The Seaforth News, 1934-05-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
THURSDAY MAY 17, 1934.
Stop;•Look and Read.—Dance, new
and old Tyme 'Dance sponsored ly
Jolly Four, llancing from 9 p.m, till
11 a,mt, Four hours steady dancing, no
;intermission, to Murdock's -piece or-
chestra- (the music with a rhytiian),
Town Hall, Heesall, May IIS, \Vit
Hayter floor manager. A lucky . door
ticket for everybody. Prize a 'voucher
good far $a1:00 merchandise at the
iBeane's Bakery. L -\--dm.: Gents
ladies 115c.
The Y c nig People's League of the
United Church held their regular
meeting on Monday- evening For the
•openht•g C1'1.011118 CS hymn 22d was
sung and the Lord's prayer in uinisbn
The following very interesting. pro-
gram was given: a reading by Mfrs.
Horton; guitar duet, Kathryn Drys
iae and :Mrs. :Russel Broderick solo
by Claude Blower; instrumental, Miss
Gladys 'Luker; reachug, Mildred Poi -
lick; quartette, ,Bella Smale, Mildred
Follicle, Minnie Sangster, Kathryn
Drysdale; instrumental, Miss Fior-
ence. Welsh; solo, Evelyn Corbett;
guitar solo, James Watson; spelling
match conducted by Dr. Smillie.
Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Sweitzer and
children of Beach-o'Pines were Sun-
day visitors with relatives in town.
Ml r. Donald Ml I' aig left Mfonday
tior the Beach -o -Pines where he will
spend the Summer working. as a car-
penter on construction work,
Mr, and Mrs, Alf Hunlcing and
children of Farquhar were Sunday
visitors with lir. and Mrs, Roy \Fc -
Laren and Mr. W. L, McLaren.
\Ir. David McClough of Peterbeno
15 Spending a few days in town visit-
ing with his friend, Mr. V. Pettit.
1)r. Smillie ..pent a few days last
Week visiting in Toronto.
Mr, Edward Tittle of :Hanover was.
a week end Visitor with friends 0
The -regular Monthly Meeting of the
Carmel :Presbyterian
Church was held in the church on
Thursday afternoon last and was in
charge of 'Mrs. Workman, The Meet-
ing was opened by sin:ging.hy:nin 389
-and prayer by Mrs. 'Robt. McLaren.
.\ bible lesson was read and all join -
c'1 in singing hymn 687. The minutes
4-4 ,he last meeting were read and
Mrs, Arnold gave a reading on Lith-
. ing and Mfrs. Yuun,g sang a solo, Miss
R. Y. -McLaren in a very able manner
tock the study and made it aery int-
eresting. Mfrs. 'Basil Edwards led in
Mission Band of the United Church
held their regular meeting on Sun-
day afternoon in the basement of the
church. As this was Mother's Day a
very interesting program was carried
.1111. After• the opening exercises, .R'o-
inti Peck read. the Scripture lesson.
John and George Beer each sang a
solo and a reading was given .by Elva
licQneen. A number of girls sang a
chorus, Jessie and IBabby Hes.. taking
special parts. An exercise was given
by six :mall children. A chorus by
members of the Band. Rev. ArthurSinclair gave an interesting address,
.\ pleasing feature „1 the meeting'
was the attendance of a number of
the mother::.
\f •. 1-Isrold Scrteten of Port Dover
•pent Sunday at his home here.
•Mfr. and Mrs. Will Grant of Leas
Mich., spent the week end with
MI'-. an.: lir-. George Gram.
Mir. Car' Passmore and Miss Gla
Iv Pas.n, re. spent Sunday 'r.. Nia-
gara. Fall. They also, called on 21r,
and Mir: Will McLean , „f Hamilton.
1! -. William Reynolds of Tilson-
berg spent the week end here with
his ers, -Miss -Reynolds and Mfrs.
• Mr, ,laines Hutton of 'l'oront+, and
a friend of Hamilton were Sunday vi-
sitors' With Mr. and Mrs. 12, K. Hut-
_:Rev. G. 21. Young and Mrs.
• Young of Nairn, spent Sunday here
with their son, Rev, W. A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron and
son Harold spent Sunday with Kit-
chener friends,
Mr, Lloyd Pettit left for his home
in Sarnia on Mlonday after spending
several weeks here with .his brother,
V. R. Pettit.
'Rev. 22'. A. Young spent Monday
0 London.
Mrs. George Walker was in Lond-
on Monday visiting her daughter,
Miss Alice \Valker, who is in Byron
.Sanitarium for treatment:
Death of George E. Todd.—There
passed away on Thursday afternoon
at Dr. Moir hospital, Huron.
Springs,, a well known Hennall resi-
dent, George E. Todd, aged 76 years.
Mr. Todd was in good health up to
'boat a year ago, when he began to
fail. Ten weeks ago he was taken to
Dr. Mioir•'s hospital for treatment.
He was suffering from internal
trouble and in spite Of the best medi-
cal skill and nursing he gradually
grew weaker till he passed away on
Thursday afternoon. He was a son of
the late James and Mrs. Todd of
IStanley township and was horn in
that township north of Drysdale,'
\\'hen a young ratan he caste to 1Flay
township wherehe married Miss
Margaret McGregor and they settled
on lot 13, conn,, 3, Hay, and lived there
till they retired to ;Hentsail 22 years
ago. He was a very successful farm-
er and took 'a great interest in live
stock, especially , horses. .1drs. Todd
predeceased thim thirteen years ago,
He was a member of the Presbyter-
ian Church and a liberal :in politics.
He leaves to mourn, two sons Ar-
mour on the homestead M 'Hay town-
ship and Roy '01 Eiens'al'l; two sons
inredece'ased hint, Herman, who died
123 years ago 0 Hay and John .1,3
years ago in Hensel]. Two br'o'thers
survive 'him, Hugh, of Bad Axe,
Mich., and IRobert, of Louisiana.
The funeral took place from his late
home on King street, .H'ensel'1, on
ISaturdY a afternoon interment in the
Hensel] cemetery. afternoon,
service was in.
charge df his pastor, Rev. W. Yo'tm:g,
and a quartette was given by Rev.
Mr. Young, William McLaren, R. Y.
'McLaren and James Bengough. The
!pallbearers were "his two nephews,
J'annes Todd and James Falien, of
Dad Axe, :MI'ich., and David Sherry,
Robt. Cameron, Albert Geddes and
William 'Chapman, former neighbors
of Mr. Todd in Hay township. Those
from a distance included JI^ Todd,
Jame, Todd and James Falien, of
Bad Axe, Mich. -
Mrs. Herman. Duman attended
the funeral of a relative at Staffa an
'Saturday. She was accompanied by
her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Millar of Exeter.
IA very interesting mother's day
service wac held iu 'Carmel Presby-
terian Church on Sunday and large
congregations attended. In the mor-
ning, Rev. W. Young, pastor, took
the .service and made 'fittin • reference
to mother's clay. Special music by the
choir, a duet entitled, ``No Answer
Yet," way:Mrs.iven by :Mrs. W. A,
Yung- and Mrs, Andrew 'Dougall. Im
the anthem, Mrs. lances B!ontllr'on
took the solo parts; At the evening
service 'Mrs, G. M. Young of Nairn
gave a most interesting address, tak-
ing far her subjects, Con's'ider the
Lilies, and Deal Courageously. Mrs.
Young is a very pleasing speaker and
her 'address was greatly enjoyed. She
gave three addresses on Sunday, one
being at Sarnia. A quartette, "Cod
!Bless our Mothers," was given by
Rev, W. A. Young, tR. Y. McLaren,.
W. A. •M'dLaren and Jas. Bengough.
The anthem was "Come Thou Weary
One," and ibe bass solo parts' were
taken by '''antes Bengough.
At the service in the United church
Sunday, Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor, had
charge of both services and. there
Wass a splendid attendance at both
services Mt.. G. Hess and Mrs, Dry-
sdale sang as a duet, "Memories of
Mather." There was also a baptism
Drafting rhe schedule for the inter -
county we tern,intermediate B group,
embracing H'ensall, St. Marys, Strat-
ford and .Ingersoll was a ticklish 'pro-
position. The requirements of the Va-
trious teams -preserved an unusual
cotnbiu•ation of dates tg work on,
Date: reserved for inter -county semi-
final, August 212-23 and 29. Dates re-
served for Mier -county semi-linal,
Scptcm'ber lv 3 and 5. Inter -county
champions enter O:B.-\::\. competi-
tion Sept, 8. Hensail's home games
are May 24, Ingersoll; June 8, St.
Marys; June 115, Stratford; June 22,
Si.Marys; June 29, Ingersoll; 'July
6 Stratford; July 19, St, Marys; July
_13, Stratford; July 217, Ingersoll.
The \Vo:hela Class of the [jailed
Church held their monthly meeting
in the basement of the church on Fri-
day evening. The following program
was given: reading by .Hazel Hudson;
duet. Mother's prayer by Gladys
Passmore, and Verde Watson; read-
ing, by \lra Ellis, The topic was ab-
ly taken by Elva Shaddick; reading,
Mildred Scruton.
•Mfrs, Henry Harmon who has been
in the Clinton,hospital for several
weeks for treatment, has returned
Mrs. Maggie McNichol of Exeter
was a week end visitor with friends in
'Mir. and Mrs, Bert O'Day of De-
troit are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John ingrain.
Mr. James Paterson, village clerk,
vas calling on friends in Exeter on
The many friends of Mia, MIaude
Hedden will be glad to hear t'h'at she
is improving after her recent hitless.
d'ersian.Balm appeals to the dainty
omtun. 'Stinnulatiag the skin, mak-
ing it velvety soft in texture, it cre
ates and -preserves complexions of ex-
quiite charm. Delicately fragrant,
„s1 and -delightful to use. Especially
recommended to soothe ,and dispel
ugliness or chafing. Stimulating and
1)0vratini . Imparts a youthful
loveliness and protects and enhances
the most delicately -textured skin,
Persian ;Balm is the unrivalled toilet
Riley.=ln loving memory of our
clear husband and father George
!Riley Sr., who departed' this life,
May 'liSth, 1932,
May hr;ngs hack sad memories
Of a 'coved one gone to rent,
Who will always be remembered
'By those who loved him best.
Days of sadness still come o'er tis,
Tears in silence often flow,
For memory keeps him ever near us
Though he died ,two years ago,
—Sadly missed by Wile and
01 a very bad crop of 'hay and pas-
ture with most every barn bare of the
bumper crops, of the past years. This
should warn every live farmer to
plant a field of corn this spring and
prepare for the -worst to happen.
\\'e can erecta concrete silo, IU:ao30'
for you and furnish the cement for
sante for $ili0.00, This 0 a special,
price good till May :24Th only. 'Apply
or write' to IHu'gill's'Dairy and Potato
Fauns, Phone 314-9116, Clinton, Ont.
:Ratepayers of tine Township of
eel:et-smith who want to draw
gravel' front Alexander's pit with
teams .apply to Thomas Hodgert on
or before May 26. 21
'Capable and experienced married
mat i',
t and his wife for farm work, im-
mediately. J. 'Tretneer, pholne 113 .on
111318 Seaforth. Lot 117, Con. 4, L.IRIS.,
Tuc kersm ith, 20
'Old lard Time Danlce in Cromarty
Hall on Wed'n:eidiay, May 2,3rd, .Axl -
mission gent's Ido and ladies free,
Everybody welcome. 20.
The wise mail keeps his light over-
coat within reach.—The cresta of the
Baseball club should be found' in the.
pitcher. Mfrs. W. J. Walker was in
"eVittgham visiting friends -1M T. Wm,
L -Dart of 'Glasgow, Scotland, is the
.guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Thomp-
son. Mr. Bert Speare :has gone to
\\'ingham where Pc has a position.—
Mr. 'M.
osition.—Mr.'26. Scidy, of-Dunville, wvlio- re
cenMy purchased -a buteh•er ,business
here, Moved his fetnily totown last
week. Mr, and Mrs. !Robert Wint-
ers' many friends will be glad to
know that their little daughter Jean,
is recovering from a serious attack
of pneumonia.—Mfrs, Alex, IBroadfoot
and two daughters, Edith and Marg-
aret of '-\i'oosejaw, are guests 'o'f the
former's parents'Mr, and Mrs. Alex,
Davidson,—Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Ern -
,bury have returned to their home in
1Iarnilton. after avhort visit with: the
latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Barnett. --Messrs, R. IE. Cooper, MID,
G. L. Chesney and D. j, McCallum
attended a Masonic banquet ie !Strat-
ford Thursday evening, trite occasion
being the visit of ,the district deputy;
—1Phe Commercial Hotel passed into
the hands of the neo proprietors,
Messrs. McLennan and 'Br•oadfoot,
last Friday, The Commercial has al-
ways been a popular hostelry and as
both the new men are very favorably
known here its popularity will in no
nay suffer 2,[r. Thos. Dickson, our
veteran horse dealer, arrived home
fromthe Old Land Friday. Mr. Dick-
son brought across the ocean seven
horses, all well-bred and very vale
able animals, \Lr. Dickson has cross-
ed the Atlantic many times, but his
11:01 enjoyed any trip imare than this
one—The following were ticketed to
more distant points:—lir. :McConnell,
John 'St., to Chicago, W. Doaldson
to Oil City, Penn., and return, :Mr.
Towers, to Fort William. -2[r. is
Berry, who is attending the S.P.S. in
Toronto, is home on a visit with his
parents, Rev. Mr. and firs. Berry.
—Our park is being beautified this
week by the removal o( surplus trees
and is undergoing a general clean-up.
—Miss Effie .McLeod left for Detroit
chat week,—lir. David McLellan of
Tuckersmith who has been very ill
all winter, left for Toronto on Mon-
day for treatment. His wife 5000151-
paiti-ed bion.
21iss Jennie Kenny left last week
for Calgary to visit bet sister, :Sirs.
Redmond. Her many friends wish
her a pleasant journey. --Sonne of the
farmers have finished. seeding,—Miss
Ella Shea is visiting friends in Paris
and Stratford 'fora few weeks.—hiss
Millie Williams of Seaforth who has
been visiting friends in town has re -
:muck] home—Mt Jas, Longworth
'has putt a cement foundation under
her house -Mfr: James 1b:ontune has
the brick oven completed and will
soon commence baking, -Mr. Louis
Looby, our cement contractor and his
linen, have commenced work for the
The funeral sermon of the late Wil-
liam :Dennis, who was accidentally
killed by being thrown from a load of
tile, was preached on Sabbath even-
ing last at Bethel church. The church
was crowded.--t:\n agent of a 00111-
pany representing Western Canada
land, was On the rounds this week,
The headquarters of the company is
in Toronto.—Mfr. Wm. McKay has
material ready tomake a large ad-
dition to his barn during the coming
summer.—Mr. Mhos. Irvine has a
large quantity of stove wood near the
Cranbrook road on the boundary of
MdKillop and Grey, '1 -Ie intends dis-
posing of it.—We are pleased to say
that Mrs. H'ackwell Sr. who was ill,
is recovering,
Mfrs. J. J. Roche of Dublin visited
her friend, Mrs. Frank J. Feeney dur-
ing the week.—The Hibbert Jural
Telephone Co, held a most import-
ant meeting in the town hall 011 Tues-
day evening., A -representative of the
iBell Teleph:otie- Co. was present and
reidered some most valuable inform-
ation. . Forty telephones were ordered
and it is expected that operations: will
.commence immediately, 11rs. J',
Kemp is spending a 11501191 amongst
her relatives in Toronto.
Mfr. Jos. 'Kinney has taken a posi-
tion with Mr. Calder drawing cream,
while Mr. 0, +Hablcirk takes one in
the facitory as maker,—Mr. Thos.
Coombs, who was seriously hurt a
'few 'days ago by being tlhrown. from
Ihis waggon is improviu'g.—IA'fter a
(resented to 'the MdKs➢lop council
at their meeting a petition duly sign-
ed asking the right of way and a loan
by debenture, as permitted by the
new Telephone Act of 11908; a scum
sufficient to build a line from :the
town of S'ea.foritlh northward through
bidKrl'l'op to the 19th or lllithconces-
sion,and other places as they may
petition for. The council a'fter con-
,rcle•ation,>grantect the petitiones' ie-
quest, and .at a meeting of the subs
scribers held at Winthrop on Monday
evening, a commission of three was
appointed to build the line, instal the
phones and perform such other ha i
mess as is ,required. Thecommission-
ers are Mfessrs. John podds, George
Hearn and Jahn 11. IGovenlock:
The Onion church have decided to
build a new chnrch.--Mrs. '13ossen-
berry has returned front a visit with
friends in Stratford,—Mr, D. Afume$
will have a new butcher •shop built
on the site recently purchased from
Mr. W. 'Scott.
Mir. Geo. P - Troyer, our noted
:hiorsem,an, is having his pacing m0500
Nettie 3T. fitted up for ,the tittle races.
—\fr Chas. Stel:ck recently sola his
,fifty •tore 'farm to his son Arne. Mr,
:Stele!: intends touring the 'west for
the coming suarrmer.- Mr. Thos. 13,
Consitt has atoned into his newt dwel'1-
Dooley potatoes suita'b'le for seed.
$1,.140 a bag. Also .some .budekwheat,
Phone 23r111', Blyth. Thomas :Stevens,
Three yearling whi,teafaced steers,
'Phone I1,37-3111. 'Archie MIGregor,`
mill 1Road, R.1R. 3, :Seafdrth. 20
I will be calling with
Products in the Tecicerst'nith territory
during the next few weeks and would
like if you will have orders ready, or
will be glad to have yeti phone any
orders that you need. S. Carter, Sea -
Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, a
'Targe variety of flower 'bedding plants.
A large supply of different varieties
of petunias. Get your plants nice and
fresh_ A. L. Porteous, West street:
1-A seven'rooined ,brick house equip-
Ped with hydro, telephone and furn-
ace, a good stable and garage and
acre of laird. A few fruit trees. Apply
to W. J, -Woods, Walton, or 'phone
'Brussels 1t9 r 7.
OOI2 2
SEALED Tenders addressed -to the
undersigned and indorsed "Tender
for Coal," will be received until 12 o'-
clock noon , (daylight saving), Thurs-
day, June 14, 1934, for the supply of
coal and coke for the Dominion
Buildings throughout the Province of
Forams of tender with specifications
and conditions attached Cali be ob-
tained from the Purchasing Agent
Dept. of 'Public Works, Ottawa; anti
the Supervising Architect, 316 Adel-
aide St. 'East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders will not be considered un-
less made on the forms supplied by
the Department and in accordance
with departmental specifications and
The right to demand from tate suc-
cessful tenderer a deposit, not, exceed-
ing 110 per cent of the anoint of the
tender, to Secure the prdper fulfilment
of the contract, is reserved.
IB'y order,
• (Secretary.
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 8, 19014.
PRINCE JALAP 13884 imp. P I d
Color, dapple gray. Route for 1934:
Will leave his stable at +Dominic
'Reynolds, Elgin'ondvidl:e, Mo n d ay
morning, starting May 1114th, and pro-
ceed to John McLachlan s, lot ,112,
con. 7, Tmckersm.itda, for moon. Thence
east to Harold Kerslake s, lot 26, con.
9, Hibbert, for Monday night.
.Tuesday, nortth to Frank Jordan's,
lot 24, con. 4, 1Hti'bibert, for noon,
Thence north and west to 1Vm. Clea-
ry's, lot 213, :con, 1v tSt. Columbian, for
Tuesday night.
Wednesday—,North to Ivy Hend:er-
son's, 'lot 23, con. 4, MdKillop, for
noon, Thence east and north to*Tint
Lyn'e'h's, lot 111, con. 6, M:c'Kil!op, for
Wednesday night.
Thursday—Noon, Wm. Jacobs, lot
314, li mile 'west of Birod'hagen. Thence
west to Ed. R w
a land'
s lot 30,
114 MdKillop, for Thursday night.
(Friday Wes, and south to Bert
Steplhensonis, Ki nburn, for noon,
Tihence to IH'erbent_Folwler's 3 miles
west of Seaforth for Friday night.
Saturday—.Goes mile east and mile`
smith and then to his own stable,'
until Monday nnorning,
William Lawrence, Owner. Dom.'.
laic Reynolds, Manager,
it :
Shop Ind m®nd l�e
Milk Pails, large size ssc
ea bowers, new 4 99
Barb Wire, roll 4x63:75
Magic Blend Coffee 28c
lob.' tib
Magic Baking Powder ', /! G
lib. tin -- m��"
G. Sugar, 10 lb, 680
Men's Work Shoes 2 25
Red' Rose Tea, lb. 49c
J. rc,
IA number of choice cows, tubercu-
lin tested, Dlale Nixon, Phone 144-4,
Living room, dining room, kitchen,
two bedrooms and suti mer porch.
Apply to W. G. Willis Shoe Store,
Seaforth, 20
Of 'Household Furniture.—There
will be offered for sale by public auc-
tion at the premises, John street, Sea -
forth, on 'Saturdays May 39'11i, at 2
9.111., tine following: 11 bedroom suite,
springs and two mattresses, 2 small
tables, 'l' large quest of drawers, ,1' hall
rack, 'mirror, 2 good wicker c'h'airs, 1
wicker floor lamp, 2 plaint stands, 1•
child's cot with Mattress, child's rock-
ing ducks, '11 high chair and 1' baby's
b tssinett an wheels, nearly new,
white; pictures, kitchen table, 1 large
l atchen glass cupboard, Chesterfield
suite, 11 smaller cupboard, '1 0 -day
clock in good order, .L toilet bowl
with flush tank, 2 panel doors, quan-
tity of lumber, scantling, verandah
plant stand and several odd chairs,
Crown uron range, trellises for
roses, sealers, jars, bedroom dishes,
tin flour bin q annex, linoleum, 1
i.00cf'trunk, .1 Singer hand sewing
machine in good condition, oil lamps,
6 oak dining room chairs, 1 oak dining
room table, 11 oak beffett, 1 lawn
mower, washing machine and wring-
er, severalarticlestoo numerous to
mention. The proprietor 11101113 sold
Ibis residence and is leaving town, ev-
erything will be sold without reserve,
Terms cash.
iFrank Baxter, Proprietor; F. W.
Wigg, 'Auctioneer,
'Comte to our breeding farm and svnr
for yourself the qua'lity chicks we zzie
producing to be sold at rock 'bottoms
prices. We also have started ebii2 '
pullets, young cockerels, both Reeks
and Le'ghoins, at •most reasona"a•7a
prices. (Phone 1!317 r 3, Sea'forth. Are -
drew A, Moore; Seaforth,
Former Stewart gas station mfie
seven acres of land with house, on
N. hair s'tr•eet. If not sold will he
rented. Apply to diohia A. Cudivaces
Executor for IIenry ;Cuclmore Estadt
Clinton R. R. 2. Phone 3 on 61B.
Hatching •eggs from high producing
S.C.:White 'Leghorns. Batches r+
acing 60 to 68 per cent, Prices reamer, -
able. Wm, Rutledge, Seeforth R.E.
Phone Clinton Central 616-2, 21
1100 acres of good land situatee city
Stanley Tp. near Village of Baia„
Good buildings, Lots of water- Easii
and orchard and small fruit. Pe_eli
cheap. Apply to 'News O11fice,
Modern dwelling on south side a"a
'Goderich street, Sealforth, d bock
from Main street, churches and
schools. New three-piece batbrecn
new furnace, electric light and maim
water installed, House has been,
freshly painted and deoo.<ateE
throughout, ' 'Immediate ' po`sessinte
can be given. Apply to R. S. its..
Seaforth. 21:
Homemakers Demand
Highest Quality with
arm F R E o ==
with your purchase of $3.00 Friday
and Saturday
EAGLE BRAND :MILK ........ ......... . ... , .. per can
CANNED APPLES , per gal. tin
MATCHES . 3 boxes for
OLD DUTCH . . ....... . ........ .per tin
23c '
BIG VALUE—Our Black Tea, regular 49c lb. Friday and Sat-
urday only .... lb. '43c
Red Rose, blk or'`mixed lb. 47o
SPECIAL IN .BROOMS.—A heavy Broom, extra value. Mot-
tled handle each 89c
Medium Broom -59c each. Light weight 39c ea.
PASTRY FLOUR 24's -59c 7's 18c
BREAD FLOUR, 24's -65c 7's 25c'
5 ROSES FLOUR 24's -78c 7's 28c
A limited amount Al
e &
pilSstrawberr am 4
very special Mornin only YJ ,39
Lard & Shortening, 1 1b. ;prints—Mc
Peas, Choice 4's........................................2 for 25c
-Peas, Standard No. 3 3 for 35c
Choice 'Tomatoes, 2%'s i3 for 29s
New Cheese.-l7c lb. Old Cheese lb.. 25c
Dutch Sets, 2 lbs. -35c. All kinds of ...sGarden Seeds 3c-5c-lOc-15c
pg .
Pine Apple, large -2 for 35c; medium ones 2 for 25o
Bananas 25c doz. Navel Oranges doz: 39c
New Cabbage -56 lb. New Carrots 2 bunches for 15r;
Lemons doz, 25c
McLaren's Vac-,Pac Coffee in glass jar, regular price is 45c 1b
Friday and Saturday only each 37c
Soda Biscuits in bulk 2 1b. for 21c
Sweet Mixed Cookies 2 Ib. for 25a
Ginger Snaps 2 lb. for 19,11
RTER'S 'CashStora