HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-03-22, Page 1Grey rocks and greyer sea, And surf along the shore— And in my heart a name' My lips shall speak no more. The high and lonely hills Endure the darkening year And in my heart endure A memory and a tear. st eafort e HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Across thetide a sail That tosses and is gone— And in, my heart the kiss That longing dreams upon. Grey rocks and greyer sea, And surf along the shore— And in my heart the face That I 'shall see no more. —By C. G. D. Roberts. WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 12 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934, Phone 84, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly ]HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR EIOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices, Reasonable he Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant NATURE'S BEST Tomato Jtce 4 iNg 'FOR c SHIRRIFF MARMALADE.— Small jar @ 20c APRICOTS. -1 Ib. can @ 20c :SWEET MIXED PICKLES. • @ 25c per jar ST. CHARLES' 'MILK, large tin 10c AYLMER INFANT'S SOUP.— 10c per tin SAUERKRAUT. -3 cans for ...25c CIRCLE SOAP FLAKES.— Per pkg. 23c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW .CAKES, @ 15c per lb. Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and Fea- thers taken a's cash, A. C.,,Routledge ONE 166 SEE THIS 3 ACT COMEDY DRAMA "MARY MADE SOME MARMA= LADE" A PLAY THAT' DELIGHTS EVERY AUDIENCE :Presented by the Dramatic Club of Ontario Street United Church under auspices 'Seaforth Agricultural Society in CARDNO'S HALL • .SEAFORTH Tuesday April 3 AT 8:15 P.M. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, March 250, 111 a.m. Public Worship. Subject, "Contrasts of the Last Night." A Passion week message. 2:30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m. Public Warship. The joint Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and the MdGillivray Young •Women's Auxili- ary. Miss Mitchell, travelling secret- ary of the Dominion Board, will •be the special speaker. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning service, "Christ and the People." Evening Service. The choir will give Stayner's sacred cantata, "The Crucifixion." Rev. I. B. Koine, Min- ister. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH :Services Palm Sunday, March 25. !Sunday School and Bible Class 10 a.m,; Morning service, 111 a.m.; ser- mon topic, "The Supreme Question and the Supreme Answer." Evening service 7 p.m, Sentnon topic, "The Church 'at Philadelphia." ,All wel- come. ei-come. 'Canon E. Appleyard, rentor, THE •EGMONDVILLE CHURCH. (Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A., 'B.D. Mar. 25. The Disciples draw back "For thirty pieces of silver." Heroes with 'Jesus "The •thief who confessed (Christ on the cross." On Good (Friday, March 30, at 111 arnt. there will be a service of public worship in the •Egmon'dville Church. The 'theme will be"The .Crucifixion," and the 'Sacrament of the (Lord's Sup- per will be observed, "For, as often as ye eat this 'bread and drink this cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till !1 -Ie come." All who profess allegi- ance to Christ, our Redeemer, are cordially welcomed to a place at ,our Master's table. BOYD-McEWEN The wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March 117th, at the Presby- terian Manse, Clinton, the Rev. Dr. C. E. Douganofficiating of Eliza- beth (Bessie) Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Alexander M. McEwen, Stanley 'township, to Mr. Charles 'James (Boyd, only son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Boyd, MdKill'op town- ship. The bride wore a swagger suit of brown tweed, brown straw hat and brown accessories. ISIhe carried a bouquet of (Barclay roses.'Phe only attendants were Miss Marjorie X. MclEwen, sister of the bride, and Mr. Wm. Torrance Dundas, Seaforth, cousin of the groom: IImmmediately after the ceremony the couple repaired to the home of the bride's parents for dinner. They left early in the afternoon on a /rotor' trip. Upon their return they will re- side in Mcl[Cillap. The bride was for- merly of Victoria Hospital, !London. LET'S GO! ST R AT' D M .SOMC IST LS With Their SEVEN -PIECE ORCHESTRA at CARDNO'S OPERA HOUSE,SEAFORTH Tuesday, Apr. 10 (Under auspices •Seaforth Lawn IBlawliug Club) TIES IS ONE SHOW YOU MUST 'SEE. QT'S A WONDER! Admission 25c. Reserved Seats 40c Seaforth Hears C. G. D. Roberts r. i add �a. The assembly hall of the Collegiate Institute was well filled on Wednes- day evening when teachers, pupils and friends were privileged to hear Charles G. D, Roberts; _ the well known 'Canadian poet and novelist, whose address was given under the auspices of the Literary Society of the school. The speaker gave a delightful and vivacious lecture, starting with reading some of his verse chosen at random, and ending .up with animal stories from his boyhood experiences in the 'forests of New Brunswick, ]Possessed of a pleasing personality, Dr. Roberts held his audience spell- bound for nearly an 'hour and a "half„ speaking in 'a quiet, modulated voice, 'IIe told many anecdotes in regard to his .poems and other writings. IDT. !Roberts addressed the Literary Society in the afternoon, when Miss Winnie Savauge, President, presided, and the speaker was introduced by Vice Y President Harvey Hillen. A piano selection was given by Miss Helen Britton. 'The evening "meeting was presided over by Miss Savauge, who introduc- ed the speaker. A quartette was giv- en by the Misses Johnston, Chaff, Duncan and Crich, and at the close there was a piano selection by Jack Mills. A vote of thanks was tender- ed Dr. Roberts by .Chairman C. A. Barber of the Collegiate Institute Board, which was seconded by Prin- cipal G. A. Ballantyne. In his opening remarks Dr, Rob- erts said that he had been hoping for a visit to this part of the country for some years, but bad not been able to arrange it when touring from coast to ,coast. He will be at Lis- towel Thursday; had spent January at Ottawa. The first poem he read was "These Three Score Years," an Ode written at Canada's Diamond Jubilee. This was followed by the musical lyric, "'The Sweet of the Year"; backwoods poem, "In the Night Watch"; serious readings, "The Suns"; his philosophy of life, "On the Road," another philoso- phy, "The Aim" ,(do not be content till you are 915—look forward, striv- ing, growing till you cash your cheque in); ballad of "A Chopping Bee" which they call a "wood frolic" in New Brunswick; a love poern, "0 .Little Rose, 0 Dark Rose"; one he .ca.'s his frivolous philosophy, "The Cricket"; then 'The Native," "The .Piper"; a mystical, "The (Greatand the Little Weavers"; some unpub- lished verse, "Bat, brat, 'Come Under My Het"; and his very latest work, a serious objective poets, "The Squatter" (backwoods). He gave an informal talk on poetry, particularly in regard to free verse and inspira- tion. (Gleanings; Poetry was his •first love and is still his favorite . . he began his poetic career at the age of nine, letting his hair grow long; he could not write verse then but knew he would be a poet . ,. . is intensely pa- triotic and proud of his patriotisrn. . knows the real backwoods, be- ing himself a .backwoodsman . poen about the dainty dainty maid crossing the brook was written after a visit to ,Washington in company with his cousin, Bliss Carman, when each vied for the favor .of a fair lady at a picnic in their honor . . . ,Dr. Rob- erts removes his glasses while reading served in the 'Great eVar, be- ginning as a. buck private and working his way up to his majority . .was eighteen years in England where he went to gain broader vision and there- by better appreciated .Canada SEAFORTH WIN'S 5-4 . Seaforth defeated Paisley Wednes- day _night in the first of 'final Notre and home games at Seaforth 5-4. /Paisley scored firs't' but Seaforth maintained a lead of two ,goals until arrear •the close. The return game at Paisley is set for Friday, PETER DeCOURCEY The death occurred on Friday morning at his home in Egnnondville of Peter DedCourcey, 'highly esteem- ed resident at the advanced age of 97 years. He was born in Ireland, a son of the late Patrick DeCourcey and Mary Oates. He later carie to Can- ada and settled in Hibbert Township where he spent the most of his life, He was married Tit years ago to Miss Ellen Connolly, who predeceased him by a number of years. In 1925 he was united in marriage to Miss Isa- bella Keegan, daughter of the late Arthur Keegan and Jane McGuire of Bayfield, and retired to Egmon'dville, Mr. DeCourcey was a devout member of St. James' Catholic Church, ,Sea - forth, and also of the Holy Name So- ciety. 'He is survived by his widow. (He was predeceased last month by a sister, 'Mrs. O'Connor, in New Jer- sey, and also by a brother over a year ago, so that the late Mr, DeCourcey was the last member of the family, Despite his years Mr. DeCourcey had been a very active man until this whi- ter when his health failed consider- ably, though not confined to bed until a week previous to his passing. The funeral took place on Mon- day morning from St. James' Church, Seaforth, thence to St. Patrick's cem- etery, Dublin, for interment. Rev. Fr, T. P. Hussey .officiated. The pall- bearers were Fred Eckert, J'o:seph Carpenter, William Dorsey, Frank Melady, Roderick McLean, Robert 'Strong, John Flannery. . "JOLLY GIRLS' CLUB" The Jolly Girls' Club on March 20 hell their regular meeting at the home of the President, Zetta 'Dunlop. The meeting was opened with the 'Club Song." Lorna Dale gave a re- citation citation entitled "Kitty's Weight." The 'Secretary, Helen Edler, .gave the minutes of the previous meeting, and the Roll Call was answered by 112 members, The club then initiated three new members, Alma Elliott, .Lorna and Margaret Dale. Freda and Dorothy Williams sang a duet, followed by a reading by Margaret Ether, The business part of the meet- ing was discussed and followed by a duet by Annis and Betty Dunlop. The Treasurer, Leonore .Edler, then tools up the collection. The ,meeting was closed and the members took their places in their classes for work- ing and seating, after which a social half hour was enjoyed, in which lunch was served. ST. PATRICK'S EUCHRE ' A capacity crowd attended the an- nual St. Patrick's euchre and dance sponsored by the Canadian Legion on Friday evening ,11Gth March. Euchre was played until eleven o'clock the winners being: Ladies' first, 'Mrs. W. C. Barber; lone hands, Miss 'Dorothy Parke; men's first Mr. Taylor, lone 'hands Mr. W. G. Wright. 'Lunch, provided by the wives of the mem- bers, was then served and dancing was enjoyed to Poulter's Orchestra until 2 a.m. The arrangements for the affair were in the hands of the Leg- ion 'entertainment committee, Com- rades 'Barlow , Beattie, Kerr and Muir. The proceeds which will be de- voted towards relief work .within the Legion amounted to $41522. ;Bliss Carman was six feet four and proportionately ,slender . at the age of thirteen ]Roberts fell deeply in love with a very beautiful (girl of twenty-four who was 'the inspiration many years later of one of his poems written at the Somme , . , on oc- casion of Canada's (Diamond jubilee he wrote an Ode to read at Frederic- ' ton . . . because his train was .late C.P.R. telegraphed the Ode ahead it arrived letter-perfect except' one word, oafish," which was sent "catfish" „ the puzzled commit- tee consulted his brother, Theodore •Roberts in 'Fredericton, who suggest- ed that "Charlie" thought he was w'rit'ing animal stories . . but he arrived in time to read the poem him- self . . the •verses, "'My Heart is a Horse," read by hint at a New York literary club had .once caused a 'land- holding young.couple on the back 'benches to go out and get .married tells asinna1 ,stories conversa- tionally while walking back ind forth cm platform or sitting on table . . . (Continued on Page 'Five) 1'1 Special Low Price Tumblers We are offering Genuine Cut Glass Fuschia Pattern 9 -ounce Cut Glass Tumblers at one half the usual price as our March Special, These tumblers are finished with the new Safety Edge which is very smooth, does not crack and does not chip. Regularly priced they would be $3.00 per doz, We are offering them for a limited time at 1.50 .50 the Doz., 79c for 6, or 1'5c Each These are a rare bargain at the price. SHOP AT AVAUGE IT PAYS Jeweler, Watchmaker & Optometrist Gift Goods Phone 194. Res. 10. - GOLDEN JUBILEE Fifty years ago on the 29th of March, the Salvation Army first un- furled its flag in the Town of Seaforth, Many people have conte and gone since then but by the good blessing of God the Salvation Army s .6311 marches along, ,A good plumber of the comrades of this corps have been caiIed 'by God to go out and work for Him as officers in other parts of His vineyard; .many faithful followers have been called to Higher Service, but we still have at least one comrade left who was at the opening services and who has been fighting faithfully ever .since under the Army (flag, That one is :hiss E. Thompson. There are others who have render- ed forty and forty-five years' service and who have done much for the glory of God and the blessing of their fellow -men, and who are still as whole -hearted in the fight as ever they were. Brother John McLennan, who is highly respected in town has been one of the above mentioned, but who, we regret to say, has been tunable to warship with us since last November because of sickness, but who still dis- plays that keen interest in the things pertaining to .Go'd and 'His Kingdom. We give praise to God and thanks to the public of (Seaforth and sur- rounding districts for bele) able to reach this great ,time in our experi- ence and we purpose holding anniver- sary services this week end which will beconducted 'by Ad'jutan't and Mrs. 'Brewer and twelve boys from the Salvation Army (Home, London. lOn Saturday night after an open air service in which the boys will take part, with instrumental and vocal songs, we purpose 'holding ale indoor service at tf o'clock when a program will be rendered by the boys. Silver collection Ito help defray boys' ex- penses..Sunday at lit a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 .p.m. services will also be conducted by the Adj. and Mrs. iBrewer and boys. Come and pay us a visit. Join with us In Thanksgiving and let us unitedly praise God from whom all blessings :Row. TUCKERSMITH. Lorne Pepper, of !Stamford, is .spending a few days at his home here, recuperating from an injured shoulder, from a fall. INQUIRES ABOUT FORMER RESIDENT 1546.5 So. Shenandoah St., Los Angeles, 'Calif,, March 1122, 1934. Editor, Seaforth News. Dear Sir,—IIn an effort to learn something about my paternal .grand- father, Daniel Moan, who was once an esteemed and jovial citizen of your city, I am writing you ,to ask if you or any of your older readers could supply me with this, information. When my father, John. X. Moran, died another moved a ed h er family west to Winnipeg, Manitoba,we lost track of Papa's people, It might interest you to know how - 1 learned that Grandpa lived in 'Sea - forth. 'A Mrs. Callander of Heaney,. Manitoba, was from Seaforth and she took a Seaforth paper. One day in oats she found a reprint of an old poem Grandpa wrote, called "Fare- well, Seaforth." She cut this poem out and gave it to my sister, Mrs. E. W. Bailey who at that time resided in. .Hartney, For the past three years I have been trying to learn to write ar- ticles and fiction and being very dis- couraged I mentioned to my sister in a letter that I felt like abandoning the artistic field for something more manual and Ella (Mrs. Bailey) sent on the poem by way of encouraging me to stick at it a while -longer, point- ing out that there is a remote possib- ility that I might have inherited some ability from Grandpa, and that any day, it might ,blossom forth. Thanking you in advance for any- thing you may be .able .to tell me, I am, very sincerely yours, MIURII(EIL M. MO!RiAIN- SOFT BALL The annual meeting of the Seaforth Solt 'Beall Club will be held in 'the Carnegie Library. at $ 'p.m. on Mon- day, March 26, ,Reports of the past season will be presented and officers elected. (It is hoped that a full representation of fans, followers and players will be out to 'the meeting. SUCCESSFUL TEA IA successhii St. Patrick's supper under the auspices of the MacCeill.i- xray Y. W. Auxiliary was held Fri- day ,afternoon in schoolroom of North Side United Church, which was dec- orated in St. Patrick's color's. � ScthrtIi Sprig Shoal TUESDAY, APR. 3rd, 1934 Grand Parade of all Animals al h30 P.M, JU.DGING TO COMMENCE AT 2 P.M. SHARP For Particulars see Prize Lists, 11. SNEL'L, President Mrs. J. A. KERR, Sec.-Treas.