HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-17, Page 1May
A delicate fabric of bird song
iFloats in the air
The smell of wet wild earth
Is everywhere.
lOh, I must pass nothing by
(Without loving it much,
. f
The rain drop try with my lips,
The grass with my touch;
I know not what the future hath
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies.
—John Greenleaf Whittier.
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The •lympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
AT .............$1.65 per bag
CHERRIES. -1 lb. boxes,. reg.
45c, now 29c
JAM. -40 oz. jar , 35c
PLUM JAM.—Large jar .. 25c
Now 13c pkg.
MANGEL SEED. --At 35c lib.
it on and see it shine. 1 pint 59c
Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and Fea-
thers taken as cash.
A. C.,,Routiedge
ONE 166
North Side United Church—Pastor
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, May 20111.
110 a.m.--Sunday School and" Bible
111 a.an.--(Pub'li'c Worship. Father's
Day Service. Men's Choir.,
p.m. ---Public Worship 'Subject,
"'Six steps on the (Road to Christ."
Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A„
Sunday, May 20,—,10 a.nt., 'Church
School and Bible Study.
:1111 a,n;-IPon!tecost Day Service.
The'Sacrantent of Baptism will 'be
i7 ,ppm,—Stories of Q'esus—ooncern-
ing 'Children.
(Services, W:h,itsumd:ay, May 20th,
Sunday 'School. and Bible Class 10
tam, ''Corning service 11 a,nc. ,Sermon
by Rev. G, P. Parsu'ns, Rector of
K;k eton.
Evening service 7 p.m. Sermon by
:Rev, G. P, Parson, assisted in the
service by Rev. R. T. Appleyard. All
welcome. Canon E. Appleyard, Rector
Canon E. Appleyard, Messrs. +R,
G. 'Parke and William Ancitibaid,
have been attending the annual Syn-
od. meeting of the Diocese of Huron
Which assembled in Cronyn halal, Lon-
don, Monday evening, and opened
,with a service 'in St. Paul's Cathed-
ral, at which time Bishop Seager de-
livered his titin ual address. Canon
IAip,pleytarct reports a very large at-
lte:nd,aniceof delegates from all parts,
of the diocese, and that much im-
portant 'business was transacted.
We are pleased to learn that the
.Canon was electedto the Executive
:Committee again, also to be a mem-
ber ,of the Provincial Synod, and aln
'eleoted substitute to the General
_ 1Synlod to : naeet , in Montreal next
,dr. and Mrs, Bet+t 1Bhldridlge deft
'for their Nine itt the We's't 1'Ionday,
linter spending the last few months at
'th'e lat'ter',s grand 'parent's, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferris, and other friends,
Mr. Robert Ferris is not enjoying
his ustt2l good 'health alt present \V'e
'ho'pe he -wilt soon be better again,
'Miss Agnes Leiper returned to
Toronto Sunday after spending the
11aat month with her parents, Mx. and
'Mas. Janes Leiper.
We are sorry to 'hear ,Mr.'Ben ,Riley
fie, alt present int the Cdin'to.n 'hospital,
IWe h'o'pe he will soon be able to re-
turn hone.
Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Tues'diay
with her daughter, Mrs. W. IGibbings.
'Mrs, Albert V'oclalen spent a few
idays this week with her parents, 'Mr.
and llrs. R. Ferris,
The ,Salvation Army. are holding
their annual Tag Day on Sat. May 19.
Anyone desiring- ter assist in the
tagging apply to :the Salvation Army
lir. and Mrs, Edward Cinder of
Varna, Ont., wish to annotntee the
engagement of their daughter, Lola
Margaret, to Mr, Walter W. 'Mc-
aride, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McBride, 'Stanley Township, the mar-
riage. to take place early in June.
A meeting of the Chancel .Guild of
St. Thomas' Church ,seas held ill the
parish hall on. Tuesday, May 1115. The
meeting 'was opened with prayer .led
by the president, \'firs Clara Pinkney.
The minutes of the last meeting were
tend by the secretary, Miss Josephine
'Edge and adopted. The roll .call,, "My
favorite ;Psalm," was .answered 'by a
good attendance. 'The meeting was
closed with the 'benediction.
whose marriage to Mr. Wilfred L.
Whyte, 'B.S.A., will take place early
in June.
Tax Rate Likely To Be 42 Mills
This Year.
Appreciative Addresses and Presenta-
tion by Young People'•s Society
to Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Lane and
Miss Helen Lane.
The regular monthly meeting of
the town council was held on Mon-
day evening May 114th, at 6 p. nt, in
the 'council chamber. with ai1 mem-
bers present, except Reeve Crozier,
enho tris absent owing to illness.
Mayor Sutherland was in the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting and
:special meeting were .read and ac-
The Avon Chests situation which
is at a standttiil at present, was dis-
cussed by the council and certain
matters explaitred by the town solici-
tor, Mr, J. J. Haggard. Steps tow-
ards protecting the town':: interests
in the matter of the Wolverton Flotir
Mill tax arrears and debentures were
also discussed.
The • proposition of the Canada
•.Furniture Ximarine hu•ers and the
back that, the town take over the
factory and certain fixtures for the
tax arrears plus 0500 was laid over
until a later date. A counteroffer
'.Word has been received here of
the death on May 1111th in Detroit of
a former well known resident in the
person of john 'A, McLeod. Mr. Mc-
Leod was a bro't'her of William Mc-
Leod of PorirlHurott and the ''ate
Mrs. John Kerr of Seaforth, and vis-
iked here .every summer. The funeral
took place on Monday at 2 ,p,'m. from
Hamilton & Co. itmera4 parlors; De-
troit. He leaves to mourn, a daughter
Alma and son William, of :Detroit.
Also two broflrers, Wm: of cP:ort
Fleeon. and Alex. of Indiana, and one
sister, Mrs, 'W!m. 'i'fodeland of Lon-
don. taxes will not be three years ."in ar-
The date Mr, M,clLeod was one of rears until next December. The Ma -
On Tuesday evening, May 115, the
Young People's Society of Northside
United Church held their closing
meeting, With Helen Britton, devo-
tional convener in charge. It opened
with the usual sing -song led by Miss
+Ri th Thompson after which the
Lord's prayer was re'peate'd in unison.
Arrangements were completed for
picnic at 'Summer School grounds at
iGoderich on May 341th. Hymn 1168
was sung and Mrs. Lane led in pray-
er. The IS.eripture lesson of the 6th
chapter of Daniel was read respon-
sively, led by Helen :Britton, A very
pleasing solo was rendered by hiss
tHelen Lane. The topic on 'Daniel's
.Most Prized Possession, was ably ta-
ken by ',Captain ,Boston and was muck
appreciated. A letter of appreciation
for their splendid work while in Sea -
'forth was read by Jack Stevens to
Rev, \V. P. and Mrs, Lane, to twhich
Mrs. Lane, in the absence of Mr,
:Lace, replied in a few well chosen
words, After this, Miss Helen Lane
was presented with a memo book by
Miss Vera Mole in appreciation of :her
kind and free-will services given to
our group during her sojourn in Sea -
forth, Our Society deeply regrets the
departure of the Lane fancily from
our midst hut the 'best wishes of our
Society follow them to their .new .field
of duty, 'Hymn 277 was sang and the
meeting was closed with Mizpah ben-
,The addresses were as follows;
(Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lane, -We feel
that we cannot let this opportunity
pass without saying to you both a
few words of appreciation for your
untiring efforts in the work of our
Young People's Society. The sincer-
ity 'and earnestness which you have
brought to this phase of our church
work have shown us that you regard-
ed it as a privilege, rather than a
\\'c will always remember Mrs:
Lane's kindly smiles and cheery
words, as well as her music; and Mr.
Lane's practical good sense has stood
as. in good stead on many occasions.
You have both been friends to us
in our work and in our play, and we
know that your influence will long
be felt among us, We pray that your
work itt the new field to wlticlt you
wan proposed by Coencillor Hudson have been called, will be blessed, and
that the Town make an offer to take that you will ever be happy in doing
over the 'factory for the amount of the Master's bidding. -
the tax arrears only. Councillor Brod- Signed on behalf of the Young
erick thought it Wright be left ,tilt People's Society Sam. j, Scott,
July list and the taxes till that date ''resident; Vera 'Mole, Secretary.
added, The tluestion of taxation on •Seaforth, Ont., ilii 115, 110314,
the property was brought up, and ,
Town Clerk Wilson explained there Seaforth, May 15, 104.
was a fixed assessment of $211,000. Cent Helen,-lt is with deep re -
Mayor Sutherland said that the
bank's valuation 'of the property, to- alongretg wthvvyour vfather tcanls ihmoth err,
are about to he separated from us.
We want you to know that we have
appreciated your generous assistance.
Your willingness to help fn all out
Town should take it over, Mayor ettdertalcisgs has 'been an inspiration
Sutherland said. Councillor L. Sher- and your kindly caticradeship will al -
hart questioned whether anybody had ways be a pleasant memory to us all,
the power to wreck the factory. Mr, We are very glad to know that you
'Hugtgard explained that 1111 feet on are not to be too 'far away from us,
Jarvis street and 47 feet on .Market and let us assure you that there will
street is town property, being part ,always be a place for you in our
of the old enarlcet square and is, under young People's Society, as in our
lease to the :CIF .M. for the stunt of hearts,
$1' a year (be doubted if this had 'Thi's little ,gift carries with it our
ever been paid). The lease was read gratitude for your work in the past,
by the 'Clerk. This lease was dated and oar best wishes for your success
May fist, 19017, and was for fifty years. and happiness in the years to come
(One Quint in the lease was partie Signed an behalf of all the mem-
cularay noted, namely, that the build --hers of the Y.P.S.—Baan• J. Scott,
ing must be kept lit ,good repair; also ,President; Vera Mole, Secretary.
that if the 'factory were continuously
idle for a period of twelve . months'
that the 'lease lapsed. The factory
ceased to operate two years ago,
which gives the Town the right of
entry to the property, although the
cludin'g all machinery and equipment,
is $111018,000. L1 there were any danger
'01 a private party buying the build-
ing to wreck it, by all means the
and save good money for 28 solid
days of the unheard of values in the
history of the silverware business.
Community Silver usually means flat
values (always good values, of
course) but in the 'Silver Parade,
Community are giving additional sil-
ver to the value of almost IA the
original purchase. Don't let this op-
portunity pass. Join in
Jeweler, Watchmaker & Optometrist
Gift Goods
Phone 194..
Res, 10.
Seaforth's first to i softball
gue got away to a good start with
organization meetings on Friday
might and Tuesday night at the Car-
negie Library hall, The officers will
be: President, A. IE. Rieman; vice
president, Basil Duncan; hon. vice
presidents, Cot. Hays, Chas. Stewart
Sr., 1\V. 3, Duncan, Chas. Kruse; sec-
retary, D. H. Wilson; treasurer, I,
McLean; official scorer, .\Vtn, Hart;
,grounds manager, Thos. Beattie;
Managers of Teatns; Industries, A. E.
tRieman; Merchants & Bankers, IB.
Christie; Coll. Institute, 1V, Cuilmore,
Egntondville, Frank Kling. Umpires.
.l' -I. H. Johnstone, G. Rennie, G.
Muir, 1. E. Rieman, Reg. Kerslake.
Ted Taman, D H. \\''flsan, Rus Bitr-
gees, W, Cudmore,
(Games will be played on Monday
nights and Thursday nights, starting
May 25th. Im case of postponement,
games will be p'lay'ed following nights
(Tuesday and- Friday.) Gaines start
at 6.45 'p•nt. sharp, Ontario Suftball
Rules to govern; winning team to re-
ceive two paints; games to go not
more than 31 innings; if tied at that
time each team to receive one point.
No canvass for. funds will be made
but there will be a 10 cent admission
fee to games in order to make the
League self-supporting.
the ,furs#. members of the choir of the
ISi'alonth Presbyterian Church and
also. off 'the ISeudfotith band. Not 'long
ssfiter his marriage to Miss Nellie
Young, who predeceased him some
years ago, he left $eafiorith anti went
to Detroit. -He scarcely ,ever •missed
a Sunday alt church and though
slightly over 'S'0-yeaa•'s, lve waa shill
singing in the choir Of the 'Presbyter-
ian chttrc'h in {Detroit alt Easter Sum -
day. 'A (few days later was talcen '11
and had been •failing strove then. He
was a mart .of con'sidera'ble musical
talent .and the many friend's here,
who ycnew hint always As "Johnny
![ciLeod," heed hint i'n 'high esteem,
yor said he would hate to see the
building wrecked or litigation. iIt was
pretty difficult to get a furniture fac-
toorystarted. A Kitchener upholstery
man, who had labor trotrbdes in the
city, had been interested at the time
o'f'.the strike, but his lease there has
two ,years to ruin, He wanted $d5,000
stiibserilbed Isere or backing from the
lawn to .this extent; his orders are
contracted for ahead. He has $40;000
worth ,of machinery at !Kitchener but
his plant is too small ,there.' Council-
or L. tEberhart asked 'w'hy don't
he 'Businessmen take cup the facit-
or;y; it is a better bay for them
(Continued on Page Five)
The regular monthly meeti'n.g of
the 'eV,M S. of North Side .; United
Church was held on Thursday after-
noon, May 110Th. Ttte meeting opened
with a hymn and prayer. The presid-
ent, Mrs. '\V. P. -Lane, took Charge o
the business. 'ales, Annie Reid report
ed' Group No. 4 h.aving made 11S call'
on the shut-ins, The next social wort
will be held W'eednesday
.May 23rd at the home of Mrs. Web
ster, Mrs. 'W. Black, president o
'Group No. 5, then took charge, lead
ing in prayer. Mrs, VV. P. Latae read
the Sc:ripture lesson which was fol-
lowed by a most interesting reading
entitie d, "Jesus and His Friends.
Mrs. Bla:ek ''hien introduced the topic,
"The Growth of Christian Fellow-
ship in China." Three excellent pap-
ers ers n this topic were given by -Mrs.
W. J. Williams, Mrs, W. P. Lane'and
Mts. T> McMichael. Mrs: Westcott,
The personal of the teams is:
lindtrstries: G. Muir, C. Muir, J.
Bart, G. Bucknaut, A. Reiman, A.
Hildebrandt, G. Smith, '\Nisi. Barber,
D. Maloney, 7. Hathar, Sr., E.
Merchants anti Bankers -Joe Pur-
cell, Reg, Kerslake, 'D. Stills, F. ISav-
igny C. {Stewart, N. Cardno, Jack
Cardno, E. Rennie, ClemChristie, T.
"Parnell,"Parnell,.T. Cuff, L. Howarth, Stan
'Nicholls, Dutch Dunlop, B. 'Christie,L"ollegiate.- A.
W. Sillery, T. Sills,
L. Joyn't, S. Plant, J+. Rankin, K.
'Beattie, R, StewartF. Sills, G. Free,
W, Cpdnaore, R. Rennie, J. Wright,
R. Burgess, G. Parke.
Eglnoih'd'ville-d', Flannery, C. Flan-
nery, G. Kruse, ,F Kling, R. McGreg-
or, C. Lowery, N. McLean, R. Venus,
D. Dale, Ft. Willis, S. Rennie, T.
Kennedy,. IJ Sherwood, R, McLean.
IA schedule has been drawn op ten-
tatively as follows:
May 2111—Merchants vs. Industries
lfay 25—Collegiate vs, .L+"'gmondvfile,
May 2218 --Collegiate vs. Merchants,
\•lay 3111-llndustries vs. tEgmotldville.
Jntne 4--lEgmondvifle vs. lacrchants
Juste 7-1Industries vs. .Collegiate,
June 111—Indus'trdes vs. 'Ivfercth!a,itta
June 114'-1E'gntoncbvilie vs. Collegiatem
June 241-Egondvill'e vs, Industries
!Tune vs, Egmondville
June ' 138 ---Collegiate vs. limdus.tries
The schedule will be repealed, be-
gin n rig
eginning lJuly lad.
Editor !Seafurtlt News,
!Dear Sir,—iPerntit mate to issue a
further, small .second instalment of
declaration of policy of things politi-
cal as they are to be in the years just
before us. I APPEAL to the young
people among my constituents to ut-
terly forsake the polities of the two
old line parties. Most of their legisla-
tion is obsolete and worn out anyway,
some of those policies has gone a long
way to 'bring about the hard times
we are in at the present time. Tlie
depressing and stupid, ion ag ressivr
legislation of bath the old line parties
in those past post-war days that we
have just gone through, is altogether
and solely responsible for the Canad-
ian depression, We should not have
had any had we had competent legis-
lators. The only thing Young Canada
ran do .row w is te see to it properly
that they don't legislate for theist any
longer. Put in one dozen independent
member into the house and I'll guar-
antee the rising generation will be
well provided for in the matter of
good progressive, Democratic legisla-
tion. Ttvo dozen would be better.
Things back home in the counties
will be looked after and your best in-
terests assured. Further ailow the to
state to middle class voters itt my rid-
ing that you will find in me a stead-
fast and consistent advocate in the
legislative hall's of this country of the
best interests of ,things as they ought
to be at this end of business. I could
fix unemployment and cut off using
public atonies for relief with one
stroke all my pen. This system is the
,only true 'Democratic way of legi5la-
tion, ,In these days small indu>trics itt
small country centres itt at a stand-
still. This ought not to be. Money is
.aent oust of the couhties too much. It
oust return again. I'll put you people
on the map. Let me at it. Try me
once. Let us go?
My opponent, the Government can-
didate, the auctioneer, the insteran.ce
man, he writes insurance to send
monies out of the county. I farm to
'help retain money back home where
it belongs. Ic[y'friend and opposition
to 'my 'left is a worthy fellow but I
don't hear much from mint. SLe is too
•quiet, Ile dont sell insurance, how-
ever. He 'farms. This is a constituency
of farmers and ought to elect a farm-
er if the agricultural class is ever go-
ing to get their rights in :the ie:gzsla
tive halls of this country. My, constit-
uents would bo well advised to leave
'both the olcl line bred candidates' on- •
tirely out of the picture :this tame, and
test out the man who putts his 'trust in
y'ou, MY P'IBOPtUR IS MY . P0111-
TI'C'S, Watch your step. Watch for
dates in this political contest, 94o
connpa'o tlis•e wnt'h the liberals this
time. I compromised, last time and
conceded them- a big domsideration..
Turn ab'ou't in 'fair play, Play ball, fel-
lows, 'fair -please. Watch the press for
a third installment of ,pobcy Tater ion -
in this :contest. From your own coun-
try 'canctidnte, 'I th,attk you all, yours
- Fsincerelyir Fi, eld \FarVm. . W'S: outh COOPER..Iiurao•i,
•\ippeu, May d'5, 19314.
Sr, temperance :secretary, then gave a
very interestingtalk on personal lib
erty. This was followed by a reading
omitted, "The Offering," by Mfrs. 3
C. Laing, ,,C'hristi'an Sltewardclhip sec-
retary. The met ting `closed add .the
Lord's 'prayer was repeated in roti