HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-04-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
About seventy of the friends and
neighbors gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I3•olntea on rAp-
ril '1;7;th to present \Ir. and Mrs,
Inalmes with a pair of chairs before
thea departure for their now !route
near Brlgtave, A happy time was
spent, in dancing till midnight when.
2thnch was served. The gathering was
then called to order and Mr, arthtir
Balfour read the following address,
then all joined in singing, 'For They
Are Jolly Good Fellows," The rest
of the evening was spent in dancing
till the wee .small hours of the morn-
ing, All reported a good time. The ad-
dress is as follows Dear 1Ir. and
Mrs. Joseph Holme,—\Wc your
many friends and neighbors, have .ga-
thered here tonight to spend an en-
,Ioyable evening with you before leav-
ing our midst, so we now take this
opportunity to show you in a small
degree how we have appreciated your
lore and kindness while you have
Seen in our neighborhood, We now
ask you Mr. and Mrs. Holmes to
kindly accept these chairs as a .small
token of love and honor by Which
yon are held by your friends and
neighbors. It is our earnest wish that
you ail nay be spared for many years
of prosperity in your new hone and
as the time goes on may you always
remember your old friends and neigh-
bors on the 1Lth and faith concessions
of Dlchillop. Signed an behalf of
your friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Ritchie Drager and
so,n Charles of Galt spent the week-
end with his another, Mrs, Charles
Mr. John McDonald of Windsor is
here at present engaged as sawyer
for :Mr. D. Johnston. His many
.Friends arepleased to see him in the
village again.
Mrs. 'George Underwood and son
William of Toronto
spent the week-
end at Walton.
..lir. Wm. Woods had the misfort-
une to have three of his fingers badly
cut while operating the edger saw in
the mill Saturday forenoon, It will
lay him off work for some time as it
is the right hand:
Mr, George Lore entertained about
1100 of his friends to dance last Thurs-
day evening in honor of his son
George tvho had just returned from
his wedding trip to London and De-
troit. The evening was spent in danc-
ing. The Watt and Kirkby orchestra
Furnished the music, Mrs, Love was
charming in her wedding dress of
white and Miss -\luephy, the brides.
maid, wore blue. A dainty lunch was
served and all left for 'home in the
wee sma' hours, wishing Mr, and Mrs.
Love the best of success in this com-
Mrs. Dressed and Baby Jerry and
Mrs Anna Ennis spent a day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lydiatt
in Grey township.
1fr, Torrance Dundas has bought
Mr. Peter Gardiner's' sixty acre farm
in McKillop on the boundary west of
Walton. He gets possession May 1.
\Ir. and Mrs. W. C. McEachern
and Gerald, front near Ethel, spent
Sunday with friends in Walton,
The Y. P. meeting this week was
in charge of the convener of the Lit-
erary group, The topic "The Liter-
ary Heritage of:England" was very
ably Taken by Miss Margaret Cum-
ming. During the business period it
was agreed that the next meeting be
held Monday, April 30. A very inter-
esting talk was given by the pastor
lies-, C. Cumming.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Elmer 'H'ackwell and
fancily were visiting ,Sunday with
Bessie and Edw. Davidson,
Mr. Edward ,Boyce was visiting his
parents of Monkton .on Saturday.
\Fr. olex. Munn is re -modelling his
house. Joseph Thornton and Isaac
'Bolton helping him,
Mr. Kenneth Thornton 15 working
For Mr, Gordon Regele.
arr. and lsfrs. Joe Murray were .vis -
Nag with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Thorn -
tor, on Sunday.
arr. and \F: s, Win. Bradshaw and
little ,son. David: also Miss Eula
TIerdinani vis .et with Mr, and Mrs:
teargc Squire at Whalen on Sun-
Mrs. \Wnt, Rorty spent a few days
last week in London, •
?Jr, Alvin Cooper is wearing quite
a broad smile—it's a baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Alec Johns and fam-
ily of toucan visited with theformer's
mother, Mrs.. John Johns, on Sunday,
Gives Up World, Flesh and
Devil (Maybe)
Revealing how a young French act-
ress, disillusioned with wine, men and
has flowninto n
a a
onvent, like
many other stage beauties—but same
fly out again, Read the article in The
THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1934.'
Farm Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and -Labor Cash.
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop,
•Miss Eleanor Scotchmer spent the
week -end at her house on the (Bron-
son line.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Snowden
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Coleman near Sea -
forth. _
Mr. and Mrs. E. Townsend and fa-
mily spent Sunday with \ir. and Mrs,
Will Scotchmer,
* * * * * * * * * * •
* (Furnished by Ontario Depart- s
vent of Agriculture.) *
* * * * * * * * * * ■
The Codling Moth Has Not
Been Wiped Out.
iReports have been published recent-
ly to the effect that in Ontario apple
orchards the codling moth w -as erad-
icated or reduced to insignificant
numbers by the low winter tempera-
tures. This is far from being the case
in the Niagara district, An examina-
11011 of orerw•lntering caterpillars
(7186) made in a Vineland orchard
this week indicates that codling math
mortality is only in the neighborhood
of twenty per cent. do other parts of
the province where much colder tem-
peratures were experienced, the mor-
tality will run much higher but we
feel reasonably certain that in all On-
tario apple orchards sufficient larvae
will have survived in sheltered spots
to necessitate the application of the
sprays outlined in the Ontario spray
Timothy Seed Production
Domestic production of timothy
seed .in Canada is still far short of
consumption so that still further pi'o-
cluction of this crop may he encour-
aged. Timothy ordinarily yields .from
200 to 300 pounds of seed per acre,
and growers have received on an av-
erage about 6fi cents per pound for
the seed basis No, ,1' grade, over the
past three years. Canada uses annual-
ly about 110 million pounds of tim-
othy seed and until 11196.3' some 9 mil-
lion pounds of this was imported
from the United States, Domestic
production since 11 :311 has been great-
ly stimulated by educational activities
and the prospect o,f a large domestic
market. As a result, production in-
creased from .less than a million
pounds to some ,five million pounds
in :1119313 but declined to about 2,700,-
000 pounds in 11933 due to unfavorable
weather conditions.
Blood -Testing of Cattle
R. 13. Faith, Director of Extension,
for the iHrastein Friesian Association
of .Canada, who was the guest -speaker
't the anneal spring sleeting of the
5h C eoity T-Tolktein Breeders' Club
hell at Stratford, said that blood
.ninr the control of 'Bang's Dis-
ease has been staking remarkably
saw' progress in .many parts of the
or of Ontario, since the work
a; first taken on by the breeders in
serious mindea way more than a
ear ago, and he predicted 'that be -
ire in'ng every large :breeding area
:t -,told he engaged in it, Already near-
s t sr hundred herds had been found
illy negative under the Federal pol-
y, while a much ; larger number ,were
trier process of being cleaned :rap,
he viewa seupressed by Mr. Faith
at the day was not far distant when
ceders whose herds were not under!
st would .find c i it
more difficult than
peens to be the case at the present
me, to obtain markets at profitable
ices for: surplus cattle which had to
sold, whereas those 'herds :free of
American Weekly with Sunday's pr
Tunes. he
the disease would occupy a most fav-
orable position ,in being able to capit-
alize eon
their achievement,
More Canadian Pears •Wanted
The Canadian iB'artlett pear canned
pack has few equals no superior in
any world market. In that event
there is room ]fere for growers to in-
crease the .quantity of Bartletts and
reduce production costs of commer-
cially desirable fruit, in order to gain
a more complete command of domes-
tic requirements and to take advan-
tage of the opportunity to export,
The annual pear crop in Canada does
not exceed hall a million bushels and
this amount appears to fall short of
the fresh consumption and cannery
requirements of the country, while
the difficulty with regard to the latter
is due largely to a shortage of suitable
Lamb and Wool Prices
Wool prices are an important factor
in maintaining lanb prices, Lamb
pelts are now yin the dollar range of
values, and this is an essential item in
reducing wholesale `carcass costs. Al-
ready, as a result of more encourag-
ing 'lamb and wool prices, there are
malty inquiries for breeding ewes. It
is to be expected that there will be
a broad market for all classes of ewe
stock in 111934. The strong demand
for wool on British, Australian and
New Zealand markets indicates a
very healthy condition, in so far •as
the outlook for 11934 is concerned.,
World production is es•timated to be
lower and the wool market for 1064
is encouraging,
Crop Improvement Evidence
evidence of crop improvement that
has resulted from the production and
general use o'f registered and certified
seed of wheat over a period of thirty
years in Canada may be observed in
the relatively high yield per acre of
the crop as a whole and in the sust-
tained high quality for milling pur-
poses, as reflected in the premiums
generally received .for Canadian wheat
in the principal export markets. With
other cereal grains, the results are
very much in evidence in those areas
where oats, barley or other kinds of
grain predom'ina'te, In those areas in
which coarse grains 'forth the stain
cash crop, the crop as a whole is
traceable as a rule within a few years
to pure variety seed stock. It is from
those area's that the best and most
uniform quality grain for commerce
is derived,
Bury Corn Stubble
'Any corn. grower this spring can
do a great deal to save himself a lot
of unnecessary handpicking of corn
stubble if he will use care and fore-
thought in his meto•hd of dealing with
his corn field," states 'L. Caesar, Pro-
vincial Entomologist, "if he plows the
field carelessly and does not bury the
stubble well he is sure to drag it up
in working the soil, and so will have
a lot of handpicking. Also, if he uses
a toothed cultivator instead of a disc
he will drag up a lot of stubble, In
every county there are many men
who deal with their 'fields in such a
way that they rarely hare to do any
hand -pi cling. What one ratan can d::
another can often do as well or near-
ly as well. So it is hoped that every -
ane will try to exercise the necessary
rare this spring and so save himseii
a lot of trouble in complying- with the
Current Crop Report
Reports received from the Agricttl•
tural Representatives would indicate
that the condition of fall wheat in
Ontario is still in .cloa•bt. Certain sec-
tions report that t'he crop is greening
up but a great Many roti the roots are
weakened and unless the weather is
favorable a considerable area will have
to be cultivated and resow-s in spring,
crops. Parsers who are dependent on
19312 sced'lings for their hay crop will
be obliged to rely on annual hay
crops. At auction sales prices are
considerably unproved over last year•,
especially prices paid for horses.
Maple syrup wi•.Il,apparently be a tight
run as the reports from, practically all
the maple syrup districts show a de-
crease in production.
Canadian Asparagus Outlet
Canadian growers of asparagus
with suitable production conditions
and conveniently situated far delivery
may well study the possibilities of this
crop, for sotne of 'the. 'Canadians .can-
ners !!Lave found Canadian asparagus
to be match superior to the Californ-
ian product. Consequently, there has'
been a very satisfactory demand that
has resulted in plaits to expand out-
put to a considerable extent, Al.;
though the acreage and yield of aspar-
agus in Canada is relatively small, the
latest figures show: an increasing acre-
age during Gte past three years in
'Quebec, Ontario and British Colum-
bia, aline at the same time the out-
put of canned asparagus shows con-
siderable expansion, There is also an
increasin • export market. The yield
of sone 11y000 acres in Ontario is from
1,800 to 3,00:0 pounds per acre, approx-
imately about two-thirds of the yield
being so'ld ordinarily to canners at 8
to 11' cents ap ound.
The place was crowded. It wasn't
exactly a fashionable 3 s onable tt eddiu'g, but
there was no gainsaying the interest
it caused, because both bride and
and bridegroom had been touch in
the public eye, she as .an actress, he
as a conjurer,
lEserything went well until they
reached the critical stage of the pro-
ceedings and the clergyman asked for
the ting.
The bridegroom plunged his hand
into his pocket and brought out a
rabbit, Then the horrified look ie the
clergyman's eyes and a startled ex-
clamation 'from the bride made .hint
realize that something was wrong.
He looked down and saw the rabbit,
''Pard'glnl" he said. "Wrong act."
Teacher (in geography lesson):
Now can anybody tell me where 'we
find mangoes ?
'Knowing little boy: "Yes, miss,
wherever woman .goes,
Attacked by Asthma, The first
fearful sen•satioar is of strfiocatloti,
which hour by. !hoar becomes more
desperate and :hopeless. To such a
case the relief afforded by Dr, J, D.
Kellogg's Asthma )Remedy seems no-
thing .less than mi.racn'lous, Its help
is quickly apparent and soon the
dreadful attack is mastered. The as-
thmatic who has found out Gte de-
pendability of this sterling remedy
will never be without it. It is sold
an the year 111252, free government
services at a total cost of almost
$120,000,000 were available to the
people of Ontario, Our social services
are more advanced than those of ;any
other government- in North America,'
yet the Provincial revenues do not
depend, as they do in some provinces,
upon. a Provincialln,come Tax, Our
ordinary revenue of (V511,3gt3;000 is de-
rived chiefly from taxes upon luxur-
ies, amusements, use of the High-
ways, business, etc. The largest sing-
le item is the gasoline tax $112,629,000
and the next largest are succession
duties and licenses for nt.otor vehicles
$8,Ct311,1it00 and $7,2211181000 respectively,
'Yet our automobile license fees are
less than those of other provinces.
'rhe cost to the Province for borrow-
ed stoney both in interest and serv-
ice charges is less than that of other
provinces. Our roads are built upon
a compttra'tirely economical basis.
Our prism's and reformatories are
costing less to maintain from year to
year. There has been a marked de-
crease in crime, The Ontario Re-
search tPoundatioti is discovering
means of saving money for agricul-
ture and industry, It is the solid and
steady achievement of a government
ten years in power.
Through its Department of -alines,
the ,Onta•rip Government is seeing
to it that the young as twerll as the old
prospector need not enter upon their
search of the rocks trusting 'to blind
chance, Classes for the training of
prospectors in the elements of geo-
logy, mineradbgy and the identifica-
tion of economic minerals, are con-
ducted throughout the winter months
in the various mining centres, .and
also at Toronto and Ottawa. These
classes ihavebecorne increasingly pop-
ular in recent years, no less than 989
Wren enrolling at the two classes held
in Toronto last year, •
These classes, intportant in theist.
selves, are merely ,t sideline in the
multifarious activities of the 'Depart-
ment of Mines. The field parties that
have gone north from year to year
have amassed a wealth of geological
information which is of invaluable
service, both in the search for min-
erals :and in practical- mining opera-
tions. When the parties return in tli
Pall, the geoiogists in .charge prepare
preliminary reports of their survey
for the benefit of :prospectors, and
these are followed Iby 'carefully com-
piled detail 'reports with geologica•
inns ea the explored' areas.
In view of the fact that our gold
mining was the one industry in Catt.
ada Haat flourished during the late
period of "depression," and that the
,production odtuctiort of '.gold within our owns.:
'b'orders en.abted'Canada to balance its
international exchange, the people of
Ontario realize the importance of
giving their' hearty support to a Gag -
eminent Which, by its 'foresight anal
a position to take _advantage of the
present world situation, Throatgh 'tltc,
initiative and enterprise of the .1 -Ton.„
Chas, McCrae, Ontario holds an an -
viable position in the mining tv'orld.
!When the ground freezes at night,
but thaws in the clay,- when the first
bird sings a brave announcement of
his arrival, when a few honeybees
conte shyly out of their hives, when a
certain softness in the air shows win-
ter to be relaxing its grip, spring
loons; like prosperity, just around the
corner! That is the time to tap the
maples and get all ready for the su-
gar harvest,
The long, rigorous sway of ice and
snow recedes.,anore and more as the
staple season advances. Everyone is
glad to see olcl winter in full retreat
with spring dawning, ,While we are
appreciating 'the fadeout of winter
we should also 'feel grateful to those
Indians who first wrested from the
maple its secret of tasty'sweets,
The mighty gtty hunter, Wotcsis, ac"
cording to one of the interesting leg-
ends that the Indians know, went out
one day in search of game while h
diligent squaw, rMoipua, busied horse
in slaking hint some moccasins, 'F
the evening meal of her lord she boi
ed some moose meat in the- sae
water of a staple, .But she forgot ti
meat, and the sweet 'water tlhickene
into 'a sirup,
t\Vhee \hroksis returned he found
ready for his supper such a dainty
dish that lie ate it with the greates
gusto, "Wonderful I" he exclaimed.
Of course, it was a common custon
among the tribes to sweeten meat by
boiling it in the maple sap, but not to
forget it. According to aaotehr ver-
sion, the Squaw so !feared the wrath
of her husband over her forgetfulness
that she hitt herself. Heating no out-
burst upon his return, she crept back
to the lodge to see what could have
ha•ppetred. There she found Woksis
dining delightedly on the sirup and
neglecting the moose meat.
When the owner of a sugar staple
grove now taps his trees he is doing
precisely what the native redskin's did
long before the white ratan invaded
their lands. When the owner pro-
cesses this sugar !water into sirup and
sugar he is only doing what the In-
dians .did hundreds of years ago, The
method or system of these genuine
natives was coarse rand crude; hut
they were the first people known to
obtain sweets from the maple trees.
Thr earliest sugar makers among
the whites 'shushed a tree with an ax
and drove a stout chip just beneath
the cut; the soap trickled down the
chip and into a trough hollowed our
of a 'basswood log. This system gave
tray to the use of an auger for boring
into the tree, and an alder stile re,
placed the wooden chip while wooden
buckets served as sap containers,
However, absorption. by these wood
containers caused fermentation that
made the product much less d'esir-
able. Nowv metal spites and metal
buckets have shoved the wooden ut-
ensils into teh bacicground, In the old
clays, the sap was boiled in an open
kettle; bits of wood, bark and leaves
dropped in so freely that the sirup
and sugar were filled with impurities.
The open kettle has been displaced
by inclosed evaporators, The process
from the tree to the finished product
has been shortened more and mot''
because it was discovered that the
least possible exposure to the air
keeps the sugar lighter in :color and
'ncreases its value on the city market.
'Before the white' matt came the
natives had clone their boiling -down
sy heating stones and dropping then'
tiro hewed -out logs 'filled with the
sugar water. They knew' nothing
about straining the sirup; they cared
ess about the debris that fell into it,
To them its .sweetness was all-import-
ant. Having no metal utensils, they
used heated stones in wooden vessels.
Years ago, the making of the staple
—in— .
It's a Scream
Comedy , Cartoon
Mon, -Tues. -Wed., Apr. 30, May 1-2
A Great Circus Story
Comedy News Reel
Thurs.-Fri,-Sat., May 3-4-5 '
"The Little Giant"
is Don't miss -seeing Edward G. Robin -
if ,son as the tough guy crashing society,
Comedy Cartoon
1- Coming May 7-8-9—Mae West in
enterprise, !las placed tine Province in
product had the Frolicsome spirit of
the odd -fashioned barn -raising, chop-
ping bee, husking and apple bees.
The whole neighborhood' jointed hands
n in the maple ,season, \\Ylhett the sugar
water thickened by boiling and was
ready for the "stir -off", each person
would take smite Of the hot -sirup,
then drop it in the clean snow or beat
it until it formed a cake of sugar,
ICverybocly participated in the 'glee-
ful frolic of eating sugar- freshly made
from the sugar maples.
'There w -as other "jaws work" too,
for a wide variety of wholesome .fun
featured the occasion, The people
brought pats and :pans of' doughnuts,
corn bread, .boiled eggs, preserves,�'
pies land chicke,t. They bakedz' ata-.
p .,
toes. 'They Ibrew•ed tea over an out-
door afire, Such feasts were 'fit for any
king, Pranks were played. Everybody
smiled and everybody laughed, the
louder the better,
)Sugar -snaking time was truly good-
will time. Why? Perhaps. the, best
reason was the knowledge of wint-
er's retreat 'before- spring's advent
with milder weather, The people
should be cheery when the thermo-
meter ceases its below -zero readings.
Distinctively North American are
these sugar camps, Besides 'Canada,
the States is the only country that
knows such activities. In the "north
woods" of lower eastern Caande, and
in New England, nearly 201,000, 09.,,
agar trees are tapped annually, Wir
Climatic conditions quite notice-
ably affect production. 'If the wind is
moderate and the weather not too
warm, with the sky clear. the yield
will be gratifying; but if these con-
ditions clo not' prevail, the growers
may be disappointed. There should be
a succession of freezing nights and
thawing clays. Ordinarily, the run ex-
tends three weeks, but sometimes it
exceeds a month, The trees average
10 to 20 gallons of sap; 50 gallons saf
the sugar water make one gallon of
sirup or about six pounds of sugar. A
camp n•umberisg ,100 trees should
produce 200 pounds of sugar or 30
gallons of sirup,
There is something poetic and es-
pecially proper about the satisfying
thought that nature 'has provided
sturdy shade -giving trees with a
street sap coursing through their
veins. There is something woefully
trnpoetic about the fact that we do
not always appreciate her 'kindness
enough to garner the sugar content
so cunningly stored ottt of the sight
of mankind 'bust revealed to us by the
red -skinner! natives.
today—Low down -payment;_ -
Drive it foda .easy terms
D Y C ora e Sea
..... ort