HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-30, Page 2MOUNT FIRST GUARD IN SICILY A Canadian Army photographee captured a new allele when he took this picture of Canadians recently arrived in the Mediterranean mounting their first guard, in a Sicilian town. Inspecting the• guard here is Lieut; L. H. Dun_sdon, of Brantford, Ont„ a ad Orderly Sgt- W. Miner, of Fort Francis, Ont. THAT SCIENCE IS DOING Micrograms .A quarter of a million docu- ments a week can be handled by the British War Office microgram service. Microscopic 'negatives are made by the microgram units abroad on films of varying length, which are then sent home by air. As a result, official correspondence is speeded up and transmission of such documents as adjustment of allowances to soldiers' depend- ents, formerly sent by rail and Bea, frequently take only as many days as they previously tools months. One hundred feet of film may bear the negatives of as many as 1,000 documents in a container which is no bigger than a two - ounce `tobacco tin. On arrival at the War Office the films are en- kerged at the rate of 1,000 docu- ments an hour. Glass Plastics A new material is employed in aircraft construction. It is a pias - Ole reinforced with glass fibers. Samples have been produced with a tensile strength of over 80,000 pounds per square inch. While the impact strength of ordinary plas- tics is about 2 foot-pounds, samp- les of the glass and plastic com- bination have shown impact re- sistance of over 20 foot -Pounds. The new material can be molded into aircraft structural parts with low pressures and without the use of expensive molds. By drawing glass into fine fibers and combin- ing them with a plastic, imper- fections are distributed so that those in one fiber will not match those in another, One Way To- Save Fuel—Retire Early The British Government has been urged to conduct a campaign through .broadcasts, posters and newspapers to apprise the public that, "by going to bed a half hour earlier each evening for the next two months, they may save enough fuel in the form of elec- tricity and gas to remove all anxiety about the adequacy of supplies for munitions and the great offensive." Ontario Hospital Monument To Democratic Way of Life 24 Hours a Day For 68 Years The eerie shriek of the siren sank to a low moan as the ambulance braked to a quick atop beside the crowd collected around the crumpled heap by the roadside, Tender hands Med onto the stretcher what had been a happy care -free youngster but a few short minutes before. The doors closed and the car glided swiftly away with Its burden of pain, bound for the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren—that splendid institution which far 89 veers has waged unceasing war against accident, sickness, dis- ease, and death. READY FOR ANY EMERGENCY The Hospital stands ready at all times to meet any emergency. Acci- dent cases are not the only ones which must have prompt attention. Children with deformed backs and limbs, defective eyesight, rare dis- eases and physical disabilities must have prompt help too. Neglect may mean permanent disfigurement, de- formity or chronic disease. While fourteen days is the average each public ward patient is treated, a large number are inmates for weeks, some for months and s few receive treatment over a period of years. Many are problem cases, sent there because of the world-wide reputa- tion earned by the doctors who don- ate }Meir time and talents without stint in the service of suffering little ones. CAUSE FOR PRIDE Though the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren is situated in the City of To-, ronto, it belongs essentially to ell the people of Ontario because it wel- comes children from every part of the Province who are in need of medical old or hospital rare. No exceptions are ever made. There are no barriers el race or creed. Children of parents from every walk of life find sanctuary. Those who can 'pay. do so gladly, Those who cannot are never turned away, The people of Ontario may well feel proud of this institution— tb:e living monument to our demo. erotic way of life. robe -lee of the immense value and wide serge of the Hospital's emit may be formed from the tact thrf diving the past year alone, over 11,":"; s Ir and nippiest children were I;1•. n I •-..^mcnt in its public Wards, ti"i'r in the Out•patlentdepartment over 00,427 visits were recorded. SECOND TO NO* Because the operating costs of the Hospital are among the lowest in North America for institutions of a similar type, and because of the high quality of the services and medical assistance provided, the Hospital for Sick Children is recognized in the hospital world as outstanding in efficiency. There are over eighty physicians and surgeons on the staff, all of them leading specialists in child ailments. These men give their services free to the public ward patients. NOT SELF SUPPORTING The Hospital is not sell supporting and the reason for this is not hard to find. Less than 5%r of the patients are able to pay the full cost of their care. The other 05% are the public ward cases who occupy 414 of the 432 beds in the Hospital at all times. The cost of providing hospital care for each public ward patient is about $1,50 per day more than the combin- ed income from the patient (or the patient's municipality) plus the - government grant. As a result of this, each year the Hospital faces a deficit amounting to many thou- sands of dollars, This year this de- ficit is greater than ever before, mainly due to conditions created by the was', SYMPATIEETIC PUBLIC LENDS A ZIAND Were it not for the generosity of sympathetic and understanding peo- ple, business organizations, societies, clubs, etc., the scope and work of the Hospital could not be maintained on Its present scale, Bach year about this time a provinee-wide appeal is made for financial help to meet the annual deficit. This year over $125,000 meat he raised. Because of tine fact Chet patients are admitted from every part of the province, the hospital does not share,in Toronto's United Welfare Fund. 'Therefore, it make!: its own appeal. 11 does so, confident In the knowledge that a generoue and understanding people will come to the aid of little children who de- pend on Mein for e chance for health—a chanee to take their place in the peers to come, :to members of a prosperous and industrious society. No canvassers are employed by the 1•Iospital, so send your gift direct to the Appeal Secretory, The Itocpit.•1 for Sick Children, 67 College Stile/. Throttle 2. Have You Heard? The new recruit was quite hope- less, Everything he did was wrong, and, try as he would, his drill was just awful. The infuriated N.C,O. in charge of the squad had tried everything he knew, Now he could stand it no longer. "What were you before you joined the army?" he roared. "Very happy, corporal," came the truthful but sad reply. She: "I shall love to share all your troubles." He: "But, darling, t have no troubies." She: +'Silly, i mean when we are married,' —o— A young lady stopped at the notion counter. "?fay I see some -combs?" she asked. The clerk showed her some. "Oh, no, I want a man's comb." "Do you want a narrow man's comb?" "No, I want a comb for a fat • man with rubber teeth," —0— "My wife has the worst memory i ever heard of." "Forgets everything?" "No; remembers every- thing!" very- thing!" Master of House: "Why did you tell your mistress what time I came home last night after I had told you to be quiet about It?" Maid: "I didn't, she She asked mo what time it was, and I told her I was too busy getting break- fast to notice," --._0— Baby chicks that soon will grow up and lay expensively - bought eggs have a lot of nerve saying 'Cheep, Cheepl' How Can!?? By Anne Ashley P. How can I remove rust from steel? A. By covering the spot with sweet oil, rubbing in thoroughly and allowing it to stand for a few days, then rubbing briskly with powdered unstacked lime until the spot disappears, Q. How can I make the floors warmer? A. The floors will be - much warmer and less draughty if newspaper is spread under , the rug -or carpet. The paper also acts as a preventive for moths. Q. How can I remove - cran- berry satins? - 0, Cranberry stains can be re- moved from linen by washing with warns water and soap. Q. How can I avoid handling a hot glass when drinking hot lemonade? A. If the glass for the hot lemonade le placed inside another glees, the inside glass will become hot, but the outer glass will va- nillin cool to handle. Q. How can b make stockings last longer? A. If a thin place, a small hole, or runner ie noticed in the .hooking, mend it bt,ore pulling it in the binary, Ily doing this, the break will not become larger during the washing process, Sunlight )nay penetrate the waters of the amid -.y 1lattnie to a depth of Clearly 5,000 feet, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. isn't it pertn ssible to use the spoors to test the temperature of 'bhe eoffee? 2. Is one expected to give Ghrietmas presents to one's e(luals in an office, if they are not close friends? 8. Should the bride's attend- ants at a daytime wedding wear hats? 4, Should the same kind of engraved Christmas card that - is being sent to many others, be mailed to a friend who is in mourning? 5. When writing a letter of ap- "dication for a position, should it be written by hand or typed ? 6. Which isthe peeforred term, "butter spreader" or "butter knife"? ONSWERS - 1. Yes; his is far better than burning the mouth, or perhaps sputtering out the liquid. But after testing it, the spoon should be left in the saucer and the eof- fee sipped front the etip. 2, No. When such a custom is begun, it puts everyone under obligations, and is not in accord with the real Christmas spirit. 8. Yes; this is customary, 4. No; it is better 'to send friends who are in mourn- ing a special note. The same would apply to one who is ill, 5. A typew,..-len letter, for this purpose, is preferred. 6. Butter knife. SELF-SERVICE Britain's No, 1 Fascist, Sir Os- wald Moseley, whose recent re- lease from prison caused pro- test demonstrations, finds a life of freedom far from easy these days. Here he is wearing a cov- erall and carrying his own fire- wood and coal to his quarters at the Shavencrown Hotel at Ox- fordshire, England, School For Young Teen -Age Drivers Chief of Police N. H. Grassielt of Kingsville is to be congratu- lated on his splendid idea of eon - ducting a school for ch'ivers, par- ticularly those in their teens, says The Windsor Star. This is a worth while contribution to public safety, and it undoubtedly will save many lives. Every young man or woman wants to drive a car, and their eagerness too often sends them oub on the road poorly prepared for the responsibility they assume Knowledge of how to press a starter and shift gears is not suf- ficient, There must be good judg-- ment and "road sense" before a driver can be called safe, and parents or older brothers are not always the best ones to inculcate these qualities. The chief, con- ducting his classes with consist erations of safety always upper- most in his mind, and subjecting Itis young pupils to exhaustive ex- alninations before granting them certificates of proficiency, is do- ing much to remove one of our worst hazards to life and limb. 1161214..,0 "NOW AVAILABLE"}i Leta Combination Feed Mills, --clot- omen most profitable term feed round sIblIIt rseful pupa all ey Into maw, grinds •^rain for hugs, value and pellltry, iutri dues many oihor feed preparing Jobs, 3 sires. Write for free literature. GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO, LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO mere. white steel 1 breakers., ells Dlatelbulors John Deere 'I,11,1ors and '1'reettir Equipment, eTOppED oisnnrnr.nstls � + ,�•i� tlpkkrllpllrns8c41p` st8ttkthaap{et rlidaet nit 111r 14t keOM, "1 acwraeh ),rovva 11 u w.rnry t.r rh King George VI 48 Years Oki As Duke of York, The King Fought at Battle of Jutland Ring George VI was 48 on Dec- ember 14. Dora at York Cottage, on December 14, 1895, His Mai esty Was the second sou of (ling George V and Queen Mary, re- lates the Windsor Star. When the present King was born, It was not anticipated that he Would ever rule the British Empire. His older brother, 181 ward, Prince of Wales, was des' tined for the thione. As Duke of York, the present King and item• peror moved along as the young- er son, never pushing forward, al- ways content to assume his less important role. After I{ing George V died in 1936, Edward VIII became King on January 20, 1930; When the Simpson debacle brought the ab- dication of Edward VIII, the Pre- sent King ascended the throne as George VI on December '11, 1936. Be has made an admirable Ring, 'who has bound together the people in their resistance to the Huu and in their determine. tion to fight on to lecture, In the last war, 115 Enke pg York, the present Icing George - VI was the only member of the Royal Family to see actual tattle action. Soma of iIs brothers were around the fringee of. the war; but the future King was with the Royal Navy at Jutttnd. IIo fought a good fight in that historic naval ae•tion. A Lancaster bomber car -lee 12 different radia sots, SIM 17111 STOPPED IN 7 MINUTES Your akin heti ne,,l'1y '7,11 tninicn' they seams and pores where ,terms hide and cause Itching% Cleo -king, Eczetna-like Rash, Peeling, lturu- ing Skin Blotches, Pllnpl OP, Ring- worm, T'ciot Ise$ and uth..r skin _ blemishes, The new trenhnent Nixodern, stops the luting In 7 minutes and goes right to work. curbing the germs and should quickly help make your skin clear- er; softer, smoother and more at- traetiYe—ln fart Nis:ellernt must satisfy yot, completely or you get Your money book 011 return of empty package, Get Nicoderm from your druggist today--sro how fast 1t works and ]tote =eh better von look. The money back trial offer protects you, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LADY CRICKS TOO LATE — TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET 1T BE said "too late." Send- for our price Met and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order, Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont, START CIHICKS_ EARLY — AND start Tweddle". Speaking of a big demand for chicken meat and eggs, all signs say "we haven't seen anything Yet," In the coming season get the t'lglnt start with Tweddle Government Approved stock frons husky, fast growing bluodtested breeders. All the best breeds and cross breeds. Tue.: keys too. Free catalogue and prlcelist. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate de- nvery, Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, BliSINESS oPPOIn'rl`NITIIes 8 POND NETS AND EQ1IPMENT on Lower Lake Huron, Good sturgeon grounds. Apply Ernest W, Sole, R,R, 3, Sarnia, Ont, _-- nr1LS REGISTERED ITEREFO:R1) ROLLS, serviceable, of Domino breeding, T.B. tested, 'Wilbert ltry, Route 2, OrangeVine, Ontario. CAR WANTED PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES 1940- 1942, 5 -passenger Coulee or Sedan- ette, good condition, Cash, Box 71, 78 Adelaide W„ Toi'onto. - DAIELZAS BE sUCCB,Sss'UL IN GROWING exhibition dahlias. Our catalogue and instructions on Dahlia' Cul- tur will be mailed free to you on request. Lovegrove Dahlia Garden, Galt,_Ont. _ DEER. UIDES DEER HIDES TANNED I N T 0 Glove Leather. Deer and moose imounted. Wk guatebuy livr Spanner Co.,- Elm Street, Toron- to. S DYEIND .k CLEANING HALVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? write to Wit for Information. -We ars glad to answer Your questions, Depart. meat H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Alien Electric. Company Ltd,, 2326 Dufterin St. Toronto, FUR SALE ONE OF THE MUST PROT'1TADLE rural businesses today is the SEED, MIXING - AND GRINDING Business, Wo have several good mills offered for stile In differ- ent sections of the province. No agent'a fee charged. If you can, get Into this rapidly growing bus- iness now- Box 75, 73 Adelaide St, W.,^Toronto, FOOT IIA LM BAUMELILA b'l)U'I BALM dean-uyr offensive odor instantly, 450 bottle. Otte tvte agent. Denman Drug; Store. Int town FURS WANTED RAW FORS WANTED, SHIP YOUR raw furs to as for full value, We deal direct with New York. L. A, Jones, 189 Talbot St, St, Thomas, b'ANNING }TILL b'ANNIN(1 MTLL ((Cline) PROVED best veer. grader. Scree: ill as. re- pass. Elliot Manufacturing", 420 'Willard Ave" Toronto. - itAIR 0000S Only firm In Canada menu tae Luring ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods excluclvely, Write us for portion. tars, tt Ill I1'S HAM GOODS 5 V , ,re SL, '1'urodto, °marls IlA lit 11(1('1501 NO S()IIUUL Lin A Ltt HAI ItuttlfSttlNt9 nth Robertson method Information on request regarding Musses Robertson's wlatrdreselu5 Acnd• emy, 137 Avenue (load Toronto 5112LP WANT140-144MAT,14 ~� E(Jt'.1-h14141`.14I L CDR 'YOUNG MAN all farm. Apply ata, ting w'ttgea. ete., le inttic 1(1 Tinker, 11,11, No. 4 1110/.1/1441/ Ont, LU31(5Lit WA1'L'141) WANTED 1'U BUY 111W PRIORS PAID CDR (2000 (BASSWOOD AND WALNUT 1.005,, Ptlnnill Veneer Co. Kitcletier, Ont, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MEDICAT, DIXON'S REMEDY—T'OR NEURIT - 1s and 'them -natio Pains. Thous- ands satisfied, Muttr&s Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid .01.00, _ OPPORTUNITIES Peat Mr9N AND WOMEN L14 A R N M1ITASCIENCE A N D make money. Remarkable drug- less healing. Unbelievable sim- plicity and results. Inexpensive correspondence course, Write to: Metaseieneo of Canada, Drawer 8, Sortierv111 e. Qtte.. OI'I'lIR To tietteNTUItS AN UT'T'ER TU EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full tntor- matian sent free. The Ramsay, Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUul3 i COMPANY Potent Solicitors, Established 1800; 14 Ring West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest, PERSONAL "EL!J AH COMING BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo lIlseion, Rochester 11, N.Y. Puu'UGnarirt• SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED A:ND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4xg' in Beau- tiful easel memos, 3 for 26e, Fram- ed In Gold; Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on ivory meta -72.9", 59c each, if coloured 79e each, ANY SIZE ROLL - 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Get prompt mail service on quality, work at lobo cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the beat work. DON'T TAKJI, RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again„ Sencl your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Paint Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders, QUILTING PATCHES NOTICE, QUILT MAKERS — Qtl(LT pieces --1 tints, Broadcloths, Flan- nelettes, Silks, 2 tbs. 95c, pust- Pall. Remnant Sales, Tarnopol, —Sask., Dov 60, RAW VC RS 1V1NTEI) -"_ ONE 5SC1N UR THOUSANDS 1T will Day you to ship to Ontario's rancher -awned Fur Co-operat:vo to receive the highest mallet Price. Write for shipping tugs end advice forms. Ontario bur Ca, id- , ere' Co-operative. Limited, - 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto, i111t:1:ALi'1'3C- PAINS REAL) THIS—EVERY iT.'l'L'Eltrllt of Rheumatic Pains or Neurite should try Ulxea's Remedy, Mttn- no's ,Drug Store, 335 .Elgin, ut- tawtt PostpaId $1,00. STAMPS WAN'r191) .. WANTED, OLD POSTAGE STAN I '8, beat e.n,.'h price paid, Send your lots to A. Stern, 2001 St. Cather, Inc St. East, ,Montreal, TRINIDAD ',TAMPS SPECIAL; $1.00 value for 30e to approval customers Stamps bought, 1'.4- oninl, Ilex 55.1, Place ,I'Arm,s, Mont real, , _- l AI'I;46'llla Al STOMACH AND '"111114,0(1 WOI;MS i ft hair iarnsthe all ages uNoor l'ol e 01rm mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? tnleu,stlng At, r- Healsrs—T'ree1 Write \1t11ve5er•'11 Remedies, ,ypeeiallsts 'remelt, 3, Ont. 'r1:SC115111S- it t\TED (.'t/NS 0 1..1O.t'1'14D SC0001,5 :(1Vet Ito: 1,e,eerie, re ,t I.:1DF _ 1e,uher to to n,'h 11r11u0 1 to 4 In Se Yard c 'nn:tondo ed Nahue,l, Illstrirt or Tent n;,, salary $1,20a.lni per a nom. ApplIvan Is stalo rsp, rl, nos, ,1i Ovations 1111 religion, Unties lu eennntetlre in Jr, u'y. \1, .I. U Grady, Charl- ton Stet ion '1 )1 A0t S(;11)U1,5'-' RADIO COURSE $2.50 AliRUNG (110b1411 tri 81%1. l'IIAIN- rho vegetal* radio ttnmsys In re- ignited tome rine ofrated you at.. the greatly ledue:etl prh'n of 02.50, This Is the latest its ndln course fotrthrmta 1110111 1-liree rotucesr'd one• (1) Elements of l2loelririte tied Radio: (21 Prue rienl and Ip - oiled Itndlu: 111) Ad ye need U'nin- Ing. Order line. 010 UA 11U1il,'Mp8'r1111Afe 0.'l.