HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-18, Page 1, , This world that we're a'livin' in .os
Is mighty hard to beat,
You get a thorn with every rose,
But ain't the roses sweet.
eaforthURO EADiING
A small drop of ink,
Falling like dew, upon a thought,
That which makes thousands, perhaps
millions, think. —Syron
WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 3.
Phone 84,
at all hours
The ly pia
Confectionery and Restaurant
25c PER J:AR
, large can 1 c
5 tins
1 ib. COFFEE with Cup and
saucer ...... , 43c
PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz. jar -25c
lijilDA B•ISCUITS, 2 lbs. for. ...25c
CORN SYRUP 10 lbs......... , 75c
CHATEAU CHEESE —2 pack. 25c
SALT +HERRING 35c per doz
SALMON .STEAK 15c per lb
LARGE CITRON , 10c ea.
MASH, C Concentrate.
Butter, Eggs, Feathers and Dried
Apples taken as cash.
Cream taken for the 'Seaforth 'Cream:
ery at the same price paid at the
C. Routledge
North Side United Church -Pastor
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, Jan. 211ist,
IIP a.m.—(Public Worship. S'u'bject:
"Definiteness of Purpose."
12.30 p.m.--lSimday School and Bible
7 P.m.—Public Worship. Subject:
"Obstinate." 2nd in series on Bun-
yan's characters.
di1 am,—,"The' Windows of the
7 p.m--I"Relieving Our ,Burden,"
Rev. I, 13, Raine, Minister.
!About 75 young people were present
Tuesday evening, Jan. 116th, when the
Young People of North Side United
'Church were guests of the Y:P!5. of
First Presbyterian Church, The pro-
gram for the evening, which was dir-
ected: 'by the entertainment commit-
tee of the visiting group, was varied
and very entertaining, The subject
matter of the program was "The Lit-
erary Heritage of Scotland," and this
stCbject was the 'theme of the various
numbers. The musical numbers in
chided violin selections by Arthur
'Golding; vocal selections by Hugh
(Oke; guitar numbers by a group of
the girls. The' topic of the evening,
"Scotland's Greatest Son—iRobert
;Burns," was 'ably taken by Mr. Sam
Stott, president of the Northside
group. Mr. 'Scott recited various
.poems of Burns to illustrate the char-
acteristics o'f the greatplowman and
,philosopher. Mr, Scott knew his sub-
ject thoroughly and presented it in a
very interesting manner. Following
' this those present divided into three
,groups and played games, after which
a delicious lunch was served by the
girls of 'First Church. A vote al
thanks to the hosts of the evening
was moved by Rev. W. 4P. Laneand
seconded by Saut Scott; The evening
rinsed with tate singing of Auld Lang
Mr. Whiter Nalftel, publisher of the
lCtaderichS'tar, at'Goderich, diad there
an 'Monday evening folio'win•g a heart
atbacic.Mr. NIaftel was born near God-
erich, and had been connected ' with
,tlteStar since 191116.
Mr. Douglas Campbell has been
the Star since., 'Mr.' Niaftei's
Only For
Reverend Charles Malcolm, MA,
January 21.-111 a,m,-"The Church
Challenged." 7 p.m.—"The Foolish-
ness of Falsehood."—An Old Testa-
ment Story,
Services Jan, 2IIIst, 3rd Sunday after
Epiphany.—Sunday ,School and Bible
Class, 10 a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. 'Sermon topic, "An Unpara-
lleled Faith." Evening service, 7 o'-
clock, Sermon topic, "Distant Ech-
oes," All welcome. Canon E. Apple -
yard, Rector.
(By E. L. :Box),
Each New Year brings about New
Business, and it is to be hoped that
the business gets away on the "right
This year Seaforth has a New, or
rather a Council of more or less ex-
perience, a1111 by the end of 111934,
we concede that some good work
will have been accomplished, and pos-
sibly soave that an apology might be
in order for; however, with the .Div-
ine aid on the, undertakings being
sought, one 'would expect their best
would .be given.
Our Mayor, and 'Council, opening
ode, is "seeking new officials." If it
is true that the Clerk and Treasurer
has"nothing to fear about his posi-
tion, it is quite 'possible that all other
officials have been assured of their
respective positions; then why adver-
tise, for all, or any. It .is to be hoped
that 'App'lica'nts for various offices
are aware they are merely making ap-
plication for position, and that
they are not tendering, or to think by
a low price they will get the position.
The results of the applications will
give us more information.
Mayor 'Sutherland suggests a com-
mittee to interview Mfr. Cardoo about
the starting of the clock. A good sug-
gestion but 'who was a party to the
stopping of it, and why a change of
About two years ago, following the
Broderick iBlack fire it was thought
advisable to enlarge on the police
duties of night watchman by adding
from four a.m, to six a.m, to his
hours a'nd making a day and night
man, This certainly was a good move,
and our fire losses have proved the
fact. We might expect increased in-
surance rates without a night watch-
man. We have yet to record a bur-
glary of any importance.
Day police is necessary to protect
poultry licenses, along with the for-
ty other offices Ryan might 'hold, or
be detailed to do.
IIs is quite possible that if Crozier
had reported the loss of his riding
plow to Chief Ryan, it would have
been found as ,readily as Councillor
L. Aberhart's lights, by Chief Ryan.
Absence of clerk, might answer for
the names of those on various boards;
if not, the clerk should be prepared
to give the information,
,He has been prepared in past years.
Motion. of Broderick and Bolton.
for itemized accounts of expenditures
of P. U. C., schools, etc. is quite cor-
rect, but do not overlook the Fifteen
Dollars each the .Auditors get (paid
by the P:U.C.) and actually set by
the Council, for the work they 'have.
been doing. It might be a little more
courteous to ask for itemized state-
ment of P.U.C., when it has failed
to conte by Jan,, 10 of each year, (the
date set by statute) than to be a lit-
tle previous. This itemized statement
in past years has never been pre-
pared, but to save expense of audit-
ing, and printing of booklet (excessive
expense for benefit derived) it has
been passed up. A condensed Aud-
itors' statement has ahvays appeared
in the local papers, a'n'd farther in-
formation could always be had from
the various secretaries, in fact, an in-
spection of books at all reasonable
hours. Auditors have to Mar. 1st to
complete their stateinent.
Where did tiie Mayor of 10133 have
the Auditors' abstract printed and
distributed? Try and find one.
To our knowledge !Hays and Meir
is not the solicitor for A -von Chests
Ltd. For your information the solici-
tor of Avon Chests is the solicitor of
the Credit Men's Trust ,Association,
Trustees of Avon 'Chests, Ltd., in
Avon Chests, Ltd., paid ordinary
claims, and ;Hydro with 'preferred
claim did not. get paid. Quite Correct,
The 'M'ayor asks "Whose fault is
that ? The Mayor has tried to attach
the blame On 19312 P. U. Commission,
or their Secy.-Treas. Messrs. Hays`
Sr Meir exonerated either the Com-
mission or Sec,-Treas. from any
After the claim was filed in proper
order, which it teas, any responsibil-
ity ceased on any other but the Cred-
it Men's Trust Association, Trustee
in Bankruptcy.
That P.U.' Commission "meet wit'h-
(C'autinued on Page Flour),
The annual meeting of the Seaforth.
Agricultural Society was held on Fri-
day, Jan. 112th, in the Carnegie Lib-
rary with a good attendance, Finan-
cial report was read and showed a
very successful year for the Society.
After discussion of last year's busin-
ess, the election of officers for 1934
took place. Following is a list of the
officers and directors: President,
Humphrey Snell; list vice president,
J. W. Beattie; 2nd vice president,
V'nt. Beattie; secretary, treas., Mrs,
J. A. Kerr, Directors: Hibbert—'Fred
Carbert, Russell ;Scott; Hullett, Ross
MacGregor, Jas. Leiper, Jno. Free-
man; Mc1Ci'llop, Jno. M. Eckert, T.
0. Scott, Gordon MoGavin, Robt.
Campbell, Mrs, I. Trewartha, Tuck-
ers Illith—Robt.
uckersntith—Robt. Archibald, Wilson
McCartney, 1V. S. Broadfoot, Dave
MfdIntosh, Sam Whitmore, Mrs. E,
'Broadfoot, Miss Jean Scott. Seaforth
—R, Smith, J. M. Govenlock, Dr.
ilarburn, II. G. Meir, N. Gillespie, A.
McLean, Mrs. .R. Eberhart, Mrs. W.
j. Dickson, Miss Ethel Beattie, Miss
Jean •E'Icoat.
The W.M..S, of Egmondville-Church
was held at the home of Mrs. Ches-
ney St. on Friday, Jan. 12th. Mrs. ,R.
McGonigle presided. The meeting was
opened by singing hymn 57. Miss Isa-
bel Forrest read the Scripture lesson.
Miss Mabel Cameron offered the op-
ening missionary prayer; the devotion-
al leaifet, "Jesus of Nazareth Passes,"
was read by Mrs. R. McKenzie ;and
the minutes and roll call by the sec-
retary, Mrs. D. McLean, Mrs. W. F.
MacMillan .presided during thebusi-
ness session. .and gave the 'treasurer's
report which was very gratifying,
the Auxiliary having on hand $7.90 in
excess of 'their allocation. (Hymn 383•
was read in unison as a prayer, "Lord
Speak to me that I may speak." Mrs.
H. Chesney Jr. sang a solo, "Do Bet-
ter Shill," accompanied by Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie which was very much enjoy-
ed: -. Mrs. 'L. Reinke read a paper on
"Temperance." Hynin 441 was then
sung. Mrs. Jas. McIntosh gave an in-
teresting talk from the study .book on
"Child Welfare in China." Hymn 579
"For Thy mercy and Thy grace,
failthftrl through another year." Mrs.
MdGonigle then offered the closing
prayer, after which a delicious lunch
was served and a• social'time spent.
Mr, and Mfrs. Leonard Verbeem, of
Thamesvi.11e, announce the engage-
ment of their eldest daughter, Corne-
lia •lfary (Nellie), to Francis Mervin
Latte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Lane, of Seaforth. The weddingto
take place the latter part o'f the month.
An enjoyable social time was spent
in the L.IO,IB.A. rooms on Monday
evening when progressive euchre was
played. The winners were: Ladies'
first prize, Mrs, R. G. Parke; gentle-
men's first prize, Mr. Louis Hoegy;
consolation prize, Mrs, John IPethick,
The Alert Mission Band of North
Side United Church held their meet-
ing on Tuesday, Jan. 116th. The meet-
ing was opened by singing hymn
4137 after which Janie Moffat gave a
recitation entitled "In China Land."
Mrs. Close then read a story "The
Forgiving Father." A piano solo was
given by Lois McGavin, The Scrip-
ture Lesson was read by Zetta Dun-
lop and the offering was taken up,
A story entitled "The Tale- of the
Two Kites," was given by Mrs, Close.
The meeting was closed by singing
hymn number 435.
A quiet wedding took place at the
manse of the New St. Janes' Presby-
terian Church, London, on Tuesday
evening, when the Rev. James Mac-
Kay united in marriage .Annie Lu'fern
Robins, eldest daughter of Mfr. and
Mrs. H. S. Robins of Dorchester, and
Jack Stewart 'Wilson, eldest son of
Mrs. James Busby, Aberdeen, Scot-
land. The bride was prettily gowned
in a sand georgette crepe fashioned
on fitted lines with brown accessories
•and wore the bridegroom's gift, a
handsome diamond brooch.
The bride was attended by Jean
MacKay, London, who swore a charm-
ing dress of rose crepe, and Jeanne
MaoLaren of Cromarty, looking smart
in a black and white tailored dress
with white accessories. The happy
young couple will reside in London,
later intending going to Aberdeen,
Scotland. The many friends of the
young couple join in wishing them
many years of wedded bliss.
Members of the \V.M:S. of North
Side United Church were encouraged
by a large attendance for the beginn-
ing of the new year's activities. The
president, Mrs. W. P. 'Lane, was in
the chair. Papers on Christian Stew-
ardship by Mrs. J. C. Laing and tem-
perance by Mrs. W. J. Williams were
very appropriate and inspiring. Rev,
W. P. .Lane conducted the installation
service far the officers of (1934. The
program was in charge of Circle I
with Mrs. W. J. McIntosh presiding.
A short period of sentence prayers
was followed by the Bible reading by
Mrs. C Barber, and the devotional
leaflet by Mrs. 5.,Tyerman. The topic,
"Cate China Support her Millions,"
was ably given and was divided into
fallowing parts: "China's Economic
Problems," by Mrs. McCuaig; "Chris-
tian Economic Service," by Mrs. J.
D. Hinch'ley; "The Machine Comes to
China," by 'Mrs. W. Hay; "Commun-
ism and Changing Business Condi-
tions." by Mrs. I. Hudson. Mrs, W.
P. Lane then led in prayer. The meet-
ing closed by repeating the Mizpah
It is a great satisfaction to have your watch and clock
always on time and to do this they must of course al-
ways be in good order.
For this purpose we invite you to use our watch and
clock repair service. We believe there . is none better
anywhere. All work is done in the store, with the ut-
most care and only the 'best materials obtainable are
used. Careful regulating when the repair is completed
will insure satisfactory time keeping.
You will find our prices very moderate and the work
will be promptly done—no long waiting for your
Phone 194.
Res. 10.
Many friends learned with deep re-
gret of the death following a day's
illness of Mrs. William Clark of
Cleveland, the former Miss Janet
(Barton. The deceased was a sister of
Mrs. Harry Jeffrey, Mrs. M. Ander-
son and Miss Agnes ,Barton of Sea -
forth; a brother, Mr. William Barton
of Niagara Falis, N.Y., also survives.
Mrs. Clark's deaths came as a severe
shock to friends. She became ill on
Sunday and on Monday morning
passed away. Her husband, three
sons and a daughter, all at home,
The annual vestry and congrega-
tional meeting of St. Thomas' Church
was held on Tuesday evening, January
16th, A large number of the congrega-
tion were present. The financial state-
trent presented by the wardens show-
ed the church to be in a flourishing
condition. The contributions were
$400.00 above that of 1932. The fol-
lowing officers were chosen to carry
on the work during '1934: Rector,
Rev. Canon Appleyard; fay delegates,
Wm. Archibald, Richard Parke; sub-
stitutes, W. Southgate, John H.
'Best; Rector's Warden, Thos. Jack-
son; People's Warden, Henry Edge;
Select Vestry, for the Rector: Simon
Geyburme, Jahn Earle, H. H. 'John-
stone, Wm. Deem; for the people:
W. Southgate. E. C. Boswell, J. H.
Best, J. A. Case. •Auditors, W. South-
gate, E. C. Boswell. Sidesmen: H. H,
Johnstone, Norman 'Scoins, H. Pret-
ty, George Parke, F. Barlow, R. Ar-
chibald, \Vm. Leyburne, Vestry Clerk,
H. H. Johnstone.
At the home of her son-in-law, Mr.
William Anderson, death came peace-
fully to the spirit of 'Mrs. Michael
McCardle at the age of 82 years and
months. She was born at !Scarboro..
and at the age six six years she moved
with her family to McKillop town-
ship where.she resided continually
until the death of her husband four-
teen years ago, at which time she re-
tired to (Seaforth, 'Death came as a
relief as she had been conlfined to
bed for 'almost three years. She is
survived by three sons and two dau-
ghters, (Harry of (Grande !Prairie; Pet-
er of Detroit; Michael of Montgom-
ery, Alabama, Mrs. James Nolan of
Tuckerstnith 'and Mrs. An-
derson at whose •hoine she died. One
daughter .predeceased her two years
ago. 'Requiem High \class wassung
by Rev. Father Hussey of 1St. (James'
Church. A very , appropriate hymn
rendered by Mrs; L. !Fortune was
touch appreciated. The pall '.bearers
were former neighbors, John •Malone,
John Delaney, Timothy (Lynch, .(John
Shea, ;William`'OYReilley and 'Wilfred
Maloney: Interment was made in St.
Columban cemetery.
The congregation of First Presby-
terian Church, Seaforth, held their
annual meeting on Monday evening,
with Mr. J. G. Mullen presiding.
The pastor, Rev. I. 13. Kaine, in the
session letter, outlined the progress of
the year just closed. There are 532
members on the roll. The treasurer,
Mr. M. McKellar, reported total re-
ceipts, $4,01118.66, and a ,deficit of
$436.07; total missionary offerings
were $9311;53, The S.S. receipts were
$205, of which $91 was for missions.
The Ladies' Aid reported an active
year with 'receipts of $4'57.56, the •fund.
being aided by sales of cooking, iqu'ilt-
ing and contributions. Sent to Pres-
byterial treasurer $4120, MldIiiliop
Branch W,M::S. reported 25 members
on the roll, and the sewing committee
had sent .quilts to the West and needle
cases to Manchuria; contributions $64,
The supply committee of the Seaforth
Auxiliary reported 1120 lbs'. of clothing
sent to the needy in Regina district
and 60 'lbs, elsewhere. The ,Barbara
Kirkman Y.WA. had a successful
yelar with a 1'0 per cent. increase in
membership; receipts $382.513. The
'Goforth Mission Band had average
attenclance at meetings of 315; receiplts
$715.1516 for the year. The Margaret
Larkin CiG.,I.T. reported 24 members
and offering of $18;x19, The Young
Peo'ple's Society was organized three
months ago. !Flour new members of
the B'o'ard of Management were elect -
Away across the Rockies far,
To all niy !Folks, and you, Dad;
MIy thots keep turning homeward, and
I'm just a trifle blue, Dad,
I think of Christmas long ago.
When .Santa Claus w'as real;
f wonder if you ever guessed
The thrill we used to feel.
When swirling s'no'w had shut us in
And biting winds were drear;
Inside was always bright acid warns,
We never felt a fear.
Those stormy nights you'd tell us tales
Of how the gray wolve€ howl;
And one about the grizzly bear,
And 'Boy! how you could Growl;
And best of all, the big Wild Cat;
You almost killed by hand;
You were our hero in those days,
And you could snarl just grand.
And then you'd read the weekly news,
And have your 'little smoke;
It matter'd not how tired you were,
You still could crack a joke.
Around the old piano how
We used to dance and sing;
You'd stop your reading anytime,
To watch the highland fling.
But now we're scattered far and wide;
'Tis Christmas time once more;
And so my thots keep turning back,
To childhood days of yore.
Tho' times may change, and hearts
may break;
To us, you still are true, Dad;
Through Life and through Eternity;
We always count on -Dad!
5, S. S.
Shelton, Washington.
ed: H, Stewart, J. Kerr, H. C. Box,
E. Dinnin...On motion of John Beat-
tie and J. M. Govenlock the present
ntusIc committee was cancelled and
the Board of Management is to take
it over. A hearty vote of thanks was
tendered to the Ladies Aid by Mr.
Merton Reid.
The annual meeting of the 'Seaforth
Horticultural Society was held in
the Carnegie ,!Library on Monday ev-
ening, at whioh satisfact°cry reports
were given. The following •officers
were elected for the year 11934:
President -Mr. Wm,.H'artry.
(let Vice Pres.—Mr, A. L, Porteous.
2nd Vice .Pres.—Mr. R. J. Winter.
Sen-Treas.—Miss E. 'M. Ferguson.
Directors—!Mrs. IR, 'Savauge, MT.
Thos. +Beattie, Mrr James Mullen,
Mrs. E. Appleyard, Mr: R. `J. Winter,
Mrs. J. 'B. Tyerman, Mr, 'Gerald Ste-
wart, Miss M. (Rands, Mr. \Wm. 'Hart,
Mrs' Geo. D. Ferguson.
Auditors—Mr, Boswell and 'Mr, Ta:
Representative to 'Provincial Con-
onvention Miss E. IYh'Ferguoat, Al_tern
ative—Mr. A. L 'Porteous,