HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-03-01, Page 12d 1 -told Back reshets IN GROUND event Surface illing •oughout-soulli- iy l•es01t of the her of the past d' here yesterday, most severe incl et has known in ulled in the frost the ground. cams, Creeks 'and x considerable tints formed over ire -(10000. Laltes 4010distance but tlhewe corente ee re on rivets awl solid it will hold 110, ,rater poured 'Mtge: the nleltiug 1s will form and t. several points, 111nliol the fact deeply into the. is,it is believed. • the surface arca . This, ill the rt to • l' s and Leavy ice will da - the lakes, . 1Vheu of the rivers will be oo thick RUSH EMPTY CARS FOR LARGE GRAIN ORDER with otder for the shipment of 1,000,000 busbele of wheat to be moved from Midland to Halifax for export over an a'7 -Brutish route, Western Ontario railway employees are hope- ful of more work, and empty grain cars aro being called. to 1»huico for despaleb to the elevators at Midland. The order for this shipment went through quite recently, and smaller doliveeles of grain are being rustled so that. the 1,000,000 -bushel order :nee be band•O1 efficlently. This isthe nest heavy wheat ehipnient from the LE P LONDON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934 II 1 CoksiD pi plan of the tlet'te etteul Anything'LL �LAJ �L�r9 which was undertaken with the ilt- 'threaten of the Government up until r� A tho end of the year, could Inc entn- CLIS11i tl EL E F plated under the relief regulations and Government assietnnee Tho requisite by Lite municiltll.lities that transients betaken care of as tar as possible by the Government relief camps received the comment of the premier that this was pretty well the 0110 already and that It wan being extended. WAGE LAW - - Tile request that there should be a minimum mime law for nun and - hoes, just as there isfor wane., Itrcu;ht forth some argument. The premier pointed out that labor itself appeared lu be opposed, Mayor Storm of Kitch- ener thought the t fits was not so of 1.110 rank and filo of labor•• het ally of the leader's. who wore afraid of losing their jobs. The premier turned this argument aside, but admitted that 11e would not seethe a ein-nem that the me:1010m wage would be, conte the maximum wage. 11 had not worked out that way in connection with the 101111100m wage law for women. On the contrary it had estab- lished a 111111111111 111 wage and 1110)e has been a sealing up from there, A resolution that the Provinciial Government petition the 1)01111111011 to appoint a. commission to study a seheln0 of unemployment hn0u rat tae 101111 a view to early action Mang -lit the comment from the premier that. Ottawa had been slo)yin:the ques- tion for some time. without the an- pointmelt of a .commission. The question of reducing the age for 0'd age n011010110 to 60 years was ease laid before the Government head. Fie pointed out that even with the present ago limit -dere had been in- creases in the number receit'ing pen- sions. 1211 the past year or so there had been many applications from per- sons 72 and 73 years of age who had not previously been receiving pen- sions. but who lolled their resourves depleted as a result of conditions and had been forced to seek the Govern- ment help. The premier also tools o0earlon to point out that there lvas a good dual of fraud on the part of some of those looking for the pensions. It was not general, but it existed, and there had' been cases of it being used for politi- cal patronage. In some municipali- ties 211011 had gone np and dowel with pension blanks in their pockets, using them to canvass for votes. It was not the rule, hut it had become too preva- lent in the province. Answer of Premier Henry To Ontario Mayors PROGRAM IS DISCUSSED Minimum Wage For Men Cause of Argument Georgian Bay elevators this year. Speoial and CP Dispatches T011oN'('O, Feb. 27. — The Ontario Government will give serious considerationt , c Ieat0n of to the µ giv- ij��p Ing cash tee L. N.d ttillINT relief rect.ieuls teethed of A I b p grooeries or other orders, Teenier Gee. S. Henry told a deputeliul of mayors of Ontario amcnieltalilies 'to- AD a 1 [JTT[ DDED day, and would also study other pro_ Middlesex Members In House canals eadeetl1 by the mayors at a re- cent meeting in :Louden. Win Point Beaded by Mayer le' Acery, OI St. Catharines the deputation -In- BY E. A. SPENCE eluded mayors ur represe° la Lives Free Press Staff Correspondent from Hamilton, 1Vulll000Illa, London, TORONTO, Feb. 27.—Gradingof Htauiford and Kitchener. butter, pm•trdeshm and eontpulsary, Among other things 111e deputation asked PI•emiee Haney Le bring down. started a long and heated controversy a special -relief tax" to be levied in In the dairying sub-eonmittee, of (lie such in 111111101.• "110 to ereeeee ail agriculture this maiming which re- neecss0ry funds from those Lnc0n105 suited in the adoption of a motion which ran best supped tite national that Ontario seek action b' the 110- charge." minion Government to compel the '1010 pnnhtnleu flnvel•nute»t was marking of all butter as to grade. already studying a system of unem- The motion was sponsored by tria ptYn vt insurance the premier said two Middlesex members, Fred V. la re1.ly to , ret uest font the de e- Laughtun and nr, L. W. Freely, who (Mier for the ,appointment of -a com- argued successfully that only this way` mitlee to study meth Malawi. llopiy- would it be possible to get over to lug to a resolution seeking Inhering rho public the difference between of the old age pe,mioi] ego 11'1m 70 10 good, medium and inferior brands. 65. Mr. Henry deolal'ed he had found lave been report- Mf. Laughton, during the argument, many persons over the pension age tittle durlug the charged 11101 the c•ealiter'ies were had now begun applications for as - 1)0 seasons back Opposed to such narking because there sistance, their reserves having been Jame resulted In %yea more money in quantity rather dopletad. However, it had been Neaatens of low- than gnelity production• found there was a great deal of fraud :eat •. to some of The whole debate,in which peso- on the part el people seeking pen - Many every member of the sub -corn- Bions, In one case a ratan lied sworn flee, 11. Is under- mittee took part, resulted from per. 110 had 'not transferred any property preparatory steps mission, Legislation sought by the and it was found 110 had transferred 1 be able to el1111. Ontario Creamerynen's Association $5,000 worth to a daughter two tof any danger. for a special brand tel mark their qual- months before applying for n Pension, ity product under a aonmlitlee of the It had been found, loo, that mu- LIEFassoelaticnl. Any product to carry this 01.11101 commissions 11011 been using ET FREE SEED brand would have 10 110 up to a eel-- the pensions for political patronage tale grade and manufactured under certain conditions, Provision would purposes. '7, — While there Mayor II. W. Sturm, Kitchener, de- er be, made against prise cutting dared he was vitally haerested in a melds for aid, the under the scheme, - mininmunr. .tge law for mea. Many 1.c la prepared to Certain members of abo committee eploya•s vera taking advantage of ASKS REDUCTION IN expressed. the opinion that Ontario ie rho way or free nn , , - there was es in the butter was not up de sufficiently high the workersIre saidandU. S. FOREIGN RATES TO province standard to provide a good export trouble in the furniture. plants of his This was the market. city 110w, with the possibility of a MEET CANAL OPPOSITION Itennedy, minis- CHEESE BETTER strike. ito a question as The quality of cheese had been It seemed rather remarkable. Mr. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.—To 140111tit being given to raised to a standard where it hada Henry replier]. that labor organize- trans -continental railroads to meet 11.hcut any 111011110. good name in export nuerhets, but tions were not in favor of the mini - Panama. canal competition 011 pnsaen- griculture pointed the sante thing Gould not he said for neral wage law. ger automobiles, an interstate eon - farming industry butter. "Many anion mon with whale 1 1110100 commission -examiner recmn during the recent"Who does the fault lie with?" ask- bare 01Olcett Oro in favor oC it," the mended. today that the commission them have been ed Mr, Laus11ton. nayor replied. authorize a reduction in freight rates ' a vary few have "With the creameries. They shade "Why don't they say se at their Front Detroitandother producing a•, another the quality in order to produce quell- conventimis?" eel. 1 Mr, Henry. : centres to California seaports. grnnp t(ty. MIS was admitted a year ago Continuing ',he discussion Mayor Ile proposed, however, that the coin - us to whom aid i.�w0rn it was shown that Alberta but. Sturm netted if there was not a 18 0110 1.h° fainters mission refuse to authorize lower • w be- 111llnln wage la 1.L¢n m g ter wasbrought t- den er of t n t fru 1.s, The new rates would u in to raise the cleat- rates 1 1 1 w t u g t g e q oughtall c=ause 1 maximum wa ° and the ^tams n g intermediate . it o lh Ontario 't " coming, h 1, lower than t o o of into me a Y f o aro nrodu,, . 11 3 t o a h s p re a faller., ° f dura and em'ked had not n ed grain. T d°. "Why don't the creameries guy premier declared 1.t I pointe. ler 011111.1es pre- high quality cream and protide a high out that way in the case of women J. Edgar 01211111, the examiner, said led gefeiti to this quality butter?" asked A. E, Honey- rhocame under the law. While the large numbers of automobiles are g ommunity at a. (Con., Ottawa North). minimum for women was $13.50 a uhipled front Detroit and other 01r0' "10 . they did they would aeon raise week, 111081 women were getting more clueing, points to Baltimore and other the quality of the cream that. the than that, he said. North Atlantic ports and taken to OTIATED farmer is providing," declared Dr. The delegation whim Included the 'West Coast by water at a rake EAPEST COST 11.3- Davis (Cone Elgin East).Mayor F. H. Avery, .t. Catharines, of $1.02 per 100 pounds. Norrth),,Nvanwho introduced the whale North), 1) Newman (Lib., Victoria epokesman: Mayor O. e. \V011fge, CITY TO P'AY FOR ALL London; Mayor R. A. Farrow, \Valh- 27.--(C:P)—Tee 1 s bjeet, declared that the greed for erville; Mayor 1I. W. Sturm, Kitchen - of $10,000,000 01110 rapacity hl cerise creameries nes ¢r; Mayor Wilton, 27. Hamilton, and cheapest 0001 iv the trouble. Ole also pointed out that A7d. J. C, Mlddlotou, Brantford, r°^ There will be Ito debenture issues ny years, Preruier In many cases there 1001'0 four trucks ceived a sympathetic hearing fromto cover the city's 0h0re of the cost d .today in coo- nn the road collecting cream for four tents nada by Mit- creameries where fibre was only sat- (i�e premier, who thanked them for of relief employment this winter. Vie tlesentiug their Problems at a time amount expended will go directly In M.P., Ontario Lib- Relent cream far one truck, when they could be hnpien00104 if tin tax rate A111. alehne0 made the, Rowe. Jur. I-1131040 t "Apel the iw•m0310 pay for it," In- have charged there terrupled Mr, Laughton, decided upon favoraLlr. He pointed '010101110121 pointing out that te IW001 the Govern- "I have been in the creamery bust- out that many of the proposals Werenot new 10 111111 but there war° others unemployed had been given work hr xl advisers celled in ness for 30 reeve and. I have been that liruthere been called Blend of direct collet. Ald. Ilactgln t eltai•ding the loan. 'trying to solve the problem of coo- 101 0 his bel attentiooatn pspeaking to the City Council hast rare pairs one-tenth petition for that length of Lime," de-. The brief was presented by the mgh t,, declared that the relief eel - :tied paid their 0100 Glared illi. Newman. pioyment came under the relief head delegation which was appointed at a'in and it would sin there. terry said. "Tire farmers could stop IL" Mr. meeting held in London some two b y Inc slight office ex- Honeywell interposed.veelts ago, representing 2'J 1000101- Aid. Holmes said lie could .not etc, 01 so, but the feat From the standpoint of the con- polities urged upon 0110 Government how a noticeable increase in the 19341 as only .7 Per cane.,sumer w'ouldn't it be a good thing lie residence quota for relief recipi- tax rate could ho avoided. With al - et loan I can recall ar- to nark the grades c^, that he would nts from three months to a year. must $1,000,000 in taxes being 'in 1121' knew exactly what he Is getting? t was pointed out that. urban mu- rears for the last three years, the .asked Dr. Freele, in. seconding bur. licipal(ties had Leen heavily burden_ relief ddtiett for 1033 to be taken care AD OF WINE ,Laughton's avghtoas motion, cit by the mov010001 of those requit- of, in addition to the cost of the re- } TO MICHIGAN The chairman. James A. Souder- ng acs(stande from rural to urban lief work now under way and an centres, Pert demand for the London and The proposal that the Government Pert Slun:Oy Railway. the aidm'man pay half (he bast of hospitalization hinted it wend oe impossible to hold drew 50010 comments from the pre - the levy within smolt ma'•gm of ruler who thought that under the pro - 1:113 1110 1038 level. The deficit on the poral as they put it, the bospltat welfare and relief account will vould be making a profit on the cleat. .talo an axils milt and a ]telt alone. RELIEF WORK BY TAXES --- Wien has been ro- rhatt' Stater, .to erl- 1y looking to Can - hard liquor, but for 11 Winery Co, ye0ter- load.of wines to the 1pu0r Control Board, Tette is the 11001 t to be sent trout ders, IL Is expected. Coddle It with ,,Measures! to`trifle with. Don't time—take Grove's Quinine quickly. It go;itecessary. First, s.. Second, it corn - in the system. It ache and "grippy" entire system and It further attacks. AVS Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine 10 nitated. Don't be inferior products. tomo Quinine is fed because that the action of the offer sulbtitutes take more money our rights. Insist axative Bronco, the name on the. BXR Sall Wen., Grenville) pointed out that the only action the committee could lake ea the grading question would Lc as a recommendation to Ottawa, as this conies under the Dominion Government, A. H. Acres (Con., Carleton), de- clared that Ontario had been sleeping at the switch. Pointing out that at the present time there were hundreds on relief 111 Ontarlo, he suggested that some of the money that was being spent on relief should be taken and hien seat out to aid the farmers in cleaning up their stables, It would bring back millions in a few years. He staled that he was wholeheartedly 111 favor of lir. Laughton's motion, D. J. Taylor (Prop„ Grey North) stated that as there .loomed no doubt that the export market regulated the price, there should be grading 00 Pro- vide a high quality standerd. If the Product was to get the advantage the quality should be raised so that there would be a demand for Can- ada's products, IIe pointed to hogs and cattle as an example. lie pointed out, however. that the faxmers real- ized but little due to the fact that the grading stopped at the abattoir. The sante thing held good in any product andthe raising of the qual- ity should not stop at the creamery door. .At the present time high and Low-grade cream in many rnean,erfes was going in together to produce a low-grade product. Ile agreed with the Laughton resolution and urged that a strong recommendation for action be sent to the Dominion Gov- ernment, W G. Medd (Prog., -turon South) gave some figures on the meditation Or graded butter produced in the whole of - Canada, In Ontario and in eTuron County.. Ole is a creamery man andwee ptod11cin6 a. hag:ea:eel- ity`product, but admitted that, under' Present conditions he was losing to competitors by reason of this, Ole was favorable to the gvaling pro- posal of the Middlesex members, Mr,- Newman introduced 'a resolu- tion that the Government approve the 1'neve of the ()Marie tleamory- mell'e Association to create under e. committee a brand of butter w(th a score of not .less. than ,0 for! flavor.. Tide resolution was not debated, This was due, however, to the word- HEAD OF SPIKE HITS ng of the resume which led to' a mis- understanding as to what the cities SECTiONMAN iN EYE desired. On the right Lo provide direct re- For the second time this week ex- ile! in cash rather than vouchor as ceodingly simple little ihinga have at present, the premier doubted the caused injuries to scetionmcn on the wisdom of this, although he admitted London division of the 0. 00. P, that many of their arguments were Monday W. Wheeler, of this city sound. It was just a question as to was injured w11011 a lump of coal whether the arguments against the fell from a. passing train to hit him plan outweighed thosefor it. on the ]head. Copy to the requisite for extelaien Yesterday D. Dattora, a se0tOnman of time for the completion of relief working near Brantford, suffered an projects 11eyend March 21, the pre- injury to his eye while pulling rail Mier pointed out that at tate time spikes. As ho was pulling the spike the .unemployment relief confrontedwith a crowbar, the head of the it had been agreed that the time spike broke off, flew into the air and would be extended to the end of the struck him in the eye. After first year. If a relief project were started aid treatment he was able to return this year, it would conte under the to lis work. Best Remedy for Cough Is Easily Mixed at Ho e. NoCookingl NoWork! Real Saving! You'll never know ]tow quickly a stubborn cough can be conquered, un- til you try this famous recipe. It is used in more homes than'any other, cough remedy, because it gives more prompt, positive relief. It's no trouble at all to mix and coots but a trifle. Into a 16 oz. bottle, pour 214 ounces of l'iuex; then add granulated sugar syrup to make 16 ounces. Sethi) is easily made with 2 cups of sugar and one cup of water, stirred a few mo- menta until dissolved. No cooking needed. This gives you four times as much cough medicine for your money, and it'e a pater, better remedy. It never spoils, and tastes Eno. Instantly you feel its penetrating ef- fect. It loosens the rm-laden phlegm, g P r clears the airpassages, $$ 89 ea and soothes p s., and �tealsthe lnflnme Membranes. d m nes. This three -fold action explains why it brings such quick relief in severe coughs. Pjnex is a highly coneentrate(1 coin' pound of Norway Pine, teed for gen, orations for its healing effect ou throat ceased laying however, but' ryas. left 01 et' to the membranes. It ie guaranteed to give) to deliver materials Co n01t meeting of, the subcommittee. prompt ,relief or money. refunded, < 1110 Riau e. HERD OF 14 DEER PASS THROUGH ALLiSTON ALLIS'10N, Ont., Feb, 27. — A hard of 14 doer wore seen trotting south through the ice fields north of here last week. It is known that these deer !herd up. in .the dense swamp north of town and theirmigration across open country has led people to believe that they are heading .for the Adjala swamps where wolves have not yet been reported. Althoughan od' wolf was sighted in the fall it 1s common now for the setters to hear the hunting howls at nights and a close watch bas been placed over sheep and fowl. STRIKERS STOP TRAINS BY FORMING HUMAN CHAIN 4TILWAUla.DFJ; Feb. 27. — Several hundred strike pickets at the Seaman Body Corporation plant today formed a 1512111010blockadero Prevent trains from entering yards of the factory. Pickets massed onthe tracks and refused- to permit trainmen - to open gates to inner yards. Switching el•elws 416, SEIL0IES UtU1D A11.TAII Elf fi E AV E N Hon, E. N. Rhodes Tells of Econo- mies of the Bennett Government OTTAWA, Feb. 27.—(Cls)—Savings Emperor of Manchukuo Will Be totaling 5101747,277 in the coat of the Public service of Canada for the year Crowned On Thursday ended September 30, 1332, as com- pared with the year ended with JAPS ON THE ALERT Mar011 31, 101)1, were shown in g statement issued today by lion, 11. N. Ceremonies Are More Than. Reese., minlator 00 dnanee. 'Fele 3,000 Years 04d considerably exceeded the g01101a1 ex- pectations, It lune said. I-ISINGI(1NCt, 14lancbulcuo, h'eb, Of this Mai saving the 10 per cent (s`. [')—SS hlle Henry Pu -)'S stayed in- eatery deduction wee responsible for n'hile' staff reductions ac- , 57,707,807, b Fastin and •• lodeto doors g a YY meditation for his enthronement on 0000 t0d w 101• $11;026,970. Thursday as Lmpe•er of Manchukuo, On July 11, 1930, the statement other principals. 111 the tradition -hoary shores, there. were 711,571 1❑ Lis pub- 01'8111on1es rehearsed their parts lea s¢rviee, On 083(0 0031 30, 1933, In sub -aero lvoalher, this number 1100 been reduced to Tim scene was the altar of heaven. 00,209, a total reduction of 13,272 17e1'- -built of. earth and consisting of sons; of whom 6,867 were 121 the Per - three -concentric circular terraces— 111an81101 staff and 7,406 engaged where the 3,000-year-oel rites will temporarily on account of excep- rearb a climax at dawn March 1 11(111111 oircumslaneee. (about 1,30 p, m„ 1$. S. T„ Wednes- The total salary and wages paid in day.) the year ended with March 31, 1921, Manchukuo and Japanese officials, was $28,600,045, and for the year courtiers, and high Manchu dignitaries ended with September 111, 1933. —one of whom look the 2$-year-olrl 109,815,767. ri1-1'1's part—shiveringly intoned the 0110101ands and directions of the core- DESCRIBES DEATH OF monies In ancient. Manchu dialects, PUBLIC SERVICES ARE REDUCED $18,784,227 Thursday the altar 00 heaven "'Ill THE MONK R It SPUTISY be hidden to foreign eyes, but today - Jl�jg J[ �J a glimpse of the three -derail strutLure was vouchsafed oorrempondeets. Princess, Suing For $2,000,000, Testi- Around it are yellow screens 13 feet ties In London Court r o high, and the whole taco Is o,- LONDON, ° ONDON 1 eb 27.—The of p ho ata• a Y closed In barked -wire p1oc1-ad covered a 0 bow Rasputln, the mord:, was killed by vagi -colored bunting, was retold today 10 ono of the strong - No foreigners will be allowed to see 1110 youthful Pu -yl at the altar on est cases ever heard in an Englisch Thursday. leo phologt•apha will be al- law court., in uveich 1renl. Yoessoupoft lowed. To 1)0000111 any untoward cfr• Fe suing Met. -Goldwyn -Mayer Pie - Lures, soldiers will be massed 111 tures, Ltd„ alleging she was libelled close formation around the scene, in the flim "Ilasputin and tate Bin - armed to the teeth. press." Thousands of deleelil'es were 011 P1111C000 Youssoupeff, who is suing 1110 alert for suspicious actions or 1010 e2,009,000 tlalnages, was under poraons. lures -examination when the case uvea nut all Itlanebekuo and Japanese adjourned today. attloials and courtiers who are to She contends that tire picture de - participate enacted their assignor' 01°ted the events that led to the kln- parts, A high Manchu official took Ing of 00apntin by Prince Chegoditt the place of the emperor -elect in per- in SL Petersburg, but that Raaputln forming all the traditional acts lyes aetnally killed' by her husband, through which Pu -T) himself will go Prince Felix Youssoupolr, on Thm•sday. In the Picture, the princess con- trite only sound breaking the frosty plains, she is represented as Prinee0s stillness was tete high, meal chant- Natasha 0nd is Mellott T118 3121500145 Ing of the ritualists — intoning onus- Is the daughter of Grand 1)ulto Alex hands and directions to the various ander. uncle. of Czar Niebolay. rites In ancient Manchus dialect. Par- Prhhce Youssoupoff is expected to ticipanls and onlookers alike were testify tomorrow. dililed to bone. The 28 -year-old /a Pu-Y1's octogenarian courtiers sof- DATE BUREAU" AT QUEENS fared acutely.. DR. C. C. WALLER REPLIES TO HINT OF STUDENTS DOspile thefact that the students of Huron College gave 111111 the lint recently by presenting him with a razor an,d shaving brush, Dr. C. C. Waller, principal of the college, re- fuses to shave off his beard. His reo- son5 lie sets forth 111 V01130 as fel- 'ewer "M' mother bidsme bind 111 hair" o b 1.l aY Upon thee be the Philistines): ( 1 They're lurking In Delilah's lath. "I ]tate the ribbon that confines." My children hid me shave my beard (Upon thee be the Philistines); crave you Delilah's tale not heard Whose love her cruelty confines? 111y children want to see my chin (Upon thee be the Philistines); The dimple, too, that leeks within Their fork has pierced me with its tines. Function Is To Arrange Engagements With the Opposite Sex I(INCISTON, Feb. 27.—A.'Onto bu- reau" has been formed at Queen's Uni- versity as a meads of Obtaining so- cial engagements with opposite sex, and is now in process of Organization. Ail that i0 necessary for those stu- dents desiring a "dale" for a allow, dance or other entertainment is to ap. ply by letter to the bureau through the university post office at least two days 011110 o d R V e . The slops rs of the bureau elate that several students already have registered Ailthose desiring to reg- ister with the bureau are asked to give the following Information: Sex, age, .description (brief), interests, type of date preferred, graduating year and la -0011n name, address and telephone number. Only students who have reg 'stored with the bureau are permitted to en30y its privileges. PRAYER BOOK OF 1885 WAS 28 -PAGE EDITION Delilah shall not sliest my locks, An old English family prayer boon, Nor hand me to the Philistines, prescribed for use in the Slellmuth Nor w3eek me on ]ter siren roosts, Colleges by the Lord Bisbee of Iluron, I love too well my lilting linos, in 1185, has come into the possession of the library of the University of 0 children, must I dice my wlerd? Western Ontario. Who thus a peat's right declines At that time rho college for mon was And eels Itis hair and shaves lbs located on the same plot on which tile beard. Church of St. John 1110 Evangelist, St. is fait' game for the Philistines. James street, now stands and tile girls' college on the present site or the Bu lolt St, Joseph's orphanage. OLD SHEPHERD DOG The book of prayer contains only CARRIES FOOD TO SICK 25 pages, as compared with the pres- ent voluminous edition. FOX AND TWO YOUNG SARANAC LAKE, N.Y., Feb, 27.— (AP)—An old ahopherd dog which has been 111 the family of Sohn S. Johnson, St. Lawrence County farm- er, since puppyhood, 1100 become so kindly with the years that it has been carrying its own foodto a sick. fox. The family noted that at each feed- ing the dog carried away part of its food, ahvays going in the sante direc- tion across a field. When the dog was followed it was found with its head and shoulders in a - fox del. which contained a sick mother fox and two Young. Extra rations were being issued the old shepherd dog today. FIVE NEGROES TRAPPED ON TRESTLE, KILLED PAYIOTTI:VILLE, N. C., Feb. 27.— Five ncgroes were killed today when they were trapped on a trestlebyan .Atlanta coast line train near slope Mills, N. C. They were Katie Stocks and her four children, ranging in age STEAL GOODS WORTH 81,800. HAMILTON, Feb. "7.• -(CP). — Th3eves during the night ransacked T(rltzer's Ladles' Wear store, King street east, end' carted away no less than 51,80n worth of merchandise. The front door of the store n11d been jimmied. The new VACTRIC .�iCTRTC Quiet, Efficient English VACUUM CLEANER The Vactric will carry out all home clearing prob• lees efficiently. It has hundreds of satisfied users in Canada. The comfort and cleanliness of your house demands ,it and your own personal labor deserves it, A few s of the outstanding pointers ou this British -made a machine: Complete with All Attachments And Demothing AIM) '65 Quiet 1. Efficient f Easy lo Handle —It will clean the heaviest pile 'carpet, —It will enable you to absorb dust from uphol- stered chairs. —It will clean curtains and haligings in an efficient manner without raising a particle of dust. —It will polish linoleums and parquet floors, —Easy to handle, as you only have to push the suction hose instead of the usual bag and motor. Vile mill demonstrate this in your men home, without any obligation whatever. PLASTIC PAPERS For Three Days Only Plastic Papers gain inpopularity Y for living and dining.rooms this spring. The latest Papers we are showing are in four different colorings, but in plastic effects with clever, contrasting. borders, Specially priced for Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. 25 SINGLE ROLL Border for same, Sc yd.. 5 � n & Ingrain MARTIN APPROVES INCREASING JUVENILE COURT AGE TO 18 OTTAWA, leeb. 9t. --(CP) — wh110 approving the principle of increas- ing the 3uvolllle court age from 15 years to 1S year;^„ Sion. W. G. Martin, minister of publio welfare for On- tarso, stated In an address dere last night he did not think the Unto was ready for the change unlit there was sono Institution to take care of boys in the Intermediate ages. Ile did notthinkit right to cotmnit a boy of 17 years to aninstitution where Fre would be associated with boy's of, say, 10 and 11 years of age. lle believed the solution was to have Institutions litre those in England for boys who are too old for an industrial school but not 01d enough for the inside of a prison. B. C. LIBERAL GOVERNMENT UPHELD ON FIRST VOTE 'VICTORIA, Feb. 29—(CP)—Tl0L1b.. oral Government under Premier T. D. Pattullo, was upheld 30 to 12 in the first division of the present Legifela- ture when second reading was given a hill to re-establish the old consti- tuency of Columbia. Two Liberals Voted against the measure. ISSUES TWO WRITS—The Lon0o1 & Western Trust Company Ltd„ act- ing in bankruptcy for the Erie Serv- ice Stations Ltd., issued two writs in county court yesterday. The first was against Oren S. and Arnold Winer and the firm of Winer Brothers, of Exeter, for $432,62, alleged owing on goods. The second was against H. Rose, of Zurich, for 1232,36, also al- leged owing on goods: Douglas & McCallum act for the trust company. "I'sc it: totem:, hotdey" Everyone likes Pancakes, and when made from Aunt Jemima ready -mixed Pancake Flour or prepared Buck- wheat Vow, they're no trouble at all to make. Give your family a treat—serve Aunt Jemima's tonight —and watch their enjoyment as they sail into those piping -hot stacks of golden brown deliciousness. Al PANCAE FLOUR Nada In Canada by Tho Ouukar 6,10 Contvany HOW TO MAKE PERFECT PANCAKES Just add a cup of fililk or water to a cup of Aunt Jeaim reRd mixedPGn- cakebriskly. Flout. stir iyriskly Cook for 2 minutes over;.:, a moderate jure .Ftiqugh for the whole f8091!3! costa only a few cents,