HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-02-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
The Young People's_iLeague of the
Church held a Valentine c-
ial on Monday evening The basement
of the church was !beautifully !decor-
ated and despite the bad weather a
large crowd Was present, The presi-
dent of the League Miss Verde Wat-
son presided. The .pastor was chair-
man. A splendid 'program was given
by a number from Main st, church,
Exeter, assisted by local talent. Sel-
ections were 'given by an orchestra of
seven violins with Rev. Jr. Elliott at
the piano. Humorous selection's were
given by a male 'quartette,. Frank
Wildfong, Gerald and Prank :Skinner
and Bill Geddes. Rev. .Elliott sang
t vo Solos, Miss Violet Gambrill, ac-
companist; Mr Francis Abbott gave
several readings; Mies Pearl Woods
.rendered several solos, accompanied
by Miss 1Gambrill, Mr. C. 'Strange
sang, accompanying himself on the
guitar; a violin solo by Miss G. Lam-
mie, accompanied on the piano by
Miss 'Bella Sanale, and piano soles
were given by Mies Florence Welsh.
Every selection was well rendered
and called for repeated encores. At
the conclusion Mr, Sinclair thanked
all those taking part. Lunch was serv-
ed. The cotnnittee in charge of the
program were Mrs. Maud Hedden,
Mrs. R. J. Patterson, Miss Gladys
Passmore, Mise Kathryn Drysdale,
Miss M, Spencer, I. and A. Filshie;
the decorating committee, to whom
great credit is due: MMrs. R. J. Patter-
son Mrs. M .Drysdale, Mrs. Grace
(Harpole, Mise Katie. Scott and Miss
Florence Welsh, The platform decor-
ations were in charge of Miss Kath-
ryn. Drysdale and I. Fiishie; treasurer,
Ray .Paterson,
Mr, and SIt s, Roy \lc.Laren were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mc'Laren's
parent., Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Corbett
of Hay townehip.
There !passed away at the Wnoise-
ey Sa.ek„ hospital on Tuesday, Feb.
6, Wilbur Edfnnud Taylor, aged 65
years, Mr. 'Taylor was the eldest son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Taylor
of Kippen and was horn at Kippen.
111e went West when a young man
and except for an occasional visit
hone has been a resident of the West
for over forty years. In 1904 he mar-
ried Hannah Butt of Kippen, who
survives hint. They farmed for years
in the Fillmore district. About four
years ago owing to i11 health, they
moved to Fillmore. In May, last he
was taken to the Wolseley hospital
for treatment and remained there un-
til he passed away. Mrs. Taylor pur-
chased a home here in Hensall a few
years ago and when her !husband
-went to the hospital, being in poor
health, she came back to Hensall to
reside for a time. Besides his wife, he
leaves to mourn, three sisters, Mrs.
!Samuel Thompson, of Stanley town-
ship; Mrs. George Troyer, of Hay
Township; Mrs. Minnie Pope, of
(New Westminster, I13.C„ and three
brothers, Frank of Adair, Mich„ Fred
of .London, Albert of London. The
funeral took place on Friday, inter-
nment in the Fillmore, ,Sask., cemet-
ery, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had one son
who died in the \Vest when he was
nine years old,
The \V;M!S. of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church held their regular month-
ly meeting on Thursday, Feb, 8, with
Mrs. Workman presiding. The meet-
ing opened by singing Psalm 74 and
prayer by Mrs. Workman. The Bible
lesson was read by Mrs, .Robert Mc-
Laren, and the minutes of the last
meeting read by the secretary and the
roll was called. Prayer by Mrs. J. W.
Bonthron. The topic entitled "The
Eastern Division," was ably taken by
Mrs. Arnold. A duet was given. by Ir-
ene Ilaggarth and Mrs, Hutton, The
business part of the meeting was then
taken up. After the business part was
finished, Mrs, Frank Farquhar gave
a very interesting reading, Prayer
was given by Mrs. Nicol. Closing
prayer by Mrs, Logan.
Mr. Robert Munn has been called
again to Bay City, Mich., owing to
the serious condition of his father,
Mr. Alex, Munn, who is seriously ill
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
f1Dr.) Wilson.
Men's Sunday was observed in the
United Church on Sunday. The pas-
tor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, „preached
suitable sermons both morning and
evening to large congregations. There
was a male choir of 30 voices and
they gave splendid music for the
day. At the morning service a male
quartette, Thos. Sherritt, W. O.
Goodwin, Sam 'Rennie and Dr, Smil-
lie sang. Solo parts in the anthem
were taken by Claude Blo'wes and
'Henry Phile, In the evening the same
euartefte sang and solo .parts were
given by Wilson Carlile and Harry
Horton. Both services were greatly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shef-
fer entertained a few friends on
Thursday evening, the occasion be-
ing Mrs. Sheffer's birthday.
Mrs, ('Dr.) Smith of St. Marys, nee
Gladys Petty, was taken to the Strat-
ford hospital last week to be operated
on for appendicitis. At time of writing
she is doing as well as can be expect-
Mrs. Thos. Simpson and .son Tom,
ai Straffnrdville are spending a few
days visiting friends in town.
Mr. Fred Parsons of (London spent
the week end in town visiting his
parents, )Jr, .and Mrs. Robert Pars-
The Mission (Band of the United
Church timet on Sunday afternoon, El-
aine Peck read a prayer and Alva
McQueen the Scripture. Minutes of
last meeting read by the secretary and
roll call answered by a memory verse.
Mary Goodwin gave a reading and,
Norma Cook an instrumental. Mrs.
Hess gave the study on C'hin'a. Keith
Buchanan and Edna Sundercock were
appointed captains• for a membership
Mrs. James W. Blan'thron entertain-
ed a number of friedns Monday even-
(Ray Laramie spent Saturday in
London, iron
'Mr. Alan S'oldaii has taken a posi-
tion at Case's bakeyr.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres-
byterian !Church were' entertained by
Miss 'Helen Smith at her home -on
Monday evening. The program was
in, charge of the President, Miss,Han-
nah 11'Iurray. A pleasing : feature of
the evening was the presentation of a
life membership certificate to Miss
Murray. ,Anot'h'dr feature of the even -
Mg was s a quilting c bee,ilting
A dainty
lunch was served by the hostess,
The Rev, Mr, Young of Carmel'
Church preached to the young people
on Sunday evening, his subject being,
Ts I;t Wrong?" Mr. Young. gave a
splendid acidness and appropriate mu-
sic was furnished by the c'h'oir.
Mrs. (iD'r,) Reid of Port Rowan is
spending a couple of weeks visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheffer.
The Hensall firemen are putting on
another dance and euchre Friday 'ev
ening, Feb. 213rd.
The service foe the World's Day of
:Prayer will be held in St Paul's An-
glican Church on 'Friday afternoon.
All three churches are uniting for this
Mr. Roy Brack is sp'etading a few
days this week visiting friends at
The plumbers of the village were
kept busy night and day last week'
repairing bursted neater pipe's.
A very enjoyable evening in spite
of sub -zero weather, was spent in the
basement of 5't. Andrew's :United
Church when soave- eighty me'm'bers
and adherents of the congregation and
some invited guests attended the
'Father and Son Banquet which had
been sponsored by the choir for the
purpose of raising a fund to purchase
the New IHymnary for the church.
The basement was nicely decorated
and the tables looked very inviting,
being well supplied by ladies of the
congregation. The fathers and sons
t'mk their places at the central tables
and after the supper was over the fol-
lowing toasts were responded to in
excellent manner with musical num-
bers interspersed, Toasts, speeches,
songs: The King, Rev. W. G. r, Natio Bug-
ler, al Anthem, F'ather's Col-
n -
in Campbell, "What's T'he Matter
with Father, James Stirling. Sots,
James Stirling„ "For They Are Jolly
'Gond Fellows"; solo, Charles Wid-
eombe, "Where Is My Wandering
,Boy To -night," Canada, Don Mc-
Kenzie, "The Maple Leaf Forever,"
England, Charles Widcombe, "Rule
)Britannia" Home, Ed. :Kerner,
"Home Sweet 'Home"; "Wee Hoose
_Amang the Heather," James Stirl-
ing: Farm, Wm. Sparks, "M'o'o Cow
Coo," Don McKenzie. Church, Mur -
rayl .Grainger and R. M. Gale,
"Church In The Valley." Village, A.
E. Erwin "Down By T'he Old Mill
'Stream." Choir, R. G. Reid, "Vesper
'Hyman," by the C'hcir..Ladies, Walter
Wallis, "Aunt IDina'h's Quilting
Party"; "She's The Lass For Me,"
J. Stirling. Mouth'argan selections by
Elgin .Porter and R, G. Reid. Violin
solo, Mr. Bugler Sr, Duet, Mr. Bug-
ler and. R. 1f, 'Gale, Proceedings dos-
ed with Auld Lang Syne and the
The carnival which was to be held
on Friday took place on Saturday
evening and was a decided success in
every way. The rink was beautifully
lighted, the Japanese lanterns produc-
ing a brilliantly coloured effect and
the ice was in perfect .condition, Be-
fore the hour appointed, a large
crowd of spectators gathered: their
pleasure was however, marred some-
what by t'he intense cold. The music
of the band announced the arrival of
the queen of the carnival, Miss. Mam-
ie Shaddick, and her attendants. Miss
Alma Carter, the first princess who
also acted as cro'wn'bearer, and Miss-
es Elda Watson, Helen Johnston,
Helen Yungblut and Edith :Beacom.
Mr. Ernest Adams in a brief but fit-
ting speech explained h'ow these
young ladies had been chosen. He
then placed the crown on the queen's
head and the carnival was declared
open amid hearty cheers. This was
followed by a hockey match between
the fat and the lean teams, brooms
being used as hockey sticks and a
football as puck. As the ice was
glassy and the men wore shoes in-
stead of skates their efi?odts to chase
the puck were mirth provoking and
called forth the applause of the on-
lookers many times. The game result-
ed in a score of 1-0 in favour of the
lean team, Those in costume .then
took the ice, The different 'classes
were well contested, the 'costumes
being very original in many cases,
The fallowing is a list of the prize
winners 7
Juvenile ,couple do fancy dress (an-
tler ]L)-;llsd P'hyIl'is Manning and
Eddie MdN'all; 2'nd Melvin Brtunsd'on
and Clifford Sundercock. Girl in fan-
cy dress (under '12) list Phyllis
Manning; 2'nd Phyllis McCool: Boy
in fancy dress (under 12) 1st Melvin
Brunsclon, 2.nd Eddie McNall.
Juvenile couple, comic, (sander ;12)
-,let Doreen Armstrong and Donald
McNutt; 2nd Fraser Thompson and
Kenneth 'Slcott, Girl in comic costume
(under 12)-''1's't I3et•ty Brunsd'on.
(Boy in comic co'stume (under 12.)
-Hist Donald :MNNall; 2nd !Jack .Web=
Prizes were awarded all contest-
ants under 7 years as follows: list
Doreen. Armstrong; 2,ed 'Betty B,rums-
don; 3rd Phyllis McCool; 4th, Don-
ald Mc1Nall; 5th Eddie
Junior couple in fancy dress' (11-
15)-1'st Pearl Griffith and B'rtuce
Coates -11n loving me'm'ory of a dear
husband and father, Robert Edwards
Coates, wnho passed away, February
1'3!th, •1191.218:
"Sweet memories will linger forever,
Time cannot change theist, it's true;
Years that may come cannot sever,
;Our loving remembrance of you."
-Wife .and 1Fa'm'ily.
Riley. Girl in fancy dress 0112=115)
I11st Thelma Scott, junior girl, co-
mic ,(112-1115)-11'st Hazel Lee; 2nd Cla-
rice Lee,
'Senior eouvple in fancy dress--111st
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning; 2nd
Mr, and: Mrs. N. C. Thompson.
Lady in fancy dress -Wet Miss ivJam-
ie 'S'h'addick; 22nd Mrs. Percy Man-
ning. Gentleman in fancy dress 11tst
Miss Ruth ''S'h'addick; 2n'd Mr, Ronald
Senior couple, conic -'list Mrs. J.
,Scott and Mrs, A. Mc'C'ooh Lady in
comic costume-llts't Miss Verde Wat-
son; 2nd 'Mrs, Albert Vodden, Old
time costume -list Mrs, J, Scott; 2iui
Mrs, A, McCool.
Best clown 1(gentlemen)-let Glen
Fairservice; 2nd !Wallace Riley. Best
clown (ladies) Miss Edgar, Best
clown on ice, any class, Miss Edgar.
Graceful skating (couple) - Mrs.
M. Jordan and Mr, R. Johnston,
Graceful skating (ladies)-111rs. M.
Jordan. Graceful skating (gentlemen)
-Mr, Don Snell. Oldest 'couple skat-
ing -lir, T, Milian and Mr, C. Wat-
son. ;Speed contest (ladies) Miss
Edgar. Speed .contest (gentlemen)
lust Mr. T. Hoggart; 2nd Mr. ,Bruce
The rink was then thrown open to
all for pieasure skating and .a large
number availed themselves of this
opportunity until: midnight when the
lights were turned off. Last but by
no moans least in their endeavors in
making the evening a success was the
committee in charge of the lu'n'ch
room where ]tot dogs and excellent
coffee were dispensed all evening to a
steady lite of customers, Great cred-
it is due the committee whose man-
agement made this first carnival so
successful and it is hoped ,that this
will become an annual event,
A miscellaneous shower was held
at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. John
Malone last week in honor of ]Miss
'Annie Dalton, bride -elect, The ad-
dress was read by Miss Rose O'-
Connor, to which Miss .Dalton made
a very fitting reply. Many beautiful
and useful gifts were presented, af-
ter which tripping the 'light fantastic
was enjoyed unlit the wee sma'
hours, Miss Dalton is widely known,
as she has taught school for a num-
ber of years in .Detroit, and last year
she obtained a position as teacher
in Brantford.
Hibbert Council stet in regular ses-
sion at 'Staffa Township Hall. All
members present, the ,Reeve presid-
ing.. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed and
a number of co'mmu'nications dispos-
ed of satisfactorily. The Auditors' Re-
port was read, considered and adopt-
ed and two 'hundred copies ordered to
be printed by the Clerk. Assets of the
Township, $12.4,7L3.315; liabilities of the
Township, $15,7413.06; .assets over lia-
bilities, $8,9719.169. Resolutions were
passed: '(111) Authorizing the Head
and Treasurer to borrow from the
1B'ank of Commerce a sum not ex-
ceeding $112,000 for current expendi-
ture. (2) Accepting the tender of Al-
bert Norman to supply 20 .cords of
green maple wood for the township
hall. (3) Increasing the salary of
tSc'hool At'tendan'ce Officer from 55 to
0110, (!4) Authorizing the attendance
of John McDonald ,and William Kay
at 'the Good Roads Conference at To-
ronto. .05)
o-ron-to..('5) Instructing the Clerk to
print fifty hand bills advertising a
public meeting to he held at Staffa
township .hall in the afternoon of
March 1'Sth in the endeavor to dis-
cuss the weed Acte; also a public
meeting to be held on March 210th at
2 p.m. at. which Mr, 'Mills, Continua-
tion School Inspector, will explain
the conditions regarding the propos-
ed establishment of a High 'School in
the township. (6) Au'thorizin'g pay-
ment of E. G. 'Thompson's town:shi'p
solicitor's account, and of Can. Nat.
Ry. account for Downey 'Drain cul-
vert, General expenditure: $7052110
and road !expense orders $512,715 were
issued. The meeting ad'j'ourned until
Monday, March 1121th ;at d' p.m. -Mrs.:
Kathleen ,Feeney, Township Clerk,
(Persian :Balm creates lovely com-
plexions. Velvety smooth. Cools and
relieves the skin. M,alces' it delight-
fully soft -textured. Alluriaag'lyfra-
grant. 'Delightful to use. Swiftly ab-
sorbed by the tissues, imparting that
elusive charm so distinctive of the
dainty woman. leersialt Balm pro-
tects ,the delicate skinlPreserses and
enhances . the , loveliest coomplexion.
Every diserintMating woman shQuid
use this eilvery lotion. '71 is unrivalled
as a flawless aid to beauty.
OF -
The Administrator ,of the Es'tate of
the lane Jlo,hn Beatty, and George
Beatty are offering for'sale the follow-
ing ,partncrs'hip real estate ,(subject ,to
reserve bids) andfarm chattels by
public auction, on Lot N'o, 18, :Bay-
field •Rodad 'South, in the .T'owns'hip o'f,
Stanley, on :Tuesday, March 6, 110134,
at 1, o'clock p.m,
Real Estate-
IP.. (Lot No. 18, .Bayfield Road
South, in the Township of Stanley,
containing 100 acres, On this krill is
a :veneered ;brick house;; bank barn
86 x 516, in flair repair.; P acre of or-
eh'ard and 7 acres of bush.
Lu. Lot No. 29 (Bayfield 1Conoes-
eion, in the 'Township of Goderich,
containing 6111% acres 'grass land and
cedar bush.
1 ILbt N'o, "B" in the Village of
Varna, on ,wliicla is situated a one and
one-half story frame house in fair
(Horses -11 black 'Percberon ,gelding
5 years old; 1' bay Clyde gelding 4
years 'odd; Il colt, Clyde Perclieron,
UX, years old.
(Cattle -L' Holstein cows Ifres'hened,
7 years olrl; 11 Holstein cow, due Ap-
ril, rising 4 years old; a grade short-
horn corm- due April, 7 years old; J
grade ,Gurnsey cow due ]April, 9 years
old; 1 fat cow; 3 baby 'beef calves;
1 Jersey heifer due 'to freshen Sep-
tember; 1 Jersey .heifer 9 months old.
(Pigs -1 York saw pure bred, dale
April 112; 4 York .hog, pure bred; '112
store .pigs, sane select sows.
Sheep -00 Leicester bred 'ewes,
Leicester ram, pure bred,
!Pedigrees of ,Purebred Shorthorns,
Females -Red roan, born May 24,
1930, Nellie Grey's Lass; -247897-
sire 'Mapledale Jason (1104168.0), due
to freshen April,
(Roan born 'A'pril 118, ,1930, !Lucy
Varna (244114-; sire Mapledale
Jason, with bull calf at 'foot,
Reel and white, born April 10, 11930,
Varna Sample Carrie -,..7,475915-; sire
.Mapledale Jason, 'with bull calf at
Red and 'White, born April 14, 1930,
Varna Buttercup Lass -247806-;
Tire Mapledale 'J'ason; due to freshen
in (April.
Roan, born May 118,. 103111, Nellie
Grey's Maicl,-2154453-; sire Maple -
dale 'Jason; bred Nov. 1118th.
Roan, 'born May 26, 10:81, Varna (But-
tercup Maid -251:114184-; sire Maple -
dale Jason; with heifer calf at foot,
';'Red•with little white, ,born May /12,
1931. 'S'ample Carrie's iLass 254485
-; sire Mapledale Jason; with bull,
' Roan .heifer, 'born June 113, 1932, eli-
gible for registration; sirel'Iapledalc
Jason; dans Varna Buttercup.
(Roan cow, horn April '10, 1922,
Nellie Grey -(1931103-; sire Merry
Master (1102493); dam Varna (Bell
'Roan, born June 15, 1025, Varna
Buttercup -13150715-; sire Sultan
Brand 011501113.9).
Red and ;White, born June 113, 1923,
Sample Carrie -2230143'-; sire Sul-
tan ,Brand (111501113'9).
(Bulls -Red, born ,Judy 28, 110311;
Naemo'or Stamp -(21109160- head :of
(Roan, born 'May 20, 0922, darn Nel-
lie 'Gray; sire Mapledale Jason (1194-
680). 'Eligible for registration.
Roan, born .April, 11933, darn Varna
Buttercup sire Mapledale Jason
41014080). Eligible for registration.
Chattels -1 cutter. ,1 double bug-
gy. 2 single 'buggies; bob 'sleighs;
corn binder; grain binder; .1' side
rake; dl hay rake; (Deering mower 6
ft; 1 84116 Mogul' 'tractor; 1 .grain
grinder 00 inch; 1 !Deering hay load-
er; 111 cultivator; 1 disk; '11 Oliver rid-
ing plow; 1, walking ,plow; 1 set D.
harrows; 1 truck and hay rack; I
high waggon; 111 gravel box; 1 coal
box; 1 wheel barrow; 1' 'stuffier; 2
corn scufflers; 11 1113 -inch ensilage cut-
ting box and pipes; '11 Stay tedder;
fanning 'mill; grind store; 2 set of
scales; 1 cord wood saw; :1 Esser
sedan 1119120 model; 1 set light bo'b
sleighs; 1 seed drill; 1i turnip sowere
1 Ford 'r/a ton truck; 2 iron kettles;
1 stove and 'brooder; ;1 Buckeye incu-
bator 2110 -egg capacity; .11 hayforlc; 1
hayfork rope and slings; 1 power
cream separator; 1 ID:aisy churn 'No..
31; IP set double harness; horse col-
lars; 1, set single harness;; ladders;
1 dinner bell; 2 Northern Electric
ligltting.•plants; 1 light waggon; 1
corn planter; chains, forks and other
'House'h'old Effects - 1' Coleman
lamp; '2 Coleman. irons; 1 extension
table and other tables; !112 dining
room chairs; 2 secretaries; 11 brass
bed stead; l.'bednooaai suite; 1 huffet;.
coolc stove; 11 coal oil stove; 2
heaters, coal or wood; quantity of
sealers; 1' wringer; 11 Delco light iron.
Terms of Sale -,Chattels, cash,
Real ,Estate -L0% on day of sale,
balance in 30 days thereafter. For
further par,ticuiars apply to
(George Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton,
Ont. George, Bea'tty, Administrator,
Va,rnla, Ont. '
,Carting & '2Morley, Solicitor's for
Administrator, Exeter, Ontario.
Old Dutch Cleanser 18 c
2 tins
GSin Lye
2 this
5 .Sunlight 'Soap , , .
3 Lux Soap 21c
Dates, 2 pounds
Seedless Raisins
Choice Apricots 21 c
per pound
P. & G. Soap
10 'Bars for
loan the 'farnm of John Bryce, Lot
P0, Obncession 1114, Grey Toiwnsihip,
on Tuesday, February '20'tln, com-
mencing at 1 o'clock p.m.
Horses -11, grey Percher'on mare
about 1,500 lbs. 11 bay 'hors'e about 1,-
400 lbs. 1 general purpose horse, goad
double or single.
Cattle -12 Durham .caves sup'po'sed to
be in calf. 11 'heifer rising 2 years old.
1 steer rising 13 years old. 2 heifers
rising one year 'old.
Pigs-1.;braod saw with 9 pigs, 4
weeks old, 9 pigs about '100 lbs.
75 one -year-old hens and pullets.
implements -Il' McCormick binder,
sheaf carrier and truck. 11. Deering
mower, 1 Massey IHarris 111 disc drill
nearly new, 11 ten foot !Deering horse
rake, 1 good farm waggon. 1 set 4-
section diamond h:arrow-s, 1 sleigh
with platform and Stock rack. '1 Oliv-
er single furrow riding plow..1 walk-
ing plow. 11 gravel box. L Chatham
fanning mill, 1 cutter. 11' hay rack. .1
Massey Harris spring tooth cultiva-
tor, A number of grain bags.
About '50 bus, barley. -
'li set team harness, complete. '1 set
single 'harness. 11 swivel hay fork car
rope 145 it. 'long. '2 hay forks. 'h set
slings nearly new. 1 lock and ghaiu
far slings. A number of ,pulleys, 1
Wheel barrow. 1 standard create sep-
arator. 0s daisy churn. '1 lined water
trough, q long ,steel crow -'bar. Whif-
fletrees, forks, shovels, hoes and other
Terms -Ca's'h,
John Pryce, Prop, George H, El-
liott, Auctioneer,
Township of McKillop
(All taxes in ,the Township of Mc-
Killop not settled on or before the
24th day .of February, 19314, will be
handed to the Bailiff for collection.
All ratepayers in arrears of taxes
please govern themselves according-
ly, as this will be the last notice giv-
en: By Order.
George McKee,
'Collector of Taxes
Collie pups, nice little fellows, loolc-
ing for a good home and a job for
next summer. Call and see them, first
come, first choice. ,George Beatty, Sr.,
.Kippen Road, five miles south of
Seaforth, being ,Lot 10, Con. 8, H.R.S.
Township of Tuckersmith. 100' acres,
cleared and well drained, 110 acres of
fall wheat, about 40 acres fall plowed,
balance seeded. Buildings all in good
repair, consist of a brick house, bank
barn stabled throughout, implement
house, hennery and piggery. This
farm in convenient to school, church
and markets. For particulars, write
Mrs, 'Harvey Moore, Kippen, Ont:, or
Wen. G. ;Sarong, 35 Monk St., Ottawa,
Nine Yorkshire pigs, .six 'wee'ks old
for sale at Lot 29, can. 9, Morris.
(Phone 118-9,' 'Brussels, Gilbert Mc-
Callum. 7
Four year old fray gelding, Jack R.
Grattan. Height 15 hands., Worked
Haile around] 7214. Estate of the 'late
John .Pinkney. Apply to :Robert Fink-
icy, Seaforth. 18.
Friday and Sat, Feb. 116 and 117.:
Standard re -cleaned screenings, corn
sc'reeninvgs, ;barley, black and white
oats, Mollasine Meal, bran and shorts.
Also Jersey Dow, young Ayrshire
herd, 100 acres '11 virile from Seaforth,
Our entire Herd of 23 mead
T3ave .been properly tested by ,D'r.
Harburn and found to be 100 per
cent. free from TB. Do you realize
that the opportunity to purchase milk
of this Standard is knocking at your
We also ,ask you to make a visit td
our stables and note the sanitary
equipment, the cows and the white
walls; you can then rest assured that
When you use oar milk in your home
you have the best money .can •lyuy.
Yours for business,
s Dairy
Phone 344616, Reverse :the cal.
that all creditors and others" having
claims against the estate of Susanna
Weber, late of the Towa' of 'Seaforth,
in the County of Huron, Widow, de-
ceased, who died on the Ninth day
o'f ,December, 1033; are required Le--
forward their claims duly proven to
the undersigned, .so'licftor for the E:t-
ecutors, on or before 'the Twenty-
fourth day of February, 1934.
given that after t'he said last men-
tioned date, the Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the 'assets of the
•estate havivng regard -only to the
claims of which they then sha'll have
(Dated at (Seaforth, Ontario, this
4'th day of February, 1934.
(Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor for tiie Executors
IRe: John (Beatty, late of the Vile'
lage of Varna, in the County of Hu-
ron, Farmer, deceased, and Beatty
Brothers of the said Village of Var-
na, Farmers,
(Creditors and Others having claims
against the estate of the late John
'Beatty or the first of ,Be'atty 'Broth-
ers are required on or before March
3rd, 1934, to fyle with the undersign-
ed Administrator full particulars of
their claims duly verified, after which
date the said Administrator will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets' of the.
said estate having regard only to the
'claims of which' notice has been re-
ID'ated this IIOth day of February,
(George Beatty, Ad'ministrator,
Varna, Ont..
Solicitors for Administ'ra'tor,
Exeter, Ont.
75 acre farm, Ill54 miles west of
Seaforth, Highway 8, Lot 116, Con. 1',
brick house, bank barn, hydro, water
in barn, ,good well at house. large-
argeyoung apple orchard; priced iow to'
close estate. Mrs. (Geo. IC. Dale, Sea -
forth, R.R. 2, P'hone 11170412.
Lot 10, 'Con. 4, IH. R. S., Tucker -
smith, consisting 'o:f 1100 acres, with
good ;buildings, •frame 'house; two,
miles 'south of ;Seaforth; plenty of
water from never -failing spring...Also
lot 07, can. 5, L:R'S,, Tuckeremith,
coutainiaa'g •fifty. acres; 120 acres of
good 'hardwood bush, rest in 'pasture,
no buildings. Mrs. John C. Reinke,
Seaforth R. IR.' 4. 1P'home 133 r 311,'
Im' Egmondvil'le, a two-storey frame
(rouse, situated on Main street. .Elec-
tric lights, hard and: sat' water; cor-
ner Iot, half acre of land, stabile, hen
house and garage, tiger school, church
and store; small fruits, pear and apple.
trees; low taxes, .Can be seen by ap-
plying to Mrs. John. Sproat, or phon-
ing 1170 r 22, Seaforth. If not sold wilt
be rented.
Tlic Kipper Beef (Ring slaughter SEAFORTH MARKETS.
house, without equipment, is offered Wheat, per bus 73e.
Earley, per bus. :.,.`... ... '48r
Oats, per !bias. ..,.... ,i. ....: 38c
''Eggs, per''d'on. 1'7c 25c
for sale b'y, teneler. .1112x122, with 9'
studding on tinvbedl.01,ls Tjdetseb,leavr
your tender with II'ngh �LdLachlan
Ily, Feb. 1?141th,e' . • e 7 Hogs, se'leet, per cwt. $9:0'