HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-05-03, Page 2PAGE TWO
THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1934.
Golden Wedding
Mr, and Mrs. Patterson recently celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding, at the home of their son,
Mr. Ernest Patterson, of Hullett Township.
Zurich Church Buys Pipe Organ,—
A :lightly used pipe organ has been
purchased by the congree ,-tion of St.
Peter'- Lutheran Church, Zurioh.
from L '1..t•v 1510 firm. The organ has
been in use only a few years in a
Toronto church and when new cost
around three thousand dollars. A de-
dication service is planned for May
Foster Moffatt Conservative Choice
—Foster Graham Moffatt, member of
the Ontario House for South Bruce
from 1u28 to 19.30, was on Friday
nominated Conservative candidate in
the taming provincial election for the
new riding of Huron -Bruce. He was
chosen at a bumper convention at
\\'ingttam and had as its feature an
:address by 'Hon. Charles McCrea, l
Minister of Mines The former \f L.A
received the nomination on the sec-
ond ballot. 4'1he names of five others
came before the convention, Dr. G. S.
Fowler and W. H. Logan, of Tees -
water: J,tu1 A. Mallough, of Luck -
now: and T. j. McLean and Mayor
Toho W. Hanna, of \\'in bam, Only
Ieyor Hanna and Mr. McLean al-
lowed their names t, stand along
with that ... the Culross township
farmer. lire choice of the convention
wee firs k t•lec'e4 :e the Legislature in
Jme. 1,428, when he defeated Malr_,1m
A. M,rCalinm, Progressive. in a
•etrai ht by-election fight in the ri•I-
1r.g of South fiance. Hi' majority was
1-126 Mr, Moffatt i; 62 years of age
t'd ,tellltee n .1mn. „houthe idin
for in charge of Louis Riech, when it
gat stuck in the lane. In anendeavor
n release it Roy Pfeifer hooked a
•npe to a tree and put a pulley to the
aid of the tongue. Thinking that the
lenges on the wheel of the tractor
:right catch the rope, Mr. Litt grabb-
ed it and his hand was drawn into the
pulley crushing the upper part of his
fingers almost to a pulp. Before the
hand could be released the tractor had
to be bathed up. He was taken to the
Stratford hospital where the upper
part of the three fingers was taken
off.—Mitchell advocate.
December day. The dog was seat to
a farm shortly after Mr. Wong's visit
to escape the dog catcher and was. re-
turned when the danger pa cod and
whet Alex Robins 1yho had been in-
formed by Mr. Wen ,of the dogs
whereabouts' went to London and he
visited the house "Hyinie, ` who had
travelled many miles and been with
several families, with whom he had
been en but distant terms, remember-
ed him and leaped at him with little
yelps of dog -joy. Where "Hyntie"
was sheltered or- what he did from
July to December, is something that,
in all probability, will never be known
—Goderich Signal.
Exeter Men Leave for Far North, -
Messrs. Ted and William Sims left
last week for Bear Lake, north of
Edmonton, where they will engage in
mining. Mr. Ted (Sins •has been en-
gaged with a mining company at
Kirkland Lake and they will first
sit that place to secure an electric
drill and other equipment to take with
than into the north country. It will
be necessary for them to Ay several
hundred miles before reaching their
destination.—(Exeter Times -Advocate.
Mr. E. Aldworth to be Ordained.—
Mr. Ed. Aldworth, who has complet-
ed his course in. theology, at 'St. And-
rew's College, 'Saskatoon, Is visiting
his parents, Mr, and Mrs.Charles
Aldworth, Exeter. He will be ordain-
ed a minister of the 'United Church
at the annual session of the London
Conference which meets in June -end
will afterwards return to the. West,
having accepted a charge at Lintoff,
Engagement.—The engagement is
announced of Florence Antoinette.
youngest daughter of vfr. and Mrs.
Alfred Brock, Usboree township, to
Mr. Edward Reynold Ward, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ward, South
Yarmouth, the marriage to take place
early in May,
Clandeboye Woman Dies at 93.—
Mrs. Robert Hodgins, widow of
Robert H. Hodgins, one of -the oldest
residents of the Clandeboye district,
died last Sunday at her 'home in Lon-
don. She was in her 93rd year, Mrs.
Hodgins was :formerly Miss Mary
Ann Pardee, daughter of the late
Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Pardee. She
was born on July t11, Q8411, in McGil-
livray •township, where she was mar-
ried in '1661.. Then she moved to one
of the fine farms of the Clandeboye
Monday, June 4th, Public Holiday.
—Monday, June 4, will be a holiday
in celebration this year of the :King's
birthday. k\ proclamation published in
the -current issue of the Canada Gaz-
ette traverses the holiday front Sun-
day, Pune 3rd, His Majesty's actual
birthday, to the following day. King
'George was born in 1565,
Starts Writing at Early Age.—
Some little plays were recently pres-
ented in Moncton, N:B., to a capacity
audience. One of the piayc en-
titled. "The 'Sleeping !Beauty," was
written. lig Miss Violet Frentlin, of
Snow for Six Months This Winter.
—M \t i 1'?tr O'Briee of 'own was
t't„n;,::e:el enough las, 24th of eye-
: ,h. -to :nark flown the first day of
It 1 ,- garnet and itt fig t in g.
ep on Ctte. lay, April 2 a 11. it teas
exactly- six menthe ago, and as we
:ook out today we notice the :ground
covered with snow. --Zurich Herald,
Athletic Club Organized at Zurich.
-IA yttt meeting was recently held
at Zurich of the Agricultural Society
and the Zurich ,Athletic Club and
Tari Ciuh when the following officers
were elected: President, \\'illfam U'-
ilrirn: secretary, Ed. Gascho; treasur-
er. Mi'ford Schilhe. The object of the
e.tciety- is to enc,.nrage n:hie'ics. base-
ball, horse racing and other antuse-
ments.:\rrangements were made w•itlt.
\gricultural Society for the use
rte grounds and in return this so
will keen down the weed-
Met with .":Iot:r Car Accident.—
M\lr. \ifre ` t iter 0' : t pain-
ful aeeilee. ei S..,, 'qty evctOv .vhee
he was re .•, t one t r Zurich
tt the Parr line. The s._etin�r scar
became e.elr-, and -the car took to
the side of a culvert with the result
that \ir. Reichert was cut ahem the
Gid, Litt Loses Three Fingers.—
Girle n Litt. wen known throughout
this district as an owner and driver
or race horses, a former resident of
Mitchell and now proprietor of the
'Hotel Bedford, Ci."ierich, lost the up-
per part of three fiegers on his left
hand yesterday morning when they
were crushed in a pulley. Mr. .Litt,
with some other men was engaged in
moving a hay press from the David-
son farm to an adjoining one on the
dtilth concession of Logan, east • of the
Logan ,highway, by means of a trac
Clinton, who has written quite a bit
of verse although she is only thirteen
years ,,f age.
Engineer Reports Little Damage.—
Contrary to the expectations of every-
one, the roads of Huron county are in
splendid shape after a winter which,
it was expected, would leave them im-
pa t hle for weeks, County Engineer
Roy Patterson reports that there are
nt badly broken roads anywherein
the county and ro road has been out
of use as a reseit of frost damage, In
additien to that the frost has practic-
ally a:1 gone from the ground except
insheltered places. The reason for
this surprising state of affairs is that
there has been little rain and no warm
weather. Had warm rains fallen on
:he deeply frosted roads or had the
suit conte hitt hint, the frost would
Lave been drawn out in a few .clays
leaving quagmires in places of roads.
"those spots on the pavements which
heaved a few weeks ago are quietly
settling. 'It is possible that a few IOW
spots will need some work done on
then,- before they are just right again.
Mr. 'Patterson explains that a method
.:,1 raising low spots in favor in the
States but net yet tried nu: in On: re-
l.., is known as the "mud -jack" inetil-
od. A slight opening is made beside
'rite low- ,spot in the pavement and into
' this a pressure gun forces mud. This
iraises the level of the pavement and
when allowed to dry out gives a hard
`e.r'udation.-Gorlerich 'Star.
A Little Dog Remembers Master.—
Skeptics who believe that dogs are
just dumb animals with no capacity
to think or remember should be con-
vinced that they are mistaken by the
story of the last nine months of "Hy
nue s' life. Hy-ntie," a little pont-
chow owned by Dave Brow=n, was
well known to passer-by of Robins'
clothing store where it •was 'his wont
to spend: most of his tinie. "Hyniie"
was overcome 'by the urge to travel
on Judy i 19.31, and is said to have
jumped on the ru'n'ning -board of a
car Londion,boand. He was seen and
recognized recently on a London
street by 'Fred Wong; who had known
the dog itt Goderich. Mr. Wong's cur-
iosity was aroused and he traced the
dog to a house whore he wag' tail; -that
"Hym_e"-i had been taken in on a cold
district 'where she lived for 70 years.
Three yearn ago She retired to Lon-'
don, Surviving are three daughters,
Mrs. Milian' Hardy London town-
ship; Mrs. A. h Taylor, (Parkhill,
and Miss Amanda nt home three
sons„ Ellison ,Hodgins, London; Rev.
E. J. (Hodgins, Fort Saskatchewan,
alis., and Ward Hodgins, Glande-
boye. 'There are also 118 grandchild-
ren and two great grandchildren,
;Hamilton Bigamist had Lucan Wife
William Taylor, 57 year old com-
mercial traveller of Illamilton', Ont.,
who was recently sentenced to six
months determinate and two years in-
determinate in the Ontario Reforma-
tory on a bigamy charge to which he
pleaded guilty in Chathatii, was ac-
cused by Irene Coursey of Lucan of
going through, a forth of marriage
with her 'while he had already been
married. to another woman in Blen-
heim. At the time the charge was laid
Taylor was stated to have been al-
ready serving a tern,- at Guelph for
non-support of one of his two small
Arm 'Broken While Roller Skating.
1Jeaii Penhale of Exeter had the
misfortune to fall while roller skat-
ing and landed on her hand with the
resalt that a bone in her arm was
Building New House.—Mr, Harvey
Godbolt"who recently purchased the
farni of vhe late Roy Fletcher, on the
highway south of Exeter three miles,
is preparing to erect a new house this
summer. The old house has already
e Lovers
Be sure and send for McConnell's
1934. illustrated, catalogue. "Hardy
Plants for Canadian Homes." It lists
and describes one of the moat com-
plete assortment of ornamentals and
fruits to be found in Canada. Over
1000 choice varieties and at prices
that will surprise you and save you
Send today for your free copy.
McConllell NnrseryCo.
Port Burwell, Ont.
stances, to secure their. 'Upper School
certificate here, At the present time,
he said, ,ehere are nineteen students
taking (Lower School subjects at Eth-
el, who next year will no dou,bt go to
.Listowel for their Upper School
been torn down. course unless we can offer thorn the
Brussels School Is Overcrowded.—I necessary facilities here, They world
There has been a great deal of lis -1 most likely attend here if possible,
because it costs the county between
cussioia among the residents of town, `;1'00 and yS1,50 per year for each stud -
says The Brussels Post, in regard to ent going out of the county to school.
the present overcrowded condition of Dr. Field stated he estimated that for
the public school. ht an interview
with' Dr. 3'. M. ,Field, Inspector of the ones front this vicinity alone, it
Public Schools in East Huron, he cost tHmron county in the neighbor -
said that the rooms of Miss Down- hood of V200. 0 a year. The approx-
ing and K. Ashton, are now actor- `'nate cost of the tom new$6003.0rooms, he
modating far too many pupils for said, would be between covered
best results, for either students or
mono and could be covered by a
teachers. The best solution of the debenture plan: This toul
grea greanot raise
the town taxes to 'any t extent as
it would have to be supported by the
whole county,
Was Former Brussels Photographer
er teacher added to 'the staff, the •cont- —Word has 'been received of the
pletion of the upper school course death of Mn !Peter ,Allen Banslaugh,
here. This would enable students, of Winnipeg, aged 78 years, Mr. and
who are unable to attend school away Mrs. Banslaugh and small son, Per -
front home, due to financial circum ey, carte to Brussels in 11883 and af-
problem seems to be the construction
of two additional rooms which would
relieve the present condition in the
public school and permit, with anoth-
ter the death of their only child, Per-
cy, they moved to Seaforth for a year
or two, then returned to Winnipeg,
where they have been ever since. Mr,
B'anslaug'h was born at Mount Pleas-
ant 'Ont, During the years he was
active itt his profession he saw 'many
changes in the art of photography,
the old collodion plate of narrow cod -
or sensitivity, :gave way to the mod-
ern fast films and plates sensitive to
almost all colors and even to 'infra-
red and X-rays, Lately he was eugag-
ed it commercial photography. Sur-
vivin'g are his widow and four broth-
ers and two sisters, living in 'Brant-
Want and For 'Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c
When You Have t1
Phone or write to
Phone 22 — Ingersoll
Phone 215 W Stratford
o . o
now for NEW
Bid a glad farewell to your old
smooth tires. Welcome the
NEW Pathfinder into thou-
sands of Miles of trouble-free
service. See us today -you'll
be surprised at the value of
Pathfinders—equal to higher-
priced tires but lower in price.
A. W. Dunlop, Seaforth