HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Look about your community and note the improvements which have been made in the last year. Do you realize that These improve- ments were made possible only through taxes paid by you and your fellow citizens ? When you spend YOUR money, spend it with local merchants, their interests are ,your interests and their prosperity con- tributes to your prosperity, 'If you buy from a Superior Store not only do you patronize a fellow citizen, but you get the finest merchandise at lowest prices. Remember his slogan— WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending. Jan. 17. 'FANCY QUALITY CATSUP in tins, real value 2 tins 25c PRY'S COCOA 'A's 19c per pkg. ROBIN HOOD RAPID OATS 19c LIFEBITOY SOAP 42 cakes 15c CHOICE BLUE ROSE RICE DURHAM CORN STARCH 'lbs. 25c per pkg. 1 O c RED PITTEDCHERRIES, 2's sgt. Niagara Brand 2 tins 25C TOMATO JUICE, per tin 5c, 1 gal. tin for 50 ....... ...... c Ross J. Sproat Miss. N. Pryce Phone 8 - Phone 77 ,;,, Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING. —and— EMBALMING. Motor or Horse, Equipment W.J. W'AILK(ER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 LONDESBORO The "Win 'Others"' Sunday School :Class o'f the United !Church had their election- of officers on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, in ,the form of a social evening. Following are the officers: President, Clarence IB'all; seerebary, Elsie Mann - lag; vice president, Norma 'Snell; treasurer, !Dorothy 'Little; flower rotnmttee, Helen Youn.gblut; press - =porter, !Belle Nott; social cont., Leonard IS'ho'bbrook, Mamie Shad - :Tick, 'Henry Honking, !Ida Lyon; teacher, _Miss L'awdy Young; assis- tant, Mrs. Thompson; Mrs. Geo. 3foon. Miss S. C. Barr has not been en- joying the best 'of health for the past few weeks and is still unable to be etut. Mr. 'Matthew Bruce is slightly im- proved but is still quite poorly, Miss Alberta Snell of the Ontario Hospital staff, 'London, spent a day with her 'brothers, Don and Earl' Snell recen't'ly, The open air skating rink has been quite a drawing card for the young people on frosty ;nights and all appar- ently have a jolly time. The committee of the 'public lib- rary has recently placed :guile a num- her •off interesting new 'books on the shelves to be enljeyed by readers. The !!January meeting 01 the 'Wo- man's (Institute we held in Comimuu- fly 'hall on 'T'hursday Wast with .thee president 'Mrs. E. Adams, in the uhla,ir. The rep'oet of the articles don- ated to'the ,Children's !Shelter, 'Getler- ich,' was given, !letters of thanks were received for flowers and read. Turing the ,ius•iness -session the sluestion o'f having the aii•nulal 'pie social was dis-. cussed.IIt was decided to'hlold ,one as ustiai, 'the !date to ae 'fixed later. The following prosrani seioritmittee was appointed. Mrs. 'E. !Adanis, ,Mrs. B. lFrttnsd'on, Mrs. Wei/Vim and Mrs. R. Townsend. There was quite an inter- estingp'rogra'm, Mrs. ,Allen 'contribut- ed a yreading and Mrs. J. 'Fairservice xnd Mrs, G. !Mc'CaUl, ,Ins•trumental on •the violin and guitar which was en- cored, also a splendid address 'on ed- ucation tby .Rev. Mr, (Gardiner, :Mrs, J. Scott and Mrs. 1'f. Ross a duet; Rath S'haddick, a reading, each number was thoroughly 'enjoyed by those present. Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Carter, Mrs. L. Bali, Mrs. A. Webster, Mrs. T.. Roberton, Mrs. J. Nott, Mrs. Geo. McVittie and Mr,. J, (Rapson. Mr. and •Mrs. !James Elsley have re- turned after• spenlditrg the past month with their daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. 14. Hooper, near St, Marys. GODERICH TOWNSHIP lir, and Mrs. Jim :MacAdam, 'Jean, Ray and James and Mr. Adam \'fac- Adani of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mcllwain. Another dance was held in the Or- ange hall on the 4th concession last week but owing to the bad 'weather and the roads, the crowd was not very large, We are sorry to hear that Dick Porter is in the Goderich hospital, having undergone 011 operation. '1Ir. and Mrs. Robt. McIlwaiti and Billy spent New Year's Day with 1i'r, and Mrs. (Elliott (Harrison. School re -opened again last Wed- nesday with most of the children glad to be -back again. 'Mr. Hugh M•c!Il vain has returned hone after spending a week with rel- atives on the first concession. Mr. and Mrs. (George ,Hopson of the 4th cotrces'sion were in !London all ,Saturday. We are glad ,to hear 'that Mrs. Alf 'Warier is able to be up again. 1Lr. 'Robert Johnston of Goderich paid a visit .in the neighborhood on Tuesday. SPECIALS New Dates 3 lbs. for 25c Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c' De Luxe Jelly Powders..6 for 25c Red Rose Tea % lb. 25c Premium University Tea CCc ' per lb. 7+0 (with Cup and Saucer) Loose Tea per lb. 39c Diamond Bread Flour A at . ..., per cwt ■ (Best Quality) Choice Quality Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 25c Club House Coffee ..per lb48c ALEX McGAVIN PHONE 95. WE DELIVER - TOW,Iri TOPICS. Mc !Jahn !I-Ieee.iwood of Hippeu, who underevent an operation at the hospital last week is improving splen- didly, his malty friends will be pleas- ed to know. A special train came through on Tuesday afternoon aboult 1'30 o'clock bringing passengers to Clinton and W inghatit who missed the regular' S'ttatford4Goderic'h noon train due to a small der trlmen't at Talton. The special returned about 4.00 o'clock. Many friends of Mr, W. G. W. Fee regret to learn of, his being quite ill again. Mrs. Glenn is seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jos. McClin'ch- ey, Alderman R. G. Murd'ie of Strat- ford, recently re-eleoted to that city's council,, is a brother o.f Mrs, M. White of Seaforth. A short write-up of Me. Murdie is on page two. 1Liss Ina Gray went to Toronto on. Tuesday to attend the hair dressers' convention, Mrs, .(Dr,) Mulligan of 'Grand Forks, IN. Dakota, is visiting in town. .Mrs. George Bell, Ra'i'l!way street, has been quite ill in the hospital.; M.r, Leonard Strong is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carson A'llto at Guelph, having recovered from his recent op- eration at the hospital, Mrs. Ernest Flynn of ,London spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Brownlee. Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Walsh of Me - Killen and their son, Michael, of La- turmeux, Montreal, were guests on Wednesday at the home o'f the form- cr's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. lelcCan n, Seaforth. Michael returned to Montreal on Thursday to resume. his studies in the Christian Brothers Institution, The Ladies' Aid of North Side Un- ited Church intend to hold a Valen- tine tea on Feb. 1141th, Mrs, E. H. Hodgins has returned to Kincardine after spending several weeks with het mother, Mrs. Winters. Several members of 'Sca•farth L. '0, L. were in Goderich on Tuesday ev- ening attending the district meeting at which there was a large attendance. BROTHER 'PASSES Mrs. W. W. Cowan of town 'has received word of 'the passing of her brother, Mr. Samuel Vivian, 81,. vet- eran printer, on (Saturday night at his hone in 'Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Viv- ian had been in i11 health for several weeks and his death was not alto- gether unexpected. Born in 'Stratford, 'February 23nd, '1368Mr. !Vivian .Was a son of the date Mr. and Mrs. John Vivian, pion- eer 'residents of 'Stratford. He served his apprentice on .the Stratford Bea - can 'and at the age of 33 secured a position on the staff el the Toronto. Globe. It was while 'he was employ- ed there that George :Brown, one of the founders of the Toronto paper and a 'Father of Confederation, was fatally shot by a 'negro emiployee, A1 - though he had lived in the Wrest since 1119011' ''where he .had carried on his trade -until a few years ago when he retired, Mr. Vivian Often talked about his :hone province and often recounted how Mr. 'Brown met hit death, A negro employee, named Bentley, he often recalled, . became intoxicated, allowing the boiler in the 1Glolbe to go out of commission and was ,discharged. He 'sought yens geneance 'by shooting 'Brawl), and wits Pater convicted of murder and hanged. The late Mr. Vivian was ane of the oldest recruits accepted for service overseas 'its 'the Great W'ar, signing with the 2Lillst battalion when 64 years of age. He saw service for al- most lour l-most'four years With the Allied Army. Mr. and 'M'rs. Vivian celebrated their 50th wedding i•nniversary some years ago. Besides this widow there are surviving, four sons, Cameron 'T. Vivian, Stratford; Louis, Leslie and Murray, all of Winnipeg; one daugh- tee, Mrs, Gladys McQueen; one b'ro- ther, Alex. of (Stratford and two sis- ters, Mrs, W. W. 'Cowan of lSeaforth, and Mrs. 'Edward Rowse of 'Akron, Ohio. The remains were 'laid to .rest. on Tuesday. McKILLOP. Me'Killop Council met on Monday in Carnegie library hall, Seaforth. All officials were re -appointed as follows: Clerk, John McNay; treasurer, F. B. Medd;' assessor, James O'Sullivan; collector, George McKee; auditors, Alex, Dennis, R. S. leIcKeroher; .M.O. H., F. J. Burrows, MD; Sanitary in- spector, David Boyd; school atten- dance officer, John MVNay; drainage inspector, Charles Regele; weed in- spector, A. A. Cuthill. Patrolmen, Louis 1'I•cGrath Henry K'leber, John Shea, James McNichol, Joseph Mur- ray, Calvin Hillen, Thomas Scott, Roy Patrick, Alf, Brotvn, Russell 13arrows, John Powell, Vincent Lane, Albert Harrison, Jahn L. Malone, Percy Smith, Finlay McKercber, \'V. Kerr, Fred Ho'egy, Charles Dolmage, Peter -McLaughlin, Watson Sholdice, Ed. Davidson, William Somerville, J. R Leeming, Joseph Campbell. Mange's For Poultry The chief value of roots as a poul- try feed lies in the fact that they can be stared during the winter months and fed over the .period during which fresh green feeds are not available, They should not be considered in any way as a complete substitute foe fresh green ,fends, chiefly 'because they are deficient iii vitamin content. The anti -neuritic and antiscorbutic vitam- ins are present in only the slightest traces, while the anti -rachitic vitamin is' entirely lacking: Ln comparison, fresh clover, one of the most com- monly used green feeds, contains all three in abundance. The ohief func- tion of. maugels and roots in general is the supplying of'succulence to the ration. It has been .found that by us-' 'ing niangels andsup.plenienting with a regular dose of Fpsom s'a'lts, lay- ing birds will came through the win- ter in fairly. good shape. HULLETT. Although the roads were covered with ice and travel by horse or by motor very difficult, a large nunilber of property owners ft+ori all ,parts of the township gathered at the Forest- ers Hall in Millburn la's't Saturday Jan, 6, to hear a review of the deain question. The Hullett towrus'hilp coun- cil and officials were present and sev- eral officials and others from 12'c- Kill•o'p. Some o'f those ,present had expected the engineer to be at the meeting, but it was announced it would have cost $20, Before the close of the afternoon, Reeve Lelper of tHulleitt announced that his council at their first meeting of the year on Monday last, Jan, 8, . Would ,p'ass the bylaw for repairing and cleaning out the Kin'but'n 'Swamp drain. Both Mr, Leiip•er and Reeve Eckart of Me IKi'llola who Was present, s'ta'ted they understood none of the mu'nicipali'ties would appeal against the work or assessme'n'ts. Municipal councils have six weeks in Which to make an ap- peal, according to the statement, and individual landowners had 30 days in which they could apipea1 against the whole work or any part of it. The work can be completed by this Fall ff there were no appeals, Reeve Leiper thought. According to the engineer's pians the drain will start at lot 7 (west of MdG're'gor's bridge) and end in the ninth conces- sion. Total length is 40,550 feet or about 74 miles, The cost is estimat- ed by the engineer, Me, George A. 3toCuib'b'in of C'hatha'm, at $27,310, divided among the following munici- palitfesr 1-1ullett-43,61713; McKitdop— $211,2116; Logan. -411053; Grey -46615.- '50; Tuckersninih- 1h0122150.; Seaforth— $70. The assessment iii Seaforth is against the streets and roads. The entire engineer's report was not read, as i1 had been read at previous meet- ings, bat the more pertinent parts were gone over. One of the import- ant clauses is understood to provide that those receiving compensation are to be responsible for future care of the drain. Compensation will be al- lowed to those entitled to it in the ,form of taxes rebated each year as the money is received by instalments from the higher lands, and in some cases wilt amouait to aver $1y000, it is. said: Ratepayers say the essessaien't's will amount to approximately $46 on 100 acres. Mr. M. Armstrong had a number of questions to ask and thought the coinpensation should be registered against the upper lands. Reeve Leiper said he was advised that the engineer's report had the same effect unless the present law was changed. He said the engineer had beets up recently measuring the flow at three bridges, Quigley's, Mc- .Gregorls and Londesboro. At Landes- boro the flow was 40,000 cubic feet a second, on that day, -A conununica flop from the engineer was read say- ing that the scheme complied with the provisions of the Provincial Drainage Act for a 20% grant, To qualify for this, a petition must be filed with the Department of .Public Works before the final passing of the by-law. The Reeve thought a delega- tion might be necessary to bring the matter before the government and also the assistance o:f our local mem- ber, Mr. W. G. Medd, could be solicited. Upon a show of hands the meeting voted in favor of filing a petition. There was some discussion about a narrower bottom in certain instances. The profile o'f the actual work provides for a bottom 20 feet wide. The late John Roger of Mitch- ell did the first engineer's work on the present scheme but passed away before the drain was completed. The Reeve said that . among his papers a plan had been found which had call- ed for a 25 foot bottom, but Mr. Rogers had apparently discarded it as being too costly. The actual work is estimated as follows: 4,650 yards at 30o—$4305; 220 yards at 30'e--$1110; damages -8365; letting, etc.—$1160. Total.. -41S920. The work will be large- ly cleaning out of the drain, McKillop township council expect to have a (special meeting in a couple of weeks AotoIosuraocB Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see 55 before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford' to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 k D. Snlherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ; ANCIN'G, ETC. to pass on the by-law, having receiv- ed notice on Wednesday from the Hullett council. CONSTANCE. Golden Wedding. -0s the 9th d of January, ,11854, Mr. William Cla at'fd Miss Harriet E. Coates of th place were united in marriage by t Rev. John S. Fisher in Blaele and o 'Tuesday of "this weelsctVbey .celebr ed the half century of married lif ivir, and Mrs, Clarlc settled 'on t fawn Where they now reside and lea lived there since that happy eve took place. In discussing the even with lir. Clark, during this time w find the entire district has fallen int the hands of a new generation; oil here and there can he see signs - any of the boys who trod the road to the old school at K.inburn. We als !find in oar conversation with the that the half century road has se been a bed of roses; they have ha the thorns to brush aside as well others who have travelled so long to getlier. They 'have been blessed wit two children, Mr. E. Clark and ails (Evelyn, who is now Mrs. Rawl !Armstrong. Both children reside i this vicinity. The respect in which w :fi'n'd this couple are held in this coin menity w'as shown by the large gath ering of neighbors and friends wh assem'b'led at their home to coags elate them on their golden weddin day. 'Phe immediate family presen were Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark and chil dren, the Misses Viola and Doreen and Mr. Ellwood; Mr. and Mrs. Ido ward Armstrong and children, th Misses Hattie, Edna, Stella and Mis Blanch; Mrs. Dina Taylor, sister o the groom and son, Mr. Percy, an grandson, MT. 'George, of Walton (Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard, sister of th groom, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Pollard soli and daughter, of Blyth; Mr. an Mrs. F. Burrett, of Toronto, sister o the bride; lir. and Mrs. G. F. Coates of New York, brother of the bride. Other guests present were, Mrs. C. Dexter, Mrs. A. Dexter, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson, Mrs. N. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Snell Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Britton, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Anderson, Mr, and Mrs. L. Tasker and daughter Mary, Mrs. R. Lawson, Mrs. Roy Lawson, ,1Lr, and Mrs, R.Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Leitch, Mr, .P. -Mc Dodds, Mrs. C. Gregor and son ROSS, Mr. A. F. Way, Mrs. M. iBo.wes. Congratulations were receiv- ed by wire from Mrs. W. Knox, Mrs. P. Lindsay, Mrs. S, Leitch, Mrs. A. 'Bell, Mrs. G. B. Dorrance, Mrs, W 'Mc(Gavin, Mrs. E. Britton, Miss A. Pryce, Mrs. F. MelG'avin, Mrs,R. Ro- gerson, Mrs, J. D. Hinchley, 1'Irs.1I Adams, Miss Viola Morrison, :Mrs. T Coleman, Mr. Secord 1LcBrien, Mrs. P. Papineau, Many presents emblem- atic of the occasion were received from all parts of the country. The following poem was read by Miss Viola Clark at the gathering of the guests: "Dear hearts we can so very dimly know, 'The dreams that called you fifty years ago; We who have journeyed such a little way Toward the signpost you have reach- ed to -day; We are but novices at loving—how shall we Guess at the visions that your eyes can see. We have our hopes and longings! Ah, but you Are looking back on days we never knew; The promises that we still dimly sense Your hearts have proved then, by ex- perience,' Yes, from your loves' bright flame on that January morn, Things greater, deeper than wee knew were born; And yet because we love you will you take These golden blossoms for that sweet day's sake, In memory of the young loves' mar - eine bell, And of the Old Love that has worn so' well. Mr. and Mrs. George Coates of NOW York and ?fdr. and Mrs. Bur- rett of Toronto attended the golden wedding of their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Clarke. Word was received on Tuesday of the death on Tuesday of Mr, Frank Sdhoales of Algoma, SIr. Schoales before going to Algona owned a farm adjalnin,g the village, His w=ife is a sister of Mrs. John Carter Sr. and' Mrs. James Dale. Mr. Howard Armstrong was visit- ing some of the Shorthorn breeders near Toronto last week and while away sold a purebred heifer to Mr. Miller of Stoeflville, Mr. Leo Stephens'o,n was in Lond- on on business cat Friday last, 'W'ord was received that Mrs, Chas. Parsons of Stratford is net milling the progress:her friend's would like to see. Miss Mildred Britton of London, spent a few days this week with her parent's, `Mr, and Mrs. William Brit- ton. The. annual rneetipg cif the Sunday School will he held on Thursday in the school room. of the church. ay rk is he n t- et. he ve nt is 0 y of 0 m a't d a h rd n e 0 t g s d e d f ance! OLD AND NEW KIPPEN IDAY admission 25c. Ladies 10c BRUCEFIELD. miss Clara Ball of Clinton and Miss Harriot Gat Bier of Toronto were re- cent visitors with 'alias Beth Mur- doch. :Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, who has been spending the past few months with her daughter, .Miss, A. Moore, of Egmondville, returned to her home in the tillage last week. The tn•any friends of Mrs, Annie McDonald will regret to hear That she is ill and tinder the doctor's care, We hope soon to hear of her 'recov- ery.` Rev, W, A. and Mrs: Bremner spent a few day's last week with St. Thomas friends, Mr. and Mrs. Holstead and babe of (Stratford visited at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, this week. •Mr. 'Jo'hn Hazelwood of London Road South, who nnderwen't an oper- ation last VJeduesd'ay in .ScottMemor ial Hospital, Seaforth, is ding as well as can be expected, We are pleased to see Betty Allan out again after being 111 at her home for a month. Sorry to report Mrs, Chas. Wright, who has been ill for some weeks does not improve. Mr, and itIrs, Robt, MacLean of Chiselhurst visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Diitiing one day least week. It is with sadness we a •elate the death of Mr. David Rouatt, whose death occurred at his home here on Sunday night, Mr. Rouatt was ill for some time. He leaves to 'mourn his loss, his wife and daughter, Miss Rhea Rouatt of .London, who was home at the time of her father's death. Funeral Wednesday afternoon. !Sympathy is extended to the friends. STANLEY The township council met at Var- na an Monday, Jen. .8th, fdr the first meeting •for '19314, the ilea` reeve, _Mervyn Hanley, in the chair. The fol- lowing officers were .appointed for 1934; Olerk, Chas. Pilgrim; treasurer, (George Beatty; collector, Wm. Reid; assessor, 'John A. Armstrong; assesse. or for 'Baylfiel'd, John Parker; Boar! of .Health, Dr. Shaw, Mervyn •Hare ley, Ralph 'Stephenson; auditors, ,Aft. McElwen, Thos, Robinson. Mrs. Rabt. htc:Clin.chey, who has been laid up for same time, is some- what improved and her many friends hope that she may soon be able to be up and around again. Mr. ,David Keys of Ylale, Mich., has been visiting friends in this vicin- ity. The week lI prayer will be observ- ed on the Varna pastoral charge next- -, week beginning !Sunday, Jan, :14th, till Sunday, Jan, B1'st. Miss 'Hazel Smillie spent the week end with her friend, Miss Margaret McKinley. Miss Eleanor S'cotchnier spent a .few days last week the guest of her cousins, Misses Helen and Rose Scotchm•er, of Goderich township. • Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas has been visiting friends in this nei- ghborhoed for the past week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Alf Westlake motor- ed to St. Thomas on Monday last. !Mr. Joe .Wild had a very success- ful house dance one night last week. Mr. James Wambold, our Raw- deigh merchant, is on his rounds. Quite a number of our farmers of Stanley township, delivered fat stock to Mr. James Dale of Clinton on Sat- urday last. HILLSGREEN Mr. and 'Mrs. D. B. 'Saunders and grandson, Junior Brawn, Mr. Nesbitt of London, attended the golden wed- ding of Mrs. Saunter's sister, • Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. 1frs, E. Anderson, and daughter, Miss Agnes of Centralia, attended the golden wedding of the former's bro- ther, Misses Margaret and 'Bertha For- rest, brother, -aft-. J'osep'h Forrest of Seaforth, also ,attended the golden wedding. 'Mrs. Ross Dick, son 'Douglas, re- turnecl to their home in Toronto after spending several weeks with her par- ents here. Miss E. 'Aubin returned to 'the Se- minary at London after spending a few days with her parents. Miss Mary 'Hagan returned to Lon- don after spending a f,ew holiday's \vital her sister. 'Mrs. R. Love is visiting her son, Mr. and Mrs.' Ross Dave. Miss Agnes 'Lave visited her sister in Centralia over the vreek end, Miss Annie Jtarrott visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W.:Hux- talble Elf 'Centralia. The'W.M.'S. meeta on Wednesday ijanuary ll'Oth. of this week =in . the. church at 2,30 p.m.