HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-04-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, 'APRIL. 26, "1934 HENSALL. Mrs. George Walker visited her daughter Alice in London on Friday last. Mr. and 'Irs. .James 'B'onthrot visit- ed with relatives in Kitchener on Fri- day. ;;Mrs. ;Paisley aucl 'children of 'Alen- treat are visiting with Sirs. Paisley's mother, Airs, E. Ronnie. Mr, W. J. White, who has been spending the winter in 'Co'llingtvood spent 'Sunday in .town. The ladies df the United 'Church at Chisel he rot intend holding a sale of home made cooking at B'ont'hron Drrsdale's store, Hensel!, on 'Sa'tur- day afternoon, April 26th from '3 to 5 .o'clock, Mrs. Orville Beavers of Farquhar visited for a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and _Airs. Robert Higgins. Mr, and Airs, Clarence 'Shepherd of Paisley were week end visitors with \lr. and 'Mrs, John 'S'hepherd. ML-. and Mrs, Daniel McNaughton who have spent the winter months in Hibbert have returned hone. Miss Dorothy 'Drummond is visit- ing 'w=ith friends in .Kincardine, The 'village council Oast week par" ch•tsed a new road grader from the !Dominion 'R'oad _Machinery Co., of Goderich. Mrs. D. B. 'McLean is having the stable on her premises taken down and will be replaced by a neat garage, The funeral of the late Airs, Agate took pinre irofim her late .residence on Saturday, conducted by her pastor, Rev. oarthur 'Sinclair, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Taylor of Thames Road, Rev. Alt. Chidley of Watford, Dr, Leckie of Turuersville and .Rev. Mr, Young. During the service Mr, 'Good- 0in sang as a solo, "Crossing the Bar." The floral tributes were beauti- ful. Interment took place at 'liirktot Sure Church cemetery, The pall- bearers were, \tr. Leslie Williams of Zurich, tWilliam Dougall, Hensall; R. 'Kidd, Thames Rond; 'Edward Mfc- Dcuvall, Thanes 'Road; William Me - Elven, Clinton; C. Switzer, Kirk: on, Afyon;; those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr, and Mrs, Charles Agur ai'Fostoria; !Ohio; Air. and Airs, Coles . of Listowel and a number of friends from Ingersoll, London, Exeter, Thames Road and Clinton. Miss Mary MIcI'„ig of Exeter vis- ited over the week end with relatives M town. Mr. John Bean has installed a new hake oven in his bakery which will add greatly to his convenience as the oven he was using was much too snail to supply the demand, The Oddfellows Lodge will attend services in the St. !Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, on Sunday evening, April 29th. Rev. M. B. Parker will address the society, The many friends of Mr. T. C. ioynt will be very pleases.( to hear he is improving in health and able to .be up and around a little. Mrs. Joynt who also has been so seriously ill, is improving, and her many friends hope soon to see her able to be out again. 'Mr. H. 'Arnold and Dr, 'S.mflie have each recently purchased a new 'Chevrolet car from J. Passmore and Sons, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. t Agur have re- turned to their hone in Fostoria, Ohio, after attending the funeral of Mr. •\gut`s grandmother, the late Mrs. Margaret Agur of Hensall. Mr. \\'ni. .Landsborough of Bruce - field was a recent visitor at the home \'f his sister, Mrs. Walker Carlile. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coes of Lista - a el, formerly of Hensall, spent the week -end in town, and also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Agur. \riss Blanche Mustard was taken eertottsly ill no Tuesday and was rushed to Seaforth 'Hospital where she was operated on for appendicitis, Miss Mary McGregor was in God- erich last week attending the funer- al of her brother-i'n-law, the late Mr, RumbalL The C.G:LT. Club of Hensall were entertained by the C:G,hT. Club of Exeter at the home of Miss Gladys Stone. A very pleasant evening was spent and a good programme, which opened with a sing -song, reading by Miss Mary Van Camp, piano instru- mental by Gladys Passmore, reading. 'Grace Strange, solo Bella Smale, reading Irene Smale, Airs, .Garden of Exeter gave a very interesting talk on China after which there were con- tests, and a dainty lunch was served. All report a good time, Miss Alice Higgins who was oper- ated on last week in Woodstock ohs- pital for appendicitis, is getting along nicely, ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. Harry Krauskopf of Detroit spent Sunday at his home here. He was accompanied home by his moth- er, Mrs. John. Krauskopf, who has spent the past .month in Detroit. Miss Anne McQuaid of Stratford spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQuaid. Mfr, and Mrs. Frank .Bo'winan have moved to their home on the Kraus- kopf farm on the 3rd concession of 3lclKillop. :What might have been a serious fire occurred on Sunday morning dur- ing first Mfass when Mr, Peter -i 0'- !Suldivan's car took fire an the park- ing ground. It was totally, destroyed,. also Mr. IFra'nk Morris' car,: The oth- er cars were quickly- ,moved away, from the danger zone without any damage. .Mr, John Williams of :Detroit spent the week end at his home here, Misses (Beth Carlin and Bridget Delaney of 'Stratford spent the week end at their homes here, The C.W'L, are holding a so:ciai evening in the parish hall on Friday evening arevt. 'Harrison's orchestra will furnish the music, Miss Rose MLeQttaid, RN., has re- turned to Toronto after visiting at 'her home hare, COOKIES 2 DOZ. FOR iSc WITH PLAY BALL 'FREE Peanut Butter, jar @, , , 15c and 25c Monarch Plant Food box 15c Olives, per bottle, ,10c, 15c, 23c, 29c Morning Glory Breakfast �� Food 5 lb. pkg. @ Interlake Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25c Dates 2 lb. for 19c Tip Top Strawberry, Raspberry and Pineapple Jam,. 40 oz. jar 37c ALEX. McGAVIN Phone 95. We Deliver HARLOCK. Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Love returned from their honeymoon trip to the home of the latter's• parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Hoggart last Wednes- day night. Thursday night they at- tended a large reception party which was given in their honor by Mr. Love's father in Walton hall, enjoy- ing a very pleasant evening and be- ing the recipients of a great many beau tiful and useful presents. Miss Estella Munphy and Miss Marjory 'Colson attended the 'recep- tion party in Walton given in honor of Mr. and Mrs: Geo, Love, !Friday afternoon or last week schoolmatesand girl friends of hiss Bertha 'Iloggart, now Mrs. George Love of near Walton, gathered at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr,. and Mrs. Andrew 'Hoggart and pre- sented the bride with amber colored goblets and sherbert glasses of the sante shade, Miss .Estella Murphy made the presentation. They did not give an address but handed the bride the names Of those who contributed, tamely, Misses Estella :Murphy, Marjorie Colson, Beth Shobibrook, Kathleen Beacom, Edith Beacom, Helen M1cewing, Olive Knox, 'Lydia Reid, _Airs, \Vats. Knox, and Mrs, Warren iGibbings, all being present, but Miss 'Lydia Reid, Olive Knox and Kathleen Beacom, Mrs, Love thanked them and invited them to go and visit her in her new .home. 'S'he also showed them all her wedding outfit, fancy work, quilts and such a lot of nice presents, after which Mrs. Love and her mother served the girls with bride's cake, cookies and coffee, The girls then left for. home feeling they had spent a very pleasant after- noon. We join in wishing the bride and groom a happy and prosperous wedded life. Miss Agnes Leiper of Toronto is at present at the hnnie'af her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Leiper, having come hone Saturday, April .114th and hart- her tonsils removed in Clinton hospital the beginning of last week. i\ -e are pleased to know she is get- ting along nicely and we wish her a good recovery, Miss Kathleen Beacom went to Clinton hospital one day the beginn- ing of last week to train as a nurse. \Ve wish Kathleen every success, Mr, James Leiper and 'Guy are quite busy lately threshing clover and alfalfa. Mr. Stewart Beattie recently spent the week end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert 'Beattie, Mr. John T. Knox of Clinton help- ed Mr. Isaac Raposn make syrup Tuesday 'and part of Wednesday last week and spent Wednesday a'fter- n'oon with Mr. A. W. MaEwing and Mr, Norman Shepherd. Miss Olive Knox has been helping her sister, Mrs. Thames Appleby as the two little girls, Rosamond and Marian, are in bed, the latter with pneumonia and beating ears and Ros- amond with cold and 'healing ears. We hope they will soon be all better again. Mr, Norman Sanderson ca'l'led on Mr. Storey and Mr, Bolton of Win- throp last Wednesday atfternoon. GODERICH. !Atter 'a lingering illness, Ebenezer Johnston .Rumbull passed away at his home at IGoderieh in his 78Th' year. For sone years Mir. Rnmbu'll 'had suffered from heart trouble and .for same weeks had been confined to .the house. He is a native of Huron Coun- ty having been born near 1Dun'gannan, the son of the late -Benjamin and Mary Runeball, For many years he conducted a furniture manufacturing business in Goderich; and ,had been a resident of 'Goderich for 27 years. He formerly lived in London where he carried 'on a furniture .and undertak- ing btrsiness. Over 'fifty years ago Mir. Rtmnb'ull married Miss :Christina. McGregor of Hensall, He ass survived. by two children, Caswell J. Rumbull of Toronto, ,and Mrs. William 'Web- ster o'f .G'oderich. The funeral was held Saturday at Goderich. Unless worms are expelled from the system, no child can be 'healthy. Mather 'Graves' Worm Exterminator is an excellent ,medicine to destroy worms, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Constance, Mr. Ernest Adams commenced seeding on the 113th of April and says the land' works splendid. Ernest will take the lead, -The Forrester; .recent- ly completed drawing the 'material for their new hall about to be erected,- \Ve hear sone talk of a telephone to Constance bat to consider the excel- lent farming community, the business clone here and the progress of the vil- lage, we could do nicely with a rail- road. Items !la's. McLeod of ILucan is visiting her son, Dr. Hodgins, -Mr, Walter Smith .of Clinton spent Sunday in town, - and Mrs, J. P. B'e'll and son, Cliff were Mitchell visitors on 'Sunda Miss Annie Driver of Goderich is iting her sister, Mrs. C. S. A:nhr John street, .Mrs. W. R. Counter son, IN'orntan, of Clinton, spent IS day with friends in, town, -31r. Darnell left this week for Bramp where he leas secured a position f shoe factory. -Mrs. W. Brawley ;London, 'England, visited with cousin, _Mrs. C S. Andrews, far a days Mr. John McNabb of 'Dun non and _Mr. Wm, McNabb of Dr ton visited here last week. Both sons of Mr. and .Airs. Jahn MclNa Janes street, -(During the high ,i storm which prevailed in this dist on Saturday the roof on the W shoe factory was partly. -blown Workmen were engaged:on ISunclay putting on a temporary roof so as protect the machinery and interior. the 'building Mir. 'John Pinkney ited friends in Orangeville this we -Mr.F. D. (Hutchison of Staffa, vis - !ted friends in town during the .we -Mr. Jahn Chalton, who had a po tion in a shoe factory in Toronto 1 returned home, -Mr. Fred Morrisrris who has 'been visiting his another several weeks, left on 'Monday Toronto, -Air, Robt. E. Jackson, London, visited at his home in E mondville over the week end, -Mf John McKinley card daughter, MiClara, are spending a few days vis ing friends in Toronto. -Mrs. 'Jai T'hontpson of Brussels is .spending t week with friends in Seaforth as Roxboro. -We understand that :Net 'Hugh Hunter has pureh'ased Mr., Jo Floyd's two residences situated o James street. --!Albert Twiss, 11"11011"110 h been employed in Mr. 'F. L. Willi gents' furnishing store, intends tal ing a position with 1Wn. Pickard an Son, -Mr. J. 'Smith, who has been r siding in Mr. F. Devereaux's res deuce on John street, has leased on of Mr, °Jas, Hart's new dwellings a West William street - Mr. Robe M•c'Donald, son of the late !Rev. A. D McDonald, D.0„ of Seaforth, calle on old ireinds in town this week, AI McDonald has a position as travelle with a London firm, -Mfrs, Wm, Ry an, of Dungannon, is here caring fo her mother, Airs, David Dorrance 'John street -Mr, P. E. Lennon, wh has been engaged: as salesman witl Wm, 'Pickard & Son for several years has severed :his .connection with :th .firm and has accepted a position wit the well known Ryan firth, of Guelph -Mr, \V. H..IWillis left town of 'Tuesday for `'\V+inghant where he ha purchased a boot and shoe business Mrs. Willis and sons are still in to'wi 'but expect to follow shortly to thei new hone. The following sp.artie were ticketed to distant points durin the week: N. Stapleton of 1St, Colum 'ban, to North Bah'tleford, Sask.; Jas (Shea, of Dublin, to Saskatoon, IS;ask,; Michael McQuaid of St. .Columban, to Winnipeg, -Mr, Andrew Calder, who has been a sufferer for several years, underwent a critical operation on Monday. -Mr. Richard 1Winiters underw"ent an operation on Monday and is doing well. -{Among those who left for distant points are: J. Manicy of Constance, to Soul't Ste.,Marie, Mich.; R. IN. Hays, to Philadelphia; D. T. Pinikney to Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Gem'mell and family, of ,Stanley, to 'Moose Jaw; Mr. William Barker of IEgmondville, to Leth- bridge,'Alta., Master Chester Barker to Tynan, Sask.-The death took place in McKillop on' Friday of Mr. 'George Lockhart at the age of,76 years and ten months. His death re- moves one of the earliest settlers in. the 'township and one of the most respected citizens. --The committee of the Charity Concert held 'Friday even- ing in "Cardno's hall, wish to thank all who so kindly assisted to make it such a success. The proceeds amount- edamount- edto'$1I03 amid the total expenses $13 leaving, $92 which the committee will endeavor to distribute' wisely. Any further donations may he left with any of the following members, Mrs, A. Scott, Mrs. P. Mulcahy', Mrs. H. Bullard or ,Airs, J, McLaren M. Hor- an, secretary. Egmondville. The, entertainment given In our church on Tuesday ° evening under the' the' auspices of the W.fF. LS. was a' Mr fiord, y- ""ds - e ws, ani d un - ton n a of her few gen- ay- are bb, wind rict illis off. in 10 of etc. si- las on, for for of g rs, sa it- is ire id r. o, as s' tI e- i-. e n d r. r 0 e h r s g decided success. The program was all that could he desired Those taking part in the program were: Miss Mar the of Exeter; Miss Hart of Hensel]; Miss Iva Dodd, of Seaforth; Miss Is-' abet ;Scott and Mr, John IS'cott, Rox- boro, and Miss A. G. Gemmell, Eg ioncbville, Town of Seaforth PROCLAMATION CIVIC HALF -HOLIDAYS Having been petitioned by a large number of the Merchanta of 03e town, 1 hereby .procla'in, Wednesday Afternoons in the months of May, June, July, August and September, 1934, Civic .half holidays, except inhere a legal holiday conies in the weelc, and res pectful'ly request; the Citizens to ob- serve the same. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayo, • NOTICE TO CREDITORS !Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Mary Pryce, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 29th day of March, 1934, are re'qu'ired to forward their claims duly proven to the .undersigned, sol- icito• for the executors, on or before the T'wel'fth day of May, 1034. tAncj.notice is further given that af- ter the said last , ntenkioned date ;tire:, executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to'th'e claims of which they then shall have notice, IDhted at .Seaforth, Ontario, this 23rd day of April, .19344, JOHN J.IH'UIGrGIARD, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the !Executors, FOR SALE Four young cattle, .hV years ' old. 'A'p'ply to Simon Leyburne, Phone 936r24, 117, LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the W man's IInstitute will be held in th 'Community Hall on Thursday, Ma 3rd at 2 p,m. As this is the last ranee ing of the year a good attendance requested, Election o'f officers wi take place. Now is the time to join up for 'the coming year and if any do not wish to do so, please inform the Secretary or President. Roll call to be answered by ,paying the fee of 25. cents Intsruniental, Mrs. H. 'Adams. Papez \Irs. S AlcVittie. Quartette, Mesdames Adams, Carter, Moon and 'Manning. A paper .on Legislation. Hostesses, Airs, F. Johnston, Mrs. 'Bert Shobbrook, Airs, W. T.rewin, Airs. F. AicGtegor, Mrs. S. McVittie, Mrs. D. Carter. The annual. Pie Social of the In- stitute was held:in the Comm'uni'ty Hall with a good attendance and pro- ved a success h1 every way. The supper, as usual, was ,excellent and the program, which included the play, "Wild Ginger" in three acts staged by the young people of Thames Road held the audience's .attention a•nd was fully enjoyed. The !m'usi'c and singing between acts was also well received, and a most pleasant evening was en- joyed. The young people of Thames Road deserve great credit for the able manner in which they presented the play. _Airs. Hugh Chesney and two chil- dren of Seaforth were the guest of herr sister, Mrs. lg. P. Maiming, .for a .few days recently. 'Mfrs. A'llie Allen, wino for the past three 'weeks has been in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London, where she under-, went an operation on her eyes, has returned 'home. We hope she will be greatly benefited, Miss L. Young returned to her .home on Thursday last, having spent the past three months with' London friends. Mr. Geo. and ML H'esselwo'od have moved into the residence purchased from MLr. Geo. McCall, ,lir. Ai. Bruce is .again quite ill and in bed the most of the time. Mrs, IW. Lyon is visiting with her son, Dr, Kirk Lyon of Leantin'gton. 0- e y is 11 MANLEY. Mr. Martin 'Deitz, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. 'Delta of this place, was mar- ried on Thursday, April 26th, to Miss Carrie Was man of B'ora'holm daughter 'of Mr, and Mrs, John Was - man, and a large reception was given at the home' of the bride's parents in the evening, with a kitchen s'ho'wer, after w'hic'h a sumptuous luncheon was served and all enjoyed them- selves in games and tripping the light fantastic till the wee 'hours in the morning when all , left ' • wishing the young couple a smooth journey through life, The wea'ther'man has still a supply of ssno'w and frost and. no seedingcan be expected this week blit if the wea- ther prophet is right this time May will be o.k, CASH SPECIALS BARB WIRE 4x6 -Roll ... . 3.75 SEPOY FLOUR 2.39 - per cwt. McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkgs 29c SWEAT PADS special each 53 C Goodyear Tires- 30x3% 30 x 3% tubes each 4.00 75c Red Rose Tea pound 49c Salada Tea lb. '59c Pt & G. Soap 10 bars 33c W. J. FINNIGAN CLEARING OUT - AUCTION SALE. Of Farms Stock and Ilouse'hold .Ef- fects, on lot 29, concession '114, Mc- Killop, one-quarter mile !west of '\Valltdn, on Friday, May 4tth, 11934, at 1 o'clock sharp: Stock -111 caw due to freshen June Lard, 11 r au cow in calf, '1 rest atiillc cow in calf, 3 calves; 36 'Leghorn hens 000 year old; 11 Westinghouse electric range, nearly new; '1 writing desk (light oa'k); 1' 'oa'k dining room table, 6 oak leather -bottom chairs, 1 oak china cabinet, 2 oak rocking chairs, 1 couch, oak frame; 1 oak 11- brary table; 1' kitchen aid, good as new; 6 kitchen chairs and table; it ice box; 1' cook stove, Quebec style, coal or wood; '1' congoleum rug 9 feet by 12 feet; blue and white check linoleum 9 feet by 8 feet; linoleum 111 ff. 5 111, by 10 feet, ,good as new; 116 yards :of oak plank oilcloth ;18 in wide; 1 ivory bed and dresser; 1' oak bedroom suite; 11 Marshall spring g mattress; 1 w-hite iron bed; .3 sets o bed springs; 2 Ra•rlor chairs, uphol- stered f0 Rep, arm and rocker; 1 walnut parlor table; dWilton rug, 9 feet by 12 feet; 1 eight-day clock; curtain poles; 3 sets adjustable cur- aln rods; creast separator; 3 -burner 'erfectiolt coal oil stove; 1 nil'lc pail, strainer pail, 'new; 1 lady's 'bicycle, Overland; 1 wheelbarrow; Il lantern; forks, 13; shovels, 3 hoes, garden acre, lawn !mower, 16 -inch cut buck- aw, handsaw, hammer, square, wire tretoher, rope and pulleys, :24 -inch fpe wrench; 1 axe, 20 feed w=ire for ower bed, 2 tubs, washer, wringer, ub stated, 1 screen door, good as e v; extension ladder, 24 feet; 6 ft, tap ladder; coal scuttle; hedge hears; sheep shears, fern stand, 2 rge stone crocks, four dozen quart mould - g, 40 feet oak finished ould- g, 1: camp bed. Terms -Cash. Airs, Mary Gardiner, Proprietress; hostas Bennett, Auctiolneer,. fl la DOOLEY SEED POTATOES .From certified seed, sprayed and free from other varieties, special this week, cash with order $11,5'5 per bag at the burn, (Same of you ,fellow's should wake tip to the fact that white sweet clover, alsike and 'timothy at Sc per 1'b. is the cheapest fertilizer you can put on your farm, for any crop, We have a few bushels left. !Apply to Hugill's !Potato and Dairy Farm. Phone 34 - 61166, reverse ;call. 1'. 5,- What have you to offer in a good tractor disk on 'trade for spring tooth harrow. 117 - FOR SALE OR RENT Farni of 75 acres, the 'Sou'th 'half of Lot 'n'um'ber 10 in the illith concession of the township of '\I,clKiliop and also a '50 acre Grass Farms the Sou't'h half of Lot number !09 in the ,second con- cession of the Township of Hibbert. For further particttl'ars apply to Mrs, L. Richards or Mrs, C. Mc Oormick, opposite -the Seaforth Col- legiate II.ns'titute, or John H. Beslt, Solicitor'!for the Executrices. .19 FOR SALE (Former Stewart gas station and seven acres of land with house, on N. Main street. I191 not sold will be rented, Apply to glohn' A, Cudntore, 'Executor for H'enry.lCudrnore Estate, Clinton R. R. L, Phone 3 On 610. BOARDE'R'S WANTED. Charges reasonable, Market street residence, Apply to Mrs. 'Dickson. 0115 FOR RENT 'Conrbortable six -',roomed frame house in Egenoat'd'vilie, with cistern, good well and garden and small barn. 'Can rent with or 'wit'hout furnis'hings;. reason! le terms. Apply News Office. 317, SEED FOR S'A'LE ':\ good quantity- of Improved 'B'an- ner Seed lOats.•for sale, also 6 -rowed 'barley, P'ho'ne 2lr115, Dublin central, Henry F. 'Beucrmann, lot 10, con. 9,• lhdK'illo9, Dublin, RR. 1. 17. FOR SALE A quan'ti'ty of seed Inmproved Ban- ncr !Oats. Apply to (Robert H, (Greene, !RIR. 2, 'Kipper, Ontario, or phone 93 r 116, Hensall, • NEW AND OLD TY'ME NCE! !WITH ASTORIA DANCE ORCHESTRA WATSON'S HALL K I P P E N Fre 1 day' Apr. 27 Admission 25 and 15 scts. FOR SALE A quantity of Yellow (Blossom Sweet Glover 'G'overnmen't .Grade No. 2. Apply at Lot 115, Con, '114, ;vc'Kil- lop, Phone 2413r95, !Seaforth. Norval Stintore. 18 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from high producing S.C. ;White tLeghorns, Hatches run- ning 60 to 68 per cent, (Prices reason able, Wm, Rutledge, 'Seaforth R.R.-2, Phone Clinton Central 616-2. 211 FARM FOR SALE Cort 10, Con. 4, ILLS., Tucker‘,. smith, consisting of 100 acres, with le" good buildings, frame 'house; two ' miles south of Seaforth; ,plenty of water from never -failing spring. Mrs- John rsJohn C. Reinke, Seaforth, R.R. 4, Phone 1133 r 31, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good land situated is Stanley Tp. -near Village of Bayfield.. Good buildings. Lots of water, 'Bush and orchard and small fruit, need cheap. Apply to .News Ofifiee, FOR SALE (Brick house, seven rooms with t, bath, modern conveniences, good sized stable, three lots. Apply Charles Adams, Seaforth box 186. • POTATOES FOR SALE !Dooley's, suitable for seed, $1:50 a bag. Clarence Regale, Lot 113, Con. 7, '3:1'oKillop, 17. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from Black Minorca and White Leghorn cross. High .pro- ducing (tens. Eggs All grade. The pen is mated to an Ottawa male frown a strain. of 226 eggs in her pullet year. Eggs, per setting of 13-35c. M. 'R. Smith, Huron St, Seaforth, On't, 17. FRESH CHICK FEEDS Master Chick Starter -$2.715 per cwt. Master .Fine iChl fk Grains -$2.35 per ow,t, 10, A. C. .Cafeteria !Starter - $2'550 per cw't, iOSA.C. Cafeteria Grow- ing !Mash -1$l320 per cwt. Premier :Laying Mash -$2,20 per cwt. IWe shall be 'pleased to advise you an your feeding 'pro'blem's. Scott's Poultry !Farm, Seaforth, Phone 2154, -132. 18 LAWN'S ROLLED Have .your laiw'tn rolled' with heavy power rdller, .it does the trick. Call 'Ross Sproat, Phone 8, or M. A. Reid, Phone 2114, pp FOR SALE. Queen Brooder Stove '59" hoover- Used ooverUsed only two seasons, ,Aliso a. quan- tity of Liberty,_ IHlulless Seed . Oats. James Johnston,' Clinton. Phone 1112 .16316. 17, HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE" (House with seven rooms and wood shed. Bath and all modern conveni- ences, Hardwood floors downstairs. Garage. Apply to Frank Baxter, John Street, pig. SILO BULL'DING ,With slprinig almost gone, lot wea- ther is houlu!d fo reduce the yield of 'our grain crops this year 150%, like 119313 did, :and the only insurance you, will have against a large grain bill eating upYour profits is to 'plan't ,a field to corn and plaice 'it in a good cement silo, Didn't fool yourself any longer, but arrange to !build now, We can prove by our own experience last year it will p'ay Tor itself in II year., :Seetis ndw as we are booking several job's this 'week, !Phone '314-4116, Dairy, .and Potato 'Farm. 113'