HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-04-26, Page 1Come, 0 Swallows, and stir the air,.
For the buds are all bursting ^unaware,
And the drooping eaves and the
elm -trees long
To hear the sound of your low
sweet song."
But just when the dingles of April
Shine with the earliest daffodils,
eaforth e
When, before sunrise, the cold clear
Gleam with a promise that noon
Deep in the leafage the cuckoo cried,
Perch'd on a spray by a rivulet -side,
"Swallows; 'O Swallows, come back.
To swoop and herald the April rain"'
--Edmund Vlrilliam Gaspe.
Phone 84.
• Regularly
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Prince Edward Island Certified
Seed Potatoes, per pk.
per basket
CORN STARCH . , , ,3 lbs, for 25c
MACARONI 5 lbs. for 25c
M P Per 'MAPLE SYRUP.. , p rallon 2.00 g
CHEESE, 2 pk. for, . ,
@ 75cper can
in one hour ....@ 45c, 75c, 1.40
Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and Fea-
thers taken as cash.
A■ u ,i. d e
The death occurred ,at her resid-
ence on Market street of Minnie Is-
rael, an esteemed resident and wife
of Mr'William 'Cudmore. She had
been in ill -health .since last 'January,
'but hopes were entertained for her
recovery until recently. Mrs. Cud -
more, who was '55 years of age, was
born in 'Listowel In 1901' s'he was
married in iSeaforth to William Cud -
mare and .had resided here ever since.'.
Mrs. ,Cudmare ,was a member of
)Northside United Church and the W.
M. 'S. and Ladies" Aid 'Society and
for a number of years was a valued
member of the choir. Surviving are
her husband, three sons, !Frank, To-
ronto; IJa'ck and William, Seafor+th,
and two daughters, Miss Evelyn ,Crud
more, lR.N., Toronto, and Miss Mar-
garet Cudmore, at home, also three
brothers, George Israel, Seaforth;
'Russell, Windsor, and Harry, Walk
The ,funeral was held. Saturday af-
ternoon at 2 o'clock from Northside
United 'C'hu'rch, and -interment: in the
Maitland Bank cemetery. Rev. W. P.
'Lane officiated. The 'pallbearers were
her three brothers, ,Harry, Russell
and 'George 'Israel, . Dr. 'Cudlem''Bryant
(Toronto), D. Simpson and S. ''Cud -
.more. Among these- 'froma distance
.attending the the funeral were' Mr.
and Mrs. 'Russell .[Israel of 'Windsor,
Mr. Harry IIsraei of Wa'I:kerville, Mr.
,and Mrs, Ed. Daley and daughter
Dorothy of 'Walkertoln, Mr. and Mrs.
McILaughlin of ,Parkhill, Mrs. Lou
IHorfon of +Osluaiwa, Dr. Brya,nl of
Toronto, Dr, and Mrs, H'o•hnes of
W. I.
'The 'Junior Women's 'Institute 'w'i'll.
hold their, regular nmeeting on Wed-
nesday, May 'and, at the - home of
Miss 'Helen MclKet"cher, Poll call
will .he'sansw'ered with payment o•f
the membership fee.
ip:ease note. the change' oof elate.
North Side United Church—Pastor
Rev. W. P Lane, B,A.
'Sunday, April
10 a.m., Sunday IS'choo'1 and 'Bible
1111 am., IPulblic Worship. Subject,
"Spoiling the 'Good,"
7 p.m., !Public 'Worship. 'Subject,
"The All-iKn'owing God."
!Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A.,
Sunday, April 29,-10 a.nt,, Church
School and Bible 'Study, d;l' a.m., "T'he
foresight of Christ," the 5th in a ser-
ies "From Passiot`t" to Pentecost,"
7 P.m.—Stories told by Jesus and re-
called after the Resurrection, "The
Draw Net."
'Services April 29th. Fourth Sunday
after :Easier. 'Sunday School and
'Bible 'Class, 10 a.m.; Morning service
and sermon, 'all am.; ;Evening service
and sermon, 7 p.m. Canon E. Apple -
yard, 'assisted by Rev. Canon A.
Smith, All welcome,
The annual meeting of the (Huron;
Presbyterial V\T'M,IS, of the United
Church will be held in Wesley -+Willis
Church, Clinton, on Tisesd'ay, May 1,
at 9.30 a.m, the executive meeting at
9.00 a.nt. sharp, Mrs. Herbert Childs
of London and Dr, IRetta Kilborn of
China will be present to address the
gathering. As many as possible from
all the Auxiliaries are urged to at-
In spite of the rain a good numb-
er were at IEgmonciville Church for
the Young People's meeting on Mon -
lay night. During the prograln inusi-
cal selections, pieto'o duet by the
Misses Whitmore and a geitar-
mouth organ solo by Jim MclGregor
were very much enjoyed. Glenn (Hays
gave a very interesting paper on
"W'hi'ther Canada," discussing the
political, economic and moral phases
of he Canadian life, The Society
were very much pleased with 'lois dis-
cussion. Miss 'Mae Wallace conduct-
! ed the social h'al'f hour with. some
ndw !games. Themeeting closed with
the .National Anthem and the Mae-
p'a'h benediction.
The meeting of the North Side Un-
ited Church was held April ,24th led
by 'Miss 'Hellen. .Britton, devotional
convener, After the usual sing -song
the Lord's prayer? was repeated in un-
ison. Hymn 1901 was stung and Mr.
Lane then led in prayer. Scripture
reading was taken by Allan Keyes.
Miss .Ruth Thompson sang a solo,
"Jesus is My lNeightbour," which was
enjoyed by all. The topic was ably
taken by M'r. 'Hoyland. and everyone
enjoyed it. The discussion followed;
led by Helen IBri'tton, After singing
hymn '318'0 the meeting closed with re-
peating the M•hzpah .benediction.
The .Following front the ',Buffalo Ev-
ening News refers to 'a'foriner resid-
ent of Se'alforth, Mr. Harold Hender-
son; "Three Buffalo residents were k-
ilned in a head-on c'ollis'ion of autos
lake last night at (Oliver and Eighth
avenue, They were: Harold M. 'Hen-
derson,.?3, of ;11589` Mao street, B'u'f-
falo, driver of one, of the cars; !George.
-1: Adams, n11t of 11231 Jefferson av-
enue, and Mrs. Mae 'W'al'tz, 318, o'f S18
04or'th'lancl avenue. Their car collided
with one driven by 'Stanley Wes'lo}v-
s'ki, 29, of 23 Eighth avenue. ;Hender-
son suffered injuries to his right knee,
Mrs. •\Wetz received bruises on the
right leg and Adams , -suffered injuries
to his right knee."
The anuiral meeting of the I-Iuron
Football Association was held at the
Dick House ott Monday evening with
a good attendance, Chubs represented
were Walton, Bruce'fieid, Winthrop,
'Brussels, Kippen, Ethel, St, 'Coluan-
dan, S•eaforth and Egnt,ondville.
'President 'Leo Stephenson presided,
and in the absence of the secretary,
Mr. P. G, Little acted as secretary 'for
the meeting. The routine business
was transacted and the registration
commissioners' report was given and
adopted by the members present. It
was moved by Art Nicholson' and
seconded by Robert IBea'ttie that Fes-
gus Bullard and Jim, Buchanan be
paid one dollar each for two meetings
as reg. commiss'io'ners. This was ad-
apted. A short address was given
by the ]'resident, Mr, Leo Stephen-
son, which was m'uc'h .appreciated by
all. Moved by VVm. Ilutnphries, sec-
onded by Robt, Beattie that the 'Inc
of a referee be 50c and all clubs entry
fee be '$700 plus '100 per signed play-
er, Carried. T'he presidency was
again tendered to Mr. Leo 'Stephen-
son, who declined, stating he had
had the position for two years and
would dike to see the honor passed
around. The following officers were
elected: President, George Swan,
B'rucefield; 'first vice "president, Parc,
Little; secretary -treasurer, A. W.
'Dick; Reg. 'Comm., Le'o Stephenson,
J. Aikenhead and W. 'Humphries;
auditors, S. Jackson, Frank Sills,
Committee—!Seaforth, S'arn !Jackson;
Walton, 'vV'nt, Humphrey; 'St, Caitlin -
ban, Jas. Carlin; Winthrop, Fergus
!Bullard; Egnio•ndville, A. Nicholson;
Brucelfield, J. ,Aikenhead; Brussels,
A. Hogg; Kippen, V. McLean; Ethel,
]Geo, IKrauder. An honorarium of $5
was voted to the secretary for his
duties in 1930. A hearty vote of
thanks was tenderbd the retiring Pre-
sident, Mr., Stephenson, The . new
'President, Mr, Swan, them took the
chair and closed the meeting.
Schedule is to be arranged , and
-fees to be paid May ;116th,
Tack • McKay, Kippen, was 'added to',
the list of 1934 referees. There was
some discussion in regard to players
and the decision was that players
must play with nearest club, the six -
mile rule to be strictly enforced. The
matter of l'avi'ng outside referees for
'final games was brought up but no
action taken, The 'Club fees are re-
duced from $2 to $1 this year, and
the referee fees ,are reduced from $1
to 150c. The Association is fu excell-
ent +financia'1 condition having a tidy
surplus. An 'active season is anticipat-
ed with .possibly nine clubs in the
'Mr. W. H. 'Golding, M.'P., spoke
on the b'udge't l'o'use iHouse'o'•f Conn -
mons on Monday, The following are
excerpts of his speech from !Hansard:
"I 'think we ought also to point out
that the Liberal party have control-
led the affairs of the country for
some 'twenty-nine years since confed-
eration, while 'the 'Conservative party
and union 'governmen'ts have been in
control `for Thirty-eight years. The
point I,would like to make there is
that the 'Co'nservativ'e party have 'had
more opportunities to show what.
they were able 'to do in "financial way
than 'have the party an this side of
the house. That represents a true pic-
ture of the financial accomplishments
of the two Parties."'„,..
"I would suggest, Mr. Speaker,
that there are other ,problem's to
which serious consideration s'h'ould be
given .in order to give our people a
chance to come through. The various
governments of this country s'h'ould
take immediate steps .to deal with the
problem of the •c'os't of government in
Canada. This may require changes in
the British North America Act; if'
so, well and good. I 'ant quite satis-
fied, however, that it is the general
opin'i'on among all classes of citizens
•that we are being governed and legis-
lated to death. lit does not matter
'where you go, Iw'hether it is on the
street; in the church, on the farm, in
the factory or in business p'la'ces; ylou
hear this matter discussed by every-
one, and it is a probl•ens with which
the Canadian people will have to
dead. In my opinion a committee
should he set up 'by the federal and
provincial governments which sh'ou'ld
be represelittative of :business, indus-
try and the great masses of the peo-
ple, to, investigate and report as to
the solution of what I consider to be
one of our greatest problems, I do
not know that it would not be 'bene
'ficial to have all politicians excluded'
from that committee, in the interests
of the Canadian people; '',hat is tiny
The MacDonald T'hres'her 'Co., ma-
nufacturers of threshing machinery,
of Stratford, have solei out to The
'Robs, Bell Engine & T'hres'her Com-
pany, Ltd., of ISea'farth- The sale in-
cludes patterns, te'mpl'ates, repair
parts for the "Decker" Threshers and
"Decker" Engines.
The MaclDona'ld business was es-
tablished in Stratford about 1118'76, and
the Company was one of the oldest
manufacturers of threshing machinery
in Canada.
"Dad" Stephens and His Bride Lived
in N. Main Street Home.
The house on 'North Main 'Street
which 'Mr, Jahn !Kerr has 'torte: down
this .month was one of the early land-
marks of'Seaforth, It was built about
85 years ago and was owned ,by 'Mr.
Thomas ISte.phens of the 'Queen's
ITlotel'who•lived in it for many years,
after corning to Seaforth in 111805. He
purchased the house from lir, 'Stark,
who had bought it from the builder,
'Mr, C•luff, Thomas Stephens Jr, was
born in it. 'T'he stable on the prop-
erty was built by Mr. 'Stephens for
grain storage as 'he 'was engaged in
the grain trade, and with remarkable
clearness he recalls various altera-
tions and addition's 'made by him to
the house, a stairway was changed, a
porch added, and so forth.
The house was so well built, and
'on a good stone foundation, that the
lumber was still in ,excellent condi-
tion ,and t'he men found it difficult to
tear down.
A Mr, Prindle lived in a new house
on the south side, and from thereup
to Goderich street were several small
shops, ane of which Mr. 'Stephens
acquired for pork pa'ckin'g, also had
another store .for curing pork; it
caught 'fire and burned his storehouse
and also a couple o'f houses. There
were not more than 700 people in
Scaforth when Mr. Stephens came
and t'he .population was scattered.
llr. Dickson bad the postoflfice and
general store at the corner
0f John
and Main street; the ,Hickson general
store and a 'couple of other store's
were on Goderich street near the
Main corner, Tom ;Downey ran the
"_Downey 'House," a frame hotel
where the "Qlueens" now stands;
Mr, :Downey 'had had a hotel on the
'Huroln .Road 'east near the swamp, in
earlier days, 'There was a shoemaker
on the corner where the SA. bar-
racks is, The 'Campbell 'block was the
first large building oil Main street,
About fifty years ago Mr. 'Stephens
was on the Council for three years
and he is proud of a 'tile drain he
had put in then, which is still work-
ing well, On IGader,ch street east ,near
the ,flax mill property where the wat-
er used to lie three feet deep .every
Spring 'before it was drained, Mr.
!Stephens celebrated his 93rd birthday
in February of this year,
'Mr. Kerr intends to ,build a cot-
tage on the North Main street prop-
erty, to which he will retire from
the farm.
The !Horse Shoe Club were the last
of the outdoor recreations to .quit
last hall and they
are 3h'e first to 'begin
i n t'h e Spring, play
'havi'ng started at the
North Main street
"Mt" last week and
continues in spite of
t h e wintry weather.
'Officers? •Complexity of government
is lacking and deficits and surp-
luses, sto'c'ks and (bonds—even divid-
ends ---are unknown in its sulpa:rstruc-
ture—this grievous Pack does not
dampen the ardour of 'the sport. The
Club was 't'oo busy to have an annual
meeting last year but they hope to
have, a formal opening and .present
the Cup soon. 'T'he lace of .one of the
game's enthusiasts, "Jack" Reid, is
missing yet; he is ,laid up just at
present, but his confreres, Henry,
Jack, ,Rorie, Charlie, Tom, 'Worm,
'Fred, Reu•b:, Bob., George, Joe, and
many others are getting limbered up
for the coming se:as'on,
:Our famous and unassuming little.
h'ocicey star, Ralph (Cooney) Weil-
and, 'sou of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland,
arrived home, accompanied by his
'wife on'Monday evening, after a very
successful year with the Detroit
Wings, He .belongs to Egniondville
and we are 'ju'stly proud of him and
glad, to nvelconte hien back on a visit,
We are now showing Spode Dinner-
ware in three very popular and pret-
ty designs, the `Billingsley Rose,"
the "Buttercup" and the "Fairy Dell"
patterns. "Spode" is something in
dinnerware and something better.
The Spode factory has been operating
for two hundred years and producing
always the finest of wares. The "Bil-
lingsley Rose," Spode's Jewel, a hand
painted product, has been continuous-
ly on the market for over 130 years
and still its popularity is on the in-
crease, We shall be very glad to show
you this most excellent dinnerware
which is on view at this store.
Jeweler, Watchmaker & Optometrist
Gift Goods
Phone 194.
Res, 10.
Friends here were sorry to learn
of the death of Mr. W. T. Pinkerton
of Fairbanks, 'Alaska. Mr, Pinkerton
visited here some years ago in com-
pany .with his wife, and also at that
time contributed several interesting
articles about their trip and Alaska
to 'The 'News, .Mr, Pinkerton, former-
ly of Toronto, is survived by his wife
Mrs. Mime .Pinkerton (nee ]'lima
Holmes, daughter of the late William
Holmes of MdlCiliap). flier :brother
is William 'Holmes of Seaforth.
'The following is from the "Alaska
Weekly" pu'blis'hed at Seattle, Wash,
Alter several months in California
for a rest and vacation Mr. and Mrs,
W. T. Pinkerton of :Fairbanks, Mac-
ke, had packed their grips for the re-
turn trip to .the North expecting to
sail at to -morrow's boat, On April
5, lir, Pinkerton* was stricken and
died almost instantly. The funeral
was held in Seattle on April 10th with
services in charge of the Masons,
Mr. 'Pinkerton vas a member of F.
& A. M. Lodge No, 1162 at Tana and
the Blue Lodge of Fairbanks. .He
vas buried in Acacia Mausoleum in
Seattle. One of the most popular men
in the !Interior, Mr. Pinkerton went
into Dawson in '99 and into Fair-
banks in 49013. For 'twelve years he
held the position of postmaster at
Fairbanks resigning to enter the con-
struction and contracting 'business.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Mi-
me Pinkerton, who will remain with
her nephew, John L. !Pinkerton at
5'540 30Th N.,E., 'Seattle, for the pres-
ent.. A •brother, J. Earl Newton, also
lives in Seattle.
The following 'In Memoriam" of
'Wilkie T. Pinkerton is by Mrs. Cecil
Clegg: Who ever knew his nanne
was Wilkie? As "Pink" ar "WT." he
was known to all !Northerners. And
who didn't 'know hint A genial soul,
sociable but retiring, taking a prom-
inent ,part in every activity—civic,
'fraternal,, religious and -educational.
Fraternal 'organizations are very
active In the social and welfare life
of Fairbanks, Alaska, "Pink" was
'especially prominent in Masonic
ones, filling every chair in rotation
and 'being called 'upon over and over
again to officiate its different capaci-
ties at all their public f'uncti'ons. An
installation without ""desk" will be as
not'hin'g worthl
Essentially he was a home man
and was impatiently anxious to re-
turn to Fairbanks. He had even made
all arrangements for the journey
North, even to the buying of the
tickets, when the end came,
giis health had ,been the cause of
hi•s trip with Mrs, Pinkerton to
fa-nia and his physician had. pro-
nounced him released 'from observa-
tion; with even his 'blood press,pre
normal and all complications cleared
IBut who wouldts t welcome pass -
Mg as he did? A slight numbness of
.fingers, a last visit to the doctor's of-
fice to ascertain the cause, 'a recur-
rence of the same :numbness during
the night -and before aid could he
summoned, th.e-journey' into the
"Great Beyond"! But fancy- what it
must have meant to Mrs. ,Pinkertonl
She is at 904 Spring Apartments at
Fifth and Spring, Seattle, and has
Mrs, Al. Hilty with her. _ -
The future plans are ra't'her uncer-
tain and chaotic. Her sudden loss
and the overwhelming shock have
been too great for readjustment, but
she is bearing up bravely. I -asked her
I might write this, "Wink" and 2
having been classmates at Toronto
University in the before -this -century
class of '99.
I\Ve all who knew him well..—and
who didn't, who knew him at all—
often wondered if he ever had an un-
kind thought about anybody ar any-
thing? He never expressed any. Did
anybody ever see him grouchy? Al-
ways smiling, jolly, affable and in-
tensely sincere, enjoying everything
he did and doing it well, loyal in the
extreme and ever ready with .assist-
ance of any 'kind. His keen, active
mind was ever a'Iert in any emerg-
ency. Many a I.iV'orther ler thanks his
lucky stars that he had 'ePink" to
tura to!
!His funeral was held in 'Seattle, on
Tuesday,' April 10th, and was a fitt-
ing farewell to a gallant soul, Many
former Alaskans paid their last res-
pects to his ,memory and glimpsed
his peaceful, serene face for the last
time. His handsome cas'ke't was bank-
ed and surrounded by many wond-
rously beautiful floral offerings. The
services at the hall and cemetery
were conducted by the Masons, with
violin and vocal solos to add to the
impressiveness of their inspiring rit-
ual. "Pink" was laid away in his own
niche in that stately mausoleum at
Acacia—with Earl Borland and Bob
Lavery close byl
Vale, Wilkie T. Pinkerton.
The McKillop •branchof the W.M.
S. of First ]Presbyterian Church held
their ,meeting at the manse last
Thursday after'n'oon, The ladies spent
the 'a'fternoon in sewing, alter which
the president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, con-
ducted t'he devotional period. T'he
program opened 'with the singing of
a hymns, 'follo'wed by the Scripture
lesson take's by Mrs. Helen Mac'Mil-
lan, Mrs, I. B..Kaine led in ,prayer.
"S'tewands'hip" was the subject of the
in'teres'ting topic given 'by Mrs. J. L.
'Bel'], who also read a' letter to the
society from Rev. Allen Reoch of
M'an'churia, Mrs. IT. W. McMillen
gave the Glad Tidings sprayer. Mrs.
IWm. 'Drover read a pleasing article
e'nititled, "What Have You." Another
hymn was sung and the mee't'ing
closed by all repeating the !L'ord's
prayer in unison, The April .meeting
will be held at the home',af Mrs. J, L,
The Egmosdville !Foot (Ball Club
held a meeting on ',Saturday night,
April 28th, to organize a. team te
enter in the 'Huron Feat Bali As-
sociation. The follo]wia g officers were
elected: Jack .Flat!anery, 'Hon. .Pres:;
Charles Kruse, Pres.; 'Wm, Manson,
V'iee-!Pres.; ,Frank Il'ing, ,Sec,-'T'reas::;
Wilson Wright, Manager; Art Nich-
olson, Asst: Manager; Captain, Dan -
Dale; committee—'Leo 1-lieknell, 'Jack
Flannery, Wm, Manson.