HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR, THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros„ Publishers, WALTON. Miss Vera Altrea and brother Hugh Altrea, of Landon, spent the week-ead with their grandparents, Mr. and :\drs, Hugh !Fulton. Mr, and Mie, Wallis Sltoldice of St. Catharines spent the week -end with his brother, M. Wm. S•holdice. Pleased to elate \[r, 1.Iugh Fulton, allto is i; omitted to shed with coves - tion of the lungs, i, somewhat 'proved. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Ilugh Ramsey is under the doctor's care at present, but hope she will soon be about again. Mr. and Mrs. Bird and son of Clinton have moved to the home of Ism uncle, John Hislop, to reside with ?aim at the present time, DUBLIN. Miss Myra Britton died in To- eonto on Tuesday, aged 312 years, Funeral takes place on Friday from ale home of her parents, )Jr, and Mrs, John Britton of- Hibbert, Much styatpathy is extended to the bereft family, Mrs, ,Frank 'Hutchings of Toronto as visiting. at the hoose of her mother, Mrs. Pat'Ryan, 3.4isa 1•[in•nie Maloney - returned borne on Saturday after spending the arInter in Florida, accompanied by Iter brother, \[r, Fergus Maloney of Buffalo, Rev'Fr. Jordan of Kalamazoo, Michigan, spent a few days visiting his mother and friends here, Miss 'Katharine Byrne and Miss Theresa Carpenter of Drysdale spent the week -end with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Mack of New York, who •were holidaying with Mr.; and Mrs. D. J. 'O Connor the pas: week. have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs, Anguat 'Ducharme visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland K-en- eeedy. Seaforth, on Sunday. The play entitled "Closed Lips," a'hieh was staged in Looby's Hall on 'Friday night was largely attended. Mie: Vera Feeney of Toronto vis- ited San -day with her mother, Mrs. .Kathleen Feeney, Mr. Tim ,McDermott and family of Hamilton, Mrs. Kennedy, Niagara 'Falls, and \Irs. Moore, of Stratford, ;,pen; Tuesday with Mrs. C. Mc- Dermott, Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. BRUCEFIELD. Mr,. .Sant Thompson attended the funeral 0i her sister-in-law, Mrs. Tay- lor of St. Clair, Mich„ last week. Mrs. R. McKenzie of our village is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J, Richardson, of Baelfield, at areeent, Mr, John McQueen of Flint, Mich., is visiting friends in. Tuckersmith a•t present. The Misses MCDonald visited with friends in London last week. Miss Kay Snider of !Brantford Hos- pital is spending her holidays at the iiome of her parents in the village, TUCKERSMITH. .Mr. and. Mrs.. Dave McIntosh spent Sunday in Goderich visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Carey. M -r John: Watson is laid up with lumbago for some time,• Mrs. Dave Elliott of Clinton visit- ed her sister, Mrs, Wilbur Keyes, for the week -end, Mr. and Mr:. Nesotn Reid and fanc- ily. were Sunday visitors at the home Dov We are now buying EGGS at Highest Market Prices for CASH. Give us a trial now. Prompt, courteous service. Best prices for Cream. Seaforth creamerY.. C. A. Barber, Prop. CONSTANCE. Mr. Will Adell on St. Marys and Miss Mary Moore and her mother, Mrs. \Vnt. Moore of Toronto spent Sunday at the .home of \4r, WM. Moore, hers, Moore remaining for the Summer With her sons, :Mr, and Mrs, John and children ;pent Sunday with Me. and Mas. .Robt, Grintoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Riley of Clinton visited friends in the village on San. day last. Mr. Chas. 'Riley of Goderich Town- ship spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. George Riley. l'Ir. Harold Longman of - Londes- boro visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rot, Gr-intoldby on Sunday. Mr, Howard Armstrong purchased a heavy horse from Mr, John Gal- braith of Brussels last week, The W. A. of Constance United Church will hold a cooking sale on Saturday, June 2, in the Sheffer store, Seaforth, Watch for further announce - stent next week. The Live \Vire Class held their monthly meeting Friday evening, May :lath. The attendance was no as good as usual. In the absence of the president, W. R. Jewitt, assistant.. presided, After singing hymn 3.62 and repeating the Lords Prayer in uni- son, the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted and business trans- acted. Those appointed to prepare the class paper were 'Elgin Nott, editor; Ieabelle Jamieson and Jack Mc:Ewan, ,tab -editors, The Scripture reading iron Isaiah 3, was given by 'Ross \[eGregot'. Helen and Eolith Britton gave a splendid duet "Hiding in the 'Shadow of the Rock," after which Rev. Mr., Gardiner spoke to the class on "Jesus as a Shelter from the Storms of Life," 'There were the storms of conscience, the power of sin and the consequences of_sin: Jesus is our shelter from the power and coneequenrea of sirs; it iia; C'od's will that IIe (Jesus) w•h-o knew no sin, should ransom us; will we let Him be loo the Old Country market. Grain Pamphlet -Offered. A new paamahlet bearing on the best varieties of grain and prepared; by the Cereal Division, Dominion a experintentat Farms Branch is now ready for cltetribution, This pam- phlet lits the varieties which are recon mended, province by province, ,cross Canada in the case' of wheat, oats, barley, peas and flax for seed, 'A separate pamphlet prepared joint- ly by the Cereal (Division and the. Ontario Agricultural College, dealing with both spring and winter wheat in Ontario, .is also available, eiajuyed; after which the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs, Lindsay and llrs. IBri'tton sang a duet, I Surrender All." Mrs, Addison played a piano instrumental. Mrs. Mc- Gregor gave the Scripture Lesson from Corinthians, 113th chapter, and gave an excellent talk' on Love. Mrs. Britton closed with prayer. Lunch was served. Mr, and 3trs, Will McMillan and daughter Marion •of (London visited at the home of Mrs. Henry Taylor and son Harvey, on Sunday. \L•, and itrs. Jack Ferguson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mfrs, Noble of \•1'awranosh. Mr, George Pickett and friend of :Detroit visited at the home of Mrs CharlesMcfGregor and son Ross on Sunday. \Ir. Benj, Riley returned from Clin- ton hospital last week and is serious- ly of Mr. and -Mrs. Wilbur 'Keyes, \lilt our shelter ('Our Saviour); if so He Read. will -save us frnm sin, \fres Dorrance's :N11-E:eanor McCartney, little inetrumen'al tvae ,,corn enjoyed by lave -hog of Mr, and Mrs. 'George - all. The Gazette was then read by McCartney. had the -misfortune to scall herself vers barfly. .Everyone la -315,, to see her able to be out again ir,re long. Kenneth Hayter, little son of Air. Jack Kellar. Rev. \Ir. iC'arcliuer closed taus part of the meeting with prayer. Lorne Lawson. ra lio expert, enter- tained with music on electrn-magnet an., Mrs. 'Lloyd Rarer, had a seri- tick -up while lurch was served by u :ata injury eo his ku'.l, faing 1 tne110 Jamie.ani. Ivy Sinnnon thr t. t a trap-door don'' onto a Helen !Briton, E. (.attlev, 'Hato' ;tante He is still Ina 'Seai:•r:b Hospital ...mgman. The program we, in char:_ hu: tic 'tear fav ::able re>nrts. \\', R. Jewitt and Lorne Lawson i Rev, and \Irs. Gardiner invited tilt "Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Grieve and laugh - e: .Margaret. of Egmottdville, called \\. A. and\V,\LS•. to their home it, ,i -lei•. lfrs.Rab Londoshoro on Thursday of las' ,•n t, Charters, \d+ aa, t ,day, week when a goodly number were cJ ,situ.- o-, r.nting--tha ether ;,resent and a.socinble time spent. The •lay wb.m s 'at .titers wereout president of the \\.\I.S., Mrs, Wil - 1 . Br'Britton ritton opened with hymnat t he.: ..ani. ac-oss t ;\ few days a , "Thom Shepherd of Israel and :aline." • .. pe :al leu :r a ar,45 was ,:•cii itch` the after which Mrs. Rogerson and Mrs. elec., the Gcu, unlike the Gardiner led in prayer. The secretary, ground and ;tocol on D) xte realt e minute of last he hind legs \,'hen the ratan saw hint 1r lt. l ten anceva, 11,1 to he MR le arc of his hind legs. He did \h Sinnn n and Mrs. Dorrance 1ora Inng the bear stood this an. a duet which ea. mach enjoy - 5, far he didn't wait to see. ed, Ivy Simmons read the devotional 'ee11.•: on "T-he-.irricniship n:f Jest's" nest Causes Asthma. Even a little ::nil poke.a few well chosen words. :gaga: tri small to see will lead to a- Mrs Robs. Lawsop gave an interest- aanie; which ne wards can describe, int; report on the .Presbyterial held. in 'lie walls of the breathing tubes con- Clinton. Mrs. Wheatley told the story tract and '• em, as if the very life mit' ':a,;, Prove this condition Dr. J. .1). Kellogg'', Asthma Remedy brings the user to perfect rest. It relieves the passages and normal hreathing'is firmly -established again, ilan:dreds of testimonials received an - madly prove .10 effectiveness. nom the Story Book on China, :Mrs. Mlrtilh president of the W.A. then\ aok the chair, Sana hymn "'Take ''gyne to be 11 13'' \[rs. Car'hert read mess Was discussed Mrs. ' Dorrance ,ave a piano in,:ruinonta1 wi, ca w i !Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time, 25c * * * * • * * * * * * NEWS AND INFORMATION * FOR' THE BUSY FARMER * * (Furnished by Ontario Depart- * « ment of Agriculture.) • «. -* * * *. * * *. * * t Outlook Encouraging For Poultry 'Farmers :According to reports received at the :Poultry Division, Central 'Experi- mental +Farm, there has been consid- erable indication o•f much poorer hatching results than were ordinar- ily obtained in previous years, These comparatively small hatches will un- doubtedly leave their impression on the supply of dressed poultry and cgs available in Canada this coming autunite With these results in mind it should be safe to forecast that far- mers throughout Canada should re- ceive comparatively good prices for poultry produce in the corning fall and winter. Toronto Fruit Auction, A new development in Tomato, during the past couple of week's, is the establishment o -f a fruit auction located in the Terminal Warehouse, at the foot of York Street. So far, Facilities are available only to straight ears of imported fruits and vegetables. Sales are being held three days a week conamen•cing at 7,00 am., while the display roots, are open one hour earlier in order to permit buyers to inspect products to be put up for sale. Commenting on this development, C. W. Bauer, secretary, Ontario (.rowers' Markets Council, said: "Whether or not the facilities will he made available to domestic pro- duce, lies entirely with the manage- ment. iHow•ever, in my opinion, the scheme is worthwhile watching and, if made available to Ontario grow- ers, might prove a partial solution to our Toronto marketin=g problems." Liming Materials C;r,.:un1 limestone, slaked line, and marl. aro employed as soil dieesutgs to correct acidity and furn- ish line for plant growth. Of these sources of Lime ;grog t i limestone, it cnmpasition and -fineness should• be cnn;idered; a good grade material will contain at least 80 per cent o carbonate nt time and far a prnitf't• acti•in• in the -suit 60 per centshall._ lass through tt sieve of ;`l metes he ii:: -ear ive-6 r'ece. Must Spray Hawthorn ft is "now c ntptileory the! all ae- ;tie and hawthorn tree; u.atnin three hundred yards of an orchard the owner of which has applied for cer- tification, must be thoroughly ,sprat ed for apple maggot or cut clown prior to Jul''1. All spraying ,must be effected 'in accordance with the recommendation set forth in the of- ficial spray calendar. Tais action is necessary to ,meet the requirementsl of the British Government with re- -rd tS aeele. Egg Grade Responsibility. 1n case of dispute about properly marked . cases of graded eggs, the Canadian egg regulations are quite explicit. No case or container of eggs is cotisid'ered to be properly marked if, 'upon examination by an •inspector, the case is found to con- tain more than an average. of 6% per cent below ithe grade, apart .from breakage. In tra:nsactons between w.ho'lesalers, or between a wholesaler and a retailer, any complaints by the purchaser with respect to eggs be- low grade must be made to the sell- er within 36 hours of the receipt of the eggs. 'Thus, responsibility as to eggs below grade is upon the seller for the period of 316 hours after deliv- ery to the buyer. After the expira- tion of the 3)6 hours the responsab- ity as to eggs, bellow 'grade, is upon the person, in whose possession such eggs are found. ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1927; R,S.O. CHAP. 8, AND ONT- ARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, 1927, CHAP. 7. The Ontario Election, June 19th, 1934, Slow Sale at Yards !Recent shipments of cattle to the 'Union Stook Yards at Toronto, ac- cording to the Ontario M'arketiug Board, show too many unfinished loads. This, of course, has resulted ha extensive hold -overs. Stocker Cattle of good tynpe and flesh, on the other hand, stet with ready sale for the -ex port market, (Lateness of spring and shortage of feed :have forced more unfinished stock on eh:e market than usual, Un- til more grass is available, however, Slow selling may be expected. Take ,Notice ithat the sittings :pf :the Revising Officers +for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals [with regard to the Voters' Lists to be us- ed at the 'pending election of a mem- ber lof the ,Legislative Assembly for. each of the 'Electoral'Districts of Huron -,Bruce, and 'Huron, will be held for the respective municipalities. in said •Dis'tric+ts, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, :with :the Mimes of the Clerk sof the !Revising Officer for each Municipality, and .the last date for making complaints or appeals !l0 the said- 'Clerk, Ontario Honey y Exports 80% of Dominion Total ?Exports of Canadian 'horsey have been increasing steadily for the past five years, from lt,744,8711 pounds in 1929 to some 2,006,7170 pounds in 7933. Of the total exported in 1929, )14li3,22l9 pounds went to the United Kingdom, while in 103'3• approxi'ma'te- ly 2,21.3,099 pounds were seat to the Sante market, definitely indicating a Fr0w.ing market for Canadian honey in Great Britain, d't is gratifying to note that for the years 19,30 to 1933, according to an estimate of G. R. Paterson, secre- tary, Ontario Export Association; Ontario drag contributed %bout eighty per cent of all honey ex- partesct from Canada. Feeding Baby Chicks The average farmer or •potiliryntan Fee time to experiment with reds and methods of .feeding. There is no, need for ¢'hem to do it. Government m-tite'tions and feed mannfacturera have done the experimenting and have made available a balanced feed or a formula whereby the neultry- tnan may buy the separate ingredi- ents and mix a balanced feed at 'his own plant. iBrcoding chicks in large numbers, whether in the brooder 'lunge or battery brooders, has called for ex- tensive experinterLing on the part of someone in order to determine what is the ,most suitable mixture of feeds for the first three of four weeks, and then in what proportions they sh-ould be mixed for developing the chick e nee it is 00 .the ralige, It was possible to use bread, oat- meal, onion tops and hard-boiled eggs to feed young chicks when :'fere were only 3 or 4 dozen being '.4'uoriecl by hens, and 'at a season ellen the weather was quite warm. le those days eggs were scare: .,illi priced during the late fall and winter• months, but by artificial in- cubation and broeding chick, arc ..r:aied and raise) at all seasons of the year, and winter eggs are almost as common as summer eggs. The mint tilts and the manufacturers have combined many ingredients to make a feed that has taken ,the guess cork of feeding. It i; largely a 'natter t,r keeping the feed before the c't at, the brooder house clean at tL•a pro- per temperature and suitably ventil- ated. The chicks live and grow. Driven Asthma Like Magic. The immediate help from :Dr. J. D. Kel- logg' Asthma Remedy seems like magic. Nevertheless, it i; -only a •na- tura! .remecly used in a natural tt'ay, The smoke or vapor, Teaching '' the most remote passage of the affected tubes,brushes aside the trouble attd opens a way for fresh air to enter. It k sold by .dealers throtngheut- the and. HURON -BRUCE • By His Honour Judge Costello GREY 'TOWNSHIP -Date of Sit- ting, May 218th; at 410 a nt, in Town- ship .Ha'll, Ethel; Clerk of 'Revising Officer,IJ. •1H. (Fear, ;Ethel; "last day for complaints, May 04th, HIOWIOK TOWNSHIP -- 'D:a'te o sitting May 120th :at 60 asst., in Township IH+iil1, 'Gidrrie; Clerk df ,Revising !Officer, 'Isaac !Gamble, ForcUwrch, Last day for complaints, May 25th, WINIGtHAM TOWN --',Date of sit +ting, :June 4th at 10 ann. in Town )Hall, Winghant; Clerk of Revising ,Officer, IW. tA: Galbraith, Wing- Itana, Last day for cotnpiaurts, 3)ay 31st, BRUSSELS VILLAGE - 'Date of sitting, 'May dist, at 2.0'0 p.m., in Town Hall, IBruasels; Clerk of Re- vising Officer, A. tH, 'Macdonald, 'Brussels. Last clay for complaints, May 28,th, MILD\MAY VILLAGE - tD'ate of sitting, \'t•ay 30th, at 10 a,an, in J, \. (Johnston's Office, Mildmay; Clerk of 'Revising 'Officer, J. A. Jnhnvton, Mildmay. teat day •for complaints, May q!Cith. CARi1JI'OIC TOWN)SIH!IP-=Dtrte of sitting -June 2nd 'art 10 a.m. int J. A. Johnston's Office, Mildmay; Clerkof %Revising IOffrcer, 5. A. Johnston, Mildmay. !Last day for complaints, ;May .30111: 'HIURON TOWN'S1-TIIP-Date of sit- ting, June lat, at 22.'00 p.m, itt'Totvn- slup Hall, Ripley; Clerk -of .Revis- ing Officer, Donald \IeK'ay, 'R.R, NO. 1,, Ripley. Last day for com- plaints, )May 20th, iRiIILaLEY VdLLAGE-'Date mf sit- ting, !June 8th .tat 200 pere, in Council 'Chambers, Ripley; Clerk of Revising Officer, 'E. F. Malaita 'Rip- lev, L asst day for complaints, June 3u.cl. CUUPJO:SIS TOWNsOtIP-+Date of sitting, [Tante 7th :at 12,00 p.m. in Town Hall, `Teecwater; Clerk of Revising Officer, J. S. McDonald, Teestrater. Last clay for complaints Juste 4th. TEIEISWATER VILLAGE -Date of sitting, June 51th, at 2:00 lain., in Town Tail, ,Tcestva'ter; Clerk of Ret r ing Officer, W. H. Logan, Teeswater. 'Lastt day for complaints June By D. E. Holmes, Esq. -ASIFIPTEL'D 'ilO\VIN'SH,PP-Date of sitting, )lime and at 3.00 lint. in 'Cnwnvhip [Tall Ashfield; Clerk of Revising Officer, C. E. lidDona+gh, Lucknoty No 3, Last day for com- plaints, May 30th. COLB'OR E TOW' NSHIP - Data of sitting..May 29th tit 2.00 p.m„ in Township. Hall, Carlow; Clerk of Revising 'Officer, Wm. Sallows. God-erich No. 6. lLa;t day for com- plaints, May 26th. a MORRIS TOWNSHIP-DDate of sit- ting, May 30th at 2.00 p,nt., in Township Hall, Morris; Clerk of Revising Officer, Alex, 3f-crw•an, Bltevale, Last clay for complaint;, May 26th. TULI B'FmRRY TOWNS+H1P=Date of sitting, 'June 6th at 2.00 pun. in Township Hall, Bluevalet Clerk of Revising Officer. I\\-. R. Ctntlt- shank, \Virgham. Last clay for complaints, June Lind, EAST WAWANO•SH T\VtP.- d):ttc •of sitting, june 1st at 2.00 p.m. is -Forester;Hall, inelgrave; Clerk of Revising lOfficer, Alexander Port- erfield, Relgrave No L 'Last day for comolaints, May ?9th. WEST \NAW IOOS1-I T\\5P.-Dat' of sitting, May 31.st at 2.00 p.m, in Township Hall, '\Vest '\Vawanosh; Clerk of "Revising Officer, Durgin Phillips, 'Luckn:on'. Last day for complaints, May 2Sth, BLV TTI VILLAGE -Date of sitting Jlme 7''t at 2.00 p.m„ in 'Commun- ity hall. Myth: Clerk of Reeking, 'Offirr, J. II R. Elliott, Blyth Last day for complaints, iane -lth. LUCKNO\V \ ll.l:.\(L-Dale ni sitting, June •l r , 2.00 p.m. ie Town Hall, 1.e iii w ; Clerk of 'Revising Officer, 1 13 A nc:r Lucknow. T ast day for complaints. May 3lst, TIN\ OS'S lO\\ NSTilF'-Date sitting. 'lime eeth. et 2110 p.nr ` v is n' hip ;Hall, IIc+!yr..> I. Clerk of 'a m 'Officer, 5, •_, ti 1l. aerood. Last .?y foe eompin Jute 1st. HURON By His Honour Judge Costello HAY TO -Date of :inns r May 3lst at 10 .a.m, in Tottn.b, Hall, Zurich; Cleric of .Revising 0'- ficet, A. F. Hess, Zurich. Last day for complaint :May 218th. HULLllT'.L' TO\VINISQIIP--1Dlate n(. THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Matinee Thurs. 24th -3 P.M. JANET GAY,NOR LIONEL BARRYMORE in "CAR O'L1NA'' Comedy M. Mouse Cartoon, IVIon. Tues. Wed„ May 28-29-30 THE BIG MUSICAL FEATURE Flying Down to Reo with DO- LORES DE RIO GINGER ROGERS GENE RAYMOND A big musical, dancing and comedy special Comedy News Reel Thurs. Fri. Sat,, May 31, June 1-2 FAY WRAY - 'PAUL LUKAS -in- The Countess of Monte Christo Comedy ' Cartoon STANDBY .l'OW1OSUliP-Date of sitting, May .218th at 0.00 p.m. in Township IIall, Varna; Clerk of devising Officer, C. C. -'Pilgrim', Varna, Last day for complaints, May 214gh. !S1TEPHIlaN TOWNSHIP -"Date of sstting, June 4th, at 2.00 p.m. in Cown:hin Hall, Crediton; Clerk of 'Revising Officer, .11, Sr,:Either, Crediton, Last day 'for complaints, 1"lay st. "1 X111 TIUCOKtE3llRIS,\IiITH TW-P,-sDate. cf sitting,' May '39th at 2,010 pini. in Walker's !Hall, Brucelfield; Clerk of Revising Officer, 'D S, MCGregor, (Seaforth No. 4. Last •clay for com- plaints, May 126th. ,UtSIBO!RN!E TOWN,SHlf E --Date of sitting, ,June llis't at 110,00 a:m. in Tot'tts'lhip Hall, Eli nnrilte; Clerk of IRetising Officer, Henry Strang, :Hensall Aro, i1. !Last clay for coma plaints, May 39th. SIEAF'O1RTIH TOWN --Date of sit-, ting, June ash at 110 asst„ in Town' Hall, Seaforth; 'Clerk of Revising Officer, J. A. Wilson, .Seaforth. .Last day for complaints, June list. EXETER VILLAGE-1Da'te of sit- ting, ?Time :6th, at 110 am., in Village .Hall, Exeter; Clerk of Revising Of - firer, ;Joseph Senior, Exeter. Last day for complaints, Jute 2ncl. HBBNt1S.A-L'L VIM:AGE-Date of sit- ting, J4une 7th, at '110a,m., in .Pewit Hall, Fen -salt; Clerk df Revising Officer, Jas, IA. Patterson, IH'ensall. Last clay for complaints, June 4th, By D. E. Holmes, Esq. OLINT'O:N TOWN -Date of sitting, May 31, 10430 a.m. 8 p.m, at Town HaFI, Clinto'n•; Clerk if ,Revising ,Of- -finer, R. E. Manning Clinton, Last clay for complaints, May 20th. GODFJRIIOH TIOIWINISHIIP--jDate of sitting May 218.th, at 2.00 p.m. .hs.. •.. Holmes' 1Ha.11, tHolnteswille; Clerk of Revising Officer, IR. G, Thomp- son, Clinton, !last day for com- plaints. May 214hh, GIOI3RRl1C4I TOWN, -Date of sit- ting. June.let, 101310 a.m„ at Court House, Goderich; Clerk of Revis- ing "Officer, L. IL, •Tvtox, Goderich. Last clay for complaints, May 29th, GICID'ITRJ'OH 7 O\VIN-,Date of sit- ting, Jute 2.nd, at 800 p:nt. at Court Hoose, Goderich; Clerk: of tRevicing Officer. L. L; Knox, 'Goderich, .Last day for complaints, May 00th. 'GOIDERIUEH TOWN -Date of gut- ting, June 4th, at 10.30 a.m. at Court House, Go:tench; Clerk of Revising . Officer, L. L. Know IGod'erich. Last ,clay ,for complaints, May 3111st. CIODFtRICIH TOWN -Date of sit- ting, .June Sth, at SAD pan. at Court i1-Iouse, Goderich; Clerk of Revising Officer, tL ;L. Know Goderich, Last day for complaints. Ju,:e 1st, •A11 persons are called upon to ex- amine the Voters' Lists to ascertain drat their names are correctly enter- ed therein, ,And further take notice that any voter in any of the said municipalit- ies who desit'es to complain that his name or the name of .any person en- titled to be ent;red on the said list for that tn'nn icip a laity has been omits-: .ted from the „tune, or that' the ,tames of any persons who are not entitled to be enters have been entered there- to may as above set out apply, complain or appeal to have his naitie or the laame of any other person ent- ered on or removed ram the list. ,Anel further tale notice that such appeals must be by t:olice int ar tin; in the Areseribed feint (in duplicate; signed by the complainant, and given to the Clerk of the (Revising Officer, nr left fur him at his address as stat - eel above, 'he lists of voters may be seen at the ofFicc af the Cleska of the Revis- ing Officer in each municipality as tihnve d'or further ie .redo!, write t, U 1. F''. ' c;., rid '1 1, l; • 1cr- (I t '• i ',' ' „• •t' "a,ud, of C ittt' fli'ou. 1. 1)1', (OSTICI,i;O, t ''•airman inr the E!ecti •n �nartl the County of Huron. laa\tctfa•vl , at:A,lD, Gnde119:r3'iclh4. the 117th :lay • ONTARIO ELECT'ON Women' of foreign birth who ha:a sitting May 30th, at 2,00 p•nt: int become British Subjects by marriage Community' Hall, (-.011 ch eshovo Clerk of 'Revising 'Of{ieer, J'tuncs W. -14cCool II ondesboto. Last d'ay' for complaints, May 36th, MoKII,LLO'P 'DO,WNbStEill'P-Date oi sittitag, June 22nd at 2,00 p.m. ie Carnegie Library Hall, "Seaforth: Clerk of Reusing Officer: John McNay; Seatorth,`!No 2, Last 'lay for epleet eiets. May 30tha or by the naturalization of then ors-. est while they were minor,; require a certificate of the Judge to enable them to vote, and they shall not be entitled to be entered on the "Voters' List or to vote without such certificate. Ap- ply for such certificate at any court of Revision where Judge is Revising. Officer. T. M. COSTELLO, Chairman of Election Board.