HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-07, Page 1A Sensitive ,Plant in a garden grew,
And the young winds fed it with sil-
ver dew,
And it opened its fan-like leaves to
the light,
And closed them beneath the kisses
of night.
And"the jessamine faint and the sweet
The sweetest flower for scent that
ea forthN
And all rare blossoms from every
Grew in that garden in perfect prime.
Broad water -lilies lay tremulously,
And starry river -buds glimmered by,
And around them the soft stream did
glide and dance
With a motion of sweet sound and ra-
Phone 84.
- Regularly
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
4LB. tin at
—at 2 for 25c
GERKINS, sweet, 19 oz. jar 30c
ST. CHARLES MILK, large tin,
at IOc
Sauce, at 2 for 25c
'per tin 20c
CORN STARCH. -3 lbs for 25c
HORNE'S CUSTARD -1 Ib. tin 30c
Eggs, P,atter,'•Dried Apples and Fea-
thers taken as cash,
A. C.p.Routiedge
ONE 166
JUNE 19TH, 1934
(Warden of Huron County)
Candidate in Huron Riding
with a clean record, business
ability, experienced, practical
and efficient. Fair play and a
square deal for all.
Liberal -Conservative
Ass'n of South Htrron
North Side United Church—Pastor
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, June 10th. 110 ,a,m.—Sunday
School and 'Bible Classes.
10 a.na,—Ptnblic worship, IStabject,
"Is Our Mortality a Blessing or a
7 p.m. :Public worship, Subject,
"Eternal Life,"
Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A.,IB,D.
1ene `110th.=The Y.S.I,Anniversary
—10 ant„ (Bible Study; 111' assn., Me,
Aubrey Oldham Conference ;Presi-
dent of Y;FP, work, will speak on
"Youth and 'World Peace 3 p,m,-
A rally of the Young People to dis-
cuss some problems of youth. 7.30
p.m., Mr, Aubrey Oldham will speak
nn "Why a Young People's Society?"
The service will be conducted by
members of the executive of Huron
Y. P. 'Union. 8;30 pant—A Fireside
meeting of Young People of the dis-
trict to talk .about "the Ideal Y. P.
Four Department Plan."
.Services June lIOth, Second Sunday
after Trinity; Sunday School and
Bible Class, air) o'clock; morning pray-
er; 111 o'clock, sermon topic,. The
Fear of the Lord"; evening prayer, 7
'clock, sermon topic, "Barnabas, the
Winsome Apostle,' Ail welcome.
Canon E. ^\ppleyard, Rector; assisted
hy'Ret-. Canon Austin Smith. •
The Sacrament of th•e Lord's Sup-
per will be administered at the three
churches, 'The sermon, in keeping
with the occasion, will be "Do This
n Remembrance of Me." Rev, G. E.
Morrow, Pastor.
Air. Patrick O'Rourke announces
the engagement of his only daughter,
Rita Mary, to Mr, John M. Flannery,
the marriage to take place the latter
part of June.
Mgr. and Mrs. John Workman of
Kippen, announce the engagement of
;'tete only daughter, Mildred Eliza-
beth, to Eldin Al xander Kerr, eldest
-on of Mr. and v1rs. 'Wm, Kerr, of
McKillop, the marriage to take place
the latter part of June.
Mr. \V. Johnston of 'Blyth bought
forty 'tons of hay from Mr. E. J. Box
of .Seaforth last week:. It was baled
and loaded in two days.
The annual picnic of the Huron
'Old Boys' Association of Toronto
will be held in :Area No. 2,Canadian
Exhibition Park, on Saturay, June
30th, at 3 p.nt. IA big programme of
races and games is being arranged in
which suitable prizes will be award-
ed. The
ward-ed.:The ladies will provide refresh-
ments with the 'best Huron cooking.
Alt Huronites in the :city and Out of
the city are invited to be present and
take part in the proceedings:
The 1Seaforth Bowling Club are
holding their opening local tourna-
men't' Thursday night, June 7, Mixed
tournament at 7:30', .challenge be-
tween the President, C. P. ,Sills, and
Vice.4President, J. 5.. •Cl'uff, The club
is anxious for a full entry of all bowl-
ers and
owlers'and prospective bo•wler.s. Get in
touch with the Secretary, M. A. Reid,
or any member of the executive.
The president and vice president
are donating prizes. ,Green is in splen-
did condition, In event of rain, will be'
played on Tuesday,
The \Vontan's Auxiliary of St.
Thomas' Church held their regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday of this
week, Mrs. 'Appleyrard presided . and
sixteen menti ers aarswered the roll
call The meeting . opened with a
hymvi, followed by .Scripture lesson,
(After the reports .of the various com-
mitees were accepted, the President
gave most interesting reports of t'
annual W.A, held in London, and of
the annual Deanery meeting in Brus-
bels.'Canon Appleyard paid a friendly
call and closed the meeting with the
The following from a Regina paper
refers to the death of a former Sea -
forth boy, Vincent 0. Murphy. His
parents lived in 'Hibbert until going
out to Regina a few years ago. His
grandparents, .Mn'. and Mrs. 'Thomas
Murphy, lived in Seaforth for years.
Deceased was a nephew of Mrs. C.
:Atkinson and Mrs. Teter McCann of
Seafort'h, 'He, was about thirty years
of age and the youngest of the fam-
'Funeral services for Vincent O.
Murphy, son of Josephh and the late
Mrs. Murphy, 1113116 'Princess street,
Regina, were held Tuesday morning
at Sacred (Heart' church where Rev.
Fr. Keahlan celebrated requiem high
mass. The choir' assisted, and sang
`Libera" as the 'body was borne from
the church to Regina cemetery where
interment took place.
"There 'was a large congregation in
attendance at the o'bsegtiies, • and a
large number of people followed the
body to the grave.
"Pallbearers were: Peter McJeffrey,
Angus J. 'MaciDonnell, Albert Morris,
Walter Cowley, Joseph Walsh and G.
Fahhnan, Frani. Smith, state deputy
of the Knights of Columbus for Sask-
atchewan, represented the order at the
funeral services. A. B. Gerein repres-
ented the Manitoba 'state jurisdiction
and IE. F. McRinney represented the
Regina council. Knights of Columbus,
"\lr. Murphy was grand .knight of
the Flin Flon council, Itnights of
Columbus, and state advocate of the
Manitoba jurisdiction of the order.
"He died at Rochester, Minn of
double pneumonia which set in after
an operation for appendicitis last -Fri-
day, that was to be:a preliminary to.
an operation for ulcer;, 'Surviving are
this father, Joseph Murphy; six broth-
ere, 'Peter, of Togo; Thomas, of Park
berg, Joseph, .Albert and 'Michael, Re-
gina and john Paddock wood, and t wli
inters, Agnes, ni Arcata, Calif., and
Rachel at home. Speers' funeral home
was in charge of arrangements."
A heari•tg of -complaints and ape
peals with regard to the voters list'
to be used in Seaforth at the pending
provincial elections, was held in the
town hall here Tueaday at 10 a.m.
judge 1. M. Costello presided and
Mr. J A. Wilson acted as clerk for
the revising officer.
tit No, 11 poll, 2'3 names were added;
No, 2, ld names; No. 3, P7 names; No.
12 names; No, 5, '12 names,, and
No. 6, 20 names,
lFoerteen names were struck off,
some- of which were transferred to
tither pans in town.
, The solemnity of the Feast of Cor-
date Christi, was fittingly observed in
t lapis's' Church on Sunday last.
I nnnediately after the High Mass, ihigh was celebrated by the pastor,
ev. father (Hussey, a procession of
e cross bearer acolytes, Sodality
gills, altar boys;' torch bearers and
:;Mall flower girls was. formed. Then
serine the priest' carrying t'he Blessed
i •acrament under a beautiful cannpv
'held by four young men. Members of
the choir and the congregation fol-
11,:5wed and all ittarched, singing
•hymns and reciting prayers, arourd
the church grounds to . the Rectory
Inhere an altar had been erected. Here.
Benediction was given, after which
he procession 'returned to the
4jhi1sch, where the services closed
with. the Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament, The clay was ideal for
such a service and the beauty of bhe
1lawers, .colored lights, singing of
hymns in honor of the Blessed Sacra-
ment added much to this beautiful
devotion and made it a very memor-
able occasion.
On 'Sunday, June 110th, at the First
Mass, the little ones will receive their
First Holy Communion, and at the
elose of the High Maes the "Forty
0 -Sours' Devotion" will begin, closing
oii Tuesday evening, June 112411,
'.Also on Sunday, June 19th, at 3
-rem. the men of the Holy Name Soc-
iety will attend the District Rally to
bme held in St. Joseph's Church, Clin-
i .,
''New books which• have recently
been put -in circulation at the Public
Library: The White Glove, LeQueux,
Cross of Peace, Gibbs; Young Mrs.
Meigs, Corbett; Bird of Dawning,
\la shield; \ elloty Briar, Slater;
Flower ,Blade, Wren; She Saw
'Mem 'Go By, Chapman; No Second
Spring, Beith; Prince of the Captiv-
ity, 'Buchan; Rainbow Cottage, Hill;
Wonder Hero, Priestley; As the
Earth Turns, Carrell; Within this
Present, liarnes; All the King's
Men, Neill; Nest of Simple Folk, 0'-
I"a la u; \\''lien Yellow Leaves Fall,
Boileau; England. their dE ngland.
\f f oDonell; Anthony" Adverse, Allen.
- ton bicticm—Life Begins at I orty,
Pitkin; First Over Everest, 1'eliawes;
Famous Trials of England, - Birken-
head; Art of the Novel, Edgar; Af-
r3can Intrigue, Batson; In 'Scotland
Again, Morton First to go Back,
S ariattita;' I.apnat, Wells; 'Book 'of
Natural Wonders, Hawk; Shetland
Isles of Nightless Summer, Moffatt;
!Rock Garden, Wilder; South African
Sumpter, Ratcliffe,
evenile--+Heroes and Heroines,
Farjeon; Grey Eyes, Adams; \ Pic-
ture History of Canada, McEwen;
Sotititwor,,th Scores, (Barbour; Stones
from the 'Bible, De la Mare; Out of
Doors, Allen.
"Conservative" writes to The Sea -1
forth News, taking exception. to re-
marks made by a temperance speaker;
in the United Church on Sunday...;
which. the writer .ay., 1vas "partisan'
Seaforth and Egmondville played
a Iluron Foot Ball fixture \Vednes-
eay night, Egmondville winning 2-11
unci is 110 '1 in first place in the south
section. ft was a well balanced, even
game. ,Both played goodball all the
way through. Egmondville scored one
goal in the first five minutes of play,
The ball was passed in from W.
Wright and 'Donnie Dale .put it ie
the goal. Seaforth came- back strong.
after the goal was scored and with
some nice passes in front of the Eg-
niondville goal, Hughes put a high
shot into the corner which beat Mc-
Gee. The first half ended 1111'. The
second half Egmondville had i'he
edge of the play all the way through.
The second goal was scored by E'g-
maou,dvi'lle, middle of 2nd period. pass-
ed in by Don Dale—John Flannery
headed the ball through. 'Much credit
is .due to Van 'Bell in Seaforth goal,
ane of the youngest players in the
League, for he saved four ,or five
goals, making some wonderful saves.
The game ended 241 for Egmondville.
(Egmondville goess to Kippen next
Saturday night. The line-up;
Egntonclville —'Goal ,MLciGee, 1.,de-
fense Nicholsons, r. def. Malone, cen-
tre half H. Nicholson, r. half J. Doig,
1. half McQuaid, centre Dale, outsi'd'e
right W. Wright, inside 'right Mc-
Kay, outside left C .Flannery, inside
;eft 7i Flannery, subs., Kruse anal
Watson. left def. Mc-
Goal 03e11,Iver r. der. Christie, centre 'half Mc-
Qid, r. halt J. cDickaon, i. half F.
-Willis,icentre W',illiams, outside right
n. Sills, inside right T. Sills, outside
left Mayer, inside left J. Hughes,
subs Buchman, R. Dickson,
'Referee, Ferg. Bullard.
•Standing—Santh Section:
P '\\'I T. L Pts
Egm lv'lle 3 3 .0' 0
Bruce'lld . ..2 2 it 0 3
Seaforth . . ,3 3 0 al 2
Kippen .. , . 2 0 1 1 1
Bayfield . 2 0 0 2 --
North Section Standing
T L Pts
Walton • : 2 2 0
Winthrop . 3 2 1 0 4
Moncrf .. •2 1 1
Ethel , 3 1' 2 0 2
P.,:n..:el, : ...3 0 2 0
Word has been received of the
passing at Lipton,.Sask., on Friday,
June 1, of \Ir, Wm. hays, son of the-
lielate James Hays be \Icelifllop. Al-
though »h in poor health for the past
year, he had been able to be around
until a ,short time before his death.
Mr. Hays left this community in
1sN' fm' the Q'Appelie valley where
he settled and hail since resided.
About.415 years ago he married Miss
.Amy Thomas of Liverpool. Eng.,
who- survives together with two sons
and two daughters, all residents of
die West. A son and a daughter pre-
deceased hint, Surviving also are 3
brothers, 'Robert C. hays, Gorlerich,
and Adam and James hays; Seaforth,
and four sisters,• Mrs, G. F. S. Gard-
en. Toronto, Mrs, Fowler, Learing -
ton,, Mrs, 'Wm. Ireland, .Climax,
Sask., Mrs. John Ireland, 'Detroit,
Minn. The funeral was held Sunday
at Lipton,
AA quiet wedding took place at
the home of Dr. and Mrs, H. B.
Coleman, Toronto; on Saturday, when
their sister, Miss Marguerite S. Cas-
son, was married to Mr. J. Ross
Murdie of-11•clKlillop. Rev. J. H.
(Dixon officiated. The bride was at-
tended: by Miss Helen .Elizabeth
Coleman, and Dr. H. M. Coleman was
best man. Miss Ivy Dale sang. Me,
and Mrs. Murdie will live near Sea -
New Dinnerware
is now on view. We have just received this year's new designs in
Dinner Ware. All is of English manufacture and English Dec-
oration and very beautiful decorations they aree The new com-
position of 97 pieces, all fullesized and newest shape, make very
attractive Dinner Sets and to complete the value they are all open
stock patterns, Notwithstanding the increase in prices we are
pricing these new sets at $ 50 $25.00 per set
ifrel3 to
The $25.00 sets are hand decorated. These are imported direct
from England and are marvellous values,
Phone 194. Res. 10.
WHYTE-McMILLAN •Guelph, and lir, J. Nelson, Hall -
The marriage of Miss Margaret lax, lee S.
13, lfc\Millan, daughter of the :ate
Mr. Thomas '2IcMtillen, M. .1'., and
the late Mrs. McMillan of Seafortit
to \Wilfrid. L, Whyte, B. S. A., -son
of -Airs. Whyte and the late Mr. John
\V'hyte, 'Stratford, took place in 'First
Presbyterian iesbp(exiau Church, Seaforth, Satur-
day afternoon, Jute 2, at two -thirty
o'clock. Ainid a Picturesque Setting of
palms, Ferris and cut flowers, t'he cer-
emony Was perforated by Rev, Dr. F.
H. Larkin, of Toronto, assisted by
Rev. lir. Keine. The bride, given 10
marriage by Dr. W. A. Hall, M.P., of
Walkerton, wore a. lovely gown of
white lace and chiffon made on prin-
cess lines with empire style waist
and long sleeves, IIer bridal veil 0-1
tulle, caught -in bonnet effect around
her head fell gracefully over her short
train. She wore white slippers and
white gloves, The bricle's bouquet was
white roses, orchids and lily -of -the -
valley. Miss Willa Couse, of Streets-
vilIe, was bridesmaid,' wearing a
graceful frock of blue chiffon with
large hat of crepe in the sante shade
trimmed - witht French pink. Her
slippers and gloves were also of
pink. Her bouquet of roses in a deep
rose shade was in contrast to her
gown. Fred Wellington- of Sarnia
ryas best 1111111 and ushers were N, D.
Hogg, Toronto; E. J. Stockhouse
Guelph; !Bruce Co'hoe, \V'oodslee.
M Funsten, St. Catharines, B. Pat-
terson, Stratford. The wedding music
was played by Mrs. M. R. Rennie of
Seaforth, The reception afterwards
was held at 'the bride's home, 1-bnitn
Farm, Seaforth, before a bank of
ferns and- cut flowers in the spacious
living room. A buffet luncheon • was
served. 'After a honeymoon trip, Mr,
and Mrs. Whyte will reside at Holm
Farm, Seaforth. 'Por :travelling the
bride wore a tailored dress of ivory
crepe and orange jacket with which
she wore a brat of matching shade
with .accessories to match, 'The
guests present at the wedding were:
Mrs. J'oihn iWhynte, .M'iss Eva Whyte,
SOFT BALL Dr. and Mrs, F. J. ISebben: and Dick,
Industries defeated Egmondville by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Patterson, Bob
a narrow margin on Thursday night. Patterson, Mr and Mrs, E. J. Smith,
Mon day night's game, Egmond-
vine 0?6;OOSi,Lll3; Mlerchants 0120,Stratford, MGr. and Mrs. R. IS, Whyte.
5010e8--1,5.Jack Wlaite, -Miss Margie Jean
Standing— W L Pts Whyte, Mr. and, Mrs. Russell Bur -
Industries .3 0 • 4
Mfeechants .,. , 2 3 4
High •.School 1 1'
Egmondville . ...,. 0 3 0
The property committee of the
town council held a special meeting
'Tuesday' when purchase o'f a new
wagon for the Board of Health was
decided upon as the old wagon •was
broken down and beyond repair. At a
recent meeting of council, in order
to reduce estimates, it was proposed
that the town pay for the town wag-
on certain days 'and the. B.O.H. cer-
tain days. It is not known whether
the breakdown occurred on a board
of health (ley, .•r a toren day.
gess and daughter Joan, .Miss 1.4ar-
nie Whyte, Miss Agnes Crosbie,
Miss Phyllis Patterson, Miss Mary
Yea ndle. Toronto; Mrs. Hudson
Woodruff, St. David's; Me. and
Mors. Cecil Whyte, :Mr. and' Mrs.
Harold Whyte, Hamilton; Mrs. Joe
Wellington, Sarnia; Miss Helen
Evans, Guelph, Miss Grace Scott,
Seaforth; Miss Beth Drury, Bar-
rie; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Wing
ham; Mrs. Nellie McMillan, Master
Walter McMlll'an, Mr. and. Mrs,
David McLean, R.. McMillans, Mrs.
Simmons, Miss Tvy Simmons, Sea -
forth; 1•fr, and Mrs. Bill 'Hamilton,
\lany friends of Dr, J. A. 2101111 arc
sorry to knew that he suffered. spinal
injuries as the result of a fall at hie
home early this week and will be
confined to bed for arsom some weeks.
was brought home from the hospital
\\ edits day. Dr. 21111111 is in a piaster.
castand is getting along splendidly.
Dr. R. R. Ross will be in charge o:
Dr. 2funn's dental practice during his,
Mr. \V. W. Cooper, the people's
candidate, announced meetings at
Exeter, Clinton and Seaforth on
Wednesday of this week, when he
was to have an outside speaker, The
meeting at Seaforth did not take
place—et hand'fu'l of spectators wait-
ed till nine o'clock at the town hall
but the candidate, speaker and chair
man failed to --put in an appearance.
Mr. Cooper showed up alone later
and gave an informal talk, None c'
his meetings were held,
W. I.
The Junior Women's Institute will
meet at the home of Miss Violet
Tyndall on Wednesday, June ldtni,
at 2:30 o'clock.
W. G. W. 'FEE.
The death occurred 011 Sunday a
his residence on Jarvis street, of Wil-
liam G. Wellington Fee, a very high-
ly esteemed resident. Mr. Fee, wit.-
hrwas the second son o'f the late Mir,
and Mrs. Walter Pee, was born in
Hay Township 65 years ago, He was
nt.,rried ,n lln';ti to Miss Sarah Ida
Elliott and settled on the old home-
stead in Hay. In 1910 the disposed of
his fine farm and came to S-eatforth:
where she later entered into partner-
ship with the late J. J. Meaner,
in the flax business, Re afterwards
'held the position of Ohief of Pdlice
for a number of years until he was
laid aside by f71 health. ,Last Septem—
ber Mr, Fee underwent an operation•
in. the Toronto General 'Hospital, but'
he never seemed to recover his
strength. He was an attendant- of.
Northside United Ch'urc'h. Survivingt
are this widow and one daughter Miss.
Eva Fee, o'f the Sudbury school staff:.
Also one 'brother and one sister, Mr..
Albert Fee of Etonia, Sask., and Miss
Alike Fee of Winnipeg, Man. The
funeral which was private, tool: place.
Wednesday, Stine 6, interment in
6'ayifield cemetery His .paster. Rey
W, P. Lane, officiated, assisted by
Rev. Canon E. !Appleyard' of St.
Thomas' Anglican Ohunch. 'The pall-
bearers- were George, Victor a
Oliver Fee, Melvin 'Clarke, Wilfred
Chutes and Wilmer Reid.
Keyes.—In Scott Memorial Hospital,'
on Monday, June 4, 19134, to lir.
and Mrs. A. E. )Keyes, Exeter, a
Morrow. --'In Scott \temoria'l Hospi-
tal, on 'Saturday tl''aire 2, 1904, to
Re-: and '\drs. 0. E. Morrow, Mc--
Patterson—l11 Scott Memorial Hoap-
ital, on Saturday, Jene 2, 1934, to
21r. and Mrs. ;Robe. E. 'Patterson:,
Walton, a daughter.
T)attrn.—Tn McKilloat, on May 23thi,
1934, to lir, and Mrs. Carl Dalton,
a 5011,