HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-01-04, Page 7THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 4, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE SEVEN g a—�nu�.uu�Nu�n n.0 ao..�.un.�•nn�nn�-nu�.uu®au d I n nt ly Stat t Ii,., r4R LV. glia✓ :(t al t s We can save you money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index, The Sea ML rth News Phone 84 4 tgu®uu�u n --n u.-�n u-d�n n®yarn®int®n,s�nn�tou�H g; A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail it with $1 for a six weeks' trial subscription to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by nig OHEIETxax Seisms PUshisuLaa 5Oex0TY Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A. In 1t you Will and the dally good news of the world from its 000 special writers, as well as departments devoted to Women's and abildron's interests, sports, music, finance. edceatlon, radio, eto You 50111 be glad to welcome into your home so fearless an advooate of pence and prohibition. And don't miss Snubs, Our Dog, and the Sundial and the other features. THE OHar0T1AN a0IEN0E MONITOs, Back Bay Station, Boston, Mass. Please send me a six weeks' trial subscription. I enclose one dollar (s1). (Name, Moose print) (Address) 9 P sJy (Town) (state) -.n..., n.. - .rA as .,44. . w .. w-.... Here and T fere ('Experimental Farms Note) III is a known fact that green feed in one form or another is a very valu- able addition to a poultry raition. No matter hot well balanced any ration may be there scents to come a time when a change is desirable,. Variety in a diet is -possibly no less welcome to the hen than to the human race. Though it has 'been authentically re- ported that birds receiving dried green feed such es alfalfa leaf steal may give results as good if not bet- ter than birds receiving steeped al- falfa cabbage and xnangels the ques- tion of a change in diet is a point that will always deserve considera- tion. !In the feeding of the birds in the Egg -!Laying Contests at the Domin- ion Experimental Farm, Agazziz, B. C., particular attention has, always been given to the matter of green feed. For many years tnangeis were used in this connection during the winner months. However as evidently the value of the manges did not justi- fy its classfficaltiion so much as a green feed as a succulent feed only, the •at- tent•i'on of those responsible has re- cently been turned more and more to ,the value of red carrots. The latter is of value not only for its succulency bust for its vitamin content also. No matter how well balanced a ra- tion may be success in feeding whe- ther it be poultry or other live stock depends very much indeed on the ability of the feeder, It is here where his power of observance comes in, ,Bird's will apparently if given the op- nortunity pick out from a number of feeds not only what they prefer but what is hest for them. Although no definite experiment has been carried oust at Agaseiz in the feeding of red carrots as agailiot mange's the evid- ence so far obtained from the feed- ing of both of these is inclined to be, inch in favour of the red carrots. RED CARROTS AS WINTER GREEN FEED FOR POULTRY Twenty-nine men and seven -women who pioneered Alberta trails died in the present year. 4.11 of them saw the west when it was young, the west that exist- ed before 1895. The current year marks the half century since the • Canadian Pacific came to Calgary. Sailing for New York Decem- ber 14, the 42,600 -ton white -hulled Empress of Britain left on a Christmas and New Year's holi- day cruise for the West Indies, December 22, returning to New York January 3 and sailing again January 4 for a 44 -month cruise around the world. Among the "Believe It or Not" facts wellknown to the generality .of newspaper readers, may be :added the statement of S. G. Hib- ben, of the Westinghouse Light -Company, made recently in an address at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto that "today there are some 10,000 different kinds of ar- tificial light sources." Approximately 78,000 people .own the Canadian Pacific Rail- way through their ownership of the company's common stock. Of these, 38,000 live in Canada. Of the balance, 21,000 live in other parts of the British Empire, most- ly in England, with 10,000 in the United States and 5,400 in other countries, mostly continental Eur- ope. For the first time in western Canada, animpressive ceremony, the age-old investiture of the Knights of St. John was held re- cently at the hotel Vancouver, Vancouver when six British Co- lumbians were admitted by King George, sovereign head of the order, to high honors. Old world •costumes and strange rites added to the dignity and color of the proceedings. Railways and their important functions in the economic exis- tence of. the State were stressed by G. G. Ommanney, development I sommissioner of the Canadian i Pacific Railway at the annual g oanquet of the Traffic Club of (lamilton recently. They had, he. • aid, contributed materiallyto de 'elopment of natural resources. luflding up of industries and 10 (romoting land settlement and 'i a;riculture. Railway and motor truck trans - Deletion are bothessential to the ee,nomie wellbeing of Canada 'ani. neither should be antagonis- 'le o the other, stated Hon. R. . than on, minister of railways and s a confess ice n s at a national a t a Tin rtatiun held at Ottawa tans o !;ecently.p. But, he added, while lnilways are subject to strict reg- lation and control, motor truck twice has not as yet been. ?,sought under any comparable •i,tntrol or regulation. Miler's Worm 'Powders were clevis- -cl to promptly relieve children who stiffer from the ravages of worms, I' is a simple preparation .warranted to e stroy stonlachio and intestinal ' emus 'without smock- or injury to the meet sensitive system. They act thoroughly and painlessly, and though in some cases they may cause vomit - mg, that is an indication of theitr powerful action and not any nauseat- ing property. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week, 25s Relief Convert - ti n Reprt REPORT OF THE ONTARIO DI- RECT RELIEF CONVENTTON HELD IN LONDON, O'NT: MADE BY MR. F. S. SAVAUGE TO SEAFORTH TOWN COUN- CIL. General Remarks (a) The history- of relief dates back to the time of Queen Elizabeth, a .per loci of 3175 years. The- poor and indi gent we have with us always, but not withstanding this sufficient relief has been extended to make it a tradition that in .Anglo 'Saxon domains none shall lack the necessities of life. This is all the more a splendid tradition when it is born in .mind that all such relief is purely humanitarian. There is no such thing as legal relief, or relief that is compelled by law. Work is not compulsory by law—neither is relief compelled by ,law. However cutting of relief on refusal to work is quite legal —for relief is not compulsory in any case, (b) Residence cannot be established against the protest of the municipal- ity. Any municipality may establish its own terns or period necessary to establish residence in such municip- ality, The only grounds on which this may be altered are the grounds of hu- manity, and any municipality shall itself determine just what effect the grounds of humanity shall have on its action. (c) 'Provincial 'Direct Relief is ab- solutely and only tinder Order in Council, (cl) Bear in mind that all the delib- erations of this convention and all the rules and regulations are related to Direct Relief only and not to Work !Relief. This Province is working on (Direct Relief only. The convention then tools the ord- er of procedure in th'e form of ques- tions prepared by the Department and intended to cover the whole scheme o'f direst relief. The answers were given by Mr. Harkness of the Department as well as answers to all other questions raised by delegates to the convention, and are as follows:— Question I. ---What is Direct Re- lief and how does it differ from so-called work relief? (a) If a municipality hires a man to work because he is in need and pays hint wages for that work, that municipality is not administering Di- rect Relief, This transaction is a bus- iness transaction and is up to the mu- nicipality, Otherwise put it is Work Relief and Work Relief is not Direct Relief, Now this province is interest- ed in Direct Relief only, .(b) Indigent is defined as "one who .s void of property or !money," or as "one who lacks the necessities of life and is unable to procure the sante," (c) There is no legal standpoint of indigent from the Direct Relief point of view. Grounds of humanity trust decide the status of indigent under Direct Relief. Question 2.—May work be re- quired of persons receiving Dir- ect Relief? Yes, I.'rovided always that no per- son regularly employed is thrown out of work thereby. Question 3,—Basis of co-opera- tion between municipality, Pro- vince and Dominion in the mat- ter of Direct Relief? Historical ,responsibility rests first on man, second on the municipality, and the present situation is the result, with the third responsibility on the province and the 'fourth on the dom- inion, %Flowever, when the first element, man, fails there are just three left:— bst, the municipality, lend, the prov- ince; 3rd, the dominion, These three share almost equally in Direct Relief. Variations from this will be explainer later. Question 4. -Are there stan- dards of relief giving which are obligatory upon a municipality? No. 'There is no order from the province that any relief be given at all. The municipality may set its own :eaudard of relief, but the province shares the cost ,only on the list which it has prepared. Special diet, such ae oranges, for instance, on doctors' or- ders is permissible but is not the re- gular- thing.. Question 5. — What is the Campbell Report and what is its significance for relief officers and municipal boards? It is a report of the advisory com- mittee appointed by the provincial 7n vesnllien t, lsit is not obligatory al. '11 on an y body,municipal or other- wise. Question 6.—What are the ad- ministration responsibilities in connection withdirect relief? ldunicipalbty-pays its cost—Prov- ece pays. its cost, -the Dominion its cost; Question 7, — What are the forms or categories of Direct Re- lief recognized by:—The munic- ipalities, the province, and the Dominion? • The Municipality.—Li, Food. 2. Shel- ter, 3. Fuel, 4. Clothing. 5. Medical "Supplies, The Province—el. Food, 2. ISheltcr. 3. Fuel. 4. Clothing 5. Medi- cal Supplies. The Dominion '1. Food. 2, Shelter. 3. Fuel 4 Clothing, Question 8,—The right of the Province to specify the terms of assistance of the municipality on relief, (Bath the province and the dominion accept the Campbell Report as a ba- sis of co-operation with the mun•icip- ality, If the municipality exceeds the Campbell Report it does so on its own responsibility and pays the ex cess cost 1D0% Question 9.—For whom may shelter be granted under Direct Relief? How much may be allow- ed? !Shelter defined tneans:--A round ov- er a needy (head at lowest cost for current month—nothing store, at most specifically does not mean taxes (except as specified in rent) in- terest, back accounts, etc„ or a basis for protecting estate or any such thing. '(!Explained by investment in real estate vs. investment in bonds, to show unfairness). Anything further than mere shelter as defined above is a violation of the term shelter and the province will not share the cost. (Discourage paying rentals as far as possible. The amount paid by relief is so small that it does not prevent evictions. Any landlord may evict where rent is three days overdue and unpaid. There is nothing to prevent except grounds of humanity only. Water and light are included in shelter by province at scutal lowest possible cost. Anything in excess of actual need is not allowed. Question 10.—Medical services and medical supplies. ,(a) Must a municipality provide medical services under direct relief? INo, This is purely optional. (h) Whet does the province offer to clo? The province pays 2:3rd for all calls at doctor's office and for all calls at the home. including maternity case at the rate of 50% of the regular fee prevailing in the municipality; for medicine at actual cost; no mile- age in urban area; no major opera- tions; no hospital cases, (c) Doctors' bills must be full and in detail, Doctors medicines must be included in his bilis and actual cost, (d) Doctors must familiarize them- selves with departmental regulations re presenting his bill to Relief 011ie- ers, Question 11.—What does 60%- 40% division mean? Sixty per cent. is for food only. Fluty per cent. must cover all other relief. Each separate month need not be so totalled necessarily, but it brat so total for the calendar year of the relief period. This makes it advisable for the Ulan earning odes money to use it in buying fuel in order that he may not exceed the 40% provision and he cut short. Question 12.—May private con- tributions be made to a public treasury for relief purposes? What about contributions or commod- ities for relief purposes? (a) Yes. There is no law to prevent generosity or charity. (b) Yes, But it must be purely a generous gift or an act of charity. There must he no cash value drawn hack from the municipality, the pro- vince or the dominion. There must be no strings, conditions or bargains with any of the above donations. Question 13—Woodcutting and direct relief. Yes. It is quite proper work to ask a man on relief to do, Municipality may purchase standing timber .and put men to work cutting the wood. Such ,relief wood may be charged to province and dominion at actual cost of the wood less the cost of cutting by relief Hien. There must be no com- petition in the wood trade however, unless the profits are shared 'hy the province and the dominion, Question 14, — Clothing and footwear for persons on relief. (a) The problem of obtaining suit- able articles. Central commodities warehouses are that government insti- tutions but the government is kindly. disposed toward thein. Suitable art- icles and reasonable prices are cert sinly obtainable there. '(b) The probletn of cost Municip- alitiesare requested to scrutinise. these .prices as a Standard of prices to be paid far such relief. Municipal re- lief service by relief people ,is wel- come. Question 15. -Municipal Gard- ens for Relief Purposes. The province is favorable to either small or municipal gardens both un- der supervision .Seed may 'be furnish- ed but no sit pe vi'sioin will he furnish- ed by the province, Question 16. - Residence for relief purposes. (a) The provincial ruling. Three monets' residence is acceptable to the province as esta 1 s ng res ecce, but it does not force this terns on any anainicipality, A uniiform residence period is desirable however. Le's's than residence period established by a mu- nicipality may cause one entering such municipality and requesting re- lief to be returned whence he came, by right --not by'law, Law apparent- ly recognizes such praceedure, how- ever, (Since the convention this pro- cedure has been established in law as in the case of N. Easthope vs, S. Easthope). This effectually prevents the shifting of relief applicants and prospective relief applicants to anoth- er .municipality. !(b) Changes of residence should not be made, There must be no agree- ments or removals such as would shift the responsibility for relief to another municipality. (c) Loss of Residence. Losing resi- dence requires the same time as Ac- quiring residence, Transfer of a fam- ily on relief to another municipality is not permissible. The onus of relief rests with the first municipality as long es relief is required. Question 17. --+Book-keeping re- quirements and municipal relief forms, 'Book-keeping must be carefully and clearly' done. Forms are available 'for those who desire them but these do not necessarily have to be used. Con- diions vary so much that any stated form does not cover all. Question 18.—Investigation in respect to persons applying for relief, - (a) As to resources of family, Pro- perty, 'Bank Account. Good adminis- tration is just as necessary as good system. Assistance from friends and the individual earnings of the applic- ant to be investigated. 'Bank accounts must be investigated. •Ask for letter from applicant to his banker that in - 'formation regarding his bank account be given the relief officer, and if such letter he refused by the applicant, re lief to him must also be refused, ,(b) Members of 'Family.—The age. of any member of a family does not constitute a claim for relief. Old age is not a claim .for relief, (c) Who are single unemployed persons for Relief !Purposes. A person having no relative in the municipality where he lives. (d) '.Registrations, Not necessary The department of public welfare does supply forms however, Question 19.—Supervision of persons and families receiving as- sistance. ,(a) Capacity df family to properly use the relief granted. Do not hrnw- beat, but try and encourage people out of relief acceptance. However, see to it that no more than the proper amount of relief is granted or admin- ;stered to any family. Be fair with recipients of relief, but be just also, Relief is relief for cases in distress, but it is not supplying such cases with abundance. It is simply supplying those really needing relief with the necessities of life, +(b) !Safeguarding future morale, The community or municipality is not a godmother to all. The comnttlu- ity or municipality is not awing, mid does not owe a living to anybody. iLet this thought be developed in the com- munity, and any expressed thought to the contrary be promptly discouraged and categorically denied. Ton easily accepted relief develops loss of aina'- tion, discontent, indifference, careless- ness, Laziness and unrest, When we consider that one-eighth of the popu- lation of this province is at this mom- ent on relief, the necessity of develop- ing the thought as above expressers becomes most vividly apparent. Question 20,—Are persons re- ceiving relief permitted to earn money by doing odd jobs. (a) Yes. Where the municipality is agreeable this is quite right, ,(b) Does :this apply to permanent part time jobs and to pensions? Yes, provided relief earnings do not equal the relief quota which would supply the necessities of life. This rule ap- plies in answer to the previous rule also. Question 21.—Should relief ad- ministrators recognize organiza- tions of unemployed persons? Yes, .when such persons and organ- izations wish to -co-operate on a sound basis. Otherwise - emphatically NO. ,Administrators of relief should not be advantaged by such adminis- tration 'financially or otherwise, Question 22, — What methods should be adopted to reduce re- lief costs? Is policy of "lowest possible cost" defensible? tPmblic opinion will decide moth these questions. 1?ublic opinion .decid ad that Work Relief most be substi- tuted by Direct ,Relief .as being les: costly. If cast of supplies from the local merchants is too high, then pub- lic iopinion,ills .force the 'buying of supplies 'from a central depot T.onvest cost certainly is coming. The ;prtee. will 'be set at souse future dater at which relief supplies will be sold in given communities. • 'Chatham a has salved 'this problem by a schedule of prices .based on Iowa est reasonable cost possible, and care- fully -prepared,- The local merchants Services We Can Render In th'e time of need PROTECTION is your best !friend. Life Insurance . —To ,protect your LOVED ONES. Auto Insurance— TO protect you against LIABIILUTV to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY. Fire Insurance— To protect your HOME and its OONTENTS. Sickness and Accident Insurance -- To protect your INCOME Any of the shove lines we can give you in strong and reliable companies. (0 interested, call or write, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. D. H. Willies Chiropractor Electra Therapist — Massage Office — Commercial hotel Hours—Mon, and ,Thurs. after- noons and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treat - men t Phone 227. were then called in and the prices sub- mitted to which all finally agreed. The business was thele divided equally among the local business men -chain stores not being considered at all. This plan was worked out by the la- dies of Chatham and has proven most satisfactory. Gleanings from the General Di- scussion Previous to Adjourn- ment. Transient relief is optional in any community, It is however advisable and desirable by both the public and the department, that it is provided for transients during the winter months. A large army of .transients tvitlt no provision during such a period is un- desirable—perhaps a menace. The municipality may collect its share or one-third df the total amount of relief from recipients of relief, but - in work only, not in money, The mun- icipality must not collect in excess of the one-third of the total amount of relief. It is not the ditty of the Comni!ttee on Relief to find work for those out of work, Some effort is necessary on the part of the "out of work" person, Ile must sees: work. It is not the duty of the committee to find it for hint. Check up on too easy access to re- lief. Some enjoy it better than work. Relief provides more for some than their OW11 effort ever did. 'Direct re- lief was not organized for such per - Sons. Stress real effort to obtain work by relief applicant, Not a particular kind of work, but any kind of work, 'Stiffen up on the lazy man and the "unwilling to work" type. If they re- fuse to work they may be brought be- fore the magistrate and declared va;- ',- grant and treated as such, Check up on "summer extravag- ance" and "winter relief" by the same persons. This must not go unchecked,. Encourage the stocking of cellars with vegetables and fruits (canted and otherwise) by probable relief ap- plicants during the summer months. Urge that such pro'bahle relief applic- ants make the above provision 'f •r the coming winter. A closer check up oO relief will certainly be in operation next winter. - Your delegate had the privilege of checking up with three other towns of approximately the same size as Seaforth and was pleased to learn that we were considerably lower in the amount of expenditures for relief than any of the other three. Mr. Harkness stressed the number of delays occasioned by improperly •filled reports. both as regards the ac- tual fishing of the report and as re- gards improper administrationof re- lief. In each of these cases the re- ports are returned for correction and ' with warning about further malad- ministration. You will be .pleased to know that your relief cantinittee have received no returns of this nature, but instead have received cheques from the department on time and for the full amount as indicated on the re- port sent to the department. ;April 7th, '1313. --Mr. 'Malcolm, the Snspectar for the Direct Relief De- partment, having just 'finished' the in- spection of your Relief Committee's work, reports everything in •first class. order and that the relief expenditures tl for SeoIorth are exceptionally low in comparison with towns of this size. Help for Asthma. Neglect :give: asthma a great advantage, The trouble, once it has secured a foot- hold, fatsteus' itsgrip.on the bronchi- a' passages tenaciously, Dr. ' J. D. !Kellogg's Asthma tRenredy' is daily benefiting cases. of asthma of . long standing. Years of suffering. how- ever, might have been prevented had the remedy been used when the trouble was in its first stages. Do ;not neglect' asthma, but use this pre- paration at once.