HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-02-22, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22; 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. CARLOAD BUYING ENABLES US TO SELL YOU ' PROCTER &•GAMBLE SOAP PRODUCTS AT BARGAIN 'PRICES WEEK ENDING =FEBRUARY 2&TH, 1934 'CROSSE & BLACK'WELL'S CATSUP 14 oz, Bottle AYLMER CHOICE CORN, 2's 2 FOR 2 TLNS GOLD OR P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP 7 CAKES KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN, LARGE PER PKG, FRESH WESTERN ROLLED OATS 7 LBS CROS'SE & BL'ACKWELL'S SOUPS 29c 19c 25c 19c 25c 3 TINS..25 c PERRIN'S ROYAL SODA BISCUITS 2 LBS. 25 c GREEN GAGE PLUMS, Choice Quality TIN 9c CANNED CORN, Lynn Valley l's TIN 5 c MALTED CREAM CHEESE / LB. PKG. TODDY, The Ideal Drink. 8 oz. -31c. 16 oz. A Jig Saw Puzzle with every Can Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce 10c 49c Phone 8 Phone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 LONDESBORO The day of prayer was observed in bonnec'tion with the regular. tnonithly meeting in the United Church on ,Friday, ,Feb. 1t th, with the President Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, presiding, The program on the leaflets for the World's Day of prayer was followed, several taking part. Group No. 2 gave their program for the month, Mrs. T. .Adams, the captain presiding, who read the Scripture lesson. Miss L. Garrett, Mrs, J. Melville, Miss Ruth • Shtaddick, also gave readbngs. 'The visiting committee reported of hav- ing made eight visits to sick or saint - in ones during the month, Miss F. iTamieson. and Mrs. J. D, Melville' . were app.o!inled as visiting commsbtee for the next month, Group No, 2 served a dainty lunch, twenty being present. The box social under the auspices of the Library Bedard held on Feb.. ill6ti was not very well patronized, but 'those who were there reported a ,good time, and it was rather discour- aging to the Board who .are doing all they can. to awake ehe library a suc cess. It is' a good astset to the village and more interest should be taken - by the community in this good work. ,Miss E. Maines has gone to Chic- , ago to, spend the remainder of the winter with her sisters, c Mrs. F. J,ohnsbon spent several days with Loncl'on friend's, returning on Friday,-- HOCKEY Ito bhe McMillian Cup series on Sat- urday slight St, Coinrlban was shut out of the piayeeffs when Winthrop defeated them 2 toils E'gmondville held on to top position by winning from T eckerstatih by the same score 2411, lin the Winthrop and S. Coltunban game neither team scored in the first 'frame due to close back-cheekinug. In the second Stan Nicholls passed to 'Baton for the first goal and ,Ferg, :Bullard deflected a shot .off E. Malone to put Winthrop two up. Doc Tiernan slammed the puck past Montgomery for St. Coluniban's lone tally to end the scoring. St, Columban —'Goal, Higgerson; defett'ce, E. Malone, E. Kerslake; cen- tre, McQuaid; wings, Tiernan, Rdbin- son; alternates, J. Malone, McCarthy, Mbylan, .Miles, win'throp—,Go'al, W. Mon'tgo'mery; defence, A. Dale and F. Bullard; cen- tre, 5. Niobolls; wings, Eaton, Mont- gomery; al't'ernates, Rae Carter, E. Dorran'ee, W. Draper, Shannon. 'The 'Egnwondville - 'Tuckers. nth game was fast and furious and penal- ties were numerous. Neither team spared themselves and the faster the pace the more penalties were drawn. 'T'here was no score in the first fraane, Egmondviile 'stepped into a lead in the second period when Hi'cknell scored near the end of period. With three players in the penalty box, Flannery notched the winning count- er. 'Tuckersmit'h --- IGoal, S. Doig; de- fence, J. and P. Dloig; centre, Foster; wings, McCartney and R, Archibald; alternates, F, 'Reynolds, F. Archibald, Neil Patrick, J. McKay, , Egmon'dville—Groat, M:dGddch, de- fence, Dale and Nicholson; centre, J, Flannery; wings, Hickne'll and (Cruse; alternates, Kling, McGregor, Morris, and Flannery, League standing: W. L. Pts. Egmondvil'le .. „ i ll 10 Ttt•ckersmith . , .. , 3 3' 6 'Winthrop „ 18 3' 6 St. Coltt:ntbatt IA y 2 Makes !Breathing Easy. The con- striction ,afthe air, passages and the struggle 'for breath, too `familiar 'evi- dente of asthmatic trouble, cannot daunt Dr. T. Dr Kellogg's Asthma Re- medy. This is the, famous remedy which is knows far and wide for its complete effee tiveeess even . under ...very severe conditions. 'It is no 'un- tried, experimental preparation, but one with many years of strong service 'behind it. (Buy it from your nearest dealer, BLYTH IAt three oicliock Tuesday morning citizens were awakened by the ring- ing of the fire alarm ,when it was found that the grocery, boot, shoe and clothing store of Thomas Elliott, Queen street west, avis on fire. The fire is thought to have been caused by the stove and had gained consid- erable headway before being discov- ered. Despite the severe cold, it be- ing 20, degrees below zero, the fire- men did splendid wank in confining the flames to the building. The con- tents are, badly damaged by water 'and sm'o'ke Mr, Elliott was in Tees - water at the time, • TOWN. Topics. The teachers and officers of the Sunday School o'f First Presbyterian pChurch are entertaining the various classes to a banquet on Friday even- ing, This event is in place of the Chris'tsnas entertainment .which was not held, Moss Florence howler of B'tueanale Meas the guest over the week -end of Miss Clara Pinkney, Mtsg Elizabeth Jones of Toronto was a guest of Mayor and Mrs. Su'th- crland, during the week -end. Mr. F. Baxter visited his brother, Mr. Geotge Baxter, in Mitchell, for a few clays, Mrs. W. P. Lane spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in London attending an executive meeting of the Lon'd'on Conference Branch o8 the Women's Missionary Society. Mr, Norval Bell is still .quite ill at his home and is show in.g little fan- provetnen't, his many frien'dis regret to learn, (Rev. W. P. Lane and Messrs, F. S. Sla'vau'ge and Thos. McMichael .of Northside' United Ohur c'h attended the Presbytery meeting in Clinton. The "Sociable Club" will ,nseet at the Holme of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Sharpe on Friday evening, IRev, C. A, Malcolm was in Clin- ton Monday for the meeting of Pres- bytery, held in the Ontario st Church, (Mrs. C. Eckert returned 'home from London on, Sunday after a serious op- eration - which was a success. Her many friends are pleased to learn she is improving rapidly. IMr, and Mrs, Roy ,Batt intend moving to Stratford the first of Match, The , weather has moderated but slightly during the past week, therm- ometers dropping to twenty and thir- ty degrees below- zero on S'atur'day and 'Tuesday mornings. The citizens are 'becoming accustomed to the excessive cold but ,no doubt will feel infinitely relieved when mild weather returns to stay. Mrs, J. Cameron, IR. N., of ISeaforth, is still caring for Miss Winuifred Siong, since she accomp- anied her 'home, Nurse Cameron is not a stranger, as she was 'b'orn in 'Brussels 'and is a daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. (Jack Walker, ,Sea'forth, and nieces of 'iitessrs. !Slam, Dave and Tom Walker, of towns, --;Brussels Post, HARLOCK. A. Ernest Sanderson.—IA wave o` gloom was spread over the commun- ity when it became known that Ern- est Sanderson had passed away sud- cienly. He was apparently in good health till a few days before and death came very suddenly, caused by an affection of the heart. He was the youngest son of Caroline and William .Sanderson and was born fifty-two years ago on the farm where he died on the 113th concession. of .Hulilet't. He was a fine young man, beloved in the home and was a member ' of Queen St. United Church in w'hic'h he took a 'keen interest. He was a member of the Blyth Lodge A.IF,VCIA,M. under whose auspices the funeral was con- ducted. He leaves to mourn his loss six sisters and four brothers, namely, Mrs, W. Skelton and Mrs. ,R. Mc- D'onald, of Morris; Mrs. W. S. Forbes of Walton; Mrs. Taylor, Blyth; M:rs, W. Dickson, Seaforfh, and Mrs, Earl Entpey, London, Ont., and Richard and Albert, Blyth, and John and Henry, Hullett, Sincere sympathy is extended to all the friends, also to the housekeeper, who has been there for a number of years. Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Reid of near Walton visited on Sunday at the !home of ,lir. and Mrs. Leo Watt. lar. Robert and Miss 'Agnes Leiper of Toronto were hone to attend tate funeral Of '[Meir grandmother, Mrs. John Leiper on Monday of this week, We wish to extend sincere sympathy to all the family. ,Harlack school was closed Monday afternoon on account of the .funeral of Mrs. Leiper, We are pleased to know that Mr. 'Bert Beacom, tl'lvo was laid up last week, is around again;, - 'Mr, and Mrs, Geo, MCViatie enter- tained friends last Thursday e:'eniny and For tea, Mr, and Mrs. Bert.Allen - being part of the guests. Mfr. and Mrs. Leslie Knox and little Bert spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson. 'FUNERAL OF MRS. IWA'LSI. (Among thto'se attending the fun- eral of the late Mrs, Patrick Walsh at 'St, James' Church, Seaforth, an Saturday morning, were her brother, Mr. Dan, Hegl es, of Wilkie, Sask.; her sister, Mrs. May of Chicago; a grandson; Brother Patrick, of Lack- awana, N.Y.; two daughters, Mrs, Cassels, Toi+olrto, and Mrs, . James 'Fitannery, of Detroit; and Mrs,. Sc'hu- mer, of Dublin, Requiem T-Iigh Mass was sung by Rev. Father T. p. IIussey. The pallbearers were ',Messrs. Jose'ph Dorsey, James Reynolds, _ Jo- seph Matthews, James V, Ryan, Jo- seph O''Rounke and Louie McGrath. Interment in St, ,Janes'' Cemetery. 1\d-oncl•ay night Egmonclville hockey team defeated Goulds' school 9.12. PAGE FIVE • .;01.47 -7 -0"1 - We N We admit that the power, speed and all- around performance of the new Ford V-8 are amazing — thrilling, in the full meaning of the word. But we claim there is nothing so sat- isfactory as this car's great economy. Owners tell us it costs less to operate and maintain than .any Ford they ever owned. Gas and oil consumption is low; re- pairs are practically unknown. DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH FORD V-8 THE CANADIAN CAR WINTHROP. The regular tweeting of bhe Y,'PSS, wins 'held on Feb, .20th with Edith Hilton presiding, The meebing opened by singing, hymn 4844, followed with prayer by Jack Haibkirk, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The remainder of the meeting was taken in charge by Ar- thur Alexander and opened by singing .hymn 388, followed with prayer by Neil Montgomery, The ,SScr•ip'ture Les- son was read by Wilson Little and the interpretation of the Scripture by .Frank Case. The topic was taken by !Sill M'ontgo!ntery. The offering was received. After surging hymn 31$'5 the, meeting was brought to a close by repeating the Lord's prayer in uni- son, Winthrop hockey team defeated St. BUSINESS CHANGE Having taken over. , the British American Service Station for- merly occupied by Roy Butt, .a share o'f your patronage would be appreciated, FRANK MALONEY Tobaccos,Cigarettes, Chocolate Bars, etc. Also products of the Avon Dairy and other refreshments PHONE 27 GODERI'CH STREET EAST J. T. McASH VARNA Lipton's Tea, black and mixed 50c lb. Valencia -Raisins 10c lb. ',Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 29c Oatmeal 7 lbs. 25c •Broken. Sodas 3 lbs. 25c Molasses Snaps 10c lb. Men's Fleece .Combinations Sizes 34, 36 and 42 only,. , 98c Women's ;Black Cashmere Hose 25c Women's Silk and Wool Hose Gunmetal and fawn 33c J.T.McAsh VARNA Coihrmlban in .Seafot'fh ;on :Saturday uighit. •The score was 2 -?h. There will only be one game this 'Saturday n'igiht II eb '24'th and it will be splayed be- tween Winthrop and T.uckers'mith, The Winners will play .Eginondville on 'Ma'rch. A successful daiiee 'wals (held in .the hall last (Friday everting. .Collin's or- .ahestra supplied .the music. 'The're will be.another dance on 'March Ind. Collin's orchestra Mr, Neil Montgomery spent a few days :oast week with friends in 'Bel - grave. KIPPEN, W,M:S,—{Friday the 116th was the day for World Prayer -o'f missionary women. The programme "Pray for the Peace of J'erus'alem" was prepar- ed by Mrs. Louis tHo'fmneyer of Cape 'Town, South, Africa. Mrs Chen, the Chinese sister who prepared the 11930 program writes to the editor of the Missionary Review of the World: "I pray every day and any time th -God will show us a way out of a the chaos) Sio'me of us are paying th for the .better days to com One cannot worry over Whaton cannot control; one can. only do WIT one can within one's power, The rah.acic will have to be performed b iGo'd," The .Auxiliary met alt the ,hom o1 Mrs, T. N. Forsythe, with Mrs 'Cooper, the president, acting as lead er,• all those present taking part when the splendid programme wa ;followed thro.u.gih!out, Fiolliow•i'ag th programme the regular study for th month, Chap, V. "'Living Issues in Chtn:a," Raising'the Plhysical Stand and, was taken by Mrs. McDonald assisted by Mrs, J. W, McLean an Mrs. Forsythe. Mrs. Henderson read the devotional leaflet, "Sheep Having No Shepiherd," The Busy Bees Mission Circle of Si. Andrew's United 'Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the hb•me of Mrs. E. McBride on Saturday afternoon next, February P lth, at 2.30 p,m. A special men's choir led the ser- vice of praise at the morning service in Si. Andrew's United Church an. 'Sunday last. .Several anthems were well rendered and much appreciated by the congregation, Rev, E. F. Chandler gave a very help'fu'l ser- mon. The Kippen ladies' euchre club meet at Mrs. John D-eitz' home Monday and had a very enjoyable evening. The 'prizes went to Mrs. A. Moffatt and Mrs, W. Kyle. Miss Bessie McKay at date of writ. ing is not much improved. We all .hope for a decided improvement very soon. Mrs. Jas. Daysnan, who was visit- ing with her daughlter, Mrs. R. Green of London and also seeing her son, Melvin Smith of Zurich who was very i11 in St. Joseph's Hospital, has returned to her home. Miss Mildred 'Workman spent t•he week end with'her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Workman. Mrs. Eric McKay, who ,was a guest of Mrs. Deitz and firs. Tomilinson. for a number of weeks, returned to Ther daughters on the Thames Road on Wednesday last, Mrs. Cliff Watson and little daugh- ter are able to be bonne now, Mr. Will Harvey was in London Saturday on business. :Miss G'liadys Harvey of London, who spent the past month the guest of Mrs. Albert Harvey, returned to the city Tuesday Of last week, Mr. Ferguson of Ingersoll visited his sister, Irma and aunt, Mrs. Wm, Harvey for a few days recently. 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert: ;Green and daughter, Miss Murdis, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green of Hibbert. The many friends of Mrs. Jonah Green are pleased to know that her health continues to improve. Mr. John C. Doig, L,.L.B„ of De- troit, spent the week end the guest of anis nnobher and sister. ACCOUNTS As Dr. Mackay has, retired from practice, would those ow- ing accounts kindly s e t t l e promptly with Miss Edith Hoag, at Dr. Jarrott's office (formerly occupied,by Dr. Mackay). moor With Mr, and Mrs, Norman IBennewies. Mr. and Mrs. Wen, Koehler Man- uel and Morley, spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eg- gert. Mr. and lairs, Henry Koehler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Hoegy, at - CONSTANCE. 11 !Nora Hesk of Londes:boro spent a he few days with 'her friend, Phyllis e, ilfedd, le Miss Doreen Clark, daughter of at Mr. and Mrs. Ep'hriatn Clark, under- _ 'went an operation for appendicitis in y 'Scott Memcriai Hospital on Sunday e morning, and, is progressing as well as can be ex.pedted. On Friday last the W, M. S. held their monthly meeti,'tg and World s Davy of Prayer, the president, airs, e Britton, presiding. The meeting op - c ened with a short devotional period, atter which 'businests was discussed. - Mrs. Robert Rogerson and Mrs, Mc- , 'Gregor then led in prayer. Sang I hymn "Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart." Mrs, Roigersott gave a talk on Prayer, which was inspira- tional and was much enjoyed. She also led in a short discussion on Prayer. Mrs. Lindsay accompanied by Ella Dexter, sang a pleasing solo, 'followed by prayer by Mrs. Robert Lawson and Mrs. Lindsay. Miss Ivy Simmons also gave a splendid talk on Prayer. Mrs, 13. B. Stephenson gave a splendid reading "The Wo- man That Gave Herself." The devo- sional leaflet was given by Mrs. Roy 'Lawson. A season of prayer followed by sirs. Snell, Mrs, Roy Lawson and Mrs, Britton, Hymn, "Father in Heaven Who Loveth A'li," Closed 'with the Miizpah benediction, IWe are 'wandering if mere is a pos- sibility of a creamery starting up in our village as there have been six new dairy caws bought in the village m the past 'three weeks, The borne of Mr, (Robert 'Grimald- by n'arrow'ly escaped 'fire fast Friday evening. 'Mr. IGrinroldby was awa'k- ened at 'fib :o'clock to (find 'the house full of 'smoke and a •Itlazing (block of wood Which he had placed in ' the heater !before going 'to bed, was out on .the 'floor. It was the crash dfthe 'block of wood .falling against .the stove door and forcing it open 'w'hic'h awakened the 'initiates of the house. No serious damage was done, A successful ,euchre and 'dance was held in tlhe lForresiter's 'hall last Fri- day evening. Quite a crowd attended. There will be 'another .held a week from this Friday night, on March 2. The W. A. held a Valentine social in the school room of the church on Friday evening, 'Feb, 116th, with a large attendance. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Mr, Gardiner, Mr, William Britton ably filled the cahir. Dater singing "Onward Christian. Soldiers," Mr. Robert Rogerson led in prayer. A very pleasing .program was then enacted. Mr. ;Britton opened this part of the program with a feat/ well- chosen words, after which Mrs, Jack (Carter sang a very 'beautiful solo en- hired "How Be'aut'iful Heaven Must Be." Miss I-Ielen Britton gave a read ing which was much enjoyed. A s'plendi'd violin duet .by the Messrs. Bernard and Elgin Noitt, accompanied by Mrs. Jack Carter on bhe piano. A pleasing' reading was given by; Ethel Dexter, The male quartette consist- ing of Will'iant Britton, 'Feorge Wheatley, W'i14 Jewitt and Lorne 'awson gave two very pleasing nuln- ers. A reading by Mr, George Carter which was siwi1 given. A musical nutt- er by Misses No-rma Snell and Mar- on Stewart on their guitars and Mr. Charles. Stewart on the mouth organ, brought forth very hearty applause. Mrs. George Addison gave a very 'beautiful piano solo. A pleasing duet by Mr, a'nd Mrs. James 'Simmons, a beaut'iful sato by Norm -a Snell and Marion Stewart accompanied by the guitars brought the program to a close. Refreshments' were se -red ,by the ladies. ,Persian Balm creates lovely com- plexions. Velvety smooth,` Cools and relieves the "skin. Makes it delight- fully, soft -textured, Alluringly• fra- grant.'" Delightful to rise. IS'wiftly ab- sorbed by the: tissues, imparting that elusive charin so distinctive of the •'•tiinty woman. 'Persian Balm pro- tects the delicate skin, 'Preserves and en bailees the loveliest complexion. Every discriminating woman should use this silvery lotion, It is unrivalled as a flawless aid to beauty. WEST BRODHAGEN. 'Last week whits _lir, George Reg- ele was in the swamp getting some pine stumps he heard a hound bark; thinking it was after a rabbit did' not' nvied h'snl at first but when it stayed on the same place for a While George went over to see and found a hound .fighting with a deer that had one of its hind legs broken; As George was ordered by the game warden to. sioot every dog or hound thathefound chasing a cheer lie raised the gun and let him have No. 3; and laid .hien flat so that he won't .fight :any more. Keep your dogs out of the swamp Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Regele spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Thornton on the 11315 conces- sion. 'The cold weather still continues and the wdoe piles are getting small hut `wehave to keep thc fire going or else the potatoes will freeze in the cellar; as it is thine arc a 1dt frozen .now already, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and air's, 'Fred Koehler spent Sunday ` a'fter-.