HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL. tlTttrralt;!Old and Nev Tyme Dance, Lown hall, I-Iensail Friday, June 1'st, 1934, sponsored by the Juliy ibnur. Wm, Hayter and Idris 'Old - Timers Orchestra: Percy Workman, floor manager, 'C:his music comes very highly recommended •t t 'Henson. They have played in •Bayfield for 'the Past six • months. Dancing from 9 o'clock sharp, till 3 a.m. Admission 1 c., ladies 115e, The Victoria Day Celebration held here on Thursday under the auspices of the Henson slumber of Commerce was a great success, The weather was perfe:t and a large crowd was pres- ent to enjoy the day liiimediately af- ter dinner the crowd gathered at the C.N.R.:station., where the parade formed up. The bans was marshalled by William Sangster, followed by the school children, the calithumpians in fancy costume;, decorated floats, bi- .cyeles and ears, and ended with the 1Nensall firemen,. fire engine and equipment. The .following were the. prize -winners: Fancy costume, 'Verda Watson and iGladys Passmore;. comic —jean Foster and Andy Calder dec- orated cars, 1 Dr. Ivan Smillie; 1, Mr, Laird Mickle; decorated •floats --+Sam Rennie; hest dressed store window — S •ott's 'grocery. A'iter the judging was over the parade conti'nkled. to the baseball park. The first event was a soft ball game, Seaforth 16 Grand ,Bend 8, The opening game, O!B AIA, lntercounty Intermediate •Bwas play- ed between Ingersoll and Hensald, Henaall winning 5 to 3. In the even- ing a minstrel show was held in the town hall. The stage was decorated 'for the occasion and the large hall 'was crowded to the doors. The pro- gram was: Opening :chorus, entire company; solos,'David Sangster, W. O. 'Goodwin; chorus, "Bull Dog on the Bank,' by- a sextette; solo, Rev, W. A, Young; Broadway Melody by chorus; Asleep in the Deep, W. B. 'Cross and quartette; solo, Sam Ran - Me; selection -by quartette; solo, •Claude Bdowes and •chorus; solo, Thomas Sherritt and chorus. The •end men who added so much to 'the in- terest of the audience were W. 'B, .Cross, C. B'lowes, , Clark, Et, Drum- mond, Jas, Patterson and Mark iDrys- dale, The chorus was David Sangster, J. Drumm md, 'Lorne Elder, Roy McLaren, John Farquhar, Jantes Ben- gou,h, • C. Passmore. H. Horton, \V. O. Goodwin W. A, McLaren, Rev. \\', A. young, Sant Rannie, Dr. !Smillie, J. Watson, W. Spencer, W. Drummond, R. Welsh, tj. Flynn. R. Love, and Allen •McDonnell Miss Florence Welsh acted as accompanist and the orchestra was Scott Welsh, Claire %merle, L. Hoggarth J. \Vat- , The c niedy farce. in one act, "I Want A. Divorce" was given by \Val- er Spencer, Manley Jinks, Earl I)rniun.and, Verda Watson, Mr's, Pc k \lark Drysdale, Wm. Drum- mond. and Miss Beryl Drummond. Miss Mattio Ellis t t •d a', ec ',r \ plen..!mc featere ef*he ever i d was t -i , 1 ; L rite 'lucfle .nd s.lectiin by Jim Watson was gre-ttr: eat eyed. Laird 3diei.le ,tercel c r, „ `n 1 h:- part re me i l: rel At the clof to 'Miss Florence Cce \\el•ha 1 Miss E s were presented with bittninets with remarks by RCN', Arthur Sinclair. The small boys of the town lead a big time with fire crackers and other and the Slav passed without an accident of any kind. Mr. and Mrs. Ferric Cantelon of Sehomberg visited over the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. David Cantelon, Miss Grace Brock of Woodstock visited over the holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'North and dau- ghter Audrey of \Voodsto:ck spent the week end visiting relatives in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and babe of Delhi spent the holiday and week - mut visiting relatives ie town, Mr. and Mrs. Herne -of Detroit were week -end vi>itnrs with Mrs. 'Harris' mother, Mrs. R. Ronnie. :\Ir. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson. Forest visited over the week -end with rela- tives and friends in town. Rev. Arthur 'Sinclair tool.• the ser- vices in the L`nited Church at 'Petro - Fa -n Stt^ iay. Iles. Fred Simmons, Mrs. John Dn (ale, \[rs. John Murdoch and Mrs. II. Taylor visited with friends in Execs tai Satnrday and Sunday, t.\nnlyersery services were heli in the L'ttiteti Church ::n San lay :,,d: .,;eleediii attendance at lir, ,V, .l.m:.t ..h .rel irnre •,C7'111,ll 1 itc"e r ;resit:. by tbe choir. -t the to- r i e,.l[tto -. - i' Was For Mc by \f t Hess and \s'Ratline.The evening sere - :he antintm "flare Hak -My 4 soloists Mrs. Mail Heiden IJes. ile,s. Quartette ftirtt Me." talc1,, \i loess, oieteo \ .:i�,• Vt.,, Dr. St•eiltie, ti";•t. -: 'Pee, Ile. Workman resident of thisvicinity. • rtaf rends were pleased to ,r.end have the *,leas -tire of 'hear - rt preach i here. .si 1 rs. Earl Mitchell nrL7e- . 24th Mere vi tier. with lir . parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. ?it \t., I'm Pettit spent Sunday at his r Hie. Me E t Bot ,t.,n of Stephen 'spent to.vn. Nle. .l.i Welsh has the sawmill en ,.n c t inr{ tp the large supply in hi, milliard. eesde Mensal', dictriet is 'badly rain, The continued dry er i isccoming •serious for the !: wheat. Death of A - lexander Munn. — The th cceurred on Sunday evening • of -\t under Munn. -at the home of his son Rr'ht Munn, Con, 3, (-lay Town- • hip lir;• Munn has been in..poor health for oyer a year and has 'been confined to his bed, since Christmas. • tT" the fall, he went .over to Pay City, .:o spend the .winter with his daughter, Mesa T. G. Wilson, •but showed ne improvement: About 'three '..";weeks ago ;he -'Bac brought to the hone of his sou; but gradually grew weaker and passeed away on •Sunday •evening., fAnon:gst those ,. attending the fun Activities at S er Sch THE SEAFORTH NEWS Site on the Holid Standing, from left to right: E. V. Lawson (from whom the ;Summer School Site was purchased) ; an Auburn young man, and his pastor, Reverend Dr. Mor- timer. Seated—James Browne of Egmondville,". (who made the dining room tables) ; Reverend Charles Mal- colm (Secretary of the Administration Board of the Goderich Summer ,School Site); J. B. Mustard, of Brucefield, (who is supplying the lumber material), 0 eral were Mr, and lies Clarence Munn of Aylmer, De. and Mrs, 'Munn of Seaforth and De. and Mrs. Wilson of Bay City, Mich. The Hensail'hydro commission held their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. Mr. Joseph Hagan has purchased a new Ford car frons :Sandy 'Elliott Mrs, tRoy. Webber had iter tonsils removed at Dr. Moir's hospital Friday 'Mr, A, L, Case is having his resid- ence on South IRteleniond st. repainted ' numb-er of our merchants are making a number of improvements, Dayrean's and Sangster's ore comple- ted, Ronnie's are having theirs done and we understand that Mr. tOrtwein utter els having the Pettit store painted as soon a possible, ll.r. ani Mrs. Geo, Dunn. of TTs- -horne visited with \lr. and Mrs, John Passmore and family on the 24th, \ir. \\ m, Joyut of Toronto is vis- iting with relatives. and friends. \1 :oil Ilr-, Walter_ 'Ker lake •and daughter )lAry of ltsborne visited Mr. and Mr.. Albert Speneer Sunday. \lits \1a1 •M.N-Aughton of 'Toronto hent the week -nil with her parents. 1t••. and Mr.. Daniel \le\atgaton, Mr, J. Watson and family of Lon- desboro visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark I)rvstlalc on the 24th. The Hensall \lm trels will repeat heir play on Thursday evening. Miss Verda Watson spe.tt the week end at her hone in Londeshoro. Anniversary services will be held in the .Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 3. Rev. lir. Stpart of 'Alla ,Craig will preach both morn- ing and evening with special music, _lir, and Mrs, Charles Cooper are moving this week to a farm near Centralia, • (Donald \IciKinnon is mowing his fareily- this week into the residence on 1-ii11 st. to •be vacated by Oharl.es Cooper: Rora Geiger, who broke his leg in two places a couple of months ago, is able to he -out again on crotches. A number of the pupils - of the schools have hecn vaocinated. .\ court of revision on the assess - meet roll- w rs held in the town hail on Monday evening, The village coun- cil acted as the court with Reeve Jones as chairman There was just nt• appal which was not allowed, ata the assessment roll was accepted as it was. iii':. t -Arthur Sin'lair is spending this ace]: t Sarnia. • The 'Mission 'Band of the United church INT"; hid a birthday party in 1'. basement of the •ehureh nn Thttrs- day aft ert:.0 wi h a good program.- I'hC 11 .tall public library will be eit•tstefl on 'Thwrsdlay afternoon and evening curing June, July and Aug: Will be c?en Tuesdays and Saturdays Syr. and Mrs. Lorne 'Scott of To - rent„ were holiday visitors with Mr, and N•frs. G. C. Petty, The \ Y. 3, A. of the 'Anglican Church .held a banquet in the church \l 'ay evening.. the last meeting 0: ems tet. Meeting opened with a ,}'tin. prayer, and tihe Scripture les - n read by 1fr 'Drummond. Violin t,eltection by Miss Lammie. Topic was taken by \lr Thos. Lavender. royal number wc- given by Staffa 1'. \dteading. 'hy. Mrs. Jame - Alf hen at down. at the d eereterl tables, where a :udid snoper was served. The Tlw Clench, proposed by Mrs. les; and res t , xled 'to by -\dr, 'G i e ' The ltiw ; '\V, Roger* Ot- r_t; by Mese 1l:nitita Johnson attd tli,s 1.^visa Drummond. To the A. \',:P„ by Can:tnApeleyerd (Seaforth) n i respotideid to by 'Mrs. Drttm u::ttd. Canon Appleyat'.d ';gave a .splen- • ' Tilde s Canon Smith of Seaforth s als't a guest Inc the evening. • Rev. 1f. BParker .and \2r, `Cr C. 'r, y attended a deanery meeting at • Vingham one'Wednesday. • HAYFIELD.- Mr. and Mrs. Rea Cluff and (laugh. - of Montreal. are holidaying here desks at "The Albion.": • \dar•garet • Tasker of Clinton spent 'he -week ries with Louise McLeod, Miss Mina 'Proctor, • of T'oron'to :pent the 24t:li' and week end with her tee • firs. George King. James Cameron. and •son,• Eve •at of'T'oronto, were week end .guests Reverend ;W. A. Breather, of 'Bruce field, President of the Goderich Sum- mer School, 1934. These two pictures show the framework of the first of the sleeping cabins. This is east of the main building. South view of dining room and kitchen. Main building is 56'3E24'; kitchen is 12'x24'. Donald MacKenzie, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. MacKenzie, Egmondville, is in the foreground. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1934. A Seaforth group: Front row, from left to right—George Pinder, Jack Stevens, Margaret Hanley, Ida Charter, Sam, Scott, Mary Gillespie, Robinson 'Hamilton, Mrs, Lane. Standing—Rev. W. P. Lane, Bert Williams, Walter Murray, Allan Keys, Sam Carter, Verna Storey, Edith Hoag, Laura Mole, Donna Mole, Catherine Plumtree, Eliza- beth Taylor, Labelle Hawkins, Vera Mole, Grace Kreuter, Keith Webster, Myrtle Carter, Chester McNay, - Shinglers at work on the main building. A couple from Egmond- ville are in the group at the left. Looldng from the east; construction of kitchen chimney in progress. of 'Mr. and Mrs, John R. Cameron Mr. and 11.1•5. I1. Lord and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Anger. of Lnncle.n, 'pent the creek curl with lire. K. Da- vison, Duncan Camphelt, a former resid- ent e iden; of Bayfield, is with .t friend. tak- ing a motor trip front Saskatchewan, and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maker Friday and called on friend= here. - •ide, George r;e Barr of Londcshoro vi- sited bit sister, Mrs, !George King on .he 214th. Lucy Avo,,ils sailed on Friday front Montreal to visit her atilt in Irebiati vrhere -he spends a couple of months. She went with Mr. and Mrs C. 4, Groves and Miss joan Groves of !Goderich, who visit in England, T'terc have been a number here recently looking for cottages. to rent Inc the summer. Therepromisesto be a large number here this season. Death of Mrs. A. E. Erwin. -There passed away to her eternal home on Wednesday, May 2J3,rd, One who had been ailing for some six months and whose sufferings were borne with Christian patience, Mary 'Kathleen Beattie, wife of Alfred 'E. Erwin, datighter of the late lir. and Mrs: Samuel Beattie. ,Deceased was born in Teekersmith Townis'hip,:' and in August, 1909, was married at \Vittg- h.am to Alfred Erwin' of Bayfield; Sate' riving are one •sister,- 'Annie .(Mac. 'C, r e lopping), (,,f Winnipeg. Site arrived bete a week before and .was - caring for, her sister; two brothers_ Robert, of \\hu 'bran, and 3.,hti, of Che.sley, The funeral, which was largely attended, was held from her late home, Friday afternoon, May , Bayfield cemetery. the servicebe- ;Mg, conducted by Rev. \V. R. Crosntt of !London, assisted by Rey. R, M. Gale of the United Chn ch 113 vifield, The pallbearers were Gc rbc Ell oat, Charles Tottt, James H. Reid, John C'amcr,nn, Robert 4!eClitrchey and john Greer, Those attending front a distance were Mn. George Meson, Mr. and \Ira (Robert Beattie, \\Rog- tanil and Mrs.. John E: 13catti,', t.he.,lcy; Mrs. Alex, :Sparks. Verda and Evan Spark, London 3?r. and Mrs. John Walker, Miss Maggie Rob - :n .Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs, A. W. ',Beacom, Mrs. Matthew ,Armstrong, d-Inllett township; Mr, and Mrs E, A. *Sander. Mr. and Mw. Frank Erwin, Kitchener. - • and Mrs. Philip Flanagan of Toronto visited over the "week -end with the latter's fa't'her, .lir, Joseph „14'clGrath, D.ttblin. . '\irs. (Tarry (Dingman, .Detroit, ac- companied by Miss ,Rose McConnell, is holidaying with her parents MYT=N!CE Roiled Wheat beg 20c CASH PRICES ONLY Johnson's Glo-Coat �r pint tin r Johnson's Floor Wax, lge, 60c Granulated Sugar, 10 lb... 59c Choice Prunes, 2 lb.„, , 25c Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. pkgs 15c 14 -quart Milk Pails 55c Sprinkling Can .... , . „ . , 90c , Barb Wire, roll $3,75 Prairie Rose Flour., 98 1b. $2,29 Sepoy Flour 98 lb. $2.29 Pastry Flour ,,,,,, 24 lb. 53c Pearl White Soap..1.0 bars 29c Ammonia 4 pkgs. 24c 3 Lux Soap and 1 pkg. Lux 21c • Magic Coffee..,.,,,, 1 1b. 29.c Red Rose Tea 1 Ib. 49e Fry's -Cocoa . , . , .. , % lb. 21c Red Path Sugar, per cwt. $5.99 JFINNICAN FOR SALE Cabbage plants for sale, Late cab- bage, Suni'ner cabbage an•d Early cab- bage, all the 'albove at one cent per p'lannt, !Also Ca,u9ifowers at 1:5 plants .or twenty cetat's, .lCrau'skopf Lot 314, Con, 3, Logan. Phone 36 r 113, D'ubtl'in. 24. TRACTOR WORK 0 ant prepared to do all kinds of ploughing, cultivating and farm work, - Also have tifour-waleeled trailer in FARMERS good shape, and a litter of pigs foo' Do you realize that tee are doomed, Phone 3F1611G Clinton.if this est Lith continues. Tihe only, back bone left is to imntediate'ly pre- pare a poor 1110-gcre hayifie'ld .for corn. 113}' using a 1125 lbs. sack of fetitilizer,. carat will yield a bumper crop if sow- ed by 101t,h June. We have purchased a complete silo -building outfit and are now prepared to erect concrete silos, .stable floors, walls, etc., .also barn and house painting, Work guaranteed and prices right. Apply to tT. E. ,JIug- ili & Sons, Phone 34-' 116, Clinton cep,. IN MEMORIAM tn' memory of Jean tirlumivhri'es who', passed away June list, '19128, aged year and 1 enereth, She w'as •a sweet little rosebud, A dear 'little ;flower from birth, Godtook her home toheaven Se,fore she was soiled by earth. —Sadly missed by ;Daddy and Mo- thea, Sisters and .Brothers. sale Apply to 'Elmer Hugill, Seaforth, .. nine -' , 'i MAN WANTED. Man .wanted before June 1st to work on farm. 1Phone 132 r 4, Sea - ;forth. Lot 113, con. 8,'HAWS., Tn,iker- smith. Isaac Moore. 212 'COOKING SALE The W. A, of Constance Datite'd Church are hoiid'ittg a sale of home- made cooking in Sheffer's store on (Saturday, June and. Sale to com- mence at 2';413 p.m. 2'1 PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, , Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, a large variety of flower bed- ding plants ,:\ large supply :of differ- ent varieties of petunias. Get _ your plant, niee and fresh. A. L: Porteous, West street. 2.2 SCIENTIFIC PALMIST NEXT MONDAY 1Iave your hands read. Know your- self. ability, health. Commercial I-Io- t,l; 11 till 11. Reduced rate., Week only, t1 WINDOW BOXES AND HANGING POTS •l isle's at reasonable pricer, includ- ing delivery. The Mitchell Netrsery Co., Mitchell, Ont., or phone 37, ':3 PERENNIAL AND ROCK GARDEN PLANTS 11,0 Anneals and Betiding Plants: Visit the :Mitchell Nursery Co„ Mit- chell, OnL; or phone 37. COMING Don't forget the Garden Party to be held under the auspices of the W. A. of Duff's Churcff, at the 'home of \V. 3. Shannon, lot 16, con, 5, ide- Kiliop, Wednesday, - June 13Th, Sup- per served from 6 to 8, followed by the pray, 'The Adventures of Grand- pa," presented by the United Church Dramatic Club of Belgrave. Admis- sion 35-c, and CARD OF THANKS The family of the late \yrs. Ross wish to thank sirs. high, \•r Suther- land, Dr. Sproat and all others who me kindly gave their services during her recent illness; also f:ir flowers sent and cars lent for the funeral. HELP WANTED mane r,'1-ia'hle woman for housekeeper and. care of aged lady. Panne 1711., Clinton, or write hnx 201. Clinton. 22. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Hartman ,. Zurich spent Suttduy with Mrs. Pat- rick Ryan Sr„ Dublin, Mrs. ICi,tsiay Salton, London, wit- home last week, attending the fun- er tl of her sinter, Miss Myra.. B. to 'W, J. Weeds, Walton, or 'phone Britton. Brussels 19 r 7... CHICKS WILL BE CHEAPER. Coarse to our breeding farm and see for yourself the .quality chicks we are producing to be sold at rock bottom. prices. We also have started chicks; pullets, young cocleerels, both Rocks and Leghorn''s,- at most reasonable prices, Phone .137 r 3, Seaforth, An- drew A. Moore, Seaforth. FOR SALE - Former Stewart gas station and. seven acres of land with house, on N. Main street. If not sold will be rented, Apply to John A. Cudmore,- Executor for Fleury Cudntore Estate, Clinton R, 'R. 2, )'hone 3 on 610, FOR SALE OR RENT Mogan: tlw•ell eg on south side of Goderich s treet, Seaforth, 1 block,. fr nt - Main street, churches and est ols. New three-piece bathroom, near furnace, electric light and town water installed. House has ,been freshly painted and decorated - throughout. Ianniediate possession can be given. Apply to R, S. Hays, Seaforth. 72 v NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all par- ties possessing lots in the Constance' Cemetery, rmust on or ibe'fore July 1st, pay to the Treasurer the suet of One. Dollar, otherwise the lots will not be cleaned. Signed, William Cleric, Wil- liam Britton, G. W. Wheatley, Treas- urer, 'Seaforth, R.R. 2, 22' PLANTS FOR SALE Asters, Zinnias, Salvia, Scabiosa, Calendula ('Pot Marigold), Verbenas, Pinks, Pansies, Carnations, Snap- dragon, Petunias, Rosy Morn, - Cali- fornia Giants, Fluffie Raffles. Cauli- flower—Early 'Snowball, Cabbage l.2ecl and 'White, early and late. Albert Baker, ;Rtiiltyay st. Turn west at the Seaforth Creamery. 23 DESIRABLE' PROPERTY IN WALTON FOR SALE A- seven roomed brick house equip- ped with .hydro, telephone and furn- ace, a good stable and garage'and_Sts acre of land, A few frt,tit trees. Apply Work on the Staffa 'hill commeec- cd on Wednesday, ;\fay 23rd, employ- ing nine sten 'a'n'd three teams, .While kicking a foot hall on Wed- nesday evening', ;May 20 ut St. Collin - ban, lir. Ted 31ulady had the nis- i, rteme to break a large bone oral two small bones in his .toot.: \t e are, very end to t e rart that Mr, sores;. Dole 11 ho has been confined' to his heft fu s:,nte time 15 imprvvin;g. Cutting down the Cromarty hill is in full 'swing, .seventeen men and five teams are employed, Mr. Isaac Jew -el, coin. 3, Logan, w.ito passed on Sunday; wits buried on' Wednesday ill Woodland cemetery! near Mitchell. At the early age of _ sixty-one years he . succumbed do pneumonia. One daughter '1'i.ahe Mabel Leo, Rev. -Mr. Turner tof StafEa offic- iated at the home atvd graveside'. :Mr. and Mrs. Paden Tyers and children spent Stuiday Stratf0Td with :Mr. Tyers' aunt, who is quite ill in that city. • Mrs, E. Nagle of our bur,g and Mrs. E. Wright of tHanailton were Hie ettests of relatives at Bornholm last ; week. 1 Forte Flours' Adoration' opens; at, the 8:'3C) a.m. Mess on Friday in sel 'Patrick's Church ahd closes on Sun - clay night. MEETII4-TG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL '1 he nteetiitr; of the Huron 'County Council will be held -in 'the Council Chambers, Court IIouse, -Goderich, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Tues- .- day, June 5th, 1014. - All accoults, notices of deputations or applications and other, important business requiring attentioin at- this meeting of fhe Council s'hpuld be in the hands of the Clerk not ;later than the Monday previous to the meeting of the Council Y !Dated at Goderich this l!5th da. o.f May, 1934, J. M ROBIERT'S,' County Clerk, Enrolment No. 10518 lFornt ;1 The -Good. Breeding' Clydesdale Stallion CARBROOK .FLASHLIGHT No. 24644 Will stand ,for . service at his 'own Stable, Lot 3, Con. 3, ,Hallett, for this - season. ,Terms—$10 payable when , colt stands and sucks, T. J. MtdNPI1CI iAIEL, Prop, 1212,