The Seaforth News, 1934-05-24, Page 6PAGE SIX. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. ,.1....11,::a .•.,; �'r..f:a So 1labecb, having been-.lIt:n1, ed,. ting alar. founds hi, n -mater sitting al ne '1:lt1%1 1nay lord very particular -about syr 1.1,: left hunt, re:linin.g against Ili, a i lily slaying a thief. or a night pi::.,w i:1 the snyill roma we knave ire- -,1. kr?" asked the barber, foie de-cri'or1, and saw, at a glance '•t) mo! and it will be settled, -Mid ha :.. "i1 : news trouble 1, now y .0 may `1' . Ilabeeb--hind out TI :glia: finale his obeisance, \\Inch 11 ho was visited last night; perhaps ::c! , - •11•e1, or .,:a t . t . .. , . no neater .. and thou shalt o :ad )11'11C. .1: ,11cc re: • 11.,rk, re- i 'Fie lhr` anoni1 1111; 1, after ntlr per. ovith 'd eeChitins and ala en IC.:1,.'1,1,11 111, 41nay; r. a re. •r,_.,1 candy. 1 iters are a- couple ,,,, 1 ;e,•,, the whole stat: to a kr.r.est of more." s.: - „ ,felt d,, ere \Iay the sun of -y..nr- splelt,Iaur cul t. lightly acre se in bri;~4tne.,, master!" ret in t pr , rl .te .'„nig tu:•ted 1 11 +Wan; :akin_ the money, , .r .'es mei mryes! flow inti r :rcat'u hne]:wards ti:: he gait:• r. a . y • a- tot :-y ray :hair putt et: the dolor. "I tri]] inquire--' ro:or rlum. or deftly cr _1 1:112 tole .. i.::.. :na:tu= of . 1.11 >et:.l were 1> , , `:e.1. :11. . ,';te:•e' the N halal :t;.1 1•111'' I .u: :1-:-1: :e•, .. foal Inc1 ar i ' t.1 ,a. L% felt a re.tt in;n:' , . , , ly di, b. al. ,ht , .iuieo. su merveue`1 iwhich he re- v•: es.1 r hat he had .e do. \ 1 n1:.•ter in Leis art: Habeeb 11 , 1 :mule d peri, .rmance; . ; e -.• quick:yd.-Item enough ,r ft n• :t 't 1i.uch-coycted Pa l , r ',elan far from his master's Ceeelee IA, a place of lir, Sih, okr, 11 beeh" iThanks tIst lc.t, .;rd the Kotwal at length. "Base1 rot ens new, friend;,' 'Whet tt wit, the Barbet t: say? News, ye- ;.en•y' There was no lack of test. eesh a. 1:. ma -ter relished: but he welcome -.111-re was a r t .1 enterteinmeni •he Nawab .\lla-i,,-\1.00lk'. last nail:- and .nine new singers from the ilana'ic \sere there. \iy lord should heat e .,f thirst She is very lovely," he replied cauttenely. -Except the blessed Mary, and Fathma and .\ye.ha - en whose names he peace! --11 wish all lv'nten were in the burring pit," said jehan- der Beg savagely, and his hand ap- proached hie beard. "Khoda na khasta ba=bud!" IGod forbid11, exclaimed 1labech. staying it. "God forbid toy lord -humid touch what ha; been done! Even in that ex- eleinitti,nt a hnmdred hair- have start - el np. May his ,lave ask what has disc:up,.ed the fountain o i justice this morning?" -There was some one :.1 :i1 the r 1.:t- 1-:,:, t uf_it Fakeer rl :: u.eeer ca; sent 1'he I rt. :h at. -1 eec?a•iad•d cla %e te ,.r •eill talk, ,cal, ...:' :tr• 1 'bat wl:ere hill he tp.l th:grr -are he went." "1:y, that is more than your ,,:'r :lave knows. They say he took the ;voting Fazil .`Khan with him, or else the \\ uzecr's sort. Stare he went? yes, tali lord, quite sure," said the man emphatically, "1 was in the citadel •:n`i eau- him :oro out." "A,:, indeed! 'Boy's trucks, boy's tricks, Habeeb; yet that Fazil Khan wes eccmmnted a steady youth; but he is in trouble about last night." "Ale, ;natter! we have all been like him once:" said the barber chuckaag, "I suppose it was one of the new dan- cers----" "Except that we did no murder, friend," returned the ICotwal 1,terrup- '•And now for ;his boy and his reemh 1her," .:cid 1ell:oldar Iter. Lee to himself, :, the door clos- e,! . u the b41•b, r: ' .. they could hc. -tined? \\'ell, I runt lee. Ii n,,t---we e. 111"1 theme to live; they are leo •,ter:ul." and he rose and \vent :3e r';11 Lail. ba, _111, \Ie't1.1, 'lice were—". •.\n i u'., ono• ata", passed here: Jai- Feei: male e sure,it !fit. Fa - I ',',it- r Beg to the Nub- 'roe?, who was . t ling holt ilprl;i:it ,"ale : ''rf•. 1 11 Lis eyes shin, might not like 1 • 1119 dolor of :he court where hear •1.4• remainder. nrtbt•der. .1' .1 hi1<tu was confined.. "Yes." continue 1 the trKtwal, my I: except the sery- .re ,lid mt cl.at nt•e'!er? - ES w it:i :heir meal."' "I lute,' before said tett Bnlwnri "pal they _,talc to him ?" Rap was my companion. not the "N e word, my ., rd: i listene 1 Ring; and the rest yon know of," in. carefully," terimmel the vent;a• Khan. llave the Kori and his son 1,n•...t1 •''. •1 all, \leap; hit wr are our, , splaking to each ,?then'?" our: •1 •w, whey- 1 am -hate sere "\'e-. frequently: het a- they have my y ning f:•heel's "good faith t•.` let rlet to the other side ,of the court. ret know anything th;n neatjs now •in shadow. 1 Cannot state interests, the• fi!n4t, or the Wes. - hear them, My lorry is going in?. ecr, end so, Meal) Sahib, if we could Should we not auen,l? They are examine th se- papers together.. ---. 1, "Ali ye.', tate papers. .11eerza, you 1 runt not afraid, 1:d'furf put up tlly would not unierstand the m -'they 040. linen the floor ajar, bort r1' were \iahrurr." not enter, and, on your life, let no ''Fat 1c could find a Knrko •n r, ' -e listen. iho ye heat, all of ye?" real then-, and yon are known to ", hhokum-!" ta, you order), cried creak that language, \1eai?" all together, dispersing as the lint- "True, Mverza Sahib, I d.,; but the wan .entered, papers are not Isere--" :\fzodol Khan and his son were sit- "Not stere, .irk" cried Jehandar Beg tines as Jaffar had described, in the with an omineous scowl pa -sing over opposite corner of the court room his face, at which \fzool Khan in - froth the door:. for the sun was now tolantarily allowed his hand to .teal hi1:ittg with a painful glare of (teat to his sword hilt, as it !ay on the into that side by which the Kotwal ground. "Not here?" entered, while, opposite•,. the cool ver- "Not here," echoed Fazil Hugely, andah was rendered marc refreshing ,:Cropping his eyes. front the shadow of a large champs "Batt they were here when you tree. which fell over the building and rima this'morning?" enclosure where they were, They rose "Certainly telly were; and one of c.our:e-••i-]y as the Kotti'all adlvanced, our people took thein hone for ate." and, saletln:g him gravely, yet with- "Yet you promised] they should he umu any expression of impatience at r r hi: miittg whenever I required ei.ent oe. requested hire to be seated, .hent? Beware, Fazil Kiran, how you 1t sr.. no Pat, of Tehanlar's Bet's entangle yourself in this matter," re- eeeity to attempt t', iia:ly. If he c,.,nld turned the Kottcal sternly, :I. + ,tot alt al tike affair of the night -I d.., utot think. T made any pro- 11- '`., 1 ren:'y hr:,t, t'1' obtain a cine, isc. Meerza 5a:1i 1," replied ,Fazil; truth r t ,t which had been al, c„•1 who must be mistaken, pardon . •:r.• King: 1;11 short, anytihiing. •t::• . layingl. I said they con- n .•nidl e ac- to oll the King, •our lord and master, t.rn1ng t• tlhe end ;:'.I be shown to him only: ',d . r 11th. i:] it: 1i ;rbar to -flay they will be 1 e 1 tie rr •e,! to him. Your will be there, 3” he . .!s,f Courser, r,t AN:" exclaimed the nKtvva]:- d tt 1' \, the oath the (Id Khan fairly Per tate sword in his left hand, and oael it across his knees, while hn 11! erimly at his' host: and Fazil 1 ' the upper. portion of his father'. •.[ae'ic, where it touched his 1 , quivering with suppressed! rage Jehundar 1 rt, checked himself, and -dal deferentially, "Forgive the oath, Khan Sahib, and yon know enough d. Persians to excnse it. It would lime been. pleasant, as fallow-sert- d+n'm - of the King, to have.shared your confidence, J\r it is denied, I yield the print; and you are welcome to all the rredit of tate service your will do my lord. 13•tite what say you, gentle- men. to assisting me to re-examine that 'IKhayet who is deftined without: you aek'n olvledge, Meah ISahf•b, at tea -t, that he was rescued by you - perhaps from death?" "You have a strange memory, Kot wal Si 313today'," said IFazil sanding 4 never sail I rescued hint. I think. Send for the man: n'+ doubt vitt will !rear all you wish from him, and will believe him. Ido not appear to h ,ery-creditable• to- you to -day." lC l' Mat you need care about , Meals Sahib," he ce,Utiuued blandly, to Fa- il Khan "1'141 4ou me if 1 utas rude this moaning, but when we are at ntt'inea, you know, there can he no distiactioe of person "None," :aid Feel), gravely; "but tt11l was the man found dead ? You „! 1 .,115 had been killed," "O, only a Kafir I3'indu; same son . , a burnt falter, who is gone to horn with mint," laughed the Kotwal. '.1 don't know; the Rudy is. nut yet claimed. By tine way, Meals, it tea; u•ange enough that you sha111(1 have been just in title to stave that Lalia, ".b11 ye.; what has become of '1111?" asked Paeir innocently. "You promised lee should be seen to." ".end 1 have clone as I pt•omnised, \teal-. 11 abeeb has dressed the ,yonnd, which is but a scratch, and ;!1e mail has eaten hea,tily; perhaps he was not much hurt, a'Iter al." "Perhaps ,tot," stein Fazil, ;ignili- cantly, "hut it was well he fell into good hands:" "Yes, returned the tlKtw•al, mus- ingly, "wits it -net strange what he :ole the Uufadar about paints Singh and the Shell's secretary ? I have :gray that my lord, the Meerza, w -a- „nt last eight late, and at a temple. C old it have been there?" '•1'o meet l ah r Sin,ghi 1 411011' 1 ,n•dly :as. 't was likely," retrad Fazil.. "Nay, more, thfat the Asylum of the Faith the King himself -was that,,. .\t least -et least---" 1''nvl saw Jchund.n• Tle,g was not -tire. It was a mule guess, for which there was Prrhap :nsplCion, 11111 'n` '11111'110d 1'1011,1 and replied. \ joke. 1lectrzx Sahib: perhapsthey �s•y I was with !hint!" "\Ceti.' retnrtte•d the 1\'teal. 2211- •rig', his Kea 1. 1:15 fact is, they do: and :'(i' 11d'4 you !tel',', 1113' young' rte• d. I•.et me -cc; hi- highm2,5 ohout your owls nee, 'When I wee as T t41218' ',er the Shah, with :r our -'151', . els, used to have frolic- a;111 rolic-a 1d thus in the ih.lzar, I -:a - replied Af- ;n hot anti ,.re .,e, rl' :,C` 10',. Ver, e sir„,,k Ingo, hr - treasure there eot '.1113 'mother in the city,” "Cly lord, a poor sloes, who follow- ed me from my own clear country, nd has remained here with me. Yes, he has a pretty skill in the art, and .bort you 'have yet to know what Cp.n d,•..,JIf I might send him t he clay--" "S ookr, shookr! (thanks), Meerza o ah h, Yea. we will sec about it. In- shallal ieshalla!" replied! the Khan, ^leerily. "an excellent 'idea - and -0111_-yourself." The re „tial thought he bad made a 'at. nrab':q impression, "After all, here was nothing in the murder mat - THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934. CHAPTER XLI, and, .when he settled himself again,' remained projecting 'half out - of that -I :1s the Kotwal rose to go to the t•ICclriacle, II wafe nit aware of It` door, the old Kban whispered to hisl but they attracted Pazii's immediiate, son, "\\'e can eeiz5 hint, Fazil, tf attention, These '1te musit have at any needs be and put t thigger. into ling; risk— for he •had seen the seal of the - Man is not fit to ,dee, IIe is even rehel Rajah on them ---and he again sow plotting something; 1 knows it, roused his `father by the shhort cough gall- him not, my son." they had agreed upon. "If needs.be, lather, 1• aunt ready; "Now, Lallajee, tell us •all. Pon see lint no violence yet," replied Vasil: you are among ,friends; but we are. "wait till the \l'nzeer's sbti is au- hungry for fruit—flowers du mat sat- nomrced." Isis. us," said Je'handar Beg, jocosely "The man has been sent for," said rubbing ng his hands, and speaking in 3ehan'dar Beg. returning' to his seat, •i'er.sian, his own language, "anti will be here presently." I -Ie had "My lords, what can I say?" re - 12 tett :his own directions to the guard turned the Lalla,-eini913'. "1 ant whitt outside to stand by •Phe door, yet. no you ,see, a Boor scholar, ,Delhi is -fall neeeer than was needful for pre- of 511111, and we. are starving. Every gonion, one said, "Go to the King of the 111, Lana was not long detained. •Dekhan,•• he is vise, he is generous, \lathe- ors lehandar Beg had -seated 'his is accomplished; he is a.patron of himself -this time a little nearer to literature.' So your poor servant pre- haul -.-he opened the door, which pared 'two c9pieS of verses; one in oras closed after him, and advanced :Sanscrit, in w•3ch the third letter of towards the party in a courtly bit re- every line is the same, !'—" • 4ilectful manner, Fazil hardly rec' i - "Masi -tale!" said J•ehandar- Beg, nive:d the man, so completely- had res: laughing, "Te-tum--te te, to-ta-te to, and ,gond cloches improved '!tial. His Te. to-hali1 Like that, I. allajee? O face was clean shaved, his nrou>tac9te yes; our Praliunuls here make- odes, and hair were trimmed and oiled. His id which all the words end in skri; 511:.111 turletn tied neatly in he Nus- pri, dl'it• Or elle tush ks3sh, 1511511- to : fes -hien ,•f the -imperial Court `lsltush. One would think all the anud d aich was sinut,tie at Pieejap •r. 'I>It. in the 'Delchan 1vas squelching under eSellee he wage, though somewhat. their feet; but go on." • - lerge, were yet Clean ts'llit1 nuts "My lord is pleased to she witty," 'in: and a hautlsnnte Persian shawl returned the Lalli, with a• bland • err his shy ullcr;, prover- tit;tt his smile, turningtowards this host and her -geld -comfort.. had been well ale jeinin43'bands, "Then I had a Persian ruled to under Jcitandar d;e •'e ode, '11 52as nothing--nutting-:t poor rlicrs,• thing altogether; only, ]f my lords "f -5151 you arc betrer no•w," s1 1 24 i.}t, 1 could repeat it, 'Methinks Fazi1 t, the L 1"a, kindly, 1'4,ai ter there -was s enc elegance about it, if his vert eourily tolvant.m. in which 11 thIng else," 115. bonny ht. head very low, turned "God forbid!" returned -the K wa. nt hi, toe, very wide. zut-I not iti; echoed by Fazio and the Khan. "lid, 1blow; a. far hchind hint a. Po;sib e. on." :re -:n down utucll after the mauler "33e11, my ler:,`, :t: pot `sial," 5 +n- 01 Jehandar Beg. on the left bund time l the 1,111111 "Some other day, I the Kotwa!h -nay he more r:un,ttet and, with • "My lord's house Will 'neper f r your perinis.iun, 1 will re'nlne n:•' .h•s lei I,lness to a poor strange:,' history, I 11ad saved a few sold p:eees. .aidtt c Lala, "What more 1)14111 e; Mid 1 haf.i enough to keep my family to exercise, what rel'.,rt' gr t.e:l1 , ''r t yeur. I left t1e111 i11 my house '3 1, teeau Ime.pita'ity ? and doe tlttni and I have ...lel tatty made toy' hither. ed ,t ter -e from the port 11;Midi u : Ir. amt: it , .. ar ;uta Sao ::pot r. 1:e' f„Ilrr,ted by 1111 1 ,:1 i• all.' ..titer,alt l tut„utile. ,,. .,n,” .:1'd 11:1711. "Haw 411,1;. "F m''t, friend:* said Je!tand h• thou as! here from Sholapoor?" ho I rail Sing. "No need to ]trove "1 (ante with some (, -tis. as they sour . 'early att:llininent they ire aPPearel to be. Atha met 1115 alt „ neo: -misled at ]u-c-ent. Naw. We ail village, Al-, :\1--, 1 gorget --;fust af- ',:.t t, :1 n"1 1 fc:.r: !tut tell ns, in ter you trss :he river .14heeula," r,1!.• terms, '4411;42 ion 1Ilencd before "Alnetltt," suggested the Khali,- in- hi<yonnts. pirel',111:n l•eesued terrltptinc 11101. 3, :1. last n ght," "Yes, that was it, 'I'ltey said tiles. The Lill'4 1144 net very clear as to knew of a e•c nlfortable lodging in ,• whet ei,nr'e .1e was to take; lit', too, temple or a mutt; but if we arrit-el wns watching his genie. late we nein- he ethlte111 with -11111±- '\ty lord, noble sirs, they were 1:0- ever .heifer we could get, I d, m 1 -tis who found me in the temple, and know, sirs, 'iihethcr rhes, purposely e e are 'Moslem gentlemen, or nobles," delayed nue by the Avny-for, 11111121221, every true." said I• tzt„ "Non, the roads were very muddy; but we lo,i< at me.. cart•fttlly, and try if pm arrived lifter sunset, and they took cannot remcnlher me as ane who lift- me to a temple of 11howitni, in tt ed 3.1,11 un after you had been robbed" grove, S,i long as it teas light th, ":\ii, ye., noble lir, 11,-1 1 do re- place did nor, look amiss for 1en111- meutbcr." cried the Layla: "I owe my orary shelter; hut when it grew dark life to you, sir, my life. When I and the wind began to moan in the screamed, you nunst have heard 111ee trees, I thought, sirs, that elle men's I prey 'you, lot me kiss your feet." looks changed, and -and I began t The act on w•as an ordinary one of tremble, yet unable to help mysel'f,- gratitude vet enough to admit of as one lies bound sometimes in a Fazil', passing a well-known signal dream. of. silence to the than as he removed '`What could your slave do, sirs itis hands, while the old Khan cried 'Art length they talked together in an grimy-- unknown tongue, and all fell upon 31'Ike your reverence to your Got, inc, strangled me, and tool: What fno- if yon have one, not to -my son. Is he ey 1 had and my clothes, and I knee - an idol, that you bow clown to him?" no more till this valiant gentleman "I mean no offense: Pardon me, toy and some one else roused me and lord," said the Lana, humbly. 'I me wap only-'--' The upenillg elf the dtrt floor ierrupt- e'd rileLatla',s speech, which would leave been very flowery and hyper- bolic. :\n attendant entered and spoke to the Kotwal. "My lord, Kowas 'Kahan has arrived: is he to be admitted?" • "Tell hint I kiss- his hands; I ant . enailed with these worthy gentle- men," returned Je]tautlar Ptg, looking round; him "and pray alk hi10 excuse rthe for a short. time. If he would like a 'hooka, or code or sherbet, .let him hate all he desires." "And his attendants ?" "Let any_of prope, rank sit with him, the resit eats remain in the outer court." "Very good, my lord," said the ser - vain, and he slant the door. During this interruption, a very pretty piece def pantomime had been exi1uaed between the eyes of Fazil and the ILalla, �It would have been more •complete, perhaps, could Fazil ,have used his hands. also, but he clave not. A. it w•as, however, the Layla seemed to un'ders'tand all that was required; and the delightfully com- prehensive manner• in w'hihh he half .hut 'his eyes, bowed 'his head; tend ,smiled blandly though almost 3ntper- ceptibly, would :have been fit example 'for any -diplomatist. Nothing could be seen by the Kotwal; for, in order to speak tip the servant, it had been requisite for hien to lean behind the Lalla's 1)8,(15. Jehandar B'eg lost 'two -points' by his movement; one we have seen, the ether was a more serious one. For as lie moved, the 'letters which • -had been given to 'him by. Afore, Trim mulls agent, and which he had put in to a side -pocket of his d•res5, .p••o- trude.d a little as be reached over, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical DR, GILBERT C. JARROTT ~ Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un- iversity `of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office 43 ,Goderich St, West. Phone 37, Hours 2-4.30 p.m. 7,30-9:00 p.m, Other hours by appoint meat. Successor to Dr. Chas, Mackay. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Phyaicie4n and Surgeon, Late of London How- pital, London, England. , Special' attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throae. Office and reel - deuce behind Dominion Bank. Office ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in, Phone No. 5;. Residence Phone 104, DR, F. J. BUtR1ROWS; Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderich street,. east of . the United Church, Coronae for the County of Huron, Telephone+ No, 46, DR, F. J. R, FO'RS'TFER-Eye, „air Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi. cans, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant' New Yorlc Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moore$etd's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi- tals, London, England. 'At Oonamr ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Wednes day in each month from 1,30 p.m. to 5 p.m. D4R, W. C. SPROA'T--Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario, Office in .rear o4 \berhart's drug store, Seaforth: Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 ppm„ 7.34 -9 p.m. Other hours by appointment, Dental DR. J. A. IVILUNN, Successor� Dr, R. R. Ross, graduate of 24,4!.1, western University, Chicago, Ido, Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto, Office over Sills' hardware, Main St., Seaforth, Phone 151. DR. F. J. B•ECHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R, Smith's. grocery, Main St„ Seaforth, Phones, office 185W, residence 1853, Auctioneer. GEORGE ELIJIiOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Htt'ron, 'Arrangements can be made fare Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guranteed, WATSON AND REM., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Succssors to James 'Watson) MAW ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clasen: Companies. yeas well cared for." took ;to a guard»house, there 1 THE McKILLOP wn p "Why do you tell lies? said the 3E9fll ll�f Fire Illsu,rance Co,: Kotw•al, who, though unable to make objection to the v=ery probable star' HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont• which the ,Lalla liad invented, ie'•. OFFICERS there was no truth in it. ":\11, man with a burnt father, tell President -Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth;, the truth; we are no enemies of thine! Vice -President, James Connolly, God - Do not cat dirt at our hands 1 Why erich; Secretary -Treasurer, bio A. did the Shah's secretary visit thee a; Reid, Seaforth. elle temple? Speak; it shall he we! for .thee. We are all friends 'of his AGENTS \lajesty's here." \V. E. RHinckleySeaforth; Jahn A very slight contpl ession of Fez- \-array . R. 3, S,eaforth; E, R. G.. il's under lip was sufficient guide for God defend us," cried the Lala; Jarmnutln, Bredhagen; James Watt,. the Latta, "'fate King's esela, 11- y r Jar tlt; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;. in- nocently; "what should'I have so dr Wm, Yea, Halmesville. with the secretary? :\h, sirs, why this DIRE'CT'ORS oppre .ion of:a poor slive like me. --a stranger without friends ? ,.Did Alex. Broace, 'tI Seaforth No. 3;:. see the secretor when yon James S1i roadf , Walton; Wm. Knox, among Y you canto to ,L o )1 d o s'boro; George Leonhar-dt, rescue ate, noble sir?" "Not I, indeed; that wast :lying Bornholm No, ; John Pepper, Bruce- among the ashes, seuscicss enough. field; James Connolly, Goderich; Ro- :\11 we heard 0115 tt scream, which beat Ferris, Blyth; Thomas M ibaid, ennude'l like mme hit distress, and wit Seaforth No, 5; Wet. R. Archibald,. entered the court," said Fazil, simply. Seaforth No. 4: The Kotwal ]nuked from one to Parties desirous to effect insurance• rhe other, but he could ,fancy out ns or transact other business, will be. sign cif intelligence, tyle -vas fairly promptly attended to by applications puzzled, to any of the above named officers ad - hien in the guard -house?" cried .3..."T1ten why that respectable ,lhtfia. dressed to their respective post- dar's .account of what you said t• ffices, handar'Beg, jerking himself sudden 1y'round so as to confront the Lal:e vrthille lite -Seconded tate movement 10; and :the memorandum in the corner, an emphatic blow an the hoar. "\\°h which about Pedlar 'Singh?" the \\ uzeertdlaitd marked private. for private. Je-- _4s hie did so, his sleeve taught one ,haaular Sega cotsfflsian on re'cefving rf .:he .let tars projecting from hi, the letter t«outd not be eoillceadecl, and n,;.c;• 1, which flew into the centre of ,Frail' feta that having 'seen what was he '; n h, P;ar]I plot ed it tip, and re_ not intended for him, 'he was in rnrned r '131 a pol;te briny, hitt n ,: greater clanger than before. before, hue!), e batt distin-cfly seen ,he se f the :lialjah Sivaji ,B•hnslay upon is (To Be Continued)