HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-30, Page 54 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1943 It is a genuine pleasure at the Holiday Season to depart from the usual routine of business and extend Season's Greetings May the New Year bring you much Happiness and a full measure of Prosperity ROSS 6 Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 add ISAAC HUDSON The Season's Greetings With every Good Wish for the Conning New Year PRODUCE DEALER Phone 168 Seaforth 1a Collier-MacMath.— On Friday the marriage of Helen Louise MacMath and Leading Air- craftman Donald Wesley Collier, Royal Canadian Air Force, scheduled to take place in Winnipeg, was, due to the eastern posting of the bride- groom, performed at the home of the bride's parents in Goderich, At the double ring ceremony which fol- lowed the ritual 'of the Church of Scotland, Rev. Richard Stewart of Knox Presbyterian church officiated. To the strains of the wedding music played by her sister, Miss Maude MacMath, the bride entered the room on the arm of her father, and took her place before a background composed of an evergreen arch over the fireplace, red tapers and the Christmas tree. She wore a long, graceful gown of white silk jersey -with lace, styled on princess lines, and carried red roses. Her finger-tip veil of bridal illusion was caught with a sweetheart coronet of orange blossoms. She wore a string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride's sister, Miss Esther Mac - Math, was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of briar rose jersey, with flower headdress, and carrying Tal- isman roses. The bridegroom was attended by Leading Aircraftman Russell Wrigley, Royal 'Canadian Air Force, Rivers, Man. During the signing of the register Christmas carols were softly played, Following the nuptials, Miss Grace MacMath, Reg.N., and Miss Maude MacMath, sisters of the bride, served a buffet lunch. The table was centred with red carnations in a silver bowl, which was a gift given in memory of their son, Sheldon, by the bride's parents. The couple left for a short honey- moon trip. The bride travelled in a black wool dress with coat and muff of Persian -trimmed black seal and black hat with -touches of red. On their return, Mrs, Collier will reside Goderich until her husband's short course at Milton is completed, when they will take up residence in the west, The bride, the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. S. R. MacMath, is a graduate of Wester- velt school, London, and has 'been. employed in that city since her grad- uation. The bride -groom, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Collier, Edmonton, is a graduate of the Un- iversity of Alberta, • BORN BURNS — Fns. Lorne T. and Mrs. Burns are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at the General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., on Wed- nesday, Dec. 151h. STRONG — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Dec. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, Seaforth, a daughter, CRONIN At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Cronin McKillop, a son I Dr. F. J, Burrows spent Christmas FINLAYSON — At Scott Memorial with friends in London. i-Iospital, on Dec. 25th, to Mr. and Miss Maxine Baynes, Toronto, is Mrs. Arthur 3. Finlayson, Blake, a visiting with her slaughter (Margaret Gale). parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baynes. BOYES - AL Scott Memorial Hospi- Flight Lieutenant J. A. Munn, til, on Dec. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. RCAF., Deseronto, spent Christmas Ed Boyes, a daughter, TAIL STDAPORTII NFJWS TOWN:TOPIC$ rserlt 1)m1top Inas., Ottatwa, acid l\L1a `Gutta Dunlop, i lLchaner, were Christmas guests at tiro home of their par(:1its, Mr, and Mra, As W. Dunlop, Mr. George Parke; IZCOC., Ottawa, and Mrs Perke, spent Xnias with the formcter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Parke, evils Laura McMillan, of Toronto,, spent Clu'istmas with her mother, Mrs, W. F. McMillan. Mies Grace Kreuter, Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with relatives here. Miss Grace Kreuter, Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with relatives here, Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home here, Mr, Fred Beattie, Ottawa, spent Xmas with his mother, Mrs, James Beattie, Lieutenaat Robert Willis, Ottawa, visited on Xmas day with his father, Mr. W. G. Willis, Pilot Officer Van Bell, RCAF., and Mrs. Be11 and little daughter, Toron- to, spent Xmas at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sproat have returned house from visiting with re- latives in Detroit, AC. Ronald McDonald, RCAF., of Halifax• visited this week with Mrs. McDonald. Mr. McDonald leaves shortly for overseas. Miss Pal Bechely is visiting this week with friends hi Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. I•Ienderson, Detroit, are visiting at the home of their daughter and eon•in-law, Mr, and Mrs. David Wilson. LAC Neville McMillan, RCAF., De- foe, Sask., LAC. Miles McMiilan, RCAF„ Toronto, and Miss. Joanne McMillan, Sarnia, spent Xmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3, M. keMillan. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eaton spent Xmas at Gerrie with Mr, and Mrs. Sparring. Miss Lois Whitney is a holiday visitor in Stratford, ford, Miss June Shaw is spending the week in London with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Lang - Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Langford and Mr. and Mrs. James Langford and son, alt of London, were Christmas visitors sith Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw. Mr, and Mrs, I1: W. Hart andIKen- netli spent Xmas with relit vas in amt. Kenneth remainedin .1 It for the holiday week, Miss 'Rita Dnhcan, Brockville, 'and Miss Mary Duncan, Loudon, spent Christmas at the home of their par- ents Mc'. and Ml's, W. J. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, Det- roit, and Miss Hilda Kennedy, Lon- don, were Christmas guests at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs, Ro- land Ke)inedy. Mr. Dennis Maloney, Detroit, is visiting his mother, Mrs. 3, Maloney. Mr, and Mrs. Frank White, Bramp- ton, spent Christmas wtilt. the latter's mother, Mrs, 13, Cleary. Pte. James Cleary, Ipperwash, spent Christmas leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Cleary, Master Ronald Sills is holidaying with relatives in. Toronto. Mrs. Harold Ross spent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Dempsey, Stratford. Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Lieutenant Arthur Edmunds, Mrs. Edmunds and daughter, o f Sarnia, spent Christmas with the latter's par- ents, Mt', and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, m1(1 other relatives, Miss Dianne Mowatt, London, is mending the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Close, Miss Olive Laidlaw, Toronto, spent ! Christmas at her hone here. Miss Lois Wright, General Hospital, Guelph, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Wright. Mr's. John Craig of 'Blyth is visiting 1111». Alexander Campbell and Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs. John Beattie is visiting this week in Toronto at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie and children of London spent Christmas with his father, Mr. John Beattie. Pte, Jerry Burns, Camp Borden, and Miss Mary Cockaday, London, spent Xnias at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3, Burns. Miss Margaret Murray 'anti Miss Jean Smith have returned to Toronto after spending the holiday week end with Mrs. James Murray and faintly. Ml's, M, J. Nagle, Dublin, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Burns, who hes been seriously i11 for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner of Kitchener spent Christmas here, Mr. 'W C. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Smith and Mrs. W, E. Kerslake are in Flint, Michigan, attending the fu- neral of their sister, Mrs. Arthur T•Iough, whose death occurred on Sun - clay evening. Mr. William Bell, Toronto, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. R. P. Bell. Mr. Ruskin Keyes of Windsor 1s visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keyes. Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Thompson rnent. Christmas in Stratford. Mrs. Trout returned with them and is spending the week at Seaforth: Pte. Gerald Snowdon, of Toronto, spent Christmas at his home Here. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ferguson during the week end: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Miss Margaret Smith, Mrs. Annie .Church- ill, Miss Alvina Churchill, Mr. Cleave Carter, of Toronto, LAC. Ken Carter of Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mid- dleton, Jack, Jini and Jean, of Strat- ford, Mt'. and Mrs. Norman Habkirk, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson, Barrie, Katharine Lavelle, of Palmer- ston, Miss Margaret McKellar, For- est, Miss Frances Fortune; Miss Iso- bel McKellar, Mies Lorraine Webber, Miss Margaret Day, Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. Krauel, Brantford, spent Xmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dale. Sergeant Louis Lane, RCAF., and Mrs. Lane, Montreal, spent Xmas with the former's father, Mr. Thomas Lane. Miss Jean Hurford, General Hospi- tal, Stratford, visited over Christmas with her parents, Dr. R. P. D. Hur- ford and Mrs. Hurford. Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rennie. Pilot Officer Thomas Sills, RCAF., Arnprior and Sergeant Nora Sills, RCAF, Camp Borden, Sergeant D'Orl- ean Sills, RCAF., Toronto, and Mrs. Sills, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enzenberg-' er and daughter, Detroit, were guests at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Sills over the Christmas season. Lloyd Hoggarth, RCAF., Ottawa, spent Xmas with Mrs. Hoggarth and P11111iP. lb".ia'-a l?s:mt? 'l?, Pix w.' a \ 1 !�T At this Season, the Commission and its employees thank you for your favors of the past year and wish you and. yours a HAPPY' NEW YEAR ! SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 4 With Mrs. Munn and family. Mrs. Neville, Bernie, is a guest al. the home of her slaughter, Mrs. ,T, M. McMiihm enil Mr, McMillan. Miss Winnifred Russell, Toronto, is a guest at the hone of lief mother, Mrs, 3, Russell. Mr. Arnold Westcott, of Toronto, spent the Christmas season with Mrs. Westcott and family. Mrs. Graham Vance, Toronto, and Mr. Richard Box, RCAF, Guelph. were Christmas visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box. Misses Mary McIver, Toronto, Mar- garet McIver, Kitchener, and Teresa Mclver, London, spent Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr's. Peter MaIver, DANCE 1 New Year's Eve in Cardno's Hall Auspices of the Seaforth Women's Institute. Music by a good orchestra ADMISSION 50e Proceeds for Overseas Smokes M1'. and Mrs. Floyd Miller and sou Jimmy, Stratford, Mrs. Miller Sr„ Hensail, and Miss Helen Whitney, St. Marys, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. A. Whituey. . Mrs. Elizabeth Scott passed away on Wednesday at her home on George street, where she resided with her sister Miss Mary Henderson. VARNA I LAKE Sir. fund Mrs i.eon0r11 Jeftr"y and Ihilulay visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott of. Windsor, Mr. 1111(1 MI's, heard and family of Stratford. At thea home of Mr. and Mrs, John Smith, Sr., Cellia, of the Centralia airport, Mr, and M 1's. A F. ('udniere of IIolmesville. Florence and Flank. mite of Dor, and Mrs. Ed Muter, Mr. and Mrs. Waiper and lit. tle dauglttar of London. Mr. and Mrs. 'coni Chutes and fancily, aleo of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clatter of Ilarriston, Mr. and M rs. Townsend and little daughter of Goderich town- ship, ,Mr, and M i's. Walter McBride andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. J, McBride and family of Blake. LAC Wm. McAsh, of Pendleton, Ont, and AC. Floyd McAsh of St, Eugene, Ont., at the parental home, Mr, and M i's. Geo. Pilgrim of 01•- augaville, Mr. and Mrs. East of Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs. East. of Auburn at the home of Mr. C. C. Pilgrim. Alvin Keyes and Gordon Keyes of Edmonton, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keyes. Out of town: Mr's. Mossop spent the holiday in Clinton with her dau- ghter Mrs. Ball and little son. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Aldiugtou spent Christmas with the bier's sister, Mrs. Parsons of Staffs. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Cltuter and family spent the holiday althe home of Mr. and Mrs. Workman, Mr. George Clark spent Christmas in Clinton at 'the home of Dor. and Mrs. E. Epps. Word has reached hero of the very sudden death of Mrs. Margaret Reid, widow of the late Rola. Reid of Wind - sots Rev. Reba Here spent Christmas at her home in Sault Ste. Marie. Your correspondent wishes all the renders a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Latham and family of London visited with the latter's mother and sister, Mrs. Beatty and Miss Edith. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutes entertained a number of their family on Xmas Day Messrs. Bill and Floyd McAsh of the postal service spent Xmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Me- Aslt. Old Friend in A New Streamline Dress See The American Weekly, in a NEW size to read and keep, and with more features than ever before: Get it with January 2 issue of The De- troit Sunday Times. Among many at- tractions will be the opening install- ment of "I Traded My Heart", the intimate confessions of a Cinderella Girl who became the toast of Broad- way. Get The Detroit Sunday Times! Send us the names of your visitors faintly of iloder'lch visited his par- ents recently. Several have bctait htUTerhtg with 1ho flu epidemic, in this conunuuity, Tho school concert was bell at,tlie Blake school on Thursday evening, December 16th, with chairman, Mr. Edmund Desch, iii charge, The school was filled to the doors and the scholars presented a fineprogramme assisted by Mrs, Harry 'lessat the piano owing to the absence of the music teacher. Santa arrived at the close acid distributed the marry gifts. Christmas visitors were: 'Mr, and Mrs. E. Faber and family and Mr. C. Faber and parents of Hensail, with I Mr. and. Mr's, Rudy Desch, Mr. Lloyd Finnigan with his wife and mother-in-law, Ml's. Clark. Mr. and Mr's, Archie Mustard of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. James Budge cf Bruc'edold. Misses Jean and Mild- red Hey of London and Miss Elva of Windsor, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hey and Victor. Mrs. Douglas and Miss Emma Dins- more with Mr, and Mrs. T, Dinsmore. Rev. Reba Hei'n with her parents in Algoma district. Mr. Colin Camp- bell was in her pulpit at Blake Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride of Windsor with his father Mr. Sant Mc- Brid 114xe.. Samuel McBride is home after spending a week in the hospital at London, His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Dir, Arthur Finlayson, our Blake sc•itool teacher, is wearing a broad senile during Christmas holidays. His wife )n'esc'ut'1 lrinr with a baby dau- ghter to brighten their Borne. Mrs. Napoleon Ducluu'nie and baby Juloen of Brantford are spending a few clays at her hcinle. with Dlr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, CONSTANCE Mr, Charles Wakefield of London spent the Xmas holiday with his par- ents. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Wakefield. Mr. Donald Buchanan of Toronto is spending a week's holidays at his home Here. 14Ir. and Mrs. Bert Stephenson and Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stephenson were Xnias visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Logan of Blyth, Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Kingswell of Goderich spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain, Mr. and M Is. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton, Mr. and M rs. Frank Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggarth, Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggarth and Mrs. George Riley were Xnias visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Riley. Mr. enol Mrs. Peter Connelly re- ceived a lovely Christmas box from Santa, Claus in a young daughter. Congratulations. 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