The Seaforth News, 1934-03-01, Page 1Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore So do our minutes hasten to their end Each changing place with that which goes 'before, In Sequent toil all forwards do con- tend. Nativity, once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being, crown'd, e SeaforthNe HURON COUNTY'S 'LEADING NEWSPAPER Crooked eclipses 'gainst :his. glory fight, And Time that gave, doth now his gift confound. Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth, And delves the parallels in beauty's brow; Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow. -Shakespeare. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 9. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1934 Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly hI0T LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable gtO7 c Confectionery nd Restaurant SAL o4 Half or Whole Fish at 121,4c per lb. FRESH HERRINGS. -30c per doz. FAIRHAVEN SARDINES -5c tin SWEET PICKLES at 10c per pint CAPO SHOE POLISH—at 10c tin IODIZED SALT 3 pkgs. 23c WHEAT FLAKES.—...5% lbs, 25c MAPLE SYRUP.—.........60c qt, KEEN'S MUSTARD.—Large tin 50c 'TIFFISOM SALTS.—..,6 lbs for 25c .SULPHUR. -6 lbs. for 25c Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and Fea- thers taken as cash. ld e ut e A.0 PHONERo 166 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor Rev. W, P. Lane, B.A., VSunday, Mar, 4th, Ili1 a.m., Public Worship. Sabject, "The Crooked Made Straight." 2:30 pan., Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m., 'Public Worship. Subject -- "Talkative," another of Bunyan's Characters. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IA.M,—"The World for Christ." s IFM.-+"Spiritual Harmonies." Rev. I. B. Kaine, Minister, THE EGMONDVILLE CHURCH. Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.:A., .B.D. March 40.—The Disciples draw back, "Let us ga,...,,.and diel" Heroes with Jesus, 'Lazarus, who entertained Christ" VARNA. A former resident ,of •Varna, in the person, of :Mr, James Steepe, passed away at his home in Clinton. But a short time ago Mr. Steepe looked the picture o!fhealth and bid fair to at- tain long life, when he was stricken with that fatal disease, cancer. Ife is survived by his wife and four ,daugh- ters to mourn the loss of a kind 'hu's- band and father. The beef ringers held their annual dance on Tuesday night which was :well attended and all report a real good time. No service was ;held in the United 'Church Sunday eventing owing to the Meese of the pastor, Rev. E. A. Poul - ter. The W.'M.5. will hold their month- ly meeting in the United Church on Thursday: of this week. Mr. Geo, Calemlan of Egmondiv le spent several days latst week in this lye - 'vicin'ity. L1O.L. 1035 will hold their regular lodge meeting Thursday evening of this week TOWN 'COUNCIL !A special meeting of the town council was held in the council cham- ber, an Friday evening, (Feb. '3rd, with the members all present, when a 'decis'ion 'was reached to pay half of the bill for a local woman in Toronto 'Western :Hospital, 'whic'h is -the sum p'f L 8(75, lOn motion of -Councillors IL. IF. .Bolton and IRobt. \N. Eberh'art, that council authorized the tax collector to continue the coll- ection 'o'f unpaid taxes from this date to the regular eouncilmeeting in +June. It was moved by 'Councillors L, F, Bolton and joie. 'J. `Broderick -that the government pay the cost of all 'transients. The meeting adjourned until the call of the:Mayor. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH !Services on March 4th, Third Sun- day in Lent, ,Suuday school and Bible classes at 10-a.nt, ,Holy Communion at 1!1' a,ot„ sermon topic, "The Foun- tain of Life." 'Evening service at 7 p.m., sermon topic, "'Words of Christ to the Congregation of Per- gamum." .(Third of a series of Lent- en addresses Inc Sunday evenings.) Seats 'free. All welcome. Canon Ap- p•leyard, tRector. FUNERAL OF MRS. SLEETH PUBLIC' UTILITY COMMISSION Regular meeting of the Commis-. Sian was held in the treasurer's office at 4 p.m. on Feb, 24th. 'Present: A. D Sutherland Wnt, 'II, Golding, M,P, The Mayor was appointed chairman of this meeting. A motion was passed instructing the Superin- tendent to order six water meters and one three -wire prepayment met- er. An allowance of $1:0 was made to Mr. Harry !Hart for damage done by overflow of water. - The 'following accounts were pass- ed: Waterworks—A. 'Little, salary, $50; S. Allen, wages, $9; John Mc- Kenzie, acct., 3'Sc; R, IJ, \ic'llillan, acct., ilIG.4S; 3. tr. Sclater, acct., $16,24; ,Bell Tel. Co„ acct„ $5.50; Vera Mole, acct., $8.&O'; E. L. Box, acct, $26.39, 'Electrical Dept. --E 'Mole, salary, $1100; 3no. A, Wilson:* salary, $55, transp. 1$20,41-1$76,44; 5, •Allen, wages, $177,60; G. Allen, wages, $1920; Can Gen. ,Elec., acct, $1.93; Bell Tel, Co, $16.515, W. A. 0,Vright, acct. $4,40; Robt. Bell Eng, and Thresher Co., acct., 41S'c; Sanganio Co., acct., ;$312:30; Bilis & Howard, acct $22.50; Mac- SDon'ald iElee, Ltd., 111911; ,Woodstock 'Lamp Co.,$517,914; Home Ins. Co„ $13,40; Fidelity IIus. Co., $10; Hydro lElec. 'Power 'Cana., $11297:72''; Helmer Snell, salary, $5. The funeral was held on :Friday af- ternoon of the late Mrs. William 'S'leeth who died at the home of her son, Hilliard in Lansing, Mich., last week. Rev. S. B. !Kahle conducted the service. Pallbearers were ,Messrs. ,George Reeves, Fred Reeves, Charles ,Reeves, Dan Dupuis, John !Beacom, William Shade. The body was bropght by motor from Lansing ac- companied by a large number of floral tributes, Mrs. 'Sleeth had resided in Seaforth for about forty years, ,About twelve years ago she suffered a broken hip, 'followingwhich she went.to live with her son in Lansing, About three weeks ago she again broke her :hip and at her advanced age of 86 years failed to rally from the shock. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sleesh and two sons, Walter and Norman, of Lansing, accompanied the remain's. While here they were the guests' of Mars. H. Sllee'th's brothers and sisters in town and returned home on 'Sun- day. "SYLVIA" A pastoral Operetta in 2 acts presented under the auspices of the Wo- men's (Hospital' Aid in'Cardno's Hall, Seaforth iTiHURSDAY AND 'FRIDAY, ,MARCH "8 AND 9, AT I8 P.M. Production director—Mabel Turnbull, Music Director—Jas. A. Stewart CAST Sylvia, betrothed to De Lacey Florence Stewart 'Betty, betrothed to William 1 Helen Lane Sir Bertram De Lacey, court poet James A. Stewart William, an honest farmer Gordon Rennie Prince Tobbyturn, a man of consequence Dalton L. Reid Arabella, a lady in waiting at court Mabel Turnbull Araminta, her sister Margaret Crich Robin; a country. lad Hugh Oke Polly, farmer's daughter, friend of Betty Lois Munn Molly, .... Beth Bechely Dolly, "' !Alice Daly Farmers daughters Margaret Armstrong, 'Bessie ]fluff Farm lads ... R. E. Bright, E. Chamberlain, (Sam Scott, James Scott Haymakers.... Dora Sills, Dorothy Best, (Pearl !Patterson, Mona Sits, Ruth Thompson, Jack Cardno, Harry 'McLeod- Accompanist—Elsie Keating. Solo- Singer—James Scott, Orchestra Leader—Allan Close. Accompanist—Margaret Devereaux. Plan open at Aberhart's Drug ;store, !Saturday, March 3 at 9 a.m. ADI'NMIS'SION-25c 'RESER'VEi) SEATS -35c ROY BADLY INJURED Charlie Wood, young son .of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Goderieh street west, was severely injured on Saturday afternoon when knocked down by a traveller's Car, IITe is at present in the hospital where the broken left arm and right leg are being set, The un'fortturate accident happened going down the hill after crossing Main street, while the young boy was Olt his way to the "'gully" half a mile east of town, with his brother Don- ald 'and Jack Rutledge, who were pulling the toboggan. A wheel Of the coupe, driven. by Mr. Thompson, a cleaner and dyer agent of Toronto, going in the same direction, struck Charlie, breaking his 'left arm and right leg. MARRIED IN MICHIGAN At St, Thomas' Episcopal Church in. Trenton (Michigan), Saturday afternoon, at 2 p.nt., Miss Lois Sache, daughter of Mrs, Frank Seisler of Lincoln Park, was united in marriage tc, Dallas Sutherby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sttt'herby,,Trentou. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, L. E. Midw.arth, 'pastor, The bride was attired in a gown of powder blue crepe with silver trimmings. Her hat and slippers were also bine. The bridal bouquet ,was of sweet peas and roses, Miss Gale Sache, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She was at- tired in a flowered chiffon gown and wore a black hat and black slippers. Her bouquet was of sweet peas. (Attending the groom was his bro- ther, Chesney 'Sutherby, IFollow.ing the wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride, fol- lowing which there was a reception at the Sutherby residence in Trenton for approximately 50 guests. The young couple will make their home at 10317 Jefferson avenu,e Tren- ton (wl'ichi:gati,). DIED AT TIMMINS Mrs, W. J. Walker returned this week from Timmins where -she at- tended the funeral of Bruce : Daviel Tait, little son Of !Sam. and Mrs,. Wel-. ker, of Timmins..Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved by friends in Seaforth. Bruce was well known in ,Seaforth, having visited here quite often and spent the Christmas holi- days here. The Timmins paper said: "There will be the deepest sympathy for _lir. and 'Mrs. S. T. Walker is the death on Monday at St. Marys hospi- tal of their young son, Bruce Tait, aged 7 years and 6 months. The little lad was well known in town and was particularly popular with all who knew him, being bright and manly and friendly, He was operated on re- cently for a mastoid and complica- tions developing after the operation he passed away on Monday. 1llruce was born in !Timmins and had endear- ed himself to so many in town that his death causes very general sor- row, row, The funeral'is being held at 3 p.m. this afternoon to !the United Church where the service will be cons ducted by Bev. :Brace 'Millar, [Inter- ment will be made in Timmins ceme- tery. YOUNG PEOPLE'S :SOCIETY The meeting of the Young People's .Society of the North Side United Chuurch was 'held Feb. 27th with Mr. Jack Stevens, convener of the Citizenship department in the chair. The usual sing -song preceded the meeting, followed by the Lord's prayer repeated. in unison. After hyann 1415 Mrs. Lane led in prayer. A very pleasing solo was sung by Miss Helen 'Lane. The Scripture reading was taken by Miss Laura Mole. The topic, "Poverty and iWealth," was ably takers by 'Jack Stevens and the discussion by Mr. Lane Proved very interesting. The meeting closed by repeating ,the Miap'ah benediction fol- lowed by a contest. LITERARY SOCIETY The regular meeting of the Liter- ary Society was held in the auditor- ium of the .S.'C!I, on Wednesday, .Feb. 25th, with Miss Winnie Savauge in the chair. The meeting opened with a debate, the subject, resolved that "Caeintry Life is preferable to city life," the affirmative side being taken by Jack Drager, Ethel 'Shinen and Gordon Scott, while the negative side was Ruth Cluff, John Miils and Leola Nott. The judges, Rev. C. A. Mal - calm, Mrs, M. Reid and Musts B. Wat- son, found the decision to be in favor of the negative side. Folloiwingthis was a vocal solo by Arnold Scott with Margaret Smith at the piano and a violin duet by S. Geddes and Keith Sharpe, with John Mills play- ing the piano. The meeting closed with singing God Save the King. DIED IN IRELAND The•Ideabh occurred o'f 'Mr, Jacob \MclGee on !Friday, Feb. 23rd, at Itis home in Dotaghadee, Breland, in his 88th year, eldest son of the late Tltas. and :Rachel McGee, IKilcooney, 'Ire- land, brother of Colonel ;Harry Mc- -Gee, Toronto, and father of Mrs. Sam :Lowther, Toronto,. and -Mr. Har- ry J. McGee, 1M'ontreal, 'Mr. \MclGee visited a number of his 'cousins at Seaforth a few years'ago. Correcting Errors of Viii Is often a short cut to better health, a happier life and increased success. Nothing interferes with pro- gress more than defective eyes, which cause defective vision, which in turn causes eyestrain and an almost end- less chain of results, Be modern and free from handicaps. Help yourself by helping your eyes. Phone 194. SHOP AT AVAUGE IT PAYS Jeweler, Watchmaker Optometrist Gift Goods Res. 10. • KIPPEN. , the London Life !Insurance business. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Wm. We are glad to be able to report Garden gathered at the woods of Me. W'm, McKay, her brother, and held a successful wood bee for her one day recently. Mrs, Garden desires to ex- press her gratitude to all who helped. Her sister, Miss Bessie McKay, is very ill and she and the sisters were both surprised and grateful to all. Miss Mildred Workman visited her parents Sunday last, Mr, Wnt. .Sinclair and Mr. Roy " .Consitt are in Goderich this week on the jury, ,Mss. T, Butt and bars, Richard Taylor are visiting in Clinton at the home of Mrs, Bu'tt's parents and vis- iting Mrs. Taylor's son who is ill in , Clinton hos=pital, having had one of his legs broken in four places, but at date of writing we believe he is do- ing as well as could be expected. that Miss Bessie MOK'ay, who suffer- ed a stroke recently is now improv- ing in' health, The Busy Bees Mission Circle of 1St. Andrew's United Church held their regular monthly meeting on Sa- turcla:y afternoon last at the ,h.ame o'f Mrs. E. MoBride. Mrs. Jahn Hender- son, who had charge di the meeting opened the tweeting with the call of worship and hymn 530. Miss M. Thomson led in prayer and the devo- tional leaflet, "We •Would (See Jesus," was taken by Mrs. Henderson. The Bible reading was taken by Miss B. ,Daymond and hymn 528 was sung. The topic on "The Life of Laura G. Saiverson" was ably taken by Miss ,Marguerite MdDan'ald before the op- ening chapter of "The Viking Heart" was read by Miss M. Thomson. 'Hymn 30 was sung and the meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Miss (Halcyon Chandler of Western University, London, spent the week! end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. F.Chandler and family at the manse. Dr. Lance Norris of Toronto visit- ed recently with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Norris .of Tuckersmith. Mrs, Earle Sproat entertained the ladies' euchre club to a very enjoy- able social evening on Monday df this week. Miss Mary McNaughton spent the week end with her friend, .Miss ,Gert- rude Webster of ,Eganondville. The many friends of Mrs. W. E. Green axe +pleased 'to see her around again anter a few days' illness with the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Green and daughter, Miss Murdis, returned hone sifter a pleasant visit the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs, Chas. 'Green of (Hibbert, Me. and Mrs. Joe McClelland are the guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoGregor. Mrs. (!Rev) Chandler spent a fete days visiting with her parents in Ot- tawa. Mr, Isaac Jarrett is at present confined to his room and all hope to see him around soon. Mr. Roy Consitit and Mr. Wm, Sinclair are in Goderich this week acting as jurors. The main topic for the past month is the extreme cold weather and all hope for a change to much milder soon. The Klippen Euchre Club met at J. Workman's Monday. The lucky ticket holders were Mrs, A. Moffatt and Mrs, T. Workman, NITS, Clark of Hensall is visiting at Mr. Wm. Anderson's this week. Mr. Thos. Workman is not as -well as itis many friends Would like to see and is under the doc'tor's care. Mors. French spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Cooper in Hensall, Mr. E. McClinchey Of Varna visit- ed with his sister, Mrs, E. Kyle for a few days ,last week, Mr, T-TarveyM'cLaren has returned` home after a pleasant visit in Lon- don, a guest of his brother who is in JOLLY GIRLS CLUB The Jolly Girls' Club on February 26 held their regular meeting at the home of Freda Williaan's. The meet- ing vas opened with sitsging ,0 Can- ada. The secretary, Helen Edler, read the minutes of the previous meeting and the roll call followed by a duet by Margaret Edler and Annis and Betty Dunlop. Leonore Edler gave a piano solo and it was discussed about a toboggan,. party, ,followed by a piano solo by Genevieve Hawkins. The rest of the meeting was spent in games fol- lowed by a social hall hour in' which a dainty lunch was served. REV. J. F. MYERS LEAVES LONDON London .Advertiser: Rev. J. F. My- ers, assistant curate of ISit.:Paul's Ca- thedral 'for the past two years, left the city 'Saturday for London, Eng- land, where he has accepted a posi- tion as assistant to :Rev. Egerton Ry- erson, former Canadian, now rector of the London Church in 'Shep'herd's Push area. A NEW 'SPORT' Two tiny tats on their way to the public school on Wednesday were ob- served to stand at the curb on Gade rich street, while the ,big highway snowplow approaehlted throwing a great cloud of snow hither and thither. The youngsters seemed to get a great kick out of the smother of snow that fell on them. Modern kids may miss some of the pleasures of their pioneer forbears, but there are compensations. .rw HILLSGREEN W. M. S. — The regular meeting of the W, M. S. was held an the World's Day of Prayer in the Hills - green, 'Church on Friday afterneon, February 16, with Mrs. W. Turner presiding, We opened the meeting with Hymn 285. Call to worship, sil- ent prayer. Part I. Peace of the Church of Christ and prayer by Mrs. R. McAllister. Hymn 1165. ,Part 2. Peace in Home and Heart. Prayer for Christian Home by Mrs. W. Tur- ner. Hymn 5994. Part .3. Peace within ,nation. The offering and business. 7t was decided to form into 2 groups or circles for the meeting and Group 2 have charge the next meeting. The Seery, and Treas. reports were read and adopted. Roll call answered with Letter F. Part 4. Peace through the. extension of Christ's Kingdom. Pray- er for missionaries by Miss Edna Cochrane. For fellow Christians, Mrs. H. Turner, :For God's Kingdom by Miss Annie Jarrett. Hymn 249 and dismissal prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson are getting nicely settled in, their new home on the Blind Bine. Mr. Joe Forrest and' sister Miss 24arg'aret, of Sesforth visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs, J. Cochrane. Mr, Wm. Jarrott is in ,Goderich for a few days attending the jury as- sizes; CROMARTY. The 'Staffs Junior Institute quilted a 'quilt for relief purposes at the home o'£ Miss Margaret Allen on Tuesday afternoon lash. 'Don't forgot the oysiter supper to he held in the church on tate evening of March 6th. The programme wall he given by the male quartette from Main street United Church, Exeter, and Mrs. Melville !Gray as, elocution- ist. Cromarty lostoneof her oldest re sidents an Monday morning in .the person of Mrs. John Stacey. The de- ceased has been living with her dau- ghter, Mrs, W'orden Miller for ehe winter months, Although she hadn't been in good health for a .number of years her death cones as a shock to the community. She leaves to mourn her loss her 'husband and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Wni. Woxden and Mrs Worden+filler.