The Seaforth News, 1934-04-05, Page 4PAGE -'FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS
S'nowd'on Bros., Publishers,
Miss Ruby Young of R atw<anosh
spent the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young.
Miss Laura Manning of Kitchener
spent rhe holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Manning,
Mr, G. Kirkby of Grand Bend is
spending his holidays with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, H, Kirkby,
'Miss 'Edith Ennis of Kitchener
spent the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and :Sirs. J . Ennis,
Mr. and Sirs. Joseph 'Davidson of
London •visited the latter's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph (Bennett.
Mr, C Iennett and \1r. and Mrs,
C. Sellars visited .friends in ''Ileidel-
Miss Mildred Sellars, 'Clayton :Sel-
lars and Ronnie Bennett are spending
their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos,
Sellars, Morris,
Miss Berra iSteiss of Kitchener is
spending the holidays with her moth-
er, Mrs. D. ':Steiss.
The villagers were awakened on
Saturday morning to the call of fire
and found Mr, R. •Marks ' home on
fire. IIt was supposed to have started
from a heated stovepipe. The house
was completely destroyed, just the
furnishings on the main floor being
saved. It is' partly covered with insur-
Sirs, IF, Curley and daughter Mar-
garet and Miss Amy .Lave, Toronto,
are visiting with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. 'J, Love.
Miss Jean 'Drager, of Detroit is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Charles
'D rager.
Miss M. Holland of Espanola with
her parents.
'Glad to state Mrs. George William-
son, 17th Grey, is, improving as well
as can be expected after a serious op-
eration perforated at Kitchener hos-
pital by Dr. Lachnenter,
z\ resident of McKillop signing
himself "Ratepayer" writes that there
have been some narrow escapes of
cars colliding at the Leadbury corner,
and advises that steps be taken to
remove an immense pile of gravel
ten feet high and a pile of road grad-
ers and snow plows. Probably all the
important intersections on the gravel
road s'hou'ld be protected by stop
\\'e are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs.
John Jarrett and daughter, Miss
!Gladys from this vicinity who have
been living in Mr, Eldon Jarrott's
house for a few years. Mr, J. Jarrett
worked during the summer with Mr,
J. H. Cochrane. We wish them every
success in their new home at Kippen,
opposite the manse.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Dick of Toronto
and son, Master Douglas, spent Eas-
ter with Mrs, Dick's .parents, Miss
;Edna G, Cochrane, R.iN., returned
with them for a few weeks' visit to
the city,
Mr. Win, Forrest and friend, of Go-
derich were calling on .old friends in
this vicinity,
Mr, \\run, Jarrott has been on the
sick •list of late. At date of writing he
is slowly recovering, Mies 'Annie, his.
daughter, is somewhat improving,
though slowly.
Mr. John 'Farquhar of Hensall is
spending his Easter holidays with his
grandparents here.
Miss Lettie Love of .Kippen spent
a few days her
a} withparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Love, during the Easter
Miss Mary Hagan, a dressmaker of
Leaden, is an Easter guest with her
sister, Miss Dolly, and brother, Mr,
Mr. Jas. Hagan of Seaforth also
spent a few days at the Hagan home.
Messrs. Frank Hagan and 'John
Baker Jr, were in Seaforth and Clin-
ton recently on business matters,
The Easter bunny was sure in this
vicinity during the Easter holidays.
The children are all delighted with
him; too. Just ask them and see.
The Rev. Mr. Parker of the 'Angli-
can Church
Hensall spoke ver fine
services here !V\ ed
nesday evening in the ,IIilisgreen•
church, Rev. E,' F. Chandler was also
present to take part in the service,
'Sacrament was held on Sunday at
the close of the service, (Rev. E, F.
Chandler in charge.
Mr, Victor Dinnin of S.S. No. 7,
Stanley, is spending his 'Easter vaca-
tion with his parents, near Cromarty,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd OiBrien and
daughters of Zurich spent a day with
Mrs. O1Br-ien's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
We are glad to report that Mr, and
Mrs. Robs, Stephenson and Mrs. ID.
[. 'Anderson who are all on the mend
after being on the sick list for some
time, are improving nicely.
!Miss Helen Anderson of Clinton
high school,' has been home from,
school on account of sickness at her
Miss .Jeanette McAllister of • Hen
sail high se'hool is spending her Eas-
ter holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. McAllister,
Mr. Alfred 'Westgate started his
summer's work with Mr. Jas.. Love,
Farm Machinery and
Cone in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash. -
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
(Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream,
C. A. Barber, Prop,
this week,
Mr. Regus .Bedard of ,Drysdale has
started work for a month with Mr.
Ross Love.
The Aubin children are visiting
their grandparents, \cr, and Mrs.
M. ,Denotnnte of near Drysdale.
Miss Effie Laidlaw of .Forest and
Miss Jean Laidlaw of Goderich are
spending Easter .week with their
mother, Mrs. David Laidlaw,
The Easter thankoffering meeting
of the W.M.S. of the Queen Street
United Church was held on March 29.
In the absence of the president, Mrs,
C, E. Toll presided. 'Meeting opened
with a call to worship, followed by
silent prayer. The prelude was played
softly by Mrs. H. McElroy. Hymn
11719 was then sung, Mrs. Bender offer-
ed prayer. The Scripture Lesson taken
from Luke 24. was read 'by Mrs. 'J. W,
Mills, two verses of hymn 1184 were
then sung; Mrs. _McElroy and Mrs.
Philp gave a piano duet; Mrs. Fill -
born gave "The ,Easter Message, The
Cross for Every One," a trio, "Thine
for (Service, Lord," 'was contributed
by Mesdames H. McElroy, Floody
and Lyon. Our guest speaker, Miss E.
Mitchell, travelling secretary for the
Dominion Board, gave an inspiring
and instructive address on 'VV,M.S.
work, Miss Mitchell has had '119 years
experience in this work and has trav-
elled extensively and was able to tell
us the want and suffering she 'had stet
and also the courage of the people for
what they had endured. A number of
St. Andrew's ,\\'.M.S. were present
and enjoyed hearing the speaker. A
vote of thanks was tendered the
speaker on notion of Mrs. Colclough
and Mrs. J. W. Mills, The Mission
Band gave a very pleasfn4 number,
the offering was then taken and the
dedication prayer was given by Mrs,
Toll. The offeringamounted0
to X33. C
hymn 1187 was then sung and the
meeting brought to a close by payer
by Mrs. •Carr.
\[r,. Oliver Johnston and daught-
ers, Irene and !Betty of Toronto visit-
ed Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Johnston over the holiday,
Mrs, Robt. (Brown of Toronto visit-
ed her sons, Wm. and Harvey Brown.
\fr. Norman Floody of Arkona vis-
ited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D.
Miss A. M. Maines of Toronto vis-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Hazel Betts of London visited
P ;Mr,andVIrs'
J. W.Pet.s
Mrs. (Rev.) W.G Buell is
'rer daughter, Elda in Toronto who is
attending university "there,
Mrs. Nellie Leslie is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Miss (Pauline Robinson of Strat-
ford normal is spending her holidays
with her another, Mrs. J. ID, Moody.
Mr. Reg. Argent of 'Welland teach-
ing staff is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred. Argent.
Miss Lois Robinson of Welland
'eaching staff is visiting her parents,
\ 1 .
c Mrs. R. T
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
was a visitor with her sisters, Mrs. 0,
Tfloody and Mrs, W. Td. Lyon.
Miss \Nelda McElroy of Cardinal is
oenrl her holidays at her home.
Why The Clergyman's Daugh-
ters "Went Wrong"
Science explains t•he distressing
misfortune of a minister whose
laughter chose to marry a criminal
accused of several murders and rob-
beries and whose other child ran away
sncl has 'never been heard from, Read
the article in The American Weekly
with Sunday's Detroit Times,
Mr, Thos. Grasby of Morris visited
one day last week at the home of
Reeve and Mrs. James Leiper. ,
Miss Helen MclGregor who is at-
tending school at Clinton, is home
spending 'Easter holidays; on ;Satur-
day she visited at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. !Jennie Knox,
Mr. Thos. Knox .finished hauling
his logs on Tuesday which he is hav-
ing cut into planks to fix Itis barn
floor, .
The March Ladies' Aid and W.MlS.
meetings of Burns' United Church
were held at the home of Mrs. Bert
:Allen, some of the neighbor ladies of
Mrs, "Allen's group 'helping with the
lunch, The April meeting is to be
held this Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs, 'Wali, Bell.
The missionary quilt, which was
being made by several .of the Mrs,
Wnt, Bell group, was quilted on Mon-
day afternoon of this week at the
home of Mrs. A. W. Beacons, Mrs.
Bell, .Airs. Colson, Mrs, McDonald,
Mrs, V,'•m. 'Knox sr, Mrs, T. Knox,
Mrs. R. Watson and Mrs. I. Rapson
assisting, The Misses Kathleen and
Edith !Beacom served a dainty lunch.
Miss Kathleen 'Beacons expects- to
begin training in Clinton hospital as
a nurse in the very near future, We
wish Kathleen every success as she
has long had a desire to be a nurse
and entered the Stratford hospital to
train a year or so ago but on account
of her health had to give up.
The kisses (Rosamond and Marion
Appleby are spending their Easter
holidays. at the home of their grand-
mother, Mrs, Jennie 'Kn'ox.
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. McE'wing
and Miss Helen motored to a little
the other side of 'Varna on Saturday.
They were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Lloyd and little Tom-
my, Mr. Lloyd .• having secured work
there and hall got .the furniture etc.,
moved on Friday. We wish them
good luck and h'a•ppiness in their new
Mrs. Robert (Ferris, who reached
the good age of 83 years on Saturday
spent part of the day at the home of
her .daughter, Mrs, Win, Bell. We
wish \'Irs. Ferris many happy returns
of the day.
On Monday while home on her
Easter holidays, Miss Lydia Reid,
while ,engaged in preparing a room
for papering, something happened the
step -ladder giving her a bad fall, in
which her s'hou'lder and shoulder -
bone were dislocated, S:he had to be
taken to the hospital where a couple
of X-rays were taken: We wish to ex-
tend our sympathy to Miss Lydia and
wish her a good and also speedy re-
The pa'tron's of the McCallum and
Gray beef -ring got their first beef for
the season on 'Wednesday, this Thurs-
day being Clinton fair day.
Mr. Gordon Snell, who is engaged
to work for Mr. VVan, Murphy for the
summer months, started on Monday
of ,this week.
Quite a number of the young people
in this vicinity attended the dance in
f.ondesboro Tuesday night, reporting
a good time. V
m ham orchestra fur
wished the music.
The following is the report of the
Easter exams held at S. S. No. 6,{
Leiper 63%.
Sr. I•V,-W:ilma Shepherd 81, Jim
McEw'fng 74.
Jr.I'V.-Gordon MoGregor 1,8,
Sr. T'PI.-+Laura Leiper 61.
It. -'Jean Rapson 59, Ross •Leiper
I-IA.I'vin Nicholson 59.
Pr.--'Keth3een Roe 178, ;Archie Watt
Pupil Puiii'I (hh
aving leas t mistakes in
Spelling for the past month was Wil-
ma Shepherd; in Arithmetic, .Gordon
Lydia L. Reid, 'reacher.
Special prices until .April 144th in all
Feeds. Timothy, White Clblver seed,
also a quantity ,of Oats for seed.
Quantity of timothy hay. Ayrshire
bull and Jersey, cow for sale 'or would
-oneider exchange on grass cattle
Phone' 26. :1'
,(C, A M,) \
0, Thou Spirit of ,Christ, the Lord, -
Thy Truth secure upon the Throne;
Thy love the bond of union there;
Thy Righteousness, the Law alone;
Thy Peace, the Rest which angels
Thou art the Conscience of the ,Hosts
.of Heaven,
0, Thou Spirit of Truth revealed, -
Un fold
evealed,-Unfold thy Will to stolid mind;
Destroy the doubts which trouble
Teach 'hint to know Thy Way is kind;
And gently lead !tint in Thy plan;
IBe thou the conscience of the souls of
0, Thou Spirit .of Love Divine,
Thy ten•derness;-misunderstood;
Thy comfort is to all who (fall;
Companionship and Brotherhood,
True 'Fellowship, thy strongest •tail;
Be thou the conscience of the church
of Christ.
0, thou !Spirit of ,Righteousness, -
Break down the barriers of caste;
Let Clan be just to Stranger's Claim;
Build up a Holy Law at last
Observed, obeyed, by all the same,
Be Thou the Conscience of this ,Land
of Ours,
0 Thou Sp•iirit of Blessed Peace,
0 send Thy IBreabh to Treaty Hall,
Thy Dove to s'ha'dow men of war,
Thine angel, where the churches call,
Thyself to risen who hate -and more,
'Be Thou the 'Conscience ,of this
World of Men,
The following is the report of
Separate School No, 4, (Hibbert:
Sr. IPV Theresa (Atkinson 65%,
Louis McIver 611', 'Genevieve 'Atkin-
son 60, Tommy iWilliams 56, Clare
Jordan a4.
Jr. 11V --,Edward McIver 66, Mat
Coyne 416.
Jr, IIIDI-Vonny 'O'Connor 83 'Rita
McIver 117, 'Rita Coyne 68, Carl Teen-
ey 08, (Peter Jordan 157,
Sr. Second -Billy Morris 86, Frank
O'Connor 70, Lorne (Feeney 60,
,list Class - .Tout Morris, Cecelia
Givlin, Angela °Reilly, 'Harry 'O'-
Connor, !Rose 10'Connor, Tom (Feen-
ey, Tom Jordan.
No. on roll, '33. Average attend-
ance 19,4.
R, M, O'Connor, Teacher.
jr. Primer -Viola Boyce, Doris
Clarke, Number on roll 7. Average
attendance 11615.
H S'tviliie, Teacher,
and Mrs, W. J. Tough moved
to their new Moine !),Olipton.,on• Sat-
urday last.
Mr. and :\Its,' Joe Martin are busily
engaged moving into the home recent-
ly vacate -C-1 by Mr. and ;Mrs Tough,
Miss iGingerith o[ Minim is at pre -
seat visiting her brother, Mlr. Noah
lGitgerich of the (Bronson line.
Miss Margaret (Douglas of .Blake
visited. Toronto, Galt Hyde Park and.
St. Marys over ,the week end,
Mrs, Wilson !Armstrong returned to
her !tonne on !Saturday after spending
a 'week with her daughters, Mrs, 5.
Bryne 'and Mrs. J. Collins of 'London,
Mrs. J. Collins and son returned with
Mrs. Armstrong 'and are spending the
week at her old home on 'Goshen,
'Sir. and Mrs. Ruskin !Keys of .East
Windsor spent Easter with the form-
er'a pa'renits, Mr, and Mrs. ,Nelson
Miss Jean Cornish of Clinton is!
spencbing the !Easter holidays with
'her friend, Miss !Dorothy Armstrong.
Mr, Mervyn !Keys of 'Westerns• Uni-
versity, !London, is spending the
holidays at his home on Babylon
Mrs, •Case, who has been taking
care of 'Mrs, IRobt, •McICl'inc'hey for
some months, was called suddenly to
Pet•raiie oiv Monday awing In 'the ill-
ness of 'her daughter.
Quite a nu'm'ber of Use farmers are
making .maple syrup this spring, but
the season so far ihas not been very
(Report of S. S, No. 4, Stanley, for
Winter term:
'Fift'h Claes..-Stuart Watson 69%,
'Jean 'Dunn 03.
Sr. IIII, -Billy Armstrong 79, Mel-
vin Greer 08, Ethel Watson 67, Gord-
on Welsh -eke, absent,
Jr. IIIM,-•\cadge 'Houston 62, Ilene
Greer 60, Wilfred Rau 81.
IL -Andrew Rau 63.
J. -Dewar Talbot, tAtithany Rau,
Frances Mossop, Teacher.
The following is the report of :S. S.
No. 2, Tuckerstnith. Pupils were ex-
amined in Arithmetic, Spelling, Read-
ing, \\r'rtiing, Lit., Comp„ 'History.
lGeog„ Agr., Grant„ Art. Those mark-
ed with an asterisk were absent for
one or more examinations.
Sr. LV.-tTheda Watson 88, Olive
Smith 86, Edna Dayman 84, 'Dorothy
Deitz 83, Doreen Cooper 79, Ronald
MaciGregor 76 Bernard McLean 68,
Jr. fV-il'dison McLean 80,
Sr. LIiI Ka,thleen MacGregor ,9l
Donald D'aylnan 79, Mildred Deitz 7'4
*iJon Cooper 73, Blanche Watson 70.
Jr, IdiI-IB1lltie Sproat 87 ,Esther
Dayman 118, *'Gwen Cooper 75, *Ray
Cooper 71, ,Grace 'Sc'ltilbe 05, Kenneth
McKenzie 61', 'Kathleen 'Schilbe 60,
Marjorie 'Smith 59.
Sr. PI. dack Deitz 86, *Ronna
Chandler 84,, Joe McKenzie 77, Jean
Schilbe 73.
Jr. II, 'MEldred Moat 78, 'hBuddte
Cooper 76, Wilmer MadGregor 74.
Sr. L -,Ronald Caldwell 80, Dor-
othy Chandler -absent,
Jr. I, -'Johnny Smith 83, Wallace
Watson 80, Idabel Watson 78, 011ie
Schilbe 70.
Pr, -Gerald Moffat 80.
Hilda Richardson, Teacher
Quite a number from 'here attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. •Pryce o
Seaforth on Saturday. 'We extend our
deepest sympathy to the bereaved fa-
Miss Maudiie -'Snarling of •Kincard-
ine spent :the e Ea ster holidays with her
parents, Mr. and •Sirs, .Alonzo •Sp'rrl•
Sirs ;Samuel Somers of 'Detroit
-.ant the week end with her brother
v • TOh 11 I[3U1'i'a"'i
,Miss ,Marjorie Baxter . of Benmil'ler
spent last week with her grandparents,
\cr. and Mrs. Robt, A. 'Camp'bell.
We extend our sympathy to Mrs,
Archie .Kerr and \cr. Percy Smith in
the death of their sister, Mrs McKay.
who passed away hi Toronto Hospital
The ,following is the school report
of S. S. ,No. 5, 'Stanley, for ,February
and Mardi:,
Jr. I'V. - ,Lolus McCli'nchey 1511%,
Russell' Oesch 44.
Jr. I11T, Mary McClinchey '61.
Sr. I11. -Mae Smibh 83, Hughie'Mc-
Bride 717, Anson McKinley 70, Jean
Mo0'lnnchey 70, Kathleen O:esch 67..
Jr. III-iAn'nie Oesclh 69, Doreen
McClin•chey 413.
II. -,+Iiia Boyce.
Sr. .Primer. - Myrtle iMclKinley.
Kenne't'h) Armstrong, Mae Oesch
Wesley MclBride.
i Oji
!Huillett loses one of its pioneer citi-
zens in the person of .William ,Stev-
ens'in his 89,th year, who passed away
at the home of 'his son-in-law, Mr.
James tMclGill, on ,Friday, March 30th.
iIIe was born in Devonshire, England,'
and came. to t'h'is country when young,
He settled at 'Stapleton where he
worked for a number of years. Then
he took up land on concession 9, lot
22, Hallett, He farmed here for a
number ,of years, then retired to Clin-
ton. !His wife, Maria K, Daley and
one daughter, Mrs. J, Hodgins, of
Saskatchewan, predeceased hint. Sur-
viving are four daughters and one
son, Mrs. R. 'Pengilly and Mrs. R.
Clark, in the West, Mrs. W. Watson
Sunderland, Ont Mrs.'. T. McGill, Hu-
ron Road, and Mr. W. H. Stevens of
'The funeral was 'held from the
home of his son-in-law to the Clinton
cemetery, The pallbearers were his
son, Mr, W. H, Stevens; his son-in-
law, Mr. J, McGill, his nephew, Mr.
J. E, Daley, and three grandsons, W.
\V. Stevens, John Stevens alai John
The Jolly Girls Club on March 28
held their regular meeting at the
Name of the secretary, Helen Edler.
The meeting etntg was opened with the
Climb !Song. The secretary read the
minutes of the previous meeting and
the Roll Call was answered by 115
members, The treasurer received the
fee, the pass word ofiginated by the
vice presiden't's mother, Mrs, M. L.
Williams, was accepted, and a quar-
tette was given by 4 members. Gene-
vieve Hawkins sang a very pleasing
solo and a dance by 'Marion Sclater
entitled "The Sailor's Hornpipe," and
a song by Freda Williams were all
enjoyed. Doris Hopf was admitted
into the cdnb, "Pin the tail on the
donkey" was won by Genevieve Haw-
kins, after which a social half hour
was enjoyed,
Mrs. John Cairns.-L'illiau Watson
beloved wife of Mr, John Cairns,:
passed on 'S'a'turclay at her hone in
Her demise is very sad as
'her .husband is bereft of his loving
wife, who contracted pneumonia a
a few clays previous to 'her death. At
times during the severe winter
months she had not been in the best!,
of health Her mother and'two broth-
ers sltl'vi t
4 e beside her 'husband The
was held
to Mitchell Presby-
,b -
terian cemetery at 2 p.m, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence !Beale and
their two sons Kingsley and Lionel
of Stratford, were here for a sh ,r,
holiday with Mrs. C. IBeale and 'her
daughter Mary,
Miss ',Gertrude Stapleton, Toronto,
is 'holidaying at her hone in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Benninger and
son's .Hugh and Donald and a cousin,
Miss 'Schmidt, spent Monday al
Mr,- John McGrath of Claudeboye
is holidaying with his parents.
"Above The Clouds"
A rip-roaring Airplane Story -
Comedy - Tarzan - Cartoon
Mon. Tues. Wed., April 9-10-11
A "Cavalcade" of Melody
The musical romance of the year
Comedy News Reel
Thurs. Fri. Sat., Apr. 12.13-14
"Pack , Up Your.
Coming - "There !Goes The Bride"
Getting Ready For the Lamb-
ing 'Season
Lambing is the shepherd's harvest,
and it is 'also his most exciting time.
Everything mast, therefore, be in
readiness for the coining of the new
Ewes heavy in lamb require snore
pen and feeding space, if overcrowd-
ing and losses are to be avoided. Two
feet of !feeding space is' the minimum
Large flocks should be divided by
putting the ewes expected to lamb
,first in the.warmest and Most com-
fortable pen.
clave the Roar level, dry, clean
,and well bedded, i,f possible provide
equipment for 'making individual
lambing pens, Folding 'hurd'les are
very handy for that purpose. The
etre is much quieter of kept alone.
Simple Insect Control
The control of nest vegetable in-
sects is nota very difficult .or com-
plicated matter ifthegrower will
'bear in mind one or two simple facts
which can be quickly learned ,by
watching the 'habits of the pests
causing the damage. Insects, accord-
ing to the type of injury they do,
can be divided into two general
classes; those Intawn as biting in-
sects, which in feedingactually bite a
piece out of the plant attacked, and
those known as sucking insects,
which suck the juices out of the
leaves or tsems without noticeably
changing their outline. For biting in-
sects (caterpillars, cutworms, etc.) -'
three .Poisons are commonly recom-
mended, arsenate of lead, arsenate of
lime, and Paris green, Sucking in-
sects (aphids, plant bugs, leafhoppers,
etc.) are customarily controlled by
nicotine uslphate, either in liquid or
dust form,
'Want and For :Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c
Annual 1
The Liberal Conservatives of South
Huron will hold a convention at
Wed.,Apr,1 1
To select a candidate to contest the
Riding of South Huron at the coming
Provincial Election,
Three delegates will vote from each
'Polling Sub -Division
Minister of Public Welfare
Will be present ,to address the
The Election of Officers will take
place at this meeting.
Ladies are especially invited to
Col. H. B. Combe, W. 0. Goodwin,
IPresidenf, Secretary
"God :Save The King"