HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Council Meeting. - First . regular meeting of the 1934 tillage, conacil_ 'held Mon'd'ay evening at S p.m. in the c'oun'cil chamber with all members present. Minutes of previous meetings read. Petty ,and Robison, that the mi- nutes he adopted as read. Cardec, F. G. Boeathron, .tax collector, reported re the unpaid taxes as being $1,51715,10. !Petty and Robison, that the .tax roll be extended until the next regular meeting. Carried. Ray Laramie ap- peared as a delegation from the J'ol'ly Four re the hall rent, asking a reduc- tion of the same. Shepherd and ,Petty, .that we charge :$14,00 per night for the rent of the hall to local people and that the charges for the local churches be $5.00 and that a bylaw, be prepar- ed for same. Carried. Geo. Eludson reported $30 of poll taxes as being paid and of 70 meals given to trans- ients. Bills and accounts read as fol- lows; Wm. Consitt, telephone extpe•, $1; Ile -wall 1-Iydro Coin., hydro, hall and motor, 86.75; C. S. Hudson, shar- pening saws, hall, $1,25; F. J. Wick- wire. printing $2.50; Geo. Hudson, 70 meals transients, $07:50; C. A. Reid, magistrate fees, 1933, 111:60; munici- pal World, supplies, $9.78; C. S. Hud- son revising voters' lists, 19313, $5.00; J. A. Paterson, ditto, $54.45; Bon- thron & Drysdale, supplies hall and shed; $15.40; school board, current expensos, $1000, 'Total $311111523, Pet- ty and Shepherd, that .accounts be paid as read. Carried. Petty and Ro- bison, that Maims and Farquhar be granted a pool room license at $35.00 per three tables. Carried. Bylaws 1 and 2, 1934, were given their several readings and passed. Petty and Sang- ster, that the resolution prepared by the Bank of Montreal be read and signed. Carried. Petty and Shepherd, that the clerk prepare a bylaw • ap- pealing bylaw 9, 1932 and setting the :town hall rents as follows: Hall $S, council chamber 44,00 and reading room $2, and to local churches to ,get the hall for $5.00 per meeting. Car- ried. Sangster and Petty, that D. Ro- bison and Wm. Shepherd be a road. and street committee. Carried. Robi- son and Shepherd, that G. C. Petty and W. Sangter he a property com- mittee, Carried. Petty and Shepherd, ,that \V. Sangster and D, Robison be Shepherd, shatteeDr. Art R. Campbell, V.S., be recommended to the Board of Health as a milk and dairy inspec- tor, Carried. Robison and Sangster that no dog tax be refunded for the year 1934. Carried.: Petty and Sangster, that the clerk order 8 copies of the Municipal World. Carried. Petty and Robison, that we now adjourn, Carried. -Jas, A. Paterson, Clerk. IHerosall officials and salaries:"Clerk, J. A. Paterson, $90; treasurer, C. Cook, $67:50; tali collector, F.G. 'Bonth.ron, $45; assessor, C. S. Hud- son, $35; Constable, G. Hudson, $36; sanitary inspector, N. Blatchford, $113.50; 71O1H., Dr. G. Collyer $70; caretaker hall, Geo. Hudson $71.75; -poundkeeper, Geo. Todd, nil; audit- ors. A. Soldan and E. Shaddick, $15 each; manager water thank, G. Hud- son 822.50; ingr. town hall, G. Hud- son, $222.50; weed and bread inspec- tor, N. Blatchford, nil; motor mech- anic F,D J. A. Foster, $25.00; reeve, iW. J. Jones, $36; council, \\'. Sang- ster, W. Shepherd, each. G. C, Petty, D. R.,222:obison, There passed away at the hone of her daughter, Mrs, Ro'bt. Traquair, Ord concession of Ttickersmith on Sunday, Jan. 7, Mrs. Peter Robert- son, one of the oldest and highly es- teemed residents o.f the township of Tuckersmith. She was very active for one oi her age, but on New Year's ` nalt a she had a bad fall giving her a ,s -shock. She celebrated her 92nd. uuoiday on, Wednesday, January 3, but continuing to get weaker and passed away on Sunday. Her maiden name was Mary M.cEw•an and she was born in Scotland. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, Angus of Foam Lake, Sask., and John on the homestead in Tuckersmith; two d:au- ghters, Mrs. Robt. :Newell, Foam (Lake, Sask., and Mrs. Robt. Traquair of Tuckersmith; and three brothers, iJ•ohn, James and Neil blciEwan of /V- isa Craig. The funeral took place on 'Tuesday from the residence to Hen- sall Union cemetery, the Rev. Arthur Sinclaiev. W. A. Young r officiating., assisted bHerRhusband died a number of years ago. There passed away at his home in Brucefield, David Rouatt, aged 70 years. Mr. Rouatt was a former res- ident of Hensel!, having lived for a number of years in the house on the Dr. Bell f arm, London Road. The fu- neral was held Wednesday to Bairds. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hess of Zur- ich were visiting friends Tuesday. Mr. Orville "Twitchell and Robert Paterson attended a Shell dealers - meeting at London Wednesday. Public School Report.-iSr. IV.- iDavid Sangster 73, Jack Simmons 7111, Kenneth Passmore 71, Herbert Dru- mmond 67, Mona Glenn 66, Ruth Boll 65, Irene Hoskin 64, Edna Saunder- cock 64, Margaret Shepherd 60, K. Buchanan 54, Erma Kipfer 53, :Nellie ]Fee 53. Jr. IV. -Mary Clark 78, Elva Mc- Queen 75, Jack Coles 73, Alice :Pfaff 72, Pearl H'arpole 70, Barbara Shep- pard 66, Douglas Sangster 63. Sr, IdII. •Carey Joynt 56, :Russell Hedden 8.3, :Norma Cook 80, J. Camp- bell 78, Gerald Passmore 77, Elane ]Peck 79, Marion Filshie 74, George ]Sangster 67, Max Hudson 65, B. Thomson 62, Lloyd Brock 61. No. on coil 30, ay. art, 29.1516,-C. Blowes, Principal. I171I.a.-Ray Taylor 64, Shirley Twitchell 63, Audrey Twitchell 58, Laird Hudson 512, Herman Wolff 5d, Cecil Kiefer49x. 3111.1B. --Harold Ko- ehler 80, Norris MclE!wran 72, June Saundercocic 67, Mary Goodwin 66, [Howard Love 65, Ronald Parker 63, lJ•ack Shepherd 60, Billy Coles 59, 'Madeline V'anlandiglhem 54.Carl De- ters 49x, Preston Lem.man 4 !IIL-NN'ames in order of merits Mar- -ion' Drummond 52, Emily Hoskin, (D'on'ald Joynt, Robert Cameron, Mar- garet Shepherd, Robert Sangster, Ro- bert Hess,--Reta. Bell, Lois MacLaren, bliss Mattie Ellis, Teacher. Donald Willard, Howard Smale, Ross Gretna. I. Class, --Jackie Drysdale;` ,Marion MacLaren George Otterbein, AlpineM'elEwen, Alvin Swale, Harold B'elh. ,Sr. Printer -Elaine II'oskins 76, Donald Shepberd,0.8ona Redden, (Helen . Wolff, B'ob'by 'Cook, Ronald !Stephen, Shirley Wolff, ,Gloria Twit- che1L Jr. Printer -Donald ,Bell 67, 'Ron'ald Bell, Marian Green Annie \r'anlandigharm xThis denotes exams missed. -Miss A. E. Conaitt, Teacher.' The W.M,iS. of the United Church met on Thursday afternoon with the president, airs. MdDenell, ,presiding. .After the opening hymn prayer was 'offered by Mrs, Wm. Dougall Sr„ The Scripture was read and the de- votional leaflet, and prayer by Mrs. Henry, The visiting toommittee re- ported making 33 calls. Mrs, A. Sinclair and Mrs. C. A, Cools volun- teered to visit the sick and shut in far January. The treasurer, Mrs. C. Cook, gave a very good financial re- port of the year 1033 The study leaf- lets were taken by Mrs. C MgD'on- ell, Mrs. E. McQueen and Mrs. A: Stn'ciair, We are sorry to report that Mr. James Stark was taken to Seaforth (Hospital Where an operation was per- formed. At date of writing he is gett- ing along as well as can be expected. Th'e annual vestry meeting of the St, Paul's Anglican Church will be held on Monday evening, Jan. 115Th at 8 o'clock, :Communion service was held in the sane church last Sunday. The annual week of prayer which was opened in Hensall on Monday ev- ening at Carmel Church the young people had charge of the service, The president, Miss Irene Hog- garth, opened the meeting with the call to worship. Hymn 37 was sung and the Rev, Arthur Sinclair led in prayer , The Scripture lesson was. read by Mr: E. Hutton. A duet was given by Mrs. W, A. McLaren and Rev. W. A. Young. Prayer by Rev. Parker, Jas. Mustard, Jas. Bengough, Robt Varley, J. W. Ort'wein. The Rev, Mr. Young introduced the spea- ker of the evening, Rcv. Stainton of Exeter, who delivered an excellent address. The young people were af- terwards entertained in the basement, A prayer service was held in the Anglican Church on Tuesday 'evening and will be held int the United Church Thursday evening, Mrs, Glen Bell of Ttickersmith is visiting for a few days at the home of her father, Mr, Wm. L. McLaren, required'to 'close a cut. ,William Landsborough - A Well- known resident of Ttickersmith pass- ed away • on Tuesday, January 9, in the person of William Landsborough in his 7151th year. He hnd been a suf-. .ferer for some years front arthritis. He was a son of the late James Landsborough and was born on the old homestead in Tuckersmith, Over thirty years ago he was united in marriage to ieliss Maria Manson, youngest daughter of the late David Manson. They -settled on the ferns of the late John Lands'borougth where they 'had• since resided. _Mr, Lands - borough Was a quiet man who was highly esteemed by the community and also a valued member of- the Brucelfteld United Church. Besides his widow he is survived by a family of two sons, William and James at home, and two daughters; Mrs. S. MdBrien of Hullett and Mrs. Carlile of Hensall: The funeral will take place .from his late residence in Tucker - smith on Thursday afteroon, inter- ment to be made in T3aird',s Cemetery, ,Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile and daughter of Hensall spent Sunday with her parents, -lir, and Mrs, Wan, Landslborongh Sr, .Mr. Thos, Hudson of Pontiac, Mich., who is spending the winter at -Hensall with his Mother, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Coleman. Mrs, Robinson of Detroit is spend- ing a few weeks with hes' nieces, the Misses Alberta and Margaret Forrest. Mrs John Martin is on the sick list. His many friends wish for iriav a speedy recovery. The Tuckersmith Aggressive Club will hold its regular monthly meeting 00 Tuesday, Jan 116th, at the home of Mr, and .Mrs. Sam 'l'\%7hitmor•.e. ,Roll call till be answered by New Year's resolutions. An interesting program is being arranged. The January meeting oi the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club w'as 'held at the hone of airs. Fred Pepper with an attendance of twenty-three. The new president, Mrs. Eruie Crich, occupied the chair and the meetings opened with the opening ode, .follo'w,ed by a Christmas hymn, The roll call was answered by "Hints for Chub Im- provement." The secretary read a let- ter front a fancily in Sudbury in 'grate- ful acknowledgment of a Christmas box of clothing and quilts which was sent by the Club, ,hiss Florence Whitmore gave a piano solo, after which the president conducted a question box which afforded bath in- formation and amusement. bars. real and Mrs. Austin Matheson rendered a piano duet and the meeting closed with the Club prayer. An officers' executive meetitrg was then held and the remainder of the afternoon spent in sewing. 'The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Whit more on 'February 7th, The roll call is to be answered with a useful article with a Valentine verse attached, cost of Article not to exceed ten cents. .The neighbors' and friends extend theirsympathy to firs. Landsbor- ough and family in their bereave- ment, in the loss of a husband and father. Mr.'Ciarence Miller is on the sick list. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. John MoCloy-The death oc- ed Tuesday of a highly esteemed THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1934 DUBLIN Rowland-M'elady, - Miss Do'ro'thy t1 Meetly, R.N. ,eldest slaughter Of Mn Frani. 1'Ledady and the late. Mrs. •iMelady of St. Colum!ban, was married in her parish church at 9 a.m. Mon- day, to lir. Joseph Rowland, second son of Mrs. Jioseph Rowland of Dub- lin. Rev. Father Dsntze:r performed the marriage ceremony and Rev: 'Father Powell alas present in the sanctuary during the service, The bride wore a lovely costume of yel- low and accessories to match. Her sister, Evelyn, Was bridesina+id, and a'ore bluish gray with deep blue trimmings and hal of a deep shade. Mr. Joseph O'Reilly was groosns�nian. Mr. L. J, Looby, who suffered a severe fall on Nev,' Years day when returning Ihoane from his ,hronnor of heading the poll for police trustee of 'the village, is still confined to his home. Mrs. Joseph Row4a d was,'the re- cipient of many gifts on Wednesday evening prior to her marriage. The sudden demise of Mr. Henry 'Bennewies on Saturday m'o'rning is regrettable. He was a prominent fig- ure on our streets' as. he was repairer on the rural telephone lines, McKillop, ;Hibbert and Logan, He was in- his 77th year and leaves a widow and three soaps. Mr. John. Bennewies, for- merly M.IP.P„ is a brother. The inaugural meeting of the Hilt - beet council was held at Staffa town- ship hall on Monday, all members present, wiho subscribed to the dec- laration of office' and took their seats. The cleric read the minutes of the Last meeting which were confirmed and signed. Bylaw No, 40'8 was passed .confirming the following appoint- ments for ;1934; Clerk, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; treasurer, A. A; Colqu'houn; assessor, Joseph. Roach; auditor, Clayton Looby; MIO.JH., Dr. L. S. Tiernan; engineer for carrying out provisions of D. & W. Act, J. M. Em- pey; sanitary inspector" and member B.OtIL, James Scott; sheep valuators, Andrew bldLellan and Andrew Mc- Lachlan; caretaker township hall, Ro- bert Butson; weed inspector, John •Scott. Resolutions were passed: Au- thorizing the Reeve and Clerk to sign and submit to' the Dept, of Highways the report of Road ,Expendi'ture for 11193!3, amounting to $4,3(&4:00 and re- questing statutory grant as provided by Ontario Highways Act. Instruct- ing the clerk to advertise for tenders for' 115 cords green wood dor township hall, tenders to be received by the clerk ap to Monday, February 1n, at Skaffa. That all taxpayers be asked to tut weeds in front of his own lot or farm and tenders be let for cutting weeds per block on side roads. Allow- ing Frank Tuffin compensation $10.00 for addition road allowance ad'j'oining S'taffa hill. John Scott presented a"pe- tition signed by several ratepayers and following some discussion a reso- lution was passed instructing the clerk to communicate with the Deputy •Mi- nister of Education asking for a rep- resentative to be sent to discuss with the people the advisability of estab- lishing a Continuation School in the township. 'Orders were issued ,for ap- proximately $34.00. The meeting ad- journed until Monday, February 1112 at 1 p.m. -Mrs. F. Feeney, Tp. Clerk, itasitendaieimat TUCKERSMITH. Minutes of Council Meeting. -The Council elect far 1934 stet in the town hall, Seaforth, an January 8, .and each took the Declaration of Office after which the Reeve gave a sham ad- dress, expressing his thanks to each member for their co-operation and harmony during the past year and his hope for the sante for 19,54. MdKay- Clark.-That the minutes of Decem- ber meeting be adopted. McKay -Mc- Gregor. -That the Clerk procure six copies of the Municipal World for use of Council and. Clerk. McKay McGregor. -That the salaries of -the Reeve and Councillors, Clerk and Treasurer be the same as last year. Mo'Kay-Whitmore- 'T'hat Dr, Charles :Mackay be \LO:H, for .1934, W. P. Thompson member Board of Health and J. A. Murray sanitary inspector for 1934. Whitmore-McGregor-ThaIt J. A. Murray be school attendance of- ficer for 1934 at a salary of 9112:50. Clark -McKay. -That Edwin Chesney and Harold Crich he appointed audi- tors of 1933 books and accounts, etc., for the Township at a salary of .920.00 each. Whitmore -McKay. - That R. 'Dalrymple be re -appointed road Supt. for 1934 at the same salary .30c per hour. CiarkalldGregor.-That Rol- and Kennedy be.re-appointed Weed Inspector on farm lands only at a salary of 25e per hour. McGregor - Whitmore -That Paul Doig be ap- pointed assessor at a salary of $90. McKay -:Clark. -That the Clerk pre- pare a bylaw confirming the appoint- ment of the above officials with sal- aries and also take declaration of of- fice of each official. Whitmore -Mc- Kay. -That Jlames Smillie, Hugh Chesney and H'o'ward Crich be ap- pointed sheep valuators for 1934. M'dK'ay4Whikmore-'That the Colllec- tor be given an extension of time an - ,511 Feb. lest, to continue collecting ar- rears of taxes. MdGregor+Clark - That the Clerk be aut'horized to rent a ;safety deposit box in the vault of the Raskin Agency and deposit all important papers therein. Whitmore - Clark - That the minutes of this meeting be published. McKlay-Mc- tGregor-'That By4Law No. 1' author- izing uthlor izing the borrowing of $112,000 from the Dominion Bank, 'Seaforith,-for the purpose of meeting the current ex penditure:of the Tu'ckersm'ith Tele• phone System as required, be passed,, signed and sealed, and the Reeve and Treasurer sign notes to that am- ount. Clark'Whitmore - That By - Law No. 2, 191314, au't'horizing the har- rowing of '$14,000.0.0 from the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, to meet the current expenditure of the Township as ,required, be passed, signed and sealed, and the Reeve and Treasurer sign notes to that amount as required. Accounts to' the . arn'ount af, $90.115' were. .passed. 'Whitmore- McKay-T'hat .the Council adjourn to meet on Saturday, Jan. 27, at 2 pm. D, F. McGregor, Clerk. FRIDAY ,AND SATURDAY ONLY Eggo !Bk. Powder 1'b. 29c Vi -tone .. , , tin 33c Minute Tapioca 23 c .2 pkgs �r Maxwell House 'Coffee lb. 38c Red Rose Tea.., 49c lb. Lipton Tea 37c Tender Leaf Tea Velveeta 'C'heese .. , , pkge 12c Loaf Cheese pound 19e.... English Carbolic Soap. 'af3'C 5 cakes . �■i Castile 'Soap, 10�cakes , .. , 25c 3 tins Peas 28c 3 tins Corn 28c 3 :tins Tomatoes 28c COTTAGE ROLLS pound 14c J. IN N I G N TOWN OF SEAFORTH l.Aipplic'a'tfons will 'be received for the following positions: Clerk and Treasurer, Assessor. 'Ohief Constable, ]Audi'tor's, !Street Superintendent. S caveuges. Also tenders for team work: and sn'awplo'wiug at price per hour for each service, (Sealed applica'tion's and tenders to be in ,the hands'of ,the undersigned not later than noon on Monday, Janu- ary 212nd. • A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor. Ijauuor,Roo'mn,-td Class, Rolss Ken- ,nedy, Robby Nicol, Joe tvI'arks, Gor- don Carnp'bell, James Clark,. Mildred the ice last week and was under the Brock, John Beer, Jlames Sangster,, .doctor's, care, several stitches being WINTHROP. Mr. Jahn Bullard is confined to 'lais 'bed with a severe cold, • Mr. and Mrs. Maros. Pryce and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr, and \Irs. •CU'$TOM HATCHING We are prepared to do custom thatching again this year at the same price -21/e ger egg. Ilncubatar will be set Wedu'esday 'Feb. 71t'h, and continuing each Wed nesd'ay while the hatching seasons lasts. Book space well in advance. .Wanted, -A second-hand brooder stove, Phone 21717-w, Seaforth, 3 R. SCARLETT, .WANTED S.S. No..10, McKillog, twelve cords of goad hardwood, beech and maple. _Tenders .to close Jan. JSth, 19041. FI, T, Blanchard, Sec,=Treas., R.R. +t,, Waltoin, Ont. TENDERS FOR iWO'OD For S.S. No. 6, Tuckersmith, 12, cords 14 -inch, green body hard woad, maple and beech, at least two-thirds. maple, to be delivered at school hr March 115th, Tenders received till Fell. Matt, Armstrong of +Hullett. lst. RUSSELL COLLFIAt>V Mr. and Mrs. Saul Shannon and Secs-Treas.,i3ii&Y 7'atlileen spent Sunday with relatives SeaEoriis in Seaforth, 'Among those from L.O.L. 813, 3' Winthrop, Who attended the annual MEETING OF .HURON district meeting at Goderich Tuesday COUNTY COUNCIL. night were Bros. Wm, ,Kinney, Wm. and Irwin Trewartha, Percy Little, ,Archie Kerr. The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. met 'Tuesday evening, Jan, 9th, with President, Edith ,Hillen presiding. The meeting 'opened by singing hymn '6612, ,followed with prayer by Edith IHillen. During the business period it was moved by Anon'a Dale, seconded 'by Margaret Montgomery that Jack H'abkirk and Norine tLittle be cap- tains for the membership contest. It was moved by 1 -Harold Bolton, second- ed by Dyke Wheatley, that Mr. Morrow, Anna Dale, Edith Hil'len and Irene Bolton be the committee Inc a play. Margaret Pethick took charge of the remainder of the meet- ing. Hymn 114!3 was sung. 'Scripture Lesson was read by Isabel Betties. The interpretation of the Scripture was given by Elva Pryce. Hymn 156. The topic, "What Is Your Attitude to Poverty and Wealth," was given by Irene Bolton. The discussion per- iod was taken by Mr. Morrow, The offering was then received. The meet- ing was closed by singing hymn 4414, and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Nein Funnies in 16=Page Comic Section The Detroit Sunday Times now has a 1164Page Comic Section with new comic friends and old favorite funnies. Among the new funnies is "Flash 'Gordon," which depicts the amazing adventures of a young hero and his sweetheart on a strange plan- et. Get the Detroit 'Sunday Times which has more comics than any oth- er Detroit newspaper. curt resident at her home in Egrnondville of Mrs, John McOloy, formerly .Miss Jane Manson. Mrs. 'McCloy bad been up and about the the house us usual until the day after New' Year's. She. was a daughter of the late David' Manson and was born in Tucker - smith ail years ago. She was married in 41974. Her husband died 23 years ago. In 1998 the family moved to Eg- mandvil:le. Mrs. McCloy was one of the oldest surviving members of the Egmondville United Churci. Two sons and three daughters survive: John at 'home, ,David in Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. J. 'McIntosh, Mill Road, Tuckersmith, and Sarah, of Seaforth, and Fernanda at home; also six sis- ters, Mrs, William Finlayson, To- ronto; Mrs. Agnes MaclKlay of 'Lon- don; Mrs. W. Crombie, Grand Forks. North Dakota; bars, Elizabeth Jeffrey of Wales, North ,Dakota; Mrs. J. S. Staples, Concrete, 'North Dako- ta, and Mrs. W. Landsborough, of Tuckersmith. A private funeral will be held from her late residence on Thu'rsd'ay, January 111, at 3 p.m., the services being conducted by Rev. Chas. Malcolm, assisted by Rev. 1. B. Kahle. Interment will be made in the Egnanadville cemetery, the pall- bearers being a nephew of the de- ceased, John McCI'oy, and former neighbors, John Riley, John Mc'Greg or, John Elgie, Wni.' McLean and Hugh McMillan Sr.: Mrs. James McIntosh of the Mill .Ro'ad has been quite ill with flu, her Many friends are sorry to learn. 'Mr, George Coleman cif t ucker- snith had the m'is'fortune to .slip on MANLEY. A gloom was cast over our burg ast Saturday when the sad news be- came konwn of the death of Mr. ]Henry Benn•ewies in his 76th year, nwhic:h took place at his home in Brod'hagen. The end came suddenly. He had gat up as usual and while in the act of dressing he suddenly •col- tased with a word of Warning. His p. wife, rushed to his assistance but life was extinct from a sudden heart at- tack. He was well known as he was a suc'cess'ful farmer here until 23 years, ago he retired :from ,farming and moved to B'rodhagen. He was one of the first promoters of the Me- Killop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone Co. which became a growing success, and from that time he attended to the construction and repair work, until a year ago he retired on account of his age. His funeral took place last 'Tuesday at St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church, of which he was a lifelong member. It was one of the largest, which shows the esteem in which he was held, as he was honest in all his business transactions and was loved by all .who knew him. He is survived by his partner in life and three sons, IHarry and George on the two home- stead farms, and John in Brod•hagen, who runs a harness and shoe repair business, and one daughter,' Mrs. Walters of Mitchell, who have the sympathy of the community in this their hour of sad affliction. Mr, Thos. Purcell is busy trucking live stock 'to Toronto an:d on one of his return trips, accompanied by +Mr, Thos. Mc'K'ay, they paid a visit to Mr, and Mr's. Joe. Eckant of::0alcville. The meeting of the .Huron County Council will be held in the Count' 'Council Chambers, Court . Houses 1Gaderich, at 2 o'clock on the alter - noon of January 23rd, 1934. All accounts, notices of •deputations or application's and other important business requiring attention at this sheeting of the Council should be i the hands of the Cleric not later thane the Monday previous to the meeting of the Council, !Dated at 'Gbd:erich this 4th day cin January 11934. J. M. ROBERT'S, •County Cleric Fresh !Supplies : in Demand.--'-Where- ever Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has been introduced increased supplies have been ordered, showing that wherever it goes ;this excellent Oil impresses its power on the people, No matter in what latitude it may be found its potency is never' impaired, Want and ,For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is 'res ommend'ed for sore necks, galls, lis temper, teahouses ,and spavins. Re moves proud fresh , and Hoof Rot Shops bleeding instantly. HOCKEY ,Seaforth and Glodenich played at Goderioh on Tuesdlay evening, .Sea- forth coming off with a 3.41 victory. Stade in 'SealEorth goal did stellar work, holding .Goderic'h , virtually scoreless asthe one goal was knocked in by Rennie's skate. W'iiler,t, Foster and Yungblut made a good combina- tion and though new 'men, a little pol- ishing up will give Seafoeith a strong line. Tom Sills played defense 'most of the game and he looks like a coiner. 'Seaforth's third and final] goal was scored by :Sam Rennie. Ilt being the opening game of the group, the Goderi.c'h boys' band paraded on to the ice before t'he game, followed by offic'ial's and then the teams from op- posite sides of the rink. Shoot talks were roadie by E. R. Wigle, Geo. ,Spolton M,iP., and W, N MadDlon alcl of ,the Goderich Club, Clinton plays at Seaforth Thursday night and fast ,play is predicted. The lineup: Seaiortlh: ,Harold Stade, Gordon Rennie, E.D. Rennie Har- old Foster„ Earl Yungblut,Ivan ,Wil- lert,' E. G. Bucknam, A. Hildebrand, C. Flannery, R. Venus, W. 'Cudtn'ore. NGoderi'ch: H. Stodd'art,, ,Gus 'Worthy, H. Scrimgeour, Arnold Doak, Art Doak, W. Westbrook, G. Fet:terly, N, Warner, W. MacIK'ay. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of :the ,Seaforth Horticultural Society will be held sty the Public Library on Monday even- ing, January 115th, at 8 o'clock. AT' members please attend. -E. M. Fer- guson, 'Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the :Seaforth 'Agricultural 'Society will be held fa the Carnegie ,Library on ,Friday alter- 'troon, January '112th, at 2 p.m. Busi- ness: ussness: Financial reports for 1903, elec- tion of officers and directors for I9'34. (Humphrey Snell, Pres.; Mrs. J. A Kers, Secretary. 9 - FOR SALE • (Ford coupe, 1925 model, seized 9or repairs and will be sold on. Jan. Wil, at 1 pm. at Mc'Lean's 'Garage, Eyg- mondv'ille. 0. INOUBATOR FOR SALE 1240 egg incubator, bargain for quick sale. Also sewing of any 'kind ..done: at home. Mrs. -J. J. _Hengill, R. R. R, 'Seaforth, a mile east of Constance Z ;FOR SALE - +il box cutter $05. 1, Wisconsin Inc¢ baton 130 egg capacity, $122. -1 De Laval Cream Separator' No. 10, '~'C - All in good condition. Terms cash.. Apply at t'he News Office, All mothers can put away anxiety regarding their s 11' fferin ., children whets they ' hiavere oplihrt Graves' Worm Exterminator to give relief, I'ts MAN WANTED iFor farm 'work, must be relialiree permanent job for right man. Refer- ences required. Apply at once. Mrs - L. J. Doig, Kippen, Ont„ R.R. P'hon'e 4-93, Hensall cen. FOR SALE 1 choice young grade Durham cots~, Apply to The News Office. WANTED A • quantity of 'Oats and Barley or Mixed Grain. George ;Beatty, Varna_ 'CHOPPING AND 'ROLLING :Tuesday afternoon and :all day Fti✓ day -every week at lot 4, con. 9, lIt ,Kil'lop. Better grinding with new mo- dern equilpmen't, recently 'iinstalleill 'John A. Eckert. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bus ..... 7,fIc -.Barley,i per bus. 45c Cats, per 'bus. - Eggs, per doz. ........ )115!c -93c -2,5c l gs, pZr cwt. ... .. effects are sure and lasting. Want' and 'For Sale•Ads,'3:ti.naes..s0c. a.