The Seaforth News, 1934-04-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
The regular meeting of the \\ \1,S.
tints held in the 'United Church
tam, on \\ t i e day afternoon, ,1pri1
-PA the second vice president,
- Mrs -L. Leeming, presided and open-
ed the meeting with prayer, :\iter
.singing hymn 249 Miss Edna Reid
gave he Bible seudy lesson on josh -
This his was followed. with prayer by
.1kr4. R. Reid. The nnnutes 'o: the last
meeting were read :by- Mrs. tr • Me-
. .Gavin and ad pted. Arrang ncnts
,were then made for the Thank offere
Mg service to be held April 29th at 8
p.m. Dr. Mortimore :\uburn is to
be the . spe gal speaker. Mfrs. E. Rad-
ford and Mrs. C. Fingland were ap-
pofnte,l to iv eye charge of the music.
Miss J, Simpson and Mrs. C. Fing-
lan.l were 'then- appointed -as delegate,
for -the Presbyterial to he held • in
Clinton, May 1st. It was then ag-
reed to have a bulb seed a d plant
exchange :it the • May meeting: Mfrs,
Herb Kirkby and Miss J. Simpson
were appointed to look after the val-
ata m, of eaeh. It was decided that
- each group meet and plan what they
are going to make for the Sale to be
-„eat in June. Eleven metnhers ans-
aned't:he rt!l calf with 144 ladies pres-
ent Hymn 252 was -then sung, fol-
loved by the chapter from the etudy
book on China, which was well given
by Mrs. E Bryans. After singing
hymn 248 Mfrs. Cumming closed the
,meeting with prayer,
The remains of Jahn Joseph Van
Dorreetyu were bratrght to Dublin on
Thursday far burial beside his dear
ani .her, who died almost three years
ago. Bern here nt•te years ago, he wi-
a actin of spinal meningitis. Unus-
ua, y healthy and bright, Itis loss is a
sad bearer einem to his dear father,
iii; elder 'brother 'Brother de Sales,
Presentation Monastery, Montreal;
sig sisters, Mrs, P. J. Tyers, Mrs. Al-
bert Kramer, Sister Mary 'Aloysius
art Sieter Cayeten of St. Joseph's
Community, London, and Margaret
and Rita Theresa at their Stratford
home, Four high school boys, Jack
and Charlie Benn, Jack Malyneaux
and .Gordon Dili, were bearers,
Miss Bridget M. Murphy, who died
'in Losdcn recently, was buried in St,
'Patrick's cemetery an Tuesday last,
"The lady had been in failing health
from the time she contracted rheum-
atism while attending Mitchell high
sehoi”. Rev. Father O'Drowski sang
the Requiem Mass and officiated at
the graveside. The bearers were
Messrs. Frank and David McConnell,
\Vet. O'Rourke. Win, .Stapleton, Jno.
Re -linen -1 and Peter Dill.
In a fen- weeks several families are
:e move; Mr. Phi:ip Kenny has pur-
:ha ei the home of Mrs, Hugh
Flyen, MI.. eel Mr., P, F. Bean will
m ece ., Iit,.hvoy No, 8. likewise Mr.
an 1 Mrs. Win Curtin and son James
.rove Highway 3, the home of
St4.pleta; Mr. and Mrs,
t\•t Carpenter move to the house
f M1 1 - Rel:riend..1rn street,
[ i Mrs, Alex. Darling the e a :,'ea -ant gathering
.en T h urs' _ when 5t. Mary's Angli-
eal Chat (Mill was addressed by
,re- lsn Mrs. Archie Forbes.
S.; 1 tee hear s we'l patronizerl..
Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Byrne of De -
.r sent the week end with friends
Mr. Jahn \f Grath shipped a fine
car load of !taren to Quebec on 'Sat-
Mies Leona efa'.,ney of Hihhert
who has been at home since the
1eatla if her !ather, returned to Lon-
,1.,n a.thin -,n Mo -day to resume her
Miss Ri:a Dorrensteyn of Strat-
i..ri stent the week end with her sis-
,r. Mrs, ,Pacien Tyers of Dublin.
:Much eytnnt by is extended to
Mr, John •D• rreasrey n and family of
Stratford (hiring their •er.t and =ad
ate -et ..meta.
The anneal neeehig of the (`,cholic
lien's f_• i ,t to held :.1 the
.,art s ht 1 1sy^ even- g•. April
1 it'd
The .,r:, .e i ..S1r , J. Stapleton,
t.:e :' . Reports from ,he
different me : set:: of the executive
,,say d that se society has been
cry a tine daring the past. year. The
1 ,tal Printed., .ted. of the year amounted
;696.13, tail dn.bur=events $677,75
and the amount spert on Sociaq ser-
vice n as $185.78. After the business
session ,of`the meeting Rev, .J. Dant-
-ter conmended-.the work of the Lea -
;me and ,and gave the members every en
couragement to carry on the good
work and especially- help those in
need. The toll wing officers were el-
ected for the corning year; Spiritual
Adviser, Rev. J. 'Dantzer; past presi-
dent, Mrs. Jos. Stapleton; president,
Mrs. Terry ,Flannery; ,1st vice preei-
•Ient, Mrs. James O'Reilly; 2nd vice
-president Mrs, (John 'Walsh; 3rd vice
president, Mrs, Dan Cronin; corres-
Farre Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for a rysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream,
C. A, Barber, Prop.
ponding secretary, Miss Teresa
Lynch; recording secretary, Miss
Grace Moylan; treasurer, \Irs, jos.
Kale, A social evening given under
the auspices of the C.W.L. will be
held in -the parish hall on Friday ev-
ening, April 27th.
A well attended meeting of the
Football Club was held at Sr. Colum
ban on the night ,of April 12th. The
treasurer, Joseph Dantzer, read the
report for the year, The Club has had
a very successful year and have some
funds left to start on this year, Mr.
Joseph--Dantzer was also appointed
delegate to the \VIF;A, annual meet-
ing in Kitchener. The following are
the officers for the coming season:
'Honorary presidents, Rev, 'Father
`Dan'tzer, Rev. Father Powell and
Rev, Father O"Drowski. Honorary
'Patron, \Lr, Jos, P. Moylan; presid-
ent, J. J. 'Hollancl; treasurer, Joseph
Dantzer; secretany, John Moylan;
directors, James 'Carlin, Win, Staple-
ton. \Vet. Cleary, Jos. Roach and
'John Flynn. It was decided to enter
the junior 'team in the WF:A. again
this year,
Miss Rose McQuaid, Toronto, is
visiting with her parents,
We are sorry to report Mrs, P. V.
McGrath is on the sick list.
Mrs. jack Krauskopf is visiting
friends in Detroit,
Miss Irene O'Sullivan, Toronto, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mars. James O'Sullivan,
The Literary 'Society are holding a
euchre and dance in the parish hall
n Friday evening, April nth. Ad-
mission 25c.
Mr, and Mrs. Pete Ryan and family
are moving to their net- home in Lo-
gan township,
The following teachers have re-
turned to their respective schools:
Margaret McGrath, Brantford; Lucy
Burke, London, Charles :Malone, to
Windsor; Helen Flannery, St. Aga-
Mr. Jack Cronin and family of De-
troit have returned to Detroit after
visiting friends here.
Mrs, Henry Foley has returned to
Kinkora after spending some time
with her mother, Mrs. John ,Downey.,
The regular meeting of theY:P,S,
was held. April D6th with Edith :Hilden
presiding, The meeting opened by
siniug hymn 562 followed by the
Lord's prayer. The .minutes of the
•rreviotis meeting were read and ad-
.'sted after which the rill call. w is
-:is..ered, The remainder of the meet-
ing ',vas taken charge of 'by Arthur
.\lexa:der. The meeting' opened S"
singing hymn 374 after 'which. Neil'
Montgomery led in prayer. 'rhe Scrip-
e•rn was -eat by Irene Doi -
Yet f' uttr 1 by- an interpretation of
t'•ssure which was read by An-
n-nt 'vale,
\ teadi.,g of "Business and Bigot-
',vas ,given by Thomas Blanchard
ter which a guitar solo which was
leech appreciated by Blanche Peth'-
i, k. The topic, "The iLitenary Heri-
tage of England," was taken by Har -
,1,1 L13 . ton, 'The meeting then closed
by i izing a hymn after which .con-
tests. a.nd a delicious lunch was serv-
Mr. W. J. Johnston of Blyth, who
is one of the largest buyers of hay in
the county, has purchased 75 tons of
baled 'hay' from Miss Margaret Mc-
Millan in Hullett. Mr. Jdhnston has
shipped 1165 cars of hay since last
Mrs. Silas Eyre 'has returned home
a ter spending the winter with her
ons in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. \\r, Irvine have got
nicely settled in their new- home,
Mr. Albert Alexander had the mis-
fortune to lose a fine cow last week.
ltrs. Charlie Eyre is spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. Wren Eyre
of Sarnia,
Mrs. John IElgie has been confined
to bed for the past three weeks; her
many friends are pleased to see her
around again,
31r. ,Harry Chesney purchased a
fine horse last week.
Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Powell were
in Clinton on Saturday attending the
funeral of Mrs. Powell's aunt,
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Murray spent
Sunday with Mir. and Mrs, Garnet
Murray of Farquhar,
The Tuckersmith Aggressive Club
will hold their regular meeting on
Tuesday evening, :April 24th, at the
home of Mr. and sirs. W. Black. The
rol'I call will be answered by "A
Cheer For the !Blues." The topic w -ill
be "Starting Points for 'Happiness
and How the Young Man Can Get
a Start on the !Farm To -day."
Mr. Jas, Allan nI Egmondville spent
a few- days this week with his .son
Edgar Allan,
Mr. Jas, Carnoclhan wears a broad
smile these dlays, It's a boy,
tHazel .Coleman, daughter of Rus-
sell Coleman, underwent an operation
in 'Seaforth hospital for appendicitis
last week and her many friends will
be pleased to know she is rapidly re -
caret -Mg.
Mfr. and Mrs, Malcolm of 'Egmond
ville returned from Toronto on Tues-
day and their daughter 'Betty return
ed with them.
The annual meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute will be held in the hall
on Wednesday afternoon, April 25th
at 2.30 p,tn. The program will be:
Roll call; payment of fees; election of
officers; current events, Mrs. A, Mc-
Lachlan; readings, N,MLJ., Mrs, C.
Bowman; exchange of seeds, slips,
etc,; recipes, desserts, Mrs, J. A. Sad-
ler, Mrs. F. Allen; program cora.
Mrs. D. :McKellar, Mrs. Taros, Laing.
Lunch group 5, As there were very
few- dresses for the parade last month
it was agreed that each member wear
their House dress to this meeting.
We are glad to report that Miss
Muriel Drake is improving after her
Mrs. E. Ankenman, Gowansto'wn,
spent the week end with Mrs, Rev.
Miss M. Hay, Tuckersmith is visit-
ing with her cousin, Mrs. C, Gi1fi1•lait.
Mr. 'Norman Hamilton, Galt, was
the speaker sent under the Ontario
Tempera:nce•'Federation at the Unit-
ed Church last Sunday morning.
Mr. Leslie of Atwood has taken the
position of butter maker at the
\Cr. J seph Yungblut has moved 1:.
his farm west of ,Londesboro and a
Mr. Walden ''has moved to the lYlace
vacated by Mr. Yungblut.
MMr. John Leiper is busy hullin7
clover at present.
Mr, Chas. Stewart has had a very
sick horse necessitating several visits
by a veterinary.
Mr. .George Lawrence is on the
sick list at present,
Mr, M. A. 'Fraser of Stratford was
a caller at Wm. Carter's, on ;Saturday.
Admission 25c. Ladies 15c
Mrs, Readie is in ITamilton attend-
ing the \l';M.l',S. Presbyterial conven-
Mrs. Agues Tufford of Toronto
spent the week end with her sister,
Miss Mary Currie.
Mr. Wm. 'McKaig has purchased a
new car,
t2iss Gladys ;Hamilton visited her.
parents over tlie week end.
Mils Olive Speare who has spent
the winter in Toronto has returned to
her hone in the village.
A play entitled, "George in a Jam,"
will be given by the \Villosvgrove
Young. People in Stalia tomos hall tin-
der the .auspices of Cromarty Ladies'
'Aid on the evening of May ;1113th.
Harold Scotchnter, student of the
Guelph Agricultural College is home
for the vacation.
Mn and Mrs. W. R. Jowett and
daughter Grace who spent the winter
in Florida, arrived home Monday.
On their way home to Billings,
Montana, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Tip-
pet, Mrs. Myrna \\Trigh.t .and Mrs. .0
P. Hanson, spent the week end with
Mr. Tippet's parents here, They are
returning front a very pleasant two
months' stay in Miami, Florida,
.Be at the town hall this Friday ev-
ening and enjoy the play, "Where's
Mr. G. Bettes of Vancouver spent
Sunday tvith •Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Mr and Mrs. Albright of Zurich
spent last week guest of their dant--
auglt=ter, Mrs. Charles Scotchnter,
Mr. ,Fred 'Eckert met with a pain-
ful accident last week while operating
a litter carrier. His hand caught in
the chain taking part of one of his
fingers off.
Of those who attended the Prog-
ressive, 'Liberal' and tln•depend'ent con-
vention at ;Hensall on Monday was
the largest in,history, at 'which James
Ballantyhne od 'Uisborne was chosen
for their standard bearer.
Love-Hoggart.--tA quiet wedding.
was solemnized at the United 'Church.
parsonage, Landesboro, at noon, Sat-
urday, April 114th, when Bertha 'H.,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, And
rew' Hoggart, Hullett, ,was united in
marriage to ;George S. Lose, only son
of Mr. George!R. Love, Walton, Rev.
A. M, Gardiner officiatedr The bride,
charming in white silk net 'aver satin
crepe, wore the groom's gift and car-
ried a bouquet of Briarcliffe roses.
Estella Murphy, acting as bridesmaid,
wore a pretty frock of bluebird triple
sheer crepe. The groomsman was
Frank Kirkby. After the •ceremony
the bridal party returned 'to the hone
of the bride's parents where a dainty
luncheon was served,
The dining room was prettily' dec-
orated in pink and white. The wedd-
ing cake centred the table which car-
ried out the same color scheme, The
groom's gift to the ,bridesmaid was a
silver compact; to the groomsman
gold cuff links. For travelling the,
bride chose green moss crepe dress,
beige coat with accessories to match.
After the honeymoon the 'brid'al
couple will reside on, the groonn's'
farm in McKillop,
Miss Rose Scotchmer of Goderich
township is spending a few days with
her aunt, Mrs. John Scotchmer of
the Bronson line.
),Sr. Walter Green 'has engaged for
the summer with Mir, 4 -en Talbot.
Miss Eliza;bethSnowden entertain-
ed quite antintber of her friends 4Jn
Tuesday evening, last.
,Mr. Geo, Beddoes of Vancouver
was the guest of Mr. John Scotchtner
one day last week.
air. S!an'dy Parsons sold' a fine
horse to Mr. Norris of Mitchell one
day last week,
Mr; 'Harold Penhale- purchased a
fine purebred Yorkshire hog from
Mr. i\Vnt. Livingstone of near Sea -
\Irs, Jas. Stephenson,' has returned
.home from spending a fen- days in
Miss Helen Johnston who uneler-.
wet; operation in Seaforth hospi-
tal and. Master Bobby ;Reid in Clinton
hospital, for appendicitis, are doing
The neighbors gathered ' at Mr.
Marshall's and presented them ' with
a purse prior to their departure for
.Clinton. The evening was spent in
dancing with music supplied by
•Messrs, D'owson, I-I'ayter and Clarke
which was enjoyed by all,
Send us the names of your visitor
We are pleased to see the country,
roads are much improved' after so
much snow and rain.
Mrs: ,Chuter has retiteued from
London after spending a few days
with her daughters and sister, ears,
Mars. 'Coultis 'has returned front the
Clinton hospital where .she went Inc
Mrs, 'Lottie MctA'sh has returned to
London ofter spending a few days
with friends.
MIs. g. L. 'Reid of sL'o'ncl'ote,was re-
newing acquaintances in our vicinity,
While •cutting some kindling for
the fire Mfrs, R.obt, Armstrong had
the misfortune to ralt quite a gash in
her loot. Dr. l]utris of Mayfield was
called and found she had broken a
bone and had cut an artery, the gads
requiring rewire `a few stftohes, It .will:
be a few .weeks before Mrs, Arm-
strong will be able. to be around ag-
ain as the bone was not broken rclean
but was 'splintered in several squall
The regular monthly 'meeting of
Varna Unl'ted W.M.S. was held in
the church on Tuesdiay, April IOth at
2:30 p,ni. with the president, Mrs
Ralph Stephenson, in the &hair. Alter
the singing- of a ,hymn, Mfrs, Pdulter
led .in prayer. The roll call -was 'res-
ponded to by nine members with a
verse of Scripture beginning with the
letter S. The Scripture lesson, P..67,
was: read in unison, The minutes of
the last .meeting were read and ad-
opted The quilt blocks were collect-
ed, ...Miss Diehl and Mrs, 'W, Johnston
were appointed 'delegates' 'to the 'Tres-
byterial to be 'held in Clinton May d.
Readings were given by Miss sDie'hl.
and Mrs. A. ,MicConnell, The study
book on China was 'taken by Mrs.
Sherlock Keyes, Miss `Violet Mc-
Clymont gave a reading urging the
increase in circulation of the'Mission
ary Monthly,
The Live Wire Class ,held their
meeting on '.Friday evening, April
l,3'th with a good attendance. The
president, Ivy Simmons, opened the
meeting with hymn •190, "T am Thine,
0 Lord," :followed by the Lord's
prayer in unison, The 'Scripture Les-
son from 'Rev, 3, Was read by Charlie
Wakefield, and Helen '.Britton then
offered prayer. The minutes of the
'last meeting were read and adopted.
Isabel and Hazel (Jamieson and 'Peter
Dunlop gave a selection on the violin
and guitar. After this se listened to a
debate on 'the sublject, reso'ived that
"The .World is Getting .Better." The
affirmative was taken by 'Ross Mc-
Gregor, 'Isabel lj'antieson, Harold
Longman and the negative by Phyi-
iis Medd, 'Hattie Armstrong, Ben.
,Riley, The debate 'was interesting and
ably contested and the affirmative
won by 3,gth of a point. The judges
were ,Rev. Mir Gardiner, \•fisc Ethel
,Gatviey and Mr. Alvin 'D,odds, Helen
'Britton played a splendid solo, after
which the Live.Wire lGazette, read by
Lorne 'Lawson, prayed very interest-
ing, Mtrs. Ed tDerfance delighted the
etedience with an instrumental, It
gave the class much pleasure to list-
en to a very instructive address from
Mr. Cheoro,s of 'Seaforth on "The
Seven ,Dispensations." He said we
are now in the fifth one, "The ,Dis-
pensation of •Grace," which he ex-
plained as that of undeserving con,-
niunion. The rejected (Saviour is
standing at the door of 'our hearts
waiting to be received and failing or
refusing this tvainderful opportunity
we shall surely suffer:the judgment.
Speaking of the class name, Live
Wire, he hoped that each Wire might
�• ,f
Before Midnight
Comedy Cartoon
Mon, Tues. Wed, April 23-24-25
The Wonder Horse
"King of the Wild
A Picture for the Old and the Young
Comedy News Reel
Thurs. Fri. Sat., April 26-27-28
Here is one to laugh at
Comedy Cartoon
allow hint or herself to be 'touched by
that greater dynamic, ,Jesus, and so
become a greater force 'Inc good, He
extended an invitation to the class
to an ice cream social in the month
of ,June providing the class m'em'ber-
ship reached a ataxintutn -of 05. This
pant o,f the meeting was Closed by
singing hymn 48S and prayer by Rev.
Mr. Gardiner. Lunch was served by
Miss Phyllis 'Medd, Mr, 'Lorne Law-
son, ML. Ross 'MdGregor and Mr. Bill
Jewett. Those responsible for the
splendid programme were ,Miss Ruth
I3ugill and Miss 'Isabel Jamieson.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Farnham and
son 'Donald and the former's mother,
Mrs, .Farnham, of Clinton, visited at
the home of Mrs. Chas. McGregor
and son Ross, on Tuesday.
Mr, 1Wm, Fowler of .Leamington
visited at the home of Mn.'and Mrs.
\Mani, Clarke on Sunday.
Mr. Jack :Ferguson and Mr. E.
Adapts event to Stratford on Monday.
Mr, Adams received word chis sister,
Mrs, Charles. Parson 'had taken a
'tarn for the worse,
Mr, Alvin IS'illery, Miss \Vood and
Miss lee of Seaforth visited the su-
gar damp of Mr. RVi-lliam Britton on
Tuesday to see show the genuine map-
le product ,is made.
...Mrs. Will Carnochan is spending' a
few days w^ith Iter sister and brother,
in T'aronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson went
to ;London on business on Tuesday.
Mir, and Mrs. Thos. Riley visited'
,friends in the village .on :Sunday.
Mars. James Moose and family and
other friends of Toronto, visited t'h
Itoane of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Niehii
coal on :Sunday,
held their regular
meeting on 'Thursday afternoon in the
school roam of the church: The meet-
ing opened with the president, .Mrs,
'Britton, presiding. Sang hymn, "Ln
the Cross of Christ I !Glory," follow-
ed with prayer by the president. Af-
ter a business discussion, Mrs. Leo
!Stephenson gave an interesting talk
from the study book on China, Mrs-
:Hugill read a splendid leaflet do Tem-
perance, Mrs. ,Wheatley gave the de-
votioaal leaflet taken from the Life
of Christ. After. singing hymn, "Bro-
ther, the :faster Beseeches," Mrs.
Lindsay led in prayer, Mrs, Lawson
closed ,with prayer.
Went and Far Sale Ads, 3 times, SOc
always been noted for
its economy. The new V-8
is no exception—itis the
most economical Ford car
ever built. A doctor traveled
6,200 miles to Mexico City
"and back without spending
a cent for repairs. Another
owner writes "I am getting
over 20 miles to a gallon
and never add oil between
1,000 mile changes." Praise
for the 1934 V -8's economy
is piling up—,proving' that
it is the mast economical
car you can own.
Only a V.4 can give V-8 perform.
ance, Ask for demonstration today
—and details of our low down.
payment and easy terms.
Daly's Garage, Seaforth