
ing the pass -around supper a vesper
service will ,con'clud'e She picnic . to
which all the young people are
lOn, June 114th the death occurred of
Mr. 'Joseph W. ,Brownell in his 90th
year, at Melita, Man,. Mr, Brownell
lived in 'Seaforth 'until going west
about thirty years ago, but has visit-
ed with friends here in ,recent years;
,He is 'survived by his 'family, .who Live
in the 'West, also by two brothers, one
in Montneal and Herman i'n Winnipeg
and a •sister, Mrs. 'Sidney Jacobs, in
•Seau ortt,''
Janes Ballantyne, Reeve of Us -
borne Twp„ Warden of Huron Coun
ty last year, was elected to represent
the new riding of Huron in the On-
tario Legislature, defeating George 1-1,
Elliott, Reeve of Clinton, Warden of
Huron County, 1934, by a majority
of 2,1200 in Tuesday's voting.
Mr, Ballantyne's leader will be the
new Premier of Ontario Mitchell F.
Ilepburn, with a clear Liberal major-
ity of 40 over all outer parties. The
standing is Liberals 66, Conservat-
ives 16, Progressives 4, Independent
1, C,C;I . 1 U.F.O. 1, Liberal -Labor 1,
Total 90,
Tuesday's voting is no indication of
the relative personal popularity of
the two candidates in this county,
and, without detracting from the vic-
tor's win, it may be safely said that
n any oidinary election the result le
Huron might have been quite dif-
ferent. There is not a Conservative
elected anywhere west of Toronto
and in the adjacent ridings the Lib-
eral majorities are 4,201 for Robert-
sun and 5,025 for Dickson in Huron -
Bruce and Perth respectively,both
defeating former Conservative mem-
bers. The depression is responsible
for the majority against Mr. Elliott
and likewise for the sweeping de-
feat of the Henry Goverintnent; they
have stet the sante fate as most gov-
ernments during this world-wide de-
Officials in charge of the polls at
Seaforth were, at Mfrs. John Pink
ney's, poll 1, Arnold Case, deputy and
poll clerk, Mrs. R E. Bright,
At Dunlop'. Garage, poll 2, _Murray
Savauge deputy, and- Gordon Ralph
At the Queen's sample roots, poll
3, Arnoid \Vestcatt, deputy and John
Broderick; pal clerk.
At Carnegie Library, poll 4, J. M.
Robertson deputy, and Mr,. Rieman_
At Repier's Garage, poll 5, M. Mc-
Leod deputy, and Mrs, \V. Kerr p.c
At Hiss Dolly Carliu's house, poll
6, W. C. Barber deputy, and Miss
Rivers, poll clerk,
Gleanings: Mr, Ballantyne and his
`upp,•rters are 9 i to certain IIur•on
has not gone t; Ell iett.,,,.,The lads
nnre out the rope on the town bell
at night and J. V. Ryan had to climb
tip to the tower Wed, .a,nt, to *ring
the 7 o'clock bell.. .df you believe
in signs you will notice Hepburn'e
name contains all the letters of
Henry's name except one.,,., The hy-
phenated title (•Independent -Liberal-
Progressive) has dropped off; the
Huron winner is straight Liberal now
The prohibition cause received a
set -back, they had hoped that neither
party would have a ,clear majority.—
One of the oldest voters in Seaforth
was Mrs. Mary Pinkney, 86, in the
East Ward, andby co -incidence her
number on the poll -book was 86:
she was brought to the poll by Gen.
..Charlie Robertson will
nee:( a much longer "whip" next ses-
sion with four times the Liberal
members to boss.....Tho crowd in
Seaforth Tuesday night was jubilant
but remarkably "dry":, .. ,.Mitchell F.
Hepburn will surely want James Ba1-
lantyne for Provincial Treasurer af-
ter: listening to the campaign in
Huron: who knows ? , a, .Hepburn
promised to annihilate the Ontario
civil servants it is all over bet the
s-h-o-o-t-i-n.g, as it were, , , , \V. W.
Cooper is not downhearted and hopes
to be in the next election(,
vote was larger than anticipated,.,•„
and that's that,
!Announcement was made on 'Wed-
nesday at the Collegiate of the prize
winners in each forst:
!Form I -Sarah Whitmore, daugh-
ter of Mr. Sam Whitmore, Tucker -
!Form I'I IAlana Finnigan, daugh-
ter of Mr. Frank Finnigan, Egrnond-
'Fora, 11111. — Dorothy 'Golding.
daughter of Mr, W. H. Golding, M.P.,
Form IV. Allan Keyes, son of
Mr. 13enjaniiin Keyes, !Stanley.
The students have obtained the
highest narks on the year's work in
each forst. Each prize' winter will
receive $5 in books,
!Mayor Sutherland received word
Wednesday morning from the en-
ploymen't office at IStrat'ford that sev-
enteen hien from Seaforth could be
einnployed on the Provincial highway
north of. Clinton, Mayor Sutherland
had forty -(two 'names on his list of
applicants and the first 117 • were
chosen, .
The official count of the ballots in
Huron will be at the residence and
office in Usborue of William Frayne,
Returning Officer, on Tuesday morn-
ing, June 26th,
(Below- is a complete return for Hu-
1Ba1:aa-. Coop- 'El-
tyne er l tt
1 .,...,,t,,, 125 0 63
127 3 63
129 0 1'9
4 129 111 4.6
5 115 '6 48
121 6 35
Total 740 110 277
1 .°..,,,,, 54 a, 44
933 31
3 107 , 2 118
4 1!17 0 25
5 39 7 513
6 ,. , . 34 0 63
7 • 48 5 77.
Total52 '17 314
fi ..,, ,, 100 11 152
3A 90 0 95
3313 77 3 53
84 2 55
3B 73 3 711
4 . , . 27 ?, 62
Total 451 9 493
1 57 0 77
u ,.,..., 42 ti 53
3 1117 3 63
4 147 .'r 54
5 99 1 '23
6 119 2 92
7 ., 72 0 30
9 ,,,, 1,35 4 64
Total ,...,.480 13 514
i '1a 0 '9
2 94 0 21'
a , ., 7:29 4 cl
4 1'Sn 41 59
i S7 0 35
6 ..,,,,., 1113 .3 70
7 53 0' 23
8 ,,,,.. 1'J7 rb 27
Total '459 9 35111
'Majority for Ballantyne 608,
1133 11 83
111.1 123 11 67
:Total „2513 2 1130
'Majority for B:1:antytne 108.
1 ;,4 if 81'
2 : 24
3 23 8 33
4 47al 1711
5 e 0 73
fi 131' 12 54.
7 50 1 TO
13 49 11 133
Total . , ,434 13 547
11 • 207 224
lila! 2 79
3 143 4 73
4 128 4 96
Total 069
Goderfch Twp,72 273
a, 1 . eo lig 109
3 63 11 72
3 59 1 128
4 22 3 102
5 05 0 66
6 51 0 61
Tota: 3411 5 537
9 1o9 1 100
3A 53 (t 107
33 '1' 96
3A 66 fl 93
3f).,16 0 96
Advance 6 0 117
Tota: 415 4 732
3..,,,.,,,,, 1134
a 68
5 30
7 85
111 ,, ...,. 136
1 63
13 60
I2n 60
0 38
0 54
111 55
7 4112
1' 157
0 69
111 59
111 67
5 , . '515 0 71
6 ..,r.. 84 4 172
Totai . 603 7 395
Goderich Town
p 74 3 '47
„ 32' 111 1105
3 e.o. MI 0 408
4 ,,,..,,, 88 111 511
5 ...,...., 111115 4 107
74 12 '50
7 :,,,,147 2 80
9 102 11 138
l0 143 1i n06
1Il ...,,,,., 94 Ill 37
t12 108 2 '1116
Advance . , , 4 0 5
Total 1)_392 1118 9137
Grand totals 32212 1132 159.55
Majority for Ballantyne 2327.
.Mr, ,and Mrs. George T. Wren;
Cromarty; Ont., Annotate' the en-
gagement of their youngest daughter,
Agnes ILOve, to Lloyd George Mc-
Lean, youngest son of Mr. John Mc-
Lean and. the late Mrs. John McLean,
Kippen. The marriage will take place
quietly the end .of June.
New 1)1 all nerware
is now on view. We have just received this year's new designs in
Dinner Ware. All is of English manufacture and English Dec-
oration and very beautiful decorations they are, The new com-
position of 97 pieces, all full sized and newest shape, make very
attractive Dinner Sets and to complete the value they are all open
stock patterns. Notwithstanding the increase in prices we are
pricing these new sets at $23.50 to $25.00 per set
The $25.00 sets are hand decorated. These are imported direct
from England and are marvellous values.
Phone 194.
Res. 10.
The regular monthly nneeting of
the \V.MI.S. of North Side United
Church was held on Thursday after-
noon, June 14tin, Mrs, W. P. .Lane
presided and led in the devotions.
Sixty-two members and ten visitors
were present, Mrs, \V, J. Williams
gave an interesting paper on temper-
ance, "Our Gifts to Christ," was the
subject of a splendid address by the
Christian Stewardship 'Secretary, Mrs,
9. Spencer, captain of Circle Six
then took the chair, Mrs. R.
Frost led in prayer. The Scripture
lesson was taken by hiss J. Rabb,
followed by a most enjoyable duct by
Miss Helen. Lane and Mra, Lane, ac-
companied by Mire, J. Stewart. Read-
ings by Mrs, A. L. Porteous, MIrs. J.
Scott and Mrs. J. G. Docherty were
very interesting,
The follo•,ving address, composed
by Mrs, F, D. Hutchison and Mrs, J.
C. Laing, was then read to our faith-
ful president, Mrs. W. P. Lane, by
Mrs. i•Iutchison:
"Our .Beloved President,—A part-
ing of the ways comes to all in our
lives and to -day another milestone
has been reached. But a milestone is
not for sitting upon, but for standing
on, to review the past, to get a more
'comprehensive view of the past and to
get a glimpse of the future.
"Our recognition of your faithful
services in our Auxiliary is expressed
briefly In these words, enthusiasm,
tact, time, talent, co-operation and
good -will, a sharing life and lip ser-
vice, a passion for the cause of our
missionary endeavors. •
"Your smile and sense of humor
have helped to make our meetings
bright and cheerful—
"The wisest then the world ever knew
Have ,never deemed it treason,
To rest a bit and jest a 'bit,
And balance up their reason;
To laugh a bit and chaff a bit
And joke a 'bit in season."
" At the same time your little talks
and earnest, .pleading, up -lifting pray-
ers created an atmosphere of rever-
ence and devotion, and were a stimu-
lus to help us to realize the nobility of
our work, and to provide an incentive'
to carry on. Your opening prayer, in
particular, will always be a sweet
"As our contributions for•titis quar-
ter are 'somewhat in arrears, to show
our appreciation of alt you have done
for us, we are making a special effort
on your behalf, to bring the amount
up to its full quota.
"Ian accepting the flowers presented
to you; may you behold the white for,
purity, the blue for piety, the purple
for loyalty, the pink for faithfulness,
the red for strength of purpose, the
yellow for love, all twinedtogether
with .green for memory. -
fAs: one door closes,'a,nother opens.
\fay the opening of the new dour
bring you a hearty cheery welcome,
with much joy, peace and happiness
to you and yours. As a token of our
esteem and grateful acknow•ledgmen:
of your splendid leadership, .guidance
and assistance in every department of
our W.M.S. work, allow us to say:
"Because of your etr r 1p faith we kept
the track,
'Whose sharp stones our strength had
well-nigh spent,
\Ve could not meet your eyes if we
had turned back,
ISO on we went.'"
"Signed en behalf of the R \I S.
of North Side united Church Mrs.
Robert Archibald. 1st vice president;
Minta J. Finlayson, 'Secretary. Sea
forth, June 14th, 11934,"
Mrs. Lane was encircled by her
captains, Mrs. C. Glew, Mrs. W. J,
llointos'h, Mrs, G. Black, Mrs. Annie
Reit(, Mfrs. W. Black, Mlrs,'5. Spencer,
each carrying a beautiful bouquet
front her group: Mrs. Porteous from
the a -sociate helpers, Muss MI, !Som-
erville from the shut-ins. Mrs. Lane
replied in a touching manner which
will long be remembered by all those
tAll remained standing while one
verse of "Blest Be the Tie that
,Binds," was sung. Mrs, R. Archibald
closed the meeting with the Mizpah
benediction, The offering for the dal-
amounted to $53.60.
On June 116th Egmondville met
a defeat in the Southern Group at
the hands of Brucelfield Rovers, It
was a good clean game all the way
through. In the first half Brucefield
had a little edge over 'Egmondville,
but neither team scored, The second
half went fairly even for the first .
fifteen minutes and the Rovers got -a.
foul kick on Egmondvilie, and Ruth-'-
erford, the Bru'ce`fie'ld fast centre fora..
ward, put a bullet like shot through
Egmondivflle gotal, which MoGee h.•td.i
no chance to s'av'e, From then on the.
Egm'ondvi'le team 'bombarded the •
Brucefield gdalie, 'hitting goal• stakes
and cross bars. Luck .seethed against •
them and Levis, the star Brucefield
goalie saved many shots that looked '
like sure goals. jack Armstrong .ref.
ereed the game.
IEgmmndville goes to Bayfield on
Friday night and plays Seaforth on
Monday night.
!Bayfield played at Kippen on Tues -
clay night. Kippen had' their first vic-
tory by winning the game 3=1.. Art
Nicholson refereed,
Walton playe;d irt.. scoreless game at
Winthnop on 'Wed'nesday evening,.
IBruceifield played at Seaforth our
Wednesday. The store was 301'- int
favor el : Brucefield.