HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-02-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
The meeting of the Walton Horti-
cultural Society will be held Monday
night, Feb. 1121th,
Worth Huron County 'Black Chap-
ter held their annual meeting in the
historic county town Goderich. Coun-
ty _Master Sir ICnight J. McLeod, of
Bayifield, presided, and after the var-
lous important business was complet-
ed. Past County Master Sir Knight
Mew took the chair for the election
of officers which resulted as follows:
V.W. County Master, Sir Knight
McLeod, Baylfiekd; D. C: M., Sir
Knight Robson, Londe baro; County
Chaplin, Sir Knight Pilgrim, Varna;
'County Reg., Sir Knight Hanley,
Clinton; County Tre'as., Sir Knight
IIRathwell, Varna; list County Lect.,
Sir Knight Ruddy, Auburn; 2nd Co,
Lect., Sir Kniglht, Cornish, Clinton;
ltst County Cen., Sir Knight, Stewart,
Londesboro; 2nd County Cen., Sir
Knight Hoy, Walton; last County
Stan. Bearer, Sir Kn, Boyd, Walton;
2nd County Stan. Bear. Sir Kn. Sty,
Clinton; County Per., Sir Kn, Brown-
lee, Gaderich; County Tyler, Sir K'n.,
Watson, Iaondeeboro, It was decided
on next place of annual meeting at
Clinton and semi-annual at Varna.
,(lodge closed and a dainty lunch was
served by the Goderich Sir Knights
and an enjoyable night was spent in
Mr. Crosby Innes is at present at
home nursing a broken arm which he
received on Jan. 28th while cranking
a car on the farm where he is em-
ployed at Granton.
On !Friday evening, (Feb, 2, a
Scotch concert was held in .Duff's
United 'Church, A good literary and
musical program was rendered and a
short talk on .Bobbie Burns by the
pastor, !Rev. C. Cumming. A Scotch
lunch was served at the close consist-
ing of sandwiches and coffee, oat-
cakes and shortbread. Those who
were present report a very pleasant
Regular :meeting of Mission Band
will be !held next Sunday morning.
Miss Gertrude MdGrafh of ICitchen-
er spent the week end at her home.
Mrs. James O'Loughlin of Strat-
ford visited her brother, 1vlr, John La-
vin, last week.
Mise Eileen Eckert spent last week
with her sister, Mrs. James McQuaid.
Miss, Agnes Delaney attended the
Stratford Normal at-home on Friday
Miss Mary Malone entertained a
number of her friends at a shower in
honor of Miss Anne Dalton on Wed-
nesday evening at which the bride -
elect received many beautiful and use-
ful presents.
The C.W.L. are holding 'a euohre
and social evening in the parish hall
on Friday evening.
Hockey.—Tucker-nlith defeated St.
Columbian 5.4 on Saturday night. The
Greenshirts played good hockey and
with a little better brand of goal -
minding should have won the game.
They meet Egmondviile on Saturday
The Mission Bland met in the school
room on Thursday afternoon with the
president, Anna Dennis in the chair.
The meeting was opened with a hymn
and the minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mildred Finnigan. Roll
call was answered by 115 members and
the offering was taken. A hymn was
followed by the Scripture reading by
Shirley Wurm and .prayer by Anna
Dennis and Mary Stewart sang a solo.
A nice Story was read by Isabel For-
rest and a hymn was sung. The meet-
ing closed wi.lh prayer by Isabel For-
rest and a few games were played.
Following is the report of S.S. No.
6, McKillop, For January.
ISr. 'IV.—'Leslie Pryce 75%, Gerald
OlHara 70.
Jr. TV.—Beatrice Pryce 74, Mary
Pryce: 73, Marie tlloegy 70, Wilbur
Hoegy 67, Rita Duffy 66, Everett
13euermann 64, 'Hazel 'Sparl'ing 63.
ISr. TIIII: Louis 'Hoegy 69, Irene
Connelly 66, Hector Lamont 64, Bob
Duffy 63, •Alvin Betnermann 61, Billy
Little 60
Sr. 111.—Jean P^yce 72, Rose Burns
65, 'Rita Sloane 59.
IJ.r. DL— tfarc;aret Lamont 76, Rita
Connelly 715, 'Leotta 'Hoegy '71, Roy
nEllio'ft and Mervin Beuerman•n (equ-
lFr.—Isabe'lle Purcell, Alvin .Pryce,
'Grace 'Connelly.
Anrona Dale, Teacher.
Farm Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
JOHN G1 \LL1.-!P
' All Repair's and Labor Cash.
On Wednesday evening of last
week the charivar•i boys of Eliinville,
and lady .friends, numbering 50 in all,
gathered at The ,home of Mr. Philip
Murch and spent a pleasant evening
'playing progressive croquinole, after
which the bride and groom of the
community were presented with a
chair and a table, and this was fol-
lowed by a lunch to all. The pre-
sentation was read by Mr, Horace
IDelbridge and the presentation was
trade by 'Messrs, john Delbridge and
(Harold ;Bell, The address was as fol-
Iowst—To Mr. and Mrs. Ah'in'Coop-
er, Dear Alvin and Lillian, As these
are very happy days to you, your
host of friends wish you continued
happiness as you embark on the sea
of matrimony, :It is true perhaps that
this voyage will not be all smooth
sailing, as life 'to every one has its
ups and downs, but we hope that you
will be true to God, and to each other
and by so doing you will overcome :all
lifficulties and thus snake life grand-
er and sweater. 'We wish you faith,
not the fair weather kind of faith,
,but faith that faces the blackest sky
and says "I trust" We also wish you
understanding. So many dreams are
shattered petal -like, because we do
not try to see the other side. 1I1 we
would open our self -blinded eyes we
would ace what they see, and seeing,
we would understand. As a slight tok-
en of congratulation and best wishes
we would ask you to ,accept this chair
and tabie, hoping that as they min-
ister to you comfort they may always
remind you of the eharivari boys and
friends of Elimville,
The annual congregational meeting
was held in the school room of the
United Church on Tuesday, !Feb. 6th
at 8 p.m.
.airs. McAsh of London returned to
her home last week after spending a
week at the home of her sister-in-law,
Mrs, R. -'McKenzie,
Mr, and JMrs. Zapfe, who have been
spending the past few months with
friends in Detroit, returned home this
Mrs. Janet Ross is visiting friends
in London this week
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed next Sunday,
Feb. bl'th, at 11 a.m. Preparatory ser-
vice on Friday evening at 8 P.m, when
Rev. Mr. Chandler of Kippen will,
The many friends of Mr. John Ha-
zelwood •were pleased to see him at
Church last Sunday after his recent
:Mr. and Mrs. 'A'rthur McQueen and
their daughter Margaret and Mrs.
Jas, .McQueen of Brocelfielcl visited at
the home of S'Ir. and Mrs. George
'Watts last week.
The regular meeting of the Brace -
field YIPS. was held on Monday, Fe-
bruary '5th at 8.15 pan. with Mr. Mc-
Leod in the chair. The meeting was
opened by singing a hymn followed
by prayer by Malvern Snyder. The
topic, "Enrichment to the Commun-
ity by the YP.S." was taken by Rev.
A. Bremner, who gave it in full.
The president, T, MdLeed, took the
chair for the business and any discus-
sion. The meeting closed by singing
a hymn, after which .all joined in the
3Tizpah benediction.
,There was no school at 'No, 8 the
first part of the week owing to the
stormy weather and the bad roads,
though the mail mean never imissed a
day during the storm.
,frs. Milton Woods has nut been as
well as her many friends would like
her to be but she is able to be around
11 the time. -
Mr. Bob McIlwain spent a few days
n 'Goderich last week on business.
Miss Esther Harrison is 'spending a
ew days with her sister, Mrs, Ernie
ell of Porter's 'Hili.
Miss Reva Elliott of the 4lt'h con-
ession is visiting in Clinton for a
ew days.
A number of people from the .town-
slhi'p attended the funeral on Saturday
n Goderic'h,Pf Mrs,Halliday.
16 -Page Comic Section with
New Funnies
"Flasih 'Gordon,'". one of the new; f
comics in the big 16 -Page (Comic Sec- B
tion with The Detroit Stan'dlay'Time's,
details :the adventures of a colorful
young 'hero an'd his .sweet'h'eart on al f
weird new planet. Be sure to. get Sun-
day's 'Detroit Times with its new fun-
nies and 'old favorite comics.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Koehler spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Doerr.
Mr, Ed. Rose is not improving, as
fast as his friends 'would like to see
Mr, and Mrs. IW.m. Koehler spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs.
Louis Bennewies J•r.
,Mr. and Mrs. Jerry iDoerr spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and 'Mrs.
George Hoegy ,of Grey.
Miss .Evelyn IHoegy spent Sunday
afternoon with Miss Marie !Koehler.
Mr. Julius Doerr is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Doerr,
Mr. and Mrs.' 'Norman iBenne'wies
spent 'Sunday afternoon and evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry IKleber, Mr,
and Mrs. Charles IKleber and children
spent 'Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Eggert.
Last week roads wore in bad shape,
and there was neither wheeling nor
sleighing on account of smooth ice on
the road,
Mr. 'Thomas Purcell is still busy
trucking livestock to Toronto every
A number of friends and neigh
boars attended the funeral of the lat
Mr. Jas. Stark on Sunday last.
Mrs. R. '13. Quance has rented th
U. F. G. Clubhouse to commenc
storekeeping on March .1'st,
Another baby girl came to bright
en the .home of Mr. and Mrs, Keith
McLaren on Tuesday, Jan. 30.
A very enjoyable time was spent a
the progressive oroquinole party held
in the basetnent of the church las
Friday evening. Tlhe high prizes wer
wrong by Mrs, Mary Jane McKella
and Calder McKaig, with Mrs. Reid
ie and James Scott Jr. winning th
consolation prizes.
Mrs. Thos. Scott visited her sister
Mrs. W. E. Colquhoun Of Clinton las
Mrs. Littlejohn of Mitchell spen
the weelc end with her brother, Mr
Wm. Chappel,
Mr, R. 13 Quance and Mildred vis
iter in Exeter on Sunday.
'Miss Jean McLean of Filnnore
Sask„ is visiting with relatives.
IWe are sorry to report that Inc
5. Stark had to be taken to the hos
pital again.
The Ladies' Aid intend holding a
crokinole party in the basement o
the church on Friday evening.
Mrs. O. H Kerslake visited her
son, George of Stanley township over
the weak end.
Mrs. Joe McLellan is the guest of
and Mrs Hugh McGregor.
Mr. John C. Doig, L.L.B. of De-
troit recently attended a lawyer's con-
vention held in Chicago where he was
one of the speakers. Representatives
were present from all over the United
States and John had the honor of be-
ing re-elected Associate justice, an
afvice he has held for the past Ibsen
Mrs. Robert McDonald of the
Thames .Road is spending a pleasant,
vacation the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
Wm H. Green,
Mr. John C. Doig, LL.B., and his
friend, Mr. Francis Edwards L:12.13.,
of Detroit were .the guests of Mrs. L.
J Doig and Miss Janet over the
week end.
The January meeting of the .Busy
Bees' Mission Circle was held at the
home o'f Miss Beatrice Cooper on
Saturday afternoon last. Miss Marg-
uerite MdDonaid presided over the
meeting with Margaret Elgie as pian-'
ist. Margaret Jones toile the devotion-
al "The Bnsy Feet of Jesus." Mildred
Workplan read the Scripture lesson
:Ind Beatrice D'ayman led in prayer,
Mrs. Henderson took the topic for
the -afternoon on "Meekness" based
on the Sermon on the Mount, which
was very intteres'tiirg and helpful. A
social h.ou'r followed and a dainty
luncheon was served by the h'oste'ss.
Rev, E. F. Chandler took as his
subject on Sunday morning last, "Ye
re the salt of the earth." Messrs. J.
. McLean and A. Bell sane. a very
line duet, "Work°for the Master."
The annual congregational meeting
of the Hillsgreen Ohurch is beinlg
held on Wednesday evening, Fobru-
a'ry 7111, 1934, at 8 o'clock,
Id's notice Mr. R. Oonvsi'tt wears a
broad smile these days, A young soar
arrived at his home.
'Mrs. J. Cochrane has been. confined
to her room through illness, We hope
for a speedy recovery.
istiss Annie Jhn•.oft visited Miss
Dorothy Kyle in Hensel',
Mrs. E. Broderick of Exeter visi'ted.
friends an Parr Line.
:Several' are busily engaged at but
ehering these days in the vicinity.
(Report ,Of ISIS..N'o. ;114, .Stanley for
January -Sr. `IRT.—iH:arold Jones 69%,
Aubrey Far'qu,har 65.
Jr. PV,—Mary iF'tarqulhar 74, 'Kath-
leen Jones 65.
S'r, TIIIT.—Marian Kerslake '515%,
George Clifton, :absent,
Jr. 1/1. ---Eric Switzer 152%.
Sr, III,—ILo'fs 'Rathwe'fl 73%, jean
Speir 712, Ernie 'Talbot 63. Don 'Swit-
zer 58, 'Wm. Witconlbe 50.
Jr, IfT.—KKenneth 1MdKenzie '50%,
Mildred Jones, 'absent.
il.—'Donny h'iclK•enzie, Alvin Kens-
Pr.—Jilt-tile Murdoch, Betty 'Switzer.
No. on roll, 18. Average aft, 10.616.
Philippa C. IPenfold, Teacher.
'The Misses M•aribel and Jean Car-
nie visited at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Allan of Zurich for a few
days last week.
Quite a number of young people at,
tended the banquet held at Zurich
last Thursday evening.
Mr, Joseph Martin, who recently
purchased the farm of W. J. Tough
is visiting friends on the Branson,
Farmers are taking advantage or
the recent snowfall to get some of
their teaming clone.
The bear did not see his shadow on
Feb. 2nd. bt was too bright and he
had no smoked glasses.
Mrs. Will Scotc'h'mer is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Brooks, in Clinton.
Mr, Rolbert •Penhale is spending a
few days at St. Thomas.
,lir, and Mrs. John Scotchnner went
to Goderich on Saturday toattend the
funeral of Mrs. Halliday.
The friends of Miss Beatrice Hous-
ton are glad to hear site is recovering
from pneumonia.
Miss Elizabeth Snowden has finish-
ed her short course which she took in
Zurich. She came second highest in
the nurse's course.
The game 'between Winthrop and
Egmondville 'hockey teams last Sat-
urday night was 2-1 in .favor orf tEg-
ntondville, Winthrop play Tacker -
smith 'nest S'aturd'ay .night, 'Feb. 10th.
Miss Bessie :Blanchard is visiting
friends in 'Stratford this week.
Don't forget .the euchre and dance
in the hall this !Friday night.
Mr. John (Bullard is able to be ar-
aund again after his serious illness,
Johnny (Frost es stili on the job.
A social will be held in aid of the
expense fund of the W. M, 5, in .the
basement of the church on Thursday
evening of this week, Feib, 8111.
Miss Keefer, teacher at St. Cle-
ments, was the guest of Mrs. 'M. J.
Benninger on %Sunlday.
Mrs. A. 'Damling entertained a "500 -
party" on Monday night. Miss C'' -
Connell won the 'first prize, Mrs.
Fred Forrester consolation and Mrs.
M. J. Nagle the lucky seat chair.
Music and a good luncheon closed a
pleasant evening.
Mr. Allan McCallum, Detroit, was
the guest of Mrs, Geo. E. Holland
on .Sunday.
We are pleased to 'learn that Mr.
W. 'J. Welsh is improving under the
Indian doctor's care, 'after two years
of constantly trying cures.
MaM:r, Thos. (Purcell is always on the
alert on •his tracking business, and
even though the winter roads are
heavy, he has kept 'his schedule reg-
A number from here took in th,e
hockey game 'between four teams in'
Seaforth, which Was interesting . all
through on account of the friendly
li.spositions o'f the teams.
Mr. Anther Chapman had a very
successful "bee" last week in taking
clown the barn which lie purchased
from Mr. Elsner Webster.
Don't forget the social under the
auspices Varna L.O.L. in ,the town
hall on Tuesday evening next, Febru-
ary :13th. Come one, come all.
Mrs. C. Steck entertained a num-
ber of her friend's l'as't ,Saturday- even-
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
J. M'aA's'h is i'mproving from her re-
cent illness.
Dbtugla's' Egyptian Liniment •should
be in every household. Stops bleed-
ing at once, cauterizes wounds and
prevents 'blood poisoning. Keeps away
;damnation and proud f`esh.
The two young peop'le's 'classes of
Turner's Church taught by Mrs.
Ernie •Oridh and Mrs: Fear were en-
tertained at a crog4ainole garfy ou
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Fear. Prizes were won by hazel
Ashton and Bert 'Garrett, also con-
solation prizes by Norman Pepper
and !Sadie 13'sh, A short 'business
meeting was held when Mrs, .Fear
was re-elected as teacher of the Jun-
ior Bible Class with Edwin Joihi,i5
'and -airs. L; Te•bbutt as assistants. ,Lt
was decided that the young people
get up •a play• and a committee was
named to select the characters. The
play, "'Here Coarses Oharlie," was
chosen, The yioungladies popped a
large pan of popcorn which was serv-
ed wrath home-made candy. A vote of
thanks to tthe hostess was tendered on
motion of Margaret Crich and Bea-
trice Walters.
Miss Reta Fear of 'Goderich is
spending a week's vacation at the
hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Fear.
A Thirteenth Wedding Annivers
sary was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs.
David MdLeau on Friday evening
With over 1150 guests present at their
Mrs, James Riley and baby are
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R.
Fulton in Mitchell,
Consitt,—JIn Stanley Township, 0111
Jan, 30th, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Co:nsitt a son (Harold Tho-
mas Webster). .
Schade, 'In Scott 'Memoria'l Hospital,
Seaforth, on Thursday, .Feb. b, 1934,
to Mr. and Mrs, Norman 13. &hade,
of Walton, a son.
KNIGHT—In Kitchener , on Janu-
ary 211st, to Mr. and Mrs, Leslie
Knight, a daughter.
The 'W.A. held their regular meet-
ing in the •basement of the church on
Thursday, Feb. list. The meeting op-
ened with the President in the chair,
The Lard's prayer was repeated in
unison and hymn 490 .was sung. Pray-
er was offered by Mrs, Roy Lawson.
Minutes of last meeting read and ad-
opted. It was decided to hold a
Valentine social on Friday evening,
Feb. 116t'h. The admission 110 cents for
everyone. Hymn 4712 was sung after
which the Scripture lesson was read
and commented on by Mrs. Wm, Brit-
ton. A reading entitled, "My Creed,"
was given by Mrs. Roy Lawson. A
reading, "The Closed D'o'or,' by Mrs.
P. Lindsay, also a reading by Mrs.
George Wheatley, entitled, "Thoughts
for the New Year" The meeting clos-
ed with prayer by Mrs. Britton,
.Mr, Benj. Riley of the 91111 conces-
sion is seriously il'l. At time of writ-
ing he is somewhat improved.
The W, A. will hold a Valentine
social on Friday evening Feb. 116.
Lunch will be served and a good pro-
gram is being prepared;
The W. M. S. will hold their mon-
thly meeting and day al prayer on
!February 16;
(Editor, Seaforth News.—There was
to be an address by the President,
Mr. Ross MacKay, at the Wednes-
day n•i,ght •meeting, but the night was
cold and the President .came late .and
"R.J," was there before him, so R.
R. Ross made a motion that we
move the address on to the March
meeting. R. J. asked for the privilege
for speaking from his ow.n angle.
This address is on a very important
subject, namely, "Some Phases of
the C.C.F. Movement" The C.C.,F,,
we believe to be Communistic, a con -
•glomerate al. United Farmers of Al-
berta, Slaskatchelwan, Manitoba, On-
tario and B'ri'tish Columbia; Just
when. agriculturists became Reds we
don':t know. What. President Mac-
Kay would have said, had he spoken,
1 do not kn'o'w. Once I t'hough't he
was going to speak, but Robert was
there, you know, and he didn't. May-
be he will next time. 1 do not knew
wih'a't the Secretary was doing, but
hope 'these teachers run their class-
rooms better than. this.
February 7, 1934,
Baling Sheep Pelts
'4Vlien sheep pelts have to be ship-
ped a long distance to .market, they
should be carefully spread Wool side
clown, paying close attention to see
that all wrinkles or "fo'I<ls are .careful-
ly straightened out in the head, :side
and, leg p!ieccs. ISalt—about a pounid
and a half to a .pelt—shoulcl then be
evenly slprindded'over the pellt, which
is Left spread out for a few clays un-
til the salt melts and soaks 'in.'I'1 'can
:then be hung out to dry. Drying may
'be hastened if the Pelts are stretched
by tacking to a wall or fence in a
in'ann•er 'similar to the praoti,ce in
handling the pelts of fun -bearing ani-
mals. 'When the sheep pelts are thor-
oughly dry they may be 'hsipped in
safety by placing one on top of the
other, and baled ut ;p;rs 411 115 to 26
aceordulg to ;size a cDa.voeight,e rr„
"Tartan The Fearless"
"Jack's The Boy"
Mon.-Tues.-Wed.,Feby. 12-13-14
An international stage success comes
to the sound screen
Comedy News Reel
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Feby. 15-16-17
"The King's
• * * * * * * * * s
▪ (burnished' by •Ontario Depart- *
* ment of Agriculture,) *
* * * * * * * : * •
The Poultry House
The poultry house 20 feet deep on
the 'Experiment'al Station at Harrow
has always shown its superiority over
poultry houses of shallower' con-
struction, particularly in exposed situ-
ations, There is more comfortable
condition, a freedom from draughts,
and a higher temperature in a house
of this depth, providing the north,
east, and west walls are tightly con-
structed. At this season of the year
high, cold winds find their way
through cracks and crevices in 1a
house which appears to be storm
proof and a check-up.. some cold
windy night on these conditions, if
they exist, is a good paatclice. Loose
windows and doors or alley -ways on
the north side are dangerous as slight
colds may lead. to more serious col, -
plications and will certainly check
The Countryside Beautiful !
There is every evidence •t•hat On-
tario has definitely passed out o'f the
:pioneer stage and is rapidly assuming
the attitude and appearance of a that-
nee country, The people of the prov-
ince, rural as well as urban, are de-
veloping a sincere interest in things ofa
beauty, and this .should be encoumag
ed in every way possible.
The 'Ontario Agricultural College
is doing all it can to foster an inter-
est in beautifying farm .Noses and the
countryside in 'general. One of its
activities in this line is the conducting
of free short courses at the College
which are open to men and women of
any age•
(Beginning on ,February 5th there is
being given a one-week short course
in floriculture. This will include in-
struction in growing all kinds of gar-
den flowers, as well as '!louse plants.
Then beginning on February .12th
will be a course relating mare parti-
cularly to landscape gardening in-
cluding studies of all kinds of trees,
shrubbery and perennial flowering
plants and the .proper use and ar-.
rangemen't of these for the best ef-
fects around farm and town homes.
'This should be a ,real opportunity
for all persons interested its develop-
ing more beautiful home surrounclings
and a more attractive ,countryside.
Marketing Weak Spot
"Unregulated deliveries to the Un-
ion Stock Yards is a definite weak
spot in livestock marl eti.ng," stated
Garnet H. Duncan, Livestock Investi-
ator, Ontario Marlceting Board.
He said that,in the past, when ell
shipments were made by rail, offer-
for the day were on .tate market
by appmoxinllately 9.00 arm. At that
hour, therefore, buyers were aware
of the amount- of available ,stock. To-
day, however, while railroad ship-
ments remain on tie same basis of
delivery, truck deliveries are made at.
all hours.
"In nny opinion," he continued, "a
.definite time limit s'h'ould he set for.
'tru'c'k deliveries, In this way, uncer-
tain'ty as to ,the •amnvnt • ''nek
transit would be eliminated, so 'far as
the buyer and co'm'm'iss'ion man are
"The present method of staking
truck deliveries, during all trading
hours, destroys stability in prices;
curtails the usefulness of The coin-
mission man; gives an unfair Avian -
lege to the buyer, and forces the pro-
ducer to assulme the incidental iasis.
"This 'colndiitian only bends further
emphasis to the fart tihlat, if the pro-
ducer is to be protected, every ship-
ment of livesltock slliotiltl be made ud-
der a bill of lading, consigning 'fife
stook to a•specefie comtniss'ion ;house."