HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-14, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1934
it • :Jt., y'>t, sr:-vt.,oce, +v.s,., •x r:, 4
BEGIN at breakfast with a bowl of toasted Kellogg's Corn
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p1.,===`,470Y..^,+. =111k4AErM,,-...i
.49COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING the right to piss by aws to govern
r,:•0!01 ion from the L`oatel of the. licensing of agents or -• peddles
P, c1' Trustees of the village of 7.ur- selling good= such as bread pa,ory.
ich .:.ked endorsation of the council meats fish and all stieh goods tis are
- of 0 reconunendatibn tel the procin0- sold by resident merchants who pity
hl government that the road between taxes. Referred to legislative cent.
No. 4 Highway and the Blue Water
H ,.it ay between Hen all ,old St.
Jcseph be taken over as 0 government
roe-. to forni a connecting link. Re -
[erred to Good. Rada Committee.
Letters f1on, the '1'own111ip of Ilay
Rad the tillage of 'Ilensall, also asked
cn l o ria atter C,1 the same.
.1 resolution from Pertly . Comity
:\ resolution from tite County of
Perth asking cndorsation of Boron
mended the appointment 01 i;.•c r:
that the Department of Edncatie,n W. }Tolman ane! Cot R. S. II ,
win -so amend the School Act s10
that rural se 11001 semi:ons inay be en who were e t, ible for re-appoint:mate
title,! to form continuation school tris 1.eaisla.,ve c.,0unittee to report,
trios, yeas rent t, the education conn. I. \h G, ccnl ,1 k, in.pc •t `r • f ;'tc
A tnentnia l 'front the (.aunty e 1 C;,:tnty I-Io1ne, br cry c i he==els t'tc
\\ ellalta to Rt, Hun. R. I,, bco tett council. •
1 11 1 11111 1011.0 .10 111 legislation prim, mini -tel of Canada, and FIun, R iohn,<t.:n era borer in -
George pasteurization aof milk was George S, Henry, premier iii 011
sent to the 1 ticultural Committee. sae:ear, r reported that he had not
\ res:dtttion from the County of tario, was suhnr,tte4 It • a l ed to 1 and ir.eall. co-., haler in the c,ta11
Dthft vin regarding the enactment of Late Thanksgiving 'Day set to tall cm
I'ilc 1'r ; i r_,, rt sk we 1 t rag
legislation giving municipal council? the Sunday nearest the 111tr, 01 No -
4'5 prisoners had "beenµ incarcerated
since January as follows: IL, C. A.
='Q,, contempt of court, 4;• theft, 7;
rape, 3; 401511 i •Revenue ;Act, 2; as-
sault -2; -traffic act, .2; vagrancy, 2;
fraud, d'; false pretenses, 1'; non-
payment of poll tax, 1. Daily ra-
tions cost per day tier person, 110)';0.
37he Old Age '.Pensions Conlntit-
te reported a complete overhaatliug
di the system. There are 683 names
on the. pay roll. Applications rec-
mnntended, 47; deferred, 11;' •re'ius-
ed, 116; notice of deaths, 211; pen-
sioners transferred to other places,
2; from other -places, -3, iAmount
paid to Old Age Pension commit'lee
from ilk of j111nary. t2+70.67. The
report, 5111111 was submitted by R.
L'.,n-m tn, chairman, was adopted. -
1 lfeeve Stweitzcr asked why the
llo,t•er beds around. fthe Court
House had not .been attended. to,
and Reece Turner informed coun-
cil that local florists would not han-
dle it for the amount, $10, appropriate
el by 001111cil, ' •
'An inquiry by - Reeve Turner of
Goderich: -"What-are the - dutiess of
the finance committee?" precipitated
a discussi-on which lasted for two
;touts, and cetltreil around indigent
hospital hills, Finally a motion; by
Reeves . Bowman and :Sweitzer "that
Reeves Wright. Cardiff and McNabb
lie a committee. to report on the dut-
ies of the finance committee, was
- Fckcrt-Ilanley—That the treasurer
prepare :1 detailed state !tent of tyre
year 1'>+3 for all accounts and sante
lee printed in June minutes, -Carried,
130101l:ur\it11win;es—That the pro-
perty committee examine the condi-
tions: of the 11111111 system at the Reg-
istry Oftire as We are lure these
, cninents are in very tutdesirable
'n 1116 11 Carted.
11eN t I , I eiper Ttiat we make a
grant of 6$111:3 per iai• to the corn
b e.er inspect, eproviding he cease
'101-.(:1 ills, only on pezi 1! ,'e:eao e:Is.
1 xee•'41 v1'.
. 1" 11lI krs-aleN tll6—That when- a minded the members that the Datum -
reeve is .oeiti i '1y the clerk that a i ,n •e,overllnteut as,rntes 'ane -infra
res11.111 of his manielpalityr has been of the cost of ,Highways..
eat 1. a hOsoital ,111,1 ':has 10en class- The Ill.:ail 11 carried on the •',,'o.c-
in<30 diwisie.nt::
leas—.Artuib.d4, itallaetyne. -Car-
diiif. Dcn?eeli110 Etk,•rt, .,.. 1,.
1;11 t1,ie. . .Galdtliorpe..Hemingway,
3 alinst,at, ' jaaes, I.eiecv. lt: .
\1101,.110, 11c\axt, al e'.:ii,:y, ....
dors, 1 we Ler So tt Ste .eat t
\t1 h
Neya-11,ewmati. Craslar. 0011-''.
Haeke, \lunnln0 31 31 1, Tvalea -
Ceanzy Treasurer Erskine „ 1..,.-
e.l the ,-.',,ainO estimates:
Est -limited ex )C71it : gem , .
conat, 1134, Loans, , u:,, at J:.n. -.
1,t„, , 1: s: a -,ol i2'1; '1'3ia;,
311,1 industrial rah `i l.. if 15 ?
111ittiar,tio•1 of justice. 13,41 n ,:ad
age pensions, $14,1e.lat teaa,e0e, • t
unary 11.,1110 aeei+lint, } ).:111,...:11.11 11101111'
+11a1 0 ,•;0011111e17t, 307,.1 Il, 31,: 1311
in:e1C01. :+i•,:t11t: clli:l."21:'+ ite'tN•.
S.i 5'111 ergs 11111)' nr lh:rly.. -.i
"tit $2,3301; mother's rile 11
'1111.0111,): printing and ,1 111_ i 1. �.ial
iasuratcc, scat .n�11 ,a,. ...
gistry office, 6114)101 exc'lange• S1 - R. R. 1, DUBLIN, ONT.
refunds re tax receiots not . 1101. Phone 23 r 9.
1031, miscellany -ma; '1124; feta:. , _ -.-
I.e.a estimated . ec.;ts: Jan. 1.
vert1t,'r, . that it will not interfere
with R.:mem'Irance Dae 01'111 1 is a
tatut,: iy holiday, Referral i - leg }
titre committee.
A. letter from the I tot 1'i ` ;Moth -
ars' .\llo wance- Commission nt•
We Are Selthitq Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.,_ All
styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get
Anywhere, Cat our Quotation on Your Next Order.
The Seaforth \ews-
Member of Seaforth public school
board and attendance officer, who,
with the holidays near, like Skip-
py's truant officer, will soon be
be looking for a hammock,
cash in hank $5,3,46; provincial school
grants, .$2'5,0100; old age pensions, $8,-
sr000; administration of justice, '$5,1306;
licenses, $5150; registry office, $311.:7;
Cures, $1150; division ,eoutts, $715; inter-
est on bonds, .$60'; miscellaneous,
$1a70; owing to ,general provincial
highway account, $2,01113; total, $46,-
813; expenditures to be raiser' by mill
rate, $1185,772; 4 3.-5 mills on assess-
ment $442711,117'5, $1195,9316.93; surplus,
'Fixed expenditures provincial high-
way account: Debentures and interest
$112,950; Dept, c'f IIighways 1933
maintenance, '110,4a111; owing to ge1-
eral account, $20113; interest on high-
way account. July to Dec., $I2,1d to-
tal, $25,639; 3-4 mill on assessment,
$1421,11.75. ,$2,6,5c2; surplus. $923,
You vvi;l note that I. have submitted
the estimates on the two account 03
the same total rate as 11911,3 but have
taken 2.3 of a mill from the provincial
highway to the general account,
31cNabb-Cloldthorpe That t1110
council disapprove i,f pa0in0 being,
done in Huron county and that a res-
olution be forwarded to the Highway
Department t., that effect. Carried on
division ni 212 to 7,
.Eckert-Crosier—That we r000m
01011 11 R. S. Hays .as member .,f the
(Continued on Page 7)
the criles1ion was not brought up at
the January session for discusaion.
The farmers in this 'county are in
poor circumstances and if you are
going to tax theta any more you will
put t 11011 on the street.
Warden Elliott nail he did not go
to 'Toronto as a deputation. He went
with it. 9rr, Macaulay had asked his
advice abenit the Blue "Water High-
way, "It was not the wish of the
countycouncil to lay pavement. \\-hat
we wanted wa: the road brought tip
to standard for pavement for the sake
01 labor involve!"
Reeve Wright said the building of
roads is never going to get this
counts into a prosper tt coalition.
,+ll i1i1ou,:\ riculture 1, the b d:hone 1 the
country. \\'e've got to got hack :o 11110
land. Ile advocated petitioning' the
Government to ask Ca031 inn I p,1-
lty to look after it- own relic' a 1 1 re-
1.' the n elea statiea whether the
,..,c••1::'.p t1ll .::ccpl the
!tror not. 1.,. the ere rl: nay be dclio-
ly sinre 1.1111
Dann -I. :Il -Tu, le' -1'1101 we -emit
1,, t'.1t 1tleleralIr. vital
raa 1 Wieallein 11 l Scott 310,1
1 II 111 t r and Ile
l:a 1' •tae i 1 ,ache,...
Sian .wire. - 1 am .7n -- Moved in
17,1:meat tr ]..'tial re Mothers'
11.,:1O,1 1'1:11 1.01111131 ticrk
1. \I, ie ' : rt< old Mrs. Re 1.Ut
I ;. 1.. :'I, l,. ;eon `, the Jl -
ees'1 .cc 1'• rd. l i.1. fed on div -
m 1--12,
\lA 1.te. .. l.-I•.ea4 r, 11'17 111 111e 0,1111-
- 1cit re t 7ucu,l Lue,,intment o
County 11 crit Roh.,rts. chairman, a ir111an 5 1
R. S. 'Hayes `e.t.:,rta, 'Member of
the \1 t'1CI•s' \: o- .01111 1 •110,1.
Cennell lj. arae 1 till \Ce•lite ,d ty
at 9.,,1 ;,..n.
A lively di .....ca c.t e %ether or
11111 a tern -1• da `'.10013 • of strip of
pavement t t 11 ,e from C.1117 -
n 1, illyth an Ne, 4 Melte at 10.111
'a:VW:16H i. the H troe 1121113' Coun-
cil on Welneeiny sial t.11u hated in a
resoletian 111-111;; passel by a- vote 4
22 to i 111:L' t11''e conee1'; .lisap-
nraves of paving b,1:7.11 done in 11u1
en Corm',, and that a resolution. be
forwarded to the Highway. Depart-
ment to that etftit."
T'he first diseet,sian 10'.;15 on the
line of asking the t;.'rerament tel
cancel the contract: to build ' the
rad, Clinton -Blyth. brit did not meet
with favor, lt1Cmiter after Member
declaring that since the contract had
been let, it woilld only be creating
trouble to cancel it.
'Reeve:McNabb, who sponsored
the motion, said the council of 11931
had opposed building of roads and
tittles had not improved since then.
-Why are they going ahead stow,"
he asked, Paving of roads is expen-
sive. He advocated leaving gravel
roads. "Why should we spend such
elaborate sun's on highways. 311 we
are going to carry on an extravagant
road making program. it will be a
very short time 101011 the expendi-
ture will far CCeced the revenue."
Pavements, site continued, are 41ot
beneficial to 1010115 and tillages. in
the County-. It takes trade away from
then!. Ile said that while it would al-
leviate unemployment at the mom-
ent, it created it later en..
Reeve 3la\all, of iBlyth, :vigorous-
ly upheld the expenditure on the
road .iht question. and at times the
discussion deveic',ped into a debate
between hills and ,Reeve McNabb.
"We have been ttlthout a paved
road and we have as nutelt right to
a road as municipalities served by
the Blue Water Highw'ty," he declar-
Reeve ' Leiper expressed the-opiliion
that the municipalities in question
would rather have the strip paved
twenty 'feet ,for the full length than
tell feet !for half.
RReeve'Goldthorpe did not see wily
6.1 NEED
TO Pal(
TT is no longer necessary to pay
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place you. old equipment, ask
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district to tell yon about the
This is
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you're up t* your ears in work
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they're probably worried...
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