HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-03-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS, HENSALL. A movement is under way to have the Highway Department designate the County Road between Hensel and St, !Joseph a connecting Sink be- tween' .Iiing's Highway No, 4 and the !Blue Water Highway, the latter having been taken over by the Prov- ince, This county rad isthe short- est between the two !Highways, and is also an important route for farmers going to market and in the summer time for tourist traffic, The Zstriclt village trustees have taken this •stat-' ter up, and are already in touch with the Highways Dept„ County Warden Elliott and the 'Hensall Council and Chamber of Commerce. Mr, Thos, 1. ax'lmer on Thursday sold out Inc .grocery business to Mr. V. R ,Pettit of Sarnia, who took pos- session at once, Mr. !Pettit has spent a number of years in the grocery business. He is putting in a large new stock of groceries and will also, we believe, carry a stock of fresh meats. Mr,_Parinier. has been in the grocery business here for a great many years, and his friends will be glad to hear that he intends to still remain in Hen- sel', and will probably go into some other line of business, Mr. Nathan Peck is spending a week or two visiting with his son Mr. 'Root. Peck of Stanley Township. He has been very poorly lately, suffering with heart trouble. Mr. V. R, Pettit spent Sunday at his home in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Sweitzer and children of Beach o' fines visited with Hensall relatives es on .'Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Young of Nairn are spending a few- days visiting their son, .Ret. W. :\. Young and Mrs, Young. Rev. ,lr. Young occupied the Pulpit of Carmel Presbyterian Church en Sunday morning, Mensal Public Sch,ml report for the month, u January and February: Sr. IN. -David Sangster 72, Ruth Bell 72. Irene enc l f, 1 nus 71. Edna Saiul dercock eb, largaret Shepherd 66, Herbert Drummond 65. Mono iGlenn 65, Jack S1mm11nne 65, Kenneth :Pass- more* ell, Nellie Fee 66.',Keith Plucks- anus 51. jr,I\ Mary Clark 73, Peari !'isle sle 71 Ila McQueen ,Q jack Bell an, Barham Shepherd 67, ('!oldie Crosse CA, Douglas Sangster E, Alice Pfaff 51, 'Sr, II1. Marion Filshie 81, Ruseell Hedden 78, Carrie J,.yn: i` Norma Cook 77, Jim Camp- bell 77, Elaine Peck 73, Lloyd Brock (i9 dierald Q'assmore 62x, •Gcnrge Sangster 60, Max Hudson SSx, Blanche Thomson 50, 'Donald Saund- trcack 47x; (Billy 'Higgins 39x.. (x) \Missed examinations, No. on roll 32.- C. E. (Blow es, !Principal, 'Junior Room 'nal Class Ross Kennedy 80, Jos. Marks 76. !Bobby Nicol 76, John Beer 75, (Gordon Campbell 74, `J'anies Clark 68, Mildred (Brock 68, 'James !Sangster 67, 'Howard Smale '64, Don- ald Willard 56. First -Marion Mac - Laren 70.Alpine MelEwen 69, Alvin Sntale 69, George Otterbein 68, Jack ,Drysdale 66. Primer -Elaine (Hoskins 73, Bobby Cook '70, 'Donald Bell 70, Donald !Shepherd 69, Mona fEledden 69, Ronald 'Stephen 69, Ronald Bell 0, Gloria Twitchell 67, Harold 'Bell 68, Helen !Wolff 63, Shirley Wolff S9, !Annie 'VanLandeghem 50, Elinor Sauritlercock 6$,-A. Consitt, ',Teacher. The Mission !Band of the United Church met 011 Sunday afternoon. De= votional exercises were in charge of Edna Saundercock; t'he Bible lesson was read by 'Norma Cook and prayer given by 'Pearl Harpole. The follow- ing program was given: recitation by Loi MacLaren, instrumental by Pearl +H'arpole, reading by 'Edna Saunder- cock; trio by Mary Cook, Barbara !Shepherd and Nellie Fee, accompan- ied on the autoharp by Elva Mc- Queen; song by Patsy McDonell, Er- na Weber and \Marion MacLaren, reading by Dorothy McQueen, an ex- ercise by seven girls, Barbara Shep- herd, !Norma Cook, Elaine Peck, 'Gol- die Crosse, !Elva McQueen, Nellie Fee and Marion Filshie, was well ren- dered, :\ dialogue, entitled Willing Helpers, was given by Gary 'Goodwin, Audrey Twitchell and 'June Saunder- cock, all three young ladies giving their parts very nicely. \Ir, and Mrs. 'Enoch Parker of Mitchell were pleasantly surprised on '.Friday evening when over .forty of their relatives and friends gathered at the hone of their •daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Cudmore, to spend an enjoyable evening in hon- or of their twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. The evening was spent play- ing progressive croquinole till twelve. The prizes were won by Miss ;Hazel !Herbert al 'Mitchell and Mr. !Darrell 'Parker of .Thanes ,Road; consolations to Miss Thelma, ,Parker of Thames .Road and Mr. Wm. Vale of Exeter. Following this a dainty lunch was served, after which a presentation took place. Mr, B. C. Keyes of Aub- urn read the address and Mr. Gordon Parker of 'Mensal] made the presenta- tion of a beautiful bridge 'lamp from the •family. They also received other gifts of silver and china, 'Then all joined 1nsinging "For They Are Jolly f IF<11 a,." _\fter which their grandson, Ronald Parker of 'Hensall, rendered two selections on the har- tn,i.'a. Guests were present from \I 'el' Auburn, -eaforth, Hensall. Enicter and Thames Road. The ad- !.e-, is as follow.: "Dear :;tiler and t.. ti.i ',-We, the members f your antiry are gathered of here •c'n the 25th u ..r•: esary -„f your wedding day. We c ire •„ pay tribute to the years of e't-.•ter,hrinr devotion you have giv- en so freely for 01, During all the rh u'.ing experience, of life your love end devatien were unchanging. We are crateful to you for ourearly train - i117, 111 w ac, of right living anti in help- ing us to adopt right principles. In tildes or dim chi t -v and temptation. yon- counsel encouraged tis. To -day we extend to ynn sur grateful appre- ciation, and as a slight token we ask y.nu t-, accept this gift. We pray that th'e blessings r.1 God may be ever w-ith von and that your .livesmay he spared for many happy and useful yea's. \\'ith hest wishes and love tram your family" ,On 'Gond 'Friday afternoon a com- munity service will be held in the Un- ified Church Staffa. conducted by the t e'•. \f (Parker of Hensall An ad-' sc 0'I 11,n be given by Rev. Mr. realer.. Ti the evening a community -raise : "1 1,. kens in St. 'Paul's An- vlic"n C 11u-rl1, 'Hensel!, and special 1"a •r services- w-;11 he held in - the ,i} eharrh 05 !Sunday. lf:. i„d Mrs, II-Tarry'Abret of Tion 'len were week end visitors with Mrs. ' Abrey s 'father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Cuba Hudson, Only a few attended the box ,social on Friday evening put on by the Jolly Foto, The Y.P.A. of St. 'Paul's (Anglican Church 'held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The 'meeting was in charge of Mrs, Var•ley. Scripture les- son was read by Mabel Fee and the topic was taken ,by .J. Watson, A mouth organ. selection was given by !George Pearce and Sam Montgom- ery; instrumental by Mrs. \V, 0, 'Goodwin; solo by Beryl Drummond, instrumental by J. Watson. After the program 'g'a'mes were played and.oth- er amusements, The Conservatives of South Huron will hold their annual meeting and convention on Wednesday afternoon, April h1 This meeting was• postpon- ed from March 217th as at that time owing to both parliaments being in session it . was hard to get speakers, The speaker for the meeting on',April 1111th will be the .Hun, Dr. Robb, Min- ister of I]iealth in the Ontario Gov- ern meat. The first passion week service far Hensall was in St, Paul's Church on Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr, Stainton of James St. Church, Exeter, had charge 0f the service. The Oddfellotes of Hensall and district entertained their wives and lady friends to a social evening in the lodge roams on Tuesday evening. A social time was spent in cards and other games, also a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Angus MclKaig is nursing \.[r. Nathan Peck at the home of his son, Mir. (Bert 'Peck, of Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell were visit- ing with lir, and Mrs. Roy Lamont, !-May, last week, The death occurred Tuesday night at the residence of Inc sister, Mrs. William Consitt of Fred 'Berry, for- merly of Windsor. Me. Berry has been in very poor health for several years. One leg had to be amputated some years ago after being in hospi- tal for several months and since then he has made his Monte with his sister, Mrs. Consitt. He was a former rail- way engineer and was highly respect- ed. At the time of waiting the funeral. 'Arrangements have not been made, Mrs, A. 1), McEwan, accompanied 11y- \Ir, and Mrs, 'Garnet Case were in Landon Sunday to see Mr, McEwen who is in Westminster Soldiers' Hos- oital. The doctors have not decided whether an operation is necessary ,Ladd's many -friends hope he will pull through all right. Mr, Ray Panner, who has been associated with his father in the groc- ery business here for 'many years left Tuesday for Windsor where he has secured a situation, \ir, Harold Higgins has accepted a position with the Pettit grocery. Mr. and Mrs, Mark ,Drysdale and daughter Kathryn, Harry Howard and Fred Hess, 'of Hensall and ,Robt. •-\filen of Brucetield attended the fun- eral of a relative in Bassar, :Mich,, on Monday. They left here on Sunday and arrived home late Monday night. !Owing to :Passion Week services, the league of the 'United Church has withdrawn its meeting. Mr. and Mrs, (George !Brock and children visited with !London friends on Sunday. Mr. Jas, A. Paterson and Roy We- iser were in Kitchener on Wednes- 'day in connection with the baseball outlook for the stammer. l7he snowplow was out Tuesday morning removing from the side- walks about a foot of snow that fell Monday night. On 'Good 'Friday a service will be he'Id in Carmel 'Presbyterian Church at eleven o'clock and on. Sunday spe- cial !Easter services will be held, 1011 Monday evening a Passion Week service '.vas held in the United Church at Chiselhurst conducted by the ,Rev, M. !B Parker, rector of St. Paul's C'hurc'h, Hensall. At the :United Church last Sunday Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit both morning and evening. Easter services will be held next Sun- day with special music by the choir. The Steele Briggs Seed Company have a number of Hien at work this week getting out •the onion setts that have been stored here alil winter. The Rannie .Company will start this week so a great many men will be employ- ed at this work for several weeks. The !Hensel] public and continua- tion schools will close on Thursday for the' Easter holidays. The village council has decided to feed no more transients after Apr. 1, 'On -Monday evening, March 26th. the Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Presbyterian Church of Hensel] visit- ed the House of Refuge at 'Clinton and put on a splendid program which was enjoyed and appreciated 'by ev- eryone, The program was commenc- ed by an address by Rev, Mr, Young whn acted as chairman. This was fol- low -ed by community singing led by Rev, Mr. Young, "Old (Black Joe," and "My 01d Kentucky Horne," :were the cumbers sung. The next number on the program was a selection by Dad and his Old Timers. This orch- estra consisted of Jas. Mustard Sr., Fred Deters on the violin, Jas. Mus- tard. Jr„ guitar, Carol .D'aters,. triangle and Miss Dlanche Mustard, pianist. '!'heir numbers were well received by the audience, Mr. R. Y. McLaren fa - ',red \aith a solo, "Danny Boy," ail T. Watson gave several splendid numbers on the ,guitar during the zr m Mrs. J. Patterson and ,J, Penfield l , i,' , "Down by th.e Old 11!!11 Stream.' A piano and violin du- e' "R oII Ont of Bed. in the Morning,' `•v'Miss 1. Hogarth on the piano and F, 17a:ers. violin, was given. J. Wat- n and J. Den field rendered "That Silver -a -faired Daddy of Mine," and "Re'l River Valley!' These numbers went well with the audience. More community singing followed, "'Phe Little Brown Tug," and "When You and I Were Young, 'Maggie," follow ^d he a selection by Dad and his ,Old Timers. Mr. W. A, McLaren and Rev, Mr. Young then sang their .co- sic song, "The Twins.": Mr.' and lfrs.- lfc'Gee then sang, "My Meer- schaum !Pipe," and "When You and "T Were Ynuna. Maggie," b'otilaebein:g dressed in 'I•rish costumes,; accom- nanied on the piano by Mrs. W. A. lfclLaren. Rev; Mr. Young then sang "Annie Laurie," and "Killarney." clad And .H'ic O'lcl Timers again per - 'armed in their nsnal' snappy 111x11- •,,. r Ti ..5,'.I '..-t6 ,.,�d rhr •, I �n^e '11, asin. itbe Highland fink accompanied by the orchestra. . THURSDAY, 'MARCH 29, 1934. IMO quartette c'o'mposed of Mrs. E K. Hatton, ,Mrs, J. Patterson Mr. R. Y. Ma:Laren and 'J', Bengough sang one of the closing numbers on the pro- gram D'ay is Dying in the Wes't," of ter which .everyone joined its singing "Auld Lang Syne." This .brought the program to a close after winch we passed a treat of candies' daintily dd'e up, to each inmate in the hone. Air, and Airs. Jacobs then conducted the visitors through the" -home. Ev- eryoue -reported a good evening and the Welfare Youths Club departed for home with a very cordial .invita- tion from Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs to return again at some future date. HAYFIELD. IA quiet wedding was solemnized at the United 'Church manse when Clara 'Louise Harmer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Harmer of God- erich 'township and James . Edgar Blake of Colborne tdw ns'hip were un- ited in marriage, Aiarch 21.2nd, .Rev: R. Al. 'Gale officiating, ,The Irish social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church, Tuesday evening 22nd, was a big success, the main feature being a 'dcba'te, Resolved that a good nat- ured Irish husband is to be preferred to 'a thrifty Scot Affirmative, M'Ir, Colin Campbell _liar. Edwin Smalley; negative, _Mrs. Brown Stewart, Mr, Butter. The judges were hiss Kirlc, !Miss Douglas and Mrs, Wallas and the decision was in favor of the ne- gative. The subject was well handled and very humorous, 'T'he rest of the program consisted of musical numb- ers and readings. Misses Ruth and Muriel Elliott sang and acted, "The Odd Spinning Wheel in the Parlor,'' accompanied by Mrs, R. S. Reid and lir. Ernie Pollock. Vocal numbers by Ernest Rhen and James Sterling, also. readings by Mrs. Wallis and Clara .;lark; violin numbers by •.11r, Gale Incl Mr. 1Po'llock and a medley of Ir - eh songs by the choir, There were *antes and contests and refreshments. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. E, A. Featherston, Miss Doris Featherston, lir. and Sirs. G. Parker motored to Sarnia on +unday and visited. friends there. Lewis Thomson had the niisfort- are to lose a valuable cow last week. It was missing for a few days and at last was found drowned• in the river. !Renient'ber the masquerade carni- val at the town hall Wednesday even- ing, April 4th, On Friday evening, April 6th, an amusing play, "Philip for Short," is to he given in the town 'hall by the Trinity Church dratitatic club. There have been: no plays put on here,for some time and there should be a large attendance. Pf you enjoy a good play, well acted, come to the hall that evening. !John 'McLeod is busy repairing his fish boat which was so badly dating - ad at the piers last fall. ,Harry .Thomas, who plans to fish here this season, is busy with J. Ca- meron and H. Stinson building a fish boat, They are doing the work in. H. R. McKay's garage, STANLEY 'lfr, Colin 'Campbell has purchased the 50 acre farts belonging 'to .lir, John Watson Jr. of the Slue Water highway. Ma. a•ntl Mrs, Mf. Westlake were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Penhaie on Sunday last. and Mrs, Perry of Springfield have .moved to the farm on the 'Bron- son !line formerly occupied by lir, Russell !Sparks, 'Born - 'To Mr, and Mrs, Roy Scotchmer, on March 225th, a son, Mrs. Geo. Connell of the Parr line returned 'home last tveelc after spend- ing six :weeks with her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. 0, Marks of Toronto,. She also spent a few clays with Mrs, J. C. Gaudier and, family, of Toronto, for- merly of Clinton,. 'Easter ,Report of No. 114, Stanley. - Sr, PV. -,Aubrey Farquhar 70, Har- old Jones 70, Jr. IPV Mary Farquhar 69, Kath- leen Jones 69. Sr. IE. -George Clifton 68, Mar- ian Kerslake 64. tJr. PI!L-'Eric !Switzer 84. ,Sr, EL -Lois Rathwel4 812; Don ,Stveitzer 60, 'Ernie Talbot 68, Jean Speir 57 Wm, Witcombe 56. Jr. II. -Mildred Jones 56, Kenneth lidKenzie 40. Sr, I,-ID'onny 'McKenzie, Alvin. ,Kerslake, I. -!Betty Switzer, June Mur- doch. KKo, on roll 118. Average atten- dance Ant Philippa C. Penfold, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Perrie and family of lfapleton arrived on Thursday last to take charge of lir. Russel .Sparks farts for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tough have been moving their household effects to their ;new house in Clutton, and purpose taking up residence there this week, Mr. Thos. Johnston of the Town line and his daughter, visited friends ontheBronson on Monday, The Blake branch of the W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter 'Manson on Wed= resday of last week, VARNA. Mrs. Gen. Connell returned home after spending five weeks tt-itlr her daughter, 'Mrs, Gordon Narks, in To- ronto and also spent some time with Mrs, J. C, Gandier and ?aniily, form- erly of Clinton who is living in TM -- onto. A special -Easter 'service will be held next Sunday evening in the Un- ited Church, T.,O..L. 110135 will hold their month- ly meeting on Thursday p1 this week Mr. Fred ;Appleby has engaged to work for Air, Bruce Walker• of Allis-. green for the summer months. 'Mrs. Harvey Coultice has- not been enjoying the, hest of health. 'A number have tapped but are not being favored with: very good wea- ther, Mr. Charles Pilgrim has hired with lir. George Clark, Mr. Elmer Beacom, school inspec- tor,'visited our school last week. TUCKERSMITH. The young daughter of Mn and bfrs. Roy 13rown was taken to Lon - hospital this on-hospital.:this week. CARD OF THANKS ' Mrs. 'McIN'.ebb• and Della wis h to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sy'mpat'hy express- ed during the illness and death of Mrs. Adams ITGline, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 417, !Con. 9, MclKillop contain- ing 1100 'acres. !Several acres of bush, the remainder in grass. 011 the prem- ises are a frame house and an imple- ment house, also plenty of water. bf not sold shortly would rent for pas't- ure. Apply to J. C. Laing, Seaforth, Ont, 114 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in- structions from the Executors Of the Estate of the late Geo, Al, Strong to sell by .public auction on 'Lot t10, Concession 8, II.P.,IS„ 5 miles south of Seaforth, on 'Wednesday, April 4, 1934, at one o'clock p.m., the follow- ing: !Horses -l' aged bay mare. 'Cattle -3.1 Poli Angus cow, just freshened; I roan- cow, due ,April ID, 2 year-olcl calves, 11 spring calf, 1 steer, '2 year old, !Pigs.=1 sow, 3 pigs around 1170 lbs, !Poultry -About 1125 hens, .Anconas, many of them pullets. 19nlplenren'ts,til Deering binder, 6 ft. cut, I1' Deering mower, 8 it. cut, 1 Massey4Harris 10 ft. rake; 1 Massey- Harris spring tooth cultivator, 1 Masseyllerrisriding, plow, 1' Cock- shutt walking plow, 1' Massey-Ilarris smarter, Il bean scuff^ler with attach- ments for harvesting, 1 disc, 1 disc - drill, 1 set !harrows, 1 John Deere ma- nure spreader, ,I wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 stock rack, 1 wagon 'box, 11/ yds, capacity, 1 pig crate, 1 pig chute, 1 bag truck, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 fan- ning •milli, .11 set 21000 ib. scales, 1 root pulper, 1 set sleighs, 11 land roller, 1 hay car rope and pulleys, h hay fork, 1 set of two rope slings and chain, 1 set double harness, 1 rope stretcher, 1, wheel barrow, 1 cream separator, DdLaval (atetv), carpenter's tools, bags, double -trees, horse collars, 1 robe, 1 mai box and numerous other articles. 'A few cords of dry rails, 2 colony houses. !Hay and Grain -'A quatt'tity of ti- mothy hay, some sweet clover hay. A quantity of oats and !nixed feed; a few bags of potatoes. !Household Effects -1 Orillia cook stove; 11 Perfection oil stove, 3 burn- ers with oven; .1. Wisconsin incubator 140 egg capacity; 1 parcel linoleum, 16 ft. sq., almost new; 1 parcel lin- oleum 16 x 19 ft.; kitchen oilcloth nearly new; I, dining table; 6 diners: 1 oak sideboard; 1 kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; 4 rockers; 2 platform rockers; 1' parlor table, other small tables, 12 cases amounted birds; 2 com- plete bed sets; 4 bed steads with springs; 1 pantry cupboard; 1 mirror; b stone dash churn; 1• butter bowl and spoon; 11 five gal. coal oil can, pictures, 1 wash boiler, 1 wash tub and 'hoard and other articles too num- erous to mention. 'There will be offered for sale at the same time the farm, subject to a reserve bid. Farm consists of 100 acres cleared and we'll drained, On this farm is a brick house, bank 'barn, implement house, piggery and hen- nery. Terms of Sale --,Chattels, cash. Farm 'DO% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, ,Ont.; or Mrs, K Moore, Kipper. Ont„ or W. G. Strong, 38 Monk St., 'Ottawa, Ont., Executors. AUCTION SALE OF FARM IN McKILLOP TWP. The Executors of the Estate of Daniel Regele, late of the Township of MoKillap, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, have inatru!cted 'Fred W. Wigg, Auctioneer, to offer for sale by public auction at the Com- mercial !Hotel, in the Town of Sea- fotth, on Saturday, the 3111st day of -March, 1934, at two o'clock p.m., the following farms lands: The South half of Lot number Seven in the 14111 Concession of the Town- ship of MoKillop, in, the County of Iluron, contaijniug eighty-nine acres of land and the South forty-five acres of Lot 'lumber Six in the 114'th Con, cession of the said .Towns'hip of Mc- ;Kiliop. On 'the property are a lnine- roomed brick • house in .good state of repair, bank barn 48' x 62', driving' shed 215' x 50', hen house 1.14' x windmill and ,drilled well. The land is a rich ,cla'y loan and ht good state of cultivation, well fenced and drained, Four acres of bush; 18 aeres in fall wheat. Terms of Sale. -Tem per cent. of the purchase anoney on the day of sale and the balance within three weeks thereafter, !For further particulars and condi- tions of salve apply to. JOHN H. BEST, 'Seaforth, Ontario.. Solicit r o for the Executors: Fred W, Wigg, Auctioneer. rioun IS CASH PRICES -FRIDAY AND ,SATURDAY ONLY LUCKNOW FLOUR, 500 lb. lots, per cwt. SCINEI•DER LARD, 2 Pounds , . , , . , . , , $229 23c 53c W. J. FINNIGAN PASTRY FLOUR, 24 pounds HULLETT CENTRE Mr. l"Atom. Carter 'yeas 111'Landau for a couple of days last week, attending a road contention meeting, Mr. and Mrs. :Ed. Johnston of '.Ea. eter• spent !Sunday at 'the home of .lir. Geo.' Lawrence, Mr, and Mrs. +17o'11nt Lovett have re- fuelled 'from eturnecl'froni the 'West to take charge o!f Mr, Jawes Fairservice's farm, "AUNT SUSAN'S VISIT" The Live Wire Sunday School;Class of Constance United •Church will pre- sent the play, "Aunt 'Susan's Visit" in the church on Wednesday .even- ing, April 4th, at 8 o'clock, A good orchestra win- provide music 'between acts. There will also be other pro - grains. Admission' 1215c and child- ren 10c. 13 AUCTION SALE lh IR, !Roth, auctioneer, has receiv- ed instructions :frons' the undersigned to sell by'Public Auction 130 Ontario 'Horses Cole's Livery Barn, Erie str„ Strat- ford Friday, April 6th, 1934 at due o'clock p.m. ,These include 'Clydesdales, Percher - ons and some mated teams, and one Reg, Clyde 'Stallion and are all fine young ~horses, with the exception of a few aged horses. 'AIso two sets of new s Double harness. Terms, cash, \I. R. 'Roth, !Auctioneer. J. C, Dill, Proprietor.. FOR SALE A Weber square piano, :roseaw.o.id case, in good repair, ttuned, 150 asked.. Apply at News Office, 1:4 STOCK 'REDUCING SALE INlow on at Walkers' F ornittnet Store. pg. ONE WALNUT ,PIANO 'Good as new, for sale cheap. Walk- ers' Furniture Store, CUSTOM HA'TCHING'. Le per egg, in thoroughly disinfect- ed, and reliable hot water iueubaters_ ,Phone 2'2 ou 2415. 10. MAN WANTED. (Experienced far:nt hand, for five ar months. Must be good with horses- Apply to the News Office. hit • .MAN WANTED Experienced man for' farm, wanted at once, for the summer. Graham Kerr, phone 228 r 115 Seaforth. Id FORD COUPE FOR SALE Last model T;Ford Coupe, Paint job. 'For inquiry phone Finlayson, 145 r 212 Sealfor'tii. 1'd FOR SALE 'Master's Chick :Feed's, and Grass Seed-' of all kinds, One buggy in fir`+ Class shape, W. E, ,Butt, "General Mer- chant, Kipper, Phone -411' on' 911'. Elen- a11, :18. AUCTION SALE. OF DESIRABLE FARM IN MaKILLOP TOWNSHIP Tlie --Executrices 01 the estate of Charles IHolilbein, deceased, have in- structed George H. 'Elliott, 'Auction- eer, to offer for sale by Public Auc- tion at the Commercial Motel, Sea - forth, Ontario, out Saturday, April 14, 1934, at 2.30 p.m., the following farm lands: -The ,South half of Lot num- ber Ten (10) and the (South ,half of. the North 'hal'f of said Lot ntuntber Ten ('LO), in the Eleventh Concession of the Township of ,IltlKillop, in the County of Huron, containing Seven- ty -live acres of land mare or less. This is a corner lot, well fenced and drained, with a good well and windmill. The land is a rich clay loam, very fertile and well cultivated. Terms bf iSa'ei-Ten• per cent. of 'the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance within three weeks thereafter. !For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to: JOHN' H. IBIFJST, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for Executrices Dated March 2)l1st, !19'314, 'George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. AGENTS WANTED Experienced Salesmen who can sell: Motor Oil to Garages, 'Truckers,''Esar- niers its your district. Com,missiau, Yale Oil Co.,. Limited, 1122 ,Brpck Ave., Toronto, AUCTION SALE. OF GRASS FARM IN HI'BBERT TWP. and HOUSE AND LOTS IN SEAFORTH. The Executrices of the Estates of Charles Hoh'ibei•ny ,deceased, and Mar- garet I-Ioh•lbein, ;deceased, have ins- tructed George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, to offer for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, April 7th, 1934, at 2 pin„ at the 'Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, the following property: !Grass, Farm ---The ,South half of. Lot number nineteen in the secoatd ,con- cession -'of the Township of 'I-Iibbert in the County of 'Perth. 'Good fences, ne- ver failing spring creek, Ilouse Property -!Lots 37, 3'8, 39, 60, al and 53 in Coleman's survey in the Town of Seaforth in the County of ,Huron, containing about one acre of good land. Well adapted for niarlect gardening,some fruit trees, raspberry patch. On the premises are an eight roomed frame 'house with good cem- ent foundation, .electric lights, etc„ and a' good barn:. Good locatioai, op- posite the 'Seaforth !Collegiate Insti- tute. Terms of Sale of Each :Property- 10 per cent. of the purchase money to, be paid on the clay of sale'. and •the balance within three weeks thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply at said house or to ' tjOIHIN-'H, •BIES'T, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor' for the 'Executrices George IH. 'Elliott, Auctioneer, FARM FOR SALE 75 -acre farm; being 'composed q11 the 'West hall and the West balri of the East half of Lot Twenty-three is ti'e Tenth ,Concession of the Town- ship of 'McKillop. For particulars ap- ply to: Robert IR. Watt, .Blyth, Exe- cutor of the 'Estate of John Alec - ander Watt, deceased, or to !Hay s & Mdir, Solicitors for rs_ ). Executor, Seaforth. '141i( TENDERS WANTED Tenders .will be received up to March :3111st for the construction of a. cement slaughter house 'for the Kip- pen beef -ring. For plans and specifica- tions apply to 1I3. McLachlan or J- A.. Petrie. 113 FARM FOR SALE 'Lot 10, ,Con. 4, H,R.S., Turicec smith, consisting of 100 acres, with good buildings, frame 'house; two miles south of Seaforth; plenty all water from never -failing spring. Mrs - John C. Reinke, Seaforth, R.11. - Phone '1133 r 1311. FARM FOR 'SALE 1100 acres of good land situated in: Stanley Tp. near Village of BaySeld- Good buildings. Lots of water. Busk and orchard and small fruit. Prices cheap. Apply to ,News Office. HOUSE FOR SALE A good frame house, sta'b'le with garage, and % acre land, for sale ire Londesboro. Will 'sell cheap as pro- prietor has bought a farm. Apply to George McCall, Londesboro• N. FOR SALE . !Three Pure •Bred Dual Purpose Shorthorn Bulls from nine to eleven months olcl. Color, red. They have been graded and are eligible for the government' bonus. Apply to Gea.' L. Reid, Varna, Ont, 13 SEED POTATOES Government reports are for seed potatoes to be scarce and dear- lire offer a limited .quantity for immediate sale at 81t65 'egg size. Large size Cobblers at 11450 per bus. Do net wait if you walnt any as they will be 'picked up in a few days. Cash mast` accompany orders. - IHugill's Potato and DairyFarm, r , I miles west of town on highway- 'Pho'ne 314.16116 Clinton Central, 15 Muskrats HIGHEST 'PRICES PAID. Bring your lot in. William Stone Sons Ltd. Ingersoli Stratford - Woodstock