HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934. HENSALL. Mrs, A. j. Sweitzer and two children - of Beath -o -pines are spending a few days this week visiting at the home Of her parents, Mr. • and Mrs, 114 i and Mrs, Lyle C‘issitly spent Sunday visiting with friends and rela- tive i Otterville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd of 'Paisley were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John Shepherd and other relatives. Miss Alice Higgins of Woodstock is spending a few days this week visit- ing at her home here, Mr. George Elliott and, Mr, Nelson Trewartha of Clinton were In town on Monday. Miss Mary .i\foKaig and Miss Lulu Lindenfield of Exeter were week -end visitors here. - • •• Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleer of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs. Tleer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Hoggart, Mrs, A. E. Fines of Clinton and her °mother, Mrs. Albert Whitesides of Kitchener, were in town last week relatives and friends. Mr. Nelson Blatchlord, 'San tory ffnspector, intends starting itis ,spection of the village premises the last week of May. Mr. Harry Clarke of London is visiting relatives and friends in town. A well attended meeting Of the Mission Band of :the United Church took place on Sunday, afte•rnoon in the basement of the church. After - the opening exercises the following interesting program Was given: Reading by Audrey Twitchell; instru- mental, Mary Goodwin; reading, Elaine Peck; mouth organ solo,. Rol- and Parker; reading, j•une Sunder - cock; recitation, Jessie Paisley; -a Gory by Mrs. Geo. Hess; reading, Marion Filahie. Mr, William Seer and Earl Russell of Exeter were in town Tuesday. Robert Passmore, son. of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore of nenastl, was one of the 234 contestants at the Wossa _Athletic Track and Field Meet at- London - on Saturday last, winning the 440 yaed event in 53 2-5 seconds, and also breaking all prev- ious records in the half Mile race„ time 2 minutes and 7 seconds. This entitled. him to run at the track and field meet at Toronto on June 9th with all expenses paid. Bob has dis- tinguished himself on the athletic field on former occasions and his latest achievement. The Hensel] stores Will be closed for the usual Wednesday afternoon half holidaysduring the months of ;July and August, commencing Wed., June Oth, Miss Mary Agur intends holding a sale of her householdeffects on .Sat- urday afternoon, June 2, and intends leaving- shortly for London, The storm whieh was raging to the south ef us Wednesday afternoon and evening did not reach here. We had -a nice rain and also on - Tuesday which was a. great hon to the farms and gardens badly in Iteed. of raM, Ati roads will lead to Hensall on the 24th. Victoria Day. for the .big celebration sponsored by the Hensall Charnher :fdI Commerce. At one o'- clock the parade will form up on the station ground, headed by the Sea - forth hand, trade procession and cali, Iillowing. At the hall park two hig ho•ofhall games whl he played aI,ernoon, Mrs. John Pope itzt, re:anted home for :he slimmer months. ct,r cipen•l- Mr the t.,inter with her daughter in GODERICH • Former Mayor of Goderich Dead. —in the ,lc.lt1 of T. Marti- ey ou May la; -.•"erich lo•t apram- -.•!,:t ;.t"1,1 Mtnn,cy 'was a Former may..,r and 0111101! 1' and for the pat twenty year:, chair- man of.„.th.e public utilities commis- sion. He had ladea in pa.or health for 1.:71 r,1 -led hi,: Ms id I:is 1.01s1 -....ss and the affairs of the t Air. Mdrney was lf,:rn 10 0.11abee Township near Peter - t .•:!rich with his t the age of four years. For 11 10.' he cord:Icted a meat f the Scpare. 'In Ilia'later 11'' .1 an.extensive btis- 1 inver. His wile, formerly M•- Campbell, darighter csf :it, ani MN. Wt.mtm Caro, - 11M io 192.). Mr. 1-,y a on e1.1 1 11 roti 11r... J. M. in a a. ao.1 :Fred, all arc three grand- 1children. • ..: — , . ,o, r 11 0 1..7,1 '1-01e.: frac:, i Id; 79:11 yefor, argl ae 1 If., 11.,•..1.aa jolaaavot. T a ;co survives, with A- '11.41, and Dr. J. M. Graham of (; pnl lantrItter, Mrs. (an• ; ,,10111 afr. -ervc.cl as trastee and secretary2 5 .5 11, .\.,htield. One hr. :her aiftl. :our sisters in 011 1, Nelson Graham, field Mrs, j'amc.: McNee. Goderich; Mrs, J. A. Thampson and Mrs. John El- liott, Vancoaver, and :Mrs, (]Dr.) Campbell of Winnipeg. The Score.—She (at concert) : "What's the book the conductor .keeps looking at?" Fe: "That's the score of the over- ture." • She: "Oh, really? 'Who's winning " Ingersoll and Hensall in Opener Base ball s e as on opens at Hensall to. day (May 24) when Hensall, winners of the Intercounty In- termediate B cham- pionship last year, meet Ingersoll, Few changes are expect- ed in Hensall line- up and the team will be something like this: Ed. Gas- cho, right fie 1 d; Dick Welsh, first base or pitch e r ; Sam Rennie, third base; Wilson Brint- nell or Everett Ker- slake, short stop; Harold Foster, cen- ter field; Frank Creech, left geld ; Bob Carrick, utility, pitcher; Hugh,Haw- kins 2nd base; Bill Joynt or Evan Ren- nie, catcher; Carter K e r slake, pitcher; Gordon Rennie, util- ity, Carter Kerslake Bill Joynt Pitcher Catcher TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town Topics. Misses Diegel and Weber of Dub- lin were the guests of Miss M. Ken- nedy.—Mr, John Scranton of Clinton spent Sunday in town at the home of Mr, iGebrge Bunsolt—Mr. J. E. Cady has sold out the 'Star moving picture show to Messrs, McKenzie and ISproat—Mr. Crich, baker and con- fectioner, of Seaforth, assisted Mr, ,Schrag on Monday i(Zurich Herald). —The following parties were ticket- ed this aveek, Mr, D. Farquharson of town to Edmonton and return; Mr, T. Burgard of town to Calgary and return.—Mr. 3, L. Killoran .h,as dis- ,solved partnership with Mr, 11. G. Cameron, K.C., of Goderich. Mr. Killoran will conduct Isis ,Seaforth office and 'Goderich office alone. — Edge and Gutridg,e's concrete gang reunited Mat Friday night from the C. P. R. Toronto and Sudbury line, having completed all concrete work in their contract on that line. This gang' left on Wednesday morning for Wa,:kerton where they will put in fonndations. etc., for the C. P. R. huilding,s on the Proton to Walker ton "MeNaught of Car- munnock is viaiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Leatherland. — Mr. David Steu,:int ia Detroit this week attending the funeral of 1,la aistere—\V1 regret 1 • report the death of Mr. Hugh MacCtoronoo, who 151100111 av, 43 yell's. The funeral ua. oa hia late residence on Gode- rivit East.- 21r,, John Floyd : •' In: ,ler Ptocl removed tin, aelc to Kalamazoo, Mich.. where re.ide.--Mr. Geo, 'McKay .•f „•.tiortic is fixing. the Egmond- i11, -bridge.—Mr. Ernest L. Box !,aa ju.t completed plans of an in- cention by 2lr. Joseph Wheatley of 11.,r"ock. Thr invention can best be eaplained hy calling it a combined box- -when the side rack, are ma a -toak rack. when thea re 1...wered it forma a hay rack, and startiarilar feature of the iii',-en- 1on is a carriage on the inside of the iaith a front rack on same, and when hayloach_r is loading hay this earriag4e is at back of wagon, then ohou this carriage is full, by turf- ing a crank this portion or half loal necesd 10 the :ront ;;f wagon. arfl 1c:31o/der tvi'l proceed to do its 111113 leick. of rook. ByNavin loll built in two halves it is 0c.f.•11 :foie, to n:10:1,1 in horn, as the fc.rks n.0111 not have tet tear lo 1, We think that this Meet: - Hon, ..0hi,11 lir. Wheatley has had 11!. »!1 be a money maker 1 r and ora pleased to note that 'nave ,thtli a capable young maa 20 1.. prepare such plans, as ;Ies, pifins rt,!etl to he very partici- 1;' ev,r,..t• part before •the patent epartment would accept thein, Leadlniry Sunday school was • ;,,,aniz.-1 Hely.— Mr, and Mrs. Nes- hi, of Flint were visitols in this and Mrs. Bailey 01 df •rito 1,.1'e :..11 a visit with relative,. f. '1 1,11' Kinney made a busi- Isp to Listowel. Bayfield, 21'. James Stevens left last week For Stettler, ..\ Ita„ where he will join ,tcrveying party under the direction Mr. Bolton of Listowel. --Mr. K. Moorhouae. was taken to the London 'pital as the result of a gun bursting. West End Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tiplady of Clinton spent last week at the home of Mr. Geo. Turner,—Mrs, Robt, \\Mite kill continues very Rarry Websdalt had the misfortune 1 crushing his foot by dropping a heavy door on it, Town Council. JA special meeting of the council was held to hear the promoters of the new shoe company which is be- ing forcned. No definite action was taken M the matter. Zurich. IA very Pleasant surprise panty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius IBloch, on Tuesday even- ing in honor of -their daughter, Miss Clara.—Rev. Alfred Geiger of Pem- broke, a native of this township, preached here on Sunday 'evening.— lAt a meeting held in the town hall on Tuesday eventing, on behalf of the Zurich Brawling Club now being organized, the following officers were elected—IPresident, 13. cA. Campbell; sec.-treas., R. W. Williams; cominit- tee, a. Zeller, A. F. Hess, C. Fritz, A. ;Heideman. Kippen. Messrs. Inc. and Hugh MoDiarmid went to Sheppardton 'eat Friday to attend the funeral of the late jos. Durbin-, winoin the seventies, with his partner, Mr. Copp, was a leading brick -layer and stonemason in this part of the eounty, he having built nearly all the brick and stone houses in the front of Stanley and Tucker - Varna. Mr, and Mrs, \V. Elliott were vis - :tors at the bottle of Mr. M. Elliott —Mr. \V. R. Hart has bought a ,fine three-year-old colt from Mr. Melte- s ;:f Goderfch T Hill & Co, of Mitchell have the contract for ova steol top bridges. Brucefield. The Brocelield Rovers Fod 1112 Team have again organized tht seds-,1 %%hit the foll. ,,,,,,,,, officers - 11, .1i. Bruce 110s-ettbury; pres.. A, T. 5c: tt: vire-pres.. 3. T. Reid; ec.-trecis„ H. R. Laird; field capt., \V. Layton: managing- committee, D. swan, Poppet, J. Murdoch, T. Thompson, W. Mcinto.,11. —Mr. S. S. Cooper, Clinton, has been given the conteaet for the erection of the new church in our village, The .,vork is already commenced. 1 -ION. PETER SMITH DEAD. Tollowing a lengthy illness, .1-I.an. Peter Smith, former provincial trea4- tire!. DrItry Government, died on :`1111.•bly night at his home in 5e.,2 r .1 tcrootinent fignre in ty inc.: 1 On - 1'.)' to 1,-)2.1 ma. ....all known thr 11, 5%,•,,5 a native 01ti (l. ;curl 1,, 1rn on May 2o. 1,77. 11,, na. alert; of Downie 1,.on ta.',a 1,, 111 ond from 119,ll to 1,1:0. 1.tetol).-r 1,3, 1919, he tyn., elected to the Legislature for .5. Pc. -111 toff1 liecame provincial treasnr- cr a 51o: 111 later, untii 1923. I0 the \timer of 1111 year he a iflre-,.ed 1. ince:1:4 1, Senforth. :t le leaves two sisters, Iles, R. Id inerny and INIrs, 11. Frame, ttl;! •,:c he lived in Stratford: tit • 11-.5c.rt 1.2 Satilt Ste. .11:tri, Pe. 3trat ford: three litnefiticr- Mrs. J. J... Grosch, Stratford. Mr: ,r,hur F.:con of Chicago at Mr Colt of Toronto. Countleas Millions -in Hidden Treasure. Telling- of historic hoards of wealth which have never been found and re- lating remarkable narratives of trav- elers and explorers who have stumbl- ed on Nature's secret hiding places ni gold and jewels. Read the article in The American Weekly with Sunday', Detroit Times. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Hugh Mc - Dwain wish to thank kind friends am: neighbors for kindness shown them during their recent bereavement, Also those who loaned cars and sem flowers. AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects at home of Mrs. Chas, Stela:, Varna, on Satur- day, May 2dth tit 1':30 sharp, conaist- ing of the following: Climax range, laundry stove, coal oil heater, 2 bedroom suites, 1 extra bed, folding cot, 2 couches, dining' room table, 10 dining -room chairs, drop leaf table, 4 racking chairs, commode chair, Rum on d sewing machine, cream separator, churn, cup- boards, wash tub, boiler, lawn mower, Inet carpenter tools, set of harrows, windlass, ropes, and auger, sealers, dishes .pictures, pots, pans and 111.1055- erous other at'ticles. Terms—Cash. Mr. E. Foste:r, .Mrs. C. Stelc'k, Proprietresses. • . - IG. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. . • NOTICE INatice is hereby given that all par- ties possessing lots in the Constance Cemetery, must on or before 'July l'st, pay to the 'I'reastarer the stun of One !Dollar, otherwise the lots will' not be cleaned Signed, William Clark, Wil- liam I3,rieton, G. W. Wheatley, Treas- urer, !Seatfor.th, R.R. 2, 212 NOTICE. The person who has taken a spool of SO rodof barb wire from Lot 1, Can7, 2,fcKiblop, return the same immediately, ar they will be prose - FOR SALE • Model T Ford coach, new tires, new battery, .and 11934 license, In good running order. No reasonable offer refused. D, H. Bird, 'Walton, Phone , 2.11 P-112 Brussels central. WORK WANTED iPosition .wanted n farm if or sum- mer months, •preferably near Sea - 'forth, .Could start !June .1. lAlbert Pittard, c -o !Peter Petersen, Seaforth IR,R, 4. Olt DRIVING SHED FOR SALE Urame shed 23' x 2? with galvan- ized roof. Lot 20, Con. Ilf), Morris, Wesley Searle. Shone 11184 Brussels, 20 PLANTS VOR SALE • Tomato—IJohn Bear, Bonny Best, Earliana, Canadian, Chalk's Early Jewel and ,Beefsteak. Also a variety of flowers, Thomas M. Grieve, Eg- mondville, Phone 3 on 1146. 21 PLANTS FOR SALE Asters, Zinnias, Salt id, Scabiosa Calendula (Tot Marigold), Verbenas, Pinks, Pansies, Carnations, Snap- dragon. Petunias. Rosy Morn, Cali- fornia Gianta, Muffle Ruffles. Cauli- flower—Early Snowball. Cabbage — Red and !White, early and late, Albert Baker, IRailway st, Turn west at the Seaforth Creamers, 23 FOR RENT Furnished 8 -roomed cottage in Bayfield for rent for slimmer, Wil- liam Ferguson, Iaayfield. 21 PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, 4 large variety of flower bedding plants: A large supply of different varieties of petunias. Get your plants nice and fresh. A. L. Porton, '\Vest street. 1) DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN WALTON FOR • SALE A seven roomed. .hrick house equip.; red with- hydro, telephone and furn- ace, a good stable and garage and 91.1 acre of land. .A few fruit trees. .Apply is' W. 3. Woods, Walton, or 'phone Brussels 19 r 7, COURT OF REVISION, TUC7rERSMITH '7lle Xfuiticiaal Coaacii of Tnclaer- smith will mect as a C dirt of Re, di ea the A RoIl o. 1934 at Sectio-th on S ,tnrclay, Jun. 9th. at 4 o'cl; ric n.m. All appeal- mt. c of the Clar!, on na.• 11111 )»5.' May 242-1. 1934. Interesfed parties should govers. thlinKelves gl 21' I) F. 2IcGRI-1GOR. Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Court of Revision ..Notice is herby given that a Conn of Revision ou the Assessment for the Township of Stanley will be hell in the Township Hall 1n Monday May 2811 at 10 o'clock in the morn- ing. And take notice that all appeal. must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the 24th day of May. .1934. Dated at Varna, May '14th, 1934. CHAS. C. l?II.;GIR11, Clerk Of Stanley. NOTICE. .Ratepayers' Of the Township o Tuckersmith, who want to draw gravel from - Alexander's ',pit • with teams apply to Thomas Hodgert as of before May 26, 2.1 MYT=NICE Rolled Wheat Li': 20c CASH PRICES ONLY Johnson's Glo-Coat pint tin 14 C roh„sores Floor Wax, lge. 60c Granulated Sugar, 10 lb... 59c Choice Prunes, 2 25c Seeded Raisins, 15 oz.' pkgs 15c 14 -quart Milk Pails 55c Sprinkling. Can ' 90c Barb Wire, roll $3.75 Prairie Rose Flour.. 98 lb. $2.29 Sepoy Flour 98 lb. $2,29 Pastry Flour 24 lb. 53c Pearl White Soap.,. 10 bars 29c Ammonia 4 pkgs. 24c 3 Lux Soap and 1 pkg. Lux 21c Magic 'Coffee 1 lb. 29e Red Rose Tea 1 lb. 49c Fry's Cocoa ,,,,, 34 11,. 21c Red Path Sugar, per cwt, $5.99 W. J. FINNIGAN MEETING OF HURON COUNTY CHICKS WILL BE CHEAPER. COUNCIL The meeting of the, Huron County 'Council will be held in the Council .0harabers, Court House, ,Goderich, at 12 o'clock on the 'afternoon Of rues,. day, Tune 5th, '19134.. All accounts, notices of deputations. or applications and other important business requiring attention at 'this meeting of th,e Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting of the Council. IDatied at Goderierthis 115th day of May, 1034, J, M, ROBERTS, County Cierk, - DANGER 101 a very bad crop of 'hay and pas- ture with most every 'barn bare of the bumper crops of the past years. This should warn every live farmer to plant a field of corn this spring and prepare for the worst to happen, We can erect a concrete silo, 112'.:e30' 4or you and furnish the cement for same :for 411150.00, This - is a special price good till May 241h only. Apply ar write to lilagill's Dairy and Potato Farms, Phone 314-6616, Clinton, Ont, 2'3. Enrolment Ni. 1058 The Good Breeding Stallion CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT No, 24641 Will stand for service at his own stable, Lot 3, Con. 3, .1Iullett, for this -season. Terms -410 payable when colt stands and sucks. T. j. McM,ICHAEL, Prop. Farm 1, Clydesdale 22. Conte to our breeding farm and see for yourself 'fhe quality chicks we are producing to be sold at rock 'bottom/ prices. We also have started ohicks, pullets, young codkerels, both Rocks and Leghorn's, at most reasonable prices. ',Phone lP31/ 'r 3, Seaforth. Ast- drew A. 'Moore, Seaforth. 'FOR SALE !Former .Stewart gas station and seven acres of lead with house, en N. 'Main street. fff not sold' will he rented. Aipply Poo hitt. A. Cudmore, Exec,utor for Henry ladmore Estate, Clinton 'R. AC Phone 3 on 610. R SALE Ha telling eggs from high producing S.C. White ILeghorns, Hatches run- ning 60 to 68 per cent. Prices reason-. able, Wm. Rutledge, Seaforth R.R. 2, Phone Clinton Central 6165-2. 213 'FARM -FOR SALE 1100 acres of good land situated isz Stanley Tp. tear Village of Baygeld. Good buildings. lots of water. Busk and orchard and small fruit Priced -46. cheap. Apply to New 'S Oflfice, ...FOR 'SALE fOR RENT Modern dwelling on south side a Goderich street, 'Seaforth, 1 block from 'Main street, churches and sChools. New three-piece bathroom., new furnace, electric light and town water installed. House has betet. freshly painted :and decorated throughout. +Immediate possession can be given. Apply to R. S. Hays., Seaforth, •214 ISIMEIB11.2raG-...ameS11121111111121191111118911.1191MSEENIN, ‘SCIMildwasig ":4N • iilwam 4:14:4*!ViWW40" FRIDAY MAY 25—SAT. MAY 26—MONDAY, MAY 28, 11 HER Nay Your Sugar N© AT THE NEW LOW PRICE 10 LB. GRANULATED or BROWN SUGAR at .. 590 CERTO for Jellies and Preserving Bottle 29c Fuit, Etc. PINEAPPLES are at thcir best—Largest size 25c Large size -2 for 35c; medium 2 for 25c Lovely Ripe Bananas, large fruit per doz. 25c Oranges, nice and juicy 290 39c 43c doz. Lemons dos, 25c New Cabbage, New Carrots and Lettuce and Ripe Tomatoes. CABBAGE PLANTS & TOMATO PLANTS. A Ma Erpeeiall h C FLrg Sugar Crisp Corn Flakas ........ ............... 3 plegs. for 23c Kellogg's Corn Flak -2 pkgs. for 15c Quaker Rolled Oats, quick cooking with China, Marmellow Cooking regular 350—for 331 plain 25c Soda Biscuits, 2 plcgs for 25e 2 lbs for 29c Sat. Morning Special Only—Lard and Shortening. 1 lb. print 10c Lovely New Cheese -15c lb.; Old . 25c Pkg. Choose, Golclen Spray 2 pkgs. for 25c 7.1axwell House Coffee now in Stock and Chase & Sanborn's Dated Coffee. Cuarinnted Goods v.,d, eaelalls York Choice Tomatoes, large tin 2 for 19c Standard Corn, white and sweet Od Standard Peas, No. 3, very choice 2 t n22s iff 1912235: Golden Bantam Corn, choice quality Our good Black bulk tea for this week with a grocery order, 3 for $1.25. A limited amouni to sell. DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR COUPONS 44 - 545: •-• 4 27142.4'`‘'. •Ci` gwvi' If ;