HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-18, Page 6PAGE SIX.
r "9"t1 uiw
So GopalSingh and his party ent-
ered r1i gates with many eager faces
.iy:tte.i hp torches t ing above!
them, and were tveleemed by twiny
shouts as the ince clustered around
them. Then a bevy of village women
atsaited theta, some bearing brass
zhc.. 'filled with mustard -seed and
aeLe.1 lighted lamps which were wav-
ed over him; other:; with jars of wa-
ter. ti,tich wt c pattred out before
':m• and. ae ,,.her: joined them there
was a procession up to the endof the
ecr_ntl traverse.
Farther en. at the gate of the castle
t,, ,'v a b fly of the ltnnsehold ser -
ant :old reset r. one having a nate-
t wser1 and a goat before hitt
hieating loudly. .\_ Gopal Singh ad -
;meted the sword dashed in the air
and the headless carcass struggled
cunt nl ive:y as the Mood spouted ov-
er the sill and step and trickled down
towards the Lalla who, lifted from his
horse, shuddered as he was set down
anlcug it,
Again the ceremony- of having
lights waved over hint by some of the
women—servants was repeated; and
Gopal Singh: bidding Lulcshtnun and
'othere search the Lalla carefully and
keep what was found, ascended to Oa
court, and was met in a warm em-
brace by his uncle and led to the
window, where being seated, all pres-
ent, including Matin Singh, advanced
to salute hint in turn,
'What did I say, brother?" cried
Mann Singh joyfully. "I knew he
would net disappoint us. Yet thou
ehavidst not have gone alone, Gopal."
"Nay, but I had the - hunchbacks
with ate, and mare would have spoiI-
ed my small hunt, which, if not as
grand as thine, uncle, may yet be
itnnortaat." replied the young man.
"Alt, the boy, the bay!" exclaimed
the chef,:stroking the young man's
Nee, ant ki-sine the tips of his own
finger -have I net brought him op
since he wee the height of my knee?
And I thonght hint lost—Al Phug.
wan! He is ,ale and well—safe and
well My heart ewells. What did I
say for the Brahmans? Never mind
naw tr, oa;he and eat, my son and
tie ll,!! see to everything afterward."
"Net ie ore that matter i._ settled,
tar .h :. is, ahem the inan I
itr atalt eith ,nes"
"Y, s. 1 hal k rg, e'r—certainly,
Light t' ;eras: lamp cried the
chief tet'.'e : t,n:ant.: a, ate lower
end s':t r ,at; "let n.- ere what
soast sr' MA:3 n: ds, Who is he, Go-
pal „
"The; , have to find out, father.
The 1 s 1,hit •, toy of the Elm,-
sn s-
tr,, . ! rte carte from .\nrnntia-
b•,d. Wiser, t , Knllianee, to the
t,,•; rl, change! n,e bi'1, for
seed. 1 he hae got it. I offered e,-
cort teat ea, refm,ed; ser I went from
Munt.11, t„ tate Burr tree at JVnnv,
for wr heard he was going to sleep in
the Mutt at Curr ori, They are send-
ing him en privately, father."
"Shahaehl well done, san. A spy?
,Well, if we are true to the King's salt
he goes no farther; and he was being
sent privately! Alt, the old foxes,
Here he is—what a sight!" cried the
chief, breaking into uncontrollable
laughter. "Who art thou? What have
they done to thee? Speak."
iIn truth the poor .Lalia was a show.
The order to search him had been lit-
erally complied with, and while two
stout fellows held his arms wide .ap-
art he was helpless to struggle. Rama
and I.ukshmttn, who would allow no
one to touch him,had dived into eve
cry pocket, and felt every possible
place of concealment, even to the Lal -
la's hair which was loosened and
hongabout bis shoulders. His turban
had been removed and shaken out,
while one end was now fastened to
his right arm. The bag of gold, tied
round his waist, his bundle of precious
papers, his sieved, dagger, and waist -
shawl, had all . been taken from 'him
end made into a bundle .and the art-
icles were deliberately counted by the
hunchback as they were deposited,.
One by one, in the centre of the shawl
spree,' out for the. purpose. It was
quite in vain that the Italia entreated,
besnuht and struggled, or resistet by
turns; the place, the rough men ar-
ound hint, all forbade hope of pity,
and he submitted. Finally, •Luksbnien
dragging. hint by the end of his tur-
ban, Rama pushing him behind and
several others assisting, the Lalia
was brought into the presence of
the chief. where he sank down, stup-
idly staring about him,
Where were ail the line speeches he
had contrived, Willa should have car-
ried the chief's heart at once? All the
couplets, too, front the Boastan that
he was to have quoted?. --(All gone.
His head was bare, his clothes untied
and hanging Loosely about him; his
boots removed: and his appearance of
utter helple stens and the hopeless,
piteous expression of despair in his
face, might have excited compassion
in any but the hardened men by
whom he was surrounded and con-
"Who art thou, knave? Speak,"
cried the chief, sternly, again raising
hie voice and checking Itis laughter,
`'Wit'o art thou "
"There now, make a salaam to the
'Lion of the Jungle"" (as the chief
was called among his people), said
Lukshniun, raising the right hand of
the Lalia to his head, which dropped,
helplessly, "Ah, I see he is ashamed,
poor titan, of his naked head. 'There,
'La!lajec," and he wound the turban
round his head hastily, giving it a ltul-
icrouc cock to one side, increasing if
possible, the grotesque expression of
the features—"there now, get up and
make your Tusleeutat, else niy lord
may be angry; and he is not exactly
st.fe when he is," he added in a whis-
per. "Get up, .and don't be afraid."
But the Lalla's terror was too great
his mouth too dry to speak, "Aman,
.'ntnanl—Mercy, mercy!" was all he
could gasp.
"Who art thou, knave?" cried Pah-
tir Singh again. "Whence art thou
entne.? Give a good account of thy-
sif. Let go el hint, raecals1" he con-
tinued to tite men who held him; "be-
g, nt all of ye,"
\J tharej," cried Lukshmnn be-
seccltingly to the chief, "here are the
Lala's thine who will take them?
I, ok, Rao Sahib," he continued in
Atnrut Rao, "here they are; count
them. I have done with them—the Li-
en is getting. savage—let me go. 13e -
ware, 0 Leila, and take my advice,
:i -t l tell all ab nut yourself. cisc I shall
have 10 kill you somehow. You don't
tcuo',v the Maharaj as I do."
T},is advice acid the diversion effect-
ed be the htutcithanlc afforded the Lal -
le a nit::: time for the recovery of his
ee e ; but who e'nntd have recogniz-
ed the brand, accomplished Toolsee
Dae, in the abject figure before them?
Hastily pressing the turban straight
upon $is brows, the Lalla rose, and
as well as he could, made the ordin-
ary Tusleemat,
"Shahashl" cried the chief., "Well
dome, that was never learned in the
jnngle.:\ow speak truly, and at once,
who art thou?"
"Noble sir," returned the Lalla, "I
claim your protection. There has been
a mistake about my treatment, My
property has been taken and :I have
been ntisusecl--"
"I misuse thee, knave?" cried the
Pahar Singh, his brow darkening;
"who art thou to handy words with
Pahar Singh? ,I have never seen thee
"Beware, Lallajee," said ,Gopal
Singh; "did I not warn thee? Say:
who thou art at once,. or I will not
answer for thee. Do not eat dirt"
"'Peace,' boy!" interrupted the chief
angrily; "the fellow looks like a knave
a thief -his is no honest face.
ISpe'alc or by the gods there will be
scant ceremony with thee!"
\r1,. lord, my lordl" cried the Lal -
la piteously; "mercy, I am no thief;
I am a poor Kh,ayet of Delhi, travell-
ing to Beejapoor, on business of my
cwt—a stranger—a' poor stranger,"
"What business, Luna?"'
"My lord, we are merchants, and
have dealieg,s' there with. people for
'clothes and jewels, There ,is a dispute
about the accounts 'ani? I Have costae
to Settle them," sand the .Lalli glibly
enough, It was one of the stories he
had Made up by the way
"Who are the merchants?" asked,
the chief.
"The Gosa•is of the Mutt at bulli -
ince, where 1 was yesterday; they
seat me ori, `replied the Lalla,
t"0, heart" cried Gopal Singh;
"they knew nothing about thee, ex-
cept that thou hadst a bili on them
for a thousand rupees and the money
w an given thee in gold, Is not this
true? Did I not hear it myself?"
"Thun art no merchant, dog," ex-
claimed Pahar Singh. "Diel ever mer-
chant make an obeisance like that?
Alt, we are true testers of gold here;.
the trite and the false are soon found
out. Who art thou? speak truly and
fear not:"
'"'By the shrine at Matra, by the
eacred goddess, I am what I say, a
poor Khayet, a _Mutsuddee only, 0
noble sirs„” continued the Latta, "give
me my property, and let me go, I
will seek shelter in the bazar; let me
go, for the love of your children"
"I beg to petition," interposed Lulc-
shiuuo, joining his hands, '`that, as I
wrought him, my share of the gold be
given me before he goes. S took care
of him on the road—diel I not, alas;
"Silence!'" roared the chief; "any
one who speaks shall be flogged. -Who
art thou, 0 liar? Mntsuddee thou art,
but whose? Thy speech betrays thee
—beware 1"
below,the dntis. "speak. ,Once more,
and •t,liis is my lass warning; if 11 hear
any more lies I will enol' that coward
life of thine," '
-Beware' added Gopal Singh,"I
would not be ,as thole art with that ly-
ing ,tongue of thine—uglil no, not for
ntlrhe., +Remember that 11e, tmy uncle, .
lever relents.
"I would rather sp'ealc to ye alone,
aid the Latta.
"We three are as one, Yet stay,"
added Inc'lrhiei, "Go thou, Armlet Rao
let him have his chance for life—but
ensait without."
. "Do any of ye 'kno'w the seal of the
'Wuzeer of 'Beejapoor," said the Lalia
when they were alone, "or doye know.
the writing of /Sivaji, the :\Iahretta
'Rajiah?" IIe spoke m-sth great .difficul-
ys, for his mouth was parched and
clammy and his' lips white.
"Nay, but 'Sivaji cannot write, Lat-
ta. This is some fool's story. Beware,
too, how 'thou takes't the naive of any
lord' the Wuzeer," said the' chief stern-
"My lord, tray lord, with death be-
fore me and one chance for life, I
cannot lie," returned the Lalla sadly
shaking. his 'head, "My 'hands- are
tied; but if you will open that bag,
there will be troth enough found in it
to save ate. There, :Jemadar," he con-
tinued as !Gripal Singh opened the bag,
"in tate side pocket are two Persian
letters, fastened up; look at them
first, look at the seal, Rr,f I am wrong
I am wrong --I ant helpless, do as ye
like with me; J am 'helpless."
"It ie the !\\'uzeer's seal, his private
seal, uncle," said ,Gopal 'Single excited-
ly. "Of this there is no doubt; look at
it for yourself.
"Ai Ram! Ai Sesta Rainl what have
we here? It is the seal 'truly," said
Palter Singh. looking at 'the intpres-
tion on both letters and rocking him-
self to. and ,fro,
"Do any of ye read :Persian?" asked
the 'Lana; "if so, read for yourselves.
I need not speak; they ,will speak !for
"I will try, uncle," said Gopal
'Singh; "give me the letters. By
Krishna, father!" he continued, 'break-
ing the silence and after his eye had
glanced over a few lines, "I would
rather go into the 'thickest ,light than
read treachery like this. RNarayun,
keep tisl"
"Ay, may the gods be merciful, Go -
petal But 'what is it?—what is it?"
said the chief eagerly. '
"I -Ie would sell our kingdom of
'Bceja'po'or to the IPadshah of Delhi,
"I have told you, noble sir, Thalc
' or Das, Preytn Das is the name of
the firm; my name is Toolsee Das—
I.alle Toolsee Das, your slave to com-
mand, Ask at Kulliauee, and the
;rouse will be known there. 1--I—am
a poor man—a stranger; who knows
nee" said the Latta, now whimpering,
"A fool, a liar, art thou, throwing
away life," returned Gopal Singh.
This is the second time.I have warn-
ed thee. We know thou art from the
royal camp, and a spy to Beejapoor,
Speak, else--"
"And the doom of a spy is death;
and thou art a liar too, and a coward
to boot. Look at hint, now, Gopala,"
tris uncle, interrupting and point-
ing to the mat; "look at his coward
The Lalli was trembling violently,
His knees shook, and his teeth chat-
tered audibly as he shivered. He could
not speak, he looked vacantly from
one to another. "'I ata c-o--o-1-d—
c e -o -o -1-d," he said faintly; "the wet,
sirs, and the long travel. Avian, am -
an! I am only a merchant, let me go."
"Thou art coidl then we will warm
thee," cried the chief grimly, "Yet
,peak, 0 Lalla, ere I give the order.
\\'e would not hart thee without
'Believe me, believe mel I am no
spy. I swear by all the gods I ant .no
spy." he replied earnestly.
"Bind hind" cried the chief furious-
ly, "A liar and a spy. Make torches
of his fingers! we will soon hear the
troth,'' -
}are he knew what to do or soy, the
Lalla was a second time hound with
his own hawl; and Lukehmun, tear -
;ng a rag into stripe and soaking them
in the oil of the lamp, wan tying them
really upon the ends of his fingers,
ane by one. "1 told you, Lallajee," he
said, "we are rough people here and
,a should be careful. When I light
these ye.0 will not like the pain, and
f y,•li bear that, he will do something
wuree. \\'hen he says 'check, ch-ck'—
c„u know•---"
"Silence. knave! thou art over-fant-
liar," cried :Mean Singh; "beware,"
"Nay, but if I can save hint from
the torches, untie," returned the
:rneltback, with at grotesque grin, "be
willeperhaps be grateful and give his
wealth to Inc."
"Is it ready?" asked the chief,
"Quite ready, my lord," answered
Lukshmun, taking one of the lighted
wicks front the large lamp between
his -finger and 'thumb, "For your life
speak, gnod fellow-," he said earnestly
and under his breath to the Lalla,
"and save yourself this torture. One
word more from him and 3 dare not
disobey; few 'bear it—speak!"
"0, my lord, my lord!" shrieked
the 'Lana, now comprehending what
was intended, and throwing 'himself
prostrate on The ground, "do not hunt
me: alive, PI win speak the truth, Why
should 'i tell lies?"
"Very well," returned the chief; 'oat,
whose lips the ominous foam speckles
were now visible. "Very well, get up;
it is thine. own 'business. 'Thou 'hast
not heard of our IDekhan customs,
perhaps, else S had not wasted 'words
on thee: RS'peak, who sent thee? Alumt-
geer? I -Is canst not help thee now,"
"tie would have no mercy on me if
he knew—if he had me in Inc'ipower,"
murmured the 1Lalla. "Loose me, my
lord, I ant faint, and cannot speak;
yet S will speak the trtth;'Ansi should
all these hear? My lord' knows best.
Loose me and have these rags taken
from nty;fingers."
, "When thou hast 'told the truth,
!Calla; not till then," said Pahar
Singh slowly, "Dost thou hear? Away
all o'f ye!" Inc, cried to the attendants
who hall crowded round !the 'Lalla.
Keep the torch "alight. Now, Lalla,",
he -continued us the man stood alone
uncle "
`'People said so—people said so,"
said Pahar Singh, interrupting, "but
S did not believe it. What more, my
"Nay, the style is too tenirtly for
me to snake much of it, but both let-
ters are to the same effect. Where
didst thou get these letters, ,Lalla?"
"Noble gentlemen, if ye are true to
your King's salt," exclaimed the Lalla
seeing that Inc'hail made an impres-
sion on his hearers, "then I deserve
naught but good at your hands. I am
in the ,royal service; I saw the papers;
I react what danger 'threatened t ii
\dil Shah; •I took them; I escaped
from the camp with them to carry
them to him, and I am here. '0, noble
airs, pint me not to loss and shame!"
Ott the next few tt ',gds hung the
Latta's life, It were easy to kill hint
and secure the paper.-. The' \Vnzeer
had tient several urgent messages to
''ah:tr Singh :lately. He had a natter
t moment, of profit to communicate,
\eras it abs, t these lettere? The Wu-
zeer would give lakhs for theta. The
cry threat of disasure would ex -
I rt any terms, .gain, if Inc decried
them—and what more easy than to
c, sititerfeit hi seal or Ilea it upon
r,'rgcrl papers? if he took this course
they would Inc in a 'false position;
false to the king and to the Wuzeer,
—and the King's threats had of latent
been very menncg. So, as they del-
iberated the La1la's life hung in the
balance, now aseeuding, now descend-
ing, in the eager consultation which
the three men carried on in •Canar-
use. The Italia loolced from otne to- an-
other in piteous supplication, not dar-
ing to speak, his mouth parched and
trembling in every limb; Inc he felt
this quick discussion, and the increas-
ingly savage glances of the chief to-
wards hint, to be for life or for death.
"'And this from Sivaji?. asked RGoRpai
'Singh, at length: "What of it, Lalla?"
"It was with the ,others, and ,there
are some ,more of older date in the
hag," :he replied, "and of the • Wuz-
eer's also,'Sivaji's letters had to be
'translated to .the Emperor: I had to
copy the translations, and thins S.; came
to know their. contents. 'Noble sirs, 1
ant telling no lies; look at -the seal
They said in •the Defter it was Sivaji.
!B'hos•hay's. 3 do not know it myself.
""Keep, 'the others -close and show
this "to 'Menet ,Rao,"'said the chief.
""Here" he continued' as the 1:Carkoon
Tooljapooe—what they asked you, my
lord, to join in;; and here is your mane,
with five 'thousand men in figures af-
ter it, and the ,Wuzeer's with -t latch
"`is it genuine, think you? that is
what we want 50 know," said Gopal
"Certainly," replied the Kerkoon;
"there is the private mark on the seal
and the signature 'He Venunti' —this,
supplication—is all the \Maharaj can
write: No one could 'forge that, it is
too crooked. How slid that titan get
"He stole it, Anrut Rao," said the
chief; 'and we are discussing whether
he ought to live or 'die. What dost
thou think?"
"As a traitor to the salt he has eat-
en, he ought to die, blaster," said the
K,arkoon, looking at the Lalla, who'
felt that his fate was in the 'Brahmans
"That is just what II said! he is not
flit to live," in,terruptedthe chief. "Let
hdtn die, Hol"
"But"—continued the Karkoon in
Cainarese, persistently interrupting the
chief and waving back Lukshmun,
1Ranta and others who were advanc-
ing—"if ;I may speak. He says Inc'
wants to take them to !Beejapoor. Let
him have his own way. A -bargain
may be made with LAli. Adil Shah
through his secretary the ivteerza—
not by hint" (and he pointed to the
;Latta), "but by us, The 'letters will
not alter the matter one jot, and my
lord can act as he pleases afterwards,
We can send people with the ,Lada,"
"'Excellently spoken, ,Atnrtit Rao;
Ye have all better brains than S have.
Then the ,papers are valuable?" said
Behar Singh.
"Yes, my lord, if properly vouched
for; and the man who stole them ,cart
give a better account of tltent than
we can, The King might give any
money—a lath of rupees—for them.
He already more than suspects the
Wuzeer and Sivaji Bhoslay of being
in league with the 'Emperor, and
would rejoice to get such proofs of
their treachery." '
"Hark ye, Lalla," cried the chief,
changing the language to Ooorclon,
,which he spoke well, "what didst thou
expect to get for these papers? "What
is the price of them?"
"My lord,"- he replied, simpering
and joining Itis hands, "they may 'Inc
worth lakhs-so the Gosais int Rulli
anee told tie—anything ,I liked to ask,
They will negotiate the matter with
the secretary and the King for ate;
and if my lord would only condesc-
end to assist, I---I—would give—yes,
he night be sore of a share"
"I of a share)—of a bribe! Art thou
'feeding me with a bribe 0 base dog.
and son of a dog! Pig! I of a share?
10 Lalla, thou art surely: mad, and
fated to eat dirt, Enough of thisl 1 -To,
without! Lnksbnnin!—liunchbacks!—
away with hint; give high the -handker-
chief in the outer court, Ouiekl"'
roared Pahar Singh, relapsing into
"Uncle1 father! not now," cried Go-
pal Singh, entreatingly, and touching
-his feet; their rising and stepping for-
ward with joined !lands, "calm thy-
self. Not today, when I ant safe; not
today when I promised him life! Give
his life to me for this day; after that,
as thou ,vitt."
"It is valuable, my lord," added
Amrut Rao. "These papers cannot tell
their own story. Where could we say
we got them? Inc must go with then,
to authenticate them, Gopal Singh
and 'I can go to the city with hint,
and after all, he, deserves well of .Ali
Adil, Shah, though he has been a trait-
or to his own King. Give him to us,
my lord; we mnay,get good oat of
Nn," said the chief, after a mom-
ent's pause. 'ono, Rao Sahib, I will go
myself. I will see the end of this Mat-
ter. Thou shalt conte with me, Maui,
Singh; and we can work through thy
'brother, Amrut Rao. A latch, eaidst
-thou, 0 Lalla? Well, I will give thee
a share if thou art true. And now I
give thy life to thee-buksheeshl—a
free gift -a new life, 0 Lalla. See that
thou make good use of it, for what I
give I can recall. Go; they will see to
thy 'food and: comfort and thou wilt
eat in a •RajPpoot's ]rouse of the aace
of the sun:"
The Lalla would. haute said some-
thing 'about his gold and his 'horse;
the word's were in his mouth: and it
was well perhaps he could t k
ou nospec: •.
The revulsion was too great for hint,
'from life to .apparently imlttinent
death, and again from death to life,
;Weary with travel and faint ,with hun-
ger he had sunk downs insensible and
they carried hien away into the court.
• "The King has been seeking my
lite, friend's, for some time past," said
the. chief -snnainPgly, 'Perhaps it would
be well to use these papers—that _is
Yes," he 'continued, "I have eaten his
salt—tI and my father—and we eat it
now. My 'heart revolts at this treac'h-
whatdcalled, advanced, look at this; cry and we can Inc faithful with
what -do you make o,f it?" many
Rarkoon lookedi
at (Inc seal ,ancl 'another. Let us rouse 'the boy, 'Tlnerr.
"May tI open it?" he said. should be ,good stuff in 'Malintood Ad -
star Y p it lSha'h's son, and I will tr
"'Yes, and read it to us," sand the y it. As for
the Wuzeer, I know. what ,he would
chief. have me do, but I will ,not say it, else
die read it over slowly twice.
"Well, what i, it?"'said his master.
"What 'Moro TrimmuI wrote from
should we have .been left quiet sb long
and the army so near us? Stay ye,
DR. II. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon, Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and 'throat. Office and rest-
dence behind Dominion Bank, Office
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd' ]Monday is
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 144.
IDR, F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth-
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church, ' Coronet
for the County of Huron, Telephone
No. 46,
DGR, F. J. R. FORIS'TER—Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's.
Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London, England, At COMM.,
ercial Hotel, 'Seaioath, :3rd Wednes-
day in each month from UN p.m. to
S p.m.
DTR, W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate 'ai
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in rear of
Aberhart's drug store, Seaforth,
Phone 90, Hours 1.30-4 p,rn., 7.30
-9 p.m. Other hours by appointment,
Dee: J. A. MUN'N, Successor to
Dr, R. R. Ross, graduateofs.North
western University, Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto: Office over Sills'
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
DR.. F. J. B'EOHtELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 185'W, residence 185J.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
'Arrangements can be made for Salo
Date at The Seaforth News; Charges
Moderate and satisfaction guraut•eed-
(Succssors to James 'Watson)
tAll kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
teiltitilai Fire llisura cc Cr
(Geo, R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres.
James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth-Sec, - Treas.
W. E, Hinchley, Seaforth; John
Murray, R. R, 3, Seaforth; E. R. G.
Jarmbpth, Brod itagate ; James Watt,
13lyth; C. R. Hewitt, 'Kincardine;
IWnt. Yeo, Holmesville,
William Knox, Ltondesboro; George
Leonhardt, Brodhegen; James ,Con-
nolly, Goderich; Alex, Broarl:foot, No.
3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth;
George -McCartney, No. 3, Seaford': .
John Pepper, Brucefield; James S'hol-
dice, Walton; Thomas Moylan, No. 5,'.
Parties desirous to effect insuraacu
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers ad-
dressed to- their respective point
here, Gopal and Ainrut Rao, If he
send for me, go to 'him at'Nuldroog;
'tis but a side, Go and 'take his money
then conte to the at the city, I shall
be in the old place;. and ,bring the
hunchbacks with you, there may 'be
work for them,"
"Alt -"'said Luksh'niun, who Was
s the
most active of his attendants,and
!was unbinding the shawl, "see what
care "I take of thee, O ,Dahla; better
your fingers are sound than roasted
(better your neck straight thah twist-
ed; better have to east good .food here
—it is so good --than have thy ntotith
filled, with mud and water in the
river yonder--"
r"My gold, my gold!" gased the
Italia, fncterruptin h P
g tut, "who has got
it? at least get that for me•