HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-31, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1934. Outstanding Quality 707 Fresh from the Gardens • HURON NEWS Goderich Councilor and Wife Hart. —Councilor John Huckins and Mrs. li<rrkitt- , i ti oterich received slight injuries last \Neel: on highway No. S, a short distance west of Clinton where their car figured in a 'sideswipe" whitl, another driven by '.\frs. John Soritnogeour, also of +Goderich. Mrs. Strimogeour was accompanied by her ltushand and both escaped injury. The hlttckins car took to the ditch and crashed Pito a fence post. several lights "f .glass being broken. Mrs. ,Huekin., suffered' painful cuts to one arm. Provincial Traffic Officer Cal- lenti„tr investigated. on the lakeward side of the T island a few month's trip to (Europe to the guarding the harbor and will have to old 'countries, he fixed,. Generous.—/Here is news that our. Damage at Goderich to be Repaired --Work has been authorised on the barber. at <Golerich hp ,the Dominion Government which will involve the erpeutifture ?f more than $2.000, and will he turdertakea is the near future. a repair the d'atnage done by the ice r; :l ,n' spring freshet, The ;gate and ate .anal under rite breakwater were damaged when the water surged ;`'r y_,it in the g1 (161e of the night 021 awh..h the ice yawn on the \faitlard broke. -rite same out. string .goo; out 1,,)110 of the gravel ramp ,rte,. Car Struck by Train Has Close Call —What might have been a serious not fatal accident occurred Friday morning at N'itch•el'l when a car driv- en by W'il'liam Rapine, Logan, was struck by the westbound C:N.R. de- press train, Mr, Rapine, who operates a farm one mile west of Baraho'itn, had 'left Levy's elevator, and while crossing the tracks, which are just a few yards from the elevator, stalled his car and trailer on the track, Mr. Rapine heard the whistle blow but thought it was the 'freight which i, very often in the yard at that time, and did not notice the approaching train. After starting the engine he backed the car up but was not clear of the track when the train passed, The bumper was taken off the car, the front spring and frame was 'badly hent, but no other damage was done, To Visit in Europe. — Professor Herbert'Kalbfieisch, of. Western Uni- versity, .London, was a week - end visitor with his parents, Arr. and Mrs, Louis Kalilleisch of the 16th crmcession, IIay. \\'e understand that Kalllflni=t'h is shout to leave on uildihugs followed by a lecture..D'ii- 'per was served at the college. The bus carrying the party home- pas'se'd through !Seaforth ,about 6:30 p,tn. Working on Lake Shore, Road. -- .Operations .Operations are 'in' full swing improv 'ngand widening Elie Blue Water highway by the Department of High- ways, between St, J'osepli sold Grand Bend. At present the road is closed` from Tnrnbull's 'Grove to ;Grand' . 'Bend, as in this portion of the road there is a lot of filling in to be. done 'rd.'bridges to. be wielenecl. local fire brigades have been looking for, for some tape, when the Zurich and Dashwood fire brigades have re- ceived 11' donation of V30.0,0 to be div- ided between dire two 'brigades, 5, was donated by the Hay Township. Farmers' Mutual Fire insurance Co, and '$215 by e1r, and Mrs, ,Zirk of - the !Bronson line, Hay. The ddn'ations were made for the good work done by the two brigadesatthe'fire which de .•tr.oy.ed some buililin'gs on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Zirk. '.l''he dwelling pro- per was saved by the efforts and rapid work of the fire brigades, and this scents onee that the expenses were paid by those 'ben'efited!and it surely is appreciated by the boys, :.Zurich 'Herald, Goderich Pupils Pay O -.A. C. Visit. —lFirst year students of the .Goderich •collegiate, numbering about forty, vis iced the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph last Friday. The students ,vere in charge of D. 1, Hill of the collegiate staff and left by bus in the morning. The day was spent 00 a thorough inspection of the farm and • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH 'N OPEN LETTER TO E"S xt o� TANS: T m - Are motorists right when they say you are more than half to blame? While figures cannot be depended upon to tell the whole truth, last year's accident records leave no room for doubt that there are reckless walkers as well as reckless drivers. Last year 2,821' pedestrians were killed or injured in Ontario in automotive accidents. Many of these persons came to grief while violating a simple rule of safety . . . crossing a street between inter- sections " crossing diagonally at intersections . crossing against traffic signals ... "hitching" ... or corning from behind parked vehicles. Of the total number, 1,107 were children playing in the street. Records show that in many of these cases the driver never had a chance. accidents happened'while he was doing his best to drive safely! This department is more deeply interested in making the streets and highways -of Ontario safe, especially for children, than in any other public duty. The conscientious motorist has been appealed to in many ways; several of his privileges have been restricted in .1 effort to make life safe in traffic for all. T know that this appeal to t. pedestrian will find ready reponse among those who walk more utten than they drive, and especially in the hearts of fathers and mothers of little children. -- - Will you co-operate? Will you help to stem the tide of needless bereavement and suffering by observing the simple rules, of safe walk- ing that make all the difference between safety and the jeopardy of life and ill/lb'? And you. parents -- will you not give your children a chance by teaching thele the need of care for their own safety? T t lino, May 7th, 1934. Neighbors Save Barn from Fire.—: Only by thehelp of ;11130 4teigh:bori were the farm buildings of fillies Parker, east of Prospect Hill, saved 'ront.lfire when.the strawstack caught fire. lin. ,Parker ,who lives alone, \wits eatint 'his :linter when John Nagle who lives across the road noticed, nroke corning from elle stack and fuickly gate the alarm. 'N'eigh'bor; quickly tante but the steel: by this time wins blazing. Not taking time to harness the team, oven drew the wag- on loads of straW to the fie'Id where it burned itself otit. A well was ,pump- ed dry pouring water on the flanges. The Horses whioh were in the •bantti were turned loose as at 'tinges it wan feared dm bann would go, Mr. Parker does not know what-stlarted the fire. Born in Seaforth,—+A \yeti known, life long resident of Morris passed away after a brief .11100ss in the person of Frederick .George :Brewer, at his late home, 3rd concession of Morris, on May 11.401, in his 75Th year, He WEB born 'February 110, 1860, at 'Sea - forth, Ontario, the son of the late George and Mrs, Brewer, and carne with his parents at the age of two Years, to live, on the 4th concession of Morris, His wife, formerly. Elizabeth 'Garniss, predeceased him 0 years last March. Buried at Mitchell.—The funeral of 'Bessie Myra Briton, 1RJN•, who pass- ed away in Toronto, following a ling- ering illness, hook ,plate on Friday afternoon, The service was conducted by 'Rep. Geo. Kersey', assisted 'by .Rev, T, R. Turner. Siaffa. During the ser- vice a trio composed of Mrs. I. R, Pearce, Miss Margaret Johnson and 'Miss Minnie Yeo sang, accontpa'nied on the piano by Mrs, IE. +J, lI'Iingst, The pallbearers wore Clayton. Harris, .Robert Burchill Jr., George Robin - sari, Morley tjannin, !Lafayette Butler and Charles Roney. The remains were laid to rest in Mitchell cemetery. No More Unruly Horses.—Some- time; a horse becomes very unruly, and objects to pacing a new set of shoe, placed on his toot•-sies. A Flesh- erton blacksmith has a plan w"hioll works perfectly without spending for a quart of chloroform. Far the bind icet he .:imply makes a heavy braid -in tail, ties the end of the tail and slips the annuals hoof through the lo 113, •After snot:ng one hind toot the other is treated likewi;c—and there you are. Likewise the new shoes. A three-legged horse cannot kiek.— I'lesherton Advance. now. a $i25 THAT'S all you need V,Ji to pay now for a Renfrew Model K, Modet 1<, 1000 1000 -ib.,' capacity cream separator, lbs. capacity. with all up-to-date improvements. coed be PPT Renfrew's New Deal for the Farmer— ha„d, skims the new policy of direct sales—has closer. costs saved us money and we pass this sav- ing onto you. It applies to the entire Renfrew line. Ask us, or the Renfrew man in your neighborhood. D'strict AL E iE R.R. No 1, Dublih Ont. ON Phone 23 ring 9 138 bent -went west to \Ianito'ba, and set- tled at Thornhill. Thoma:; .Cowan of 1hlyoh is a brother. Baler - Miller. - A pretty wedding tool: place 1n, First Lutheran Church, ,Uogan, on May 2!5, when lfrene' Glad- ys Marie, eldest daugh't'er of Mr, and Mrs. John L. -M filler, sixth concession, Logan. became the bride of Norman C. J: Baler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John '1101er, 'Gerrie, The 'bridesmaid was Miss Luella Miller, sister of the bride, 'fhe bridegroom was attended by John Bach, 'Logan, and the. 'wedding nnlsic WAS played by Lorne Miller. 'Fo'llowing the ceremony, the wedding breakfast was served at the 'hotue of the bride's parents, attractively decor- ated with pink and white streamer's and a profusion of spring flowers. About seventy guests sat down to the breakfast. Mt•. and 'Mrs, Baier will reside -at Belntore. - Takes Own Life. — The 'Hides, body of David 'Bogie, farmer resid- ing two miles west of Nile, was ,found hanging by the neck from a rope secured to 0 beam, at 6 o'clock one evening, It was apparent that the aged man,'Whom relatives state, had been mentally unbalanced- for some 01115, took MA own life. He was a wid- ower living with his daughter -and Soli. Justice C Carrow Dies at Toronto —\t-idespread regret was expressed at Goderich when it was learned .that r.ative and distinguished son, Ur a: ace Charles 'Garrow, 'had passed stay May 25 in Toronto. Mr. Justice arrow was born in Goderich. Atter graduating. ng. - from the schools and Os - ode Ila 1, he practised at Goderich 111:1 for some time was town solicitor Since his removal to Toronto he and his family have spent part' of each year at their beautiful summer home on Norte street. Burial was made it: the family plot at the cemetery• at Goderich, beside his distinguished father, the late Hon. J. C. Gamow and 1,1 niilither, who died less than a year ago. He was 58 years of age and was appointed to the supreme court bend, five years ago. In 191?3 he was appointed master iu-chatitber:s- a.n-d master -in -ordinary at Osgoode Hall. He married- Mary Elizabeth Sliep- rtrd of Goderich, w110 survives,' and trete are four children, 3. T Garrow, tar inter Aliss E 13. Garrote Mrs. \ttalin Voting and Mrs. C. P. C.'.tmn hell, .511 of Toronto. McArthur -McNee. — The marriage to010 _,lace quietly the vestry ::h Street United Church, Gnde- rh, on :Saturday aEeaw0n, of Olive Jane, daughter e \ir, and Mrs. James MoNee and Frank MciArt'hur, soil o; \4r;, \icArthur and the late.\9r. Wil- liam McArthur, all of Goderich. The attendants were Mr, and M.rs."fH:erw- a:rd MetNee of Goderich, brother and sister -fm, -law of the bride. Mr. and Mits. MclA,rthair- later left 00 a motor trip and 011 their return MN reside in Goderich, where Mr. McArthur is 0 well-known business man. The bridej is a graduate of TIorodto general leas p ilial. Lived at lB1gt1S JY1rs. Ellen Broad- bent,-widot' of. John Broadbent, died in Winnipeg in her 186th year. - 1rs. Broadlbent 'was born in Sherring+to•n,. Que., and when a chilled moved with her parents to Huron County. Sfhe. was nrarriod•,on Dec, 214•:11870, to the 'ate John Broadlbelnt ag 'Blyth. La ths,I ,sixrinrg afr,118lD1'Mr alta•: Mos, Broad. - . t Miss M. McKercher, Wroxeter. — A weld -known resident n.f Hawick Township passed away on May 23 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thom- as ,Lovell, Wroxeter. 'Site had been in failing, health for the past year. Miss McKercher was 78 sear.; cif age and the eldest daughter of the lane \lr. and Mrs, \i'il'liam .1dcKerehet, She was bOrn u1 Woodstock anti came with her parents when a child to settle in. 'How ick. Slue was a professional muse. receiving her training in the - States. She had the dr tfrtc01011 o1 hero;; the first secretary of the Howat.lc Mattial 1Fire Insurance Go.. when it was or- ganized sixty years ago, with her fa- ther tther a president. \ brother, W. S. 11c'Zercher, who passed away twa years ago was appointed secretary - treasurer of the same company fonty- ftve years ago and of late years until his death 3liss McKercher assisted him in this work. She was a very cap- able woman and highly regarded in Ile community. She is survived by nate sister, Mrs, Thos, Lovell and two brothers, Alex. and Dutioan, all of T-1ns ek, The funeral-'tt as held - on Saturday to Wroxeter cemetery. Hepburn to Speak in Goderich. --- Mitchell 4fitchell F.,. 7.lepburn, 'leader of the Liberal party, its Ontario, will address a 11000/15 a.t Goderich on the evening of 'June 113. Ln ,the afternoon he will speak in Grancl Berid, according to present plans. Late Mrs. Thomas MacDonald. — The funeral of the late Ma's, Thomas \•[adDonalcj' took place from the house of her son William MacDoltaild, Rev, \4r. Gale, pastor of Grace United Churoh Of which she was a nlernber, conducting the •service at the boum. and graveside. assisted by Rev. Mr. 13tigler, pastor .of the Anglican Church, at 13ayifiekh Tater inent was made in Clinton cemetery. Friends and relatives were present from Lour don, (Port Stanley, Kincardine, God- eri'ch, L'ayfteld and Clinton, The pall- bearers were Reid Tsorra oce, Herb Cox, Bent Cox, Albert Bond, James (Sterling and (Dal Gardner, Mrs, Mac- Donald died at her Monte on the 7th concession of 1Goderich Township. She had been in failing health for the past coupleof year; but was able to be around until a few days before her death. Mrs, \faclD'auald was before her marriage, Grace MooDougall, dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Ma's. John MacDougall, pioneers of Goderich Township and wet; born 83 years ago on the •Cut Linc on the farm now owned by her brother, Peter Mac- Douga'll. In her youth she married Thomas daeD::nal11, a native of Scot- land. For a few year; they resided'at Hamilton, later returning to Goderich 1'uw ns'hip where they purchased a ;atria on the 70 concession. On ole' marriage of their sou' Will, some41,... years ago, a second house was built on the farm and it was here her death occurred. Besides her husband, she is survived by two .sons, Wiil at home and John in 1111tis'h Colmbia, also by one sister, \gra. Sterling of Pti'rt Stan- ley and owe brother, iPeter MacDou- gall of Goderich Township. hip._ A Triple -Yolked Egg. ---An, Elder - lie hen has performed I the marvellous svulifer cos feat of producing a per- tect triple -yoked egg. Finding in the crest what Ire supposed was a doable= y dked specimen of hen fruit, the farmer jocularly ]Tinted that he should he the consumer a2 the next meal. [his was one time he found lard heffnre him a larger plateful than he counted on.—Paisley Advocate. Completeinitself, Mother Graves' Worm .Exterminator does not require the assistance of any other medio;ne to make It effective, It does not fail to d., its work. x, w M'4SY�1S !Y ;.fir—+:el :- .Lie Y al t •7 Garden Lcvers tig Be sure and send for McConnell's 1034. illustrated. catalogue. "Hardy Plants for Canadian Homes." It lists and describes - one of the most - corn- plete assortment of ornamentals and 'fruits to be found in Canada. Over 1000 choice varieties and at price; that will surprise you and save you money. Send today for your free copy. The cConnell NurcryCo. Port Burwell, Ont.