HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-03-15, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE Look for the Superior Sign 3t is your guide to good merchandise, low prices and first-class service. It is the sign of a good merchant of enterprise and foresight, taking all the advantages, offered by an Organization of over nine hundred stores, served by its own wholesales, and one of the leading distributors of food products in Canada. Support local industry and buy at your Superior Store. Items for Week Ending March 21 SODA aISCUI'TS 1 lb. bag 10 c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 Ib, tin .27 c McCORMICK'S ;FIIG BARS, new per lb 19c c 2 tins 23c GOLDEN WAX BEANS, LYNN VALLEY KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 17 c AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM OHOICE CORN 2's, 2 tin 25 c SODA BISCUITS, 'FRESH and CRIS P 2 lbs. 25 c GREEN. GAGE PLUMS per tin 10 c NATURE'S BEST FANCY CATSUP .... 2 tins 25 c CHOC. MARSHMALLOW and ASS'T. BISCUITS, 2 lbs, 29 c ,AYLMER FANCY WHOLE BEETS, l's per tin w� c 3 TINS CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, PORI{. AND BEANS PIMENTOES, SOUPS, CORN FLAKES, for 25 c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Puce Phone S Phone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bus. 80c -83c Barley, per bus, • • 48c Oats, per 'bus. 38c Eggs, per doz. ...... ... t.... .,16c 311c Hogs, per cwt, $8.75' Potatoes, per bag .......,..:. ,t, $1,'50 .Have A Good Garden With Plenty of Fresh Vegetables BTG SEED SPECIAL 6 Packages for 25c, Additional packages 4c each. Your Choice: Beets, Carrots, Cu- cumbers, 'Lettuce, Onions, Parsnip, Radish, Beans, Peas, Spinach, Turnip, Corn and etc, More Seed, higher quality, better germination and all .for :less money, because we sell you direct, W. E. REID SEED 'CO. Box 103 CHATHAM, ONT. Douglas' Egyptian Iaaitnent should be 'inevery household. Stops bleed- ing at once, cauterizes wounds and prevents blood poisoning. Keeps away inflammation and proud flesh. EGMONDVILLE. Mr. James Bristow of EgMondville found a large brown snake on his barn floor after the rain,. Where it came from is quite a question, Some think it carie up through the floor, while the nature experts insist it fell with the rain. Quite a number of people in Eg- mondville are on the invalid list fat the present; hoping spring is round the corner, that will improve matters. Mrs. Crawford Simpson arrived home on .Saturday night from the hos- pital in Toronto where she was oper- ated on. We are all much pleased to have her back in '•Egntondvitl'le. She is pickiiig up wonderfully and will we hope, be herself again before long, The Egrnondvills '(as some call them) River Rats, won out on the McMillan Cup against the Tucker - smith boys .on Saturday night. HARLOCK, lir, ,Harold Beacom and Mr. George McCall of Londesboro have completed cutting wood for Mr, Robert Watson Mr, and Mrs, Frank McGregor en- tertained company Friday evening. Mrs. A. W. Beacons is at present visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lyon, near Londesboro, Mr, and Mrs. Vascella who have been living on - Mr. Wan. Parson's farm, have moved to the home of Mr, Henry Sanderson where they are en- gaged to assist for the summer. tIr, and fats. Warren Gibbings and Jean, of near Clinton, returned home Wednesday after spending a few days at the hohne of the latter's parents, -lir. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, and while here visited at the 'homes of Beacom's, Jennie Knox, and Watson's,la also entertaining friends. Mrs, Fred Vascella visited at the home of Vera Me/Donald Tuesday. Mr, Lorne 'Toil visited -lir, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson 'Wednesday, Hogarth says: SUP ER -SIZE Chicks Have 'igor and Stamina Hogarth SUPER -SIZE chicks will give you SUPER -SIZE pullets that will LAY super -size eggs next Fall. Cockerels - grow faster, too. Hatched from eggs, averaging 26-27 ounces per, dozen, from Government Approved flocks, Seven breeds. Send for our booklet or order direct. 'SUPER -SIZE Leghorns $14:75 per hundred • Barred Rocks, Minorcas 2c per chick more; White Rocks 3c, other breeds 4c more. Ilogarth "Just -Rite Chicks 3c per chick off these prices, all round. Dis- counts on larger orders. Hogarth Chick:Hatcher Box 102 Chick:Hatchery EXETER, ONT, TOWN TOPICS. Mrs. Mc'Gregorr of Tuckersntith wad lits, Bultt of :I ippen visited their mother, Mrs. William McCloy, who is ill, Mrs, 51 nip son, EgmondviIle, re- t u rned e-turnad 'froth Toronto an Saturday and is somewhat improved. Mr. Charles Dickson of London .spetet the week -end at his home, .Mr. jos. Eckert of Oakville spent Sunday with his parents. :any friends of Mrs, J. LA, McLean of Egrnon'dwilte regret to learn she is oottlfi,ned to the hospital through ill- ness. Mies Maude Laidlaw spent the week -end in Toronto. Miss Olive Scott of Bduevale is vis- iting at the home of Mr, J. W. Beat- bf e, Mr. Clarence Long, 'peincipal of a public school in Guelph, has complet- eii 47 years' teaching, toeing only 8, days in that- time, Mr. Long and Mee. J. M Rb'benteon of town were room- mates while attending Listowel High :School. Mr. and Mrs, William Govendock have returned from spending the win- ter in Toronto. Mrs, Irwin Trewctrtha spent the. week -end with her parents, Dr, and Mrs. Harburn, Mr. Wm. Bell, Oakville, was a week -and visitor in town. Mr, Jack Smith spent the week -end ninth his son, Mr, Thoinas Smith at Mount Albert. The many friends of Mrs. C. Eck - net are plIe'ased to learn that she is recovering from an accidental fall she got.last Monday, She sustained a sever shaking up and on examina- tion it was found a small bone was broken, but no serious effects are ex- pected. She had been progressing nicely from her prolonged illness and this means a slight setback. The manly friends of Air. W. H. Sholdice, of town, who sustained an injury to his eye recently, regret that he has been quite i11 this past week, !Word was received here of the ser- ious illness of llr. Wilfrid ;Morrow, formerly of Seaforth, who is in the Calgary hospital, where he will have to stay for several months. Friends of Me. Morrow hope for a speedy recov- ery. Mr, and Airs. Peter Calder and son Cameron, of St, Catherines, left Sat- urday for Glasgow, Scotland. Mr, Calder has taken leave of absence until May. They will visit Mr. Cald- er's mdther, who lives there. The Misses Mae and Barbara Ab- erhart, Air. George Abeehart and Miss Mabel Crowe, Mr, Ira-Zavitz of London, -Mfr, Robert Aberhart of Var- na, lir. Frank llossop, also of Varna, were guests of the Aberhart family in M1dKiilop over Sunday. Mrs, Clarissa Garden of Toronto is visiting her brother, lir, Adam Hays. Mr, and Mrs, Armour Dundas have moved to London, lir. end Mrs. James Reynolds and family are moving than week to the faros they receduly purchased from Tonran'ce Dundas, A gathering of interest was held in London Satttrttay evening at the' home of one of the school principals, where the teachers gathered to honor Mr, George Aberhart and ,hiss Mabel Crowe, who are to be married shortly. MRS. E. C. BOSWELL The funeral of AIrs. E. C. Bo.wetl, whose death occurred Thursday night in 'Seett Memorial 'H'ospital following an illness of iwo weeks, took place on Saturday afternoon from St Thomas' Anglican Church, which was .tilled. Rev. Canon Appleyard took for his text the -e-ords, "Precious in she Lord's sight is the Death of His Saints." The organizations represent- ed were ,Seaforth Lions Club, Brit- annia llasoni,c Lodge,. Wilmot Ma- sonic Lodge, (Baden; Seaforth branch of Canadian !legion; the various or- ganizations of 51 Thomas' ,Chtir'ch, the different .organizations of St. George's Anglican Church, Trenton, and many friends, ;P'all'bearers were Dr. T A, Munn Dr. F. 5. Bechely. G. D Ferguson Earl Bell, Dr: Sproat 'and 'J, 31. McMillan. The remains were taken to' Cobourg for bttrfae Her 'husband, fa'bher and brother, Mr. E, C. ;Boswell, .Rev, Canon Austin Smits and ',Rev. Arthur 'Smith, of Trenton, attended wire funerai -there, BORN. Funnel!,—in Seaforth on Saturday, March 1:0, 1934, to 'Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Fennell (formerly May Mo(tv'bray) a son (Douglas Charles) McLellan.-1Lt Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, Seaforth; on Thursday, March 8th, 119314, 13 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McLellan, a. son. .A Power of its Own.—Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of its own. All who have used it know this and keep it by them as the most aluable liniment available. its uses ve innumerable and for many years has been prized as the leading lini- nent for man and feast.' PASTEURIZED MILK We are pleased to offer to our many customers and others who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity, a high quality Of properly pasteurized milk, We have installed an up-to-date Glass -lined Pfaudler Pasteur- izer, Cooler and an Automatic Filler and Capper. The bottles are sterilized with a chlorine solution immediately before filling. We are also installing a brine tank and coolingroom which, accompanied with a liberal supply of ice, will afford ample refrigeration. Owing to thehigh cost of installing this equipment and the expense of pasteurizing, the prices will 'be: • 51c a pint or AOC a quart 52pint tickets for .51:00 cash We also offer you a High Testing Cream which we guarantee will whip, the price of which will remain unchanged at present. We invite you to visit our farm and dairy at any time. ILVER. R E EKA, D AIRY EB, GOUDIE, Goderich St. East Phone 144r2 JUNIOR FARMERS' Skating Party y in Palace Rink, Seaforth, on Saturday Night NIARCFI *17 ,Bend in Attendance from -8 till 10 A real time. Everyone Welcome Adults 20c, Children 10c DON'T MISS HEARING array Mcpo (Vocalist, Impersonator, Humorist and Reciter) In the Sunday School Room NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH P riday . evg., Mar, 23 at 8 p.m. Under the auspices of the Young People's League ADMISSION: Adults 25c Children and Collegiate students 15c LONDESBORO Mrs. T. Sampson of Palmerston, is helping nurse her sister, hiss E. Ly- on, ivlso is seriously ill at the hone of her brother, Mr, 1Vut, !Lyon, with no improvement in her condition. Dr. Kirk Lyon of Leamington vis- ited at his home over the week end, Mr. J. 0, Melville spent the week end with friends in Norris twp. Mrs, E. Adams witlu her sister, .Miss L, Brigham of Clinton took ad- vantage of the cheap ,rates on the C; N.R. on Saturday and spent the week end in Toronto. Mr, _Albert Brunsdon evho for many years has resided in tSaskatchewan, has returned to his former town and is making his home with his nephew, Mr -Bert Brunsdon. Mrs. Margaret !fanning received the sad news a few daye ago of the death of her brother, Mr. Enoch Morris of Toronto, which occurred on Thursday morning, March 8'th in his nth year. Deceased was apparent- ly in his usual good health when he was suddenly stricken while on the street quite near the home of 'bis son, medical aid was at once summoned and the hest of attention given him but failed to improve, having suffered a severe stroke. He was removed to the hospital the folllowing day where Inc passed away, being only sick a felt- days. Deceased in former years Ivan well known in this community, having conte to Hellen with his par - WALL PAPS in Stock 734c to 25c SINGLE ROLL 6 yard bundles, .1/4 -in. white Elastic .,. 10c • 1Women's and Children's Cotton Hose 18c Men's All -Wool Work Sox .20c, .25c, 35c, 40c Our special Black Tea, lb....49c 2 lb. tins Corn Syrup ..... ,180 5 Ib. tins Corn Syrup 37c.. 10 lb. pails Corn Syrup . , ,68c Prunes 12%c, 15c lb Five Roses Flour $2.90 Galvanized Tubs, med. size. 85c Razor Blades, blue, „.5 for 15c Paints, Varnishes and Brushes J..T. MciAsh VARNA enits when a babe in arms, iHis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morris, set- tled on concession '10, Hullett, about two miles west of Londesboro when this country was a vast forest. Here deceased grew to manhood with four brothers and three sisters all of .whom have passed to the great beyond but one sister, Mrs, M. 'Manning, Londes- boro. He married Miss Jane A. El- wood of Clandeboye and settled on a farm on the boundary line near Blyth. Here a family of four sons and one daughter were born, Later the farm was sold aid they moved to Toronto to reside. Those left to mourn his loss are: Harvey Morris, a builder: Matthew, a tailor; IIerbert, jeweller, all of Toronto, and Mrs, J. A. Hum- phries, Pontiac, Mich„ and one son died in Toronto at nine years of age. His wife predeceased him three year agog The funeral took place on Satur- day, .March loth, interment in the fa- mily plot in Prospect cemetery, Tor- onto. (Born. -11n Elyt'h. to lir. and Mrs. Albert Austin, on March 6th, a son. lir. Gen. McCall has recently pur- chased lir. Chas. Rudelell's farm and take.a possession Soon. WINTHROP. There passed away suddenly at her home in ,Courtright on Feb, 25th, lire. Glues, L, Bucke' (nee Minnie !Sheridan). .1 short private funeral was held at her home, the public ser- vice being held at St, Stephen's An- glican Church, in Courtright, con- ducted by Rev. lir. Wheaten, assist- ed by Rev, lir. 'Armetrong. Her favorite 'hymns were sung, ''Nearer My God to Thee," and Mr, john !James sang 'The Old Rugged Cross.' Interment was made in Wilkespnrt cemetery. Her husband, three daugh- ters and one son survive. The late Mrs. Bucke was an aunt of -Airs. Geo, Eaton. The prize winters at the euchre and dance in the hall last Friday nigh were, for ladies' :first prize, Miss Ferne Wheatley; ladies' lone hand;, Miss Margaret Montgomery; men's first prize, Mr. ',Louis Bolton, and men's lane hand prize, Mr. Leonhard:, Mrs. Joseph Little spent :last week with her parents, lir. and Mrs. 'Geddes of P,clgrave, Mr. and kits, Foster ,Bennett and Mona and lir, and Mrs. P.nht, Hogg and children of ,Seaforth spent Thurs- day with lir. and Mrs, Gco, Eaton, Mrs, Willis Dundas spent last week with her mother, Mrs. 'George Little, who has been on the sick list. We are sorry that Air. i}Tugh iRess is seriously' 111 at his 'home. :Hiss Trout, :R:N„ of Seaforth, is musing Mr. Ross. Mr. Archie Campbell of Toronto spent the week end with .relatives Isere. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.,lryce and 'Ha- rold spent Sunday with lfr, and Mrs. Matt. 'Armstrong of Hallett. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. C. Seimon of Zurich visited friends in this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs. W. Weldo anal \:fr. J, Solctan visited the litter's parents, lir: and Mrs lf, Solder, near Hensall, Mr. and Mrs, 5V. Huxtable and Miss Agnes Anderson of Centralia visited lir. and Mrs, Jas. Love, Misses Edna Cochrane and Annie Jarrott visited the former's brother, and Mrs. C. Cochrane, near ,B ruce!fiel d. A box social is being held in the 'Hillsgreen Church on Thursday even- ing-, March 115th, .Laclies come and bring your boxes and the gents will take care of thein. Every -hotly w'el- cotne: 'Want and For' Sale, Ads, 3 times, 50c AC000NTS As Dr. Mackay has retired from practice, -would those ow- ing accounts kindly � settle promptly with Miss Edith Hoag, at Dr. Jarrott's office (formerly occupied by Dr. Mackay). HIBBERT. Hibbert Council met in regular ses- sion on Monday at Staffa township hall, all members present, the Reeve .presiding. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and confirm- ed and a number of com'munic'ations disposed of satisfactorily, Bylaws were passed, authorising the appoint- ment of fenceviewers, poundkeepers and patrolmen, also authorizing esti- mated expenditure on roads for 1934. :Fallowing is the list of .appointments: William Pullman, , Joseph !Linton, Sa- muel Norris, Oswald Walker, Frank 'Jordan, Robert Barbour, 'Gerald !Doyle, John 31. Miller, As drew Mc- Lachlan, George T. limen, Pound- keepers---IFranvk Feeney, Alma Gray, :Fred Vipond, John Hocking, Lorne Pethicte, ,Pa'trick Williams, 'Bert .Pears, 'Walter Kerslake, Dave Bruce, Arnold 'Westlake, Frank Hannbly, Patrolmen —Edwin Harris, William Tullman, Mack Feeney, Gordon Docking, Cecil Bowman, Albert iHiey, Hugh Dalrym- ple, Edgar Allen, James `Hoggarth, )William Jeffery, John Coyne, Joseph Atkinson, Joseph Stapleton, Percy Harris, Alex. lldDougall, General ex- pense orders for $20135, which included balance of requisitions owing to the schools, and road expense orders, $3S, were issued. The meeting adjourned until Monday, April 9, at 1 p.m,—Mrs, Kathleen Feeney Tow•a: hin Clerk, BRUCEFIELD, New.; has been rerrtved of the pass- ing of 11r., John Chapman, Edgety, Sask., the eldest son of the late Mr. Win. Chapman of Tockersmith, It was with the deepest re„eret that the many friends of lIr B. R Hig- gins heard of lnk pe.seing awey 'tet week, air. Higgins teas b ,rn near Brucefield ctrl c ,ntinurd to live there until he retired and moved to .Clinton a nwmher .of yeas ago, fie was Sun- day School superintendent and an el- der in the church for a great many years and was a man ti ba was highly. respected. The sincere sympathy of their many friends in the village and community is extended to Mrs. Hig- gins and family. Nurse 'Rohner who has been spending the past sew months with friends in Exeter returned to her home in the village last week, Mrs. Jamieson and Llfrs.'Brock, at- tended the funeral of their friend, 12r, Jamieson of the Huron Road last week, The Horticultural Society are hold- ing a social evening, \larch 16th at 8 p,nt, A report will .be given by the delegates who attended the Horticul- tural convention which was held in Toronto last February. They are certainly making a real Irish celebration for the =pith, giving a concert and a real Irish feed, lots of fun for your 117 cents. !larch __meeting of the Tuckersfnith :Aggressive Club will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh, on Tuesday evening, -!Larch 20th, The roll call will be answered by "How we are benefitted by meeting togeth- er." The topic, "New Ideas of Potty try Raising," by James Scott and "How- to snake aur club meetings simple, entertaining and interesting," by Scott Davidson. The regular meetingof the Bruce - field Y.P.S. was held on Monday ev- ening, March 12th at '8,115 with the missionary convener, Miss Evelyn Grainger, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing a. hymn, followed by a Scripture reacting by Eveiyn Grainger, followed by prayer by Gor- don Elliott. The topic, "What I. Vat \1'e Would have Jesus Do With Us," was taken by the ,Rev, Mr. Bremner, mvho at the close gave a. reading. The president, T. McLeod, then took the chair for any discussion and any pre- vailing business, The.meeting closed by all singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah benediction. A social half hour was enjoyed by all present at the class, mood ehicks Good chicks, well cared, result in cheap pullets with the ability to lay lots of big eggs and make you money. Buy your chicks from McKinley of Zurich and be sure. Ask him to call and have a chat before you order, if you like... You are under no obligation to Luy. J E,NicKINLEY ZURICH (Stanley Twp,) PHONE 97 t 11, HENSALL