HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-30, Page 4ii!: `,I.?l^ikl+;'I'i1 NE\i•S snuw,00 Bros., publishers Mr. Hugh WALTON M Campbell spam C'lirist- mar Drops with Mr. and Mrs. Jett Kellar of Winthrop, 1. ,- TH 1"OT: NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, '1985 op, �j Mrs,' Chas Riley, Spent the wec'lc dip Each Nostril Quickly Relieve end dwit her daughter,' Mrs. Bert Catarrhend wit of Londesboro.StUff�.� Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Watson anti baby Janet of Hamilton spent Christ- mar with. Mrs. Watson's parents, Mr, and MI's. Fred Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E.-McMain, Hamil- ton, spent Christmas with their daughter, Nix's. Frecl Wilson. Bill Wilson was home from Inger- soll for Christmas, .A. Christmas service was held in St. George's Church on Dec, 20th with a good attendance. The Rector, Rev. M. 1. Oldham was iu charge of the service at 4 p.ru, The sermon. was 011 the life and teaching of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, whose day Is observed on Dee, 26th. DUBLIN Mn•. Tinos. Coyne has purchased 50. acres of the old McGrrath farm on the 4th son. of Hibbert. Mrs. Lucy Woods and Miss Helen O'Reilly, Kitchener, with friends here. Miss Mary Murphy, Wellend, and Miss Margaret Murphy, London, ' with their parents, Mr. and Mr's. J, F. Murphy. Joseph Coyne, London, with his mother, Mrs. M. Coyne, Rev. John McIver, St. Marys, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William MaIvor•. Rev. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe, Miss Mary Morris, Merlin, Thomas Mor- ris, Stratford normal school, AC. John Morris, RCAF., Galt, with their mother, Mrs. Josephine Morris. AC. Frank Doyle, RCAF, and Miss • Nellie Doyle, R.N., Toronto, with their another, Mrs, B. Doyle. Miss Edna Wilson, Clinton, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. • At a nomination meeting in Dub- lin for police trustees, Mrs. A. M. Looby, Daniel Costello and John A. Darling• were elected by acclama- tion. Edward Molyncaux and Miss Ver- onica Molynesux, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sclunnck and daughtera, Kathleen and Carol Ann, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Etue and two children, Zurich. with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux, Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, Flight Sergeant Frank Osborne and Mrs. Osborne, Miss Marion Meagher, of London, and Joseph Meagher, Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs, John Meag- her. Rev. Harry F. Feeney, C.R., of St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, Misses Vera Feeney, Genevieve Feeney and Pose Feeney, Toronto, and Mrs. L. Steinbach, London, with their moth- er, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Miss Doris Mathers, Kitchener, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Mathers. Misses Mary and Jean Jordan, of Ottawa, -and Miss Eileen Jordan, of London, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan, Corporal Borden Bayes, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Bayes and Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh. Joseph Looby, Blyth, Pte. Louis 3, Looby, Toronto, Miss Loreen Loo- by, Reg. N., London, Miss Allie Looby. Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Trott, Seaforth, and daughter Ann Lorraine, with their mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Miss Margaret Mary Ryan, Ottawa. and Miss Teresa Ryan, London, with • their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Miss Margaret Holland, Miss Ma- NOTH/NOL/l'lE 600Dg� BREAD NOT///NO L//(E 0000 YEAST/ Made tis anadai 7 OUT OF B -` CANADIAN WOMEN" WHO'USE. DRY YEAST USE ROYAL! Specialized Medication Works Fast Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves congestion, helps flush out cold -clogged nasal VICKS passages, Makes breathing easier— ���■ t6,"�O try itl Follow directions in package. X15, r•ie Nagle, Miss Mary Stapleton, of Stratford, Miss Bernadette Flanagan Miss Loretto Feeney, Was Mary Dorsey, London, at. their respective homes. 'Corporal Frank Krauskoppf and Mrs, Iirauskopf, Halifax, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis ISrauskopf and other relatives, Misses Mary and Margaret Atkin- son, Toronto, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Misses Edith and Margaret Kraes- kopf, Kitchener, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Iirauskopf, 'Rev. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe, with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Misses ilIary and Margaret Fitz- patrick, Detroit, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Fitzpatrick, Mr, anti :Mrs, John Hart, London, Private Lawrence Dillon and Mrs, Dillon, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mar- tin and Mr. and Mrs, W, Smith, of Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Dillon. Misses Bernice and Angela Don- nelly and Mrs. Camilla Rowe and daughter, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly, Miss Mary Bruxer, Chicago, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruxer and other relatives. Corporal Hubert O'Reilly. Camp Borden, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Kay, Kip - pen, with Frank Smith. Flight -Lieutenant George Alexan- der, Trenton, and Mrs. Alexander, Toronto, with Mrs, N. Geary. Gerald Burns, London, and Miss Patricia Burndette, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Miss Alicia Coyne, Stratford, with her mother, Mrs. M. Coyne. AIr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne, of . Burlington. with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- , beer Burchill, Mrs, Flank Stapleton, London, with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton 'Misses Irene and Dorothy Donn- elly, Goderich, with their parents, ' lir, and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich. and Mr. and Mrs, Edwin O'Hearn and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. E. O'Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. Corman and daugh- ter, Ella Louise, in Hamilton. i '1Trs. Katherine Benninger in De- troit. Mr: and Mrs. A. Forster in Wrox- eter t Mr. and Mrs, Daniel O'Connor in Detroit. William J. Hanley was a Toronto visitor. Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath have returned from Detroit after attending the funeral of their son Joseph Ai, McGrath. Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath Jr. of Toronto, and Mrs. Ed Conlin and children of Granton spent Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McGrath, Many from Dublin attended the Fu- neral of the late Mr. John Balfour., on Tuesday. at Mitchell. He was an old and highly r'espeeted resident of Hib- bert and was in his SOth year. Teresa and Morris Ryan returned to London on Monday after spending Christmas at the home of their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Joseph M. McGrath The death occurred on AIOndey, December 13th, at Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital, in Detroit, of Joseph M. McGrath, at the age of 311 years, The late Mr. McGrath was borer at Dublin. He was the eldest sot of Mr. and Mrs, John McGrath. For the past ten years lie resided in Detroit. Tight years ago ire married Miss Elizabeth Thomas, who survives. He was a member of St. Luke's Church, in De- troit. Surviving, besides his wife Eliz- abeth. oro his parents. Mr, and Ml's. John McGrath, of Dublin; one bro- ther, John, of Toronto, and two sis- ta,, Mrs, Walter Blonde of Chath- am. and Ml's. Ed Conlin Of Granton, The funeral took place on Thursday morning to St. Luke's Church, in 'c - iron, where Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Father F. McQuillan, P.P. The pan -bearers were six cous- ins, Robert McCratlr, Johu `tiIliartls. ''cell O'Connell, Maynard O'Connell, U it„than and Strinley Thomas. Itter- nent 10110 made in Motiul Olivrrt ('ern elery, Detroit. Thr annuta1 Christmas concert of 9.5. No. 9. Logan, was held on 'rues- dey nighl., attended by a capacity audience. The stridents under the cepabl0 direction of the teacher, Miss t ievieve Atkinson, displayed much talent The ('lass room presented a gala, festive appearance and tine pia- nist was MISS Joy McNaughton. Mt'. McNaughton acted as chairman and introduced the various numbers, In- cluding dr'iils• choruses; recitations unci playetes. An interesting feature was a play: "That Rascal Pae,” pre- sented by the young people of the aacli'or. The east included: Margaret Linton. Gladys Balmier, Laverne solidi, Ralph Mulholland end Harold Eiclnuier. A lucky thawing for a bed '41110511 resulted iu the winner being ]Mrs. Mervin Linton. The concert was enuelu(led by the arrival of Santa ('lana who distributed gifts in a jovial nlannar from an lutisthtralty decorated Christmas tree. The proceeds amount- ing to 033, were donated for Red Cross purposes. The annual selnool. meeting was held on December. 29111 at 2 11,in, Dublin Separate School presented , an excellent program on .Tuesday afternoon, Rev, Dr. Isfoulkes acted as chairman and announced the various drills, choruses and playetes. Mother Gabriel directed the musical numb- ers and was pianist. Following the singing of "Jingle, - Bells," Santa Claus arrived in his 'usual happy manner and presented gifts from a brilliantly lighted Christmas tree, Rev, Dr, Ffoulkod' was assisted by. a Retlemptorist priest. Father Coffey, Montreal, and Rev, F. J, O'Drowskl had as his assistant, Rev. Harry IS Feeney, C.R., St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, for the Christmas Slid - night Mass anti 'Christmas Day cere- monies, The death occurred on Christmas morning at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, of Airs. John Gould, Dublin, in her 85th year. Site was born at Bond Head and was the eldest dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurst. Her husband pre- deceased her 22 years ago and she has resided in Dublin with her don- ghter, Mrs, Harold Wilson, during the past two years. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Dublin; four sons, Russell of Red- wing, George and Thomas of Raven- na and Jesse of Clarksburg: also one sister, Mrs. Donald Brown, Fever-, sham, end one brother, Thomas Hurst, Beeton. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson accompanied the remains to Ravenna. where the funeral was held from the residence of her son, George Gould, on Tuesday. December 2S, and inter - mut took place In Union Cemetery, Thornbury. Week enti visitors: Miss Dorothy Riley from London. Air. William Riley Jr. from Cromarty. Air, Frank Harburn from Cromarty. flits, Carl Knight from Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diebold and daughter Jeanette from Kitchener, at the home of their parents. Mr, and Mrs. William Riley, south of Dublin. A :PLAY k`A Ready .Made [" awl il.y9 9 Presented by the U.F,W.O. of Walton in (Seven Church, Winthrop Wed, Evening, Jan. 6th Sponsored by the W.A. Admission 211c and 10e, ('once and have tti good laugh BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Seifert and Mr, Louie Kleber of Saskatchewan with their father, Mr, Henry Kleber. Mr. Chas. Seifert of Toronto, Miss Doris Hinz of London with Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Hinz. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rode of Detroit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Prueter, I Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Young of Stratford with Mr, and blas. George Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart of Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs, L. G. Rock. bir. and Mrs. Don Markle of Woodstock with AIr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel. Mr. Manuel Beuermann, Ray and Wayne, Mr. and ]Mrs. Chas. Ahrens and Donald attended the 25th wedd- ing anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs Rhine Kahle et their home in Mitchell on Sunday. Miss Eva Beuermann of Galt, and Stanley Beuermann, of Kitcener, with their parents, Mr. and Mr's. Harry Beuermann, Miss Norma Hiliebrecht of Galt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hillebrecht, Mr, and Mrs, John Hollatz of Kit- chener with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Prueter, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Muegge, Betty and Donald of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jordan and Mrs. Annie Muegge of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz, Aud- rey', Betty Jean, Kenneth and Ger- ald, spent Monday in Tavistock and West Zorra, Mr. and Mrs, John L, Bennewies and Glen ,pent Christmas and will spend New Year's with their daugh- ters in Windsor and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ford and Aud- rey of London visited with Mr. and ties, Edwin Rock. Mrs. Rock, Betty, Gwendolyn and Joanne returned to London with thein. Miss Ruth Eickmior of Hamilton and Pte, Keith McGill of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmeir. Rev. and Mrs. Schultz and Eric Spent Christmas Day with her moth- er, Mrs. Gelhaar in Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell and Carole and Kenneth Smith spent Christmas clay with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and daughter Sandra in Durham at the home of Mrs. Backus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Diegel, Mar- lene, Calvin and Arthur spent Christ- mas Day with Ml's. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Suehring in Sebringville. The annual Christmas program was presented in St. Peter's Luther- an Church on Christmas eve. A large crowd attended. The program con- sisted of recitations, songs, Christ- mas carols and a pageant. A large lighted Christmas tree and white mums decorated tite chancel. On Thursday afternoon, Dec, 1:6, a Christmas 'party was held in the basement of the church for the nursery department and their mo- thers. A large lighted Christmas tree was very beautiful. A short program of recitations by Beatrice Simian, Grace Sienian, Mayda Beuermann, Henry Leothardt, Marlene Scher- bartll, Jeanette Beuermann and also songs by Dorothy Fischer, Warren Sholdice and Mayda Beuermann were enjoyed. Each child received a package of candy and an orange, The Evangelical Church of Me- Killop .held their Christmas program on Monday evening with a large crowd in attendanee. Mr, Jerry Doerr was the chairman for the ev- ening. Rev. Foist of Rostock and Rev. Schultz of Brodhagen conduct- ed the devotional part of the pro- gram. Recitations, duets and Christ- mas carols and a play was presented by the Young People of Rostock,. BAYFIELD 5.0, M. L. Ferguson at her home in tlto village. The boys are enjoying skating on the river. Mr, Chas. Falconer spent Christ- mas with his cousins, Mr. and Miss Gihnour of Brucefleld. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ferguson and Margaret spent Christmas with their aunt, Miss S. Govenlock at Seaforth, AC2 Chas. Parker of Regina spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Mrs. Burt of London with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Baker. Mr. and Mr's. Wm. Parker and sons spent Christmas with. Mrs. Par- ker's arker's brother and sisters in Mitchell, Philip Rhynas Jr, and his brother John of Toronto are spending their Christmas vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas. Mrs, Spencer Irvine is a visitor in Southampton. Mrs. Jas. Ferguson is visiting her sister, AIrs, E. Geddes of Seaforth. Mr, H. Darrow is a guest of Mr. and Mrs, C, Pollock in God •I Miss J. Metcalf is a Christmas vis- itor with her mother, Mrs. Metcalf, Pte. Ella McKay of Windsor and H, McKay of Sky Harbor spent Christmas at their home here. Death came within two hours o Sunday to two well known citizens of Bayfield. Mr. Henry Weston and ' his wife, Mary Ann Looby Weston Both had been ailing for some time one passing away at 10 am. and the other' at 12 noon. Mr, and •Mrsir Weston would have celebrated the 66th wedding anniversary on New ears Day as they were married on Jan. 1st, 1879, Both were born in Goderich township. The former born, Aug. 11th, 1859, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.' George Weston and the latter in 1858, slaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Looby, They resided on the sixth concession of Goderich township until retiriug to Bayfield 23 years ago. Surviving are three daughters and one son, Mrs. Wm. McDonald, Mrs. J. H. Barrett and Mrs. C. H. Bennett; of Detroit and Percy E. Weston of Bayfield, one son Charles predeceas- ed them six years ago. A sister of Bios. Weston Mrs. Susan Durkin, re- sides in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ton were members of Trinity Angli- can Church. The double funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from Trini- ty Church, Rev. J. Graham officiat- ing. The pallbearers were: for Mrs. Weston her two son -in-laws and two grandsons, Clarence Bennett, Wm. McDonald, Norval Agnew and Eld- red Agnes, For Mr. Weston, George Elliott, Geo. Weston, Malcolm Toms, John Parker, Interment in Bayfield cemetery. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald and P. F. C. Norval Agnew and Tldred Agnew, Detroit. Miss Elva Dewar of Toronto is spending Christmas vacation with her paitnts, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar. Miss Emma Sturgeon of Clinton was home for Christmas. Her sister Audry accompanied her and is spending the week in Clinton. A euchre and dance was held in the town hall on Monday evening. It was sponsored by the finance com- mittee of the local branch of the It wa W.,c, ewi11,M Red Cross, It was well attended and enjoyed by all. The winners at eu- chre were Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmere and Marion Castle High and Dorothy McLeod. Music was furnished by the Monk orchestra. During the evening Chas. Gemeinhardt asked S0, Marg- aret Ferguson and 'Pte. Ella McKay to come forward, Mrs. (Rev.) Gra- ham read the address and suitable gifts were presented to the two young ladies. The girls expressed their thanks, They are the only Hay- field girls to join the services and by a strange coincidence they were born the sante day and have been lifelong friends. Miss Dean Castle, R.N. returned to Stratford Wednesday after spend- ing Christinas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Castle. 'Staff' Sgt. Donald Sterling, Mrs. Sterling of London spent Christmas with their aunts, Misses Sterling, Pte. Cecil Colley returned to Camp Borden after spending several days with his sister, Mrs. Willard Sturgeon. Miss Dorothy McLeod of London spent Christmas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis McLeod. T Seaforth NOW SHOWING --THURS. FRI. SAT, 11,11 STlaw'sltlrls «9,15 Joni. ;[tale Marian Monte),Just glimpse lute ,"ARABIAN NIGHTS" in Technicolor No magic (1319015. , , jusl sand and romance MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Two Features --2nd dhow 'starts at 8.11 William Holden Robert lienohley Susan Hayward "YOUNG AND WILLING" You'll revel with these mad -house youngsters!— Also — The Greatest Thrill of All "JACA13E" The Hiller, feared, by everything that breathes ! NEXT THURSDAY, ,FRIDAY, SATURDAY 2nd show starts 9,15 Pat O'Brien Ann Shirley Randolph Scott "Bombardier" See the bombing of Tokyo before your veil eyes Hirst show starts each evening at 7.30 p.m. Matinee each Saturday & holiday at 2.30 McKILLOP On Thtu'sday last the' neighbors assembled at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deitz to wish them suc- cess In their new home at Bornholm, During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Deitz were presented with a trilight floor lamp end a hall tree by PennsHoran and Militant Haoll'ler on behalf of the neighbors, while the address was read by Mrs, Leslie Beuermann, Data Martin, Alice and family: It is with a 'pang of regret that we are gathered here on the eve of your de- parture for your new home. When. we learned Of your leaving 0111' neighborhood we erallzed how, when you were called upon, you always lent a helping hand in our joys and troubles. You always proved citizens in our community and took an active part 11, your 01011 quiet way. So we couldn't let this opportunity pass without coming to wish you happin- ess and lucre, As a remembrance of your old friends and neighbors and as a. symbol Of our earnest thoughts we ask you to accept these gifts. Signed on behalf of your neighbors, Mr, and Ml's. Deitz made a suitable reply and thanked each and every one present, although completelysurprised, After lunch was served a social evening was enjoyed by all. On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mts.Retry Deitz, lifelong residents of Mc - 11 . Killop, celebrated their golden wed - cling anniversary by a dinner for , their 'immediate family. During the • evening some of the neighbors sur- ' ; prised the couple and after a short address read by Norman Beuermann•I a purse was presented by Henry 1 Koehler. The address was as follows: Dear Mr. and Mrs, Deitz. What a rare occasion in our neighborhood: Fifty years of wed(1011 life! We could not , let this great event pass over =- noticed, S e -we gather bete to wish you many more years of happiness, and that you may continue on h1 yotn• quiet way together. So we ask you to accept this purse with our best congratulations for a long hap- py life. We also congratulate Ruby and Harvey and when yo' golden wedding anniversary cones around you can expect the neighbors from the eighth. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deitz have Inolmiu. Dom to their new home in Bo A number from this vicinity at- tended the Christmas concert at Man- ley school. Mrs. Theresa Eckert and Sister Joseph returned home fro uta trip to Ttlninniills, Sorry to hear that Mr. Arnold Scott lost one of his team on Main street in Seaforth on Thursday last, while hauling coal hone. The load was put o1 a truck. HURON ROAD WEST • Mrs. Glen Gibson of Blyth is spending the week with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Noble Holland. Mrs, Erickson of Detroit is spend- ing a few days with her parents, 111r. and Mos, Wm, Ball. Mrs, Wm, Ball has returned home after spending a few days in Clinton Hospital, WINTHROP A happy New Year to all! We are asked for new and uses clothing for Russia. Those donating from Caven congregations can leave articles with Mrs. Chambers, and can be taken out with the Red Cross sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolmage spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Hudie. Pe. Glen Smith of Petawawa and Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Montgomery and Mr, Andrew Montgomery of Brant- ford spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and AI rs. John Montgomery. M•. Sol Shannon and Kathleen spent Christmas with Mi•: and Mrs, Albert Hudson, Seaforth. Mr. oJhn Gillies is spending a few weeps with his family, Mr. and 141 r.s, Foster' Bennett and family, Mr. and Airs. Peter McCowan and family and Mr, Harry Addicott, spent Christmas 101111 Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton. 14ir'. Walter Eaton and family spent Sunday at, his home here, Mr. end AIrs, Reg Little and son Douglas of St. Catharines spent the Christmas holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Little and Mi', and Mrs. Sang Pethick, The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven Church will hold their regular mon- thly meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday after- noon, Jan. Mb, at 2 p.m. All ladies and invited. MADEIN CANADA MAKES EVERYTHING FINE -TEXTURED, DELICIOUS— COSTS LESS THAN 1c PER AVERAGE BAKING TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 PIT., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M.,E.D.S.T, ON MUTUAL -NETWORK --- SUNDAYS Local Station — C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, 1,0S ANC,T"T,l`S 51, CALIFORNIA The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Au International Daily Newspaper is Truthful—Constructive--IJnbiased.—Pree from Sensational- ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12;00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Secdon, $2.60 a Year. Introductoty Offer, 6 Saturday Louis 25 Cents. Naute. Address SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST