The Seaforth News, 1934-03-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
The death occurred at the resid-
ence of her daughter; Mfrs. Warden
'Millet of 'Hibbert; an, Sunday evening
of Christe'na Stacey, relict of the late
Jahn Stacey of Cromarty, aged 72
years. S'he wass a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, 'Alex. McLaren ,and
was born on the McLaren liomesteacl
east of Cihiselhurst. Her father was
reeve of 'Hibbe'rt hiwnsihip for many
years and was also warden of Perth.
After her marriage she resided in
Cromarty till the death of Mr, 'S'tacey
e few years ago and since then most-
ly with her daughters. On Friday af-
ternoon she suffered a severe stroke
and failing to rally, passed away on
Sunday. She was a member of the
'Presbyterian Church at Cromarty,
'She leaves to mourn, two daughters,
Mrs. William Warden and Mrs. War-
den Miller of Hibbert. Two brothers,
John A. MdL•aren, of Seaforth and
William L. McLaren, of Henson also
survive. The funeral took place on
:Wednesday afternoon to Staffa cem-
Mrs. McMullen, of Ottervifle, who
has spent this last month visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Cassidy,
returned home to Otterville on Sun-
day, She was accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Cassidy and Walker Car -
lite, Mrs. Cassidy will visit for a week
or two,
(Harold Higgins, who spent the last
two weeks visiting relatives, Thames
Road, returned home •Saturday.
Mr, William L McLaren and Mr,
and Mgrs, Roy Mlc'Laren, attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Stacey of
Cr' marty Wednesday.
MN. Walter Mlolfatt and little dau-
ghter Lois of Brucefield, were week
end visitors with Mrs. MotTatt's mo-
ther and sister, Mrs. Peter Fisher and
Nlise Eleanor Fisher,
Mr. Ray I ammie fell off a ladder
last week and is suffering a badly
sprained ankle.
Mr. Harvey Hudson is spend ng a
few days this week visiting rewires
1 tdou.
Mise Alice Higgins of Woodstock
is spending a few days this week vis-
iting, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Rahert Iliggins.
The steam heating system in Miss
Ells' root at the public school has
Kean repaired and the room was re-
opened Monday :after being closed a
Mr. James 13 wey of Exeter was in
town on Mow lay calling on friends.
Mrs, Roy McLaren spent Monday
Mrs. Harol'I
visiting with her sister, \ r
Parker, S. boundary, Teckersntith,
Last Sunday was Women's Day at
the United Church, The Rev. Mr.
Sinclair preached two special ser-
mone. There was a ladies' choir of
forty voices. In the morning, a ladies'
quartette, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs.
H. Phile, Mtrs, Geo, Hess and Mrs.
Drysdale, sang. Soloists in the an-
them were Misses Florence Welsh,
Florence McDonald and Mrs Alf.
Clark. In the evening a duet was gi-
ven by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess.
The league service in the United
Church on Monday evening was well
attended, Topic by James McEwen
and Norman Sinclair; other numbers
were, violin solo, W. Glen, piano solo,
Gladys Luker, reading, Verde Wat-
son: duet, Mrs. Hedden and Mrs.
Hess, Mleeting was in charge of Clar-
ence Smillie.
The ANP.A. of St. Paul's Anglic-
an Church held their regular meet-
ing Monday evening with program
in charge of Jean Foster and Dorothy
Drummond. The topic was ably tak-
en by Mr. Wm. Snow, followed by a
violin solo by bliss Greta Laramie,
accompanied by Miss Bella Sntale;
reading by Jean Foster; guitar selec-
tion, Jas. Watson. An interesting
feature of the evening was a number
of lantern slides which were enjoyed.
-A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs,
Varley to the girls for the program,
also to Mr. Watson.
At Carmel Presbyterian. Church
each Sunday the Rev. Mr. Young will
preach special 'sermons. Last Sunday
he took for his subject, "The ,Blessed
:Lite." and a quartette was given by
W. A. McLaren, Rev. Mr. Young, R.
Y. McLaren and James Bengough.
The foflawing is the list of winners
of the Henson seed show: Fall wheat,
A. M. Stewart, W. R. Dougal, Owen
Geiger & (Son. Spring wheat, 0. Gei-
ger & Son, 11. Truemner, John Bol-
ton. Early oats, Albert Sherry, D.
Geiger & Son, John Bolton, Alex.
Buchanan; late oats, W. IR. Dougal,
A. 'Beatles, Johri Robertson, Albert
Sherry; hulless oats, 0. Taylor, W.
'Alexander; 6 -rowed barley, A. M.
Stewart, H. Truemn'er, Jahn Bolton,
A. 'Betties. field peas, Owen Geige:
& Son, Alex. Buchanan; John Pepper.
field beans, W. R. Dougal, John Bal-
ton, Thos. Sherritt. Yellow -eyed
'beans, Sidney McArthur; timothy
seed, W. R. Dougal, John Bolton. H.
Truemner. Red Clover seed, Owen
Geiger & Son, W. R. Dougal, John
Bolton; alfalfa seed, W. Alexander;
early potatoes, W. R. Dougal, W.
'Chapman; general crop potatoes, W.
R. Dougal, H. Desjardnnes, W. Sang-
'ster,; buokwheet, Alex. ;Betties, H.
'Deslardine, John Ingram.
Mr. Owen Geiger, who has been
seriously ill at his home for several
weeks is recovering but is still very
Mr. and Mrs. (Geo Putty were in
St. Marys am Thursday visiting their
daughter, Mrs. (1Dr.)- Smith. Mrs.
tS'mith, who recently underwent an
operatlon in Stratford hospital, is re -
'covering nicely and returned home
last week,
Mr. Geo. Todd has been confined
to his home for a coupleof weeks with.
a severe cold.
Mr. C. W. Cross will occupy the
residence vacated by Mrs; Coles on
Albert street.
Warble Fly Powder
When ready to purchase the
Heel Fly Remedy, just re-
member that ours is the only
preparation on the market,
sold under an absolute guar-
Sus of $741715.78 01 more than enough
to take care of their .two debentures,
and forty 'per cent of the .school deb,
is paid by the province and the coun-
ty, or $3320„ which .will leave $94313.-
01 of the debenture debt of the vil-
lege to be provided for.
'Born.-ln the Clinton h'ospital on
'Friday, Feb. 213rd to lir, and Mrs.
'Robt. Buchanan, South Boundary,
Tuckersntith, a son.
Born —In 1 trek ersm'ith, South bdy.
on Feb. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Parker, a son °Gerald Edward Clay-
IVVe would like to .make a sugges-
tion to the new Board of Trade of
'Hen'sall, to the Chamber of Com-
merce, Exeter, and the ,surrounding
municipal councils. Sugar beet grow-
ers are asking government assistance
to build more sugar .beet factories at
Petrolia, Sarnia and other Lambton
places. Reeve Isaac Wright of Turn-
berry township has been working for
sante time to secure a factory at
\Wingham and a meeting was recent-
ly held at Winghatn and this matter
was thoroughly discussed, Now, our
suggestion is this: That a meeting of
the councils of surroa nding municip-
alities be arranged and an effort oracle
to secure a sugar beet facrory for S.
Sutton, \\'e have thousands of acres
splemlid land for the raising of
beets and possibly this is not getter -
ally known but the highest percentage
o, sugar in the beets raised in West-
ern Ontario was in beets grown at
C', ntralia. There are splendid roads
here in the south end of the county
For the trucks; there would be a great
deal of labor required, and the beet
pulp would help feedannoycattle and
hogs in this district. Sugar isa daily
necessity in every home; a great deal
has to be imported to fill the demand,
The government is willing to help
anything that will create employment
incl we are already growing large
quantities of beets and ehippi,n'g them
to other places. A 'factory of this kind
would require touch waster, so a site
on a river would be preferred, but it
would be a great benefit to the whole
(rorty -three tables were kept going
at euchre at the firemen's dance and
euchre party ''Friday might. The first
prize for ladies was won by Mrs. W.
Hanvev of Klippen; second, Mrs. Dr.
Campbell, and consolation by Mrs. G.
,Hess. First for men, W. Hyde, sec-
ond, Ed. McBride, and J. Venner,
consolation, and Miss To'therirgha'nt
won the lucky ticket. !Splendid mus-
ic for the dance was furnished -by the
1•LdKay and. Norris orchestra.
The amusement committee of the
new' board of trade: have arranged for
the town hall on Friday evening,
a big euchre and dance to be held in
Mar. 2nd. Many valuable prizes are
Mfrs, James W. Bonthron is Visit-
ing this week with relatives and
friends in Detroit.
"i'he auditors' report of the village
for 19313 is out and shows each de-
oartment in a flourishing condition.
Iii the current account the receipts
were 810:599.1.0 and 'the expenditures
$30311349. A treasurer's surplus of
8815 61'. Outstanding 11933 taxes are.
81157.8.40, Total taxable assessment is
i 386,804.00 and Fatal taxes $+113.189.46.
'The debenture debet is $20;238.79, the
debt was reduced during the year,
418181317 36. Debenture debt of the vil-
lage is given as follows: School build
ings 38.300: town hall, 3746.012, 2nd
reamr 5111669.715. Hahkirk drain, 51,46,-
00; South West drain $1121,62; Black
rrrtak 'Drain 55758/717 firr, gnome
41fR 11a• fire enui'pinent. 3642.95: hvd
ro, $62'73,14; second series ' $8517.20.
The Hydro Commission have e surp-
The Ladies' Aid and W,M!S, meet-
ing was ,held at the home of Mrs.
Jahn McClure on Friday, Feb. 116th.
Thirty ladies were 'present. Meeting
opened by using World's Day of
Prayer program. airs. Patrick, Pre-
sident, opened the regular meeting
with prayer. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and roll call was
answered by a verse of Scripture.
Circle No. 3, with Mrs. 'Chas. Dol -
mage in the chair, took charge of the
literary part of the meeting. Scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. ,Kettles. Miss
Margaret Ross led in prayer. Topic
was taken by Mrs. 'Blanchard. Sent-
ence prayers were given by Mrs.
!Austin 'Doimage and Mrs. jack Pe -
thick. The meeting closed _with a
:hymn and benedic'tio•n after which the
ladies of Circle No. 3 served ,lunch.
The L'ad'ies' Aid and •WIM:S. will
meet Wednesday, March 7th, at the
home of Mrs. 'Geo. 'Pryce. Circle No.
4 will have charge of the ,meriting.
The dance at Winthrop Which was
to have been held this week has been,
The prize winners at the euchre in
the hall last Friday nig'h't were: for
ladies, ,First prize, Mrs. Percy Little;
ladies' lone hands, Miss Marion Lit-
tle; men's ,first, Mr. W'm. Dolmage
and men's lone hand prize, Mr. Robt,'
'The game between Tunkersmith
and Winthrop hockey teams on Sat-
urday night was .4-2 in favor of
':lir. Tint Eaton spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Faster Bennett,
Huron Road west.
Me. Irwin Trewartha was in ,G'od-
erich this week on the 'jury,
More Secrets of French Detective
IH. Ashtom-Wolfe, formerly assist-
ant to 'Bertillon, ore of the world's
greatest sleuths, will tell in The Am-
erican Weekly with Sunday's Detroit
Tithes, of a thrilling ,guest ,for a mys-
terious murderer who employed the
latest resources of science and used
the most ingenious, disguises to con-
ceal his crimes.
Wheat, per bus. 78c -80c
Barley, per bus . '48c
Oats, per bus. ..,.. 38c
Eggs, per doz. 22c -37c
Hogs, per cwt. ..,..., . . 39,00
Potatoes, per bag $1,,25
Mr. (Scott Hays was haute from 'Go-
derich for over ISuaaay, 'Mrs, ,Robert
Johnstone visited at'her -son's home is
:Stratford on 14ol days --Messrs. 'Geo..
and Orval Smiles left this wee', on
their return trip to 'the West.—lir,
Jlothn'Broclerick is taking a toirse 111
the Central Business College at IStrat-.
Mord,—,Mrs. Sturdy ansI d's•ugh•ter,
Miss 'Lynda, and Miss Driver, all of
IGoderich, spent a few days in town
'this week the 'guests of Mr, and Mrs,
C. S. Andrews,—Mr. ;Sabin -son, fam-
iliarly know -n as "Scotty," a member
of the Huron Foot'ball Club of 1907,
left this week on a trip to his home
near Glasgow, !Scotland, H'e expects'
to return to 'Canada in the course of,
a couple of months,—The marriage
of Mr. ;Robert A. 'Robinson and Miss
Ethel )Dennison, both of -McKillop
township, took 'place at the manse,
MdKillop, Rev, D, Carswell officiat-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left on
Tuesday for Regina, Sask., where
they will reside:—Mr, C. IZennedy re-
ceived sword on Monday of the 'death
of airs. Angus Kennedy, his br'other's
wife, at her home in Portage la
Prairie. The late Mrs. Kennedy .was a
former resident of Seaforth, having
resided here with her sister, Mrs.
Hargreaves. (ler maiden name was
Miss O'Keefe.—The follotving parties
were ticketed to distant points this
weak: Miss Myrtle Sproat of Seaforth
to Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Robt, A.
'Robertson of Winthrop, to Regina,
cads., Miss 'S. Scott of Leadbury to
Regina, Sask.
Knights of Pythias.
uA very successful and largely at-
tended sleeting of the . Seaforth.
lodge of the Knights of ,Pythias was
held in the Odd Fellow's hall. The
important 'business of the evening
was the installation of officers by D.
D. Grant Chan'cello'r Charles Farqu-
harson of Stratford assisted by 'Bro,
Doherty also -of (Stratford, The of-
ficers ,for the year are: C. Coni na'nd-
er, 11, Speere; V. Ch:atncellor, W.
Smithers; Prelate, Allen Reuteley;
K. R. and S., John Rankin;12. of
F., John Stewart; M. of Ex., Charles
A'berhart; M. of Wank, A. W'esteott;
M. of Arms, F. Welsh; I.G. C.
Crich; O,IG., N, Nichol. The business
of the meeting over the members and
the visiting brethren adjourned to
Mr. 0. Nail's restaurant where su'p-
per was served and a few hours were
pleasantly spent.
Board of Trade.
There was an unusually large at-
tendance at the 'general meeting of
the Seaforth Board of Trade which
was held in the Council room for the
moose of re -organizing ata electing
officers for Ube corning year. Mr.
'Plias, E. Hays, mayor, was voted to
.he chair and the election of officers
was proceeded with, President, M.
Broderick ; vice -'pre'sident, W. T.
Box; secretary, W. 3. Moffat. (Coun-
cil, Messrs. .R. Bell, W. Pickard, 'D.
1. 'McCallum, H. Stewart, John A.
Stewart, A. *inter, A. E. (Colson. and
G. 'E. Parkes. Board of Arbitrators —
Messrs. John A. Wilson, A. F. Cluff,
Dr. F. J. Burrows, C. S. Andrews, Dr.
H. H. Ross, ;G, A. Sills, -G, L. Ches-
ney, D. D. Wilson, W. 'R. Smith,
Jahns Finlayson, iR. S. Hays and Wm.
Hartry, Short addresses were deliv-
ered by the president, secretary and
prominent members of the council
and board of arbitrators.
Banquet To County Councillors.
The County councillors, who 'have.
been in session here this week, were,
tendered a ban'q'uet by the citizens of
Seafortli, at the Queen's hotel, on
Tuesday evening, A large company,
numbering over 105, assembled in the
dining room of the hotel, where a
very elaborate and well prepared sup-
per was served by the 'host and host-
ess of the Queen's assisted by a num-
ber of attentive waiters. When the
inner 'man had been apply satislfied,:
a lengthy toast list was introduced,
Mayor Hays acting as chairman and
Reeve Watson as vice chairman. The
followin-g was t'he order of the toasts:
Chairman's address. ICin'g—Fong by
company, "God Save the Xing," Can-
ada'ou'r Country -JG; E. Jackson and
Rev. Larkin, Song • by H. Town. Our
Warden-;Ex'warden Currie, Robt.,
MoLean, warden,. Our Country—J.,
Leckie, J, Kellerman, H. S'pac'eman,
Mr. Bailey and W. Lane. Song, jno
'Scott. ,Agricultural ,Interest's -Thos,
McMillan, Mr. (Fraser, Mr, Taylor
and Geo, ,Petty. Quartette by I'm1ier-
ial Quartette, Seaforth. Educational
Interests—Mr. Shearer. Song by R
E. Willis. :Professions--aDr.'s Irwin
and :Smith, J. M. Best. Seaforth Im-
perial Quartette. 'Banking, • Menefee -
ailing, Labor ane' Mercantile .Inter-
ests -A, Bo'bier anal M. . Broderick.
Song by Jno, Scott. Ladies—Mr. Sal-
keld. 'Song by H. Town. ,Seaforth
Town, and 'Council — (Proposed by
Robe. McLean and responded to by
Mayor Hays and Reeve Matson, .God
Sive the King.
•Mr, lAnd'rew johnson' of Grey has
bought the house and village lots of
Mr. J. E. Irwin of Walton. The
price agreed upon being $650.
.The ice harvest has been engaging
the attention of t'he teamsters. W.
'Seller's teann went through the ice on
the mill dam the other day, but were
rescued from their odd bath without
any apparent injury.
The oyster supper 'held in the
Hawn ,Hall was a decided success,'
Judging from the alacrity with -which
.the oysters were demolished it would
seen that everyone was perfectly
satisfied, An impromptu programme
received hearty applause,
The Administrator of the Estate of
the late John Beatty, and George
Beatty are offering for sale the follow-
ing partnership real estate .(subject to
reserve 'bids) and fano chattels by
public auction, on Lot No. 1'8, Bay-
field 'Road 'South, in the Township of
Stanley, on Tuesday, March 6, :1934,
at 1 o'clock pri
Real Estate—
1D, _ 1Lo:t .0d'o, 145, :Bayfield Road.
South, in the Township of Stanley,
containing- 100 acres. On this farm is
a veneered brick house; bank barn
86 x 56, in -fair repair; 1' acre of or-
chard and 7 acres of bush.
2, Lot No. 29 Bay'field 'Conces-
sion, in t'he Townlship of Goderich,
containing 61% acres grass land and
cedar bush,
3.. (Lot No, "13" in the Village of
Varna, on 'whic'h is situated a one and
one-half story frame house in fair
-C'hat'tels— -
Ilrlorses—;1 black 'Percheron 'gelding
5 years old;' 1' bay Clyde gelding 4
years -old; 11 colt, Clyde Percheron,
11)5 years old.
'Cattle -2 'Holstein cows 'freshened,
7 years old; It Holstein cow, doe Ap-
ril, rising
'p-ril,_rising 4 years old; 1 grade short-
horn cow due April, 7 years old; it
grade'Gurnsey cow due (April, 9 years
old; 1, fat cow; 3 -baby beef calves;
1 Jersey heifer due to freshen Sep-
tember; 1 Jersey heifer 9 months old.
Pigs -1 York sow pure bred, due
April 112; 1 Yorlc hog, pure bred; 12
store pigs, some select sows.
!Sheep — IDC (Leicester bred ewes,
Leicester ram, pure bred.
Pedigrees of ,Purebred Shorthorns,
Females—Red roan, 'born May 24,
1930, Nellie Grey's Lass; —247897—
sire •ldapledale Jason (11041680'), due
to freshen. April.
!Rona born April 18, 3930, (Lucy
Varna —1254178914—; sire .Mapledale
,Jason, with bul•i calf at foot.
'Red and white, ,born April 30, 1030,
Vanua Sample 'Carrie —24.7895—; sire
Mapledale Jason, with bull calf at
(Red and white, born April 114, 1930,
Varna B-uttercup Lass —2017896—;;
sire Mapledale Jason; due to freshen
in (April.
Roan, born May 118, 110311', Nellie
Grey's Maid,—12541483—; sire Maple -
dale Jason; bred Nov. !IISth.
Roan born May 26, 1938, Varna ,But-
tercup Maid ---254454—; sire Maple-
dale,, Jason; with heifer calf at' foot.
Red with `little white, 'barn May 12,
19311; 'Sample Carrie's (Lass 254485
—; sire Mapledale Jason; with 'bull.
Roan .heifer, ,born June 113, ;1932, eli-
gible for registration; sire r!apledale
Jason; dam 'Varna Buttercup.
Roan cow, born April 1b, 11922,
Nellie Grey --11631103—; sire Merry
Mater '(11?493); dam Varna Bell
Roan, born June 15, 1925, Varna
Buttercup —1218075—; sire Sultan
Brand (1'59139).
;Red and (White, born ,June 1(3, :1923,
Sample Carrie —29394'3'—; sire Sul-
tan Brand (1'50139).
Bulls—Red, born July 28, 1193'1,
Naemoor Stamp —010060— head of
(Roan, born May 20, 110322, darn Nel-
lie Gray; sire Mapledale 'Jason 0194-
680). Eligible for registration.
Roan, born April, 1933, darn Varna
Buttercup; sire Mapledale Jason
0194080). Eligible for registration.
Chattels --,1 cutter, tl doable bug-
gy. 2 single 'buggies; bob 'sleighs;
corn binder; grain binder; 11 side
rake; Qt hay rake; Deering mower 6
ft; 1•'.84116 Mogul tractor; 1 :.grain
grinder 110 inch; 1 Deering hay load'
er; 11 cultivator; 1 disk; '1' Oliver rid-
ing plow; 1, walking plow; 1 set D.
harrows; 1 truck and hay rack; 1
high waggon; 11 gravel 'box; 1 : ;coal
box;' 1 .wheel barrow; ,1' sniffer; 2
corn scufflers; ll' 1113 -inch ensilage cut-
ting box and pipes; '1 hay tedder;
fanning mill; grind stone; 2 sot of
scales;. 1 cord wood saw; 1 Essex
sedan 19129 model; ;1 set light bob-
sleighs; 1 seed drill; 1 turnip sower;
1 ,Ford 14 ton truck; 2 iron kettles; 1
11 stove and brooder; '1'Buckeye incu-
bator 2110 egg capacity; 1 hayfork; 1
hayfork rope and slings; 1' power
Old Dutch Cleanser 1 8 c
2 tins
Gem Lye
2 tins
5 Sunlight Soap ,
3 Lux Soap
Dates, 2 pounds 15c
Seedless Raisins 12c
Choice Apricots
per pound 21c.
27c P. & G. Soap 3 O c,.
21c 10 Bars for .... o�
cream separator; Il 'Daisy. churn' 'No.
3; 11- set double 'harness; horse col-
lars;.' set single :harness; 'ladders;
1 dinner bell; 2 Northern .Electric
lighting plants 1 light waggon; 1
corn planter; chains, forks and other
(household Effects - d' Coleman
lamp; 2 Coleman, irons; 1 extension
table and other tables; 12 dining
roost chairs; 2 seoretaries; '4, brass
bed stead; 1, bedroom suite; 1 buffet;
1I cook stove; 1 , coal oil stove; 2
heaters, coal or wood; quantity of
sealers; 1 ,wringer; it Delco light iron.
Terms of Sale—Chattels, cash,
Real Estate --d0% on day of sale,
balance in 30 days thereafter. For
further particulars apply to
(George Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton,
Ont, George Beatty, Administrator,
Varna, Ont.
-Carling & 'Morley, 'Solicitors for
Administrator, Exeter, Ontario.
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction' on
Lot 113, Concession 1, 'FLIR.S., Town-
ship of Tuckersnith, half utile west
of Seaforth, on Saturday, March 10,
at' 1'.00 p,m., the following:
(Horses. 11' bay mare, rising 6 years
old; 1 bay mare, rising 5 years old.
Cattle, -2 Durham cows to freshen
time of sale; 6 Durham cows, suppos-
ed to be in calf; h cow, milking; 2
steers, 2 years .old; 11 heifer, 2 years
Pigs. -7 pigs, about 125 lbs.
,About 40 ,Leghorn pullets, about 20
year-old hens.
'Implemen'ts. — 1' Massey - Harris
binder, 6 ft, cut; 1 MM. mower, 6 ft,
cut; 1 new 'MiH. spring -tooth cultiv-
atm; 1 M.IH, manure spreader; 1 M. -
IH., 10 ft. rake; 1 Codkshutt in -throw
disc harrow; 11 truck' wagon with 36 -ft.
flat rack and shift; 1 John • Deere
corn & cable planter; 1 set of sleighs,
with bunk and flat raok, h cut-
ter, 11 .baggy, D Clinton fanning mill,
1' set of 2,000 lbs.: scales, I walking
plow, 1' scuffler, International; it wa-
gon box; 1 11/ -yd. gravel box, nearly
new, 1 hay car, rope and pulleys, ;1
:hay fork, D set of 3 -rope slings and
chain, 1, set of team harness, nearly
new; '1: set of single 'harness, 1 post
'hole digger, 11 . rope stretcher, 1'
'cream separator, 11 .galvanized steel
water trough, nearly new; 'l• wooden
(barrel, 1 wooden tub, 11 sugar kettle,
•whippletrees, horse collars, pails,
grain .bags, and numerous other art-
icles, Quantity of_pine and elm plank,
'also a quantity o'f wood:
'Hay and 'Grain.—Il- load of yellow
.sweet clover, about 100 bus. oats,
suitable for seed; 1100. bus. mixed
grain suit'a'ble for seed; quantity .of
mixed ci olp; 50 bus. fall w(heaat, small
quantity of potatoes.
,Household Effects.—ill steel range,
coral or ,wood, new grates; 11' Acme
washing m'ac'hine, 2 sets of bed
springs, D kit'c'hen couch.
Terms.—Hay, grain, poultry, woad
and all sums of 1$80:00 and under,
cash; ,over that amount 6 months'
credit on approved j'oin't notes. Six
per cent, per annum discount for
cash on credit 'amounts.
No reserve as the farm has been:
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer„
Torrance 'Dundee, Prop„
,One brooder house, 115x114, nearly
new, on skid's; 11 -Buckeye 'brooder
sstave, 11000 capacity; 1, ,13uckey:e incu-
bator, 25501 egg, with turning trays:
Apply Geo E, Little, B'aylfiell,.'Ont.
•A horse blanket, on Thursday
nigiht of last week, somewhere bet-
ween Cecil Murray's and. Mrs. "Hen-
ry IFotsyth's; the 'find'er please phone
31 on 11314, and oblige.
(Grass land, 75 o'r-100 acres. Must
'have good water and shade. Apply to
Austin' Do:Image, Lo'sades'boro. 80
lOn farm, am non-smoker or drink-
er. Phone 231 r 16. .Ask for John
Scott. 9.
Our entire Herd of 23 head
Have been properlytested by 'Dr.
Harburit and found to 'be 110D per
-cent. free from. T,1B, Do you realize
that the opportunity to purchase milk
of this standard is knocking at your
We also ask you to make a visit to
our stables and note the sanitary
equipment, the 'cows and the white
-walls; you can then rest. assured that
when you use our mills in your home
you have the best money can buy,
Yours for business,
Hugill's Dairy
Phone 34-6116. Reverse the call,
One young sow, due to pig on 7th
'larch; 1 saw carrying second litter,
to pig 6111 March; both Yorkshire
sows. Quantity of No. 1' potatoes.
William Boyd, Phone 41' on 2148. 9
40 chunks from 60 to 125 lbs. Also
one goose, Apply to Carl Dalton, Tit„,
t16 on .2315, 1 ill.
A S't, Patrick's Tea under the aus-
pices of the MadGillivnay Auxiliary
will be held a't North Side :United
Church, Friday, March 16th, from 5
to 7 p.m. You are cordially invited.
Tea 25e. 110
1Ford coupe, or would exchange for
490 Chev. :touring. 'Coupe cart be
seen at •Eberhara's chopping mill.
!Louis ,Eberhart, ISea'forth. 9.
Re: John Beatty, late of the Vil-
lage of Varna, in the County of Hu-" -,-
ron, Farmer, •deceased, and Beatty
Brothers of the said Village of Var-
na, Farmers.
Creditors and Others having claims
against the estate of the 'late John.
Beatty •o•r the firm of %Be'atty Broth-
ers are required on or before March
3rd, 1934, to fyle with the undersign-
ed Administrator full particulars of
their claims duly verified, after which
date the said Administrator will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the
said estate baying regard only to the
claims of which notice has been re-
D'a'ted this DOM day of February,
(George Beatty, Administrator,
Varna, Ont.
Solicitors for Administrator,
- 'Exeter, Ont.
-Kippen 'Road, five miles south of
Seaforth, being licit 10, Con. 8, H.R.'S.
Township of Tuckersmit'h. 100 acres,
cleared and well drained, 110 acres of
fall w'hea't, about 40 acres +Fall plo'wed,.
balance seeded. 'Buildings all in good
repair, consist Of a brick house, bank
barn stabled throughout, 'i'mplement
house, 'hennery and . piggery. This
farm in convenient to School, church.
and markets. For particulars, write
Mrs, 'Harvey !Moore, Klippen, Ont., or
Wm. 'G. Strong :38 Monk St., Ottawa,
Lot 10, 'Con, 4, IH.' R. S., •Tucker -
smith, consisting of '100 acres, with.
good buildings, 'frame 'house; two
miles s'ou€h of :Seaforth; 'plenty of
water from never -failing 'spring. Also
lot 27, con. '5, L:R.S., Tuckersmi'th,
containing 'fifty acres; 20 acres of
good 'hardwood bush, rest in'pasture,
no .buildings. Mrs. John C. :Reinke.
Seaforth IR. IR. 4. (Phone 1133 r ,311,,
II<n, Egrnondv'ille, a two-storey frame
house, situated' ori Main street. .Elec-
tric lights, hard and soft water; cor-
ner lot, half acre of land, stable, hen
House and garage, near school, church
and store; small fruits, ,pear ,and apple
trees; low tax -es. Can be seen by ap-
plying to Mrs. John Sproat, or phon-
hon-ing 170 r 22, Seaforth, If not sold will'
be rented,