The Seaforth News, 1934-03-01, Page 11l OPEN llh1lE TO CANCR CIJTS A. R. Mosher To Address Rail- way Workers Thursday Night IN NATION-WIDE MOVE Mass Meeting In Orange Hall •'ByC.B.ofR.E, Believed to be an 'opener" for a neaionWide drive for the cancellation. of recent pay cuts and Lhe restorat;on. of pro -depression wage levels for rallway workers, a massmooting of railway, employees has been tailed for Thursday night of this weal;. The mooting willbe addresood by A, R. Mosher, president of the All-Cane- dtan Congress of Labor, and other well-known Canadian• labor leaders. Tho meeting will bo .held In the Or- ange 'Hull r-ange'hall here at 8 11. m., ' and is sponsored by the Canudlan Brother - 1100d 03 Ranee* Employees, of wh ch Mr.I Mosher is 1170 nAUdnal president. Circulars announcing the meeting were posted yesterday under the head- ing,. "Your Welfare Is at Stake" The circular reads in part; '.Noth- Ing is of more vital interest to ,you than the protection and Improvement of our wages and working condi- tions. Thee° are imperilled by lack of thorough organization. Railway work - era moat get together and discuss their problems seriously. You are, there- fore, Invited to an open meeilpg Of all railway employees at the Orange Plall, Clarence street, on Thursday, March 1, at 8 p, 1n. Nor your own sake and your family's sake you are urged to attend." Local division No, 08 of the C. B. of 11. U., of which Stan Chain/elle is Meal chairman, has made the arrange-. menta for the meeting, Mr. Mosher had given no advance lidermatlon as to what Ids topic will 210, bol it: is generally undoralood that wages and the much -proposed amal- gamation of the C. P. 11. and. C. le, n, Or )fooling of trains will he discussed by other speakers, if not Mr. Mosher. A, general move for the restoration of former pay levels is said to be on foot 111 many O0011011s of railway labor.. The United States railway workers plats a general drive for the cancella- tion of all pay cuts, effective this fall, having started work on the plan last December. It Is also understood that the inter- national railway unions, with mem hors t l,,a on the - Canadian roads, are 'Ido; j together with this end In view, endo that concerted action to forms the restoration ofbas'c rates of Pay, as established in 18226, is to be expeete0 during the latter hall of title year. The local meeting Is believed by a number of men here to be the open- ing of a drive within the C, B. of n. 38, along the same lino for the can- cellation of all )say cuts. al I SCO -EDS' IDEAL MAN TALL WITH DARK HAIR Should Be Coed Dancer, With Bridge Playing An Asset ' Not to be outdone by the men stne- dents, who last week picked tlelr ideal girl, ca -eels fah the University of West Ontario have picked their • ids: and the result is "woo- to the ho't 'un1" The Ideal Is to be 5 feet tell, weigh- ing 172 pounds, with black, wavy hal,. Ills complexion will beneither creamy nor swarthy, but in between IIe will look his best in sporty LlveOde and will, not 'lave a lip adornment. The ideal man will be good In all linos of endeavor, from the1710511g. field to the mer° gentle paathnos of bridge and dancing. IIe must be clover enough to get along in life and support these college lassies, who prefer college men with romantic dis- positions. Surprisingly, the. co-ed . wants her man to be popular with other women. In the vote the girls were most definiteon the subject of tall sten and dant hair; In fact, almost unanimous on the subjoot. There is somehope for the man who doesn't play bridge, but they all must dance —and the co-eds probably mean that In more ways than one. EARLY DAFFODILS APPEAR IN VANCOUVER VICTORIA, Feb, 27,--(CP—Vietori- aus pottered about their gardens to- day', gazing with admiration at the early daffodils and wondering just how many meteorological records would bo broken this. month, 1r. Napier Denison, director of the Dominion meteorological observately, announced today that February had been the mildest month on record for 00 years, There was more sunshine for the first 28 days of this month than for the whole of any February, includ- ing those of leap year, dating as far back at 1802, An average of six how'sa•day has boon Victoria's daily share of sae - shine. Overcomes Inflanilnlatory RI-IEUMATISM MA°TISISR Mr. F. Rose, Ono Park, Ont., writes: "I was attacked by Infammatory Rheumatism. 1couldn't bear to hbee touched. T -n was R C e gave me the most extraordinary relief. Before my first $1 box was finished 1 was entirely free of any sign of rheu- matism." Equally good for Painful Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia. No harmful drugs. 50c and $1. 224 TOR RtiEV1�fA77 �---- C--� Cl\=S V7 63 T R:: -C' THE FREE PRESS, I ONDO'IN, ON AR ), Theatre Ushers Vote To Strike NEW YORK, Yee, 27.—IAP) — Atinouncement of a general strike of. ushers and other front -of -Ute- house employees of New York Motion -picture theatres in an effort to force recognition of their union wee 'made today at the offices of the Theat'o and Airtime - M0111 1i]mp1oye°s' Union, 1'hc strike was voted early today, after an all-night meeting, but it is not expected to start before Thursday. T110 union elalms a membership of 4,000 and indirect influence over 20,000, TO THINUIT CITY Immediate Steps To Consider Building Continuation FOLLOWS. DISPUTE Warden Says Best Offer Has Been Submitted Middlesex County Council is pre- pared to lake imniedlale steps to con- sider building a series of continuation schools In the district as a result of the dispute between tho County and the London :Board of 1Odueallon over the cost of Middlesex pupils, warden elaeold Marr told .The free Press Yesterday', "We have made our best offer to the city" the warden said, "l3 this offer is refused we will immediately consider palls to build our own schools." A committee from the Middlesex Comity Council has offered to pay to the city 00 per cent. of the cost or educating county pupils In city schools. however, the city is holding out. for 9216 per cent. of the cost. "Will you ask the city for another meeting to reconsider 'the offer?" Warden Marr was questioned. 1rNo: we have made our best otter," 110 replied, In the past Middlesex has paid only 80..per cent. of the cost of educating its pupils in city secondary schools. However, last year this amountedto about $50,000 while in .1932 it was $53,1117. A number of the County Councilors believe it would be cheaper to build their own high schools or class "A" continuation settee's. This proposal will be considered if the city refuses to accept the offer of 90 per cent. nada by Middlesex, if county schools are built it is 'ilcely one would bo constructed in Broughdale and another south of the city. Some of the eminent= favor the immediate construction of four new schools 1n Middlesex. They would LII be near the city. BANKING COMMITTEE HEAD IS CHOSEN OTTAWA Feb. 27.-1 CP)—n, 13. Hanson (Cons., York-Sunhury) was today chosenchairman of the Cont moue 00011;1lee e1 banking and commerce. This will he oto of the most important standing conmitteei, of the sesslon, since the Iegielatlon establishing, a centro]bank and amending the ,lank Act will be re- ferred to it. \ir, Hanson was eh0ir- man of the committee which exam- ined into the affairs of rho Canadian Naltoltai Railway's two years ago, Mark C. Senn (lona, 17aldimand) W/10 again selected chairman of the committee on agriculture, to which the legislation on marketing will be referred. Ile waschairman of that committee last year when it investi- gated the dairy industry. The committee on privileges and elections wilt be beaded by A, .1. Anderson (Conry., Toronto -Ingle Parke; FAILS TO APPEAR IN SWEPT BY BLIZZARDS COURT, IS FINED $25 TORONTO, Fe27. — Tailh,g to appear in York County pollee court to answer a charge of reckless driv- ing, Lance Nnlhery, Pleton, was fined $23 and costs by Magistrate William Keith today'. A htgitway patrolman told the court of chasing the accused man in sera weather for 10 miles- along the libig- ston highwayy at 70 miles an hon bolero overtaking Both mnl m•isl and officer narrowly missed colliding with a street car, he said. Nettle*, the constable acid, admitted having rurchased a quart of liquor in Co- Uoul•g. BRITISH ISLES ARE LONDON, Feb. 2T.—(CPe—l5lizzards and. snowfalls. all over the 'British Isles, with fierce storms at 'Pyrone and Donegal, today' changed the country's weather map sharply and ' promised eventually to temper the severity of the drought. London, daring the night, was the coldest capital in Europe. In Yorkshire farmers busily gather - OEM S;IiE.ME TO BE OISCUSSED Saskatchewan Legislature Will Discuss Merger OF PRAIRIE PROVINCES Plan Advanced By Manioba Premier Two Years Ago .REGINA, h'eb. 27—2CP2, Two years after i','eneter John Bracken of Manitoba throw Ma Prairie -union pro- posal across the West and sum it eery nearly die for want of interest, the dream scheme of the practical farmer who leads the Manitoba Government Is to reach the floor of the Sasl;atch- ewan Legislature. Merger of the legislatures of Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta was the design of Mr. Bracken 'when ho urged one of his own house com- mittees Jo consider Ills plan In Janu- ary, 13' 9 :. and tilts is what Saslsat- thewanalor lar. Io g a will ill dls0nas (t. Is purely an economy argument and hen never been advanced in any otter ir- terest, Rut rho plan fell as flat as asimilar one in the East for the political union of the Maritime Provinces, It al- most became bewbletter'ed doing the months. Tt had an Inactive opposition and supporters who had had then' say wilhtul stirring up the faintest sign of general interest, Or. S, 1V. Arthur, Conservative menthe, for (1,;;; uinglon, yestordaY pitmen a rosoluttnn on the order Pape" of the Ensltatchewon House, proposing the assemblies of 'Manitoba, Saskat- chewan and Alberta be fused In one legislature. It may roach the debate stage this weolc, WOULD SAVE MILLIONS In Premier Bracken's opinion, the West would ultimately save "millions of dollars" through union. He told that to a legislative committee on re- dlst9bution of electoral divisions, but the committee not oily dismissed the suggestion but decided against reevin- 'Mending any reduction 1nthe number of Manitoba constituencies. "lvilh nearly 100 less members In the Prairie legislatures, with one Sas Ston Instead of three each day, with avoidance of Lriplleation in adminis- traLion and of officials, contmissione etnd boards, with elimination of ti quit ration of several university and other department—and in a score 5t other ways -1 sot of the opinion that while the innnediat'0 economy would be eon- slderable, the ultimate sating as the Years go by would reach to millions of dollars," Premier Bracken said, As It is there are lel members In the three provincial houses -113 each in Saskatchewan and Alberta and 55 in Manitoba, "Wo ought to bo able to get a10ng with one-halfof the total number of mentuersee said the Manitoba - premier. What Premier J. 'P. M. Anderson will have In say about the Arthur resolution te the House here is proh- lennnticel. At the time AIr. Bracken's. propnsnl was receiving wide publielty, the Saskatchewan premier saki he (meld not 5110 "complete approbation' 'cher° were some advantages, he ad- mitted, but there wore also 11 III ul- tiea width might prove. iesuperable. ALBERTA VIEW Hospitals May Serve Starlings imuraiO1t10, Feb. 27,—(CP)— Baltimore hospitals may soon bo serving steeling delicacies. An ordinance liar, been prepared fol' Introduction into 1210 City Counell to empower the .police commis- sioner to assign patrohnen to kill the lards, with shotguns, The "bag" would' bo turned over to hospitals and charitable Institu- tions for eonsunepton, FERGUSON CHAIRMAN OF IMPERIAL COMMITTEE T,ONDON, Fob, 27.--(C3 Cable)— lion, G. able)-Lion,-G. Iloward Ferguson, Canadian highcommissionerin London, today succeeded Sir Ito;'ace 3. Wilson as chairman of the imperial 00on011110 committee,which in largo nnoasure has taken over the dupes of the for- mer empire mareeth;g board. It is entrusted 101(1, the task of endeavor- ing to develop the Marketing' of pr•ott- ucts of the overseas em p Ire both p b th i, L Britain and foreign countries. OFFICIAL ROAD REPORTS TORONTO, 1i'eb. 27, — (CP) — Tho following roads were closed today, rho Canadian Press learned from the On- tario Department of Highways: Wingham to Greerodle Carp to -Pem- broke, lioultauul to 1Barrister,. Prim- rose to Cockatowe, Arthur to Mange- ville, teananocue to Seely's Bay, Lan- caster to Vanl,leelc 12111, Carleton I lave to Arnprior, Shelburne to Clitttswerlh, Carleton Pinoe to Slitts- v Ile, Prescott. to the Quebec boun- dary, L. II 1 DMUNTON, Feb, 27. - (OP) A •,roposal, first made by Premier Jo11n Blacken of Manitoba two years ago and now revived by it resolution on the order paper of the Saskatchewan Lecislalure, that a union of Alberta yas'•alebewan and Manitoba be aoostit, probably will not he brought up 111 Ilea Alberta Noun, TY•enlor J. 1.. Brownlee of Alberta said twine, The premier clee'ared: "illy opinion 114 1110 same as t ex - permed two years ago when 1 said the plan .,night 1,0 worth studying, The scheme ought have collate 1110111 in' unifying the viewpoints nil the Prate ie Provinces and effect some savings in administrative costs, but the savings wouldnet bo as largo as some ihtnk.. Also there would have to be a „rent deal of decentralization '11 government," W. R. I -Towson, Alberta Liberal leader. while not directly agreeing with or opposingthe scheme, observed the throe Prairie Provincee have "tre- mendously duplicated services rind rho first step wou'd be to consolidate these and: administer them from whatever centre is most advantageous and with the least possible expense," D, at. Duggan. 11.L,A„ Conservative leader in Alberta, said that tho pro- posal "should net be brtesltei aside as unworthy of consideratioe." TO BE SETTLED BY THIS WEEK -END Several eatalos have left some beautiful paintings to bo sold by this week -cud. Tito best offer lakes then,, as they need tho money. A w'onde'r- ful opportunity to secure one at a great saving. Seo there. without obligation; at Um Nosh Galleries, 192 Dundas sheet.—Advt. CONDEMNS METHODS OF "CROOKED ADVERTISER" TOTIONTO, • Feb. 27.—ICP;—Coe- danmfng the methods of the "crook- ed adve'tiser," Stuart Peabody, dime - or of Advertising and Commerce/Itlos:arc'h, Washington, urged n10111- ers of the Toronto AdVorlising and Sales Club today to use their efforts to eliminate "bsllehoo advertising," "Advertising is one of our youngest. Industries," elle Peabody said, "Just now it Is on the scoot, but I believe it will come through Its present crisis with the 10spo01 and confidence .03 all thinking people, whether they be 10101110M niers. legislators or non - sumer s." Ile denounced unscrupulous ttdver- lising and suggested advertisers 'clean their own house In order that. advertising can lace -lis proper place litthe aeononiio p1 11110 and in the mind of the public." TORONTO'S TAX RATE 33 MILLS THIS YEAR ed nu s0070 for deinking and washing b Purposes Shepherds in North Wales had difficulty bringing' lambs anti ewes into safety. The snowstorms spread even to such a normally warm centre as Torquay. COMMITS SUICIDE WINNIPEG, Fele 27,—Before the eyes of several horror-stricken Wit- nesses, Constable Clifford Stanley Lord, 40, conmillcd suleltio, here Lo - day by shooting himself through the headon the roof of a warehouse building and plunging to led death in a lane six storeys below. No cause for ,his action has been discovered. CHICAGO MARCH 9 ` BARGAIN *6.00 Return from: LONDON Low Fares also to Port Huron, Filet and Durand, 'C-21 Ask wicket Agent for Details, CANADIAN NATIONAL TORONTO, Feb: 27.— (CP) —To-' ronto's tax rate foe 1134 will be 50 111110, the lowest rate since 1930 ana one mlll lover than the 1033 mill rate. The elty assessment was lower for. thecoming year. OTTAWA ViSITOR,-1'', r. Patten, Principal 01 the Ottawa Commercial High School, was a visitor' yesterday to the Technical School, snaking a survey of theestaggered Mass system it I' I li pi I.; lit Ij l IR III Y, 0FFE MNI10 IN CSH TV IllOY. Pay $20 a Month To Mrs. Albert Buttery FOR PERIOD OF ONE YEAR Board of Pensions Commission- ers Suggests Compensation Tb0 board of poneloes commission- ers has offered a cash compensation Lo the widow of Albert Buttery, 74 - year -old veteran, whose tragic death at Westminster Iioepital following an alleged attack by' an insane patient brought an upheaval in that institu- tion, finally resulting In a widespread go ve,mmee tat' probe. Mrs. Buttery has been offered 1107. 00111 01 3240 10 110 paid' at the rate of $20 a month for One year, It is leitrll od. The - n l • u tet•y family and their repre- sentatives novo not yet decided whether or not to accept this de- cision or to press for an increased consideration, It was reported. Tho' m000y, it is stated, would-. be lateen from a fund made available through the will of a wealthy Cana- dian selling aside a large SUM to be need in special cases for assisting needy ex'servicenten and their fam- ilies, The payments will not cone from .the department coffers. IL has besn pointed out, however, that. if Otto. fluttery aceepls the award on the basis of monthly pay- ments for one year she will be forced to relinquish a .good share of her old age pension and Linen at the end of the 12 -month period would have to mance reapplication to the pensions boat d. Some further representation- on behalf of the widow may be made as soon as the report of the commission which Investigated thedeath of But- tery and general administration at the hospital has boon made public, The probe' was conducted in Sep - telneer, leaf reentering S abo ut three weeps and as yet nothing of an ofd-. Bial nature has been heard concerning Llre ❑ridings, Our forefathers mannractured shot by dropping slender streams of molten lead .front high towers into tanks of cold water; the streams formed into spherical drops as they descended, and the water hardened them. C HA 16 TORONTO eherge of f,tlet„ lino of the boo, two charges of tf Dalton n o N,,'GIIq. and director et of Canada, well Hearing in cretin• of theft of $2,6 being pipaeoded:p i • 'Huron Debenture have a strong appeal for investors who desire both safe' gratifying interest return. 24,900 Huron & Erie Det totalling over $27,000,000, owned b Canadians. anadans. Issued for $100 and over fB years. Interest coupons are paya yearly. Have you surplus funds?' The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation Dundas and Clarence Dundee near English Old - Fashioned Horehound Twist 1 Ib., 190 Market Elmwood entre VALUES! VALUES! We present for this week -end a selection of what in our opinion are outstandingvalues nes in the drug business, even in these times. Business throughout Canada is improving, and with this improvement there is bound to come some price adjustments. But in the meantime manufacturers want business, and in an effort to stimulate it are willing to sacrifice profits by presenting exceptional offers. These offers, combined with our '`Save -You -Money" prices on other commodities, make up a tremendous list of EXTRAORDINARY V Kruschen Salts (Giant Pkg.) 69c Colgate's Shaving Cream With Shaving Lotion. A 60c value for 39c Prep The medicated tit 1skin cream non -greasy .auMi''A 50c jar at the special price of 200 Armannd's Vegetale Lotion A former 75c value for 20c Williams' Regular Shaving Cream and Williams' 13rushless Cream —a 70c value for 39c Armand's Zest A delightful after -shave at the special price of 29c A box of Day Dream Face Powder and a 50c bottle of Day Dream Perfume—all for 590 Ara aand's Rouge Zanzibar, medium end petal - pink. Special clearance price 29c a pkg. Vip The delicious health drink, two sizes , , , 590 and 98c NATIONAL Milk of Magnesia A 16 -oz. bottle of splendid Magnesia, a bottle , , 29c Fruitatives for the liver, Small pkg. : 23c T n,r;e pkg, 37c EXTRA SPECIAL S.D.L. Hot Water bottles First quality, 2 -qt. size. Guaranteed one year 57c each. Marvellous Toilet Articles By Hudnut Complexion Powder . , , 55c Hand Cream 55c Liquidifying Cleansing Cream 56c Tissue Cream .. Foundation Cream Skin Freshener' 550 550 550 Acquaintance pkg. 27c New Dusting PoWtler .. 75c ,.r.,,FBI Eighty .atea SQUIBB ADEX TABLETS 1OD \1tit t .,.,.„,1✓:' Squibb's Adex Tablets With 10D An easy way to take Forti- fied C..d Liver Oil Per bottle, $1 Cutex Hand Cream With free trial tube for 49c Houbigant's Face Powder Quefque Fleur Odor, Small size 43c Large size 69c Dr. West's Tooth Paste Whitens the teeth and keeps mout]i healthy. 2 tubes 39c, Pinaud's Toilet Arcticles Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic. 4 -oz, bottle' , ' 85c 6 -oz, bottle 87c Lilac Shaving Lotion - 4 -oz. bottle. G6c 6 -oz. bottle 87c Brillatone— Per bottle ' $1,00 Pep Hu The,1 wholes 1I FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATU Norfolk Planters Tobacco For satisfying smokes. Fine or coarse cut. 1-5 lb. tin, 25c Ingram 's Milkweed Cream reg 55a size, 370 reg. $1,10 size, 73c Mum the deodorant reg. 38c jar, 240 reg, 65c jar, 430 Ipana Tooth Paste reg 55c tube 33c, 2 for 65c Kolynos Tooth Paste two sizes 32c and 43c McLean's Stomach Powder and Tablets 75c a pkg. Belladonna Plasters official strength 15c, 2 for 29c Sal Hepatica three sizes. reg, 35c, 22c reg. 70c. 44c reg• $1,40 ,. 87c Hoyt 's Eau de Cologne three sizes. 29c. 59c, $1.19 Condensed Jad Salts for your health 55c Bay Rum sprinkler top 6 -oz. bot, 50c Ingram 's Shaving Cream tube or jars 273 each Seidlitz Powders $ in a box 13e, 2 for 25c Sterilized Gauze 1 yd. square 13c, 2 for 25e Listerated Balm 4•oz. bottle 39c njer•Kiss Face Powder Por box 39c Arlon TLheatricaI Cold Cream 1 -Ib, jar 59c Ephedrine [nhalent 1 -oz. bot, 490 Anacin Tablets three sizes 22e, 69c, 93c Pertussin P. K. Hops for coughs reg, 150 pkg. reg. 60c bot. 10c, 490 2 pkgs. 19c Poti'olagar for constipation 8 -oz, bot. 69c 16 -oz, bot. $1.19 Scott 'S Emulsion large bottle reg. $1,30 69c Lady Esther Toiletries Four -Purpose Oream— Regular size 59c Large size 99c Extra large size ,. $1.95 Face Powder, regular $1.50, for $1.29 DuBarry Beauty, Preparations At Pre -Tax Prices Foundation Cream, pink:. or white $1.00 Special Skin Food, jar $1,50 Tissue Cream, per jar..$1.50 Cleansing Cream, jar. $1.50 Shan Tonic and Freshener, per bottle $1.00 Special Astringent, bot.$1.50 Introductory pkg. $1,00 Powder Lotion $1,50 Face Powder $2,00 Compacts . $1.25 Rouge Loose$1.25 Powder Vanity 701‘7020 C Household Atomizers A splendid spray for either aqueous or oily mixtures, each 89c Campana's. Italian Balm For the skin, three sizes, 27c, 52c and 87c Toilet Soaps Zonox Health Soap, large cakes ..,.,..., 4 for 22c Infants' Delight Soap ..,;- 5 cakes 23c Jergen's Round Bath Soap 5 cakes 25c Latrix Health Soap 4 for 29c A 50c BOX Armand's Bouquet Face Powder and a 500 jar of Armando' Wrinkle Creaman(ngno , ,,, A $1.10 Yardley's Coanplexio • and a ge Complexion Mayfair B Large bottles o that softens bottle :,..... Oslo Pine Bay Made in Englan dividual package Sun -Ray Heating Three -heat unit, Yardle New Crea Two Sha 85c a Introduce The Wonde Kotex; 23c, 2 p all for 59c u rTANDAIID RUG LIMITED WESTERN ONTARIO'S ORII,II NAL CUT -BATE DRUGGISTS !WI STORES IN LONDON WE SAVE YOU MONEY p TIR DELIVE RY, SERVION Hospital 1 -lb. r Empire Brand 29 S. D. L Bran quality) -- ib ��,