HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-24, Page 5ICILURSDAY, ,MAY` 24, 1934. •- THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. Foods for the Picnic Basket and the Home= ! FEATURED AT SUPERIOR STORES ITEMS FOR. ONE WEEK STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM 40 oz. jar RIMS° ........ ARGE PKG. MATCHES FAIMILY BOX CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S CATSUP 14 oz. bottle LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF, l's 2 TINS 25c STANDARD WHITE CORN PER TIN 9c 29c 19c1 8c 17c Lux Toilet Soap and 1 box Lux Free 3 cakes 21c.. St. Croix Castile Soap 10 cakes 25c Hillcrest Shortening, l's 2 for 21c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Soda Biscuits, 1 Ib. bags 2 for 25c Richard's Carbolic. Soap per cake 5c Oxade Drinks, Orange, Lemon or Raspberry . , ,per pkg. 5c (each package makes two glasses) Swansdown Biscuit Mix per pkg. 27c Choice Tomatoes, large tins 2 for 23c Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg. 32c Snowdrift Cocoanut % lb. 13c Post Minute Tapioca - .. . , , , 2 pkgs. 25c Green Giant (Peas, large tins 2 for 35c Lynn Valley Golden Wax Beans, 2's 2 for 25c PICNIC SUPPLIES:— Blue Ribbon ,Mayonnaise or Sandwich Spread„ 5% oz. bottles 10c Ideal Sweet Mixed, Pickles 8 oz. jar 10 Stuffed Olives, and Plain .................. No. 9 bottle 19c Lobsters, 34's -19c; r/'s 33c Embossed Paper Napkins 2 pkgs. 25c Dixie Cups, 10 in pkg. per pkg. 10c Wax Paper, centre pull, or presto pack ... . , per pkg. 10c Cross Wise Sardines 2 tins 25c McCormick's Snow Drop Pink &'White Marshmallow Biscuits (extra good value) per ib. 17c DR. JACKSON SUGGESTS ROMAN MEAL RAMEKIN.—,Mix well % cup each shredded Potato and Carrot, 1 cup each Roman Meal, shredded Onion and .Milk—salt to taste. ,Bake 20 minutes in greased rameldn dish. Strips of Bacon on top add flavour. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal per pkg. 31c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Walker's FUN ERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— ' EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diplopia and license. Flowers furnished Night or day.php"e 67 insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies. Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Special -100 acre grass farm. Call, Phone or Write Us. A.._0. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Barley 50c Oats, per bus, 40c Eggs, per doz. .. 10c -15c ffogs, per c v .. $7 50. Wheat -per bushe:i ,,..,.....:,,,8Oc ce! WATSON'S HALL P P -N. STEW \RT1' -1-r'ECE BAND • OF STaATFORD I'.72tY NIGHT MAY 25, Prizes for both Ladies and Gents Admission 25 and 15 cts. H. F. A. Football Bayfield at Egmondville AT RECREATION GROUNDS —en— Sat., May 26th AT 6 P,M. Admission 10c and 15c STANLEY 'Rev, E. A. 1Poulter, who has been pastor of the Varna charge for the past four years, has resigned. 11 -Te has received and accepted a 'call to be- come the pastor of 'llrownsvillr charge, Oxford Co., for the coaling near. At a meeting -of the Official 'Board a resolution was unanimously passed expressing <•tppreciation • of his faithful service with us, and regret at his departure from tis. Mr, Bert Dunn of Toronto is spending a few days with Mr. and .\Irs, W. J. Dowson. Mr. 'Stewart :Keys, who is attend- ing .University in T'oro'nto spent a few days at his ho'nie on •Babylon, Mr. 'Percy Johnston, who had the inis'forttulc to lose his 'fine bares by fire on May 104h, i, preparing for erecting a new barn, and is receiving help with the work from sympath- etic neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Martin and 'fam- ily of Waterloo spent the week -end at the home of..Mrs. Martin's par- ents, AIr. and .lir T -T. D, Sic Me. Ali:; Anna 'Cleave visited with her trend Miss .Jean Ctrnie, Sabbath af- ternoon. Mir. and \frs. J ,A.',Carnie spent Wednesday at the hone of Mr, and :frg. Thos. Q'ohuston, Totem Line. Miss Gladys Douglas of Huron Ft:wingsSanitarium. visited with her: parents, Mr .and tars. R. N. (Douglas on .Sabbath afternoon. .Unless worms are expelled from the system, no. child .can be 'healthy, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is alt 'excellent pncdiciie' to destroy worms. V'en't and For Sale Ads, 3 titres, SA'c TOWN TOPICS. MT. 411'd \Liss IGladsion Can1p,be111 S+imeoc and lar. and Mrs, Cliffor .Eluent of ILondnn spent the week -en int the home of lar..and Mrs. Edwi hunt. Miss .Beatrice Suroat,,Torop;to, :[ John Sproat ,and Mr. Chess. Sproat Strafford, Mr. Ross )dGonigle 'an Mre, .i\iclGo'n�igle and baby Betty ,fro+ Kitchener, were week -end visitor with Mir. and .Mrs, Robt, l_MclGonlgl il!he 'Postoffice wickets will be ops from '112 bo '1 ;pan, on 'Victoria Day, There will be no rural rdeliveryr. Messrs, Joe Eckert and 'WM. Bel paid a short visit here last Sunda and returned to Rayner to resunr their duties for the .ring .Construe tion Co, 'Mrs. i\a,.. White returned from To 1011110 on Tuesday, having been call ed there last week owing to the ill- ness of her Iwo daughters. Miss 'Lillian Wankel and Miss Mae Melivor (a former teacher at Rox- boro), of Taranto, spent S.atunday and Sunday with the former's ,parents, Mr,and _tars. A. Wankel. Mars.. George Weir has returned af- ter spending the winter with her daughter, .Mrs. (Dr.) Latimer, at An- deraon„S'o'uth Carolina. Aar. and Mrs, Frank Baxter left on Monday for 'Welland, where tell will reside, A 'large number of Rebeka'hs were in New w Hatubur on Monday night, S' ) g , where Milverton ansi 1Sea'forth ledges were ententatned in honor of the Pres- ident of the Rebekah Assembly( of 'Ontario, Mars, Ethel' M. Keene, of Timmins; ,Mrs. McMann and her daughter Dora of 'Simco° and her son, A. R. :IeMan•u of Detroit, came on, Wed- nesday morning owing to the serious illness of Mrs, MC'Mann.s sister, _\arcs, M. J Laird, iMi s May Wallace of 1'1dK�i'Ulop spent Sunday at tile home of her parents, Mr. and '2Irs, 'Arles. Wallace, Mrs, 'Norman Walker and Miss; .Beatrice Peterson and Mr. William Calwell of Brucefield spent Sunday at the Norte of Mr. and Mrs. (Alex, Wal- lace. A number of the members of the.. Women's Institute attended the coaching class at the Library on Wednesday. Miss 1F'lora Durnin of Dungannon was in charge, The judg- ing contest will be held in Se'alforth,. June 7'3, Miss Annie Lawrence of Tavistock was a week -end guest in town, Mr, and Mrs. William Fowler of Leamington were guests of lar. 'and Mrs, James Hays over the week -end Misses Ann and janet Go:ventoek of Weston were guests during the week- end of 'Mrs. H. R. Scott. Miss Olive Laidlaw spent a few days itt Toronto. Miss Florence Fowler of Bluevale uta., a week -end visitor in town, Canon tAppleyard. was called to New York owing to the illness of a sister. •Mrs. Harmer of Detroit, a former resident of IGoderic'h street, was a caller in town, on Saturday. Mrs. M. J. Laird has been seriously ill at the hospital, her sister from Sinicne having been"called here, of cl d o'f d 11' e, n y e MRS. WILLIAM BURNS The death occurred at her home on John street, on Tuesday evening, or Mary Ann Kennedy, widow of the late \1`illiain .Burns, in her nth year, She had been iii about a week The late Mrs. Mires was born at Al- liston and lived at Eden Grove where she was married 45 years ago to M4•, (Burns, They lived at Chepstowe most of their married life and she cam. ,from there to Seafcrth three years ago. Her 'husband predeceased her seventeen years ago last September, Surviving are three sons and one daughter: Uohn and Joseph, of Toron- to, William of 'Seaforth, Mrs, Daniel Cassidy of Luckn.ow, ,Also one broth- er, 'Brother Bermund of De La Salli. COOT ge. The funeral takes place on Thurs- ,lay morning at 9 o'clock from St, James' Church, Seafarth, to St. Col- nniban cemetery, BORN \le ander 1:n Scott Memorial Hos- pital, v..: Sunday May 20, 19'34, to Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, of •T-teu,ail, a daughter. DIED. D'nrra re. —'Tn Clinton on Sunday, :May 21 1,93-t, 1), C. D'u'rance., it his 7. -kb year. Tits innua'i was held Tu cod ay, May 32, at 2:30 5,m, to the place of interment in Maitland .Bank Cemetery. Farm Plans Draw a plan of the fare, marking on each held the kind of crop grown this year, the variety, rate of seeding. application of manure and fertilizer, 'and any other information that may be of use, Lf a record of this 'kind is nacre each year it will be found of great value in the future, RETURNING OFFICER WILLIAM FRAYNE of Usborne 'Township who has been appointed Returning Officer for the new provincial riding of Huron comprising old South Huron and also the Town of Goderich. STAFFA. The Women's i1nstitu'Se twill meet on Wednesday afternoon, May 301h. A table setting demonstration will be given, also the report from the Dis- trict annual which is hcing held in Mitchell on \lay 215th. \1:r, and.Mrs. H. Gray, Toronto, spent the week -enol with the former's parents and 'brother. ribs. Turner, Waikerpille, is visit- ing her son, Rev. T. R. Turner. 'Mr. ansi Mrs. N. Dingle and son, Toronto, ,pent ,the .week -end at, the home of Mr. 'R. A. Sadler, Miss. Iva Leary spent a few days wits tet slater, Mrs. M. Greenwood, 'Mr, ansi Mrs. 1'. OiBrien visited over the week -end in Toronto,. Miss Dorothy Chessel spent. Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. L. Elliott, IWe are sorry to report that Mrs. A. Luxton is in 'St, 'Joseph's H'osp'ital, (London. and :Urs. J. Park, Mitchell, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Drake, Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher and cihl- siren, London, are visiting relatives. BRODHAGEN. Death claimed one of Logan's most highly respected citizens on Monday 'evening in the person of Mary 'Schoultz, beloved wife of the late Charles 'Wassnsan in her 710th year. The deceased lady; who had been staying at tiie hone of her son, -lar. !Edward 'Wessman, Logan, went to Mapleton on Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Illenry Schad°. and on Sunday evening called at the home of friends, lar. and Mrs, Cliff or d IT-Lobbs, and while there was stricken with a paralytic stroke. She was tak- en to the home sof her daughter, Mrs, Schad°, and passed away on Monday evening. She was born in Logan, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.' George 'Sehoultz. '.Fifty-seven tears, ago she married Charles Wa, man,' and together they located on a fares, Lot 116, Concession 7, Logan. now oc- cupied by her soul, Edward •\\rass- man, Her husband didd in 19015, since. then she lived with the members of her fancily. She was a 'member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhageil. She leaves to mourn their loss two sons, Fred of Monkton, and !Edward on the homestead; two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Rudolph, Logan, and 'Mrs. Henry Sahade, Monkton; one sister, Mrs. Franc Schaffner, 'Stratford. llCeep Douglas' Egyptian 'Liniment always in the stable, ready for imme- diate use, :Removes proud flesh„and inflammation, Thrush or Hoof 11 t; and infection of cow's teat, SHEETING AT 1933 PRICES 72 -inch Grey 30c yd. 81 inch „ Grey 38c yd. 72 inch ....Heavy Grey 42c yd. 72 inch White 38c yd. 81 inch —Heavy , Heavy White 60c yd. Children's Ankle Hose, cot- ton, �{ sizes 665d-7-74 :Fdv �e. Silk and Lisle, 6-7-7%-8 25c Women's Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose in Gun -Metal D and Townweat . Oc 5c 5c Alen's Fancy Cotton Sox 2 Men's Fancy Silk & Cotton Sox 2 Men's Fancy Silk & Wool Sox.. 3 Men's Black Oxfords.., $2.25, $3.35, $4, Mens 1Blaeic & White Oxfords., $3. Mens Work Boots' .. $1.95 to $3 Men's 1Balbriggan - .Shirts and Drawers 5 Men's Balbriggan Combinations 7 Men's Shorts 4 00 00 50 T.NicA VARNA ” sh 05 5c Oc McKILLOP. The ,Belgrave United Church Dr ntafic ,Chub will present their play e titled "The Adventures of Grandp at the .Duff's Church Garden Par to be 'held June 113th at the home +Mr,..W. Shannon, lot 11S, cots, 5. The regular.monthly sleeting 'W.l'f.S. and Women's Association Duff's United Church was held at t hone of Mrs. Bella `Henderson o Thursday afternoon, May 17th wit a. good attendance of ladies Aar ,Chester 1Henderson, President, pre- sided over the W.M.S. meeting ill;opening hymn 413i1 was sung and prayer by Mrs, John Hillebrecht, Mr, Wilmore Scott read she 'Scrip hue lesson from 6th Chapter of John first to tenth verse. The roll call was responding with suitable text. Theminutes of previous meeting read by Secretary and adopted. A reading was given by Miss Essie Dorrance. "MeWomen of the Hone," Mrs, F. Mo- lFZerc.her then gave a reading "Can- celled Prayer.” The meeting closed. by singing hymn 31111', Then Proniti- etlt :Mrs. 'Shannon took the chair in W.A. and meeting opened by ail re- peating Lord's prayer in unison The roll call was then taken up and the minutes of the two previous niee.t- iugs were read ;by Secretary 55111 Essie :laorrance and adopted'. Mrs. IRoht. Ca')upbeil then gave a reading of a poem, "The Ladies' Aid," Busi- ness .was then transacted and plan, were made to hold the garden party Jeune 1113th at the hoarse` of W, J, Shannon, and Belgrave United Church Dramatic 'Club will put on the play entitled "The Adventures of 'Grandpa," The sleeting was closed al cith prayer by Mts. Robt. Hogg an a social period during which refresh- ments ,were served, IDtrif's Church put their play "All on Account of Polly" on at Chisel- hurs't last 'Friday night, May IS, They will also present the play at Belgrave on _mune Sth. Miss Abbie Seip very kindly substituted for .MissRuth Gordon in the play, Mr. and Mrs,Shannon and David spent ;Monday at Milverton with her mother, ':Gs. D. Kerr. The malty friends of .hiss Ruth Gordon, who has 'been on the sick list for some time with pleurisy, are pleased to know she is recovering nicely and Is able tobe tip now. a- n - a" ty of of of he n it 'Calling in Another—The hill 'was steep and the load heavy. The donk- ey slid its hest, but at last it atopnecl and would not budge another inch. The driver saw a man passing. "Excuse me," he said, "but could you help me to get this load to the top of the hill? It's too much for one donkey." TULIP T E A s .. Will be given in ST. THOMAS'" CHURCH PARIISH HALL Friday, May 25 From 3 to 6. EVERYBODY WELCOME ST. COLUMBAN. :Liss Lucy Burke of London -,spent the week -end at her home in Hibbert, 2Iiss Anne Feeney has returned .from Toronto. \'rias :Florence McQuaid of Strat- ford spent the week -end with Mr, and ears, James 'McQuaid, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack of Ro- chester visited friends here last week. tMiss :Agnes •MctGrath of -Kitchener was home over Sunday. Mr. James Nolatl, hail a .plotting bee on Monday. The C.W.L. are holding a euchre and dance in the parish hall on Fri- day evening. GODERICH TOWNSHIP lOur teacher, Miss Douglas, is out t'he sick list, 'The Men's Chub of Grace United Church had 1 banquet on Monday evening May 21st, Every one reports a good time and a splendid dinner, There ,passed away peacefully, at the hone of his son 'Sam, ,Goderich, Hugh llct1i'air, on Friday afternoon. Deceased, who was born and raised in 'Goderich township, was a sen .of the late Mr. and airs, (Samuel Mc/f1- wain. 'He was taken suddenly iI'l while visiting his old lto'nne. He had reach- ed the grand old age of 04 and pass- ed on to he with his dear ones gone before. (Left to mourn the loss of their father ,are three sons and one 'laughter, 'George of .Goderich, 'R'ob- ert of :Goderich township, Sant elf 1Goderich, and Mrs. Theron 'Betties of 'Winthrop. The funeral which was held at the home of Sam., to Mait- land Cemetery, was largely attended by old friends and neighbors. PLAY Go Slow Mary will be presented by the Y.P. S. of Winthrop in Caven Church, WINTHROP —on— Friday,June 1 Admission: Adults 25c; Children 15c Morning Song Z7(1:/ DO YOU like cheery breakfasts? Here's one your family will enjoy. Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream and sliced bananas! Kellogg's are extra refreshing. A real energy - food — easy to digest. Kept oven -fresh and flavor - perfect by the heat -sealed inner WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellom-; in London, Ontario. • CORS FLAKES O•.a,=Nr 51n - v vuviia enter BRAY FLOCKS ARE' WINTER LAYERS BFI Y Fast-( rwi. - Chick Chicks hatched in late May and June, have got to be extra -vigorous and extra. fast-growing, .if the 9 a" ' pullets are going to give you many high-priced eggs in November and December. If you buy slow-growing, chicles at th s time of year, you can't hope for much Fall egg - money. Bray Foundation Grade" pullets from our earlier hatches weigh up. to 3% lbs, each at 14 weeks old. That kind of growth gives you fully-r:,aturccl layers at 5 months old. Write us for full particulars and our reduced prices, or call on the manager of the Bray Hatchery in your district. BRAY CHICh HATCHERY, 98 Clayburn Ave„ St. Catharines Ont Brooder and Office,. H. W. Charlesworth, Clinton Pi; •ht Breds-•,Einhtii Year Blood Ces,ing—Sixth Year Government Approval