HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-14, Page 8PAGE ,EIGHT, THE SEAFORTH NEWS.. HENSALL. iSoldan - McAllister Reunion. - A very successful gathering, known as the Soldan and 'McAllister reunion; was held on Saturday,'June 9, at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, John Parke, 3rd con. of Ilay, near Hensall, when about 1!d5 relatives from Canada and the United States met, Relatives were present from Detroit, Flint, Marlette, Applegate, G ldwiniPigeon, Mich, and Stratford, Shakespeare Blyth, Brussels, Ralliainsford, \fftchell, af.onkton, Hyde Park and London, After all had done justice to a sump- tuous dinner the following sports vaere conducted by Norma Douglas. of Hyde Park and Margaret Johnson ani lack Soldan cf H•ensell; .Running races, 4 -7 -Lawrence Sol, clan: Se112-.Margaret • Hey, '!'browing the ball, 8 and under, Leroy McAl- lister. Pillow case relay, Mrs, Ed. D: uilas. Dodge the ball, • Laidlaw Strachan. Bean rice, Norma Douglas orad Mrs. M. Mair, Kicking the clip- per, Lois Ronnenberg. Tie race, sMr, and lits. Selwyn baker. Slipper race, •Drs. sSUlan Soldau and L. Soktan. Married women's race,. Mrs. S. Mc- Allister, Married men's race, Milton nnneaberg, Sewing on button, \Vin. Sedan (.Mich,). Stepping off 90 feet, Laidlaw Strachan, Rope walking eons- test, on,test, Stewart McAllister. Clothespin race. 'Ennnerson -Rassntan. Young n:cu s race Milton.- Ronnenberg. -_ting girls' race, Lois Ronnenberg. Iciest person present, Mrs,• John J;,ivaetot, age 83 years, Youngest pre- sent. Betty Parke, aged 7 weeks, After the sports all returnMed t 1\ the • lawn and the president, Flak called on the following for an a idre s: A. Soldan, Pigeon; C, Heller, \Ic nktou, L. McAllister, \lli:ter, Applegate, 'H. C. Solder, Hensall, \V. C, Soidea, Michigan, Election of Grocers then took. place and it was decided to hold the next annual picnic in Michigan. -There •pas`ed• away at Clinton on Sotutday, :Tune 9th. John \ Wren: ,:.:ed 49 years, Mr. \\'ren was born ir: Hibbert township, a son of t!telate William and Mr,. Wren of 'Hibbert, nd spent his early life there, When ayonnog man be went to Dakasta and seent about 25 gars: ten years ago 1'. came home and lived with his bro- the late sico. W. 'Wren oe the -•n in Hibbert and later in Hensall, 1=e has been an invalid for several yearsand about three years ago he rear. te, the county home to reside. Ileleavee to mourn his loss, two els - Mrs. Nicholas 'Horton of Hen - and Sirs, 3, H. 'HAI of Califor- fate funeral took place on Mon- afteneon. interment takn;g place \vela- arts cemetery. Rev. Arth- Site,air had charge of the service. The al:bearers were John Shep- rer;' tie T. Wren, john Elder, Jas. hi -.cc. Harry Horton and Geo. . ,. re A large nuncber of relatives, n, 'rs and friends gathered at toe cemeteeY to pay their respects. 51 'Wm. i McLean n a n d children of ' visiting with Mrs, Mc- oarents, -lir. and Mrs, John :tr.:old Mrs. John Passnte're and Miss •t;ladye. visited - ever seek tool with relatives in Ilamil- ' h; leetlt occurred Monday et -do- n ne 11.: Mi -5 Alice May \Valk- te Queen •.Auaandria Sanitnrium, Leo -Son. l,:l- e tt • an illness of eix. .n with •a lt_ ab.ne.e,'She was tee eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, '•re Walker. was born in Tacker- : ; on April '27. 19t19, and has spent of her ie in that community, vlies Welker was a member of Cann- ' i'eestisoferian Church. She w•as c» and hinhly esteemed large circle of friends, She is go -vivo -1 by her parents, two sistere, Olive rut 1 He'.en and •• one brother, Th, inneral will beheld from Ole home of her parent=, Thursday, Jere 14. at 2,30 p.m., interment in ,,ird' cemetery. - \1 . and lit Lloyd Hudson of Fs -cod visited c ver the •week end with their relatives and friends Stere. 1f l 'ho Murdoch has been visit- the i ttan past week with relatives 5. tt M. Dr'r'thy Kyle of London ‘sseet the •,veek end visiting her par - seer, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Kyle, Rev, W. A. Young o. Carmel -Pres- b terian Church has been in Toronto this week attending a convention. hiss Grace Brock and Miss Alice 'I-Iiggins of Woodstock spent 'Satur- i:ay evening at their 'homes. Mr, \V. A. McLaren .spent Sunday visiting with 'his brother; air. John McLaren of 'Seaforth. • There passed away in the Toronto General 'Hospital on Monday, June ;lib, Alice Mabel Dick, beloved wife of Roy Webber, aged 314 years. She had been in poor health for several months and for the last three weeks has been in a critical condition. On Sunday she was' taken to 'Toronto to consult a specialist who advised an operation, The operation was .performed Mon- day -'but she did not rally .and passed away shortly afterward. 'Mrs. Webber was born in Hay to'wnsbip, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James 'Dick of the London Road. About el- even. years ago she was married to Mr. Webber and they nto•ved to Hen - sell to reside and she has been a val- rted and 'highly respected resident • since. tBesides her bereaved 'husband she leaves to mourn her loss, two little children, Erna, aged 6, and Don, 2; her father and mother, and threebro- thers, Arthur, of ILonel'ot, Ross, of .Toronto, and Rex. .al Usborne. The ,funeral will.:take place from her late home, King'. street, Hensall, T'hursday afternoon to the -Lutheran Church, Zurich, where a service will. be held, interment. in the Lutheran cemetery. The sympathy of the whole •common-' ity goes to Mr. Weber and children and her Mather and mother • in their. sad bereavement. Another of t'he • hall games in the in't•ercounty intermediate_B• series was played here on 'Friday evening bet- ween St. Marys and 'Hensel. •Hensall won 113w1'. IA large crowd was present ea witness the game. •Our council are having ali the .streets in the village oiled this week. lmhe work is 'being done with a corn-, ty oil Spreader. Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. J. 'daughter, Miss Gladys, visited over the weer end with relatives in Hamil- ton, their daughter Mrs, AVidliaht McLean and children returning with t'hent and ,.'ill'visit here for a time. Mr, and Mrs. `•R'oss 'Dick and little son of Toronto and Mr. Arthur Dict: of London are home attending the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs, Roy Weber, 'lir, A. '\V, E. Hemphill is improv- ing the appearance of his drug store by having it re -painted, STANLEY. Mrs. Memo Steckle Jr. -It is with deepest regret that we report the death of Sirs. Steno Steckle Jr, which dccurred ,at London Hospital on Sun- day evening, following an operation for appendicitis, • Sitrs. Steckle had been ill all Spring with rheumatic fe- ver and did not have sufficient reserve of strength to rally from the shock of the'operation, She was a very bright and sincere Christian, 'and bore her sufferings in the spirit of ',her Master, in whose footsteps she fol- lowed so closely. Her last words to her clear ones were "Resting in the Everlasting Arms," She leaves to mourn their deep loss her 'husband and two litle ones, her mother and brother of Elmira, and her sister, Mrs. Peter Ginerich, near Blake. Tice deep sympathy of the entire com- munity is extended to them in their affliction. BAYFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lord and child of London were gntests. of _Mr's, K. Davison, on Sunday, , Mrs, Anna Brown of Clinton, Iowa, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, ':Archibald Armstrong, is now occupy- ing her cottage. Mr, F. Devereaux of Seaforth has engaged to assist in ;P, A, Edward's store for the stumpier. Mr, and Mrs. bred Davison of De- troit spent a few days. Considerable excitement was caus- ed here Tuesday when Clare, the three and a half year son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs of Stratford, who with their fancily are guests at the Ritz Hotel, strayed away about 110.30 and was not noticed for a time when a search was in'tttnted some with cars and others .'n bicycles. About 4 o'clock the child was seen by \Ir. 'Frank Keegan on the Sauble line and he brought it to Bayfield. Clare had left the hotel and wandered to the Lake road and fol- lowed it to a sideroad leading to the Sauble line and must have travelled nearly two miles and was not alarmed when found by Mr. Keegan. ..Confirmation service, -Rt, Rev. C. A. Seager, D.D„ Bishop of the Dio- cese, visited the parish of Bayafield for confirmation on Monday, Dupe 11'1, at church of the Holy Trinity, Bay- field, The service was held in the ev- ening and the church was crowded to capacity when thirty-three candidates were confirmed, In addition to tate confirmation service the Bishop dedi- cated a number of gifts to the church during the inetunbency of the present rector, Rev, W. G. Bugler, who was appointed here last Novem- ber. These included a rood screen, a prayer desk, electric lighting and con- siderable alteration to accommodate the iastallation of these gifts, To em- phasize the fact that the sacrament of confirmation was an act of the church as a whole there were assisting in the service besides the rector and the Bi- shop, three other priests of the church, Rev. J. N. H. Mills, Ven. Archdeacon 'Jones -`Bateman of Godes rich and .Rev. K, McGann, of Clinton. The Bishop stressed the value of the sacramental life as the means of •real- tzir g, true fellowship of all christians and pointed out that such a concep- tion of the sacraments was the cen- tral idea of the Book of Common Prayer in his address to the candidates and the congregation assembled. At the close of the service the Bishop commended the people for their splen- did gifts and improvements to the church, malting as ire said, "God's Sawctuary a p'l'ace of beauty." The candidates confirmed: Charles 'Parker, ,Keith Gemein•hard, James Attwood, :Gordon Heard, Robert iMciLeod, Tho- mas Scotc'hmer, Arthur M'c'Cain'ch'ey, Evelyn Gemeinhard, Doris lGemein- hard, Delores Atwood, Mary Jean Moorhouse, Mary Widcombe, Anna S'cote'hmer, Be•rthena Sturgeon, Ern - ma Sturgeon, Marie McClinch'ey, Pa- tricia Atkinson, George Colclough, Donald Colclough, Elwin Colclough; Charles Cooper, Kathleen Middleton, Mrs. Edna Cooper, Mrs, Catherine Wise, Daphne Colclough, Elizabeth Chuter, Harvey Chatter, 'Robert Ald- winkle, Horace Brotherton; Joseph' Hayter, Charles Hayter. Dr, Seager spent the night at the rectory and returned to London on Tuesday, Mr, Thomas Shaddick Hensall, an-,. pounces the engagement of his only daughter, Elva Lillian, to .Harold Ross 'Sermon, Port Dover, only son of M:rs. S'crutoi and the late Alfred iScrutot, Hensall, the marriage to take place the end of June. The Exploits of An Unscrupulous Brunette 1A detailed account of the career of a beautiful woman who Il'eft a .trawl of cheated rneu across two continents and succeeded in ensnaring a mil- lionaire, This amazing story of fem- inine wiles appears in the American 'Weekly with next Sunday's 'Detroit Times. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1934 KIPPEN. The. June meeting of the \•V, M. S..� was held at the isme of Mrs, Homey on Wednesday the 6th, Mrs, W. 591, Cooper presided and after the Scrip- ture lesson read by Mrs. H., Jones,'. led in prayer. The Roll Call subject 'Fellowship, was responded to to eighteen ladies. Following the discus slots of business Mrs. j, H. Cochran read the devotional leaflet, 1lrs. H 12cMurtrie led in prayer and Mrs. N IH, Jones took charge of the topic "Chinese Work in ' Canada, Ther are 50,0'0'0 Chinese in Canada, th greater part of whom lite et the 'Pa cific .Coast. The General Board o the United Church has work ancon the Orientals in eight cities west o the Great Lakes, iltt each ,of tbes cities -there is a native :pastor, Th '\\r, M. S. has work in Victoria, Van cat;ver, Toronto and Montreal, Th work is carried on along three line of ,Christian endeavor,- educational evangelical, and medical. The subli'ec of 'Oriental immigration is a much de bated subject. The opposition is base on the ground of race distinction Europeans can be assimilated, Orien tats never. Competition would lowe the standard of living. (Our citizens especially our children should not be exposed to .oriental standards of .mor•cls. The arguments on the other side are, racial differences are not funda- mental, exclusion is inconsistent with the principles of free government. The entrance of Orientals into the country should be accepted as a chal- lenge to Lind a (Christian solution, They are here. Shalt we antagonize them or shall we be their 'frienis The meeting closed with song and the benediction. The 3tt1y meeting will be held at the summer cottage of Mr,and Mrs, Chandler. e g e e 5 d • r CONSTANCE. 'lir, and Mrs. Jack Davidson and son of Bruce'field were guests at the hone of Mr. and -\Lrs, Robert Law- son on Sunday last. {:lar, and Mrs. Isaac Mc''Gavin of Mohillop were guests atthe home of Mr. and -tars. Peter Lindsay on Sun- day last. Mrs, Arthur Bromley,- Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, -\Ir, and Airs. James Dale. (:Ter bro- ther Bill accompanied her back to Toronto and is spending a few days there. The Sunday School anniversary services held :on Sunday were a de- cided success in every respect, 'Phe weather being ideal, a large number availed themselves of the privilege of hearing Rev, J. C. °Britton, Mr, tBrit- ton preached two very forceful serm- on., both very instructive and inspir- ing. Lt the morning he spoke to the Sunday School along the line of relig- ious training in the S.S. and also in the home. In the evening he took his text from Isaiah 112;2 urging his hearers totake a firmer grip on the more endurable and eternal verities of life, In the morning the young people's choir sang two very beaut'ful anthems attar. Miss Mildred Britton sang a very beautiful solo in her usual good voice, entitled, "I (Shall Not Pass This \Vey Again," in the even- ing the regular choir 'had charge of the music and sang a very pleasing anthem. Mrs. 13. 13. Stephenson and Mrs. Leo Stephenson sang a very pleasing duet entitled ..\Iy Home, Sweet Home." lir, ,Anderson Scott delighted his audience with a very beautiful solo "Open the,•Gates of, the Temple." The Live \Vire Sunday School Class are entertaining the S.S. at their social evening on Friday. The W.A. and W.M.S. are holding a joint meeting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley on Thursday afternoon, Mrs, R. E. McKenzie will give an address on the Branch con- vention. Mr, Arnold Dale is wearing a simile, his wife presented hint with a fine baby boy at Clinton hospital on Thursday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Ferguson visited Mr. and 'Mrs. T'hos, Noble, E. \V'a- wanosh, on Sunday. 'lir. Thos. Livingston and daugh- ter Mrs. Geo. Pocket, and Miss Livingston of Clinton attended the S. S. anniversary service and were guests of Mr. and Airs. John Mc- Gowan. Nis'itors at the home .of Mr, and :Mrs. Orville Da'l'e on Sunday were: Mr. Carman 7lazlewootl, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, Joyce and Mavis, Thomas Carter,, Miss Brickenden and Edward Dale, of London. 'hiss Lillian Adams, Messrs. John and CliffordAdana and Alex, Rich- ards spent Sunday. at .the home ' of bir. and Mrs. 'A. Dexter. We are sorry to hear that Mr.Theo Dexter is on the 'sick list at present, but hope he will soon be ,around again Marjorie and Evelyn, were. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dexter, Mr. end Mrs. R. (Rogerson ,spent Thursday, of last ,week in Winglia:m. We are pleased to .know that Mr. George ,Wheatley, who 'has been i11, is improving, • Mr. •and ivLrs. D. Watson, Donna and 'lone,. and 1Mr, ;John 'Rogerson of Walton spent Sunday at .Mr. Robert Rogerson'a. Mrs. George Addison has returned front visiting frien'cia in .Hamilton. HILLS -GREEN Mr. and'Mrs. Was. Love and dau- ghter, Miss Thelma, of Ailsa Craig, visited with 'Mr, and Mrs,. Gordon Love: The Messrs: McAlister .and wises from 51ichigan, were visiting their many relatives and friends tlttriag the 'week end, and also attending the re union of the Soldau friends 'held near (Hensall recently. Miss Nellie Dunlap of St. Thomas visited her friend, Miss Lettie Love. 1•1r. Ross Dick of Toronto spent Sunday with firs. Dick's .parents, Mr, and Mrs.J. Cochrane, stirs, Ross Dick and son Douglas returned to their home in Toronto' after spending a ,felw weeks with friends in the vicinity. IA Marge attendance ,was present at the Young People's :Sund'ay evening anniversary service last Sunday when the guest s'pea'ker, Rev. Gale front Bayfield delivered a very fare ad-' dress. The :choir from IK'ippen render- ed a fine aittheni,"Walk about Zion," which. Was match enjoyed. Misses, jean Ivison. and Edna Cochrane sang "Somehow;" very nicely. yr. and .A.i.rs. \Vnn. Hart of Stan-. 'ley township visited Mr. Wm, Parrott and Atutie, M:rs. Robt•Hoplei'ns returned to her hotne in Hinsdale, Ill., after visiting her parents for a few weeks; The Young People 'held their anniversary service in :the ilI'ilts,green Church on thine 110 in. the evening at 7:30 pan, iRev. Mr, Gale of !BaYfreld woes the guest speaker, The Ontario IBro'therlt o o d o f Threshet•nnen are 'ho'l'ding 'their an- nual 'Picnic at 'Rontdeau Park on Jame 23, 11934. number of the 'many friends from this .vicinity attended The funeral .of the late Mr, iHenryiReichert held in. Zurich on Sunday,- Mr. and iIr`s. Clutter of 'Stratford spent '.Sunday with the clatter's par- ents, Mr. and bars. J. Richardson and Ross, Miss Annie 'Jarrott has returned to her hone after spending a couple of months in the interest to 'her health at Dr. 5Toir's (Hospital, Huron, Springs. \fisc iJessie Johnston of .Clifford Visited friends in this vicinity during the week -enc, Yr. and Mrs. D IB, Saunders, soil Norman and Miss Alcoa Kelly :of London, Air. and Mrs, !Gibson Brown of 'Windsor visited friends in this vic- inity on .Sunday, 'Miss Rena !Stephenson :spent a short visit in Stratford with 'friends, Mr. \\ran, Cochrane .of 'Hinsdale, Ill„ spent et short visit With his par- ents, Mr, and airs, John Cochrane and family, \ors. John Cochrane spent a clay iu London recently, Rev, E. 1. Chandler has several men busy ,working on his Sutttrner hone near tGoderich, TUCKERSMITH. Yr, and \irs. Jacob Troyer of To- ronto spent a few days last week at the ]come of la;rt Thos. Coleman, hav- ing conte up to attend the Troyer Reunion at Bayfield. (Rev. H. L. Troyer of Toronto at- tended the Troyer Reunion held last Saturday at Bayfield and stopped aver a few days .and lectured at the Sea - forth and Clinton collegiate on Tues- day before returning home, Mr. Edgar Allan is on the sick list. His many friends hope to hear of a speedy recovery. Mr. and lIrs, Thos. Levitt off *In- gersoll spent the week -end at Russell Coleman's. !Mrs. Will Coleman, Miss Annie Consitt and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman of (Hensall spent' last Sun - lay at ,Mr. Thos. Co'ldman's, The Jitne meeting of the T,udcer- stnit'h Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. !Frank Walters with twentyafive members and five visitors present.'T'he roll call was answered by "Sing, Shy or 'Pay," and proved quite interesting. A letter froth the London Road. Ladies' Clttb was read inviting the Tuckersenxi•tt 'Club to the .June meeting to 'be held at the home of Mrs, Swinbank on the B11st of this Month, The invitation was accepted. The question of the annual club pic- nic was discussed and it was decided to hold same Saturday, July 7th, on the grounds of school section, No. 6, to whicih all members and their fart flies are invi't'ed, This will take the place of the regular ,meeting. Interest- ing readings were given by Mrs. Wal- ters, Mrs. Albert Pepper and Mrs. 1G. McGregor. Teli meeting' closed with the 'l-Iomemalcers' Prayer, after which Mrs, F, Townsend and Mrs. Fear Chose sides for a very entertaining and amusing spelling match in which Mrs. Fear's side won. Patterns for a 'stiltedly 'quilt were distributed among ;the members and- a prize is being offered for the best block pre- sented, these to be jttdiged at the Aug- ust'meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs, Fear, This will he the sl Bar aitts • Schneider's lard 2 lbs. Cash 21c fl 37c� 3.75 �' .,Maxwell House toffee Barb Wire, 4x6 Roll Red Rose Tea Pound. Cash.. , . ,' Johnson's Wax Pound lin 59c. Men's Heavy Shoes , 2 18 Pair �iit ■ 3t Pays to Buy in Egmondvil:le .11!x. FINN I 1 GISI sausert annual children's meeting. (Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and bL•rs. Alex. Wallace were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake and Bernice of Colborne Tp., Mr. attcl Mrs. 'N'or- anan Walker, Brnccfie'ld, bliss May 'Wallace. of 51clIiillop, 'Misses Annie and' Irene Leath•erlanct, lir. Lawler of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Har- rigan and family of one daughter and three sons, of !Chatham, lir: Janes Wallace, of Hibbert .Mr. and Mts. Lorne Pepper Have returned to their home in Stamford after a three weeks' visit with friends here. Miss Marjory IIay accompanied them back for a week's visit. Miss ,Ra'by ,Davis of E+xeter is visit- ing her friend Miss Dora Dalrymple. Mr. Mont, Patrick 'had a very pain- ful accident one day last week when Ile fell off the colony house and sus- tained two broken limbs, His many friends wish for a speedy recovery. - 'Miss Anna Wallace, nurse -in -train- ing of London, is visiting• her parents, ldr, and Mrs. SVm. Wallace. Miss Ann _Moore spent a few days in Toronto hast ween:. ELIMVILLE. Quite a number ''frown 'here attend- ed the anniversary services . in Zion' 'Church last Sunday. Rev. 3..R. Pet- ors was in 'Dungannon on Sunday preaching for Rev, bit-. McMillan who. took charge of the services at Zion.' Miss 'Jay Whitlock of St. 'Thomas visited in this vicinity last ,Sunday* 'Sunday .School Anniversary 1Serv- ices will be •held in this 'church Sun- day July list. Rev. C'ltas !Malcolm, lhtl„ • BAD., of. Egmondvil'le, 'will preach at bot'h services, The choir is preparing special music. MANLEY. The late rains have made every- body smile that relief has come at last, and there is still hope fur a bumper (crop. Quite a number from here attend- ed the IIoly Nance rally in Clinton last Sunday, as the weather was idea} for the occasion. 'Messrs. (Tarry Benn•eweis and John Leonhardt have .leased the farm of the estate of the late lir, and Mrs.. Johtt Zeigler, which i3 owned by Mrs, Robert Gray of Hibbert. EEECHWOOD 11iss Marie Burns of Seafortlt spent 'Sunday at the home of her parents, -l'Ir, and Mrs. John Bttrns. Quite a number from hereattended the. Holy Name Rally at Clinton on. 'Sunday. • CARD OF THANKS :\\fie wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to the people of Walton and vicinity for their sympathy and the many kind acts shown during father's illness, 'We also appreciate and thank.those who sent flowers and those w'hoso kindly loaned their cars for .funeral. --Mrs. 51. Fulton, Mrs, J. Carter, Mrs.. E. L. A'Itree. CARD OF THANKS The 'family of the late !Samuel Storey Sr., wish to thank the many Ifrien:dos and, neighbors far sympathy and kindness during their bereave- ment. FOR SALE IA field of mixed 'hay. Will sell or exchange for a few grass cattle: J. J. Coyne, ,S'•taffa, 'Ont. 24 NOTICE ,Mr. Geo. Mann Jr. has purchased front Bandon Bros., Forest, Ont., the three-year-old stallion, Footman by: Bridgebank Footman, This is an un- usually good young Iroise of 'out- standing good quality, and 'has won list in class and reserve grand .chatm- piotnship at 'both the Canadian Na- tional exhibition' and' London, Ont.,; and :also the .Watson shield for best horse, any age, born acid bred' in :Can- ada. Mr 'Marin has done well for his locality in bringing this young horse' into it, He draws 'the premium for 1934. Will stand for improvement of stock at his own stable, Lot 14, Con- cession 3, Hallett. Terms $I10 ,payable. March 1st. /Person's disposing of mare'laefore foaling time will be charged full price. Geo. Mann, gr,,,, owner and manager, O5, AUCTION SALE. Of Desirable House and Lot mak Contents of Same .in the Wham of Dublin. The Executors of the 'Estate o CiC.t-• Uterine Carlin, late of the Village ••e Dublin, widow, deceased, have i sttucted Fred ,Abrens, auctioneert tit;, sell by public auction on .Salm-daye Janne 116th, 1934, at 2 P.m. sharp,. sessa- the premises the following desiage: pt'opet'ty;--' Parts of lots 11'36 and 1137 in I1 n•"rcte- head's Survey of part of Lott .Ntarze- ber 15 in the list. Concession o- Township of Hibbert and situate: l t'he South (East corner of MEI area; Union Streets, in the Village elf Dublin, 'On said parts of said Lots s erected a fine 2 story dwelling cons- taining 9 rooms and bathroom •z:ieltt cement foundation and cellar,light-et by eletcricity and having haul masa. soft Water, hard water being- arch; in from •good well on the propertag the house. The dwelling is so dirties' that it has been used a, a el-'Sisi'e- house and half of the house is mow rented to very desirable tenants om a monthly tenancy. At the same time and place FeAss lowing chattels will he sold byib1ic auction: 1' white iron bed, 1 u :tear bed, springs, mattri?sses, feather :_choz and pillows, t1 wash stand, 1 stainer machine, .1 bureau, 1 trunk, sasrati. tables, pictures, 1 couch, aurae ,. drapes, 3 arm chairs, curtain leesis cushions, 6 cane -bottom chairs, _ zmr, 9'X112', '2 rocking chairs, 1 large z- ror, 1 eight-day, clock, 1 three-roow.- ered cupboard, +1' falling -leaf :able,;, linoleum, 1 Jewel cooking store 1. heating stove, kitchen chair, a a:xcs- roc grill, washing machine, •:rr.saes-, clothes -basket, boiler, tub, coal :em tie, shovel, sealers, uteniils, i sate ; ,rubber hose, and other articles %ea• numerous to mention, all is goo -.2 ceox dition. Terms on Property -Ten per tent., of purchase price on day of Sale; '',as'-• ante within Thirty clays. Terms on Chattels -Cash. For 'further particulars and yen.• i-• tions of 'sale apply to JOHN J. lfiUGGARD, Seaforth, 'knk !Solicitor for Exssal w- IDated June 4, 11934. Fred 'Ahrens, Anct-..tom. GIRL WANTED Young girl wanted for 'ge::eras housework, whole or part time. Aga - ply to Box, 727, The ,Seaforth Nerrs 29 WANTED IAt once, .experienced girl for 3a eral :household duties for family.. of three. Apply to Mrs, W. C. .Simanta. :Seaforth. • vx BABY OHIGKiS (For the remainder of the seZsow we are offering :chicks Front our producing Government approved -snit blood'tested stock: Barred 'Rocker sit.. Legihorns $7 per thitndned, also stag a. ehfcks, pu'l'lets, coc'kerel's, 'etc. at sortable prioes. Andrew IA, Above, Sea:forth, Ont. FOR SALE 'C'abbage plants for sale. Late calf- bage, Summer cabbage and Early ,mar• Inge, all t'he .above Ia't'one cent p'lan't. Aisle OeuBfio'wers at 115 pia ter. for •twen'ty cents. K.rauslkop'f QEezase, 'Lot 34, Con. 3, Logan, Picone 36 x z., Dulbllin. 24. PERENNIAL AND ROCK GARDEN PLANTS: Also Annuals and 'B.eddumg 'P1.res, Visit the Mitchell Nursery Co., bIib chel•1, Ont,; or pluon:e 07. 'FOR SALE 'Former Stewart gas station statf seven acre's of land 'with ]house,' en N. Main 's'tredt. IDf not sold' will he. rented. Apply tto 'John A. Cud.no e 'Execu'tor for Henry ICudmore Evu+a_ Clinton R. R. 2. Phone 3 on. 6t9. 3ESIRA{BLE PROPERTY IN ''WALTON FOR St&LE fA seven •rolomed• +bri•cic ''hawse crpcxrc- ped with hydro, telephone .and Barg - 'ace, a 'good stabile and .garage arcd,, acre 'of"land. A few fruit trees- ha t? . to W. 3. Woods, Waken, or 'lazes; Brussels 19 :r 7.