HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-17, Page 2SAGE TWOTHE SEAFORTH NEWS
Fresh from
the Gardens
A Real Bear. — From Tt,bcrmory'
attunes the story of a six-year-old,
Wia.. through lack -of -fear for bears t
in4 small, allowed his enrtosity to car-
ey him into very close rproximity tot
death, h, Arnold 'Spears, sort of Mr. I
'{' toinas ;Spears, of near Tobermory,
Likes ro roam the wilds, despite his
yimi1i. He has a very faithful chum in
-'a big shaggy collie dog. The two are,
ineepar.thle on these roams,- One day
Arnold carne running home in great:
excitement. His dog had treed a,
hear. Or .o ire said. The older people
at ?he house were dubious. But they
fecided to investigate. Their lack of
with in the bear story proved not
,without foundation, for Arnold's bears
•a•as merely a porcupine. But Arnoldi
still 'vented to find a bear, apparent -
.y. He continued hi:; -trips of adyen-1
tore. Then came another day when i
;he reported 'hear'. This time they
had it in a small care. Remembering
the "porcupine hear" the father sus-
sectel another false alarm, and told
_Arnold he was too busy. That it
wasn't a bear anyway. "But, 'Daddy,
it is a hear, when I looked in, he op -
d i is mouth at me and it was
bigger than cnllie'.s. was the startline
reply. That brought action, The men
went to investigate, And, sure en-
ough, there was Mrs. 'Bruin in 'a very
surly mood, Airs. Bruin came to an
untimely end then and there.
Horses Die From Heat.—Several.
hot days were experienced last geek
and with seeding in full swing the
horsea felt the heat considerably.
Several annuals died from the effect.
Among those who lost horses in the
Exeter vicinity were Wellington
Brock of Usborne; F Triebner, Ben
McCann, Claris. Hanot and Herb
.11orlock, of Stephen .Four horses
were reported dear, near Zurich.
Gill Nets Confiscated at Goderich,
Gill nets were discovered in the
harbor at Goderich 'last week and
were cairfiscated by Ira Toole, over-
seer of game and .fisheries, under in-
;tructions from Col. Richard Em-
merton, district superintendent, of
London. The nets which were close
inshore, were placed..contrary to legal
requirements which sets -a distance of
1000 yard offshore, in order to leave
Massage for fish. Setting gill nets so
:lose in does lunch to spoil - fishing
for anglers. An inquiry will be con-
ducted in an attempt to Prove owner-
ship of the .nets.
Writs Issued. — Gladman & Stan--
tan-bury acting, ion behalf of the Blyth
Flax Co„ -Ltd., hate issued a writ in
the 'Supreme Count of Ontario ag-
ainst the estate of the late James Me-
Mui.chie, private banker, ,of Blyth,
and former secretary -treasurer of the.
•Company for a sunt exfceeding 3'3e
000 and for an accounting.
Five Cases on Docket dfor Court,—
,\ton -:jury sittings of the Supreme
Court of 'Ontario opened at'.Goderich
before Mr. Justice iKelly on Tuesday,
May 105, There are.five cases on the
docket: Sturdy vs. 'Goderich et al, is
an action by Thomas Sturdy of God-
erich for dandalges for alleged wrong-
ful. seizure and sale of chattels of the
Goderich Inn, The defendants are
the Corporatioa of the Town' of God-
erich, A. J. Cooper and Oswald Ginn,
bailiff, L. E. Daneey is counsel for
the plaintiff; F. Donnelly for •defend-
ant Cooper; D. R. Nairn, for the
Corporation anti Ginn, Elieringtmt et
al vs:Quinton et al is an action by
€Frederick A, Eilerington, his wife
Bertha Ellerington and Margaret
Quinton, sister of the latter, who
Congratuiations „ ai d
a Request!
There has bc•:n a gratifying decrease in the num',ler of automotive
e cls:: s .n On c:.:a. There were fewer deaths its 1933, fewer persons
injured, prop,rty damage, The decrease in a:tcidents has been
su'itr,tantially greater than the percentage of clecrer.: e in registrations.
tO those (hirers who helped in this improvement the thanks of
Jell ,tn"t_flt, the thanks C.7 every citizen of Ontario, is flue, and
you i:'.:'.'e minein large Measure,
made a 1 :anningl
i; - =r,i to the : ' ^"over lent shown, there were 8,63 l serious acciden to
last - 403 , women and children were kited. 7,877 persons
V. , inj.. „ 1
By tw ilom tVlt:t were ,•cast n e ib]e for these doe' lis and idjuries?
Tilt' driver:, i „'olved -were, for the ,novt- pa c, honest, decent
C -ti f.11 + 1 `. 1 ;.1. ,.‘hc, are usual y c ti''' a c,'a t tr take.a
c'.:.ticC t .t; r;.: ;.. it;e} 'vne of no : -•ectal cleats. tits;itc of them
live in etre-?t, perhaps next door to ycu. One of thele might have
been you! Every one: of thesedri1...l le sorry now- truly sorry-- but
:;;e reg:••.•: the world ca.itaot restore life or limb.
hal, - :l i.' rc. _.,. , ,:a11011, all i l'ei" is a known, visible :menace.
t him ill' '?•.r o 1 los t..:en. licit it is to the usually careful
rt.:1stt, i 1: } .:c,c.i' that this department muse look for help',in
1 11 r Ontario s sircets and highways safer for driver and pedestrian
c ,,i.e. 46'i11 ycr! 1._ip?—this season more than ever hefotej. The way
1.7 rumple, ti,' rest;t cal. be far-reaching.
Careful drier, respond to this 'appeal'! Remember that it only
takes a. 1110 tont for 111 accident to happen—one. labse from safe-
drlt:lli0 1(0 the( Otie t11o111eflt nl:iy ore -;, tl Li'iged:y4w'!111 1i the ofending,:.
drivel may neve i'e abbe to forget, t ;:i -t, time }-esti sit •at the wheel' of
your car be.iaf ty'-:onscious.\VatchIDrive safely always ... all the Way.
Toi•ont:o, P!;aq'1st, 1934.
,aim a;gaiest the estate of their uncle
:'.re late Richard Quinton, of Exeter.
.'he two sisters eiaiea 405,004 for care
rd nursing ower a period of sixyears
and -Frederick ,Elleriugton claims K-
id for :board and .duel and other
:harges over the same period: Me
i'hers011 and Thontpsoti, Stratford,
'.a• plaintiffs, Carling and Morley and:
Gladnaan ,and Stanbury, Exeter, for.
Ieiendauts, executors of the estate of
Richard °uiiiton. - Webber as.;.
Wtrieh, Allots vs, Allen. and Irwin Vs.
Irwin are actions postponed from a
irevious :Supreme Court sittings.
Death of H. Steep.—The death oc-
curred in Toronto of Henry .Steep,
aged 71 OM1•., Steep. had been -an in-
valid. for sonic years es a result of
accidental injuries sustained when
struck by a street car in Toronto
many years ago. Mr. ;Steep _ was born:
in -Clinton, being a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Steep. He mar-
ried -Mary, daughter of the late 'Lr.
and Mrs, John Jackson, For many
years he and Mrs. Steep lived in To-
ronto, later returning to Clinton to
reside, where Airs. Steep passed away
five years ago. I'Ie is survived by a
son and daughter, both in the West,
Interment •was at iClinto•n. -
Died at New Hamburg-\\ and has
been received -at Zurich of the pass-
ing at his home -in ;New T-Iamburg of
\Ir, Cltristoph Rau in his S6lh yeas•.
Until recent years Mr. Rau made fre-
quent visits to Zurich visiting with
his sister, the late Mrs. Rupp. He
was a man ,of great physique in his
younger days.
Purchases Blacksmithing Business.
—Mr. David McKnight has purchas
ed the blacksmudtiug property on
Main Street 'Mitchell, formerly ooaa-
ed by the late P. Nichols, which bus-
iness has been in his charge for the
past two years,
Receives Painful Injury. — While
playing baseball, Archie 'Holmes of
Brussels, had the misfortune to he
bit on the left eye, when he was try-
ing to catch a fast grounder, which
hit a rough spot.
Templeman -Hutchinson. —.A quiet
but pretty woedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and : Mrs. Sam-
uel Hutchinson, on Wednesday after-
noon at four o'clock, when their only.
daughter, Dorothy Lorene, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mervyn Temple-
man, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple-
man, of Winghatn: The bride look-
ed lovely in a dress of blue crepe,
with thatching accessories. She car-
ried a bouquet of pink roses, and en-
tered the drawing room oe the ant
,of her father, to the strains of the
bridal chorus, from Lohengrin, play-
ed by Hiss Cora Phair of Winghant.
Miss 'Margaret Fraser, of \\'inghanl
was bridesmaid, and wore a dress of
ashes of roses. During the signing of
the register, Mr. -C, Templeman sang
very sweetly "For You Alone." Fol-
lowing the ceremony, a wedding .din -
.ler was served •to the immediate
relatives- and .friends. Mr, and Mrs;
Templeman will reside in Wtngih,ant.
Late Charles Baker,—Charles Bak-
er, an esteeined resident of Clinton,
who had been in poor health for sev-
eral months, being bedfast for about
three weeks, passed away at his
hone in Clinton. I -Ie was in his sev-
enty-eighth year. The late Mr. Baker
was born its ;Goderich township, be-
a son of the late William Baker
and his wife, Mary A. Hetvston. In
3SR.6-he was united in marriage with
Miss Elizabeth ,Hill, who survive;
hii11. After their marriage they con
:iuuer'. to farm in Goderich township
retiring to -Clinton about twenty-two
years ago. A brother and 0 sister,
Walter Baker and Mrs. Maria Snielt-
zer'of Clinton, also survive,- Inrter-
nlent in. Clinton cemetery.
Returns.—Mr. and Mrs, W. G.
\1cllrecn and faultily wrha have
spent the past year at Peterboro, re-
turned last week and :have taken the
\\'. Pearson farm in Goderich Tp,
W. Ontario Firemen Meet.— The.
C rail It lin hire t 4 It the Ontario
\Vast Firemen's .Association was alt
at Mitchell on May 4, Fire Chief Wil-
liam Htieghan of Milverton, first vice
president presided in the absence of
President N. \f. Steinman of Baden.
was a good attendance of--'del-
del-e<at .t from various fire brigades
composing the O W. 0. A. among
Them being Fire Chief. Rogers of
Palmerston, Fire Chief Oman of
Wellesley; lire Chief Rtuutels of El-
r a; Chief Baechler of Tavistock;
Chief Hueghan of Milverton, Chief
Walter Bennett of Mitchell and rep-
resentatives from Listowel. 'Elmira,
\iitchell, St:- Marys and Clinton.
This associatian was organized chief -
is' through the efforts of the ,Mitchell
fire brigade, in the fall of 1929. anti
si:•ce then the organization has made
steady progress from year to year
until now there are - Some tww•en:'1-
en active fire brigades entered' oe
the roll from as many different Wes-
tern Oittaria 0-7111., •
Firemen Called. -The Zurich ' fi••r:.
lrigade was calleci to the farm oc w t : 1'•. era alt the... sout.t-•vet: corn:..
co: of the ,Parr Line and :Zurich Road,
THURSDAY MAY 17, 1934.
Why buy bargain tires of some unknown brand
when you can get new Goodyear Tires at these low
Size 4.40 5.25 Size 5.00
x 21., x 19,, -
Size 4.50 5.90 Size 5.00 7.40
x 21:.x 20,,
�.fi5 Size 5.25
Size 4.175 x 18..
x 19..
Every"Speedway" bears the Goodyear name and
carries the guarantee.
And resnember, we do a good job in tire mounting
for you—FREE, of course.
with the result that 'a fire in a fence
which was making fast headway tow -I
ards the barn, having reached- wllthin
several feet of it was extinguished,
Howick Woman Badly Injured. --
A fatal accident \Gas narrowly a-
verted on the farm of ,Russel Aclants
of Howick Township recently. Mrs.
Adapts was driving a tractor which
in going over a board caused the har-
rows to double up. In her efforts to
release them a section of the har-
rows fell on her, the sharp points
entering her back in several places,
and it was with 'difficulty they were
removed. fit the fall she was thrown
on the exhaust of the tractorand
badly burned. 'Although in a serious
conditions she is now -recovering.
Annual Meeting—The annual meet-
ing of the {Goderich 'Elevator and
Transit Company was held in Mac-
Kay Hall, Goderich on May 9th, The
annual report proved a source of sat-
isfaction to the shareholders in that
It showed an improvement in busin-
ess during 11193'3 over the previous
year. This is the first time since -4431
that ally 'bettermenthas been shown.
at all Total income atiionnted to
T1107,107.00. an increase of $45763
over 19113, A dividend. of 510 cents per
share u -as paid during the year.
No Roller Skating on Roads.=Gode-
rich town council has passed a mo-
tion that theChief post notices warn-
ing children against the practice of
skating on the roads. This of course
does not apply to skating on the
sidewalks. It iia, pointed out it was
a very dangerous practice and that
the children evidently felt that they
pact a right to use the roads.
$100 Worth of Cured Meat Burned
-•Fire broke out at the hone of Mr.
Chris Zirk, three miles north of
Deadwood in a . frame wood shed
which was a mass of flames •before
help arrived and extinguished it: IIt
was estimated .that about 171130 worth
of cured meat was burned in the
smoke house. It was fortunate that
there was an adequate supply of wat-
south west wind blowing. The origin
of the fire is uncertain but it . is
thought 'to -`have started from a stove
its the wood -shed where beans were
being cooked for stock.
Secures Divorce. Announcement
has been made at IRenlo, Nevada that
:Rev. ,F, J, Meyers of ,London, Ont.,
has obtained a divorce decree koala
his wife, Rhea Wilcox Myers. 'nip—
decree was issued in a Reno. court,:
Brother Lives at Walton, — The
death took place in Exeter of Mrs.
iEphriam Hewitt, who has been a re-
sident there the past twenty years.
She contracted 'the flu and a week
later death followed in her Sltet year.
She wtas• born in ' Blaias'hard Town-
ship; her maiden name being Sarah,
daughter of the late John Fulton.
She was united in marriage- to Eph-
riuon Hewitt, who predeceased her
twelve years ago. They resided ie
tBlanslhard 'Township before 'moving
to •Exeter. She is survived by. three
daughters and two sons, \ors. Wan.
iLamport of London, Mrs. Hector
.Rotvclille, Hurondale, and ;Vas. 'Chs
IGndbolt, (Exeter; Austin of Detro,,,
also sur-
vived'Percy of Exeter. She is al
rived by .one brother, Hugh, of Wal-
ton. Interment in Exeter cemetery.
Nine thousand lead pencils could
he made, so ,ay the scientists, from
the carbon in .the 'human body. And,
we'd be willing to -wager something,
the pencils trade from some folk
would be so hard and brittle that
they'd be no manner 60 use to a•ny-
•boily —'7tfitcliell :Advocate. -
An Oil that is Prized :Everywhere.
— )r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was prat
upon the marltet• without any Boarish
over fifty years ago. IL was put up
to meet the wants of a sinal'\ section
but as soon as its merits became
.known it had a whole continent for
a field, and it is now lcnown and priz-
ed throughout this continent. There
le nothing equal to it.
er in the wells ou :the farm and al Send us the name. of your visitors.
13.1 sure and send for McConnell's
19..4, illustrated. catalogue. "I -lardy
Plants for Canadian Haines. It lista.
and describes one of the most com-
plete assortment of ornamentals and
fruits to be, found in Canada. Over
i000 choice varieties and at prices
that will surprise you and 'save you
Send today for yrn=' free copy.
Port Burwell, Ont.
: •.nom* ae .+?ra :..w:;+r...r aa:.:c .--' 1 ,-, .:ua:®mpwrr