HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-04-26, Page 3THURSDAY, .APRIL 26, 1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE THREE HURON NEW S 'Layton -Powell. --- A quiet wedding. was solemnized at the Ontario '.street :United church parsonage, Olfntou, when -Myrtle II:rene,• daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank 'H, Powell of IGode- riclh !township was joined in wedlock to (Elliott IF, iR. Layton, son of (Mr. and IivLrs, :Frank tl.ayton of ,Clinton, They ,will, reside in Clinton. Mr, Lay- ton is associated with his father in conduc'tin.g a garage and gas station at the eistean, edge of Clinton. •Late Mrs. Wm. 'Fletcher, Exeter.— Death removed a life-long and re- spected resident of the (Exeter coittn-. 'nnuriity in the person of Mrs, Wm. nFileteher, who passed away at the age of 715 years, She 'was born nnI last is not thought to be just quite Usborne township, Ther maiden name entirely exactly in the best interests of the people it Was originally in- tended to serve. Rather than a fus- ion of'opponsition forces, it was, if you they moved to Exeter, 'Mr. Fletcher 'will, pretty much of a confusion of predeceased by 118 years. Two dough- mixed interests. To my thinking the 'ters survive, 14rs. 'David Goulding; of 'harmers or rather their leaders sold iKirkton, and Mrs, Thos, Allen of out too clean to their big advisors, the Farquhar. Site is also survived by :five 'Liberals, The nominee of the 'Con- tbrofhers`and one sinter, Seven grand- ven'ti;on ds not, as alleged in the Lon - sass, ane granddaughters and one don papers on Tuesday morning, a great grandson also survive, free, straight, independent candidate. THE SOUTH HURON PROG- RESSIVE CONVENTION TION 0 perhaps more so. I subunit there should never have been a depression •iti Canada had leg- islators in that period been ,national, competent and .provident, We were the best suited of any country of the world to have avoided it. But it is -here no less, with a vengeance, Land prices are cut right in two, commod- ity 'prices dropped to a new low abb. (Banks and the field's of High Fangled !Finance were let run riot, and interest rates for the Big !Shots have stayed right up there, Never 'budged. So Hunch and so on, The only thing !we can do now is to end this state of affairs in 1034, and things will gp well again. Never let it be repeated .for a repeater is worse than its ancestor; Farmers and tAgriclpture are •the backbone of this Canada. We are fully .70% strong in Huron !South and don't need, there- fore to take a back seat from any- body, politically or any other way. Further, I submit that if you save Agriculture, you save Canada; slam it and you slain 'Canada. When the .go- ing is goad for the Farmer those l oth- er big birds "go like Bell" too. The sitting member for this riding should always be a farmer. Let To- ronto city be represented by the oth- er society—anything is good enough' .for them, Give the 'farmer represeuta-! tion on the floor of the I-Iouses and those other factions of society 'would take it dying down. I would state fur-! ther that this is going to be a little' man's country from 11934 onward. The :Big (Shots have made a mess of it this •time, The 'Big Man has always lots of 'Dollars' but the 'little man has most sense. d submit 'for the approval of the people of the South Riding of Huron that if the committee on resolutions at the, recent convention does not withdraw the published designation of their candidate as a straight Inde- pendent candidate within one week's tithe, I will oppose him. In the event .you consent to run him as of Liberal -Progressive 'breed- ing 1I may perhaps not do so. 'I will await your option in the natter. W. W. COOPER, Kippen. Ont., Apr, t30, 1934. 'South 'Huron. Mr. COOPER AGAIN PROPOSES TO 'CO'NTE'ST ELECTION— ISSUES ULTIMATUM, Editor The 'Seaforth News, The outcome of the :Progressive convention in Hensall on 'Monday being !Emily !Stratton, !She was unit- ed ie marriage to 'William •Fletcher and after they retired from the farm He took the Oath of lAlllegiance pro - Vire in Attic. — At 3.39 p.m, an •perly and only to the iLiberal party; Thursday afternoon the Mitchell Fire swallowed the whale contents of the brigade was called to the residence of convention with the exception of the E. W. Faw'n an telt corner of ,St, Dry .Content and ,emerged from the 'David and Charlotte streets, Mitchell, convention All Wet. The tBig Four` to a dire 'whidh looked as though it quartet in South Huron Liberal poli- would be serious. Mrs. Fawn was tics properly dominated the meeting, raking up leaves on the lawn and and played their cards well for the .went into the house for a few min- winning -of t'he game for their own Utes and on hearing crackling up- party ends in the years that are to be. stairs, went to investigate. A neighbor These seine four 'Big Shots would living next door, rushed in stating like to use ,farmers as the ,Shakespear- that he noticed( smoke corning ran ass 'Go convey their burden where through the roof: He found the attic they will, then to turn trim out to full o'f_ smoke and on 'fire. They im- shake his ears and graze in Com- mediately sent in a fire call. The ori- mons. gin of the fire is not 'known, and was !But not So any longer in South soon extinguished. Huron polities will the sante four Died at ,Goderich.--7oseph Beech- 131g Shots be allowed to use farmers der, highly respected resident of God- as stool -pigeons to further their own erich for ,31.3 years died suddenly at outworn party ends: They belong to his home on ,Park street iGoderich, in the old school of politics. Let then his 56th year. He had been in poor pass, The newschool that is to be health. I3e was born in Elora Town- has fully made its appearance. Let it ship, Perth County, and came to God- live, Young Canada is here. erich township as a .small boy,, I -Ie The !Farmer in the past has not •started 'farming in (Colborne Town- received a Fair (Deal at the hands of ship at the age of 211 years, removing either of the old line parties. With to-:Goderichh in 109.131, where 'he was your approval, in the future this will engaged as a building contractor, For- be amended, ty-two years ago lie married hiss Ida My the way, -these dour Big Shots Ashton, daugther of the late Mr. and in South Heron Liberal tactics are .Mrs. Thomas Ashton of Colborne Tp. not dormers, So now just let me tel; !Besides anis widow, two sons Alonzo you exactly what breeds of society at 'home, and George, who is in bus- they belong to: One is a' Doctor, one iness, also five brothers and four sis- a (Dentist, one is a,Lawyer, one is a ters—,August, Vancouver, Jacob in Hardware Man. Each of the Four by Waterloo; Peter and J. 'E., Goderich, reason of their professional rights and Arthur, Detroit; -firs. Long, of and legislative privileges ¢luring the aloyre, BC, Mrs, Jake Volliner, Sar- last two decades of years have waxed iia, Mrs. Morris, Sarnia, and Mrs. fat from .profits, often at the expense Mary Dentinger, London, The funer- of the farmer. These four big fellows, al took place Saturday morning from leaders of the !Farmers, 'have no iSt. 'Peters Church, Goderic'h, doubt made money even in these days Brock -Morley. — A quiet wedding but that is about all they ever have was solemnized at the United Church to their credit, parsonage, Centralia, when Marion 'It is quite time Fartners ceased to IRu•t'h, second daughter of Mr. and he rubber Stamps in politics, The Mrs. William Morley of Usborne tp., became the ,bride of Russell !Freels - En Melville Brock. Rev. R. N. Ste- wart officiated, The !young couple will Liberal party has pretty well ceased be the real people's party of his- ony lore. The Liberal party in their administration of this country in reside in Kirkton, where the groom those post-war days in office contrib- is employed 'by the Blanshard Muni- uted quite as much to present day 'cipal Telephone Co, conditions as did the party high, A NECESSARY PROVISION . (The current monthly letter of the !Canadian 'Bank- of !Commerce, in dealing with the subject of power supplies and requirements at the pre- sent time, confirms strikingly the conclusions reached by Do. F. A. Gaby, Chief Engineer cd the Hydro - Electric 'Power Commission of On- tario, in his comprehensive published analysis of power trends, The provision of adequate electric- al power to meet actual demands, with reserve nargain to ensure con- tinuous service and to take upthe temporary slackening that occurs during depression, is a subject re-. gardimg which many conflicting state- ments have been made, but which can readily be understood if the basic considerations' set out in these sur- veys are kept in mind. The first consideration is, what does past -experience indicate as a necessary provision for future needs? In other words, what has been the past normal rate of growth in de- ! mend ? 1 !Broadly' speaking, growth in 'elec- trical demand in t'he nose populated portion of ,Ontario during the eight- een years up to 11930 was of the order of 1111 per cent per year, a rate of growth that had been consistently maintained 'throughout this long per- iod. The arrangements for new power supplies to meet these growing de- mands must the taken in hand well in advance, because it .takes severa'1 years to arrange for water -power leases, to draw up designs, and to carry out construction projects for large hydro -electric power plants, This, on a million -horsepower sys- tem, means that 'hundreds of tbow- ands of horsepower must be planned or contracted for and under construc- tion, in addition to the power actual- ly in use at any time. The other main consideration is, how much reserve power capacity in sasassiszassass BLYTH. The marriage took place on Thurs- day, April 19, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. ,Russell Fear, _Morris township, hi her only daugh- ter, Nellie to Redvers Buller, of Rid- getown. (After a wedding breakfast Mr, and Mrs. Boller left for their fu- ture home. IDr, Thomas' Eclectric'011 is not a• jumble of medicinal substances' thrown together and pushed by ad -I vertising, but the result of the careful, investigation of the 'healing qualities) of certain oils as applied to the hu- man body. It is a rare combination! and it ,won and kept public favor. from the first. Atrial of it will carry conviction to any who doubt, its power to repair and heal. WHEN your wife goes away for a visit ... and your young son raises Ned ... a;. d you car'a't do anything with him .. . Comet his Mother o'n Long Distance . it's the sagest Way to bring- her home. You don't have to be a family man to find a friend in Long Distance. It will help you out in many ways, quickly, easily and inexpensively. You can talk 100 miles for as little as 30c. See list of rates in the front of your directory. excess of actual demands is it consid- ered good practice to maintain actual- ranging new sources of power to ly available? To care :for ordinary op- erating contingencies and ensure continuous reliable service, marry large power undertakings keep a re- serve or spare capacity on hand of 30 per cent or nnore, The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of ,Ontario, with its uniformly high standards of con- struction and other favourable cir- cumstences, is able to maintain - its service with a minimum reserve cap- acity of but 30 per cent. These mini- mum percentages apply 'to prosperous times, and represent the desirable spare capacity at the time of the day and year that the power demand is greatest, :Of course, when the factories shut down ,for the night, extra reserve ca- pacity corresponding to their temp- orarily discontinued power demands must be kept available until morning, Correspondingly, when there is an industrial depressiou, extra power reserve capacity in accordance with the amount of idleness of factories must be kept on hand. 'Otherwise the factories could not resume operation and re-employ their workmen when the dawn of recovery appears, ilf, tip to the beginning of the de- pression, the power authorities have been faithfully and wisely carrying out their duty of planning and ar- • MinEMINIMENIIIMISIONIMINORMIEMEMINIMII Y .,�,ct,� ,ry t' r heck • We Tire Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back, Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere, Get our Quotation on Your Next Order, • eaforth . News SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, meet normal growth of demands, the extra., reserve pover for recovery from depression will he available when needed, :and the factories will not have to wait for power plant; to be constructed before they can re- sume operation, (In some of the 'larg- er municipalities there is as 'much as 30 per cert of the electri'tl motors idle due to the depression.) This i, the fortunate position which the power users of Ontario and their employees are in to -day, The IIydro- 'IElectric .Power Commission in 1029 had arranged for power supplies to become available year by year up to 1936-7 from the only economical sources available to it—namely, from its new Chats aFlls pl.utt and from purchased power. The quantities pro- vided were moderate, being 30 per cent less than the fall amount re- quired to take care of an eleven per cent rate of growth for the period concerned, However, as a .result cf these provisions, the Commission at the end of 1033 had a total commerc- ial capacity ,of 1;'257,000 horsepower for the industries and other power users of the great 35 -cycle Niagara system. This affords reserve :power capacity, above the reduced primary power demands at this stage of the depression, of nearly 3115,000 horse- power, Unless recovery from depres- sion is exceptionally rapid, this quan- tity should be :sufficient to safeguard Ontario industries and workmen from time disastrous delays that, without such power reserves, would have hampered the process of return to fuller activity,—a 'beginnin.g of which is now fn evidence. Of course, in the meantime, until general industry fully resumes its normal demands for power, it is im- portant to keep the cost of maintain- ing these necessary special power re- serves as logy as possible. The Hydro `Commission is accomplishing this through contracts under Which the reserve power is used for producing Process steam, but such power can immediately be withdrawn at any time it is required ,for the Hydro mu- nicipalities or far the maintenance of a supply of Ifinim power, As a result of these efforts, there was in December, 1931, no commercial power capacity idle on any of the Commission's sys- tems owned by Hydro municipalities except the (Niagara system, and even on that system, the amount of un utilized commercial capacity was less than 1105,000 horsepower, or 110 per cent of the 1,2517,0010'horsepo'twer total available. When it is remembered that a .large proportion of Ontario's industrial ca- pacity and of 'Ontario workmen were still idle last December, it cannot truly be contended that the Commis- sion's action in providing, the mod - era te od-erate quantity of 3115,000 horsepower —of which only 111215,000 horsepower W is ,die to take up the' slack of Nia- gara system demands, has been other than a w„e and necessary ssfegeand, Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is re- markable in its quick,' effective ac- tion . c -tion,. ,Relieves instantly bnrns,spra- ins, toothache and neuralgia. IInval- uaible for sore throat, croup and quinsy, WALTON. :Folio wing an illness of only a few days and bedfast for only two days, death claimed one of Mitchell's most highly esteemed residents on Satur- day evening in the person of 'James . Bell in his 93rd year. Mr, Bell was horn in County Cavan, Ireland, sons of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph, and came to Canada with a :brother at the !age of sixteen, coming tet Hibbert Township, where they .farmed, On 'December 25, 1867, he married Eliza- ' beth liza-`beth Gray after which they took up farming in Slibbert, later moving to ' Melkihop township and 22 years ago they retired, moving to Mitchell. Mr. Bell possessed a mild disposition and • a sterling character, and was highly respected by all who knew- him. Be- sides his widow he •leaves to mourn{ their loss, three sons,Tames H. Bell, Stratford; Soloman Bell, Toronto, and Edward Bell at home; three daughters, Mrs, Geo, '':Richardson and Mrs, :I -I, N. Irvine, Toronto, and Mrs. PT. Stimore of Walton, also 14 grail - !children and 7 great grandchildren, 1 The funeral was held from his late home In Mitchell Tuesday afternoon, Interment in 'Brussels Cemetery. QUATERNION The word "quaternion" occurs only once in the Bible, Acts 1112:4, where we are informed that Peter, after his arrest by Herod, was put iu charge of "four quaternious of soldiers"; but we .learn from other writers the meaning of the term. ilt appears that the Romans divid- ed the night into four watches of three hours each; and in setting a mil- itary guard they appointed a quater- nion (a squad of four men) to be on duty during that period. During the night each anon in arc'session was on guard for three hours while the other three slept; 'hence in the case of the "four quaterniois" mentioned in tilt book of Acts, there were always four men guarding Peter, while the re- maining 12 were temporarily off duty. !While "quaternion" is not ,used with reference to the "watch" which was guarding the tomb at the time of the Resurrection, it has been inferred that a similar plan was used on that on- casion. '(Mat, 2.7:&5, 66.). There are dolphins that are true fish, bat the dolphins now tinder dis- cussion belong to the mammal class. They are descendants of animals that once dwelt on land, proibabiy had four legs, anis had a distinctneck bo-. ttveen head and body. The hind legs have become modi- fied to form the wbalelike flakes, while the forelegs have been short- ened .and the bones fused fo '. form • paddles that resemble the .finsof fish. The head and mouth have become flattened, All ocean travelers have seal alo1- phins maples,. They travel in schools and seem to have onthing to do ,but chase one another about, now and then breaking the water to lift thetn- scaass com:nletely into the air in gen- tle carves. Dolphins a'ndporpoises are the same to most sailors; but .actually, *y. smite different. (Porpoises are the grunting, lazy blowers met at •.harbor an trance;, Th ey are utore conn ni:on,