HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-07, Page 8AGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HEISALL. Regular nieetin.g of rbc village council was held Monday evening at 8.30 p.m. after the Court of Revrton's hnal meeting, with all- the members of ' council present. \Minutes of previous meeting read. Petty-IS,hepherd, that the minutes be adopted as read. -Car- ried. D. A., Cantelon, Jas. 'Bonthrou and other- appeared as a delegation asking to •have roach oil applied on all the streets of the village and con- siderable discussion took place pro • and ems. Petty -Shepherd, that nil be secured for the streets and that eacit householder be charged $7:00, also all bush:toe Maces at the same rate, $1. Yeas, Petty, Sangster, Shepherd. Nays, Robison. Motion carried. Petty - Sangster, that the motion passed on Slav 7,11:934, moved by 'Pettyand .Ro- lOsLt relative to road oil or calcium chloride and cost of sante to be added t.. 'She property benefited be rescind- ed. Carried. F. +G. 'Bonthron, tax toll- eetor, reported and handed in his re- port. 'Robinson -Sangster, that the col- 1ecor be instructed not to collect from J. M. Hawes. Carried, Petty - Shepherd, that the collector be in structed- to return J. E. McEw•an, IH, ROSS, .\V. Deters and C. Huisers taxes. nut collected, Carried. Robinson re- • ported re the work -on the streets. Petty reported re the work an being finished clearing catch basins. Com munications read and filed from the follewinge Ti, Watson, employment t„fice, Stratford: • Canadian Oil .Co Otit, Dept. Agri.; 'School Board re 144.34 estimate, deputy minister . of Hospitals; railway tax; treasury dept. rereceipts. Bills and accounts read: H. Hedden, labor streets, $1.45; II. • Perry, cartage on oil, :5115 Lniperia: tell Co., road oil, $43.97; Gr E. Brock, repairs, $,5.65; 3. Priest, $6.80; .1, Tay- ior, C. lfurlson, $o.4O; Harold ldig- . gins $S: I'. G. B-onthron, re \\'. De- ters, $1; :Hensall Hydro, hydro, $6.94. Total, $100,66: Petty-S'hepehrd, that •corns as -read be paid, except the \Vets Daters account and the collec- tor be paid $1,00 for the dog tax on same. Carried. Robinson -:Petty, that by-law No, 3, 1934, re tax prepayment - lie given hist and second reading. Carried. Sangster -Shepherd, that No. S to given third and final reading. Carried. Petty -Shepherd, that I3ylati' N,,. ei. re naiuiiiation and election be -ren first and second reading. Car- ed. Sanestcr-R_ hinson, that Bylaw Ng. n receive tliird and final reading. !ferried. 1'e:ty-Sangster, that the gods cnntinunicate with Zurich in re- t r oil for the streets and tinct ., i; tiny want any and how much renort the reeve. Carried, i:: -ter I e ty, that the reeve -he au- i•ire -1 te •ecnre 4400 gals, of road 1' cried, Petty -Robinson, bins'an, that we :.'.i,,urn. Carried. Jas, A,. Pater - Clerk. 'i:. a Mrs. Wm. , Fc er, lir. h.. t Ingrain and Mrs. Jac - 1.. le n a,i attended the ittttera: of t tic Mss E'eanor Lindenfield in t. ,idea .ut Monday Mrs. garnet Case and Mrs, Melvin Moir -•yen, Monday in London. • SFr, Laird \tickle made a business tHe t„ 'I 'rte to this week. • , • awl Mrs. Earl Drummond c :t Monday in \Vingham attending a. wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. \Iellurtrie and t e don enter of Toronto client the eek end with his mother, Mrs, A. -\Iurtrie. and brothers, John. of Stanley and Hugh of the town line RReeent ntovings: Donald IleKiiy nen to Mill street Monday and V. ldrn - Friday to the McTaggart r Mill street. - ale an l Mrs. James McMartin of rie ,vere week enol visitors at the me -f Mrs, Reber t 1 ont•hrnn. eli,s F":'a Newell visited with Ex friends Friday. \,.. T. C. joynt seent a a,y est in \\ ing .ail vtsitlttg his moth - end ;t:r ehers, Mr. and Mrs, A. D. McEeran and Deena .-rter1 with friends le Lend se on Friday. • Ia ;i Higgins left on Monday for S:sachge-Pints. where he will spend tee .nine-. • The council intend oiling all the Hensel' streets owing to the very y ,teacher The reeve was instructed les the ce*unit at the Monday evening acting order 40t1.tl gals of oil. Each hotpseholder wbll be -charged $1 1 ettefit and the balance will be paid lee the town. This is a good move end will be. appreciated by citizens. The Highways Dept. had two lerge oil trucks hauling ail last week cin the C.N.R. station to the Blue >\ iter highway. The department are ,fling that road from •St. Joseph to Gederich. \Irs.• .Robert Parsons, while going flown cellar on Thursday last fell and broke her leg. She was taken to the Clinton hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs, IP, H. ;'Devlin of Strat- ford spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett were siting with London and Hyde Park t. lends on Friday. • Anniversary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Ohurch on Sun. day. Rev. Dr. Smart of isa Craig, , -copied the pulpit at both services. Reeve William Jones is attending the June session of the Huron county • c ncii at Goderich this week. • Miss Eleanor Lindenfield of Lon- don, daughter of Mr, Israel Linden- :le:rt. formerly of Hensall and graitd- t au :liter of Mrs, Jacob Lindenfield ef Hensalt, and Adana Burke, se Dashwood, were instantly killed on i t trday morning at the (Lake Road cressing about half a mile north • of Eneter station. Mr, and Mrs: aWilliant Shepherd at- las ded the funeral of Mrs. Shepherd's brother, the late Dr. McKay, at Hag- er-vil'Ie on Tuesday. • •Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Coles of Listo- wel were calling oil friends in „WWII 'S a•tti r day:. :\Mr. and \'frs, Gordon Parke: and Mrs. James Johnson attended the .end of the late Eleanor Lindenfield. ,D:r.:Russell McKay, who was killed ---at Hagersville in a car accident, was horn in Hensall 3e years -ago and was the second •spit of \\ digin McKay, • principal of the lieneall'pablieg school for years, and the late Mrs McKay. He spent his .early life here and N'.15 • GRACE AGNES FORREST, R.N. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest, Tuckersntith, whose mar- riage to James M. Scott, of Sea - forth, will take place this month. a clever student. 'Attended the Wes- tern University, graduating in niad- icine with high honors. ,He bagan the practice of medicine in Hagersville where he built up a splendid practice. Besides his widow he leaves his aged father, G\'illiatn McKay, of Windsor, one brother, (Louis, Toronto and three sisters, Lillian and Marion, residing with their father at \Windsor, and Mrs. William Shepherd, _. of Hensal'1. The funeral took place at IlagersvilIe on Tuesday. STANLEY in Stanley on Saturday, June Ind, after .an illness of nearly 13 weeks there passed into eternal rest, Mrs. Annie 'Robinson, widow of the late Edward !Robinson. Deceased, whose maiden name was Annie Orr, was the last surviving member of a fam- ily' of eight and was born in Kilken- ny county, 'Ireland, 83 years ago, At the age of !five she came with her parents to Canada, lived for a time in Peel Co., later with her fancily unwed to lIuron Co. and in 1573 was united in marriage to- Edward Robin- son who predeceased her 20 years age. To theist were born a family of n children, the two youngest of whom lied in infancy, Seven 'till survive, 4 sons and 3 daughters: Mci, H. Erratt, Mrs. Margaret Erratt and Thomas of Stanley, \irs, E. Lew•den of Hamil- ton, Rev. W. O. Robinson of Pilot Mound, Ilan., holt. E. and Richard f Carlyle, Sask. During the past few years deceased has been in failing 'tit':ii and has been lovingly cared fur by her daughter Mrs Margaret Erratt. Mrs. loch n,on was a faithful member of the Methodist Chinch and :atcr of the United Church, also a life-tncutlier of the Woman's Mission - r' t,.,ciett. She wete a woman of vital t,h i. •fan faith and deep religi- ,ts convictions and it was the joy ' her heart tobefriend the minis- ers of Jetts Christ. !Her pastor, Rev. E. t. Penner, conducted the funeral .entre on 'Monday afternoon and :polo from the text, "In my bather's house are many mansions.' In the nurse of his address he referred feel- ingly to the deceased as having en- tered her heavenly mansion. The floral trihnte bore witness to the love and e -teens in which she was held and a Lege concourse of friends and neigh - Oen: followed her remains to Bayfield ▪ entctery, where interment was made The pall -bearers were Russel Errata le.. \n.lcrscn, Geo. E. Johnson, RTrl er• Jrhn.nn, Sherlock Keys and Elmer Keys. 'She rest:fromher lab- rs and her works do follow her.' Rev. W. 0. R biitson- of Pilot \i end. Man., who was called Koine :: account of the illness of his moth inial spend a few weeks at the ,td inline. \Ir. and Mrs, Wilbert Lobb of 'God erich Tp., called on Mrs, Margaret Erratt. Mr. Cecil Wiley and Mrs. Patti T;lin and .on Donald of Flint. Mich,. - trent tatepast week with friends in Stanley. Mrs. Meso •Steckle Jr., who has been a sufferer for many weeks with inflammatory rheumatism was rush- ed Monday evening to the hospital et London to undergo an operation to appendicitis. The operation was 'sttc- cessfully perforated at .3 a.m. Tuesday morning, and latest reports are that the patient is doing well. We earnest- ly hope for bars. Steckle's speedy recovery. A shocking fatality occurred at the .C.N.R. crossing near :Exeter on ,Fri- day forenoon, when a car driven by Mr. !Birk of Dashwood, accompanied by his great niece, Elinor Lindenfield, of London, ,was struck by the north- bound train. Both occupants of the car were instantly killed. This fatal- ity casts a gloom over the whole community here, as Elinor, who was a granddaughter of MT. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston of the Town line, was. well known here, and had a host of friends in 'Blake and: vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Steckle with Melinda .and Edwin, are visiting friends at Markham, Mr. and Mrs, Meno :Steckle 'Sr, and Mr, and Mrs. Dan Steckle are so- journing with relatives at Kitchener. Messrs. Milton and John Johnston tt New Ontario, Mr, and Mrs. Thom- a: Johnston of the Town line, and Miss Margaret :Douglas of Blake at- tended the funeral of Elinor Linden- field.- which was held from her late residence at London an Monday. lir. 'and Mrs. Clifford Scotchmer •1 Chicago spent a few days with this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toihn Scotch mer, who accompanied them on their :emit last Tuesday. Me. and Mrs. John Scotchn1er in- tend taking in the Chicago World lair, Miss Irene Scotchmer has returned home after spending a week with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison., near Seaforth. Report of SlS. No. 4, North Stan- ley, for spring term: iiftDunnClass: Stewart Watson 76%, J' e,'tDIh--lBil'lY Armstrong, Ethel Watson, Gordon Westlake, Melvir THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 934. Greer, • jr. H11, --Ilene Greer, Madge Hous- ton, Wilfred Rau,. Sr III.—:Ands ear Rau, Jr. 'hL—De- wa,r Talbot, Anthony Rau. I.—Hazel Perry, Printer—!lean 'Greer; Jean Rau, Torrance Talbot, Elgin Perry, Frances •\tossup, Teacher. HARLOCK. Mrs. John 'Il Kinlev of Clinton, .Mrs,,Robert McKinley 'of near \.Tarna, an'd' Mrs. Elgin McKinley visited on Thursday evening of last week .at the ]tame of Mr, and \lrs. A. W. llc- Etv'i ng', \Ve are very sorry to haer that Mr. Eddie 1B -ell had the misfortune on Monday evening, to get his leg broken. - Mr. and - Mrs. Richard Armstrong and daughter, of near Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hagg of Morris made a short call at the :tome of Mr. and birs. A. W. McEwing last Tues- day after attending the 'funeral of their cousin, Mrs, Glen Cook, of Clinton. The relatives of Mrs Cook and a few •of :the old neighbors in this neighbourhood also attended the funeral, it being private to friends and old neighbors. :Miss Leah Rapson entertained \.fins Scotc'hmer from. near Bayfield, over the week=end. Mt. and Mrs. J t Knox .and (leen, also Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gib:bings and Jean spent Sundae afternoon at the home "of Mr. and Mrs I. 'Rapson. Mr, A. W. llcEwinge Mrs. Jennie and Olive Knox and Airs, 3101111 Beat- tie visited their atuat, \irs. Ma'rgaret •Watt, Miss Bessie Watt and Mr, Glen Cook on Saturday evening, firs. Annie 'Elliott front Blyth is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. and lir. Bert Allen„ at present. • afr. Archie Cache w and sister Grace from Bt,ffalo, spent a short time last Monday evening at the home of Ile, and Mrs. James Leiper. Mr. Arthur Colson,' Miss Marjorie Colson. Mrs. lien Jackson and Mrs, Bowes returned home Last • Monday after visiting friends in the vicinity of Bracebridge for a week. The three former attended- a large reception party op. Wed. evening \fay 33rd -gi- ven in honor of the two former's cousin, Mr, Arthur Crockford, and 'Miss Margaret 13:il'intan, the recep- tion -party being held at the home of the latter, . \at, Arthur Colson and 'Marione attended a shower party last Tuesday evening et the home of Mr. Robert Smith near Summerhill, given for Mr. Antos 0ebaldesUm and Miss Elva Snaith, Mr. 1•Herold Beacom has been heli- dayiug with friends in Grey. Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Knox spent Senday afternoon at the home of the former's parents, llr, and firs. '1', Knox. Mr. and Mie. A. W. Beacom enter- tained cempany. Sunday afternoon, 21e sre. Ernest and Ward- Knox shingled the north half of the house the beginnings o1 this week. TUCKERSMITH. Death of Samuel G Houston.— There passed away quietly at his home in Tuckersntirh an old and res - fleeted resilient in the person of 21r. caanucl G. Houston, yeengest son of the late James and prances Sproat Houston, Born on the homestead 77 t cats ago, He never wanted to retire from it, His mike unassuming -man- ner and cheerful disposition made hint a friend of old and young alike. He had been in mew r hettith for a nailer of years from hearttrouble, but bore his affliction nobly, lie was a Liberal and a member of Egmondttile Church and served stn the hoard of managers in 'his yrtunger days. He leaves his wife, formerly Mies Helen Story. daughter t i the late Mr. and \Irs. \udrew Story; two daughters, Miss Prances, of Grandview school, I,rantferd, Elisabeth and Andrew, at a:ane, .also two inter , llrs. 0. C. Grant and -hiss \Iarien Houston, St, Marys, A brother in California and a brother at Walton predeceased him. The pallbearers were 'Tames Gennnell, James Late, John Mei-ache Ian. Alex. Simpson, Roland Kennedy ;mel dTohii Story. The funeral was held nn Tuesday afternoon, from his late residence, lot 113, concession 6, 'Tuck- ersmith, to the place of intervent in Egmonclville cemeter'y. The services were conducted by (Reverend Charles Malcolm, and during the service a solo was sung by \1'r. John Beattie, accompanied by Mrs. iR, E. Mac- Kenzie. Atmctng those present at the funeral were Mr, ,Warwick, Wrox- eter, \fr. John 1Knox, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sellar of Morris, lir, and Mrs. Oscar Schultz of StMarys and, the following from Grey Tp., Mr. and Mrs. James Houston and Lor- ena, Mr, and Mrs. Ro!bt. Houston and son Ray, Mr. and Mrs, John Hislop. B.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith. — The re- sults of the May examinations are as follows] Sr, I,V.--tRuby'Dalrymple 7O%. Sr. TBI.—hurray Traiquair 715, Doris Pearce 53"k, )Roy :Pepper 40. Jr, IIsI!L Margaret 'Keecher 74, Wil- mer Dalrymple 50'. Sr, Ti--sA,rfhnr Tfaquair 66, Bliss Pepper 57. Jr. IS.—]Doris Kercher • 66*, Ross Kercher 52*. :Sr, Pr,—Clarence rDilling 67. Pr.—Jack Clark. Perfect attendance since 'Sept. list, Roy 'Pepper, :Bloss Pepper. Best speller for the month; Bloss Pepper; best speller for . the, year, Margaret !Kercher. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Kink visited friends at Dungannon on the `301th. It was the day of the West Huron W.I. district annual meeting. Mrs.. Kirk at- tended as a delegate from the Clin- ton lurton brasali. An instructive address was given by Mr. Putnam, provincial superintendent. Dinner was served in the United Church; there was a very large attendance present. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kirk spent a very pleasant day and renewed many' old acquaintances. Want and For Sale Ads, l time, 25c VARNA An interesting tveeldittg took place at the Maine of airs. Margaret Reid on Saturday, when Miss Margaret Chuter, daughter_ of NIT. and Mrs. Edward Cl1utel, Varna, became the bride of Mr. Walter McllTricle, son of Mr, and lis, ;Robert \IdBride, Gosh- en line, Stanley. The bride, who was given in marriage by 'her father, en- tered the drawing 'roost at twelve o'- clock, to the strains of the oridol chorus from L'ohen:grin played by Mrs. 'Wilmer Reid, cousin of the bride. The beide looked charming in a white crepe dress matte in long fitted lines with short sleeves and long white lace ,mittens, w•ltite shoes and hose to match. She wore a wreath of orange 'blossoms and carried bouquet of tulips, bridal wreath,, and carna- tions, Miss :Mary Chuter, twin sr ter of the'bride,.anted as bridesmaid, dressed in ,pna'k orgendie with white accessories to thatch and carried' a Mamma of tulip laridal wreath and carnations, Mg. Elmore MdI3'ride, boo-. ther of the groom, was best man Lit- tle .iFona Reid, cousin of the bride, was flower girl, dressed in peach or- gandie. The. ceremony took place under an arch of evergreens deciced with white wedding bells, ferns and tulips, Rev. \-V, G. Bugler, ,rector of Trinity Church, fB!ay,field, aiOficiatech The bride led the way to the dining room which' was prettily decorated in punk and white. The wedding cake looked very attractive in. the centre of the table..A delicious dinner was served to 24 guests, immediate rela- tives. Irene Chuter, sister to the bride, and ' Emma ,llc1l3ride, sister to the groom, assisted in serving. The groom's gift to thebride wits silver watt, to the maid o'f 'honor a necklace, to the best man a tiepin. The pian- ist and waitresses also received a gift, Later :Mr. and Mrs, -McBride left by motor for Niagaaa, the bride dressed in powder blue with navy coat and grey accessories. On their cetera they will reside on the groom's farms, Goshen line. We wis lithe young couple Bon Voyage through life, ST. COLUMBAN. Football, —" St. •Colum'ban Green Shirts 'tied the Stratford Senior C.N. R. team at :tome here on Tuesday ev- ening, the score being two ,goals each. It was a hard -Fought evenly contest- ed game for the first bf the season, and with a 'little more practice and better team play the boys should give. a ,,nod account of theihselves in their grotp Lineup: for St. Columban, Goal ,1. Miles; fall backs, ;f, McQuaid. 1. Mot ver; half backs, J. Holland, N. 21'Qt.auL IF. Williams; forwards, lie i{clver, J. Flannery, F. Stapleton, .1). \leCarty, W. Ryan stabs., J. and F. \I:n•Ian. Nike Mary1fctGrath of Toronto spent the holiday with elir parents. \]r and Mrs I'. H. McGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 2[ tylan of Kitchener spent Sunday with friends here, Misses Margaret and Mary liams of Detroit are visiting their par- ents in Flibhert. Mrs. John Downey-, Mrs, Harry Downey and Miss Helen Downey of Detroit visited friends here last week, \1r. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf and family of :Detroit spent Decoration Day with the former's parents here. Lindon Codings team will play an exhibition game here on Friday ev- ening, June 8, This •tcani was unable to conte last week, WINTHROP \1r. and \la •. Irwin Tretvartha and M•., Win. l sewartha and Willie at- c^ded the itinerat at Arthur of Miss Ililda Conk last week. Mr. .Archie Campbell of •Toront,. spent the week -end here, \\uttiu•op defeated Bru:cls in a intune of foot hall played here last Friday night. Score 2411. Referee— Norman Geddes. .\\ iahrnp went to Moncrief lfett- day night and were defeated, 2-11. The play, 'Go Slow Mary." put on by the young people last Friday night was well attended. Every one .,tied their nat•tc spleudirtly. E\etyhnsv is waiting„ Inc c weather and rain, Don'tworry. it's on its way. In Scott Memorial Ilospital ,.n June 2nd to Rev. and Mrs. Morrow. a gift of a son. Congratulations. The play, "Go Slow Mary," under the auspices of the Winthrop, Young 'People in \Vinfhrop 'Church, was very successfully given to a full house last 'Friday evening. The parts were ex- ceptionally well taken. The • cast of characters: Irene Bolton, Tack iHa'b- kirk, Ilea:ion Little, William Draper, (Blanche IPethick and Olive Pryce, IAnona Dale, Neil Montgomery, Edith Milien, Arthur Alexander, William Montgomery, Readings given by Miss Vera H'ud'son and musical nunebere by ...Miss Iva Nott and Mr, Boyce be- tween. cast were very much apprec- iated. NORTH McKILLOP. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard teeming, Ross and :Norma, spent Sunday visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs. .Cecil E. Mur- ray of Tuckersmith, Miss Vera Kistner of .Waterloo spent the week end under the :parent- al !roof. , Mrs, :Joseph Thornton, who spent a weak with her sisters. of Waterloo, has returned home. MT. Edward Boyce spent the week end in Moilkton. We are sorry' to. say \'Liss Elsie Dennis broke her arm one day last tt'eelc at school. Mr, Wilfred Dennis is under the doctor's care: in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, We wish him \a speedy recovery, andMr. and\r[rs. Oliver Boyce friends of Detroit called on 'nornian and Edward Boyce last Friday even- ing. Mr Edward Davidson has traded itis old car on a slew one. HULLETT CENTRE Hui - lett, ratepayers of 5. S. \o. 3, Hul- t,Miss are sorry to hear that Jes- sie Ferguson has resigned her posi- tion as teacher. During the 'five years s'he has been in our section she has De Luxe Jelly Powders 7 pkgs. 25C Kellogg's Corn Flakes 1 C 2 pkgs. a7 Limit -12 to each Customer Peanut Butter, 2 lb 25c Cowan's Cocoa , 1 lb. 25c Magic Coffee , 1 lb. 29c Bull Dog; 9 5® OVERALLS, pr l�• ■ Pearl White Soap 2,C„ 10 bars P. & G. Soap .....10 bars 31c Sprinkling Can . ,., , . 90c 14 qt. Milk Paris , 55c Johnson's Wax .. , .. , ..Ib. 60c Men's Heavy Shoes, or. .... 2e 5 11'3td. O J • CASH PRICES ONLY FINNIGAN CARD OF THANKS Mrs, W. G. W. Fee .and Eva .and Miss :Pee wish to thank 'friends fbr kindnesses and expressions of sym- pathy in their bereavement, and for floral :tributes; they also wish to thank Canon IAlppleyard and those who loan- ed cars. AUCTION SALE. Of Desirable House and Lot and Contents of Same in the Village of Dublin, The .Executors of the 'Estate of Ca- therine Carlin, late of the Village of Dublin, widow, deceased, have in- structed,Fred :phrens, auctioneer, to sell by public auction on Saturday, lune 116th, 1934, at 2 pen. sharp, on the premises elle following desirable property:— Parts of lots 111316 and 1137 in White - head's Survey of part of Lot Num- ber 15 in the list Concession of the Township of Hibbert and situate on the Soutth !East corner of Mill and Union Streets, in the Village of D'u'blin. On acid paras of said (Jots is erected 'a fide 2 story dwelling con- taining 9 roosts and bathroom with cement foundation and cellar, lighted by eletcricity anti having hard and son tvater, .hard water being piped in from good well on the property to the house. The dwelling is so divided that it has been used as a double house and half of the house is now rented to very desirable tenants on a monthly tenancy. i1t the same time and place the fol- lowing chattels, will be sold by public auction: 1 white iron bed, 1 wooden bed, springs, mattresses, feather tick,; and pillows, '1 wash stand, 1 searing machine, •1' bureau, 1 trunk, 3 small tables, pictures, 1' couch, mutants,' drapes, 3 arm chairs, curtain poles, r' i cttannons, 6 .care -bottom chairs, 1 rat,:; 9'x11', 2 rocking chairs, 1 large stir-; ror, 1 eight-day clock, 1 three -corn- ered cupboard, i1' falling -leaf table, linoleum, 1 jewel cooking stove,,, 1 heating stove, kitchen chairs, 1 elect- ric gill, washing machine, tt'riliger, clothes -haslet, boiler, tub, coal scut -1 :le, ahot'el, sealers, utensils, dishes, rubber hose, and other articles too numerous to mention, all in good con- dition, 'Perms on ,Property --Ten per cent, of purchase price on day of sale; bal- ance within !thirty days. Terms on Chattels—Cash. For further particulars and condi- tion • of sale apply to JOHN J. HtTGIGAIRD, Seaford]. Ont, Solicitor for Executors. Dated 'Jute 4, 19.34, :Fred ,Ahrens, Auctioneer. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Isabel Small- don, who passed away three years ago to -'nay, June 6, 1931. "Nothing but memories as we jour- ney on, Longing Inc a smile of a loved one gone; None knows the depths of our deep regret, IBM we remember when otthrs forget. --Sadly missed by her sister, lairs. Eaton, IN. MEMORIAM. Ihn loving memory of I sirs. Cuthill, who passed away one year ago today, June 5th, 1933: Sunshine fades and .shadows fall, But sweet .remembrance outlasts all," ---A Neighbor. IN MEMORIAM IIs loving memory of :my dear mo- ther, Mrs.'Benj. IRi'ley, wnito passed away six years ago: "Slhe was so good, unselfish and kind, 1F'ew on earth her equal we fiend, 'Otte of the best whom God coulcl send iA lovin_ another right to the end; She :Med a nature you couldn't help • liking, • A heart that was purer than gold, And to those who knew her and loved her, • Her memory will never grow old." Renten* tted by her daughter, :qrs.. Robert Grimolzbhy, heel o successful teacher, and has made for :herself many warm friends. She will be missed not only in the, section but also in Burns Church ard! tSeindlay School, where she has been an active worker. lir. Geo. Lawrence still continues • in poor health, \Mrs. D, R. MacKenzie of Lucl:ea:w- and 'Sirs. J. Crompton of Flint, Mich., were visitors on Saturday with \Irs. Win, Carter. II Miss Ferguson. spent the .week-endI at her home in Clifford. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs., 9'. L Keys wish to thank their fiends and neighbors for .the kind, expressions ar sympathy during their recent be- reavement, also their pastor and phys- ician, 'those who supplied the music and for the beautiful floral tributes, !tltoae- who kindly loaned cars and as- sisted in any 'other way. CARD OF THANKS .Mrs, Beiejatnin IB, Riley and family wish to.Meek all their friends `anal neighbors who helped thein during the sickness and death of their hus- band and .father, also they wish tc thank the Burns' !Sunday Scho&1 class, Constance Sunday Schoof Class and also the eeighlbors tart. friends -far the beautifiel Regal tributes and also for cars so generously loaned. FARMERS Do.you.realize that we are doomed if this dtroutdi c.oti•tinues. The onlg back bone left is to immediately pre- pare a poor !110 -acre hayfield for cora By using a 105 lbs. sack of fertilizes„ corn will yield a bumper crop if soar- ed by 19th of June. \'te have purchas- ed a complete silo -building outfit and. a•ce note prepared to erect concrete 'Silos, stable floors, walls, etc., also barn and 'house painting. \'York gvaar- anteed and prices right. Apply to J<._ E, Hugill tC Sons, :Phone 34-646. ` Clinton cell, 2,'% WANTED. Ey a young 'lady, a bed-htitag room, warns, comfortable, wirh a, southern or western exposure. Please state whether steals would be avail- able. Reply to 'The News. 23 PLANTS FOR SALE Cabbage plants for :,ale, 5c s doze IE nrly \\ i ingstead and late Dartisir. tllaldhead, Early- Snowball Casli- flower 1Oc a doz. Some Choice Peter -l- ine and Verbenas and other fj,o+.k.cr plaints. 11sn celery plants. .2. L, Porteous, West street. 23 SCIENTIFXC PALMIST Till Saturday night, Comrnercia' Hotel, Room 116, Have your hands read. IGtow yourself, ability, health.. Reduced rates, 23. FOR SALE Reed oats, barley and screening's, ground or.unground. John ,Eckert. sot 4, con. 9, McKillop, 2$ BABY CHICKS. 'For the remainder of the Gaon we arc offering chicks from out nigig producing Government approved and blotdtested stock: Barred Rock.; , Leghortts $7 per !hundred, also stance chicks, pullets, cockerels, etc, at rea- sonable prices, Andrew . A. Moore_ Seaforth, Ont, 2a FOR SALE Cabbage plants for sale. Late cab- bage, Summer cabbage and Early eat- bage, all the above at one cent Yen plant, Also Cauliflowers at 1.5 plaints for twenty cents. Krauslcopf'Breese Lot 314, Con, 5, Logan, Phone 36 r id;, Dublin. 24. PERENNIAL AND ROCK GARDEN PLANTS Also Annuals and Bedding Pleats. Visit .the Mitchell Nursery Co., Mit- chell, li.chell, One, or phone 37. FOR SALE Former Stewart gas station and seven acres of land with house, oft N. Main street. 1I13 not sold' will .he rented. Alpply to Jon 24.. Cudmore; Executor for Henry (Cud:m'ore Ehtate. Clinton R. 1R: 2. Phone 3 on 6143. PLANTS FOR SALE Asters,, Zinnias, ,S'alv'ia, IScabiosa, Calendula Rot Marigold,), Verbenas, Pinks, Pansies, Carnations, Snap- dragon, Petunias, Rosy Morn, Cali- fornia ali.fornia Giants, FisafBe Ruffles. CauTi- flower_Early 'Snowball. Cabbage — Red and (hide, early and late. Albert Baker, Railway st. Tuan west at the ,Seaforth Creamery, 20 DE'SIRAlBLE PROPERTY 222 WALTON FOR SALE sev t -d b i l 1 i peel with hydro, telephone and furn- ace, a good stable and garage and t, acre of land. A few fruit 'trees, Arp'ply, to W. J.'Woods, Widaojn, or 'phone (Brussels 19 r 7. WINDOW BOXES AND HANGING POTS Filled at reasonable prices, ,includ- ing delivery, The Mitchell Nursery Co.,:Mitche:ll,'On!,'or Phone '37. -2'3'