HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-02-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS, mat HENSALL. T:he Welfare Youth Club of Car el Presbyterian Church held : th regular mee'tin'g on MI'onday eveni The feature of the evening was a bate on the su'b'ject that the pig is more use' to the' hu'm'an race than 'hen. :Niles Irene 'Hbgarfh, presid of the Club, presided, The open exercises were prayer, 'Scripture 1 .son by alts, Holton, and menu The Rev, Mr, Young gave a talk how to conduct a debate, Ma I\Vo'rktn'an and 'Blanche 3'us'tard to the affirtnati've side o'f 'the debate a James Bengotrgh and E. K, 'I--Iut the negative. The judge swere 3d i3lcLaren'William A. McLaren a IRoss McKay Mr, aleKay announc the decision in favor of the affirn tive, and also gave a splendid addr en the debate. Mr, and Mrs, Orville •Twitch were in London 'Monday visiti friends. Mliss Leila Welsh of Toronto visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Bro end other relatives. At the regular meeting of young people of the United Char en Monday evening, a debate to place on, 'resolved that trade con tions in 'Hensall are entirely due world depression. The affirmat was taken by Claude .Blowes and I 1Filshie and the negative by Dr. Sn lie and Robert Passmore. The judg Miss Ellis, Miss .Douglas and Gear 1 ullick gave their decision to the fi matire, 111 points to 10, :Solos w given by Bella Sutale and Sam R nie and a reading by Ruth 'Coles, Mfr, T. C. Joynt is spending t week in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Joynt and MIrs. 411 Joynt of Toronto spent the week e vi'iting relatives in town, Rev, W. A. Young spent Mond in Lindon, Mr. and alts. Lad, \1 b.t� c ren a little daughter Donnie spent Sund calling on 1'>eacll-o Yates friends, Mr, and Mrs. Alf Hunkin o'f F guitar spent Tuesday visiting re tires in town. The choir of Carmel Pres'byteri Church held a banquet in the ba went of the church on Thursday e ening and a very enjoyable time w spent by those present. Besides mt rt games were indulged in, the lo ing ride having to serve supper. 1' Rev, Mir. Young had charge of t games. At the United Church on Suad (Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached both services, In the evening a mi ed quartette, Mrs, Drysdale, 3l Hes, W. 0, Goodwin and Sam Re rte sang, Mr. and Mrs. \Ves, Veneer Chiselhurst spent Tuesday visitin relatives in town. Mrs, George Brown has been co fined to her roots for a couple weeks through illness. The death occurred here on Frid Feb, 16th, at her late home, 'Sou 'Richmond street, of Mise Mary Joh stop, second eldest daughter of t late Andrew and Mr.s. Joh•n'ston aft 'two years of illness. After t'he dea of their father the two sisters, Miss Mary and Emma lived alone. 311 Johnston had been in poor health 1 a number of years, was mostly cat (fined to her bed and in spite of tl 'best medical skill and nursing sh gradually passed away on Frida She was a valued member of the S 'Paul's Anglican Church and whe her health permitted she was an ac ice worker and was organist of 'S Paul's for a number of years. 'S'h leaves to mourn her loss three sister Mrs. Shortt, of Windsor; ;Mrs. Fer us'on of Minneapolis, and Miss En sea at home, and one brother, Jam of Alberta. The funeral, which w private, took place from her la home, South Richmond street, Hes sail, on Monday afternoon, Rev, M iB, Parker having charge of the se vices, At the service at the home th choir of St. Paul's church attended i a body. Interment took place at th .Hensall Union Cemetery. Mrs. Shor of Windsor and Mrs. Ferguson o Minneapolis were here to attend th 'funeral A bad accident happened to Ed Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. IR'ichar Taylor of Tuckersmith, east of Hen salt While cutting wdod he had th misfortune to have a tree .fall on 'him fracturing his leg in four places. .11 was brought to Hensall in a sleig and taken to Clinton hospital •fo treatment by Dr. Collyer. Special services will be held in th United Church next Sunday and wit be women's day. There will be a 'lad ies' choir with special music, Mrs. John Passmore, Albert Pass- more and Miss Gladys Pa'ss•more were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wall :MelL•ean of Hamilton (Gladys and Albert returned Mo'nd'ay but Mrs. Passmore will visit awhile, Born -In 'Hamilton on Sunday, !Feb..118 h, to Mr. and Mrs. William McLean (nee IGretta IPasernore) a •dauglh'ter OB.etty Jean). - T'he break in the heating system in Miss Ellis' room in the public school is more serious than et first thought and the room has been. •closed for re- pairs for several day's .and the schol- ars are enjoying a holiday. 'A large crowd was present on Fri- day evening at the Jlolly Fotir dance (Prizes were won by, ladies, Mrs. Joe 'Huds'on, second, Mrs, Chas. Farqu- har, cains'olation, Mrs, Roy Webber -Men's prizes, .first, Ches. Farquhar' alias. 'Sangster, second, consolation, J Carmichael, Mr. Cyril Strange of Ex- eter sang, accompanying himself on the guitar. (Mrs. Jessie Het of Seaforth spent the week end visiting with Mr. and MrsAlf. Taylor. Miss _McKay of Tiickersrith was a week end visitor with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay. The World's Day of Prayer was observed in Hensel! Friday afternoon in St. Paul's Anglican Church, The program opened with Mrs Louis Clark in eharge of the opening exer- cises. .airs. Drummond and Mrs. Goodwin sang a duet and airs, Good- win led in prayer, •Mrs, Arthur 'Sin- lelai.r took .charge of the second part •i of rteram r.o' P g ,with prayer by Mrs. Dougall, a very 'n teresting Aa ier h Mrs Peck, entitled"The Heavenly Past Office," In the period of •inter- cession prayers were offered by Mrs; McQueen, Arcs. Agnes McDonald and Mrs. L'aanintie. The offering was taken by •Mrs, James 'Simpson and Airs, Matlkinson, The third part "was peesided over by Mrs, Basil •Edwards with prayers by Mrs, .R. •Y M1cLLare,e, Miss McGregor and Mr's. Arnold. A 'quartette w'es given by Mrs, Young, Mrs. Paterson, Miss Dhtcrs and Mrs. W. A. McLaren The s'p'lendid meet ting was closed with a hymn and a prayer. Mr. Harold Higgins is spending a week visiting with his sister; Mrs, (Orville Beavers of the :Th'ame's Road At Carmel Pres'byteria'n 'Church on 'Sunda), Rev. Mr, Young preached both morning and evening. At the morning service, Mrs. Hutton and Mrs, M'eKinn•on took the o'bligato duet in the anthem and Mrs, W. A, McLaren sang a solo, In the evening, Rev. Mr, Young gave another ad- dress to young people, \'fs's Jean Bontlhroar of 'London spent Sunday visiting with her par- ents, Mr. And Mrs. James Bonttheon. Under the auspices of the Literary 'Society of the Ilensall Continuation school a banquet was ,held in the basement' of the United Church on Friday evening with john Alexander presiding. Amongst 'those taking part in the program were: solo by W. 0, Good win, accompanied by Mrs. Goodwin on the p'ian'o; piano solos by Audrey Cochrane and Myrtle Thompson; chorus by .Audrey Coch- rane, Helen Glenn, Myrtle Thomp- son, Jean Foster, Ruth . Coles, Mild- red Follick, Minnie Sangster, E•le'an- or Bell, Helen Munn. 'Gladys Saund- ercock gave a reading and George Pearce a nnouthorgan selection: A novel spelling match was held when all t'he words had to he spelled back- wards. Sir. and Mrs. Orval Beavers of names Road visited relatives Friday Mlr, and Ms, 1 -Marry Gilmour and ,:on Gilbert -.1 Tuxford, Sask., have moved into hiss .lair's .house on .Queen street. They will make this their headquarters while visiting friends in this district until the wea- ther is fit to start for their home ip Saskatchewan by motor. The many friends of Mrs. Walter 4labkirk will be sorry to hear that he is lying dangerously ill at the 'home of 'her daughter in ,Saskatche- svun, Mrs, Ha'bkirlc left here in the fall to spend the winter with relatives in the \West. The regular meeting of the CJG.iLT was held Tuesday evening with the president, Gladys 'Passmore in the chair, Grace Brock led in prayer and the Scripture lesson was read by Olive Lemon, The regular order of business was taken tip and 'Gladys Passmore favored with a piano solo and the C,G.I,T• trio sang a number of selections, •Mrs. Thos. Simpson and son Thos. of Statlord'ville who spent the past week in town left ;Wednesday to visit in L'ond'on, HILLSGREEN 'Quilting bees are now the order of the day among the women folk, Mr, W. Jarrett is attending the Good Road Convention in Toronto this week. 'Miss Dolly Hagan is nursing a pa- tient in Zurich for a short time. • Mr, John Cochrane is spending a few- days with his daughter and son - in -taw, 31'r, and Mrs, Ross Dick in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hess of Zur- ich visited Mr, and Mfrs. W. 'Reichert, IN MEMORIAM I•Iulley-lin loving memory of Gor- don Oliver iHulley, who passed away on February 28th, 19313: Just one long year ago today, When we laid you far away, In that burying ground on the hill; There our heart lies there stilt, And there it will always stay, Till we meet you there some day; But Gad thought it was for the best, So he took you home to rest. And when our life's journey is co'nt- plete, It's there 11 hope we all shall meet. --Sadly missed by wife ane+ Family CARD 'OF THANKS Mr, Tihomes Mloylan, also Mr, and Mrs, Patrick Ryan wish to extend their sincerest thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness and sy'mp'athy s'ho'wn to titent for loan of cars and help given in any way during their recent sad bereavement, the .death of a dear mother and aunt, Mrs. William Moylan. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Catherine Maloney and fa'iinily wish to thlank their many friends who loaned cars or helped in any way dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the late Ernest Sanderson wish to thank the friends and neighb'ors for many kind expres- sions of sympathy and acts Of kind- nes.s during their bereavement, MAN WANTED For summer mionths, capable of milking; non-smoker preferred. Ap- ply to The News office, 8 NOTICE Chopping and .rolling •every Tues- day and Friday afternoon at 5 cents per bag. All kincis...of :saws 'filed and set; tbahteries charged and repaired; car radiators soldered and all kinds of soldering •clone at Lot 4, Con, 9, 3fclKillop, Phone 33e23, Dublin, John A. Eckert, 8, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934 TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-elVE YEARS Auea February, '1008. Items, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. (Lowry of ;Belmore are visiting at the parson- age. -Maar. John ,Habkirk left on "Thursday for Fort William where he 'wall engage' in the draying business,- MJiis's Rae Dickson who was hone for several weeks visiting her parents, Air, and Mrs. S A. Dickson, has re- turned to Fort S'askatchewa'n, -Miss Jessie Anderson, daughter of Mr. Da- vid'Anderson, a,former resident of :Seaforth, but now residing in 'Chica- go, in visiting friends and relatives,- T.he Leap Year dance which is being given: by the Ladies' Bowling Cltib on Friday evening, Feb, 28th, is not fancy dress, but the committee de- sires as natty of the guests as poss- ible to powder their hair -Miss Lib- bie Hart .has been spending a week with Stratford friend's. -Mr, 'Harry Scott left this week for Peterboro where he has accepted a Position. - Master Ben Roberts has been ill for a number of days with inflammation of the lungs. -Mr. Wetherald, Col- legiate Inspector, paid a visit to the local institution on Monday and Tuesday -Miss 3. Tufford, nurse, who has been attending a case in IIa- ntitton for several months, returned to town :Saturday, - Mr, Harold 'Broadfoot, manager of the Canada Furniture factory at Wingham, visit- ed at his home here this weelc and tools part in the bonspiel.-The death took place ie Seaforth of Jane Ci•own, relict of the late William Montgom- ery, at the age of 74 years. -Mr. Yule has been elected organist ' for the First Presbyterian Church by ballot of the congregation on Sunday. Mr. Yule is at present in charge of the organ in the Presbyterian Church, at Oakville and will come in. June -Ha- gan Bros., .of Hillsgreen have sold their handsome black team to Mr. C. Tones of Stratford, MMr, J. Hagan brought 'them to town 'Wednesday and had them sent on from here to ;Stratford, The purchaser bought them for an unclerfaker's otitTit,•-Mr. John Walker, wiho was in the furni- ture business in T.eeswater, has leas- ed Mr, I. V. ,Fear's old stand and will open out a furniture and undertaking business. Mr, Weaker has had sever- al year's experience in this line and will be a wel'com.e addition to the town. He expects to open up about the first of March. Bayfield, Several of our citizens have been laid up far the past week with la grippe, -The fishermen have been busy putting in their supply of ice for next summer. -Miss F, Nott of Tucicersmith visited Mrs George Ir- win -last week. ---Mr. H. D'rehntann was in Muskoka during the week on a business trip. -Mr. Thomas A. 'Stinson and son, who went to Color- ado last fall, have returned to the vil- lage. Walton Percy Smith of Ethel has taken a Position hbre.-MIrs. Alfred Hewitt, who visited for several weeks at her former hone in Marquette, Mich., has returned. -Miss Margaret Mo- Donald is home front Toronto on a visit. -1A very pleasant gathering was spent at the honn.e of Mr, J. S't'afford Monday evening when the m'em'bers of the Epworth League gave a hand- keachief sbb'wer for Miss Ethel Den- nison who is leaving shortly to re- side in Regina. Constance, Mr, .and Mrs, Thos. Le'we's and son teat for their ho'nne near Brandon, Man., on Tuesday. We wish tient a •safe journey, -What might have been a sad accident happened to Mr. Jos- eph Brown while driving to the vil- lage. When opposite Win, Lawson's: he found the road to be several feet deep with water and slush; he being of a heroic disposition ventured to drive through and as a result was precipitated therein. Fortunately he regained his footing, and we were pleased to hear, wended his way to a neighbor, 'while his horse came to the village where it was stabled safe- ly, Terrifying Experience. To lie 'beneath the rails near the and Trunk station at S'tra'tford ile eight cars thundered by Was e unique experience of Eli Dion, a -year-old lad of P:enetang, who had entiy been released from St," Johns dustrial School, Toronto, He had en, under a three -year -sentence but as released after two years and sent a farm near Seaforth: Becoming ed of the dull- monotony of rural he filled his knapsack and de- nped via a Grand Trunk freight in. Arriving at Stratford the boy emptecl o t 1 cave the ,train t au t v ' s leaving while e it n the station and th the cars,. When the eel] of Frei ,h aa] end of g, t disappeared front view 11' slowly rose from his crouc'hin'g Gr wh th rec In be to tir life can tra art wa nee the 1Dio position "and with merely a sprained ankle made a :hasty retreat. He ma's .captured by tailwaY officials and t - mantded to jail for vagrancy. Winthrop. Me. Hu'g'h McIntosh has sold his 'faint containing 1150 acres to his neighbor, Mr Price, who is now the awaner of 300 acreso'f find land, Mr, McIntosh intends going West in the. spring. -On -Monday evening Mr .and Mlrs, John Dodds o3 the 110th con- cession, treated the young people of 'he neighborhood to a very enjoyable dancing party. I:t is needless to say that they all enjoyed themselves, AUCTION SALE. OF PA'RTNER'SHIP REAL ES TATE AND ,FARM'CHATTELS The Administrator of the Estate the late John Beatty, and Geo •Beatty are offering for sale the •Poll ing partnership real estate '(subject reserve 'bids) and fame chattels public auction, on ;Lot No. 114, B field 'Road 'South, in the T'owns'hip Stanley, on Tuesday, March 6, ;19 at '1 o'clock pen, Real Estate - in Lot No. .115, • Bayfield iR South, in the Township of Stasi containing 1100 acres, Oti this farm a veneered brick house; bank b 86 x 516, in lair repair; 1' acre of chard and 7 acres of bush. 2. Lot No, 29 Bayfield 'Cone slat, in the Township of Goderi containing 6114 acres grass land a cedar bush. 3. ILot No. "B" in the Village Varna, on which is situated a one a one-half sitory 'frame hoose in f repair. Chattels- IH'orses-tl black 'Poreheron geldi 5 years old; 1 bay Clyde gelding years old; 11 colt, Clyde Percher 1% years old. 'Cattle -12 0=I'ois'tein cows freshen 7 years 'old; 11. Holstein cow, due ril, rising 4 years old; ;1 grade slto horn cow due -i April, 7 years old;• grade 'Garnsey cow due ;April, 9 year old; 1 (fat cow; 3 baby beef calv 1 Jersey heifer due 'to freshen Se tem'ber; 1 Jersey heifer 9 months of IPigs-1 York sow pure bred, d April 112; 11 York thug, pure bred;. store pigs, some select so'w=s. (Sheep -110 (Leicester bred ew Leicester ram, pure bred. (Pedigrees of 'Purebred Sh:orth•ort Females -Red roan, 'born May 1930, +Nellie Grey's Lass; -247897 sire 'Mapledale Jason (119'4680), d to freshen. April. Roan born April 118, 1930, Lu Varna-1?54918941(--; sire Mapleda Jason, with bull calf at •Foot, 'Red and white, born April ;10, 193 Varna S'antple Carrie -24789'5-; si Mlapledale Jason, with bull calf foo';, Red and White, born April ,114, 103 Varna Buttercup Lass -247896- rire Mapledale Jason; due to freshe in `April. ;Roan, borer May 1B, 119'311', Nell Grey's Maid, -25F4548'3-; sire Mapl dale 'Jason; bred Nov. 1118th, Roan, 'born May 216, 1193(1, Varna But tercup Maid -175414184-; sire Maple dale 'Jason; with heifer calf at foot, 'Red with little white, born May 1112 1'931, 'S'ample Carrie's !Lass -215441 -; sire Mapledale Jason; with bull. Roan heifer, born June 113; 11932, eli gible for registration; sire Mapledale Jason; dam 'Varna Buttercup. Roan cow, bonen April 10, 11922, Nellie Grey -1119131103'-; sire Merry Master '(1024915); dam Varna ;Bell (115111&92), Roan, born :June 15, 1025, Varna Buttercup Y251507t5-; sire Sultan Brand 0150i1i39). (Red and White, born June 113, 1923 Sample 'Carrie -2030413-; sire Sul- tan (Brand (115011139), 1Bulls- .Red, born +Jdy 28, 119,911; Naentoor 'S'tamp --9109160- head of herd. .Roan, born May 20, 11002, dant Nel- lie 'Gray; sire Mapled'a'te 'Jason 01914- 680). 'Eligible for registration. ;Roan, horn April, 11033, dam Varna Buttercup; sire Mapledale Jason (1,94080), Eligible for registration. Chattels -II cultter. d doeb'e, 'bug gy single 'buggies; bob sleighs; corn binder; grain :binder; 1' side rake; al hay rake; Deering mower 6 ft; 1. 84116 Mogul tractor; 1 grain grinder '10 inch; 1 Deering hay load- er; '1t cultivator; 1 disk; '' Olivier rid- ing plow; 1 walking plow; 1 set D. harrows; 11 track and hay rack; 1 high waggon; 11 gravel box; '1 coal box; 1 wheel barrow; 1 stuffier; 2 corn scufflers; ;1 1113' -inch ensilage cut- ting box.and pipes; 91 ;hay tedder; fanning mill; grind stone; 2 set of scales; 1 cord wood saw; il' 'Essex sedan .11929 model; ;i set light bob- sleighs; 1 seed drill; 1 turnip sower; 1 ,Ford 4 ton truck; 2 iron kettles; 1 stove and 'brooder; 1 ,Buckeye incu- bator 2110 egg capacity; .1 hayfork; 1 hayfork - or Y rope 1x and A slings; 1 power cream separator; 1 1 Dai 'No. i s 31; I1. set double harness; Y clses?I- ess; horse •col'- lars; 1 set single :harness; ladders;. 1' dinner .bell; 2 Northern Electric of rge ow- to by ay - of 34, oad ey, is am or- es - ch, nd of nd air 09 4 on, ed, A'p- rt- s• es; A- d. rae 12 es, ts. 34, ti e cy le 0, re at 30, n ie e- 85 EGNIONDVILLE CASH PRICES 01d Dutoh Cleanser 2 tins 18c Gem Lye 2 tins 19c 5 Sunlight 'Soap 3 Lux Soap Dates, 2 pounds 15c Seedless Raisins 12c Choice Apricots per pound 21c 27c P. & G, Soap 33c 21c 10 Bars for .. hiro t ® F i NIGAN lighting plants; 1 light waggon; 1 corn planter; chains, forks and other articles, !Household Effects - 1' Coleman lamp; 2 Coleman irons; .1 extension table and • other tables; 112 dining room chairs; 2 seca•etaeies; ,1 brass bed stead; 1. bedroom suite; 1 buffet; 1 cook stove; 11 coal 'oil stove; 2 heaters, coal or wood; quantity of scalers; 1' wringer; ;1 ,Delco light iron. Terris of Stale-'C:hattels, cash. Real Estate -,b0% an day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter, For further panticulars apply to George Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont, George -;Beatty, Administrator, Varna, Ont. Carling & Morley, Solicitors for Administrator, .Exeter, Ontario. AUCTION SALE. OVERSTOCK OF FARM STOCK iOn Lot 1, Con. 1, Stanley, on Thtirsday, March 1st, commencing at 1,.30 p.m., the following: - IHiOIPJSEIS-'11 carriage horse 7 yrs, old, work single or double; 1 driving stare, 8 years old, w=ork single or double; 1 mare 6 years old, about 1400 lbs., 1' team 8 years old, about 2,800 lbs.; 1. general purpose filly 3 years old, in foal, •Cattle -,Red :cow, 8 years old, due Mai, 115th; red cow 7 years old, due April .8th; grey cow, 7 years old, due May 7th; white cow, 8 years old, due May 11&th; black .cote, 7 years old, clue May 35th; black cow due in May; red co'w, freshen in a month; roan cow just freshened; white cow just freshened; red heifer fresh a pion:t't; black cow due time of sale; red cow due in A.pri1;.3 cows bred in December; 5 yearling cattle; 112 fat calves (;baby beef); 6 smaller calves. IPigs,-113 pigs a'veragin'g around 100 lbs. IL top buggy in good repair; a few sets of new harness. Terns -Cash, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer; Thos, W. ,Butt, Proprietor, A COMING EVENT A St. Patrick's Tea under t'he aus- pices of the MacGillivray Auxiliary will be held at North Side .United Church, Friday, March 1150, from 5 to 7 p.m, You are cordially invited. Tea 219c, 10 TAX •NOTICE Township of 'McKillop Alt taxes in .the Township of Mc- Kiliop not settled on or before the 24th clay 'of February, '1934, will be handed to the 'Bailiff :for collection. All ratepayers in arrears of 'taxes please govern 'themselves according- ly, as this will be the last notice giv- ' en, By Order. George 'McKee, Collector of Taxes FARM FOR SALE OR •RENT :Kippen 'Road, five stiles south of Seafonth, being (Lot 10, Con. 8, H,RJS, Township of Tuckersm•ith, 100' acres, cleared and well drained, 11(0' acres of fall w'hea't, about 40 acres fall plowed, balance seeded. Buildings all in good repair, consist of a brick house, bank barn stabled throughout, implement house, hennery and piggery, This farm in convenient 'to school, church and markets. For particulars, write Mrs. 'Harvey 'M'oore, Kippen, 'Ont,, or Wnt. G. Strong, 38 Monk St., Ottawa, Ont, FOR SALE Four year old 'bay gelding, Jack R. •Grattan, Height 115' hands. Worked mile around 224, Estate ,,of the bate. John ,Pinkney. Apply to •Robert'Pink- ney, Seaforth, 8. OLD AND NEW KIPPEN ID Admission 25c. Ladies Our entire Herd of 23 head Have been properly tested by Dr. Herbaria and found to he 100 per :cent, free from T.B. Do you realize that the opportunity to purchase milk of this standard is knocking at your door? We also ask you to make a visit to our stables and note the sanitary equipment, the cows and the white walls; you can then rest assured that when you use our milk in your home you have the best money :can buy, Yours for business, hugill's airy Phone 34.,0116, Reverse the call. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN • that all creditors and others' having claims against the estate of :Susanna 'Weber, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of I3uron, Widow, de- ceased, who died on the Ninth day of ,December, 1933, are required to lK, forward their claims duly proven to:' the ;undersigned, s'o'licitor for the Ex ecutors, on or before 'the Twenty - 'fourth day of February, 3004. AND NOTICE IS FiURTHHE!R given that after the said last men- tioned date, the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the 'assets of the estate leaving regard only to the claims of which they then 'shall have • Dated at 1Seaforth, Ontario, this 7th day of February, 1034, JOHN J. HUGIG'ARD, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: John ;Beatty, late of the •al lage of Varna, in the County of Hu- ron, Farmer, deceased, and Beatty Brothers of the said Village of Var- na, Farmers. Creditors and Others having claims against the estate of the late John :Beatty or the firm of 'Beatty 'B'roth- ere are required on or before March 3rd, 19314, to fyle with the undersign- ed Administrator full particulars of their claims duly verified, after which date the said Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has 'been re- ceived, Dated this 10th day of February, i193i4, George Beatty, Administrator, Varna, Ont. OAIRLIING & MIOIRIUEY, S'olic'nbors for Administrlat'or, Exeter, Ont. 9 FARM FOR SALE 75 acre farm, 4154 miles .west of Seaforth, Highway 8, Lot 1116, (Con. 1, brick house, bank barn, hydro, water in barn, good well at house, large young apple orchard; priced 'law to close estate, Mrs, (Geo. C. Dale, Sea - forth, RJR. 2, Thone 111701r22. FARM FOR 'SALE Lot 10, 'Con. 4, IH. R. S., Tucker - smith, consisting of 1100 acres, with good buildings, 'frame house; two miles 's'out'h of 'Seaforth; 'plenty of water front never -failing spring. 'Also lot 07, 'mall. t5, L:ReS,, Tuckersanith, containing 'fifty acres; 120 •acres of good 'It'ardwodd bu's'h, rest in ;pasters, no 'buildings, Mrs. John C. •Reinke. Seaforth IR'. R. 4. iP.hone '11313 r 311. PROPERTY' FOR 'SALE OR RENT llna Egm'ondville, a• two-storey frame house, situated on Main street, ' Elec- tric lights, hard and soft water; cor- ner lot, half .acre of land, stable, hen house and garage, near school, church and store; small fruits,' peer and apple trees; low taxes.Can be seen by ap- t 'p'lying to Mrs, John ,Sproat,, or piton- ing 1170 r 2125, Seaforth. If not sold will be rented, • 1 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bus. 73c I Barley, 'per bus. , .,48c Oats, 'Aer'bus. s • 38c' Eggs, per tion. .... , :.,.. h7c-00:e Flogs, select, per cwt 90 lOc Potatoes, per bag .... $8. • . $1.2',Z 5