HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
' Slu.aiphries & Co, 'have gone out to
press hay for Miss ,Margaret McMil-
lan, It is well to see the press busy as
it employs several 1050.
Miss Margaret Habkirk of \-IcKil-
lop has gone to spend the winter with
her aunt. Mrs. R. IFlarrison of Verdun,
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Humphries
and children spent Sunday with lir.
and Mrs. IR. Campbell of McKillop.
Miss Ruby Young, teacher west of JOHN H N G A iy L O P
Blyth, spent the week -end with her �J
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young,
Miss -\r?at•garet Love, R. N., who AGENT FOR FROST FENCE
has been nursing at ,Harriston, has All Repairs and Labor Cash,
returned home.
Mr, and Mrs, \V. S. Forbes enter-
tained their nineteen grandchildren
together with the latter's parents, dur-
ing the holiday season. All had an ONLY FOR CON -
On Tuesday evening last a good
crowd turned out to the first monthly
meeting of the UF:Y.P.O„ which was
(Continued from Page Ones)
held in the Workmen's 'Hall. George
Ramsay occupied the chair and after a out me," the Mayor, ex officio. Ald-
community sing -song the regular op- erman Bolton says it does not look
ening service was conducted after like a square deal, Quite Correct,
which the speaker for rhe evening was It was just a few days ago, that
introduced. Mr. R. J. Scott of Bel- one of the Councillors was reproved
grate, who is president of the U:F;'O•, by the Mayor and Reeve, for finding
was the guest speaker and gave a fault or passing an opinion before he
wonderful address on the aini of the knew the facts.
Farmer Movement, This address The Mayor has been treated with
bristled with facts and should set evall respect and has had notification of
eryone thinking along the' lines of bet -all meetings. -
ter conditions for the farmer. Mr. From street talk, the'P. U, C. has
Scott was tendered a very hearty vote held secret meetings, I1 it has I 'have
of thanks and we are only voicing the never attended one,
thoughts of the community when we The story of why the Mayor sup -
say he will be very heartily welcom- posed something was going on, that
ed whenever we have the chance of he was not in on, is as follows:—
having hien address us again. Remain About Dec, 10th, or in that week,
der of the meeting was given over to Chairman of the P,U,C. W. 11. Gold -
literary and musical numbers which ing MPP, called a meeting for the
were much appreciated and the meet- durpoee of considering the ,next move,
ing closed by singing of the Nal onal in the effort to collect a preferred ac -
Farm Machinery and..
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
!January 0;9,08
Poultry Feed Facts
Completed experiments in poultry
feeding sdtotw that skim -milk is an ex-
cellent protein feed, that dry clover
leaves with an o'ccasion'al dose orf Ep-
som Salts may replace roots or
sprouted oats, that home -mixed is as
good as a commercial grain, and that
screenings of good quality may re-
place part of the good grain.
Time for Pruning Fruit Trees
The' moderate weather now ibei.eg.
experienced in certain localities will
give the people in those sections an
opportunity to. get their various fruit
trees and hushes ,pruned, Pruning
can be done safely any time after the
plants become dormant and all work
in this line done in early winter will
allow more time for. the `hundred -and -
one' jobs that turn up simultaneously
when the open weather arrives in
March or April.
Dr. 'GUM tClinlbon was in town on
Monday on a business trip, -Mrs, :Abe
,Davidson of .Mitc'hel'l -was a visitor in
town on 'Tuesday.—Mr, and Mrs, C.
Davis, of Exeter, were. visitors in
to:xn.—Miss Mamie Weber of Dublin
visited friends 'during the week—Mrs,
Coventry and daughter, 'Miss. Annie,
of 'Stratford are visiting 'Seaforth
friends;—Mr. John Belt has moved
into the residence an Market street
recently vacated by Mr, H. 'Edge.—
Mr, !Oscar Neil was a Toronto' visitor,
-Mr. \-ill MdLeod was here Pram
+Hamilton this week visiting 1118 'ram
ily.—Mr, Paul !Freeman of 'the Fair
Flour Mills, Clinton, was in town .on
Wednes'd'ay,—Miss Mae !Broadfoat
has been in Stratford for a number of
days visiting friends—'Miss O'Brien
of !Stratford, was the guest of Miss
Mona!SElls during the 'past week.—Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. !Goldring spent (Sunday
111 Carlingford with the latter's cousin,
\atm, Mills.—Mrs, James •Campbell
has been in Staffa attending her mo-
ther, Mrs. H'anrbley, who has been
ill.—llrs, D, T. Pinkney of the (Royal
'Hotel spent a few days with friends in
\Vingham during the past week—Mr.
(Robert Habkirk of 'Neepawa, Manit-
oba, is visiting his numerous friends in.
Seaforth and vicinity,—Mr. Daniel
McDooal'd is home from the west on
a visit with his nnotehr, Mrs. McDon-
ald, 3rd concession of McKillop
Mrs. 1fcLead, who has been on a visit
for some time with her son, Dr. Hod-
gins, returned on 'Monday to her 'home
in Lucan.—Mrs, J. Mitchell of St.
Marys has been visiting during the
week with her sister, Mrs. Donald
McIntyre.—Mrs, C, S. (Andrews and
daughter, Marjorie, have returned af-
ter a visit with the 'former's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, 'Joseph Driver, Goder-
ich.—Mr, R. J. MclDonald, who bas
been in partnership in a men's furn-
ishing 'business in IStrathcona, Alta„
has recently bought out his partner
and has now full charge of the busi-
ness.—Mr, Scott •Hayes of the {Bank
of Commerce staff, has been transfer -
ed to the branch at 'Goderich, His
many friends wish him every success.
-A number of the friends of Mr, and
Mrs. 'William 'Miller of Egmondville
gathered at their home on Tuesday
evening and an enjoyable time was
spent in games and dancing. --Mr.
and Mrs, R. H. Knight of 'Edmonton
have been 'stere visiting the latter's
mother, Mrs, john -McKinley. Mr,
Knight left on ;Friday an a business
trip to Ottawa and Mrs, Knight
leaves today and will join her hus-
band on the return trip to their home
in EdmontonJllrs, R. 'A. 'Jelly and
little daughter, accompanied by her
cousins, Miss Edith Jelly and Mr. R.,
of Shelburne, A. Jelly of 'Edmonton,
are on a visit with relatives inMe-
Killop township. They spent Monday
in Seaforth as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Morrison, Miss ,L. Morri
son of Mc1Killcp was also a visitor at
Mr, J. Morrison's during the week.
Are Former Walton Boys.
Mr. William (Rea, MA., Principal
of Edmonton high school, has been
re-engaged for Il'908 at an increase of
$100 waking his salary now $1,800
per year. His brother, Mr, John Rea
has recently passed his examination
for the customs and has accepted a
position in :Edmonton at a salary of
$1,700, Both gentlemen are sons of
Mr. John Rea of Walton,
The New County Council.
The following will compose the
county council for -1908: Thos. 'Stoth
ars, Ashlficld; '1Vm, 'Hunter, Ashlfield;
H. J. A. MdEwen,,Colborne; H. L.
Salkeld, Goderich Tp.; Wm. !Fraser,',
Grey; P. ,Lamont, Hay; F. L. Shearer,
Howick; Joseph Heinstock, Howick;
Thos. McMillan, Mullett; George
Taylor, Morris; g. \i, lGov'enlock.
MoKiilop; Jas, 'McDermid, Stanley;
J. ;Kellerman, Stephen; Robt. McKay,
Tuckersntit'h; J'o'hn Musgrove, Turn -
berry; Jos, Hawkins, Usborne; W, J.
Parke, East Wawanosh; Wm. Bailie,
West Wawanosh; G. C. 'Petty, FIen-
sall; J, Watson, Seaforth; R. Mac-..
Lean, Goderich G. M. Elliott, 'God
erich, Dr. Milne,.IBiyth; J. !Leckie,
Brussels; B. J. 'Gibbings, Clinton; A.
Q. Bobier, Exeter; R. .B, Harris,
Wroxeter; Dr. A. W. Irwin, Wing
harm, Dr, iSmi'bh, 'B'ay'field.
Regina Architects Second.
We notice 'by the Regina D'ai'ly
Standard of January '116th, that Storey
and VanlEgmond, .Regina architects'
who suhrnitted plans for the new par-
liament ,buildings to be erected at Re-
gina, attained second place in the
competition. Designs were submitted
by 'firms sir Monntreal,',New York, Tor-
onto, London, Eng., Vancouver, That
the plan of the Regina architects at-
tained second place is worthy of spe-
cial mention .and is no small 'credit to,
thehnselves.-Mr..•VatilEgmond is a Sea -
'forth old boy, only son of Mr. W. D.
V'anEgm'ond, a former resident,
ILondes'boro hotel has been sold to a
local option .syndicate for $2,300. They
are trying to sell it out in shares to
make up the money.
The Auditing, and the price from
the Durham 'firm. Read the immediate
backing of Crozier and Bolton, John-
ston calls for a time for a matter of
importance. He wins.
Councillor Hudson asks what the
town horse was. doing last Friday
morning, Directing. at Ryan, the hir-
ing of Hawkins' team instead of
using our horse. Poor Ryan gets the
blame, and the Mayor hired Hawkins,
but did the Mayor answer? Jim, you
are good natured
I do not care who fills the positions
of the Town, no .more than any
small ratepayer should, and citizens
do like to know that we have respon-
sible sten, whether his name be
Peter, Bill or Dan, but it is to be
hoped that what reporting is done,
should be enlarged with a little criti-
cism if it is not correct,
\Ve presume it will be good read-
ing, but what prompted such as ar-
ticle in your contemporary, "Some
phases of a Municipal Audit." It
seems out of season, as December is-
sues would be more appropriate time,
so the true essence of the article could
be effective for the ,opening meetings
of any council, where the !first duty 'is
to pass bylaw making appointment cf
auditors, Surely it is MacLean Bros.
yet, and not The Sutherland Tress, It
is appreciated' by citizens that a re-
porter was an hand at the meeting of
council or we would not be enlighten-
ed as to what goes on behind the
screen when we absent ourselves,
Thanking you, Snowdon Bros„ for
the space, I remains,
E, L. BOX.
Miss Mildred Hurley, Heidelberg,
is spending a few weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs, Charles Sellers.
Mr, Thomas Williamson, East
boundary, had the misfortune to cut
his thumb on a circular saw Friday
afternoon while cutting wood. His
mitt was cut off from the whole hand,
only catching his thumb. He was very
fortunate, for it might have been
Mr. Clifford 'Hoy, Port Albert, is
holidaying with his cousin, Earl Hoy,
count of Avon .Cehsts Ltd. from the
Credit lien's Association, for power,
and by their negligence, ordinary ac-
counts were paid, and preferred were
Passed over. Tax bill and a further
power bill is in the mine category.
Atter the Chairman told us what
the meeting was called for, the Mayor
asked for something in black and
white, and I agreed that we should
have it, so the Chairman said he
would get it from !Messrs. Hays and
Meir, but instead of him going alone,
he said, "we will all go." The Mayor
apparently was pressed with other
HARLOCK. business, so Mr. Golding and I, pro- VARNA.
Mrs, Peter McDonald spent a few needed to the orifice of Mr. Meir Death of Mrs. Alex. Foster.- ✓After
days with Londesboro friends the be- which was our assigned duty. On along illness due practically to old
ginning of the week, Dec. 19111, the letter giving outline age, there passed peacefully away at
Messrs, Clifford and Leonard of matter of consideration was re- 7 p.m., on January 111th at ler home
Shobbrook and Audrey Knox are ceived by Clerk Wilson, west of the village, Mrs. Alex. Foster,
busy cutting wood, On the morning of Dec, 20th, I 'Deceased was born in 1S'38 in Gleu
Mrs, Wm: Knox visited Thursday was at Mayor Sutherland's office sug- Isla, 'Forfars-hire, Scotland, daughter
afternoon and evening of last week at gesting that a little light decoration of John Mackenzie and Isabella
the home of Mr, and firs, A. W. Bea- on the Town Hall would not be amiss. Bruce, came to Canada in 1956 and
cont. Mr. Wm. Knox was there also
He agreed with me, and I left for the was married to the late Malcolm Mc -
for tea and spent the evening. Town Hall to give instructions to Naughton in 1838. By this 001011
.lir, Leo Watt and KeflandMcVit- Messrs, -\foie and .Allen, on just what five children were born: Mrs. John
tie motored to Hespeler last Thurs-
was wanted. On entering the clerk's 'Sparrow, Varna; Dan McNaughton of
day. Mr. Charles Parsons and little
office, he was reading the letter from
Kitchener; Isabella who diet! in 10-
Archie Watt accompanied them as far Mr. Meir, and passed it to me, and af-fancy; lfau•garet (Mrs. !Frank Keyes)
as ,Stratford, ,firs. Leo 'Watt returned ter reading it, I continued on to Mole stn 1'910; Malcolm \Ica\aughton in
home with them much improved in and Allen, and was drawing a dia- 'PM. 111 11874 deceased was married to
f lighting arrangement for the late Alex. Foster, who passed
gram o
health and we hope she may continue away in 1931', By this union, three
to get stronger. Town Ilall, but Mr. Golding who had
Mr. Harry Regan and Aunt Rachel been phoned from lir. Meir's office, daughters and two sons survive, Geo.
of Morris spent Thursday of last that the letter would be in the hands Foster of Windsor; Jessie (Mrs.tf the clerk for Dec. 20, called at Stelck), Letitia, Edwin, !Varna; Ana -
week at the home of the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. and Mr, Albert Rapson,
lir. and Mrs. Wm. Knox and Aud- ed back to where I was sitting,
the office to read it, and then follow- !tel (Mrs. Cameron) of Hensel'. In
addition deceased s survived by el-
rey visited recently at the home of '1 -le had read Mr lfeir's 'letter, and even grandchildren and thirteen great
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foreman near asked me what I thought of it. I pass- grandchildren. Had the deceased lived
Atwood.ed my opinion, and he concurred with until June she would have been a res -
Miss Beatrice Ager spent Sunday ate, and it was necessary to have the tdent of the township of Stanley 77
with her friend, Miss Vera 1lcDon- letter re -vamped. 11 we or the Chair-
years and could recall ninny interest-
ald. man were assigned to a particular ing items of pioneer 'life. She was in-
Mrs, S. McVittie spent Thursday of duty, surely we, or he, have the privil- tetligent and well versed in Scripture,
last week at the home . of Mr. andege of seeing it is carried out, which ,vas company and a comfort to
Mrs. Leo Watt: While we were silting at the table her in her declining years. She was a
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd and the Mayor blew in, and turned right valued member of W.M.tS.; in relic
Miss Helen Mc!E'wing and Mr. John around again, and soon we .heard of fon WSS Presbyterian, now United.
the secret meeting. The funeral was held from the Unit -
Reilly spent Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knox. of the reporting of the first Court- ed Church to IBaird's cemetery. Ser -
Mrs. Sawinbank returned to her cit meeting is correct, it reads "Fun-
vice was conducted by Rev. Mr. Poul -
home near Clinton Sunday after ny to the Mayor issuing a writ against ter. Pallbearers were Mr. Ralph Ste -
spending part of last week with her :he Credit Men's Trust Association 'mhensou, Alex, McConnell, Billy Fos -
daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Leslie Knox.
ho are working in the town's be -ver, George Clark, Mort. Elliott aol
Mrs. Fred Vascella visited at the
half." attended
• Deihl. Those from a distance who
attended the funeral: Dr. Bruce Fos -
hone of Mr, and Mrs. Peter MctDon- ;IL is Absurd, not only funny, 'that
ald last Thursday. Mr. Vas -cella was at a Special meeting of the P.IU:C. ter, Detroit; Geo, Foster, 'Windsor;
also there for tea and evening. held on Nov, ,14th, at 2 p.m. that a A• rs. Mack McNaughton, Lfttie Fos -
'rhe annual meeting of Burns' Unit- tt t.ion is on record as follows: ter, John McNaughton, Eric Reid
ed Church i, to be held this Friday Moved by A. D. .Sutherland, London; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc -
afternoon. The ladies are having
sec'd by E. L. Box. Saughton, lir. and Mrs. Ivan lfc-
charge of thesocial part. Resolved that Messrs. ,Hays Naughton and family; Bert and Ear'
\-1 r. and Mrs.Robert Watson spent \fcNaughton of Kitchener; Mr, and
and Meir be instructed to issue
Sunday afternoon at the hams of Mr, writ against Canadian Credit Mrs, Jaynes Leitch, 13elgrace.
and \-lrs. !NormanShepherd, lien's Assn. for damages for non A vestry meeting was held in St.
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, Mr. payment of preferred claim, re John's Church Monday anent. There
Wm. Knox and Mr, Herb Faireervice Avon Chests Ltd. was a good turnout and new officials
visited Monday evening at the home Carried. elected. Yearly report was quite sat
of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 'Knox, Can Hays and Meir act against the isfactory.'
Several of the families of the neigh -
Town? The Mayor says, INo. Any judging from appearances we are in
borhood have been laid up with colds,
contract signed? No. Then they'are for winter weather.
but we arc glad to hear they are all ince to do as they wish.
Dwn.''t forget bhe 'Library dafice in
improving• 'Has it not been understood and ac- the hall, 23rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt spent part cepted by the solicitor, and the Town,
• Stanley district L.iO,T , met at Var-
of Sunday a8ternooa at the home of '(,1t Ibe appointment calls for the !,a on Tuesday last when the follow,
the tatter's parentsltr, and Mrs. S. i
coon of the solicitor, am all matters ng officers were elected: District
lfcVittie. ❑the interest o'f'the Town. Master, Fred McClymont; Dep:
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Watson spent Appointment of Town Solicitor. Master, Louis Clark; Rec. Sec., Geo.
Friday evening at the home of Mr. Why was the motion carried— Clark; •Fin. Sec, Timer (Webster;
and Mrs. William Leiper. RUSHED, without Councillor John_ Treas., (Ban Rathwell; 1st deet., Jahn
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson visit- rm,'s suggestion of thinking this M• cLeod; 2nd ,Lea, D. C. Galbraith;
ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. and thing over? Making a stall.
Marshall, Jahn Castle.
Mrs, Norman Shepard.
"Zoo of Budapest'
Comedy Cartoon
Mon. -,Tues: Wed., Jany. 22-23-24
"Trick For Trick"
A Mystery that Thrills
"Arizona to Broadway"
Profits and Pullets.
'At present, prospects look bright
for the poultryman and farmer who
has a good flock of well matured pul-
lets. The cold snap will probably
stiffen egg prices 'that are now offer-
ing a fair margin of profit over cost
of production in flocks that are lay-
ing satisfactorily.
At the present prices and with
better prospects in view it will pay
to feed a good balanced mash ra-
tion liberaally and to , give sufficient
grain at night to ensure a well filled
crap. Plenty of fresh water, with the
chill off on cold days, should always
he provided. A frozen water pail left
boo long means a serious crimp in
One 'Million.,Dollar Increase
For Ont. Live Cattle Export
The Ontario Marketing Board re-
ports that during the past calendar
year Canadian exports of live cattle
to Great Britain were in excess of
50,000 head: more than three tithes
the number forwarded in 1932. On-
tario exported some 30,000 animals:
or considerably more than half the
total Dominion shipments. Assuming
mean average value of $50:00 per
head, Ontario's export cattle business
was worth upwards of 411!,500,000 to
the farmers of the Province last year
which is an increase of at least $1,-
000,000 over 19.32.
Mare intportam•t to the average cat-
tle raiser, however, is the fact that
the removal of large numbers of cat-
tle from the home market has con-
siderably improved domestic prices.
It is not an exaggeration to say that
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Jany. 25-26-27
"Looking on the
Bright Sde
'Comedy Cartoon
GIFT NIGHITS-1Wed and Sat.
Three valuable prizes given free to
the selected ones.
as low as 3e per pound instead of
the prevailing quotations of around
6c per pound for top quality beef
Special Dairy Course
'Narked by the largest registration
the class has had in some years, the
annual special three months' dairy
oourse at the O. A, C., opened the
first week int January. Forty-eight
names were enrolled to commence
'the class and it is expected that an-
other half dozen or more names will
be added. Of the 48 students liste�
all but two are registered as from
Ontario, The others are two men
from Prince Edward 'Island,
Use Miller's Worth Powders and
the battle against worms is wan,.
These powders correct dire morbid
condition of the stomach Which nour-
ish the worms, and these destructive
parasites cannot exist after they come
in contact with the medicine.- The
worms are digested by the powders
if this export trade had not developed and are speedily evacuated with other
cattle shippers would be facing prices refuse from the bowels,
Early Pullets Will Pay Again in 1934
Read the interesting article on this subject, by F. W. Bray, in January.-
anuary"issue of "The Farmer" January 6th "Canadian Countryman" and
January 4th "Farmer's Advocate.'
Send NOW for FREE booklet—"The highway to Poultry Success in.
Oar. First hatches already off. Hatching regularly from now on.
Eight breeds. Government Approved.
All our branch hatcheries will be open For business January 29th, From
29th to 3dst, they will book orders ahead, at prices quoted in our "Early
Order" price list. New ,February price list may show advances for
the whole season. Order in January and save money,
BRAY CHICIK HATCHERY 98 1Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont.
Brooder and Office at Clinton
Note: To get the FREE booklet, just tear out this ad, and mail it to
our Head Office, with your name and address on the margain.
you're ready to unpack your
things ... and you've left
the•'•trunk key at horne . . .
and you've got to have it P.D.O.
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