HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
The marriage takes place on
Thursday rate -moue, lane 14th at '2
o'clock at St. John's Anglican church,
'Brussels, when Eva Jane Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. H.
Anderson, \\'altun, becomes the
bride of Edward d h oy 1),,ytg"an, soar
of Mr. Thomas Dou.gan and the late
Mrs. Dougan Illyth. The rector,
Rev, 1', G Rickard; will officiate.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson will be
the attendants. The immediate rela-
tives and friends are attending the
ceremony, f.11.wiii which the young
couple will leave on a trip North.
The largely attended funeral of the
late Hugh Fulton took place on Tues-
day, June 3th, from his late resid-
ence. Rev. Air, Cumming, pastor of
Duff's United Church officiated. In-
terment took place in 'Brussels Cem-
etery. The pallbearers were five
nephews„lames hulton, Brussels;
Thos, Fulton, Shakespeare; Lawrenee
Fulton, Stratford; Dan Crawford,
McKillop; John Crawford Seaforth,
and a ;grandson, Bab Campbell, Brus-
sels, Among' the beautiful floral trib-
utes were wreaths from the family,
the nine grandchildren and Mr, Jahn
.Crawford, Seaforth, Mrs, Whitfield
and Elmer \l'hitfieid of Meafard, and
Emmerson Whitfield of Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs, F. H Miller, Walton,
wish to aultouuce the engagement ut
their only daugther, Gertrude Emilia,.
to Douglas Ennis, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Ennis, also of Walton, the
wedding to take place quietly in June.
Miss Florence Ryan, R.X„ has re-
turned to Loudon atter visiting at
t'he home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Ryan.
Mrs. P, Mi:Taggart, Misses Dris-
coll and Mrs. Barrows were visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Currie at \Wing-_
ha.nt on \Wednesday.
It is reported that one iii the vil-
lage's young men is getting ready to
open store in the A,O.U,\l'. building.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Clark of'Lis-
towel called on friends in the village
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Eli McLaughlin of
Iona spent the week -end with Mr.
and \Irs, '''hos. Young..
Mrs Lena Drager has taken a po-
sition with Mr. Kernick of Blyth,
Miss Dorothy Drager has returned
from her :visit to Goderich.
)Jr. and Mrs. A, Kernick and Joan
of Blyth spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs, H. Sellars.
Mrs, Joho Ilarris has gone to
Blyth to visit her daughter, Mrs, A,
Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Parke of Sea -
forth spent Friday night with friends
at \Calton,
lir and Mrs. I', A, Tiamhley of
Start r visited Sunday afternoon with
relative at 'Walton.
'Two cars collided on It n(lay ev-
ening at the garage corner. Reeve
::nil Altos. McNabb of Grey were oc-
cimants of the car travelling north
and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne • 'Purvey
were in the car leaving Walton. No
one was injured though the sicle of
one car and front of the other were
badly damaged.
Rev. Mr, Williams •oi St, Helens
conducted the services in Duff's
Church on Sunday, taking ,aa the text
of an inspiring sermon. Matthew 112:
24. Rev. Mr. Cumming had charge of
services at St. Helens, a former
Mr, anis Mrs. H. Last of Windsor
came front \Windsor For the week-
end accompanied by the latter's sis-
ters, Mrs. R. W. Hoy and Mrs. .Bell
of Vancouver, who hard been spend-
- ia•g a few days in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Radford and son
spent the week -end in Clinton.
A purebred Durham cow celebrat-
ed the King's birthday last week by
presenting her owner, Mr. J. N. er's parents; Mr. and Mfrs, Wm. Mc-
Cantphell, with twin calves. Quite a •Clinchey, of the (Bronson Line, on
number have been to see the husky
youngsters as this Durham, now
about I!6 years old. has a record of
a call every year since her second
lir. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming,
Ross and Norma spent Sunday with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
\William \litche'll of Carlingford,
Farm Machinery 'and
_ Colne in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash,
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop,
Archie Armstrong, and James Reid,
Interment took place in Bayfield
Re -union, — Schad, Section No. 14,
Stanley, is planning for a big time
on the afternoon of Jame 30th on the
school grounds. This year being the
60th anniversary of the opening of the
present school, a Re -union is to be
held. Invitations have been seat out
personally to every Old Boy and Girl
possible to reach and it is hoped that
a large number of these -old pupils of
the school, with any members of their
ftttitilies wise) would be interested, will
be able to be present. (All former resi
dents of the Section will also be wel-
coarse, A very interesting program is.
rey, Ioltn Robertson, During the ser- being arranged anti refreshments will
vice \Mrs, Toho AL'. Ctovenlock of
Seaforth and Messrs. John and ,Tames
Scott of -Roxboro sang "Looking This
Way," also "Asleep in Jesus," and
.'Safe in the Arms of Jesus." !Favorite
hymns were sung • with .!digs Kathleen ee
Storey presiding at the organ. Friends
from a distance included, Mr, and
Mrs. Sans Somers and Fergus of De-
troit, Mrs. Dan, Thiel and Russell of
Waterloo, Mr. Cochrane, Waterloo,
:Aft-, and Mrs. W'e.:ley Somers, 3'f.r.
and Mrs, T. Lncas and Thomas and
John, Mr, and Mrs, .Cornell Coaly,
Mr, and Mrs, Gen. Campbell, all of
dzthc"1; Mr. and 'ars, Robt. McClure
and James of iGoderieh; Mrs. Alex,
Russell and family, rBrussels, Mr, 'fund
Airs. Merton Thornton and sons of
Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, John Biernes
and family of Ethel. Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson \icho'lson and Mfr. Charlie
'Nicholson, Blyth, Mr. and Airs, Her-
bert Henderson 01 Mitchell.
Mr. John Valentine and son Dean,
of Canningtou. Airs, Alfred Knib'bs
and daughter 'Lorna and .Miss Elsie
Valentine of Lambton 'fills viisted
with Mir. 3Matt. Beattie and \less
Beattie on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harrigan and spent Sunday with Mrs, jas. Aliller.
\less 'Harrigan of Ingersoll visited at The Bible Society- are holding their
the home of MIr. and Mrs, James Dor- g
annual meeting in Grace Church On
ranee over the week -end.
Miss Rita O'Rourke Honored. — Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs, S. Robertson and
:hildren or .Atwood visited with
their friends on Sunday.
s[r, and Mrs. Ilalliclay- of Toronto,
who !tt several vtee :
their daughter Mrs. H. Leslie, have
returned h)nie
Mr. and lira I Hantbley and
daughter visited Walton friends on
\[r. and Mrs. C. ITarrigan and fa-
mily, Chatham, spent the week-eitd
at the home of Mr, Geo, Vivian.
\fr, Jas, JelTry, Hamilton, is visit-
ing with his brother, )Jr, \Vat. Jeffry.
\fro and Mrs. J. Whyte and Mr;
Bennett, Stratford, were Sunday vis
itors in the bung.
Several from here attended anni-
versary services at Roy's church on
Mrs. 'f. Greenwood and babe spent
a couple of days with her parents,
\fro and Mrs. jno. Leary.
Mrs. Robt. !Norris many friends
will be pleased to know she is greatly
improved after recent sudden illness.
be served, If any tvho are not too far
away find it convenient to bring a
basket, it will be appreciated by the
Committee its charge. Ccttne and spend
an afternoon renewing old friendships
and reliving your youthful clays,
Mrs, V. Arc\aughton of Chicago is
visiting with her -sister, Mrs, C,
Mr. and Mrs, A, \V. Norris, Norv-
al and Aiiss Agnes 'Patrick were in
Toronto several days last week at-
tending the graduation of Mr, Clar-
ence Norris.
Mr. D. Webb of Hamilton is
.pending some time at the home of
his brother,
Rev. and Mrs T. R. Turner have
returned hottte after visiting in Sar-
nia and W'alkerville.
IDr. 11, O'Brien and Miss Fair-
weather, Elora, spent Sunday with
the doctor's parents,
Mfr. and Mrs. T3row•n, Mr. and
Mrs. Ilarding and Mrs. L. Alford
In view of her approaching -.marriage
a large crowd of friends gathered at
the home of lir. Patrick O'Rourke
on Friday evening and presented his
only daughter Rita with a miscellan-
eous shower of useful and valuable
article., bespeaking the high esteem
in which the bride-to-be is held in this
community, A• pleasant time was
enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was
served, every one. bestowing their
best wishes upon the bride,
'fr. Robert ,Penhale,lfr, Edwin
'flubson and Mr. ,Percy Stinson of t5,
•Phomas spetn ;Sunday the guest of
the fotmer's brother, Mr. 1-Iarold
\fr. and Mrs. Thomas'Snowden of
the Blue \Vater Highway, were the
guests of Mr. and 'ars. John Hudte
of 'Gorlericlt Tp„ on 'Sunday.
Mr. .lex. Chesney of near Sen -
forth was a 'Sunday visitor of Mr,
Harold 'Penhale of near Bayf)el'tl.
Mies Myrtle McClinchey and Mr,
(Gould of !London visited at the form
Death of Samuel Storey, Sr. —
,Oit Friday, June 8th, 111934, .an old
and highly respected resident of M[c-
1Killop passed away in the person of
'Samuel Storey Sr. Deceased had been
an invalid for the last six years, Born
on the old homestead in 119511, he al-
ways resided there. in P578 he was
married to l abella Phair of MctKil
lop, Alio predeceased hint in 11991119.
Mr, Storey was the last of a largc
Surviving are two sons and
four daughters: Samuel and -William
of ddEillop: Fannie and Marc, at
home; Mrs, W. McClure, of Mc-
Killop, and Mrs, John McNichol of
NI orris. Two daughters predeceased
tin), Afa rtha in 10)315 and Margaret in
135228. The funeral took place on Mon-
day afternoon from his late residence;
lot 30, concession 15, -'McKillop; Rev.'
G. R, A[orrow officiating, interment
in )Maitland Bank Cemetery. The pall-
bearers were six nephews (who were
the same as at his wife'; funeral);
Sans Carter. \Vestey Somers, Jahr,
tllierncs.'Jnihn Ff. Storey, Thomas Sto
Death of Mr. William Pollock. —
lir.,William Pollock, an old and
highly esteemed resident of Stanley
Township passed 'fo rest at his home
on the Goschen Line on May 27th in
the evening. He had been ill for .about
2 years but was only confined to his
bed for about a month be fore his
death. Ile was born March 1st; 1556,
on the sante farm where 'he died and
was a .son of James and, Sarah Pol-
lock. \\'hen about ten years of age
he roved with his parents to a farm
just south of Drysdale on what is
now culled the Blue Water IIi•gh-
way where he lived for twenty years,
and then he moved back to Phe place
of his birth and farmed there until
his death. IIe was married in 1888
to Edith Armstrong, a daughter of
lames anti Janet Armstrong of the
Bronson Line, Stanley, by the Rev.
Mr. Simpson, Presbyterian minister'
of 1T3rucdficld. Tie was an eider in
Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield;:
and was also a member of the Canad-
ian Order of Foresters and was an
Orangeman. Left to mourn his loss
are Ibis .wife and two sons Ernest aisd
Milton, and three daughters, Florence
at 'home, AM's. H. V. Vanstone of
Kemble, Ont., and Mrs. A, To Cope-
land of Toronto, and four grandchil-
dren, also two brothers, Robert of
Reno Nevada, and Samuel of Can-
nra Sask., and one sister Lizzie. The
funeral was hell at his late residence,
Goshen Line, Stanley,on Wednesday,
May 30, the service being conducted
by his Minister, .Rev. Mr. Dorgan of
BawRel1 and Clinton Cliurches.,T'he
pallbearers were This fdlow elders of
the church, Geo. Dewar, Sans Hous't-
o1i, MfurdncIs Ross, Joe. Richardson'
The Ladies' Aid of Burns' United
Church are holding a garden party
and supper on 'Friday night. f ane 2i).
at community hall, Londeeboro. The
young people from Winthrop are ex-
pected to put on a play.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance and Miss
!Marry from near P,aylield spent Sun-
day at the home of \fro and Mrs.
Frank McGregor.
!Reeve Leiper attended County
Council meeting in Goderich 'fast
Mr. Etidy 113e11, who had the mis-
fortune to have his leg broken last
week is so far getting along nicely,
.Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt and family
sprint Sunday afternoon ,With Mfr. anti
Mrs, Thos. Knox.
lvfa•. Bert Beacom and Audrey
Knox rvisited their friend, Mr, Eddy
Bell, Sunday forenoon.
'A'fr. "Wm. MIc\%ittie from 'Madison,
Nebraska i; at present visiting at the
horse of 'Isis brother, Mr and \f s. Si-
mon \Ifc'Vittie.
_llr, and Mrs. Arthur ,Forman. Miss
Eleanor and Tommy visited on Tues-
day at the house of \fr. and ''Miss
Thos, Knox, also calling ha otter
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stewart,
Lloyd and, Marian were recent guests
at the home o) Mfr. and. lire.
The regular meeting of the Hib-
bert Council was held at Staffa on
Mondry, June 111, all members pres-
ent, the Reeve presiding The minutes
of the last - regular meeting, also of
tate Court. of Revision on May 28,'
were read and on. 'notion of William.
Kay and Robert urchill adopted as
read. \ number of communications
were dealt with satisfactorily, The
Court of Revision .on the assessment
Boll was resumed. Four appeals were
submitted for reduction of • assess-
ment; Canadian Batik of Coritmerce;
business assessment; Jdhrt W. Brit-
ton, exemption for 2 acres of wood -
lot; Mary Currie and Mrs. Elizabeth,
Nagle, None of the ,appeals were al-
lowed so the assessment of the Town-
ship as entered by the assessor, $1-
943,9119, remains ,unchanged, The fol-
lowing • appeals for transferrence of
ownership -were al'low'ed: 21 John St.,
Dublin, from Mary Fl;y nn to - Philip
Kenny part of Mill. Block, Dublin,
from M. J. Klinkharner to Mrs. K.
Feeney; Lot 211, Coti, 8, from Leon-
ard Butson to James 13, Simpson; Ey,
Lot 26, Con. .112, No be assessed to
Charles Green; Lot 24, Con. 6, to be
.assessed to John McNaughton; S%
Lot 26, Con, 4,. to be asessed to Dan
O'Connor, -
iGeneral Business—B'yL'aw No. 4113
was passed providing for approval of
reduction of terms of subsisting .con-
tracts for electric service in rural dis-
tricts from 20 years to 5 years, Reso-
luttions were ppassed instructing tike
Clerk to prepare 'ByL4aws and Sched-
ules providing for deficiency a•mouuts
On Coyne, Tyndall -and Downey
Drains respectively, .Robert Coleman
was present asking to have drain
cleaned out on the road portion• of
the Geary drain, Frank Allen was' au-
thorized to look into the requirements
of the matter, Road orders were is-
sued for $7.315. The meeting adjourn-
ed until Monday, July 9 at I' p. m.
Kathleen. Feeney, Tp,. Clerk,.
The many friends of Mrs. John
Watson were glad to see her able to
at church last Sunday after her seri-
ous illness.
Afrs, .Morrison of Bluevale is the
guest of her niece, Mrs. Hugh Berry,
at present.
Mrs. Jessie Tough of Clinton is
now at the hone of her brother, Mr.
D. Tough, on account of her sister-
in-law's illness, ''Mrs, Tou'gh's many
friends will be glad to hear that she
is now recovering,
Next Sunday, June !Mali, the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper''tvill be 'ob-
served at the morning preparatory
service. On Friday evening at 8 p.m.
:Rev. Mr, Elliott of Exeter will preach
Last Sunday morning the minister
offered a special thanksgiving prayer
to our loving Heavenly Father for
Iris great kindness in sending us the
bountiful rain Which was so ntucli
needed in the thirsty land.
Our hearty congratulations are ex-
tepded to the graduating students of
IBfruceffield: Miss Annie .l'ftsstarcl, Mr.
Leonard Boyce, Mr. :lex, Addison
(formerly of Brucs'fte3d now of Clin-
ton), who graduated from the (.liver
sity in London. Quite a number of
their friends .attended the 'graduating
exercises which were held its London
last week.
.Egtnondtille ,played in Kippen ou
'Saturday night in the Huron on League
series, ;core, Egmondville 3 Kippen
0. It was a real snappy game all the
way through, Kipper tirade a hard
drive on Egmondville in the first five
minutes, 'Goalie 'McGee saving ,what
looked 'like two sure .goals, for Kippen
was through the defence, From then
on it was pretty even in the first
half. W. 'Wright scored for Egmond-
ville in a scramble in front of kippen
goal at the dose of the first ]calf. In
the. second half Egmond•ville 'had the
edge on Kippen all the way tr^hough.
Jahn Flannery got the sdcond goal
on a neat pass front his brother Cyril,
Don Dale scored again in the last two
minutes of pray. It was a good clean
game all the away thaough, hipper
did especially Weld as two of their
men are laid off. Verne 3McLean has
been in a cast, recovering from ait
injured hip he sustained in a game
with Brucelfielcl•,
,Brucefield plays here Saturday
night, ;Tune 16,
Rev, Mor. Troyer of Toronto spent
the week -end at the 'home of _lir, and
Mrs. Geo, Johnston,
and.Mrs, J, T. McA'slt and 'Mr,
\l'm. and Miss Fame Logan spent
Sunday with friend's in London.
Several from here tool: in the play
last Friday evening at Blake that was
put on by the young people of Ben -
The annual Webster picnic will be
held in Jow-ett's. Grove out Saturday
of this week,
The Royal :Scarlet Chapter of Stan-
ley will meet in Varna on Thursday
Well, we certainly appreciated the
cutch needed .rains. ,We h'ad also Ute
Little Orphan Anniea,
A Picture for Young and. Old
Comedy Cartoon
Mon, -Tues. -Wed., June18-19-20
News Reel Comedy,
A Musical Treat
Thurs.-Fri,-Sat„ June21-22-23
The Poor Rich
Comedy Cartoon
The Funniest Picture of the Year
cool weather,
Quite a number front, here attended
the nomination held in Hensel!,
Tuesday is Election Day. Be sure
and cast your vote,
Mfrs, \\'iJl Dodds and ''Irs. H.
:Blanchard gave a miscellaneous
shower at the. home of .lets; Dodds
last Saturday in honour of Miss Mar-
garet Cuthill, pride -to -be, About 35
were present. We all wish Margaret
and Aechie many happy years of
wedded life and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Somers, ''Ir.
Fergus Soarers, of Detroit, Mus, Ro-
bert Murdie of Stratford spent Sun-
day with MG', John Bullard,
Mrs. Mae Dorrance of Seaforth
visited Mrs, Geo. Eaton last week.
IAtnong the natives of the many gra-
duates of St Jerotne's College is Oat
of Hugh Benninger, the e4der son of
Mr. and Mrs. 31. J. Benninger, of our
St, .Mary's Anglican Church 'Guilt! ",""-
are serving a supper froni 6 to 8 pont.
on June 20 on the lawn of Mrs, Alex.
Darling, Laurier Ave. E.
'Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle spent Satur-
day in 'Kitchener and \Waterloo, and
on'Sunclay and \Ponday was the guest
of Mrs. S. Ni'cholsot, ''titc'hell.
Mrs. ,Benninger and Donald at-
tended the graduation exercises on
Tuesday, at 'Kitchener.
George H.Elliott
Conservative Candidate in Huron
The Electors in Huron go to the polls on June 19th to
elect a representative to the Ontario Legislature.
George H. Elliott, Warden of Huron Bounty and
conservative candidate, seeks your support on his record
in municipal affairs. His wide experience assures the
electors that sound judgment and fearless honesty will
characterize his every action should he be honored by the
voters in this riding.
Pit this time in Ontario's history, stability of govern.
ment is most important. George Elliott stands four=square
in safeguarding British institutions' and maintaining the
highest standard of citizenship. He will support every
measure designed to advance the interests of the people and
stands for the protection of the interests of the farming
Always an earnest advocate in the temperance cause,
Mr. Elliott will do his utmost to further true temperance in
Huron and in the Province of Ontari!►.
His interests are your interests. You know his record.
His chief desire is to render faithful and loyal service in
your behalf.
Don't Play experiment --- safe
!(Inserted by the Liberal -Conservative Committee of f-Iuron.)