HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1934.,
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
-Miss Annie Caste of Vancouver, C3.
C. and Mr. and qhs, Last of WindsorI
are visiting their sister, Mrs. R. Ilvy.
Min, C, Euros and Mr W. Kohler of
Granton spent Sunday with the fornm-
er's parents, Mr, and Mans. F, Lams.
Mrs. 13, Wilson and 'Donald of
London are spending. their holidays
•with the former's parents, 11r,' and
Mars A. Hoy.
-'Miss Ruth ,Bennewies of Logan is•
visiting •with • Mir, and Mars. H.
Shannon. -
Mli,.es 11ary Humphries and Meth
Sthannou spent the week -end with
Mist Rita Campbell of Mcl<illop,
Mt. R. Patterson is wearing. a smile
these day;; rat's a girl.)
'Wedding bells will rinse in the vil-
lage in June. 'Report says there will
be two Tune brides.
One of the Last Pioneers Passes.
The death occurred at his home on
lot 5 concession 3. Hullett, ou Thurs-
•day, May 311ht, of John bowler; one of
the last remaining pioneers of the
!district, in his .912nd year. Mr. Fowler
'had been bedfast and under the care
,of nurses since 'February, and he bare
'his suffering with the greatest of pa-
tience, Born in England, son of John
Fowler and Dinah I-Iall,, he carne out
to this country when he was • eight
months old and the family settled on
-the Fowler homestead in Hullett
where he died. 'He underwent the
hardships of pioneer lite and did 'his
part in converting the forest wilder-
ness into the Modern farm,
I -Ie was married. in Hullett. on June
31G. TSSo, to Elizabeth Runeiman Van
Egmond, 0110 predeceased hint in
1905. Surviving are one daughter,
Miss Matilda Fowler, and four sons,
Dr, W. J.. Fowler, Guelph; 'Dr. How-
ard Jrow ler, Clinton 'Foster Fowler,
Mitchell: and Frederick of Hullett.
Mr. ]Towler was the last surviving
member of a large family. :He was a
Liberal in politics all his life and also
an advocate of temperance, He -had
the 1,1d-fashi,'ned honesty of the early
people and was upright in ail his ,.deal-
ings, Of a quiet and reserved nature.
he was good to his family and always
had' a wide circle of friends. The fun-
eral' took place oar Saturday afternoon,
Rev. Mr, Holmes of Clinton officiat-
ing. The pallbearers were Tame'
VanEgmond, Herbert Fowler, Wil-
liam Clark, 'Thomas Dale. • !Bert Ir-
win, Thomas Livingstone. Interment
was in Maitlandbank cemetery.
There passed away in Hullett oin
May 29111, \1r. iienjamin 11. Riley,
son of the late John and Mary .Riley,
of Hullett township, in his 49th year.
He had not been in gond health for
the last four Months, 'but gradually
grew worse, in spite of all that .could
be done. He was married on April 211.
1009, to Selina Glazier, daug,hter of
Henry 1,hizier of Hullett, They settl-
ed on lot 111, con, 9, o'f 1-fullett where
he died. Besides his wife .he:left nine
children to mourn his loss: -'Mrs. Er-
nest ,Da1e (Mary Florence), Jahn
Henry. of the 10th .concession; Percy.
Earl Benjamin, -Robert 'William,
.Alex. :Urfa, Ettie Elizabeth, Archie
Ross, Selena Isabel, ai1 at home; an
infant daughter, Agnes .Lorena, died
three rear. ago, He also leaves t::
mourn one sister, 1 Lizzie) Mrs, Geo,
Mann Sr, of Hullett. The remains
were laid to rest in Clinton cemetery
on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.111. The
services at the house and gr:n-esi1(
were conducted byRev. Mfr. Gardiner•
of 'Burns' and Constance United
Church, The pallbearers were, George
Carter, John Hcezlewood, Bert Hog-
gart, \\'in. Knox, Charles Hoggar:,
Robert Rogerson, his neighbors.
Mr. 1\'11, ;Livingston attended t'::
sale of pure -abed Yorkshires, held at
the Loblaw Farms, Alliston. He per-
cyased a young hog, sired by the Sen-
enfor and Grand Champion at the last
"Royal" and (Wont a sow -which quali-
fied for advanced registry. •
Mars. J. Thieson and son and )Jr.
Joseph Carbert were the guests of
Mfrs. Goo. E. .'Holland .Saturday a
Mt,. 1. Flynt and lei band, ami.
Mr. and Mfrs. t}. E, Holland. return-
ed on 'Tuesday from Windsor.
Mfr, and Mlre. Dinreomn and tw.>;
n;,ys were '.here for 0 iew days the
guests of Mr. and Mr, D. M. MX m.
Forty hours Adoration was closed
on Sunday night with Solemn Bene-
diction in 1St. °Patrick's Churoh, Rev.
Father Mylerte of London preached
-the sermons.
Wedding bells are ringing in Dub-
Mr. and Mrs, Melville .Blood, De-
troit, spent the week end with the lat-
ter's sister. Mrs. Patrick Ryan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. MacCormick and dau-
ghter Teresa of !Parkhill are vi itine
with Mr. anti Mfrs, Peter 'Fitzpatrick.
Mrs. Janet Ross and 3Mirs. Alex.
Ross returned :_, their home .in -lir
village last week.
Mars, S, 'Thomson, .rho has heec
spending the winter with her daugh-
aug11rer. Mrs. Jas. Moodie, returned to
herhome in :kipper recently.
Miss Mary 3. !McCully's 13ruenfield
friends'lvere glad to have her pay
therm a visit in her wheeled chair
last 'week She has been confined L'
• her home for the past 1'tt v years.
Miss Mary 2!ctKeezic of Tucker -
smith visited' at the heave of MI..
Janet Ross this week,
2eiiss Norah Collins of our village
returned to her home' last week from
.Clinton Hospital where She under-
went an operation for appendicitis,
'The Y,P,S. of IBrucefield (baited
'Church are Rodding their picnic ,'1
!Saturday afternoon, .Ju.:e .9111. a.
iB.aylfield \ii the young people of the
community sure cordially invited.
Farm Machinery -Ind
Colne in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for elirysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash,
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
eafor h
C. A. Barber, Prop:
The late drought has made thing•s
quite serious with fie shortage of
fodder for cattle and ff rain doesn't
come in the near future there may be
d, e
Rev. E. F. Chandler of St. And-
rew's United Church gave a •most in-
teresting and helpful sermon on "The
Royal Rule of Life," "Lo I come to
do Thy will," on Sunday morning,
A. quartette number,. "Jews; Lover
of My Soul," was very nicely rend-
ered by Miss Halcyon Chandler,,
\lrs,1E, Butt, and Messrs: J. B. Mc-
Lean can anti W. Love.
The R ,M1S, and 'Ladies' Aid in-
tend. packing a .bale of second-hand
clothing to • be sent to the Western.
Provinces in the very near future. .All
donations left at either store in the
village will be .gratefuiiy received. -
The reg -lar monthly sleeting of
the Gauld Mission (Band will be held
in the Sunday Sehout room on Sat -1 ,'Those of you Who have traveled
urday, June 9; 'at 2:30. Al! the chil-' in a southerly direction will notice-
dreit are urged to be present and to
he on tune.
M1r. and \1rs, W. O'Brien and babe
Flint, spent the week end with Mr,
old Mrs, F. O'Brien.
Mr. and firs, G. Savage and family
of Stratford were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr, Duncan McMillan.
2Ir. and MGs, H. Sillety and baby
of Hamilton were Sunday visitors 1
Mr. R. Srtlet, s,
Mr, and Mans. C. Temi)lenran and
Miss Betty, Toronto, spent the week
end under the parental roof.
The .lune sessions of Huron County.
Council opened on Tuesday al teruoon
June 5. Because of the torrid heat,
Warden- Elliott gave permission to
the members to take off their coats,
s h
and , et e example byremoving l 1 temwung 11 is
awn, which was quickly followed by
a majority of the representatives.
AL1 his opening address Warden
Elliott said: "I ant sure it is very
gratifying when the toll is called to
see all the members present. We are
meeting today under rather unique
circumstances. IIt is seldom two mem-
bers of this body are aspiring to a
higher position. As Mr, Ballantyne
and I have met Here today to trans-
act county affairs, 11 hope members
will conlfine themselves to the coun-
ty's business and leave provinicial_
ones out of the deliberations,
"T would like to pay special trib-
ute to the chairman of the Property
Committee, Robert Turner, Deputy
Reece of ,Godericb, who had taken
much individual pains," said the
that the provincial !highway (the
Blue Water) has ben trade safer."
The Warden eulogized the work of
the new- clerk and treasurer, whom
he said were inert of fine calibre.
'1-lnron is to be congratulated in hav-
ing such Officials, The clerk has a sys-
tem which stands second to none.•
All of you who have (net in comauiit-
tee nevill know he 'has things in such
shape that he can lay l !s hands on
them at a moment's notice,
"The treasurer is a reran of gnat
0biii( who f1Yt11 a financial stand-
point is saving money to this county."
The former treasurer barro4•ed
000 on each account regardless of
the requirements. The present treas-
urer is borrowing as required. Over
the ,live nlvnths' period the saving in
interest is '$5(3(5, because of this sys-
The Department 'of ,High(ways noti-
fied the council in. a letter -that cer-
tain toads, comprising the Blue Wat-
er Highway, are being assumed by
the provincial government. The let-
ter was filed.
The presentment of the Grand Jury
was read and reported, that the coun-
ty buildings were in good condition
It was recommended that provision
should .be made for a lady's waiting
room 'n t
the court house, and that
the county engineer's Mee 'be re-
decorated. (Referred to Property Com-
iFran'k 'Gibbs, C.'A., (Stratford, wrote
offering to audit the county books
for 112314- far $'3140, pies expenses; J.
W. Monteith for $375 for complete
audit for 1934, and Leonard' Kent of
Ottawa advised that he was unable
to quote a price owing to the un-
certainty of his location. 'Ail were sent
to the Finance Committee.
"Kin g foga a Night"
Mon. Tues. -Wed„ June 11-12-13
News Reel
Thurs. Fri. Sat., June 14-15-16
"Little Orphan Annie"
Comedy Cartoon
Curious New
An article pointing out that it is
no't 11ow long you sleep but how well
you.. sleep that counts, 'appears in The
A'nlediean Weekly with neat Sunday's
Detroit 'Times, The article reveals
many facts the sleeper never knows
Want and For Sale Ads, I time, .35e
ELL -The
When storms are raging it's a comforting thought
that an experienced captain, a man of courage
and resourcefulness, is safe-giiarcling the lives of the
Now with the storm of economic hardship and
depression passing and Ontario business safely
headed towards the harbor of better trines, it is being
suggested to the people of Ontario that they transfer
Ontario's resources from the capable hands which
tai 's at tke;
piloted them safely through one of the greatest
financial crises in theworld's history.
It is being suggested to the province that it should
remove from the experienced hands of the Henry
administration the trusteeship of its agriculture, its
forests, its mines and its varied industries.
The voters are being given a suggestion that they
should transfer their billions of dollars of assets.
The province needs the constructive, courageous program to: which
the Conservative Goverrinent is pledged.
Signed: THEV