HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-14, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1934
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(Continued from. Page 3.)
local mothers' alio.wance board in
October, ;119314,
}Archibat d -Hanley — That this
council invite one or .more represen-
tatives of the 'Secondary School
Trustees Association elf this county
to ad'dres's the council on questions
pertaining to the 'secondary education
and 'that Ibhe clerk communicate with
their secretary, 'Mr.' Cooper, of Clin-
ton', and ,turna;nge when they can meet
with us, Carried.
IS weitzer_lTurner-4.11hat we, give an
additional $i110Tor ,the upkeep hof flow-
er beds .around the court 'house. Car-
:Sauttcliers-Cold'tleorpe — That we
m:einoriize'It'he government to make
ft an vette e
against the -law for trap-
sients to impose upon the p'ub'lic, the
said tranleients shaving worked .in
some muhuioipal.ity during the sum-
mer months, tharefo•e the municipal-
ity receiving the.lbeneffit of their, tabor
ta'1ee care of 'chem during the winter
months. --Legislative committee. ,
'Ball'antyne'=Meiicic—That the equal-
ihkti'on of .the county stand as in, 11023.
Carried. ;
Afternoon (Session
Tlhe alfternoon, session was presid-
ed - over by Reeve I.R. J. IBl•wunan of
it'russels, whose alppoilltlpent by the
Warden Arad authorized by 'Council at
I the morning session, to allow ler. El-
liott's attendance at a political meet-
ing in lids behalf, held in Exeter. The
same privilege was accorded .\G•.
Ballantyne the next day, A deputa-
tion 'front Grand Bend was present
and Reeve iSweitzer an their 'behalf
asked for police jurisdiction • for
'Grand 'Bend, intimating they would
like a county constable appointed and
recommended that 1,l-esell'h G'ravelle be
given the position, which was endor-
;lex-Reeve •Henderson of Morris was
asked to ,address the Council. •Ile had
been appointed to the \\gingham high
school board, He was not in 'favour
of reductions in teachers' salaries. In
\\rfnghanl the principal's salary had
been. reduced from $3,600 to $3,000.
Ex -Warden IMsIZib'bon of Wting'ham,
Mr, H. Cox of Colborne and J. J.
Hayes, also briefly .addressed the
The report of the Good Roads
Commission .was adapted as follows:
Eight meetings of the , commission
have been held this year. and the to-
tal .of the committee Pay"s'lieets is
One meeting was held in Toronto
at the time of the 'Goon Roads con-
vention and trucks' were examined',
since it was planned to make .a pur-
chase.. Sessions of the convention
were attended and `many interesting
addresses were heard.
All application under- the Relief
Measure was made for work; totalling'
$360,000, and approval was secured
for an amount di $200,000; of which
$11210,000 was estimated as labor cost.
Since th'e attitude of the council re-
garding this matter was not known,
it las not been possible to formulate
definite recommendations regarding
the work for the season, I'f it is de-
sired to raise no more money t'h'an
last year, by transferring certain costs
to the construction account, the cost
\vitt be: General and Maintenance $611,-
000, subsidy, 113103500;.possible relief
expenditure, $66,000, subsidy, $46,000;
total, $107,0000, subsidy, $7163500, 'leavr
, 11,;0130 payable by the County, or
:,i•wg $S 1
about 1.0 milts as the rate Was last
I5 the total .of the antonet a:pproveci
is absorbed, tete cost to the.county,
ill be approximately as- 'foldow-s: Or-
d1nary'general and maintenance $61';-
0'00,subsidy $ 310,a00; relief :expendi-i
tune, $21003000 subsidy, $1140;0.00; ,total.
$ 01,1000, sulbsidy $1170,1500 leaving
009,500 payalble by the County, ap-
proximately 2,mills.
Naturally all of these figures ` are.
more -or less indefinite, due to the un-
certain proportion, that the labor cost
will he. These were computed on the
basis of 60 per cent, labor and 40 pe'
cent, other costs, ri'hich would apply
on grading and ;other .similar const-
ruction jabs, bat there would be litany
items on which this proportion woulu
not apply.
No calcium chloride has !been put
chased for the county road: this year
and if it is not the intention to ap
prove of such expendittires, your
commission would' appreciate a rttlin!,
as many requests for dustlaier 'have
bcee received, •
One Roo truck has 'beein turned it
and the purchase of an Internationa
Model ,A4 truck, w'hic'h purchase was.
made through the department o
The motorcycle of the traffic officer
has been exchanged for a new one,
the County paying $2210 extra.
tRega'rd•ing the .designation of the
'Zurich road a's a Provincial Highway,
it is felt that there are many other
County roads carrying mare through
traffic, -batt since the application has
been Made by the Township of PIay,
if the province is going to pay 00 to
100 per cent of the cost no reason to
object to the a.ss•um'ptioit Of this road
can be seen,"
CardiffaGamble—That this Coun-
cil ask Crown Attorney Holmes to
hare Thomas Guud'y's duties dis-
pensed with es County Constable.-
Davidson-,IIcib all,—That the mile-
age in the County of Huron for con-
stahle fees be adjusted to Levy the
same .as Ontario's governmental .sys-
tem -instead of the present system of
fifteen cents per utile and the same
fees for serving summons as provin-
cial system, --;Filed.
IEcieert;Scott=That the clerk get
the information as to how many
eodtity constables, where their resi-
dence is, and repert.at next sessiu1l. -
Saunders-Clo'klthorpe — That this
council continue the use of calcium
chloride on all county, roads, where it
affects the resident,,- as it not only -
prevents the Menace and danger Of
dust but preserves the surface of
roads. -'Good Roads Committee,
Thursday Morning
The county rate was fixed at 6
mills at the meeting of Huron county
council on Thursday, morning, made
up as follows: general county rate, 4-2
mills; county road tate, 1c2 mills, and
for provincial highways .6 mills, The
rate is the Sante aslast year
A. R. G: 'Smith, weed inspctor. of
Ontario, was introduced by Ian Mac-
Lead, 'Agricultural .Representative for
Huron. STe said that at the present
nnlnient more !consideration is 'being
given to lana problems than at any
time in the 'history of Ontario. PTe
asked co-operation of the members in
backing up the local weed inspectors,
In many localities marked changes
have been accomplished, .Weeds pre-
valent in sank counties are unknown
in others, add information regarding
these might be passed on. In Water-
loo County a number of deaths :in
cattle were found 'to be due to
swamps infested with water hemlock
which is poisonous. The rag weed• is
native in Ontario, but all others have
been imported. -lir, ;Smith warned
against the dodder weed, a small vine -
like weed with •white 'fawner, which
winds itself around clover and lives
on it, and affect; trade with England
particularly, Essex, Fendt, Elgin and
Lambton counties •have been put On
special campaigns- to combat this
weed and 260300 school children of
the province have been asked to use
their little eyes to search out this
Reece Eckert informed the speaker
that he had `found the weed on his
farm and .noticed patches like evil ar-
ound it. .1 -Ie was treating it with at-
lascide and intended ploughing it up.
,Mr, 'Smith read a departmental de-
scription of the dodder weed, the
English names for which are love -
vine, lesser or thyme dodder. The clo-
ver in'feste'd with it should be •niorvm
dowel with a scythe, destroyed, and
the field ploughed.
(Warden 'Elliott thanked 2sfr. Smith
for his "brilliant anti drastic" address
and the ntetn'bers enthus'iastioally ap-
iIatn McLeod, Agricultural Repre-
sentative, in an informative address
told council the crops in Huron are
not as promising looking as in past
years. "We have been credited in this
county with high acreage in fruit and
vegetables, 7;argeily apples." ,Frost has
clone considerable damage, .and eighty
per cent of the fruit crop has been
pared, Particularly Baldwins, green-
ings, l pp Ti pins and' spies: ,It is a severe
blow to orchard teen who have .,a
large Percentage of bald'wimts, I't ` is
impossible to tell what 'damage has
been clone lent the trees damaged ate
Yellow in lealf and stinted ilt"fo•liage.
The dry weather, is working against
the trees. Thepe-ach and pear orch-
ards are alt gene,
There is a change in the county this
year in that several, farmers are plant-
ing onsore hay crops and .this is provid-
ing pasltu!eage. :Olapy are planting,
corn and will have twa or three times
the acreage of corn this year. This
will require close w ateloillig for Coto
borer, Increased acreage tneans great-
er attention, in combatting thin pest.
(Live stock meetings have been held
in Clinton and a county association
formed, It is purposed to hold a
Meeting for cattle dealers in, Clinton
on June 27, They have never got to-
gether to discuss beef cattle
Junior work was being duccesmlully
carried on,
Mr. Mcleod also, received an ova-
tion when he concluded his address.
I3. 7 Edwards, superintendent of
the children's aid Society, addressed
council after the. report o. the -cili.-
'lren's shelter had been read. There
are at present nine children in the
shelter, three ,girls and six boys,
ranging in age from one year to 61 -
teen years.
"You have been talking about cattle
nal roads, but this is human life,"
said 31r Edwards. -le deplored tile
increase in illegitimacy in the county.
The only chance to decrease this is
for mothers to educate their .girls in
the secrets of life, Mothers should
spend more time teaching children
and not. so Hutch on cards and gos-
sip' declared Mr. Edwards. Meed if
public dance halls are having an if-
feet on this matter, he tvas not prep-
ared to say, but repeated dais declara-
tion that the responsibility rests with
the mothers.
The financial statement submitted
by the treasurer was adopted on mo-
tion of Reeves (Ballantyne and 'Dem-
erling. I,t read as follows:
'Receipts and expenditures; general
account, Jan. b to Itay 31. Receipts:
Taxes collected $23.313,98; licenses,
0163150; registry oilice, $31117.317;; ;Ol•d.
•\'e pension $?,000; ad'nunistratiou
of justice, $2,620;16; loans, $26;000.00;
red511111on lands, $349:29;. division
courts, 07'3.50; tlliscellaneotns $1'3.212;
municipalities' hospital accounts,
$869.1117; magistrates' dines, $1'2..00;
total, $314,449431!6.
Expenditures: Bothers' Allowance,
$4,735.00; Children's Shelter, $1008.-
; administration dE justice, $6;350.-
67; taxes returned to townships, $2,-
908.89; •Old Age pensions, $1,638232;
grants, $I1065.00; municipal -,govern-
ment, $2080.40; schools, $1830.07; re-
gistry office, $288:00; jail, 01533:96;
printing, postage, etc., $712948; re-
demption lands, $34.29; D, L. interest,
$10073 0; county property, $387:68;
insurance, heat, tight, etc., $1,031636;
hospitals, $7;94822; transfers to coun-
ty hoarse, $1;000,00; miscellaneous,
$44,4l5; total, '$413!209.79,
iCounty highways—Receipts; Sun-
dry revenue, $739361`; rebate gas tax,
$1,6061,76; department highways 1933
subsidy, $1163505.67; bank loans, $5,-
000.00; total, $52.322.04.
Disbursements: Payments .vouch-
ers, $8,4163:04; pay lists, 060.66; D.
L. interest, 0766.89; loans, retired,
$45,000.00; total, $34,3150.3'3.
111 answer to Reeve Eckart's in-
quiry, Clerk Roberts said there are
S1 constables in Huron .Cotmty of
whom 16 are active.
Reeve McNabb asked regarding
the ditties of the Cemetery Com-
mission. He declared it w•oulil be
in order to send a request to the Pro-
vilicial Government to see what could
be done regarding neglected ceme-
'Reece Bowman: "The act gives au-
thority to clean, up the cemeteries, A
Cemetery Board has the right to take
neer long neglected lots. '1t is tip to
Cemetery Boards to clean up their
Reeve 3fcNab'b: "Pioneer's 'plots
should be attended to." Other reeves
spealcing on the question trete 11555rs.
Jones, Davidson, Hanley, Wright and
The duties of the Finance Commit-
tee were brought in by Reeve Mc-
Nabb for the'Contniittee appointed at.
a previous session. elle said he had no
report, to olTer except the rule which
he read. 'After some discussion it was
moved' and carried that Section 276
be amended so that the word "dis-
puted" be inserted before 'accounts."
'County C'ler'k Roberts gave a de-
tailed .report 61 tine work of his of-
fice. 1=Ie .gave detailed and clear de-
scriptions of new methods installed,
and -was .heartily applauded.
tAt the request of the Council, Ai
T. Cooper, of Clinton, ayaho repre-
sented the 'Huron County branch of
Associated High School Boards; 'gave
an ail )reciatocl address on "Second-
ary School Eeliucation," 'As the result
df a circ'u'lar letter sent out to owe
hundred business`' men and mechanics
to 'find out what they thought of the
present school cutmiculuui, it was re-
vealed that 85 per cent •df bhent were
df the 'opinion that it does not 'meet
the demands of modern times; and
that there were •too many' frills, Voca-
tional training 'gives something. defin-
ite. /After three years in High School
the sneaker claimed not !fifty per. cent
of the students can react or spell cor-
rectly He thought there were too
many -schools id the County and that
agriculture ,slhoultl betaught in all
public schools ars .Huron's basic in-
dustry is farming. •
,Reeves Archibald and Wright
Moved a vote' of thanks to Mr.
lir, ' Wilson, of /Hamilton, 'was
heard 'regarding the installation 'of a
stocker system in tine 'Count .House at
st p
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Et cost of $650. This was dealt 'wide orized by a division of 21 for and 8
later by the 'Property Committee, and 'against,
Caretaker James was asked to give
his opinion. iHe said that he had had
charge of the heating system for 14
years and had given :satisfaction. He
was not .in 'favor of :stoker as the
system now 'tisecl was in good shape,
El new grate leaving been installed re-
cently, !Finally- on mntioti o3 1Reei•es
Cardiff and Mawhinney it was 'decid-
ed not to purchase the stoker at the
present time.
Mileage Rates.
Vetter enquiries Reeve McNabb
stated .that it 'had been rumored that
he had 'been drawing excessive mile-
age. 'h15 asked for explanations as
he Telt dee had 1101 asked 'for more
than others ,had, -He had been criti-
cized dor going via Stratford.
The Warden told him that the rule
teas that the most direct way pos-
sible should be taken. Reeve McNabb
and '\Varden ]Elliott hotly argued the
point; Reeve B'ownian gave a state-
ment df the exact mileage of the
Old /A;ge ;Pensions /Committee, and
Reeve Turner expressed his willing-
ness to accept all responsibility where
members ak his committee (Property)
were concerned.
'Tele Legislative Committee"s report
was adopted, It recommended that a
copy of the resolution by 'Reeves
'Sanders and 1Go1•dthorpe that the
Government be memorialized to make
it an offence against the law- for tran-
sients to impose upon th-e public; that
no action be taken on the resolution
of Dufferin county 'rega'rding the li-
censing of pedlars or agents; and that
no;action-'be taken in the resolution
from the county df Welland regard-
ing the setting of Thanksgiving Day.
,The Agricultural 'Advisory Commit-
tee, 'Reeve Cardiff, chairman, gave a
comprehensive report of the serni-
annual nneeting, Of the :Agricultural
Aclwlsory 'Council held on April 9.
?he 'Property Committee's report,
Reeve Turner, chairman, was taken
clause by clause with IReeve eeter
Scott in the ch'a'ir.
• The tender of 'Joint Cuthbertso'i
for decorating the clerk's and treas-
urer's offices was accepted at '$90,60;.
and the tender for office filing at
41435.70. ,New floor covering and :re-
pairs to the IIloor 111 the offices of
the .clerk and treasurer were endorsed.
Repairs to the county engineer of-
fice and the ladies' 'lavatory at the
court -house were authprized.
The .'Finance Conetbittee 'presented
a list off ,accounts. \\',ith the exceptiot)
of three, tvhi.c'h were returned .to
committees, and several hospital ac-
counts where the :municipality's re-
sponsibility 'was not. ‘fixed,- all ac-
cotints w -ere passed. Considerable
time Vas token, up with discussions
o'f the lather, On the suggestion of
Reeve'Wright it was agreed to ase:
the county solicitor to 'explain the
Hospital Act at the ,Friday morning
!Bowman -Archibald, that we . grant
our clerk, Mr. Roberts, and our
treasurer, 21r. !Erskine; two weeks'
holidays, to be 'taken -alternately, so,
that 'the _0V -ice may be kept open, and
that Mr, Tames, the caretaker, be
given the same 'holiday,' Carried.
(Hospital affairs and the care of in-
digent patients were the subjects of
debate most of the day of the con:
clueing session of Huron County
Council on !Friday. The recommend-
ation .of tete executive co nhittee re-
ducing She ,grants to the dour hospi-
tals in the county to $500 was se
' aside, and' gratnits of 000 'were antes' Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 503c
The report was taken clause 'Iy.
clause with ,Reece •,Ballantyne in the
chair. Rees -e (Scott i11 speaking to it
said that he had found hospitals had
balances, On eticpuiry- from Reeve
Matheson asking what salaries were
paid, the following information was
given: Salaries—Clinton Public Hos-
pital, $3,659; Goderici, 416,434.7];
Seaforth, $4;409.93; \Vingham, 3,-
(Reeve Bowman declared many- bus-
iness people in town's are financially
embarrassed. Hospital service was
for the county \lithe Councilor Turn-
er of Goderich said he didn't like to
hear members of the county council
referring to "its town .fellows. We are
the representatives of both rural and
urban centres. 'I admit the rural sec-
tions are hard hit," he said, "but alt
are passing through hard tines."
'Reeve Gamble: "Urban reeves have
used us fairly:, We slllouisi co-
Those favoring the motion for .he
grant of $650 were, yeas, Archibald,
Ballantyne, Bowman, Crosier, Cart-;
iff, Davidson, -Eckert, Elliott, Gam-
ble, Han ley, IHaake, Hemingway,
Tones, 'Leiper, Matheson, Muni-line•s,
McNabb, McNeil, Saunders, Turner,
Wright; nays, Demcrling, Gold-
thorpe, Johnston.
Indigent Bills.
IDiscus'sion on 'hospital bills for in-
digent patients occupied most of the
afternoon session, and ended with
the endorsation df -a .motion by
Reeves Archibald and Cardiff- that
the county pay tthe fu'il' cost of incur-
able patients of the county in sanator
isms, and. one-half of all other in-
digents in comity hospitals from this
county, and the other 'half to' be
charged to the responsible nu nicipal-
fty. A bylaw was authorized to be
prepared that payment by municipal-
ities for indigent patients be 'made re-
troactive to Jan. 26 and to reimburse
municipalities which ,have paid for
tuberculosis and incurable patients
since January 26, 1934, to the June
session. 1934,
Hospitalization df indigent patients
has been ,gradually increasing and
last year cost the county .$244,000.
IReere A-•chibald asked iftaxar-
rears sales were held in other places
than 1Goderech. it was finally decided
that tax sal -es should be advertised iu
the local paper of the cammlunities
iu wmhidh the properties are situated.
a\t a; previous session Reeve Mc -
Nall had enquired about an item of
$87 in connection with the case of _
a- Gorlerich citizen hoarding wood,
Reeve 'Goldthorpe, who is a ,ntenlber;
of the Criminal Audit Board, asked
council not to blame the .fnagis'traae
or theoro-wn attorney. The ,peoplz
who should be censured, he said,
are the 'Goderich Welfare Board and
the policeman who investigated it.
"I. bhunit 41 is next. thing 'to an out-
rage that this; county should be made
to pay that amount fora paltry cord
of .woodi s'h'oultd' never have been
dragged into the courts. 'S think it.
.is ridiculous and I would ask that
this bill be p'resetuted-.and cleaned up."
(Reeve OldNall 'said that Mr. Hol
nes had :asked that a coniinittee be
appointett to meet hitii, and he would
look into and give an account of it.
1Before adjournment arrangements
were made to ,'hold a county council
picnic -in Gaderich am Saturday, June
23, in .Harbor Park.